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[RELEASE] Martel's Future Worker Packs 2.0 [TEW IX]

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The base of the mod (the workers)....is finished! And with that


I am officially looking for beta testers!


Want to try and get a more clean release of the mod and am looking for testers to help make sure everything makes sense and that hopefully most errors are seen. If you do want to help, your name will be put in the credits/description of the mod! Please pm me here, or find me on the GDS Unofficial discord. Have the same name as I do here. I will probably respond on Friday or Saturday, need to finish some of the finer details in the mod before sending it out.


Edited by Martel123
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2 hours ago, Martel123 said:

At a good place with this pack. Release should happen tomorrow. Even with the beta testing that went down, there might be some mistakes that show up, so expect a day 1 update if something happens. 


Again, release is tomorrow 

Looking forward to it

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Suggestion time - with the people who follow their parents moves copy across that moveset and attach it to the characters. Same with the DeColts etc - if their parents dont have a moveset anymore use one of the families.  You are already bringing across the characters to change details may as well bring the moves.

I will likely take a look at this properly next week and do a scouting report and mention any issues I find here.  

You tease me with Wiki Brave you cruel, cruel man. 


Edited by alpha2117
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I started doing scouting and looked at the first dozen people.

Asuka W is only down as available in the USA.

Abraham DeColt - it says he's a savant but he doesn't have Prodigy in the attributes.  Given that his current stats aren't great I assume that might be an error given savant is essentially another word for prodigy.

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18 minutes ago, Altgov said:

Maybe you should wait alpha before doing your scouting, I already told Martel about some things to change because of an error like Asuka Watanabe. 

In general I dont mention any data issues in the scouting - people make errors when they are doing so much and theres no need to bring that stuff up there.  So things like Asuka availability stuff doesn't come up.  Most of these expansions undergo tweaks post initial release but the basic stats rarely change much.  I mentioned Abe DeColt because the bio mentioned the word savant which is often used as a synonym for prodigy and I thought perhaps the intention had been for that to be in the attributes but I couldn't be sure.  It was worth mentioning in case it was an omission whilst I mentioned Asuka. 

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Up to the end of the L's and here are some notes - some are suggestions a couple are minor tweaks to fix stuff

The Nightmares wont import as the name already exists in the core game (Primal Rage and Insane Machine)– you need to tweak it.

Charity Armstrong should have Stud Athlete as she’s an Olympic level medalist. It wont effect much as she is already strong in those stats but it adds the right flavour to her.

Gracie Wood – is set as American but her bio seems to indicate Canadian. Bio indicates her Menace should be a lot higher. Bio uses the words “bursted into the cities of Canada” which doesn’t really make sense - I think the word is usually “burst” and I imagine the words “burst onto the wrestling scene in Canada” is what was meant not cities. Also there is an indication she has been training for years as a teenager so maybe the skills need to be a little bit higher for brawling and fundamentals to indicate that.

Hana Kaneko’s pic didn’t automatically come up for me – could have been a glitch at my end.

Hiroko Nakamura it says she is fairly safe but her Safety is actually really poor. Either the bio or the stat probably needs tweaking

Hunter Baine – Add stud athlete to match his bio – again it wont do much stats wise as he is already physically close to max but it fits the flavour you created.

James Jarrett Justice – it sort of feels like he should have the Funny Bones as there is an inherent comedic element to the concept and I’d up his Sex Appeal because even as a straight guy I am going to say that pic makes him look like maybe the best looking guy in the game. Oh maybe add French because of the whole Canada thing – him dropping into French in a promo would get nuclear heat and it seems like something he would do to get that heat, heck if his French was bad that might even be better. (PS: this may well be my favourite character ever)

Mark Carnie Jr – Just to make his difference to his sibling and dad stand out I’d make him Straight Edge and it fits the designated driver part of his bio. (PS I am going to do a Diary where Mark is forced into the Head Booker role after a mass walkout caused by his father where Mark Snr hires every truly awful human being I can find in the game. Thanks for him and his brother because they have inspired me to do something truly insane game wise)

Johnny Faust – he’s 6’5 and 300 lb's of ripped muscle with a Menace of 2 … that number doesn’t gel.

Lucy Stephenson - another one where the word savant is used but no prodigy in the bio.

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Finished the scouting report for pack 2.o there some fun stuff there.  Didn't see many obvious errors but I have noted a couple plus a few minor suggestions on possible tweaks 

Marcus Alexander add Stud Athlete to match bio. Menace seems a bit low for his build.

Monte Alexander – says he’s more technical than his brother but his fundamentals and Mat skills are actually worse. Given his bios he probably should have the fundamentals and mat skills upped and maybe wrestling in the blood in attributes to reflect his training and wanting to be a wrestler despite not really having the star power to ever really be a star.

Mark Morrisette – add stud athlete to reflect bio – 6’5 Muscular and 0 menace? The number doesn’t feel right.

Namiyo Hatoyama – says she has been training for a lot of her life but things like fundamentals dont reflect that.

Neo Miuki – add motormouth to match bio.

Torch Mizuki – make her available as a Manager and On Screen Personality and maybe even the two announce roles. She is a poor wrestler but her potential in those roles is obvious and in reality people would try to convince her to follow that path.

Sophie Knox – Add the Future Road Agent mentioned in the bio and probably Loves the Business with maybe Natural Trainer and Passes on knowledge too – it would be interesting to see someone who is pretty bad now but in 20 years time might be very different.

Talia Bernthal - I would add the Babyface attribute and maybe easily marketable because her backstory is something that clicks straight away. In reality people would love this person. Maybe even up her SQ a tad (5 pts or so) because that story feels like something that would up your SQ by default.

Tamiko Wada – fix pronouns from he/him – she feels easily marketable too and probably 100% babyface

The Swiss Strangler – fix the Olympics to 2016 and 2021 not 24 which is after her 22 debut. Add stud athlete as it wont really effect much stats wise but is right in explaining her current stats and matches bio.

Tokyo Lobster – Add Plays Comedy Well, noted comedy match performer and Funny Bones to match the info in the bio.

Ulla Koch – add Bodybuilder – the pic doesn’t feel like a 4 Sex Appeal wise more 54, a bit like Chyna not a beauty but not hideous looking either.

Yasunobo Mushashibo – fix his debut to 1.2.24 as him debuting a month after his younger brother feels like an error. You dont have them as a Tag team and again it just sort of feels like they should be maybe with the Tag Specialist as it feels like thats what should be booked with them on debut.

Oliver Wise, Victor Denzig Wendy Harding Whispering Wind and frustratingly the awesome looking Wiki Brave steadfastly refuse to exist.


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I did notice some muscular heavy guys had below 10 in menace. The ones that were specifically menacing were spot on but the others were often under 10. (That's how I sorted them to fix it, men under 10 menace). If someone is a muscular 250 or higher they are going to be able to intimidate. There might be a rare exception to that but not many. Even most of the flippy guys in the default data have at least 20 menace. 

That said this is great stuff! Thanks! 

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5 hours ago, ExRufas2000 said:

I did notice some muscular heavy guys had below 10 in menace. The ones that were specifically menacing were spot on but the others were often under 10. (That's how I sorted them to fix it, men under 10 menace). If someone is a muscular 250 or higher they are going to be able to intimidate. There might be a rare exception to that but not many. Even most of the flippy guys in the default data have at least 20 menace. 

That said this is great stuff! Thanks! 

Oh it's fantastic stuff - there are some delights in both the packs




Who wouldn't want at least 1 of these in their game?


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