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CWW - Championship Wrestling from Wigan Thread

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This is my new go to promotion in the C-Verse, really helped me find my feet when playing for the first time, so have a bit of a soft spot for them.


Additions - We have seen the additions of Kaden King, Aurelian Bradley & Bryn Archer to the roster in-ring, as well as the backroom roster being bolstered with Guy McKenna coming in to do Colour comms, and new referee Cedric Du Preez. Bradley and Archer were two people I usually brought into CWW in my save, but Kaden King is probably the one I like the look of the most, expect him to be getting a good old push over the first few years in save.

Departures - We just see Allan Round stepping down from his role as referee here


Any surprises with any other changes for anyone?

Anyone else looking for a CWW save here? And whats your usual route?

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I ran it very much like NJPW without the tour shows. Did a 2 block tournament under summer sizzler, KOTN as  single elimination tournament, and will probably look to add a tag tournament in as well. 

I always like the idea of trying to get them up to small, and maybe adopting for of a ROH look for them, add a teeny drop of storyline to the action

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I went into the database and modified their product to British Strong Style because, well, that's what it should be, obviously. The locker room seems a bit demoralised compared to previous editions as well, there's a lot more negative personalities than I remember there being previously. 

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15 minutes ago, DJAPoster said:

What title graphics do yall use for CWW? I remember seeing some title renders that had a very classic look to them, but cant seem to find them anymore...

I copied across two sets of images from my old 2020 folder, I'll see if I can't post them on here at some point. 


EDIT: Found them on imgur but I can't get the images to load properly, what code do we use now for images? It doesn't seem to be BBCode, should I use the html link? In any case I've attached them to this post so maybe that'll work.

CWW Submission.jpg

CWW Tag Team.jpg

CWW Heavyweight.jpg


Edited by 1PWfan
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They were my first save in 2020. I like the additions of Archer & Bradley, but King feels like an awkward fit. Probably will add some more ROF alumni when I get around to doing a save on the new game.

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On 7/29/2024 at 7:46 PM, The Otter said:

This is my new go to promotion in the C-Verse, really helped me find my feet when playing for the first time, so have a bit of a soft spot for them.


Similar story here in the 2005 game with Ring of Fire. CWW are their spiritual successor, so some of that love carried over. Their existence also made me hate 21CW a little less for killing off ROF.

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11 hours ago, DarK_RaideR said:

Similar story here in the 2005 game with Ring of Fire. CWW are their spiritual successor, so some of that love carried over. Their existence also made me hate 21CW a little less for killing off ROF.

Same here. ROF was my first in TEW05 and CWW was my first save in 20. Also my only save (apart from a 3 month HGC run). 

I like the simplicity. Just a legit competition angle. Never ran a league though as i think it too restrictive without any benefit whatsoever. 

The hardest thing is to keep on finding a narrative to keep on going. Honestly i didn't get the same vibe here as from ROF, though the product is arguably the same. Not that the roster lacks talent, but rather personality, if that makes sense. Might be me investing less in the game. 

IF i play a modern C-verse game, it will likely be this. But i probably will stick to CV97 or 05.

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I get what you mean, they all have the "We're wrestlers" gimmick really, this is why i look to try and change the product just a tad, so i can try bring some of their personality to life, or simply create some personality for them

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On 7/29/2024 at 6:16 PM, The Otter said:

I ran it very much like NJPW without the tour shows. Did a 2 block tournament under summer sizzler, KOTN as  single elimination tournament, and will probably look to add a tag tournament in as well. 

I always like the idea of trying to get them up to small, and maybe adopting for of a ROH look for them, add a teeny drop of storyline to the action

Just curious, did you keep all the shows as they was? I have never watched NJPW but I love CWW.

I tend to run it as a whole year long tournament with the final occurring at Summer Sizzler. I find it hard to book monthly shows without a reason for the matches

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11 minutes ago, kinqconnor said:

Just curious, did you keep all the shows as they was? I have never watched NJPW but I love CWW.

I tend to run it as a whole year long tournament with the final occurring at Summer Sizzler. I find it hard to book monthly shows without a reason for the matches

I added some tour shows for Summer Sizzler, which wasnt a big hit financially, but helped me run the tournament how i waned too, each block had only 6 competitors, so 5 tour shows both blocks on the same tour show, helped me run the tournament

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Just started a full game save with them. First thing I've done is offer a contract to Leo Price to give British Samurai a hand with being the road agent. I'll see how wise that is in a month or two (and course correct with a wrestler who could do both jobs as none that jump out from the roster. Set my Inner Circle and pre-booked my first show so that I can save money by giving every other wrestler the night off.

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