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PSW: Furnace of Champions

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Logan Wolfsbaine and Buck Winchester vs Ernest Yougman and Xavi Ferrera

Cerberus vs ???

Dustin Deuce vs Teddy Powell 

The Hangman vs Rhino Umaga

Bonus Point: Will the score be higher or lower than last week (47)? Higher

Bonus Point: Who will pin or submit who in the main event? Buck pins Xavi

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Logan Wolfsbaine and Buck Winchester vs Ernest Yougman and Xavi Ferrera

Cerberus vs ???

Dustin Deuce vs Teddy Powell 

The Hangman vs Rhino Umaga

Bonus Point: Will the score be higher or lower than last week (47) Higher?

Bonus Point: Who will pin or submit who in the main event? Logan pins Xavi

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Logan Wolfsbaine and Buck Winchester vs Ernest Yougman and Xavi Ferrera

Cerberus vs ???
Expect the big man to win, unless TW turns up and lures him away for a countout.

Dustin Deuce vs Teddy Powell 
Not really familiar with either, so it's a guess.

The Hangman vs Rhino Umaga
Tag shenanigans are likely, but I think the new hot property goes over.

Bonus Point: Will the score be higher or lower than last week (47)?
The main event should be excellent.

Bonus Point: Xavi will pin or submit Logan in the main event?
I think Xavi or Buck gets a pin over one of the guys leaving (if that's legit happening) to boost his stock and essentially replace him. I don't know who of Youngman and Logan is going, but I've picked Xavi over Logan on a whim.

Edited by Willsky
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So, you need to rewrite the next few shows and get the Jebediah lost love storyline cooking. Also the Hangman Experience is giving "and Meg" energy from old Family Guy, which is great. 



Logan Wolfsbaine and Buck Winchester vs Ernest Yougman and Xavi Ferrera

I have no clue who could be leaving PSW-- So, I'm thinking Xavi is going to ditch Ernest to solidify his character tweak which seems to be no allegiances, because Ernest is leaving PSW...

Cerberus vs ???

Dustin Deuce vs Teddy Powell 

The Hangman vs Rhino Umaga

Bonus Point: Will the score be higher or lower than last week (47)? Higher for sure

Bonus Point: Who will pin or submit who in the main event? Logan will pin Ernest.... Which doesn't sound right at all but... 

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Logan Wolfsbaine and Buck Winchester vs Ernest Yougman and Xavi Ferrera

Cerberus vs ???

Dustin Deuce vs Teddy Powell 

The Hangman vs Rhino Umaga

Bonus Point: Will the score be higher or lower than last week (47)? With that main event, yeah for sure

Bonus Point: Who will pin or submit who in the main event? Logan pins Xavi, he's a menace rn

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P.S Just to be clear, if the Teddy pre match promo doesn't exactly read like something I've written please know that that is the point... 

That's probably patronising to most and you could say well if people don't get the point then that's my fault. But I wouldn't want people to think I'm trying to pass it off as written by me. 

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Great show! TeddAi is a great gimmick, it kind of reminds me of when they had Paul Ellering managing the Disciple of the Apocalypse in WWF in the late 90s and put him on commentary for a match and he claimed he was "Mr Dot Com" and that the Road Warriors were old news and it was The Era of the web...the era of the Internet....the Era of DOA.

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I love your presentation of Pinn Enterprises. It would've been easy to decide he had his moment in 2021 and phase him out but I love the story of his second reign and how it makes him and that title stand out from everything else going on. I wonder if there will be a 1-2-3 Kid/Santino-style payoff with someone predicted to be a pin-eater immediately establishing themselves.

Oh, and I love the TeddAI switch-up. It's really fun that you and jcarmjn both came up with unique contemporary mid-life crisis gimmicks for him. I got what you meant with the follow-up post, but no need to disown a line as good as "you'll be just another line of code in my path to greatness", haha. That tablet has the potential to be the greatest inanimate heel since Michael Cole's laptop. And good call to have him win so that he builds heat with this story rather than it just being played for comedy.

I liked the line in Logan Wolfsbaine's promo speculating on his motives for answering the tough question, whether he had doubts or was just being polite. It tied in really well with his current angle where we're not meant to be sure what to make of him right now.

The Hangman match was good business for establishing himself, his character in refusing to use the chair and building more of a connection with Jerry Pepper in protecting him.

Oh wow, I was about to say Xavi Ferrera's getting really well built as a future star with his words last week and refusing to tag out this week, thinking that was going to be his spotlight moment, and then he goes and pins the champ. Huge. And it somehow creates even more intrigue over who will leave: is he pinning Wolfsbaine here to set him up as his next challenger once Ernest Youngman leaves or because the champ's the one who's leaving and they won't get another chance to share a ring? So good.

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Xavi pinning Logan is what I called, but now I'm doubting if all my logic about Logan being the one on the way out is correct. Is this some clever sleight of hand? I'm certainly intrigued.

TeddAI has the right kind of heel heat, making me want to hate him, but enjoy doing so. Just as long as he doesn't turn into a crypto bro, I'm in. Also Hangman and JP continue to be the best.

Oh, by the way, I had a bit of trouble seeing the show. It came up with "Unable to load skin assets", but I eventually got it to work on the external link and clicking a load of buttons.

Edited by Willsky
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Fantastic show! I enjoyed the Teddy segment; how long before the tablet becomes sentient? The lack of Jebediah hurts, though. Big win for Xavi, curious if Logan put up a stink or if you didn't mind since he's on the way out hmmmm Just my personal opinion but Pinn's photo looks more like a manager lol But War Piece looks amazing! Hopefully he doesn't stay a jobber for too long.

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Screenshot 2024-09-24 194004.pngScreenshot 2024-09-24 193941.png

Prediction Results

Willsky: 6/6

AboardTheArk: 5/6

michgcs: 5/6

HiPlus: 5/6

Rhysrob: 4/6

KyTeran: 4/6

Satyr24: 4/6

DirigoJoe: 4/6

eayragt: 4/6

Tiberious: 3/6

The Lloyd: 3/6

alpha2117: 3/6

Wrestling Machine: 3/6

13 is definitely the most predictors I've ever had, so that's great! And I appreciate all your comments. Regarding predictions HiPlus and Willsky were the only 2 to pick Xavi over Logan and congrats to Willsky for being the only full marks.. that said the biggest congratulations have to go to the winner of the 10 show prediction contest...

@KyTeran with 31 out of 49. I believe they were the only person who predicted on all 10 shows and there wasn't really a single one of those they scored badly, so well done!

@Willsky was fast approaching and despite missing I think the first 3 shows still finished 2nd place with 28. 

@AboardTheArk was third on 25. 

In my mind I have no idea if the prize is interesting or just awful... but we'll see. I like the idea of you being able to see the result of your win in the show, so I'm going to add in a worker on the local scene. My options for jobbers is getting a little thin. I can't guarantee them a push, or any real storyline but maybe it's still cool right?! Part the reason I say jobber, I'm a bit of a stickler for 'playing by the rules' game wise and so I don't love the idea of giving myself a good worker that isn't in the starting database. But as long as they aren't anything special game wise I don't feel like it's giving myself any advantage. Put it this way obviously my long term goal is to grow PSW and if I manage that I don't want to feel like there's any asterix next to it. 

So @KyTeran it's completely up to you how hands on you want to be with this. I can completely make them myself but just call them KyTeran or anything else you chose, or you can really pick everything (strengths, weakness, personality, appearance, wrestling style, finisher, nationality, age etc). Picture wise if you give me a brief description my plan is to basically look through the render threads and find one that seems to fit that also matches @WalterSobchak's pictures I'm using or I can always try make it myself. 

Also up to you if you want to just post it on this thread or message me privately, I'm happy with either. 


Whilst I want to respond to all your comments I'm worried this will end up a stupidly long comment, but I do find all of your thoughts super interesting. Happy to see TeddAI make an impact. @619, I had a similar thought about @jcarmjn's Teddy. Personally I prefer his version as an actual character I think it makes much more sense and in general has a higher ceiling than TeddAI. It's more realistic and fits PSW better but it's not the first time and I'm sure won't be the last I think that about his PSW! TeddAI is more part of a plan to help get someone else over though so hopefully it can still be successful in that regard, plus I am having fun with it. 

@michgcs your completely right about both Pinn and War Piece. Although I do like the idea of Pinn wrestling in a suit perhaps you're right that his future is as a manager. After all he is 44 and I get a road agent warning me about his stamina whenever I put him in an EIGHT minute match, his mic skills are excellent too. W.P does look a lot more badass than his booking would suggest. He's a 19 year old Pittsburgh native with some really decent skills, he's only actually been wrestling the odd time on 1 night deals but I imagine he'll earn a contract. 


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Well, I have made some jobbers in the past for lavelleuk's AltCverse2022 future workers and I think it's time to bring back one of those characters to do what I made them to do, job like no jobber has jobbed before.  The worker's name is Charlie Bland and as I described him in his bio "he is as exciting to watch as seeing paint dry on plywood."  I will give you further details about Charlie below.

Strengths: He is good in five skills: technical, basics, selling, safety, and consistency.

Weaknesses: Every other skill except stamina and resilience is completely abysmal.

Personality: Stalwart and apolitical

Appearance: White guy with short brown hair.

Wrestling Style: Technician

Finisher: The Bland Effect (which is Matt Hardy's Side Effect, a move I have never seen win one match).

Nationality: Canadian

Age: I say somewhere in his early 20s like 22 or 23.

Anything else: He should probably have the attribute Unmarketable since his whole thing is that he is completely forgettable, and his gimmick should be Amateur Wrestler.

If you want any more details let me know, but I hope that this character does a good job jobbing for you.

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10 hours ago, christmas_ape said:

Whilst I want to respond to all your comments I'm worried this will end up a stupidly long comment, but I do find all of your thoughts super interesting. Happy to see TeddAI make an impact. @619, I had a similar thought about @jcarmjn's Teddy. Personally I prefer his version as an actual character I think it makes much more sense and in general has a higher ceiling than TeddAI. It's more realistic and fits PSW better but it's not the first time and I'm sure won't be the last I think that about his PSW! TeddAI is more part of a plan to help get someone else over though so hopefully it can still be successful in that regard, plus I am having fun with it. 

Thanks very much mate! The main difference I think is your Teddy turned on his laptop and found Chat GPT, whereas mine found Twitter/X

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Highway To Hell.jpg


PSW Championship (Loser leaves PSW): Logan Wolfsbaine(c) vs Ernest Youngman 

No Mercy: Xavi Ferrera vs Buck Winchester

Shackled Escape: Cerberus vs Tennessee William

Gang Warfare: The Latino Kings vs The Legion of Blood

National Title: Dumfrey Pinn(c) vs ???

PSW Tag Team Titles: Devil May Care vs Samoan Destruction Inc vs The Hot Taggs vs The Hangman Experience

Will the rating be higher than the last special event (55)? 

What match will score the highest (not included the main event)?

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So this is the start of the next prediction contest. This one I'll take a page from @angeldelayette and say rather than keeping a tally of individual scores I'll keep track of how many weekly wins people have. That way missing the odd week doesn't hurt too much... 

For the Highway To Hell and Lockdown I'll say it's 2 points for winning and 1 for coming 2nd. Just to make the special events more important. 


Speaking of the prediction contest thanks to @KyTeran for his response. I love Charlie Bland, I can't promise I'll look after him, but he'll experience some things for that's for sure... Thanks also to @WalterSobchak who very quickly provided a picture for him that fit perfectly. Not exactly sure when he'll debut but likely fairly soon. 

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PSW Championship (Loser leaves PSW): Logan Wolfsbaine(c) vs Ernest Youngman 

No Mercy: Xavi Ferrera vs Buck Winchester

Shackled Escape: Cerberus vs Tennessee William

Gang Warfare: The Latino Kings vs The Legion of Blood

National Title: Dumfrey Pinn(c) vs ???

PSW Tag Team Titles: Devil May Care vs Samoan Destruction Inc vs The Hot Taggs vs The Hangman Experience

Will the rating be higher than the last special event (55)? Higher

What match will score the highest (not included the main event)? Xavi / Buck

The more people are involved in the matches the less confident I get about my predictions...

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PSW Championship (Loser leaves PSW): Logan Wolfsbaine(c) vs Ernest Youngman 

No Mercy: Xavi Ferrera vs Buck Winchester

You teased Xavi and Logan... So I have to believe that was for a reason... Sucks to say, but I think this is where we say goodbye to Youngman!

Shackled Escape: Cerberus vs Tennessee William

He somehow finds a way!!

Gang Warfare: The Latino Kings vs The Legion of Blood

It's an interesting one, and if I was watching it IRL, this would be the match I'm secretly most looking forward to seeing. I'm actually certain that Legion of Blood win... but I'm going with Latino Kings - because in my head, they need to be established more as a badass faction, and they're likely more over than The Legion. If this is a long term save, Wicked lester is going to be HUGE for you - but he can take an early loss here and still maintain that aura.

National Title: Dumfrey Pinn(c) vs ???

PSW Tag Team Titles: Devil May Care vs Samoan Destruction Inc vs The Hot Taggs vs The Hangman Experience (with Jerry Pepper)

Will the rating be higher than the last special event (55)? I'd like to say YES. May even crack 60

What match will score the highest (not included the main event)? Xavi Buck seems obvious, but I'll go with that!

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PSW Championship (Loser leaves PSW): Logan Wolfsbaine(c) vs Ernest Youngman 
-This is such a tough one, because if there's any truth to Youngman's claims, having him lose on the way out sucks... but OTOH the Circle is breaking up over him outing VA as a victim before she was ready... I think Youngman is the guy to poach so I'm guessing it's him. (But then why did you have so much time left with him?)

No Mercy: Xavi Ferrera vs Buck Winchester
-If I'm right about the Main Event then Xavi is the new top babyface.

Shackled Escape: Cerberus vs Tennessee William
-Cerberus just... isn't very good. I don't expect much out of him here. 

Gang Warfare: The Latino Kings vs The Legion of Blood
-I just don't think the Kings are ready to hand over a win to LoB

National Title: Dumfrey Pinn(c) vs ???
-Since FCW and PSW are so close, maybe Carlos Gonzalez?

PSW Tag Team Titles: Devil May Care vs Samoan Destruction Inc vs The Hot Taggs vs The Hangman Experience
-Tough call here

Will the rating be higher than the last special event (55)? HIGHER

What match will score the highest (not included the main event)? 60

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PSW Championship (Loser leaves PSW): Logan Wolfsbaine(c) vs Ernest Youngman

Still feels to me like Logan's got a foot out the door. Knowing you, I can see him leaving with the title, though.

No Mercy: Xavi Ferrera vs Buck Winchester

Gotta build on his momentum

Shackled Escape: Cerberus vs Tennessee William

I want someone to help TW- maybe Jeb?

Gang Warfare: The Latino Kings vs The Legion of Blood

This is interesting. Picking LoB just 'cause I think the Kings can be more dangerous chasing for payback

National Title: Dumfrey Pinn(c) vs ???

How about TeddAI being overlooked and someone stealing the title? I can dream, can't I? lol

PSW Tag Team Titles: Devil May Care vs Samoan Destruction Inc vs The Hot Taggs vs The Hangman Experience

T.H.E. all the way!

Will the rating be higher than the last special event (55)? higher

What match will score the highest (not included the main event)? Xavi vs Buck

Edited by michgcs
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PSW Championship (Loser leaves PSW): Logan Wolfsbaine(c) vs Ernest Youngman 

So who got signed by a big dog?  Lets say Wolfsbane

No Mercy: Xavi Ferrera vs Buck Winchester

It's the sort of match built for someone like Winchester

Shackled Escape: Cerberus vs Tennessee William

The word escape conjures cowardice and thats sort of William's schtick here.

Gang Warfare: The Latino Kings vs The Legion of Blood

Look the Kings are a bit dull ... LOB LOB LOB!!!!

National Title: Dumfrey Pinn(c) vs ???

Pinn is old and unfit and is really transitioning away from in ring soon so time for whomever you might be bringing in to go over in a shock to the fans.  Pinn swearing vengeance just makes a compelling program.

PSW Tag Team Titles: Devil May Care vs Samoan Destruction Inc vs The Hot Taggs vs The Hangman Experience

When in doubt go for the well established team in these sort of situations because they will tend to have the best ratings in the short term

Will the rating be higher than the last special event (55)? Yeah

It feels like an exciting card with real stakes

What match will score the highest (not included the main event)?  Pinn v ???

If you aren't working us with the Loser leaves PSW match then I think you are bringing in someone who might make a difference here - if so than I think that match gets a good rating.

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