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PGHW: Marching Down The Royal Road

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13 hours ago, monrapi3 said:

ayo you gon COOK once againnn

I can see the Cornellverse equivalent of redditors on r/PGHW complaining about Yoshimi booking himself in it cause he wants to break tie between him and Koiso for most Elite Series wins, or that he should go to Brazil and get stem cell treatments. 

On the bright side I think they'd appreciate TCW talent not coming to Japan and being given titles they never defend. 

Anyway because of my Birthday today their won't be a post, if I'm able to get through work and homework quick enough tomorrow I'll get stuff out for the Destiny tour. For some more inside baseball I'm planning on expanding the Elite Series this year so that tour may end up going awhile, but who doesn't enjoy a good over-indulgent round robin tournament?

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Updates before the Destiny Tour, February 2023
"The J Train" Jaylon Martins. Joining PGHW for his second tour (on loan from TCW), Jaylon Martins has continued his development in a Post-Syndicate TCW, slowly climbing up the roster while his skills continue to get better, finally putting him somewhere that isn't just "good brawler". If he can continue to improve from here there's a solid chance that the 23 year old is TCW World Champion by 2025, assuming he isn't poached by USPW or SWF. During this tour he'll be a member of the Syndicate Japan as he's still a heel in his promotion. Works for TCW.
Dead Men Walking, made up of Mobstar and Gravedigga. Also joining PGHW for their second tour, Dead Men Walking aren't GSW Tag Team Champions anymore, but they're still working together in their home promotion and the two of them are some of Brother Grimm's biggest stars. Having played a very important part in PGHW during their last tour, the part-time Syndicate Japan members are hoping to continue their success the second go-around in PGHW. Both work for GSW.
"Lucha Royalty" Luis Montero Jr. Joining PGHW for his first tour, Luis Montero Jr has been one of the North American independent scenes brightest, most underrated stars for nearly 22 years at this point. Enjoying a long stint with OLLIE before they went out of business, and joining CZCW after that, he's been in his little brother, Gino Montero's, shadow for over a decade at this point, and he's hoping that a successful tour with PGHW can start changing that. In his career, he won OLLIE's Tag Team Championship five times, twice with Tricolor Jr and thrice with his brother Gino. He's also a one-time OLLIE Trios & Mexico champion. Lastly, he has held the COTT Tag Team Championship with Gino once. Works for CZCW.
Flynn & Bryn, made up of Darin Flynn and Bryn Archer. Also joining PGHW for the second time, this randomly put together team has actually seen them start teaming together some on the British Independents, which is why they are being brought back together. After leaving 21CW Darin Flynn has hit the ground running on the British independents, becoming one of the biggest stars in both SNP (ew) and CWW. He's also the current King of Scotland champion in SNP. Bryn, meanwhile, is still Bryn. He's not a star in his home promotion, he's never won a title, but he's a young wrestler with great fundamentals who may become a more permanent presence in PGHW if he continues to develop over the next few years. Both work for CWW, Darin also works for SNP.
Other PGHW News: 
Along with confirming the Shinji Mihara vs Masaru Ugaki match for the International Championship at Night of Destiny this month, the gap between the last event to the start of the tour has also seen Nobuyo Hikichi, angered at him and his faction, ADVANCE, being pushed down by the former Burning Hammer'ers, challenge Matt Keith to a match at the event. 
9 year PGHW veteran Mamoru Nagahama will also be leaving the company during the tour.
PGHW has also signed a deal with Pro Wrestling SAISHO for development, sending Daigo Goya, Hiroki Machida, and the team of Strength Rush Reborn (James Diaz & Logan Diaz) to the promotion. With two different sets of rumors, that being big plans for Strength Rush Reborn and the potential of PGHW opening their own overseas developmental promotion, no one is quite sure how long they plan on keeping this deal with SAISHO. 
Random News from Other Companies:
image.jpeg USPW continues to prove why they've earned their reputation as wrestling's evil empire, as they signed Hugh Ancrie away from CWA and Mainstream Hernandez away from SWF. At a certain point one has to question why you would sign so many great wrestlers when you only have so many roster spots.
image.jpeg Reverie has also started their transformation of BHOTWG, signing multiple young Japanese stars from the independents and free agency for Burning Hammer. These include Ryobe Uno, Ritsu Ibata, Masafumi Torii, Wataru Kikumoto, MUSCLE Serizawa, Danjuro Kikuchi, Akira Arato, Suguru Emoto, Kawanari Enomoto, Gidayu Katou, Buffalo Bill Rothschild, Taiji Chajima, Shuga Amano, Goro Hatamoto, Big Boss Emperor, Noritaka Imakura, Prowler Igarashi, and Kyuichi Matsumoto. With various Japanese companies scouting some of the free agents on this list, there's rumored to be a lot of anger directed towards the Packer regime. In other news, Elemental III, who is currently on hiatus, has left Burning Hammer, causing some to wonder if he's potentially going to sign with one of the more junior-focused companies (or start his own) if he returns to wrestling.
image.jpeg With SAISHO losing a total of 6 roster members to Burning Hammer, many feel like they agreed to the developmental deal with PGHW specifically to replenish the lost youngsters. With both Burning Hammer and SAISHO being ran by a Miwa brother, some are worried that this will cause a breakdown in the brother's relationship.
image.jpeg Wrestling wonderkid David Stone has finally won his first title in CWA, beating Jared Johnson for the CWA Television Championship.
image.jpeg CZCW have hit "medium size" causing some to wonder if a proper TV deal is in the works for the promotion who are maybe looking at moving past Wrestleworld.
Edited by SomeDude03
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Tweet Update
Yoshimi Mushashibo has an important business trip this week for negotiations in the United States. This is obviously for some sort of contract, but there's mixed signals coming from inside the promotion on whether this is for an American TV Deal or for a signing. More to come as we get it here at PWTimes.com.
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Alea Iacta Est - The Die Is Cast
image.jpegThe Signing.jpg
In Purple: Yoshimi Mushashibo
In Red: The Signing
So you have the money for this? I don't have to worry about checks bouncing?
Do you think I would've flown all the way over here, while also dealing with Matt Blackburn helping me with English for a month, to offer you a contract we couldn't pay?
Right. No shady stuff yeah? I don't have to worry about you guys ending up like World Level did in 2019?
Not at all. I have a reputation to uphold, not just with PGHW but personally, there's nothing like that going on.
Okay. So, why? I'm not saying no, I'm really considering it honestly, but I want to know why you offered me this and why I should accept it.
Look, you were their crown jewel. You are a God here, and you deserve to be treated like one. They won't. You've seen the signings they've brought in, you know that they're planning on making you less of a focus. You don't have to worry about that with us. You may not win the Glory Crown immediately, but for the three years that you'd be in Japan you will be one of our pillars...
...and even without that, just talking about your legacy. You know [redacted]'s legacy, he trained you after all. He spent a year in Japan and ended up having a career renaissance after that. You'll have three years. You may not immediately fit the style and that's fine, you'll be training with the best, free of charge. You walk in at Night 2 Of Pride and no one will be thinking about the style you wrestle, they'll be thinking that the man who's defined wrestling for the past decade just jumped ship to the biggest promotion in Japan and he's ready to conqueror it.
You make a strong case. I'm all for the training I've been wanting to expand my style for awhile now but was never given enough time off to actually make an effort. You seem to already know when you'd debut me, do you have the rest of the plans set up?
Yes, I've already got the next year written up, we have enough to get you to the Elite Series next year as the most talked about person in wrestling history. We're already setting up a stable for you, I'm not sure if you have OnDem but watch the tour highlights tonight and you'll see what I mean. We've got a chance to make history here, to redefine this sport, to make them sorry for taking away what you deserve, and most importantly, to make some damn good wrestling. All you need to do is sign this contract, one of the largest contracts in wrestling history, by far the largest contract in Japanese wrestling history.
Do I need to sign today? 
Nope, I'm flying back to Japan on the 23rd, I planned to do some more scouting at indie shows here until then. If you'd like you're more than welcome to join me.
Why not? I've heard some great things about this one kid at who wrestles in New York, might as well go check him out.
Edited by SomeDude03
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Empire State of Mind
image.jpegThe Signing.jpgCory Underwood_PGHW.jpg
In Purple: Yoshimi Mushashibo
In Red: The Signing
In Green: Cory Underwood
You want me to what?
Sign this contract and move to Japan for at least the next two years while being a part of what can be the biggest story in wrestling history.
I'm guessing that's why [redacted] is here?
Exactly, look after watching you last night I know what you're made of, there's a reason why I asked Larry if we could talk to you and not anyone else.
High praise coming from such a historic champion such as yourself, but I'm not sure about this, I haven't even been over there on tour.
And yet here I am, offering you a full-time written contract. I know you watch us I've seen your tweets, look at everyone we've had over on tour in the last year and look at who we haven't signed on full time deals, but I'm offering you one, because I know how good you are and how good you can be.
It's a lot less of a commitment than what I had to do, worst comes to worst you get two years of training in one of the best companies on Earth and you'll return to America prepared for the big leagues.
Think of it as an excursion if you have to. You get to work with some of the best of all-time in a spot thats guaranteed to build you up at least some.
How long do I get to agree?
Awhile. I'm flying back tomorrow but the plans we've developed for your debut all start in April.
Great. I'm in, pass that contract here.
Oh? Perfect then, [redacted] I will be seeing you next month, remember, you're flight over is on March 25th, we've had to plan this late to make sure it doesn't leak. And Cory once you're done signing that I'll call our business side of things about setting up your housing and your flights. I'm very excited to get to work with both of you throughout the next few years.
Edited by SomeDude03
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February 2023 - Destiny Tour
The Destiny Tour was a tour of two halves, with the first 3 nights being rather eventual and the last 3 nights mostly just focusing on wrestling. Night 1 would actually open with a surprise title change, with HarKichi (Nobuyo Hikichi & Masaya Hara) losing the belts to the touring team of Dead Men Walking (Mobstar & Gravedigga). While it is basically guaranteed that they won't be keeping the belts because of the nature of their contracts, even a short reign with the belts shows that PGHW's higher ups are really interested in the duo. Team Destiny 2022 (Shogun Watoga & Avalanche Takano) has issued a challenge to the pair for a match at Night of Destiny, setting up the opening match at the show. Night 1 also saw Viktor Beskov defend the Historical Japan Championship for the first time against TCW Wrestler Jaylon Martins, and it saw Matt Blackburn turn on William Hayes after they lost to The Keith Brothers in the main event of the show, setting up a match between Hayes and Blackburn at Night of Destiny.
Night 2 saw a great match (88 rating) between The Syndicate Japan (Magnum Kobe & Shinji Mihara) and Hammerfall (KC Glenn and Tatsuya Toshitara) that was eventually won by Kobe after Glenn fell victim to The Glorious Red. Night 3 saw Matt Blackburn team with Decimation (Findlay O'Farraday & Viktor Beskov) in a six man tag, and while the three haven't officially formed a faction, it looks like they're at least going to be aligned with each other from now on. It also saw Masaya Hara tear his abdominal muscle in an eight man tag, and he'll be out for about two months.
Outside of that, Greg Keith & Tatsuya Toshitara have issued a challenge to KitoGuchi (Chojiro Kitoaji & Bussho Makiguchi), which effectively confirms the Mihara v. Ugaki match as the main event of the show. Speaking of Shinji Mihara, during this tour he officially passed Seiji Jimbo's 301 day reign to have the longest reign in the history of the International Championship. 
Current card for Night Of Destiny:
PGHW International Tag Team Championship: Dead Men Walking vs Team Destiny 2022
Master vs Student: William Hayes vs Matt Blackburn
ADVANCE vs Hammerfall: Nobuyo Hikichi vs Matt Keith
Tag Team Showdown: Greg Keith & Tatsuya Toshitara vs KitoGuchi
International Championship: Shinji Mihara vs Masaru Ugaki
more matches to be confirmed at Night Of Destiny itself...
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February 26th, 2023 - Night Of Destiny

Pre-Show Match - Tag Team Match - ADVANCE (Toshiaka Kotani & Takenori Doi) vs Darin Flynn & Bryn Archer

Toshiaka wins after 7:33 in a decent match. 63 Rating

Pre-Show Match - Singles Match - Luis Montero Jr vs Motoyuki Miyake 

Miyake wins a match where the competitors had no chemistry, sending Montero away from his rather disappointing tour. 55 Rating

Pre-Show Match - Six Man Tag - Mabuchi Furusawa, Tsuneyo Yanagimoto, Yoshinaka Taku vs Mamoru Nagahama, Stone Yoshikawa, Hirokazu Yamanoue

Tsuneyo pins Mamoru to officially send him out of PGHW with a loss. 66 Rating



Match 1 - International Tag Team Championship - Dead Men Walking (Mobstar & Gravedigga) (C) vs Team Destiny 2022 (Avalanche Takano & Shogun Watoga)

Watoga pins Gravedigga after hitting the Destiny Driver at 11:43, ending the GSW team's short but sweet reign with the International Tag Team Championship. 76 Rating [Title Change]


Match 2 - Singles Match - William Hayes vs Matt Blackburn

Blackburn wins after 11:47, hitting his former tag partner and "mentor" with the Springboard Forearm to get the pin. 68 Rating



Match 3 - Historical Japan Championship - Viktor Beskov (C) vs Ryoma Muruyama

Beskov ripped the PGHW veteran to shreds for 13:04, eventually putting Muruyama out of his misery with a Tsar Bomba. 70 Rating [Third Title Defense]


Match 4 - Six Man Mix n' Match - Team GLORY (Kazushige Matsuki & SATO) + Seiji Jimbo vs Four Dudes (Akinori Kwakami & Noriyori Sanda) + Kyosho Muraguchi

In a fun but short match, Jimbo was able to pick up the win for his weirdly-put-together team by locking Sanda in the Ocean Lock at 12:24. 75 Rating


Match 5 - Tag Team Match - Hammerfall (Heihachiro Sakai & KC Glenn) vs Team GLORY (Shozo Furuta & Minoru Nakahata)

In a great match, KC Glenn was eventually able to put the young duo away after Tuning Up The Sunshine Band on Minoru Nakahata at 12:16. 80 Rating


Match 6 - Six Man Tag - The Syndicate Japan (Magnum Kobe, Taheiji Konoe, Hirotsugu Satou) vs Burning Invasion (Hiroaki Nakasawa, Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira)

In an incredibly disappointing match, considering some of the names involved, Satou once against proved to be the weak link for his team, getting pinned by Hiroaki at 14:48 after being folded in half by the H-Bomb. 62 Rating


Match 7 - Singles Match - Matt Keith vs Nobuyo Hikichi

In a shocking upset, ADVANCE was able to get one over on the invaders from Burning Hammer, with Nobuyo forcing Matt to tap out with the Cross Armlock at 19:33. While it wasn't bad by any means, the two did lack chemistry with each other. 70 Rating


Match 8 - Singles Match - Haranobu Kobayashi vs Findlay O'Farraday

Kobayashi wins a fun showdown between two of PGHW's biggest men, eventually out-brawling Findlay enough to have time to hit him lock in a submission hold, making Findlay tap at 14:28. 74 Rating


Match 9 - Singles Match - Kozue Kawashima vs Tsurayuki Kamachi

In yet another fun match, Kawashima was able to unsurprisingly put the resurgent Kamachi down, hitting the Kawashima Driver 2005 at 20:42 to win. 76 Rating


Match 10 - Tag Team Match - Hammerfall (Greg Keith & Tatsuya Toshitara) vs KitoGuchi (Chojiro Kitoaji & Bussho Makiguchi)

KitoGuchi continue to prove why they have an argument for being the best tag team in wrestling history, putting on yet another early contender for MOTY against Hammerfall. In what was considered a very successful creative finish, Chojiro Kitoaji bounced off the ropes and used Bussho Makuguchi as a ramp to hit Tatsuya with a guillotine-in-the-french-revolution-esque Kitoaji Lariat at 25:44 to win. 99 Rating





Shinji Mihara (C) vs Masaru Ugaki

For the entire 31:49 that this match went on for, the International Championship felt like the most important belt in the world. Two world-class competitors did everything they could to put the other man down for this belt. Rather even, the showdown between these two never leaned too far into either direction for who was in control.

The scales really only started to lean after Ugaki missed an Arc Kick, one of the most dangerous moves in PGHW, as it either almost always results in a win if it's hit, or leads to disaster if it's missed. Shinji was able to hit the off-balanced Ugaki with his Spinning Elbow Strike, but knowing that it would probably take more to put down the 2-time Glory Crown Champion, he dragged him into the corner to hit a rare Diamond Dust (Corner Front Flip Face Crusher), a move he's only spoken about, to get the win.

 91 Rating [Tenth Title Defense]

Crowd: 22,744 | Overall Rating: 89


Post-Show Press Conference: Brought to you by PWLive.com's Puro News Department.

Q: You just got back from a trip to New York City, can you give some information on what you did over there?

A: I met with some fans, watched some incredible wrestling at PSW, and saw two new friends of mine.

Q: Care to share who those friends are?

A: Nope.

Q: People are calling Night Of Destiny a success, how are you feeling after the show?

A: Proud of every person involved in the show tonight.

Q: Night Of Pride and the Elite Series are coming up, do you have any big plans for it?

A: Massive plans, stuff that'll shake PGHW to it's core. It's going to be an tournament. We're gonna have details out on the formatting very soon so be prepared.

Q: Hirobumi Takimoto's deal is almost up, do you think you'll be bringing him back.

A: If we can agree on money then yes, absolutely.

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Updates before the Destiny Tour, February 2023
Roster (all will be entrants in the Elite Series):
"Lucha Legend" Gino Montero. Joining PGHW on loan from EILL just a month after his month Louis, there is a reason why Gino works for EILL and Luis works for CZCW, and that's because Gino is one of the best wrestlers alive, even after spending most of 2022 out with a torn achilles. Gino's an incredible technical wrestler who's solid-to-good at everything else and he should be a big player in the Elite Series this year. In his career, he's won the OLLIE Tag Team Championship three times with his brother, the COTT Tag Team Championship once, the OLLIE Trios Championship once, the OLLIE Mexico Championship once, the OLLIE Universal Championship once, and the EILL World Championship once. Works for EILL.
"The God of Storms" Hurakan. Also on loan from EILL, Hurakan is one of the best young wrestlers on earth and has aerial skills that are comparable to some of the best junior heavyweights of all time. At just 24, Hurakan looks like he'll be a massive force in wrestling for a long time. In his career he's won the EILL Tag Team Championship three times, all with Itzamna. Works for EILL.
"Leader Of The Pack" Wolf Hawkins. You know him, you love him, Wolf Hawkins is back for his third tour with PGHW and his second Elite Series. He made the semifinals last year and he's hoping that this year he'll be able to win the whole thing. Works for TCW.
"The Rottweiler" Flint Slater. Also joining PGHW for his third tour while on loan from TCW, Flint Slater has continued to improve and looks like he may be a potential world champion for the American promotion. Outside of that, there's not much else to say about him. Works for TCW.
"Puroresu Incarnate" Funakoshi. Perhaps the most surprising of the outside guests brought in for the Elite Series, Funakoshi has been the ace of BCG for over a decade. Arguably one of the best in-ring performers on the planet, there's a lot of excitement about him finally being given a major spotlight to shine on. He's a three time BCG World Champion and he's won BCG's equivalent to the Elite Series, the Yoshifusa Maeda Grand Prix, four times. Works for BCG.
"LuchaResu's Messiah" Naoji Azumi. Considered one of the best young stars in all of Japan, Naoji Azumi is the total package. He looks like a star, he acts like a star, and now, after a few years of development, he wrestles like a star. If WLW can keep him, and so far it looks like they'll be able to, he should be the foundation that they build the next generation around. In his career he's won the WLW Show Stealer Championship once. Works for WLW and SAISHO.
In other news, Hirokumi Saito has signed a 1-year deal with PGHW after leaving BHOTWG. Most people assume that this is just to replace the outgoing Mamomoru Nagahama with someone much more popular.
Other PGHW News: 
The Elite Series has been expanded. Unlike the previous system, which saw two blocks of 8 leading to a four man semifinal, this new edition, dubbed "The World Series of Wrestling" by some in the industry, will see four separate blocks of eight, which will be broken down into an 8 man quarterfinal. To deal with this expansion, the tour will go on for 14 nights, and Night Of Pride has become a two night event.
Blocks A/B will be wrestling on odd-numbered nights, and Blocks C/D will be wrestling on even-numbered nights. Night 1 of Pride will see the Quarterfinals and Semifinals, and Night 2 will be main evented by the Elite Series final this year.
Quarterfinals - Night 1 Of Pride:
1. A-Block Winner vs B-Block Runner Up
2. C-Block Winner vs D-Block Runner Up
3. B-Block Winner vs A-Block Runner Up
4. D-Block Winner vs C-Block Runner Up
Semifinals - Night 1 Of Pride:
Winner Of Match 1 vs Winner Of Match 2
Winner Of Match 3 vs Winner Of Match 4
Finals - Night 2 Of Pride:
Winner Of Semifinal 1 vs Winner Of Semifinal 2
Random News from Other Companies:
image.jpeg Nicky Champion and Jacob Jett are leaving USPW this month. El Hijo Del Aguila Americana will be leaving EILL to join USPW.
image.jpeg BHOTWG had their first profitable month in over a year, making just over 3,000 dollars. They are also not re-signing Chaos Khan.
image.jpeg Tommy Cornwell is once again 21CW World Champion, beating Bedlam to start his 4th reign with the Title. 21CW is also still losing money and slipping further into debt.
image.jpeg Tadakuni Toshusai won the A-1 Grand Prix in SAISHO, a great accomplishment for the wrestler in his post-BHOTWG career.
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Dynasty_Header.jpg.7336dc781bc0585918a8dElite Series Entrants and Schedules



Yoshimi Mushashibo - 4 Time Glory Crown Champion, 3 Time Elite Series Winner

Magnum Kobe - 1 Time Glory Grown Champion

Bussho Makiguchi - 1 Time Elite Series Winner

Greg Keith - 1 Time TCW King of Kings Winner, Current Glory Tag Crown Champion

Heihachiro Sakai - Former BHOTWG World Champion

Kazushige Matsuki - Multi-time Elite Series Entrant

Flint Slater (Guest from TCW) - The Syndicate Japan Member

Funakoshi (Guest from BCG) - 4 Time Yoshifusa Maeda Grand Prix Winner



Kozue Kawashima - 4 Time Glory Crown Champion, 2 Time Elite Series Winner

Shinji Mihara - Current International Champion

Matt Keith - Current Glory Tag Crown Champion

Tatsuya Toshitara - Member of Hammerfall

Nobuyo Hikichi - Member of ADVANCE

Yoshinaka Taku - 2nd Elite Series Appearance 

Matt Blackburn - 1st Elite Series Appearance 

Wolf Hawkins (Guest from TCW) - 3 Time TCW World Champion, 1 Time TCW King of Kings Winner



Seiji Jimbo - 1 Time Glory Crown Champion, 2 Time Elite Series Winner 

Viktor Beskov - Current Historical Japan Champion

Haranobu Kobayashi - Previous Glory Tag Crown Champion

KC Glenn - Former BHOTWG Best Of The Super Juniors Winner 

Yasunobu Masuno - Member of Burning Invasion

SATO - Member of Team GLORY

Hurakan (Guest from EILL) - First Elite Series Appearance

Naoji Azumi (Guest from WLW) - First Elite Series Appearance



Chojiro Kitoaji - Won the last two Elite Series, current Glory Crown Champion

Masaru Ugaki - 2 Time Glory Crown Champion, 1 Time Elite Series Winner

Shozo Furuta - Previous Historical Japan Champion

Avalanche Takano - Multi-time Elite Series Entrant

Kyoshi Muraguchi - Former BHOTWG Best Of The Super Juniors Winner (as MYSTIC Dragon)

Findlay O'Farraday - First Elite Series Appearance 

Akinori Kwakami - 1 Time Elite Series Winner 

Gino Montero (Guest from EILL) - 1 Time EILL World Champion

A/B Block Nights: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13

C/D Block Nights: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14


2 Points For A Win, 1 Point For A Draw, 0 Points For A Loss

If the winner of the Elite Series is not the current Glory Crown Champion, they get a title shot at any of the other "Big 4" (Nights of Glory, Honour, or Wrestling).

I will not be putting up a match list for this just because that seems to be a bit of an extreme undertaking. I'll keep you updated with match cards and results as they happen like I do for round robin tournaments, I just don't feel like writing out 112 different matches right now. I hope that's okay.

Edited by SomeDude03
Updating Renders
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Dynasty_Header.jpg.7336dc781bc0585918a8dNights 1, 2, 3, 4

First Listed Match = Main Event

Last Listed Match = Opener

Night 1 (A/B)

(B) Kozue Kawashima vs Tatsuya Toshitara

Kozue Kawashima wins in 19:44 with a Kawashima Driver 2005. 83 Rating

(A) Yoshimi Mushashibo vs Funakoshi

Yoshimi wins in 14:39 after hitting a Mushashibo-Plex II. 62 Rating

(B) Shinji Mihara vs Nobuyo Hikichi

Shinji gets the win after 12:49 after hitting the Spinning Elbow Strike. 80 Rating

(A) Magnum Kobe vs Kazushige Matsuki

Kobe picks up the victory after hitting The Glorious Red at 12:27. 77 Rating

(B) Matt Keith vs Yoshinaka Taku

Matt wins in 11:24 with a Proton Lock. 80 Rating

(A) Bussho Makiguchi vs Heihachiro Sakai

Time Limit Draw. 84 Rating

(B) Wolf Hawkins vs Matt Blackburn

Wolf wins in 10:24 with a Full Moon Rising. 80 Rating

(A) Greg Keith vs Flint Slater

Greg wins in 10:56 with a Proton Lock. 75 Rating

Night 2 (C/D)

(C) Viktor Beskov vs SATO

Beskov wins in 19:54 with the Tsar Bomba. 86 Rating

(D) Chojiro Kitoaji vs Kyoshi Muraguchi

Chojiro wins in 15:27 with the Kitoaji Lariat. 84 Rating

(C) KC Glenn vs Hurakan

KC Glenn vs Hurakan, Glenn wins in 11:44 by Tuning Up The Sunshine Band. 80 Rating

(D) Masaru Ugaki vs Avalanche Takano

Ugaki wins in 15:32 with the Ugaki Clitch. 84 Rating

(C) Seiji Jimbo vs Naoji Azumi

Seiji wins in 14:30 with a Jimbo Driver. 80 Rating

(D) Shozo Furuta vs Akinori Kwakami

Shozo wins in 12:55 with a Lariat Clothesline. 79 Rating

(C) Haranobu Kobayashi vs Yasunobu Masuno

Time Limit Draw. 78 Rating

(D) Findlay O'Farraday vs Gino Montero

Gino wins in 13:45 with a Montero Press. 76 Rating

Night 3 (A/B)

(A) Magnum Kobe vs Greg Keith

In a solid match, Kobe eventually won after hitting Greg with The Glorious Red at 18:37. 80 Rating

(B) Kozue Kawashima vs Wolf Hawkins

In a great match that went down to the final seconds, Kozue Kawashima was able to hit Wolf with the Kawashima Driver 2005 at 19:52 to win. 83 Rating

(A) Yoshimi Mushashibo vs Kazushige Matsuki

In a match well below the standards of what's expected from PGHW, Yoshimi was eventually able to win after making Kazushige tap to the Yoshimi Lock at 11:27. 59 Rating

(B) Shinji Mihara vs Matt Keith

In a fast-paced, even match, Shinji was surprisingly able to get the win at 17:06, hitting Matt with a Spinning Elbow Strike out of nowhere. 80 Rating

(A) Heihachiro Sakai vs Funakoshi

Sakai was able to pull out the win after hitting Funakoshi with the Sakai Suplex at 12:28. 79 Rating

(B) Tatsuya Toshitara vs Nobuyo Hikichi

Tatsuya was able to out-technical wrestle Nobuyo, making him tap to the Arm Triangle at 16:07. 80 Rating

(A) Flint Slater vs Bussho Makiguchi

Bussho puts on a show, beating Slater in 10:49 after hitting the Blazing Elbow. 74 Rating

(B) Matt Blackburn vs Yoshinaka Taku

Matt Blackburn wins after nailing Taku with the Springboard Forearm at 7:39. 70 Rating

Night 4 (C/D)

(D) Chojiro Kitoaji vs Shozo Furuta

Tying Kobayashi v. SATO for match of the tournament so far, Shozo Furuta continues to show his growth, but he just couldn't beat the Glory Crown Champion, losing after Chojiro was able to hit the Kitoaji Lariat at 19:41. 89 Rating

(C) Viktor Beskov vs Hurakan

In an interesting clash of styles, Beskov was able to eventually beat lucha libre's rising star with the Tsar Bomba at 13:23. 74 Rating

(D) Gino Montero vs Akinori Kwakami

In an okay match, Gino was able to beat the former Elite Series winner in 19:20 with a Montero Press. 67 Rating

(C) Haranobu Kobayashi vs SATO

In an incredible match, Kobayashi and SATO through everything they had at each other, but SATO fell victim to the Kobayashi Plunge at 15:13. 89 Rating 

(D) Kyoshi Muraguchi vs Avalanche Takano

Takano dominated the smaller Kyoshi, winning at 11:09 after hitting a Mountain Takano. 77 Rating

(C) KC Glenn vs Naoji Azumi

In a great, short match, KC Glenn was able to win after Tuning Up The Sunshine Band at 12:18. 78 Rating

(D) Masaru Ugaki vs Findlay O'Farraday

In maybe the most surprising result of the tournament so far, Ugaki looked very strong against the American, but couldn't win within the time limit, leading to a draw. 75 Rating

(C) Seiji Jimbo vs Yasunobu Masuno

In a great match carried by Seiji Jimbo, he was able to out-brawl Yasunobu, eventually locking in his Ocean Lock at 10:12 to win. 80 Rating



Yoshimi Mushashibo - 2/0/0 (4 Points)

Magnum Kobe - 2/0/0 (4 Points)

Bussho Makiguchi - 1/1/0 (3 Point)

Greg Keith - 1/0/1 (2 Points)

Heihachiro Sakai - 1/1/0 (3 Point)

Kazushige Matsuki - 0/0/2 (0 Points)

Flint Slater - 0/0/2 (0 Points)

Funakoshi - 0/0/2 (0 Points)


2/0/0 (4 Points) - Kozue Kawashima

2/0/0 (4 Points) - Shinji Mihara

1/0/1 (2 Points) - Matt Keith

1/0/1 (2 Points) - Tatsuya Toshitara

0/0/2 (0 Points) - Nobuyo Hikichi

0/0/2 (0 Points) - Yoshinaka Taku

1/0/1 (2 Points) - Matt Blackburn

1/0/1 (2 Points) - Wolf Hawkins


Seiji Jimbo - 2/0/0 (4 Points)

Viktor Beskov - 2/0/0 (4 Points)

Haranobu Kobayashi - 1/1/0 (3 Points)

KC Glenn - 2/0/0 (4 Points)

Yasunobu Masuno - 0/1/1 (1 Point)

SATO - 0/0/2 (0 Points)

Hurakan - 0/0/2 (0 Points)

Naoji Azumi - 0/0/2 (0 Points)


2/0/0 (4 Points) - Chojiro Kitoaji

1/1/0 (3 Points) - Masaru Ugaki

1/0/1 (2 Points) - Shozo Furuta

1/0/1 (2 Points) - Avalanche Takano

0/0/2 (0 Points) - Kyoshi Muraguchi

0/1/1 (1 Point) - Findlay O'Farraday

0/0/2 (0 Points) - Akinori Kwakami

2/0/0 (4 Points) - Gino Montero

Edited by SomeDude03
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Dynasty_Header.jpg.7336dc781bc0585918a8dNights 5 & 6

First Listed Match = Main Event

Last Listed Match = Opener

Night 5 (A/B)

(B) Kozue Kawashima vs Matt Keith

In the match of the tournament (so far), Kawashima & Keith were able to fit 45 minutes of wrestling in just 19:52, with Kawashima hitting a nail-biting Kawashima Driver 2005 to put away one half of the Glory Tag Crown Champions. 95 Rating

(A) Magnum Kobe vs Bussho Makiguchi

In an incredible match that went down to the wire, Kobe was just barely able to beat Makiguchi at 19:33 after hitting him with The Glorious Red. 89 Rating

(B) Wolf Hawkins vs Tatsuya Toshitara

In another massive surprise, Toshitara was able to upset Wolf Hawkins with a roll-up, getting the win at 19:49. 78 Rating

(A) Yoshimi Mushashibo vs Greg Keith

After Mushashibo's very slow start to the tournament, Greg Keith was able to coax a great match out of him, eventually falling victim to the Yoshimi Lock at 16:41. 80 Rating

(B) Shinji Mihara vs Yoshinaka Taku

Shinji wins in 14:24, defeating Taku with the devastating Spinning Elbow Strike. 78 Rating

(A) Heihachiro Sakai vs Kazushige Matsuki

Sakai wins a solid match, putting Kazushige down with the Sakai Suplex at 11:55. 73 Rating

(B) Matt Blackburn vs Nobuyo Hikichi

Blackburn wins in 10:24 after almost taking Hikichi's head off with the Springboard Forearm. 71 Rating

(A) Funakoshi vs Flint Slater

Funakoshi wins a surprisingly good match in 7:31, picking up the pin after hitting Flint with the Butterfly Backbreaker. 70 Rating

Night 6 (C/D)

(C) KC Glenn vs Viktor Beskov

In yet another clash of styles for The Last Tsar, Beskov was able to continue his run of dominance in this Elite Series, eventually making Glenn pass out in the Red Devil Lock at 18:35. 86 Rating

(D) Chojiro Kitoaji vs Gino Montero

In a match between two of the biggest non-American wrestling stars on the planet, they managed to live up to expectations, with Chojiro putting down his Lucha Libre counterpart in 19:02 with the Kitoaji Lariat. 86 Rating

(C) Seiji Jimbo vs Haranobu Kobayashi

Seiji wins a solid match in 15:25, eventually making Kobayashi submit to the Ocean Lock. 78 Rating

(D) Kyoshi Muraguchi vs Findlay O'Farraday

Findlay wins a mediocre match, hitting Kyoshi with an Atomic Spinebuster at 10:53 to win. 67 Rating

(C) Yasunobu Masuno vs SATO

SATO puts some points on the board, beating Masuno in 12:50 with a Wind Sprint Elbow. 74 Rating

(D) Avalanche Takano vs Akinori Kwakami

Kwakami wins a solid match in 9:23, making Avalanche tap to the Kwakami Painlock. 70 Rating

(C) Naoji Azumi vs Hurakan

Hurakan wins a fun match at 13:19 after hitting Azumi with the Hurakan Roll. 73 Rating

(D) Masaru Ugaki vs Shozo Furuta

Shozo manages to pull out the win against the former Elite Series winner, putting Ugaki down with the Lariat Clothesline at 17:35. 89 Rating



Yoshimi Mushashibo - 3/0/0 (6 Points)

Magnum Kobe - 3/0/0 (6 Points)

Bussho Makiguchi - 1/1/1 (3 Points)

Greg Keith - 1/0/2 (2 Points)

Heihachiro Sakai - 2/1/0 (5 Points)

Kazushige Matsuki - 0/0/3 (0 Points)

Flint Slater - 0/0/3 (0 Points)

Funakoshi - 1/0/2 (2 Points)


3/0/0 (6 Points) - Kozue Kawashima

3/0/0 (6 Points) - Shinji Mihara

1/0/2 (2 Points) - Matt Keith

2/0/1 (4 Points) - Tatsuya Toshitara

0/0/3 (0 Points) - Nobuyo Hikichi

0/0/3 (0 Points) - Yoshinaka Taku

2/0/1 (4 Points) - Matt Blackburn

1/0/2 (2 Points) - Wolf Hawkins


Seiji Jimbo - 3/0/0 (6 Points)

Viktor Beskov - 3/0/0 (6 Points)

Haranobu Kobayashi - 1/1/1 (3 Points)

KC Glenn - 2/0/1 (4 Points)

Yasunobu Masuno - 0/1/2 (1 Point)

SATO - 1/0/2 (2 Points)

Hurakan - 1/0/2 (2 Points)

Naoji Azumi - 0/0/3 (0 Points)


3/0/0 (6 Points) - Chojiro Kitoaji

1/1/1 (3 Points) - Masaru Ugaki

2/0/1 (4 Points) - Shozo Furuta

1/0/1 (2 Points) - Avalanche Takano

0/0/3 (0 Points) - Kyoshi Muraguchi

1/1/1 (3 Points) - Findlay O'Farraday

0/0/2 (0 Points) - Akinori Kwakami

2/0/1 (4 Points) - Gino Montero

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Dynasty_Header.jpg.7336dc781bc0585918a8dNights 7 & 8

First Listed Match = Main Event

Last Listed Match = Opener

Night 7 (A/B)

(A) Magnum Kobe vs Yoshimi Mushashibo

In the other undefeated vs. undefeated match on Night 7, Kobe was able to do what Shinji couldn't and beat his opponent, forcing arguably one of the greatest submission wrestlers of all time to tap to the Magnum Deathlock in 19:45. 84 Rating

(B) Kozue Kawashima vs Shinji Mihara

In a much-anticipated rematch from their clash in the Elite Series last year, which Kozue Kawashima won, these two did NOT disappoint. Showing just how much he's grown over the course of the year, Shinji was able to take Kawashima to a time limit draw, leaving both men at 7 points, just 1 more than what Blackburn is sitting at. 95 Rating

(A) Bussho Makiguchi vs Greg Keith

In a great showdown further teasing the eventual clash between KitoGuchi and The Keith Brothers, Bussho was able to pick up the win in 15:03 after he hit Greg with the Blazing Elbow. 90 Rating

(B) Matt Keith vs Nobuyo Hikichi

In a rematch from Nobuyo's upset win over the Keith Brother, Matt was able to get his revenge in 16:18 after he made Nobuyo tap to the Proton Lock. (Even with their negative chemistry these two are weirdly really good in the ring together, I don't get it). 78 Rating

(A) Heihachiro Sakai vs Flint Slater

Sakai picks up the win in 14:10 after folding Flint in half with the Sakai Suplex. 74 Rating

(B) Matt Blackburn vs Tatsuya Toshitara

In an interesting showdown, Tatsuya put up a great fight but was caught off guard by Blackburn's Springboard Forearm at 13:30, surprisingly losing the match as a result. 69 Rating

(A) Kazushige Matsuki vs Funakoshi

In a solid match between two of A-Block's least successful entrants, Kazushige was able to get his first win of the tournament after 10:41, pinning Funakoshi after he hit a Fist Of Fury. 74 Rating

(B) Wolf Hawkins vs Yoshinaka Taku

Hawkins wins a good opener, putting Taku down in 11:13 with a Full Moon Rising. 80 Rating

Night 8 (C/D)

(D) Chojiro Kitoaji vs Masaru Ugaki

In what is basically guaranteed to be the match of the group stage, these two do what they always do when they're in the ring together and they stole the show. For 19:50 they went back and forth until Chojiro pulled out yet another creative finish, this time blocking an Arc Kick, grabbing Ugaki's arm, launching him into the ropes, and making him nearly do a 360 rotation with the Kitoaji Lariat. 98 Rating

(C) Yasunobu Masuno vs Viktor Beskov

Two of PGHW's largest wrestlers went back and forth for 12:24, with the match only ending after Beskov stunned Masuno enough to get him into position for the Tsar Bomba, hitting it for the pin. 79 Rating

(D) Shozo Furuta vs Gino Montero

In an okay match, Shozo won after hitting the EILL Star with the Lariat Clothesline at 14:04. 74 Rating

(C) Seiji Jimbo vs Hurakan

In an interesting showdown, Seiji was forced into a game of cat and mouse with Hurakan, taking 15:20 to catch him and put him in the Ocean Lock. 80 Rating

(D) Avalanche Takano vs Findlay O'Farraday

In a fun brawl, Avalanche was eventually able to come out on top after 13:11. 80 Rating

(C) KC Glenn vs Haranobu Kobayashi

In a great match between two people who have a chance to be future Glory Crown Champions, Haranobu was able to get the victory after 15:12, hitting maybe the best Kobayashi Plunge in history with the help of KC. 82 Rating

(D) Akinori Kwakami vs Kyoshi Muraguchi

Kyoshi manages to make the veteran Kwakami tap out in 10:26. 70 Rating

(C) SATO vs Naoji Azumi

SATO wins in 8:59 after hitting Azumi with the Wind Sprint Elbow. 70 Rating



Yoshimi Mushashibo - 3/0/1 (6 Points)

Magnum Kobe - 4/0/0 (8 Points)

Bussho Makiguchi - 2/1/1 (5 Points)

Greg Keith - 1/0/3 (2 Points)

Heihachiro Sakai - 3/1/0 (7 Points)

Kazushige Matsuki - 1/0/3 (2 Points)

Flint Slater - 0/0/4 (0 Points)

Funakoshi - 1/0/3 (2 Points)


3/1/0 (7 Points) - Kozue Kawashima

3/1/0 (7 Points) - Shinji Mihara

2/0/2 (4 Points) - Matt Keith

2/0/2 (4 Points) - Tatsuya Toshitara

0/0/4 (0 Points) - Nobuyo Hikichi

0/0/4 (0 Points) - Yoshinaka Taku

3/0/1 (6 Points) - Matt Blackburn

2/0/2 (4 Points) - Wolf Hawkins


Seiji Jimbo - 4/0/0 (8 Points)

Viktor Beskov - 4/0/0 (8 Points)

Haranobu Kobayashi - 2/1/1 (5 Points)

KC Glenn - 2/0/2 (4 Points)

Yasunobu Masuno - 0/1/3 (1 Point)

SATO - 2/0/2 (4 Points)

Hurakan - 1/0/3 (2 Points)

Naoji Azumi - 0/0/4 (0 Points)


4/0/0 (8 Points) - Chojiro Kitoaji

1/1/2 (3 Points) - Masaru Ugaki

3/0/1 (6 Points) - Shozo Furuta

2/0/2 (4 Points) - Avalanche Takano

1/0/3 (2 Points) - Kyoshi Muraguchi

1/1/2 (3 Points) - Findlay O'Farraday

1/0/3 (2 Points) - Akinori Kwakami

2/0/2 (4 Points) - Gino Montero

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Okay yeah with that I'm done for the day, wish I could do more but college is college'ing right now so I can't

I've got class and some meetings tomorrow so not sure if I'll be able to do any TEW tomorrow beyond some QoL stuff on my end and maybe changing some more renders, but I should be free most of Friday so expect me to get through the end of March by then.

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Dynasty_Header.jpg.7336dc781bc0585918a8dNights 9 & 10

First Listed Match = Main Event

Last Listed Match = Opener

Night 9 (A/B)

(B) Kozue Kawashima vs Nobuyo Hikichi

Kawashina wins an good match that pales in comparison to the last two, putting Hikichi down the Kawashima Driver 2005 after 19:53. 81 Rating

(A) Magnum Kobe vs Heihachiro Sakai

In yet another great match, Night 9 arguably becomes the night of the tournament so far. Kobe was able to win after making Sakai tap to The Glorious Red in 19:11. 89 Rating

(B) Wolf Hawkins vs Matt Keith

In an arguable match of the tournament, Keith and Hawkins proved to be evenly matched opponents, going to a time limit draw. 98 Rating

(A) Bussho Makiguchi vs Kazushige Matsuki

Bussho and Makiguchi have a great showdown which saw Makiguchi pick up the win in 13:44 with a Blazing Elbow. 80 Rating

(B) Shinji Mihara vs Matt Blackburn

Shinji wins a great match in 13:28 after hitting Blackburn with the Spinning Elbow Strike. 80 Rating

(A) Yoshimi Mushashibo vs Flint Slater

In a very mediocre match that Mushashibo surprisingly had to career, Slater tapped in 16:28 with the Yoshimi Lock. 59 Rating

(B) Tatsuya Toshitara vs Yoshinaka Taku

Tatsuya wins a good, short match in 11:22, making Taku tap with the Heel Hook. 79 Rating

(A) Greg Keith vs Funakoshi

Greg opens the show with a victory, making Funakoshi tap out in 9:12 with a Proton Lock. 70 Rating

Night 10 (A/B)



















Yoshimi Mushashibo - 4/0/1 (8 Points)

Magnum Kobe - 5/0/0 (10 Points)

Bussho Makiguchi - 3/1/1 (7 Points)

Greg Keith - 2/0/3 (4 Points)

Heihachiro Sakai - 3/1/1 (7 Points)

Kazushige Matsuki - 1/0/4 (2 Points)

Flint Slater - 0/0/5 (0 Points)

Funakoshi - 1/0/4 (2 Points)


4/1/0 (9 Points) - Kozue Kawashima

4/1/0 (9 Points) - Shinji Mihara

2/1/2 (5 Points) - Matt Keith

3/0/2 (6 Points) - Tatsuya Toshitara

0/0/5 (0 Points) - Nobuyo Hikichi

0/0/5 (0 Points) - Yoshinaka Taku

3/0/2 (6 Points) - Matt Blackburn

2/1/2 (5 Points) - Wolf Hawkins


Seiji Jimbo - 5/0/0 (10 Points)

Viktor Beskov - 4/1/0 (9 Points)

Haranobu Kobayashi - 2/2/1 (6 Points)

KC Glenn - 2/0/3 (4 Points)

Yasunobu Masuno - 0/1/4 (1 Point)

SATO - 3/0/2 (6 Points)

Hurakan - 1/0/4 (2 Points)

Naoji Azumi - 1/0/4 (2 Points)


5/0/0 (10 Points) - Chojiro Kitoaji

2/1/2 (5 Points) - Masaru Ugaki

4/0/1 (8 Points) - Shozo Furuta

2/0/3 (4 Points) - Avalanche Takano

1/0/4 (2 Points) - Kyoshi Muraguchi

2/1/2 (5 Points) - Findlay O'Farraday

1/0/4 (2 Points) - Akinori Kwakami

2/0/3 (4 Points) - Gino Montero

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