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Five, Hopefully Small, Changes I Would Love to See

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I finished my 3 month play through of the demo with SWF yesterday. I think most of the changes have been great and I'm very excited to see how eras work once mods start coming out. I have a couple of, hopefully small, suggestions that I would love to see get implemented.


1. New Match Road Agent Note - Build Storyline Heat. One gamey thing that I dislike about TEW is that you can never really run gimmick matches, like handicap or a Heel stooge squash, without tanking a storylines heat. I would like to see a road agent note that penalizes the match rating, but in return will increase a storyline's heat. It doesn't need to be a massive mover, even a couple of points boost would be nice as it allows for some more creative booking. As it stands, it is 'best for business' to run a 3v3 or 4v4 in the main event leading up to a PPV to ensure that all your big storylines either don't get penalized or get a boost.


2. Momentum needs to be re-addressed. I never learned how momentum was supposed to work in 2020 and it seems that 9 has carried it over 1 for 1. Simply booking workers in angles and matches, even if they lose, eventually results in 'white hot' momentum. Frankly, this ruins games. Workers with white hot momentum lose next to no pop from a loss, but can make huge gains from a win. Rosters end up completely stacked full of Major Stars & Stars. I ended the demo with 6 workers having white hot and 4 with very hot momentum (this is 20% of my roster). Des Davids is one with white hot, but he only has 4 wins, two of them being complete stinkers 59 & 65 rating, and 5 losses. His success level in his storyline with Rocky is rated as 'poor'. How on earth does he have white hot momentum?  I think white hot should be reserved for someone who is on a prolonged winning streak (but not just squashes), have success in a storyline (for products that require them), and are 'winning' in successful angles.  


3. If possible, can the individual parts of an angle be listed on the card as their own line? I don't really understand the benefits of using multiple parts if they just disappear into the ether after a show ends.


4. Can the auto-name feature for angles bring back the ability to recognize tag-teams and stables?


5. It feels a little strange starting a save and, of the big 3 in the US, seeing only TCW is using the new Booking Team and Power Structure features. It makes the game world feel a little dead. I imagine this was done to allow players to set them up without immediately having to upset some workers. I think a way to circumnavigate this would be to add a yes/no option to clear preset Booking Team & Power Structures when starting a new game. It could be right after selecting being the booker or owner of a company and should only unassign the workers in the company you selected.

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