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DOA: The Story of Dead End Pro-Wrestling

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Dead End Pro-Wrestling (DEPW or Dead-Pro) was founded in January 2022 by Detroit mechanic Barry Ryan as a venue for his son Brody when no company would hire him for stupid reasons like 'being so frail he might snap in half' or 'never having a day of wrestling training'. These things didn't deter Barry or his son from entering the wrestling business with little to no experience outside of liking to watch it on the TV sometimes...

(OOC: Hello everybody! Welcome to my first shot at a road to glory save in TEW IX. I've had a blast so far and am excited to share this with you all. My plan isn't just to focus solely on my company and wrestler, but also share some of the fun narratives and events that spin up during the game, along with just some fun world building stuff when I feel like it. I hope you enjoy!)

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(Before First Show)


Name: Barry Ryan
- Age: 47 - From: Detroit, MI -


Name: Brody Ryan
- Age: 17 - From: Detroit, MI -


Name: Brody Ryan
- Age: 17 - From: Detroit, MI -

 - TBA -

- TBA -
- TBA -

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Prelude I
- Meet The Family -
August 17, 2021

[Establishing Shot: Exterior shot of a two story house in the suburbs outside Detroit]

???: Look, I understand what you're saying, but can't you just let him do something?

[Scene Transition: Interior of a modest kitchen and a larger man with a goatee washing dishes while talking on a phone]


Man: No, I know... I know... but he's a good kid, he just needs a chance and...

[Unintelligible voice from the other side of the phone call]

Man: No. He doesn't have any training, but-

[Voice on other side of the call gets louder, but is still unintelligible]

Man: Why does any of that crap matter if it's all fake anyway?

[A faint *Click* sound and dial tone]

Man: Hello? Hell-, damnit...

[Camera Cut: Different angle of the kitchen showing emphases on a tired looking women walking through a beat up screen door and into the kitchen holding a cigarette]


Women: Give it up, Barry. You know he's gonna grow out of this wrestling stuff any day now. He did it with baseball, he did with singing, wrestling is next.

[Barry puts down his dish cloth and plugs his phone up to a charger]

Barry: I don't know about that, Syd.

[Barry goes over to a window]

[Camera Cut: POV shot out of the window and reveals a small wrestling ring with loose ropes and two men in the ring]

[Scene Transition: Outside two young men are in a wrestling ring, The older man with short military cut hair has the younger man with long hair in a front chin lock]

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Short Hair: You ready to give up yet, little bro?

[The older brother gives a playful noogie to his little brother]

Younger Bro: AH! NO! Quit it, a**hole.

[The older brother laughs]

Older Bro: Sorry, Bro. What did you want me to do?

Younger Bro: Just... Just run off the ropes, then duck and jump when I tell you to, okay?

Older Bro: Alright, dude.

[The pair make their way to the ropes of the far side of the ring where the younger man pushes of his older brother off and out of the headlock, sending his older brother off the ropes]

Younger Bro: Duck!

[The older brother ducks and the younger brother effortlessly leaps over him for a beautiful leapfrog]

 Younger Bro: Duck!

[Another perfect leapfrog]

Younger Bro: Jump!

[The older brother jumps as the younger brother hits the deck and perform a solid drop down]

Younger Bro: Jump!

[Another great drop down]

Younger Bro: Duck!

[Another leapfrog, this one a bit sloppy as you can tell they are getting a little tired]

Younger Bro: Line!

[Without thinking the older brother threw his arm back and brought it crashing against the chest of his younger sibling, who on contact turns inside out, flipping in the air before crashing on his face.]


[The older brothers face went white as his head shot up to his mother standing the balcony glaring at him]

Syd: You get your butt inside this instant!

Alex: But, Ma! We- We were just playin'!

Syd: I don't give a damn what you were doing! This wrestling stuff is going to get Brody killed!

[The younger brother hearing this quickly pops up to his feet]

Brody: But, Mom! He was only doing what I told him to do!

Syd: I don't care! Get out of there right now or both of you are grounded!

[Both brothers look dejected at each other before both climbing out of the ring a walking into the house]

[Barry sheepishly walks out onto the balcony. Syd turns and notices him with a tired expression on her face]

Syd: I'm getting real sick of this sh*t, Barry.

Barry: I know, I know.

[Barry makes his way to his wife and gives here a hug from behind while she takes a drag off her cigarette]

Barry: You were always a good little enforcer.

[Syd chuckles while she lays her head on Barry's shoulder]

Syd: Shut the f*ck up.

[Closing Shot: The couple crack a pair of smiles before making their inside to do the thankless task of parenting as the camera pulls back and the scene fades to black.]


OOC: A heads up, the next couple of posts are going to be worldbuilding. If you just want to skip the predictions/first show, it will be updated in the tags when it happens.

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