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What "minor" changes would bring new life to Cverse?

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Was curious of some minor roster changes, popularity changes, attribute changes, or hiring rules people add to liven up the game so to speak, 

I can make a list of changes Ive made. Just wanted to give myself some new characters to play with.

For example, Brimstone got some mentoring from Madman Boone and was signed to PSW for a second chance.  Making Lead Belly/Grease Hogg, Harry Allen, and Texas Pete occasional wrestlers (lowered pop too) so USPW doesnt sign them up. 

Curious what other changes. Im going to mess with the US unemployed scene a ton I think. 



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As DarK_RaideR suggested elsewhere for anyone wanting more womens talent importing characters from willr0ck's Women's Revolution and or RockVerse would add a lot of flavour.

I have been suggesting to people to start out with RAW to learn the new mechanics as its the fed that is probably the most forgiving on beginner mistakes.  Even experienced people are going to be on a learning curve and using a fed that allows you to make a few errors and experiment without destroying your game and frustrating you is a plus. 


Edited by alpha2117
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