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New Angle booking system is a deal breaker

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Wow, thank you all for the feedback and some answers to what I was looking for I appreciate all of it, I wasn't trying to be negative my OP so my apologies if it came off that way but after all of the feedback I am going to load up TEW 9 after I get done writing this and book another show.  After I made my post I booked my first show with CWA in TEW 9 and I ended up auto generating two angles just so I could get it done.  My first show got a 72 rating which isn't great but considering my TEW 2020 save that I started with CWA when that demo came out got a 68 on it's first show this is a step above that.  So again thank you all for the feedback the help and the suggestions on how to properly utilize the new angle system.  I'm about to load up the game now and book another show and I look forward to using all of the suggestions and advice given so once again thank you all.

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I'm glad you're giving it a chance! I definitely wasn't a fan at first, and it took me booking a few smaller, less angle-dense MAW shows to really get used to it, but now I'm really quick with the quick angle feature and am getting faster with the more in-depth creator too. A lot of it was unlearning the muscle memory of 2020's freestyle angles where I had my TABs and clicks down to a science and could create an 8 man angle in seconds. I do miss that speed, but this slightly slower version is making me sit back and actually think about the angles I'm booking more than just "these guys talked for a few minutes to start the show," at least this early into my save. 

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10 hours ago, codey_v3 said:

I'm glad you're giving it a chance! I definitely wasn't a fan at first, and it took me booking a few smaller, less angle-dense MAW shows to really get used to it, but now I'm really quick with the quick angle feature and am getting faster with the more in-depth creator too. A lot of it was unlearning the muscle memory of 2020's freestyle angles where I had my TABs and clicks down to a science and could create an 8 man angle in seconds. I do miss that speed, but this slightly slower version is making me sit back and actually think about the angles I'm booking more than just "these guys talked for a few minutes to start the show," at least this early into my save. 

Yes, couldn't agree more with the sitting back and thinking about the angles instead of just flying through it.  Wrestlers like Greg The Hammer Valentine didn't have much chance in the days of the freestyle angles.  No way he would have still been intercontinental champion after Wrestlemania.  This time, he might actually do it.

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There are many things I've come to really enjoy about the new angle system that means I can't go back.

Being able to see the stats when looking at my wrestlers really makes doing good angles much easier

The new way to decide the role is much more intuitive rather than wondering if it should be put in " Microphone " or " Entertainment "

The parts add a strategic element now. Before, you could do a beatdown after a match but it would be bad because you are adding in a lot of fodder. Now, you can do a part 1 where the wrestler gets interviewed and then add another part where they get beat up and thanks to the promo, the final segment will get a much higher rating. You can also use it to cheat a bit. If you have a wrestler who is popular and charismatic but sucks on the mic, start by having them work for the crowd and it will save their bad promo.

The parts also help to create more iconic 20-minute angles by breaking it down to create a full story which I think will be really helpful for running the WWE in the Ruthless Aggression Era and the Attitude Era.

Plus, there is the Creative Angle thing that helps to make the angles more real and you can now use them for CM Punk's pipebomb or the infamous Stephanie/Undertaker segment or Katie Vick.. It helps to recreate the fact that beyond the talents involved, those segments took risks that could either get the people going or could get them to be turned off which gives it a more real feel as you can't control the reception, only know how risky it might be.

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10 hours ago, Shooltra said:

There are many things I've come to really enjoy about the new angle system that means I can't go back.

Being able to see the stats when looking at my wrestlers really makes doing good angles much easier

The new way to decide the role is much more intuitive rather than wondering if it should be put in " Microphone " or " Entertainment "

The parts add a strategic element now. Before, you could do a beatdown after a match but it would be bad because you are adding in a lot of fodder. Now, you can do a part 1 where the wrestler gets interviewed and then add another part where they get beat up and thanks to the promo, the final segment will get a much higher rating. You can also use it to cheat a bit. If you have a wrestler who is popular and charismatic but sucks on the mic, start by having them work for the crowd and it will save their bad promo.

The parts also help to create more iconic 20-minute angles by breaking it down to create a full story which I think will be really helpful for running the WWE in the Ruthless Aggression Era and the Attitude Era.

Plus, there is the Creative Angle thing that helps to make the angles more real and you can now use them for CM Punk's pipebomb or the infamous Stephanie/Undertaker segment or Katie Vick.. It helps to recreate the fact that beyond the talents involved, those segments took risks that could either get the people going or could get them to be turned off which gives it a more real feel as you can't control the reception, only know how risky it might be.

This.  I really enjoy the big open space to write out the angle too... With the previous form, it'd have to be a quick summary; which, when an angle runs ten minutes, I really enjoy being able to add more detail that "Wrestler A cuts a promo on Wrestler B, Wrestler B comes out and offers a challenge".


And the big gamble angles are fun, though, I had Mutant putting out "Cutting Promo" segments at 50 and ran with a big gamble and drew 20, ha. 

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