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PGHW: Marching Down The Royal Road

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PGHW - Night of Warriors - July 24th, 2022

-Pre Show-

Pre-Show - Tag Team Match - Jay Silver & Marco Gonzalez vs Omezo Shikitei & Goemon Komiya

Goemon Komiya gets the pin after 6:59. Marco Gonzalez put on a surprisingly good performance during the match. 70 Rating



Match 1 - International Tag Team Championship - Decimation (Viktor Beskov & Findlay O'Farraday) (C) vs Dead Men Walking (Mobstar & Gravedigga)

In a solid opener, the two teams were able to put on a fast-paced match that highlighted how good both were in just 6:48. Findlay O'Farraday was able to pin Gravedigga after him and Beskov hit the Decimation Bomb, a move where the team member who's eligible to get the pin has the opponent up for a lifted powerbomb and the team member who doesn't does a flying lariat off the top rope. 70 Rating


Match 2 - Singles Match - Tetsunori Yasuda vs Hirotsugu Satou 

Hirotsugu wins a solid but short match, making Yasuda tap to the Scorpion Deathlock after 7:57. 70 Rating


Match 3 - Singles Match - Brute Kikuchi vs Hirobumi Takimoto

Hirobumi was able to win the wild brawl between the two, picking up the pin after hitting the Lariat Clothesline at 10:55. 71 Rating



Match 4 - Historical Japan Championship - Taheiji Konoe (C) vs Koshiro Ino

In a showdown between a WEXXV Veteran and a BHOTWG Star, the Burning Hammer star was able to pull off the victory, handing Taheiji his first singles loss of the year after hitting the Kobra's Bite at 11:33. 66 Rating [Title Change]

Post match, Koshiro Ino took the microphone and said that he wants to defend the belt against PGHW's Next Generation, and as he was saying this Shozo Furuta came out, challenge Koshiro to a match at Night of Honour next month.


Match 5 - 10 Man Tag - Four Dudes (Kwakami & Sanda, Muruyama & Ugaki) + Kyoshi Muraguchi vs U.W.U. (Reaver, Simon Flemmingway, William Hayes, Matt Blackburn, Mark Addison)

Kyoshi pins Flemmingway in his best performance in PGHW so far, making Simon tap at 20:36. While this was Kyoshi's best performance, it still wasn't as good as most would expect from him, but there's hope that he's getting more into the swing of things and will be back to BHOTWG MYSTIC Dragon level soon. 72 Rating


Match 6 - Six Man Tag - Team Destiny 2022 (Shogun Watoga & Avalanche Takano) + Nobuyo Hikichi vs The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler) + Cub Balowicz

After 14:12 of solid six man action, Nobuyo Hikichi was able to lock in the Cross Armlock on Dean Waldorf, making him tap. 80 Rating


Match 7 - Tag Team Match - KitoGuchi (Chojiro Kitoaji & Bussho Makiguchi) vs Yoshinaka Taku & Tsuneyo Yanagimoto

In a solid showcase match for the newly put together team of Yoshinaka Taku & Tsuneyo Yanagimoto, they're skill level just couldn't keep up with the chemistry and experience Chojiro & Bussho have together, and after 22:33 Tsuneyo fell victim to Bussho's Blazing Elbow and got pinned. 81 Rating



Match 8 - Glory Tag Crown - Haranobu Kobayashi & Tsurayuki Kamachi (C) vs KazuSATO (Kazushige Matsuki & SATO)

Haranobu pins SATO after 14:28 with a Focus Shift in a solid match that should hopefully help further solidify Kobayashi & Kamachi in their first reign. 80 Rating


Match 9 - Six Man Tag - The Syndicate (Wolf Hawkins, Magnum Kobe, Flint Slater) vs Team GLORY (Kozue Kawashima, Shozo Furuta, Minoru Nakahata) 

Hawkins, Kobe, and Slater entered to Joy Division's song The Kill.

In a great showcase for the two factions, Team GLORY was obviously entering the match as the underdogs, and for most of the match they lived up to that expectation. Kozue Kawashima was in charge when he was in the ring, but the moment Shozo or Minoru got tagged The Syndicate were able to isolate and beat them down. However, nearing the end of the match, Shozo was able to hit a surprise Lariat on Wolf Hawkins, and for a few moments there he had it looking like he could pull off the upset against one of TCW's biggest names. Wolf was eventually able to make the tag to Flint, but before he could start fighting with Shozo, Kawashima was tagged in, and after Shozo and Minoru were able to knock The Syndicate's two leaders off the apron, Flint would get with the Kawashima Driver 2005 at 25:58, and would get pinned. 81 Rating


PGHW International Championship



Shinji Mihara (C) vs Seiji Jimbo

While coming down the ramp, looking at Seiji Jimbo in the ring, Shinji's facade of the overconfident youngster cracked for the first time in months. His normal confident strut with a smug grin on his face had been replaced with a slow, methodical march to the ring, with a facial expression that looked more like a thousand yard stare than a sure of himself champion.

The moment the bell rang, Jimbo started showing everyone why Shinji was nervous, hitting a vicious kick that knocked Shinji into the corner. From there, Seiji spent the next 10 minutes dominating Mihara, almost toying with his younger opponent. That was until Shinji was able to use his strength advantage to push him far enough in the middle of the ring to have time to launch Spinning Elbow Strike. Having collapsed during the follow through, Shinji wasn't able to get the pin on the obviously dazed Jimbo, but he was able to even the playing field.

Following another 15 minutes of action, Jimbo looked to have finally had it won, locking in his Seiji Ocean Lock and forcing Mihara to the brink, but, trapped in that hold, fighting for his title reign, his chance to truly cement himself as one of PGHW's Finest, Shinji was able to dig deep, he was able to reach past his limits. Fueled by more will to win than anyone's ever seen Shinji reach, he was able to break out of the hold, rolling Seiji Jimbo over from his Anaconda Vice position, and repeatedly slamming his head into the mat until he let go. From there, he staggered to his feet, got Jimbo in position for his rare Diamond Dust finisher, and was able to win the match after 27:32.

91 Rating [Fifth Title Defense]

Crowd: 17,139 | Overall Rating: 89


Post-Show Press Conference: Brought to you by PWLive.com's Puro News Department.

Q: Flint Slater was off tonight, how disappointed are you in his inconsistency?

A: I'm not. First off, he doesn't work for me, and secondly, he's not even been wrestling for two years. He'll become more consistent over time.

Q: What about with Shogun Watoga's performance?

A: I've seen Watoga wrestle enough, I know this isn't a common occurence.

Q: PGHW Night of Warriors is being considered a success, how do you feel?

A: Incredible. Absolutely phenomenal. Everyone performed so well tonight, I'm proud that these are the people continuing the PGHW Legacy that so many people helped build.

Q: Reaver is coming to the end of his current deal, do you see him signing an extension? 

A: Reaver's an important member of our roster, but it mainly comes down to his wage demands at this point.

Q: Are you concerned Taheiji Konoe seems to be struggling with his back? I've heard people say that one bad bump and he may have to retire.

A: Konoe is an incredibly hard working wrestler, he loves doing it. I've tried to ask him if he's wanted to take tours off and the one time I got him to agree it was more difficult than winning the Elite Series. He wants to wrestle, it's his decision, I'm never going to force someone out there who doesn't think they should be out there.

Q: Koshiro Ino won the PGHW Historical Japan Championship tonight, should we expect him to have a long reign?

A: No comment, let's just see what happens.


Edited by SomeDude03
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Updates before the Honour Tour, August 2022



El Hijo Del Águila Americana. The first wrestler to come across to PGHW from their new talent trade deal with EILL, Águila Americana is one of the best technical wrestlers in the world and, despite masks being incredibly rare in the company, should fight right in to PGHW. The nephew of the original El Águila Americana, El Hijo is one of EILL's brightest stars, and there's hope that a successful short excursion can be the start of an incredibly beneficial relationship between the two. In his career, Águila Americana has won the EILL Trios Championship once and the EILL Mexico Championship once, and in his previous company, EMLL, he won the Historic Championship. Works for EILL.

"The J Train" Jaylon Martins. Another talent trade from TCW, Jaylon Martins is a former member of The Syndicate (more on this in a bit) who'll be a member of The Syndicate Japan while on tour. He doesn't really have any sort of fanbase in Japan yet, but there's hope from TCW that this month-long tour will change that. While in MAW as a part of his developmental time in TCW, he won the Mid Atlantic American Championship once. Works for TCW.

Forever Evil, made up of Creeper and Writhe. An Australian team who've only been in the business for 5 years, Forever Evil is made up of two physically imposing forces who aren't the best in ring, but good enough to not have it take away from their presentation. In their short career they've already managed to win the DIW Tag Team Championships twice. Both work for DIW.

Flynn & Bryn, made up of Bryn Archer and Darin Flynn. Another one of PGHW's quickly put together touring teams, Flynn & Bryn are two wrestlers from the British Isles with good fundamentals and even better mustaches. Before the tour, Darin Flynn wasn't re-signed from his former home promotion 21CW, a company that he won the Tag Championship in once. Bryn's never had a stage anywhere near that bright, working for just CWW so far into his career. One Free Agent/One CWW

Outside of these moves, there's been a few more wrestlers brought in to PGHW because of their continued growth. 


Former BCG Wrestler Takenori Doi. One of Japanese wrestling's brightest young stars, Takenori had been a member of BCG's roster since 2018, and in that time he has blossomed into a very gifted performer. At just 23, Takenori has the chance to be a major piece in PGHW's future. While in BCG, he won their Challenger Series title once.

Former BCG Wrestler Mabuchi Furusawa. One of Japan's most underrated wrestlers for years at this point, Mabuchi Furusawa is the son of former GCG Owner Hanshiro Furusawa, and someone who's been a major piece of two different companies so far into his career. At 36 he's not young by any means, but with the success older wrestlers like Taheiji Konoe and Findlay O'Farraday had when coming into PGHW, that shouldn't play too much of a part into what happens to him. Considered by some to be one of the best wrestlers on Earth, there's a lot of hope behind the signing. While in his first promotion, GCG, he won the GCG Tag Team Championship once with Shingen Miyazaki, and won the GCG Openweight Championship twice. In BCG he's a two time winner of Sole Survival and a one time BCG World Champion.

Former EXODUS Wrestler Toshiaka Kotani, f.k.a. Dial K For Kotani. Another younger wrestler, Toshiaka is just 24 years old but he's also a wrestler with a lot of potential, being one of EXODUS' most important wrestlers over the past few years. At just 220 despite standing at 6'1, if Toshiaka can grow into his frame a bit more, he's another star with a chance to be a major force for PGHW in the future. While in EXODUS, he was a one-time holder of their All-Asia Junior Heavyweight Championship.

Former SAISHO Wrestler Motoyuki Miyake. A wrestler so good that PGHW was willing to break their no-stealing deal with SAISHO, Motoyuki Miyake is without a doubt one of the best wrestlers under 30 in all of Japan and it's a wonder how he's managed to stick with SAISHO so long. He's not tall by any means, just standing at 6'0, but with a very realistic, hard-hitting MMA style, it most likely won't matter that much. While in SAISHO, he won their Ride The Tiger Championship once.

PGHW will also be losing some of the foreign members of their roster.


Simon Flemmingway was fired from PGHW for steroid use, a decision that some are thinking was motivated by Reaver's incoming departure from the company as well. Unlike Flemmingway, he wasn't fired, but he was not given a new contract offer and ended up signing with EXODUS. The leader of the faction Ultimate Wrestlers United, Reaver was challenged by faction member Matt Blackburn to a match at Night of Honour for the leadership of the faction, with Reaver saying that, when he wins, the unit is done.

Other PGHW News:

PGHW has signed a new PPV, joining up with one of Japan's largest media companies, Hyboso, to broadcast their major events. Assuming that they can appease the PPV behemoths, who are bound to be a lot more demanding than their previous broadcaster, it looks like the widening gap between PGHW and BHOTWG will continue to grow.

The card for Night of Wrestling is also continuing to shape up, with Glory Crown holder Magnum Kobe taking on Elite Series winner Chojiro Kitoaji, PGHW Historical Japan Champion Koshiro Ino taking on Team GLORY's rising star Shozo Furuta, and leader of Ultimate Wrestlers United Reaver battling a rebellious Matt Blackburn with control and the existence of the stable on the line.

Lastly, to further expand on two things mentioned in the tour summary, PGHW and EILL have signed a talent trading deal similar to the one they have signed with TCW. While it's still currently just gone one way, building that relationship with another major wrestling power bodes well for PGHW. Meanwhile, in TCW, the original The Syndicate was broken up after Wolf Hawkins turned face. PGHW and TCW have worked out a deal for the Japanese company to be able to use the faction name as long as it's made clear that they are The Syndicate Japan™️ and not The Syndicate™️.

Random News from Other Companies:

image.jpeg Phoenix Wrestling Company (PWC) has been opened up in the Tri-State area by Johnny Martin, throwing yet another hardcore company onto the pile of indie promotions in America. PGHW touring wrestlers Ernest Youngman and Logan Diaz (as Wolfsbaine) are rumored to be members of their debuting roster.

image.jpeg One of their biggest stars over the past 15 years, two time USPW World Champion Enygma has left the promotion.

image.jpeg Helikaon has won the BHOTWG's Junior Heavyweight Championship for a 2nd time. Marihito Masuko won the BHOTWG Best Of The Super Juniors tournament for a record-tying fourth time.

image.jpeg Vacating the title after Cameron Pryce left for a few months to film a role in a TV show, Donte Dunn has won the CWA World Championship for the first time.

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PGHW - Night of Honour - August 28th, 2022

-Pre Show-

Pre-Show - 10 Man Tag - Creeper, Writhe, Darrin Flynn, Bryn Archer, William Hayes vs Goemon Komiya, Eien Miyamoto, Hitomaro Suzuki, Totoya Munakata, Omezo Shikitei

Omezo gets the win after 8:55 in a mediocre match. 65 Rating

Pre-Show - Singles Match - Mark Addison vs Mamoru Nagahama

Mark wins after 6:49 in a surprisingly good match. 60 Rating

Pre-Show - Tag Team Match - Toshiaka Kotami & Minoru Nakahata vs Gonnohyoe Kada & Stone Yoshikawa

Minoru pins Gonnohyoe after 7:11 in the worst of the three matches, though it was Kotami's best performance since joining PGHW. 52 Rating



Match 1 - International Tag Team Championship - Decimation (Viktor Beskov & Findlay O'Farraday) (C) vs The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler)

Viktor makes Marv submit after he locks in the terrifying Red Devil Lock at 12:19. 80 Rating [Ninth Title Defense]


Match 2 - Tag Team Match - The Syndicate Japan (Hirotsugu Satou & Jaylon Martins) vs Team Destiny 2022 (Shogun Watoga & Avalanche Takano)

Shogun is able to lock the Watoga Lock in on Hirotsugu after 13:12, picking up the win for his team. 79 Rating


Match 3 - SIngles Match For Control Of Ultimate Wrestlers United - Reaver vs Matt Blackburn

The outcome most people expected, the outgoing Reaver lost to his younger stablemate after Blackburn hit a Springboard Forearm at the 14:12 mark. With his victory, Matt is now the leader of UWU. 58 Rating


Match 4 - Singles Match - Taheiji Konoe vs El Hijo Del Águila Americana

Taheiji manages to win a match that was surprisingly solid despite Konoe's underperformance, with the pair having a wild brawl that eventually ended after Americana got hit with the Savage Cradle DDT. 67 Rating


Match 5 - Singles Match - Kyoshi Muraguchi vs Takenori Doi

After months of waiting, Kyoshi Muraguchi finally shines in a match where he isn't facing someone who's already a star. Getting a solid performance out of Doi in his PPV debut, Kyoshi was finally able to win after 12:38. 70 Rating



Match 6 - Historical Japan Championship - Koshiro Ino (C) vs Shozo Furuta

In a solid match between Puro's Past and Puro's Future, the future was able to pull out the win, with Shozo Furuta catching Koshiro off-guard with his Lariat Clothesline at 16:01. 69 Rating [Title Change]


Match 7 - Tag Team Match - KazuSATO vs Mabuchi Furusawa & Motoyuki Miyake

SATO pins Motoyuki after hitting the Wind Spirit Elbow in a solid match that gave the two new signings a nice spotlight. Lasted for 12:23. 73 Rating


Match 8 - Singles Match - Nobuyo Hikichi vs Brute Kikuchi

Nobuyo manages to drag an off-his game Brute to a solid match, eventually picking up the win after Kikuchi tapped to the Cross Armlock at 10:46. 70 Rating



Match 9 - Glory Tag Crown - Haranobu Kobayashi & Tsurayuki Kamachi (C) vs Tetsunori Yasuda & Hirobumi Takimoto

Kobayashi & Kamachi continue to prove why they hold the Glory Tag Crown after they were able to pull out the victory in a good match, with Haranobu Kobayashi pinning Tetsunori with a Focus Shift after 14:23. 75 Rating [Fourth Title Defense]


Match 10 - Six Man Tag - Four Dudes (Masaru Ugaki, Ryoma Muruyama, Noriyori Sanda) vs Seiji Jimbo, Yoshinaka Taku, Tsuneyo Yanagimoto

In a great trios match, age caught up with Four Dudes, and after Jimbo locked the Seiji Ocean Lock on Ryoma Muruyama the results were sealed at 22:46. 77 Rating


Match 11 - Singles Match - Kozue Kawashima vs Akinori Kwakami

In an unsurprisingly high quality match between two PGHW legends, Kozue was able to beat his opponent in 20:45 after hitting the Kawashima Driver 2005. 80 Rating



Match 12 - PGHW International Championship - Shinji Mihara (C) vs Bussho Makiguchi

Continuing the incredible run of form both men have been on recently, the two were able to outshine their Elite Series match and then some, going back and forth for 26:25. Eventually Shinji was able to pull out the win, avenging his loss from March and continuing his potentially historical run with the International Championship. 77 Rating [Sixth Title Defense]


PGHW Glory Crown



Magnum Kobe (C) vs Chojiro Kitoaji

Entering first, Chojiro Kitoaji came out to the same theme his father used (imagine something similar to Inoki Bom-Ba-Ye) while Magnum Kobe entered to Panic by The Smiths.

The last time these two men faced off it was a draw during the Elite Series, a result that neither man wanted to replicate here, and with the hour time limit in place, everyone was hoping for this match to have a winner. The match began as a stalemate, with the smaller Kobe able to do what he's done at the start of the vast majority of his Glory Crown matches, evading most offense while trying to slowly tire out his opponent enough to lock in the Magnum Deathlock or hit The Glorious Red. Kitoaji was able to get a good few hits in, but couldn't pin Kobe down long enough to start putting in some good damage.

After a failed lariat that Kobe was able to duck under, he hit the Kobe Bomb on Kitoaji, bringing in the first close near fall of the match. From there, Kobe was firmly in control, ripping Kitoaji's legs apart with repeated holds and kicks, trying to get him as vulnerable as possible for the Deathlock. Kobe was within inches of locking the Deathlock in and almost assuredly winning the match when Kitoaji was able to kick him off into the ropes, buying him enough breathing room to get back onto his feet and keep himself in the match. 

Each man hitting each other with everything they had, the final sequence saw both of competitors bounce themselves off the ropes in an attempt to hit their finishing move. Chojiro with his arm outstretched, aiming to behead Kobe, and Kobe launching his knee at Kitoaji's face with the sole goal of making sure he can't get up this time. Neither man was able to hit it, leading to one more launch of the ropes with both having the same goal as before...

When the Lariat connected, it seemed as if time stopped for a second. No sound from the crowd, no sound from the announcers, even the ring seemed to fall silent as the Glory Crown holder flipped from the impact. Moving solely on instinct, Kitoaji was able to cast himself over Magnum Kobe to, for the first time in his career, win the PGHW Glory Crown after 38:47. This ends Kobe's first reign with the title, which lasted for 182 days and had 5 title defenses.

87 Rating [Title Change]

Crowd: 17,730 | Overall Rating: 86


Post-Show Press Conference: Brought to you by PWLive.com's Puro News Department.

Q: People are calling PGHW Night of Honour a success, what do you think about the show?

A: I think the show was great personally. We wanted to come out strong for our HYBOSO debut and I think we did that. I'm happy everything went well.

Q: How are you intending to use your new signing James Diaz?

A: Definitely something that's gonna be played by ear, he's still very young.

Q: What about Mabuchi Furusawa?

A: He's a guy I have big hopes for, so chances are he's gonna get some strong support behind him.

Q: Chojiro Kitoaji won the Glory Crown tonight, can you give us some info on how long you expect his reign to be?

A: I'm not gonna go into any specifics, but let's just say I have a lot of faith in him.

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Updates before the Legacy Tour, September 2022



"Rubber" Christopher Ball. A retired Canadian MMA fighter, Christopher is a solid brawler and that's about it. He probably won't be a highlight of the tour, but if there's one thing Japanese companies like doing, it's bringing in people with MMA experience. A veteran of 4C and a current member of ACPW, Christopher Ball has never won a championship in his career. Works for ACPW.

Hammer & Anvil, made up of Ulf Horst & Niklas Kremer. Two solid German youngsters with skills that should fit into PGHW perfectly. Both have great technical skills, and good brawling & puroresu skills, for wrestlers who are 25 and 24 respectively. Neither of them are charismatic by any means, but as long as they aren't thrown into a spot on the card they don't belong in, they should be fun members of the roster for the next month. During their time in wrestling, they are two time EWA Tag Team Champions. Both work for EWA.

The Brute Squad, made up of Brute Squad Blitzer & Brute Squad Bomber. A fun contrast to Hammer & Anvil, Blitzer and Bomber aren't good wrestlers by any means, but they're intimidating and have good chemistry, which has been enough for many foreign tag teams to make it to the big times in Japan. During their 3 year long career, they've made 3 non-contract appearances for MAW in the United States. They've never won any titles. Both are Free Agents.

"The French Canadian MVP" Marcel LeFleur. Walking the very fine line between locker room cancer and future star, Marcel LeFleur is a solid all-around wrestler in the same vein as Duane Stone, though Marcel lacks the sense of professionalism Duane had. Still though, the Quebecois Wrestler has a chance to be a bright figure in wrestling for the next decade if he's capable of shrinking his ego some, but right now that doesn't seem very likely. Marcel had a 5 year long stint with ACPW, eventually walking out in 2020 after they tried to make him lose to Simony Sentinel. He has never won a title. Free Agent.

Along with these 6 on tour, PGHW will also see the debut of their newest fulltime tag team later in September.


Strength Rush Reborn, made up of Logan Diaz (Wolfsbaine) & James Diaz. Logan Diaz has spent a tour with PGHW so he's a bit more of a familiar face, with the only real change between now and then is his PSW Championship reign passing 440 days, the longest reign in the history of the company. One of the best in-ring performers on Earth at just the age of 26, Logan Diaz could hypothetically dominate PGHW for the next 15 years if everything plays out right. Pre-PGHW, he's won the PSW National Championship three times and the PSW Championship one time. James surprisingly had experience in a major company before Logan, spending a year with CWA before picking PGHW's contract over the Canadians. His skill at just 21 is top-tier, and if Logan could potentially dominate the next 15 years, there's a chance for James to go for 20. There's a lot of hope for the pair of cousins, and with them being granted the Strength Rush name before even having a single match, it seems that Yoshimi Mushashibo is confident that they'll prove that hope right.

Random News from Other Companies:

image.jpeg USPW was able to sign 21CW Superstar Leigh Burton away from the British company, but in his third match in America he tore his quad and will be out for a year. USPW has also signed Jay Chord from TCW.

image.jpeg As he was the World Heavyweight champion when he got signed away, Jay Chord ended up dropping the title to Aaron Andrews before officially joining USPW. This is Andrews' fourth reign with the belt. 

image.jpeg The SWF has signed Boom Boom Jamaica away from EILL.

image.jpeg Rokuemon Matsushita has won the vacant BCG World Championship, starting his 2nd reign with the belt he only lost from the injured Bunrakuken Torii a few months ago.

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PGHW - Night of Legacy - September 25th, 2022

-Pre Show-

Pre-Show - 6 Man Tag - The Brute Squad + Daigo Goya vs Hammer & Anvil + Christopher Ball

Daigo wins after 8:28 in a solid performance for all the youngsters. 53 Rating

Pre-Show - Tag Team Match - Strength Rush Reborn (Logan & James Diaz) vs Hirokazu Yamanoue & Mamoru Nagahama

James manages to win in 7:10, Hirokazu broke his nose in the match. 58 Rating

Pre-Show - Eight Man Tag - Marcel LeFleur, Mark Addison, Stone Yoshikawa, Totoya Munakata vs Mabuchi Furusawa, Motoyuki Miyake, Tetsunori Yasuda, Hirobumi Takimoto

Hirobumi gets the pin in a pretty good match to transition the show to the main card. Ended after 9:27. 70 Rating


Match 1 - Singles Match - Viktor Beskov vs Brute Kikuchi 

Beskov wins after 9:05 with his first ever use of his singles finisher, the Tsar Bomba. 70 Rating


Match 2 - Tag Team Match - Koshiro Ino & Kyoshi Muraguchi vs Nobuyo Hikichi & Hitomaru Suzuki

Kyoshi pins Hitomaru after 14:27, continuing his improvement in performance quality along the way. Koshiro Ino's decline is also quickly catching up with him. 78 Rating



Match 3 - Glory Tag Crown 2v2v2v2 Match - Haranobu Kobayashi & Tsurayuki Kamachi (C) vs Matt Blackburn & William Hayes vs Yoshinaka Taku & Tsuneyo Yanagimoto vs The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler)

Haranobu pulls out the win in a solid elimination match after 11:32. 78 Rating [Fifth Title Defense]


Match 4 - Six Man Tag - Takenori Doi, Toshiaka Kotani, Minoru Nakahata vs Goemon Komiya, Eien Miyamoto, Omezo Shikitei

Eien was able to make Toshiaka tap to the STF after 12:41. 72 Rating



Match 5 - Historical Japan Championship - Shozo Furuta (C) vs Hirotsugu Satou

In an incredibly solid match between two of PGHW's young stars, Shozo was able to pull out the win after 14:30, managing to hit Satou with his Lariat Clothesline. 78 Rating [Second Title Defense]


Match 6 - Tag Team Match - Team Destiny 2022 (Shogun Watoga & Avalanche Takano) vs Team GLORY (SATO & Kozue Kawashima) 

In just a simple but great match, Team GLORY was able to pull out the win against the upstart team, with Kozue catching Watoga with the Kawashima Driver 2005 after 19:42 to pick up the win. 82 Rating


Match 7 - Singles Match - Seiji Jimbo vs Kazushige Matsuki

Seiji wins in an incredible match between the two. While Kazushige continues to prove why he may just be one of the most underrated wrestlers on the planet, he just wasn't able to keep up with the former Glory Crown holder and Elite Series winner, eventually falling victim to the Seiji Ocean Lock after 19:42. 83 Rating


Match 8 - Six Man Tag - The Syndicate Japan (Magnum Kobe, Shinji Mihara, Taheiji Konoe) vs Four Dudes (Akinori Kwakami, Noriyori Sanda, Ryoma Muruyama)

While Four Dudes has won more titles and is made up of some of PGHW's most important wrestlers historically, they just couldn't keep up with the well-rounded trio that is The Syndicate Japan's core three. Shinji Mihara was able to pick up the win for his team, nailing Aknori Kwakami with his Spinning Elbow Strike at 20:45 to get the pin. 80 Rating


Match 9 - Singles Match - Bussho Makiguchi vs Findlay O'Farraday

In an incredible match with a great contrast of styles, Findlay O'Farrady was in the driver seat for awhile, but at the 23:14 mark he fell victim to the Blazing Elbow, leading to Makiguchi winning the match. While Bussho was obviously the better of the two, both Findlay and his tag partner Viktor have put on great singles performances tonight, which means the duo may soon be ready to start going after singles gold as well. 89 Rating


PGHW Glory Crown



Chojiro Kitoaji (C) vs Masaru Ugaki

Their third match-up of the year, they drew in the Elite Series round robin, and Chojiro won in the Elite Series final.

Entering his first title defense again one of PGHW's toughest stars, Chojiro was in for a big challenge even if he knew he could beat Ugaki. Following a similar formula to their Elite Series Finals match, with the two knowing how the other one works well enough for most of the match to be a technical showcase filled with counters, it would come down to who could hit the right shot at the right time.

While Ugaki would come close a few times, like he's done in all of his Glory Crown title matches this past year, he still just couldn't push himself over the hump that is 2024 Chojiro Kitoaji, and after he got hit with the Kitoaji Lariat at 25:47, everyone knew that Kitoaji would leave the PPV having made his first successful defense of the championship.

Chojiro wins. 95 Rating [First Title Defense]

Crowd: 17,056 | Overall Rating: 93



Post-Show Press Conference: Brought to you by PWLive.com's Puro News Department.

Q: Yet another PPV with rave reviews because of a great closer, how are you feeling Yoshimi?

A: Like always, I'm delighted with everyone's performance tonight.

Q: Koshiro Ino was off tonight, are you disappointed in his inconsistency?

A: I knew what I was getting when I brought Ino in. The old man isn't as sharp as he used to be in ring, and he'll have his occasional off night nowadays, but he can still put on a good performance when the time is right. I have faith in him.

Q: Rumor is that you hired [redacted] recently, how do you see him fitting on the roster.

I will not be addressing rumors on who will allegedly be brought in. Sorry.

Q: We saw Shinji Mihara have an off night tonight. Is his inconsistency gonna hold him back in PGHW?

A: Are you serious? His inconsistency? An off night? He was a part of a great 6 man tag match, he got the win for his team. He's in the middle of an incredible reign with the International Championship right now. He's beating former Elite Series winners. Everyone has off nights, give him a break.

Q: Do you have anything to say about Hirokazu Yamanoue after his minor injury?

A: It was a simple nose break so he'll thankfully be ready in time for our next tour.

Q: There are other rumors that you've hired [redacted], if they are true, what are your plans for him.

A: Once again, I will not be addressing any rumors on this topic.

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Updates before the Kings Tour, October 2022



"The Assassin Of The Squared Circle" Ernest Youngman. Joining PGHW for his third tour of the year, what is there that can't be said about Ernest Youngman. Professional, nice person, easy to work with, one of the best wrestlers alive. He's the total package and, based off how his previous two tours went, has a good chance of being one of the biggest highlights of the tour. Works for PSW and PWC.

"Australia's Best" Shogo. Also joining PGHW for his third tour of the year, Shogo is still an incredible Japanese-Australian wrestler who has an argument for being the best in all of Oceania. One of his home promotion's biggest stars, with every tour in Japan it's starting to look more and more likely that Shogo eventually gets picked up by a bigger fish than DIW, but it's still up in the air on whether or not this would be happening in Australia or Japan. Works for DIW.

The Apocalypse Riders, made up of Apocalypse Doom & Apocalypse Ruin. Two very scary German men, these giants, Doom standing at 6'7 and Ruin standing at 6'6, could become a major force in any tag division if they are able to find a permanent home outside of Europe's three stagnant companies. Neither of them are exceptional workers by any means, but at just 21 and 22 respectively, they're a lot further along than what you'd expect most face-painted intimidating body guys to be at that age. Both work for EWA.

Made In Oklahoma, made up of Jason Patterson & Jules Night. PGHW's put-together team of the tour, Jason & Jules at least share some similarities. Both are wrestlers from Oklahoma, both are under 25, and both are currently free agents outside of this tour. While they certainly contrast in size and style, if the two of them are able to work together decently well on tour in Japan, then they both may have found their ticket to getting signed back home in the States. Both are Free Agents.

Outside of those tour signings, there are reports that Gonnohyoe Kada will be leaving PGHW on October 23rd. This will be the first time since 2006 that Gonnohyoe is not signed with a company.

Random News from Other Companies:

image.jpeg USPW continues to make major moves, following their signing of Jay Chord last month with EILL Megastar El Leon and 21CW Cornerstone Edward Cornell. As a sacrifice for these three, it seems that USPW will not be bringing back Atlas when his contract expires next month.

image.jpeg TCW veteran Human Arsenal has suffered a broken neck. At 46 years old, that may have been the last time you'll ever see in a wrestling ring.

image.jpegimage.jpeg Just 5 days apart the wrestling world would lose two legends, with Whipper Spencer Marks, considered one of, if not the, greatest Canadian wrestlers of all time, passing away at 83, and just a few days later, GCG Legend and PGHW Founder Sadaharu Jimbo would pass at 80. There are rumors that within the coming months PGHW will be announcing the start of some Sadaharu Jimbo Memorial Tournament for January of next year, though any details of how the tournament will operate are unknown at this point. 

Lastly, there is some news involving Burning Hammer that will require it's own post. I hope you guys are okay with me running through multiple months like I have today, I just had a run of wanting to play and didn't want to waste it.

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Burning Dumpster Of The Wrestling Gods - Transcript from Greg Sluchinski, The Pro Wrestling Reporter


Twelve people. That was the final amount given for the people who were released by Burning Hammer today. Five time World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa, gone. Two time World Champion, three time Tag Champion Yasuhiko Taira, gone. The man he won those tag team championships with, Yasunobu Masuno, gone. Four time Junior Heavyweight champion and four time Best Of the Super Juniors winner, with his most recent win being this year, Marihito Masuko, gone. Tadakuni Toshusai, Hyosuke Kokan, VENOM, Ieyoshi Shimakage, Taro Shionoya, Tatsuya Toshitara, and Ryushi Sato, all gone. Not even the youngsters were safe, even Masaya Hara was released. 

This all follows months of decline under Kikkawa's watch. 2.5 Million dollars in debt, there's starting to be genuine doubt at whether or not Burning Hammer will even survive until this time next year. His Kikkawaism shift, hoping to turn Burning Hammer into INSPIRE 2.0, has obviously failed. Even with the fact that their shows bring in great reviews, something that I doubt will continue to happen after the events of this Bloody Friday it's evident that this is not going to work. At a certain point it doesn't matter how good your matches are, or if your boss had a rebrand that gave you one of the best logo's in wrestling, when something is broken, it is broken. And I promise you, something is very broken at Burning Hammer.

Even looking past the releases, looking past the debt, Kikkawa still somehow managed to lose both his World and Junior Heavyweight Champion, at least that's what everyone is assuming with both belts being vacated within weeks of each other. Even with rumors swirling around, with theories ranging from an Anti-Kikkawa walkout to them starting their own promotion to a roster raid from 21CW on Burning Hammer, the only thing that's for certain here is that the people who were their top champions just a month ago are no longer with the company. 



I had already thought the game threw their weirdest contract surprises at me. Nope. I was wrong.

This may seriously be the most unexpected thing I've ever seen after simulating a day, and I've seen a playthrough of mine get thrown off the rails because future figurehead James Diaz decided to get a 6 year prison sentence.

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PGHW - Night of Kings - October 23rd, 2022

-Pre Show-

Pre-Show -10 Man Tag - Takenori Doi, Toshiaka Kotani, Mabuchi Furusawa, Motoyuki Miyake, Omezo Shikitei vs Touring Group + Mamoru Nagahama

Furusawa gets the pin after 7:55. 66 Rating

Pre-Show - Tag Team Match - Mark Addison & William Hayes vs Hirokazu Yamanoue & Stone Yoshikawa

Mark wins after 8:18. 56 Rating

Pre-Show - Singles Match - Minoru Nakahata vs Hirotsugu Satou 

Hirotsugu wins after 6:02. 70 Rating



Match 1 - International Tag Team Championships - Yoshinaka Taku & Tsuneyo Yanagimoto (C) vs Hitomaro Suzuki & Brute Hikichi

Tsuneyo gets the pin on Hitomaru after hitting the Mikado Bomb at 10:31. 63 Rating [Third Title Defense]


Match 2 - Singles Match - Matt Blackburn vs Koshiro Ino

Blackburn was able to get the victory over the aging veteran by outrunning him, nearly knocking Ino's head clean off his body at 8:22 after hitting a Springboard Forearm. 60 Rating



Match 3 - Glory Tag Crown - Haranobu Kobayashi & Tsurayuki Kamachi (C) vs Team Destiny 2022 (Shogun Watoga & Avalanche Takano)

In an unsurprisingly solid match considering the two teams involved, Kobayashi was able to pin Watoga after 13:46 once he hit the Focus Shift. 80 Rating [Sixth Title Defense]

Post match, the lights go out and when they come back on, two men are standing over the laid out Glory Tag Crown holders.


Black Magic (Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno) are in PGHW and they are coming for the Glory Tag Crown.


Match 4 - 8 Man Tag - Strength Rush Reborn (Logan & James Diaz) + Viktor Beskov + Mystery Partner vs Shogo, Totoya Munakata, Daigo Goya, Hiroki Machida

After the Diaz's hit the ring, the mystery partner was revealed to be former BHOTWG competitor Masaya Hara

Beskov wins after catching the just-returned-from-excursion Hiroki Machida in his Red Devil Lock, making him tap at 11:40. 73 Rating



Match 5 - Historical Japan Championship - Shozo Furuta (C) vs Taheiji Konoe

Shozo wins the short sprint of a showdown between the two, catching Konoe with the Lariat Clothesline at 9:17 to pick up the win. 70 Rating [Fourth Title Defense]


Match 6 - Six Man Tag - Four Dudes (Akinori Kwakami, Noriyori Sanda, Masaru Ugaki) vs The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler) + Ernest Youngman

In a fun technical clash between the 6 men, Ugaki was eventually able to put Ernest Youngman away after hitting him with an Arc Kick at 20:39. 80 Rating

In between this match and the next match, the feed cut to backstage with the three members of Four Dudes celebrating when someone very quickly runs across the screen and bodies Ugaki. Before Kwakami and Sanda had a chance to respond, three more men swarmed their room, savagely beating the group while hiding their faces from the camera.

That was until the end of the segment, when all four men slowly came into view.


Former BHOTWG Star Matt Keith


Multi-time BHOTWG Junior Heavyweight Champion KC Glenn


Former BHOTWG Tag Team Champion with Matt Keith, Tatsuya Toshitara


Former TCW Star Greg Keith

As the segment faded out to the next match, you could hear Matt Keith say "but wait, there's more....."


Match 7 - Singles Match - Nobuyo Hikichi vs Magnum Kobe

In a solid, no-nonsense match, Magnum Kobe was unsurprisingly able to beat Nobuyo in 20:45, making him submit to the Magnum Deathlock. 79 Rating


Match 8 - Singles Match - Bussho Makiguchi vs Eien Miyamoto

Bussho was able to defeat Eien after 21:13, hitting him with a Blazing Elbow to get the pin. 75 Rating


Match 9 - Six Man Tag - Seiji Jimbo, Hirobumi Takimoto, Tetsunori Yasuda vs KazuSATO (Kazushige Matsuki & SATO) + Goemon Komiya

In a solid but short match for the people involved, Goemon ended up falling victim to the Seiji Ocean Lock, tapping after 16:19. 73 Rating



Match 10 - 4-Way International Championship Match - Shinji Mihara (C) vs Kyoshi Muraguchi vs Findlay O'Farraday vs Ryoma Muruyama

In a fun but chaotic four-way match, Shinji was able to keep the other competitors away long enough to beat Muruyama with a Spinning Elbow Strike. While Shinji was, by far, the best wrestler in the match, Kyoshi & Findlay both did pretty solid, while Ryoma was rather mediocre. 76 Rating [Seventh Title Defense]

Post match, as Shinji is celebrating in the ring, the same thing that happened after the Glory Tag Match happened, with the lights cutting out for a few seconds before coming back on and revealing a beat down Shinji Mihara.

Standing over him was a 6'5, 282 pound beast of a man, one of the most dominant forces in the history of Puroresu....


Hiroaki Nakasawa, who seems hellbent on taking the International Championship away from Shinji.


PGHW Glory Crown



Chojiro Kitoaji (C) vs Kozue Kawashima

In the rubber-match, Chojiro was surprisingly able to sit in the driver's seat for most the match, only occasionally losing ground to Kawashima when he was able to get in a lucky hit or a desperate grab. Kitoaji was just too much for Kozue this time though, eventually pulling out the win after 28:23 when he hit Kawashima with the Kitoaji Lariat. 94 Rating [Second Title Defense]

Post match, as Chojiro was sitting in the ring, still trying to catch his breath from his showdown with The Ace, Haruki Kudo of all people walks down to the ring, applauding Kitoaji for his performance.


As Kudo approached the ring from the ramp, someone else slid into the ring behind Kitoaji, quickly knocking him to the floor, but rather than continuing the tag, he bent down and grabbed the Microphone. These are the rough english translations.

"559 Days, I stood tall for 559 Days, defeating every man they threw at me....

.....and that's why I'm here right now instead."


"As the Real World Champion I just wanted to introduce myself to this fraud. Your days with that belt are numbered. The Sakai Era may relocate, but I promise you, it never ends."

Crowd: 15,671 | Overall Rating: 91


PWLive.com is unable to bring you a translation of the press conference as instead of hosting one Yoshimi Mushashibo spent 30 minutes talking about how confused he was at the Burning Hammer Roster Cuts.

Edited by SomeDude03
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Alright I am finally gonna got to bed after having the most chaotic sleep schedule for the past day. I love right before College starting again season.

Anyway, this next tour is the Elite Tag Series, and I don't feel like trying to reformat that Canva pic for the Elite Series for tag teams, so basically everything from this next tour will be forum text posts. Scheduling wise, rather than Night 8 serving as the semifinals, Night of Courage itself will host the semifinals and finals for the tournament.

2 brackets, 8 teams in each. I already have all the teams picked out and the two round-robin brackets made, I just want to give it sometime to look stuff over before posting it in case I want to change something. 

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed Burning Hammer losing their entire Heavyweight Main Event scene, the next post tomorrow should be the general Pre-Tour update with more information on what happened to BH, and if I have time tomorrow I'll try and make it through at least half the tournament.

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Updates before the Kings Tour, November 2022


Every person brought in this month is a special entrant for the Elite Tag Series


The Golden Kings, made up of Multimillonario and Pharaoh King. On loan from EILL, The Golden Kings have been teaming together for over a decade at this point and during that time they've become one of EILL's greatest duos. Multimillonario is a great technical wrestler who has amazing aerial abilities for someone of his size, and while the older Pharaoh King isn't as good in ring, he's no slouch and should be able to keep up with the competition in PGHW decently well. Outside of The Golden Kings, Multimillonario is a former EILL Mexico Champion, and Pharaoh King is a former Mexico, Tag, and Trios Champion in OLLIE, and a former Trios Champion in EILL. Together they've won EILL's Tag Team Championship twice, and they were last year's Male Tag Team Of The Year. Both work for EILL.

Next Level, made up of Kazuhisa Hosotani and Keisuke Koroki. Brought in from WLW for the Elite Tag Series, both of these young wrestlers have the potential to be stars in WLW, but right now their both still just very solid. Neither one of them excel at anything in-ring yet, but neither are bad competitors by any means. Having just been in wrestling for 5 years, they are already one-time WLW Tag Team Champions. Both work for WLW

Taylor & Slater, made up of Joshua Taylor and Flint Slater. On loan from TCW, this team had only recently been put together after The Syndicate fell a part in TCW, but for the sake of continuity with PGHW, both will still be representing the faction The Syndicate Japan while in the company. Flint Slater has been on tour in PGHW already, having been out on loan from TCW for the month of July, while Joshua Taylor is making his return to the company after 13 years, working for PGHW between 2004 and 2009. Flint is currently the TCW Television champion, while Joshua Taylor is a former PGHW International and TCW International Champion. Both work for TCW.

Miura & Yoshizawa, made up of Noritoshi Miura and Inejiro Yoshizawa. Brought in from BCG for the tour, these two have been teaming together since 2006 and during that time they've earned the reputation of being one of Japan's most under looked teams. Two incredibly solid wrestlers with great in ring skills, there's a solid chance that they end up being the biggest surprise of the tournament. Before their time in BCG they teamed together under the name The Apocalypse Riders, called Spirit of the Shark and Spirit of the Lizard respectively, and during that time they only made a single appearance for a major company, popping up in WLW for a single night. Since reverting to their real names and joining BCG, they've won the BCG Tag Team Championships a record 7-times (no other team has won it more than twice), with their most recent reign currently ongoing, having started in September. Both work for BCG.

Along with this rather large touring group, PGHW also brought in their biggest batch of new signings in years.

The Future


Hiroki Machida. One of two non-BHOTWG related signings, Machida re-joined the company after his excursion in Switzerland ended. At just 20, it'll probably be a few years until he's even in contention for something like the Historical Japan belt, but at 6'2, 243 pounds, with solid brawling and puro skills for his age and a look that just screams "star", the sky really is the limit for Hiroki.

"The Hinote Exile" Masaya Hara. The first victim of Burning Hammer's Bloody Friday to be brought in, Masaya Hara was someone who was expected to be a future star for the company. At the same age as wrestlers like Shinji Mihara and Nobuyo Hikichi, there's a solid chance that Masaya ends up becoming that star for PGHW instead. While he never won a championship for Burning Hammer, he did win one during his excursion in Europe, being a one time UEW Nations Champion.

The Present


"The Reigning BHOTWG World Champion" Heihachiro Sakai. The man Burning Hammer had built the Heavyweight division around for the past few years, Heihachiro Sakai was one of the wrestlers who PGHW brought in after a bidding war, not a release. One of the best puro-style workers on the planet, Sakai should fit into PGHW perfectly. During his time in Burning Hammer he was a member of the Kikkawa Army and NEO-X, with him becoming co-leader of the latter. He is a one time Hinote Dojo All-Japan Champion and at the time of his signing he was in the middle of his first reign with the BHOTWG World Championship, a belt he had for 559 days and defended 14 times. He never lost the belt before leaving the company, and despite it being vacated and won by someone else since then, he's still claiming to be the true champion.

The Keith Brothers, made up of Greg Keith and Matt Keith, and Heavy Artillery, made up of Matt Keith and Tatsuya Toshitara. Two teams for the price of one, Matt Keith is the connecting thread between these three men, growing from one of PSW's biggest stars to one of Burning Hammer's. While he never won the big one in Burning Hammer, by the end of his time there he was always near the top of the card and looked like he was up next to win the belt. During his career, he's won the PSW Tag Team Championship twice with Steven Parker, the PSW National Championship once, the Sam Keith Classic in MAW with Findlay O'Farraday, the BHOTWG Tag Team Championship twice with Tatsuya Toshitara, and the BHOTWG Japan Championship once. Greg Keith, his brother, is perhaps the craziest signing of the entire batch, leaving American Wrestling Superpower TCW for Japan, a move that hasn't been done by a wrestler this big in America since at least 2000s. Unlike Matt, who got his first big break in the US, Greg actually started out for GCG in Japan, where he for 8 years. He eventually moved to his dad's company, MAW, and finally, to TCW, where he was between 2018 and 2022. He's won the GCG Tag Team Championship twice with Dean Daniels, the Mid Atlantic Championship twice, the Rip Chord Invitational Challenge three times, the TCW Television Championship once, and the TCW King of Kings Tournament once. While the pairing of Matt & Greg Keith haven't tagged together before, it looks like they will in PGHW, with Matt probably splitting time between his brother Greg and his Heavy Artillery partner Tatsuya Toshitara. Toshitara is another wrestler who was looked at as a future star in Burning Hammer, having spent years moving up the card during his 10 year stint with the company. While Tatsuya isn't a well-rounded competitor by any means, he has technical skills that match up with a Stone Brother at their best, so he'll probably fit right in at PGHW. During his career, he's won the BHOTWG Tag Team Championship twice with Matt Keith, and also won the Male Tag Team Of The Year Award twice with Matt Keith.

KC Glenn, formerly known as Helikaon. One of the best aerial wrestlers on the planet, Glenn has spent the last few years building an in-ring style that helps the junior heavyweight compete against wrestlers with size advantages, and having just moved up a weight class, it looks like that will be very helpful in PGHW. Another guy who started in the American indies, Glenn got his first break with the Keith Brothers' dad, Sam Keith's promotion MAW before moving to Burning Hammer in 2015. In his career he's won the Sam Keith Classic once with Hollywood Bret Starr, the BHOTWG Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship twice with Crimson Ghost, the BHOTWG Junior Heavyweight Championship twice, with his most recent reign ending after the title was vacated in September 2022, and the BHOTWG Best Of The Super Juniors tournament once.

"The Icon" Haruki Kudo. The man who ties Heihachiro Sakai to the other four, he's spent the time in between Night of Kings and the start of the tour on a publicity run talking about how his group are going to take over PGHW. While Haruki is retired, chances are he'll still be ringside at all the events, and even if he won't be working near the ring, he'll be working back stage as a road agent for the company. During his time wrestling, he won the GCG World Heavyweight Championship once, the NOTBPW Canadian Championship twice, and the BHOTWG World Championship three times. He's widely regarded as one of the best wrestlers of all time and should hopefully be a major player in helping PGHW behind the scenes.

It's clear that Kudo is involved with all five men, though Sakai's connection with the core group of four is unknown at this point.

The Past


"The H-Bomb" Hiroaki Nakasawa. At 45 years old, Hiroaki probably won't be a major player in PGHW for long, but even a short time with the company may be enough to permanently push them beyond Burning Hammer if he's used right. While he definitely isn't the wrestler he used to be, he's still a great brawler and solid technician who hopefully has at least one good year of wrestling left in him. Having worked for BHOTWG since 1998, becoming one of the biggest stars in the history of the company, his firing has definitely shook the locker room, potentially being one of the major reasons for the backstage turmoil the media is currently talking about. During his 24 years in the company, he won the BHOTWG Openweight Championship once, and the BHOTWG World Championship five times, tying Kinnojo Hori and Tadiyuki Kikkawa for record most reigns with the belt.

Black Magic, made up of Yasuhiko Taira and Yasunobu Masuno. Just a notch under Hiroaki when talking about importance to Burning Hammer, Yasuhiko Taira had been wrestling with them since 1996, and during that time he would have a hall of fame career. Similar to Hiroaki, the 44 year old probably won't reach those levels in PGHW, but that doesn't mean he won't be a major asset for the company, as he should hopefully be able to put on good matches. He's a one time King Of Fighters and two time BHOTWG World Champion. Moving to his tag partner, the 40 year old Masuno has the most left in the tank of these three, not facing any obvious decline outside of what a few major knee injuries took from him. The least popular of the three, Masuno has still had a great career, also being a one time King Of Fighters and having a BHOTWG World Tag Team Championship reign with a different partner, Everest. Since 2006 these two have been teaming together, on and off, as Black Magic, and during that time they would prove themselves as one of the best tag teams in the history of Japanese wrestling, winning the BHOTWG World Tag Team Championships three times and also winning Male Tag Team Of The Year one time.

At least publicly this group of three has seemed to align themselves with each other. Whether that means they'll be working together in major multi-mans is yet to be seen. It is a certainty that these three will not be working with the previous group of five, despite Sakai and Yasuhiko being co-leaders of Neo-X back in Burning Hammer.

Other PGHW News:


In January 2023, Pride Glory Honor will be getting a new logo in what Yoshimi Mushashibo says will mark the official start of their new era as the face of Japanese wrestling.


2023 will also be opening with a tournament, as in honor of the recently deceased company founder, Sadaharu Jimbo, they will be hosting an annual Sadaharu Jimbo Memorial Cup, a 32 man tournament that will take place throughout the Respect Tour.


Lastly, the blocks for the Elite Series have been released. Each bracket is made up of 8 teams.


Taku & Yanagimoto - International Tag Team Champions
The Keith Brothers - Matt & Greg Keith
Furuta & Nakahata - Representing Team GLORY
Yasuda & Takimoto
Kwakami & Sanda - Reprsenting Four Dudes
The Ring Generals - Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler
Next Level (From WLW) - Kazuhisa Hosotani & Keisuke Koroki
Taylor & Slater (From TCW) - Representing The Syndicate Japan


Kobayashi & Kamachi - Glory Tag Crown Champions
Decimation - Findlay O'Farraday & Viktor Beskov
KazuSATO - Kazushige Matsuki & SATO - Representing Team GLORY
Strength Rush Reborn - Logan & James Diaz
Team Destiny 2022 - Avalanche Takano & Shogun Watoga
Black Magic - Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno
The Golden Kings (From EILL) - Multimillonairo & Pharaoh King
Miura & Yoshizawa (From BCG) - Reigning BCG World Tag Team Champions

Each team will face the other members of their block once. Matches will have a 20 minute time limit. Wins are 2 points, draws are 1, losses are 0. The runners-up and winners of each block will be put into a four-team, single elimination tournament at Night Of Courage.

Random News from Other Companies:

image.jpeg The BHOTWG World Championship is Vacant no more, with Munemitsu Senmatsu winning it at their last event, Night Of Burning Hammer. Considered to be their biggest event of the year, they were able to bring in a very large crowd of 30,000 people, but the post-show reviews ranging from terrible to mediocre are probably a bad sign for their future.

image.jpeg Perhaps the only company that has poached talent more than PGHW this year, USPW deserves their reputation as they have signed TCW Legend Sammy Bach right from under their nose. Mixed with recent signings like Edward Cornell and the quadless Leigh Burton from 21CW, El Leon from EILL, Jay Chord from TCW, it's starting to look like their position as the Undisputed Number One company in all of wrestling can't be taken from them. In other news, Casey Valentine beat Steve Frehley to win the USPW World Championship for the first time. He's also currently the USPW Tag Team Champion, holding the belts with Captain Atomic.

image.jpeg WLW has seen yet another name join Dark Wing (now in Burning Hammer) and Shogun Watoga (now in PGHW) join the list of walk-outs, with one of the biggest stars in their company, Eagle Kawasawa, quitting after Highs & Lows in October. A two time Universal Champion for WLW, he's old and definitely declining, but could still be a big pick-up for a surging BCG or a slowly growing SAISHO.

image.jpeg Scythe has won the SWF World Heavyweight Championship for a second time, beating Remo for it at Break Like The Wind. In other news, their signing from last month, Boom Boom Jamaica, debuted without a mask. Seth Whitehead was called up from RIPW without even wrestling a match for their developmental promotion, and he's done nothing but lose on their main roster. The only new signing from this year that can really be called a success so far is Cameron Vessey, who has quickly cemented a place at the top of the card for himself, and is looking like a potential World Champion.

image.jpeg 21CW is losing Brickhouse Balder and one of the biggest stars in the history of their company, Adam Matravers. Their economic situation has also continued to get worse, with the company recently moving to pre-recording four shows at a time. Having lost almost 8 million dollars in less than a year, they are dangerously close to being in-debt and it is starting to look like 21CW may be having their own massive wave of releases very soon.

Edited by SomeDude03
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Elite Tag Series Schedule - 2022


Taku & Yanagimoto - International Tag Team Champions
The Keith Brothers - Matt & Greg Keith
Furuta & Nakahata - Representing Team GLORY
Yasuda & Takimoto
Kwakami & Sanda - Reprsenting Four Dudes
The Ring Generals - Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler
Next Level (From WLW) - Kazuhisa Hosotani & Keisuke Koroki
Taylor & Slater (From TCW) - Representing The Syndicate Japan


Kobayashi & Kamachi - Glory Tag Crown Champions
Decimation - Findlay O'Farraday & Viktor Beskov
KazuSATO - Kazushige Matsuki & SATO - Representing Team GLORY
Strength Rush Reborn - Logan & James Diaz
Team Destiny 2022 - Avalanche Takano & Shogun Watoga
Black Magic - Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno
The Golden Kings (From EILL) - Multimillonairo & Pharaoh King
Miura & Yoshizawa (From BCG) - Reigning BCG World Tag Team Champions

------------------------------------------------------Tournament Card for Each Night------------------------------------------------------

Night One:

A-Block Match 1: The Keith Brothers vs Yasuda & Takimoto

A-Block Match 2: Furuta & Nakahata vs Kwakami & Sanda

A-Block Match 3: Taku & Yanagimoto vs Next Level

A-Block Match 4: The Ring Generals vs Taylor & Slater

B-Block Match 1: Kobayashi & Kamachi vs KazuSATO

B-Block Match 2: Decimation vs Strength Rush Reborn

B-Block Match 3: Team Destiny 2022 vs The Golden Kings

B-Block Match 4: Black Magic vs Miura & Yoshizawa

Night Two:

A-Block Match 1: The Keith Brothers vs Kwakami & Sanda

A-Block Match 2: Furuta & Nakahata vs Yasuda & Takimoto

A-Block Match 3: Taku & Yanagimoto vs Taylor & Slater

A-Block Match 4: The Ring Generals vs Next Level

B-Block Match 1: Kobayashi & Kamachi vs Strength Rush Reborn

B-Block Match 2: Decimation vs KazuSATO

B-Block Match 3: Team Destiny 2022 vs Miura & Yoshizawa

B-Block Match 4: Black Magic vs The Golden Kings

Night Three:

A-Block Match 1: The Keith Brothers vs Taylor & Slater

A-Block Match 2: Furuta & Nakahata vs Next Level 

A-Block Match 3: Taku & Yanagimoto vs Kwakami & Sanda

A-Block Match 4: The Ring Generals vs Yasuda & Takimoto

B-Block Match 1: Kobayashi & Kamachi vs Miura & Yoshizawa

B-Block Match 2: Decimation vs The Golden Kings

B-Block Match 3: Team Destiny 2022 vs Strength Rush Reborn

B-Block Match 4: Black Magic vs KazuSATO

Night Four:

A-Block Match 1: The Keith Brothers vs Next Level

A-Block Match 2: Furuta & Nakahata vs Taylor & Slater

A-Block Match 3: Taku & Yanagimoto vs Yasuda & Takimoto

A-Block Match 4: The Ring Generals vs Kwakami & Sanda

B-Block Match 1: Kobayashi & Kamachi vs The Golden Kings

B-Block Match 2: Decimation vs Miura & Yoshizawa

B-Block Match 3: Team Destiny 2022 vs KazuSATO

B-Block Match 4: Black Magic vs Strength Rush Reborn

Night Five:

A-Block Match 1: The Keith Brothers vs Furuta & Nakahata

A-Block Match 2: Taku & Yanagimoto vs The Ring Generals

A-Block Match 3: Next Level vs Taylor & Slater

A-Block Match 4: Yasuda & Takimoto vs Kwakami & Sanda

B-Block Match 1: Kobayashi & Kamachi vs Decimation

B-Block Match 2: Team Destiny 2022 vs Black Magic

B-Block Match 3: The Golden Kings vs Miura & Yoshizawa

B-Block Match 4: KazuSATO vs Strength Rush Reborn

Night Six:

A-Block Match 1: The Keith Brothers vs The Ring Generals

A-Block Match 2: Taku & Yanagimoto vs Furuta & Nakahata

A-Block Match 3: Next Level vs Kwakami & Sanda

A-Block Match 4: Yasuda & Takimoto vs Taylor & Slater

B-Block Match 1: Kobayashi & Kamachi vs Black Magic

B-Block Match 2: Decimation vs Team Destiny 2022

B-Block Match 3: The Golden Kings vs Strength Rush Reborn

B-Block Match 4: Miura & Yoshizawa vs KazuSATO

Night Seven:

A-Block Match 1: The Keith Brothers vs Taku & Yanagimoto

A-Block Match 2: Furuta & Nakahata vs The Ring Generals

A-Block Match 3: Next Level vs Yasuda & Takimoto

A-Block Match 4: Kwakami & Sanda vs Taylor & Slater

B-Block Match 1: Kobayashi & Kamachi vs Team Destiny 2022

B-Block Match 2: Black Magic vs Decimation

B-Block Match 3: The Golden Kings vs KazuSATO

B-Block Match 4: Strength Rush Reborn vs Miura & Yoshizawa

Night Of Courage:

A-Block Winner vs B-Block Runner-Up

B-Block Winner vs A-Block Runner-up

Winner of A Winner/B Runner-Up vs Winner of B Winner/A Runner-Up

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  • SomeDude03 changed the title to PGHW: Marching Down The Royal Road

Just seen this for the first time and loving it. It legitimately feels like checking results of NJPW, formatting choices and style are great. Not fully caught up, but liking The Syndicate overlap coming in.

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8 hours ago, Daniel_Sykes said:

As someone who is still trying to tie up a few creative ends in my 2020 save this is crazy reading hearing about 21CW & BHOTWG struggling financially. Cant imagine a save where a company releases all that talent at once!  

I've never had it happen before and there's a tiny it of me dreading it potentially happening to 21CW because there's no way I can resist bringing Tommy Cornell to Japan. 

2 hours ago, Eugh said:

Just seen this for the first time and loving it. It legitimately feels like checking results of NJPW, formatting choices and style are great. Not fully caught up, but liking The Syndicate overlap coming in.

Thank you for the high praise! I hope you enjoyed reading the rest of it.


First few Elite Tag Series nights will be out sometime soon, I already have the results I just need to write it up here and post them. Unsure how much I'll be able to get through tomorrow and Saturday, I've got a lot of stuff to do at work both days but I'll try to at least finish the Elite Tag Series. I've got big plans for 2023 so I'm hoping I'll be able to get to it soon.

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PGHW Courage Tour - Nights 1, 2, and 3


Night 1:
(Main Event) Kobayashi & Kamachi vs KazuSATO - Kobayashi pins SATO after a Focus Shift, 18:48, 82
Keith Bros vs Yasuda & Takimoto - Greg Keith submits Yasuda with the Proton Lock, 14:30, 75
Team Destiny vs The Golden Kings - Multimillonario pins Watoga with a roll-up, 16:47, 56
Furuta & Nakahata vs Kwakami & Sanda - Furuta pins Sanda after a Lariat Clothesline, 12:06, 70
Taku & Yanagimoto vs Next Level - Tsuneyo pins Kazuhisa after a Mikado Bomb, 8:13, 70
Black Magic vs Miura & Yoshizawa - Yasunobu submits Miura with Day Of Rackening, 11:10, 68 
The Ring Generals vs Taylor & Slater - Joshua Taylor submits Dean with a Butterfly Lock, 8:40, 61
(Match 1) Decimation vs Strength Rush Reborn - Findlay pins James after a Decimation Bomb, 9:28, 70

Night 2:
(Main Event) The Keith Brothers vs Kwakami & Sanda - Greg Keith submits Sanda with a Proton Lock, 18:36, 76 
Kobayashi & Kamachi vs Strength Rush Reborn - Haranobu pins James after a Kobayashi Plunge, 16:24, 76
Black Magic vs The Golden Kings - Yasuhiko pins Pharaoh after a Spike Powerbomb, 18:09, 62
Taku & Yanagimoto vs Taylor & Slater - Taylor submits Tsuneyo with a Butterfly Lock, 13:54, 64
Decimation vs KazuSATO - SATO pins Findlay after hitting a Wind Sprint Elbow, 14:53, 82
Furuta & Nakahata vs Yasuda & Takimoto - Shozo pins Hirobumi after a Lariat Clothesline, 13:11, 68
Team Destiny 2022 vs Miura & Yoshizawa - Takano made Yoshizawa tap, 9:21, 70
(First Match)The Ring Generals vs Next Level - Marv pins Kazuhisa after a Wheelbarrow DDT, 7:49, 70

Night Three:
(Main Event) Taku & Yanagimoto vs Kwakami & Sanda - Kwakami makes Tsuneyo tap with a Kwakami Painlock, 19:04, 70
Kobayashi & Kamachi vs Miura & Yoshizawa - Kobayashi pins Miura after a Focus Shift, 16:24, 71
Black Magic vs KazuSATO - Yasunobu makes Kazushige tap with Day of Rackening, 17:59, 69
The Keith Brothers vs Taylor & Slater - Greg makes Taylor with a Proton Lock, 15:25, 76
Team Destiny 2022 vs Strength Rush Reborn - Watoga makes Logan tap with a Watoga Lock, 9:53, 70
Decimation vs The Golden Kings - Beskov pins Pharaoh with a Decimation Bomb, 11:30, 80
Furuta & Nakahata vs Next Level - Furuta pins Keisuke after a Death Valley Driver, 7:14, 70
(First Match) The Ring Generals vs Yasuda & Takimoto - Hirobumi pins Marv after a Backdrop Driver, 7:32, 67



Taku & Yanagimoto - 1/0/2, 2 Points
The Keith Brothers - 3/0/0, 6 Points
Furuta & Nakahata - 3/0/0, 6 Points
Yasuda & Takimoto - 1/0/2, 2 Points
Kwakami & Sanda - 1/0/2, 2 Points
The Ring Generals - 1/0/2, 2 Points
Next Level (From WLW) - 0/0/3, 0 Points
Taylor & Slater (From TCW) - 1/0/2, 2 Points


Kobayashi & Kamachi - 3/0/0, 6 Points
Decimation - 2/0/1, 4 Points
KazuSATO - 1/0/2, 2 Points
Strength Rush Reborn - 0/0/3, 0 Points
Team Destiny 2022 - 2/0/1, 4 Points
Black Magic - 3/0/0, 6 Points
The Golden Kings (From EILL) - 1/0/2, 2 Points
Miura & Yoshizawa (From BCG) - 0/0/3, 0 Points

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So I’ve been invited to go to some concert for an indie-country artist I’ve never heard of in another state so I definitely won’t get through the rest of the Elite Tag Series tonight.

If I have time I’ll post the results for night 4 and maybe night 5.

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The influx of BHOTWG talent is going to be very interesting! Especially to see how quick/far you push some of them!

This diary is progressing at a nice pace and is giving me plenty to dig into. I think you're great at finding touring talent, and giving a bit of info about them too.

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On 8/24/2024 at 4:36 AM, CobheadJake said:

The influx of BHOTWG talent is going to be very interesting! Especially to see how quick/far you push some of them!

This diary is progressing at a nice pace and is giving me plenty to dig into. I think you're great at finding touring talent, and giving a bit of info about them too.

Thank you. The original plan was just to bring in Sakai, Matthew, and KC Glenn since they all had contracts expiring in October and a small UWF-I style invasion faction could've been interesting and I had enough of an in-universe explanation for why they'd jump ship with Burning Hammer going into debt and them changing products. Then I noticed Greg Gauge also had his contract expiring around the same time and decided to finally put the Keith Brothers together, which expanded it a bit.

Then the releases happened and I had to scramble a little. I felt that Black Magic and Nakasawa were probably too big/costly to be picked up by anyone so I grabbed them immediately. Tatsuya had the history with Matthew Keith so felt like he'd fit in well with that group, and with Masaya Hara, taking someone who, in-universe, was hyped up as a potential figurehead for Burning Hammer seemed like a solid move with the rivalry between the two companies.

I've had to re-write plans a bit which has moved the timeline back for some people and moved it forward for some others. Let's just say that, barring some major injuries, the Elite Series in 2023 should be very interesting. 

Anyway, sorry for not getting anything out yesterday. I got back from the concert at noon and had to work for the rest of the day. Was gonna rest for a bit and then post but then some friends asked me to hang out which took up the rest of the night. Nights 4 & 5 should be up in the next 10 to 20 minutes, then I'll finish up 6 and 7, post it, and hopefully have Night of Courage out in the next six or so hours. Uni starts back up tomorrow so posts are definitely going to slow down a bit more. It's my last semester so I'm not sure if that means it'll be more or less intensive, but I'm also going to be getting ready for Graduate School applications and I've got other things going on as well. 

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PGHW Courage Tour - Nights 4 and 5


Night Four:
(Main Event) Team Destiny 2022 vs KazuSATO - Takano pins Kazushige after a Destiny Driver, 19:24, 73
Taku & Yanagimoto vs Yasuda & Takimoto - Hirobumi pins Tsuneyo after a Lariat Clothesline, 11:33, 71
Kobayashi & Kamachi vs The Golden Kings - Haranobu pins Pharaoh with a Focus Shift, 13:43, 76
Decimation vs Miura & Yoshizawa - Viktor pins Yoshizawa with a Decimation Bomb, 10:38, 77
The Ring Generals vs Kwakami & Sanda - Kwakami makes Dean tap with a Kwakami Painlock, 12:50, 68
Furuta & Nakahata vs Taylor & Slater - Minoru pins Flint with a Death Valley Driver, 11:03, 77
Black Magic vs Strength Rush Reborn - Yasuhiko pins Logan after The Flattener, 7:47, 67
(First Match) The Keith Brothers vs Next Level - Matt makes Keisuke tap with a Proton Lock, 10:27, 74

Night Five:
(Main Event) The Keith Brothers vs Furuta & Nakahata - Greg makes Nakahata tap with a Proton Lock, 18:51, 79
Kobayashi & Kamachi vs Decimation - Kobayashi submits Findlay, 16:13, 80
Yasuda & Takimoto vs Kwakami & Sanda - Kwakami makes Yasuda tap with a Kwakami Painlock, 13:22, 74
Team Destiny 2022 vs Black Magic - Yasunobu makes Shogun tap with the Masuno Deep Sleep, 13:33, 68 
KazuSATO vs Strength Rush Reborn - Kazushige pins James after a Fist Of Fury, 7:56, 70
Taku & Yanagimoto vs The Ring Generals - Yoshinaka pins Marv with a Full Nelson Bomb, 10:34, 68
The Golden Kings vs Miura & Yoshizawa - Multimillonario makes Miura tap out, 8:40, 65
(First Match) Next Level vs Taylor & Slater - Joshua submits Kazuhisa with a Butterfly Lock, 6:48, 62


Taku & Yanagimoto - 2/0/3, 4 Points
The Keith Brothers - 5/0/0, 10 Points
Furuta & Nakahata - 4/0/1, 8 Points
Yasuda & Takimoto - 2/0/3, 4 Points
Kwakami & Sanda - 3/0/2, 6 Points
The Ring Generals - 1/0/4, 2 Points
Next Level (From WLW) - 0/0/5, 0 Points
Taylor & Slater (From TCW) - 2/0/3, 4 Points


Kobayashi & Kamachi - 5/0/0, 10 Points
Decimation - 3/0/2, 6 Points
KazuSATO - 2/0/3, 4 Points
Strength Rush Reborn - 0/0/5, 0 Points
Team Destiny 2022 - 3/0/2, 6 Points
Black Magic - 5/0/0, 10 Points
The Golden Kings (From EILL) - 2/0/3, 4 Points
Miura & Yoshizawa (From BCG) - 0/0/5, 0 Points

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COURAGE TOUR - Night 6 of the Elite Tag Series

Match 1 - A Block - Next Level vs Kwakami & Sanda

Kwakami makes Keisuke tap with a Kwakami Painlock after 6:40, 66 Rating

Match 2 - B Block - Miura & Yoshizawa vs KazuSATO

SATO pins Yoshizawa after a Wind Sprint Elbow at 9:35, 66 Rating

Match 3 - A Block - Yasuda & Takimoto vs Taylor & Slater

Yasuda pins Flint after a Minilla Plunge at the 11:29 mark, 64 Rating

Match 4 - B Block - The Golden Kings vs Strength Rush Reborn

Multimillonario pins James Diaz in a solid match between the two teams after 8:32, 70 Rating

Match 5 - A Block - Taku & Yanagimoto vs Furuta & Nakahata

Nakahata pins Yanagimoto after a Death Valley Driver at 16:05, 75 Rating

Match 6 - B Block - Decimation vs Team Destiny 2022

Beskov makes Watoga tap with the Red Devil Lock after 14:08, 79 Rating

Match 7 - A Block - The Keith Brothers vs The Ring Generals

Greg makes Marv tap with the Proton Lock at the 12:46 mark, 78 Rating

Match 8 - B Block - Kobayashi & Kamachi vs Black Magic

20 Minute Time Limit Draw, 76 Rating




Taku & Yanagimoto - 2/0/4, 4 Points
The Keith Brothers - 6/0/0, 12 Points
Furuta & Nakahata - 5/0/1, 10 Points
Yasuda & Takimoto - 3/0/3, 6 Points
Kwakami & Sanda - 4/0/2, 8 Points
The Ring Generals - 1/0/4, 2 Points
Next Level (From WLW) - 0/0/6, 0 Points
Taylor & Slater (From TCW) - 2/0/4, 4 Points


Kobayashi & Kamachi - 5/1/0, 11 Points
Decimation - 4/0/2, 8 Points
KazuSATO - 3/0/3, 6 Points
Strength Rush Reborn - 0/0/6, 0 Points
Team Destiny 2022 - 3/0/3, 6 Points
Black Magic - 5/1/0, 11 Points
The Golden Kings (From EILL) - 3/0/3, 6 Points
Miura & Yoshizawa (From BCG) - 0/0/6, 0 Points

Edited by SomeDude03
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COURAGE TOUR - Night 7 of the Elite Tag Series

Match 1 - B Block - Strength Rush Reborn (James Diaz & Logan Diaz) vs Noritoshi Miura & Inejiro Yoshizawa

In a solid match between the two of the three least successful teams in the tournament, Yoshizawa pins James Diaz after 12:09. 65 Rating

Match 2 - A Block - Next Level (Kazuhisa Hosotani & Keisuke Koroki) vs Tetsunori Yasuda & Hirobumi Takimoto

Tetsunori pins Kazuhisa after a solid match with a Minilla Plunge at the 13:20 mark. 67 Rating

Match 3 - A Block - Shozo Furuta & Minoru Nakahata vs The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler)

In a solid match, Minoru was able to hit Dean Waldorf with a Death Valley Driver at 9:01 to get the win. 70 Rating

Match 4 - B Block - The Golden Kings (Multimillonario & Pharaoh King) vs KazuSATO (Kazushige Matsuki & SATO)

In a match that helped cap the disappointing run from the Golden Kings, Kazushige was able to hit Pharaoh King with a Fist Of Fury at 16:22 to pick up the win. 69 Rating

Match 5 - A Block - Akinori Kwakami & Noriyori Sanda vs Joshua Taylor & Flint Slater

Kwakami makes Slater tap out with the Kwakami Painlock at 13:06 in a decent match. 64 Rating

Match 6 - B Block - Haranobu Kobayashi & Tsurayuki Kamachi vs Team Destiny 2022 (Avalanche Takano & Shogun Watoga)

In a great match between the two, Haranobu Kobayashi continues his hot streak throughout the entire tournament, hitting Shogun Watoga with a Focus Shift at 14:17 to pick up the win and complete the group stage of the Elite Tag Series with 6 wins, 1 draw, and 0 losses. 76 Rating

Match 7 - A Block - The Keith Brothers (Matt Keith & Greg Keith) vs Yoshinaka Taku & Tsuneyo Yanagimoto

In another great match, The Keith Brothers continue their reign of terror throughout A Block in the group stage, with Greg Keith locking in a Proton Lock on Yoshinaka Taku, making him tap at 17:15. With this, the first time tag team between the two brothers close the group stage as the strongest team in the tournament, with an unblemished 7 win record. 77 Rating

Match 8 - B Block - Decimation (Viktor Beskov & Findlay O'Farraday) vs Black Magic (Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno)

Entering the match as the potential favorites to finish on top of B Block, Decimation were able to defy the odds and hand the team their first loss in PGHW after Findlay and Beskov were able to hit the Decimation Bomb on Yasunobu Masuno to get the win after 19:07. Since Black Magic has only had one loss and one tie, they still managed to sneak into the semifinals with one point more than Decimation. 74 Rating

Show Rating: 




Taku & Yanagimoto - 2/0/5, 4 Points
The Keith Brothers - 7/0/0, 14 Points
Furuta & Nakahata - 6/0/1, 12 Points
Yasuda & Takimoto - 4/0/3, 8 Points
Kwakami & Sanda - 5/0/2, 10 Points
The Ring Generals - 1/0/6, 2 Points
Next Level (From WLW) - 0/0/7, 0 Points
Taylor & Slater (From TCW) - 3/0/4, 6 Points


Kobayashi & Kamachi - 6/1/0, 13 Points
Decimation - 5/0/2, 10 Points
KazuSATO - 4/0/3, 8 Points
Strength Rush Reborn - 0/0/7, 0 Points
Team Destiny 2022 - 3/0/4, 6 Points
Black Magic - 5/1/1, 11 Points
The Golden Kings (From EILL) - 3/0/5, 6 Points
Miura & Yoshizawa (From BCG) - 1/0/6, 2 Points

The Semifinals for the Elite Tag Series are set for the Night Of Courage:

Semifinal 1: The Keith Brothers (A-Block Winner) vs Black Magic (B-Block Runner-Up)

Semifinal 2: Kobayashi & Kamachi (B-Block Winner) vs Furuta & Nakahata (A-Block Runner-Up)


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