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The Price of Glory [RTG]

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Director Duckworth Three Lions Tournament Announcement

Rating: 40


At the start of the show we were graced by the presence of the 6’6” 299lbs man mountain that is Lewis Duckworth. Duckworth was now Tournament Director Duckworth and he was dressed in a very expensive looking suit. Duckworth had an announcement about the Three Lions Tournament. Duckworth announced that all TLT matches will take place in one show on 30th November 2024 and the deadline for team entries is 28th November. 


Konrad Makinen defeated Rhys Vali

Rating: 36


The New Assassins were expected to have a strong showing in the Three Lions Tournament and Makinen looked in fine fettle here. The Swede dominated Vali and defeated him by submission with the Swedish Grapevine after 10 minutes.


Squires refuses to rejoin The Pride!

Rating: 50


Leo Price came to the ring with a big grin on his face. Price said that he was delighted to announce that Jasper Squires had behaved exceptionally during his suspension from the Pride and he was here to offer Squires his place in the team back! Jasper came to the ring proudly clutching the King of the Jungle Trophy. Price congratulated Squires on his Grand Slam win and told him that he could have his place in The Pride back, subject to signing a damages waiver and agreeing to attend a violence awareness workshop. Price put out his hand but Squires refused to shake it. Squires got angry and told Price that he wasn’t going to agree to those conditions or any other conditions. Squires pointed at the King of the Jungle trophy and told Price that this success, achieved on his own, means that he will play by his own rules now. Squires walked off leaving Leo Price quietly fuming in the ring.


Thea Davis defeated Strife

Rating: 30


We hadn't seen much of Thea since her expulsion from The Darkhearts last year but she was back in full effect now. Her great all round wrestling style was too much for Strife and she finished him with her stunning Flying Elbow Drop.


Jasper Squires defeated Martin Heath

Rating: 52


No one is quite sure why Heath made this challenge but it was clear early on that it was a mistake. Squires towered over his former teammate and outweighed him by about 100 lbs. Heath was brutalised for 20 minutes by Squires as Price watched anxiously at ringside. Heath kicked out of a few pinfall attempts after huge slams and wriggled out of the Price Drop several times as he mounted a comeback. Squires looked briefly shaken but then it was business as usual as he turned Heath inside out with a huge lariat and took back control of the match. Now Heath looked like a broken man and following three huge powerslams in a row Leo Price threw in the towel! Heath protested at first but Price led him away, presumably trying to protect him ahead of the Three Lions Tournament.

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Dearheart promo; Darkhearts will return next month!

Rating: 27


Rachel Dearheart came to the ring to cut a promo, she announced that Dwayne Dark and The Darkhearts are returning next month! Rachel said that she has been tasked with creating a fearless, fearsome Darkhearts team for the Three Lions Tournament. From her mannerisms it doesn’t seem like it is going very well. 


Konrad Makinen defeated Red Dragon

Rating: 31


After dispatching Rhys Vali last month, The Swedish Showstealer moved onto the second half of the Vali Dragons. Red Dragon has really slowed down now and it was sad to see him perform his formerly crisp move set so gingerly. Makinen didn’t mind though, he was always one step ahead and worked away at Dragon’s worn down knees until he slapped on the Swedish Grapevine for another win.


Jasper Squires and Thea Davis defeated Glen Ward and Grant Taypen

Rating: 46


There was a murmur of surprise around the audience when Squires and Davis came out together, this is not a tag team we had really seen before. They worked well together and seem to have a few spots worked out in training. Ward and Taypen are good grapplers and experienced hands and they held their own against Thea but neither had an answer for the size and power of Squires. The finish was beautiful; Davis hit her Flying Elbow Drop to Taypen on the outside of the ring and Squires nailed Ward with the Price Drop before pinning him. A very impressive win for this new team! Squires and Davis stayed in the ring, they obviously had something to say....


The World Wrestling Forum is born!

Rating: 38


Things went from bad to worse for Ward and Taypen as the 6’10” 340lbs monster that is Travis Donovan ran down to the ring and started beating them up. Ward and Taypen managed to flee and Donovan stood in the ring with Squires and Davis. Squires said that he told his former mentor Leo Price last month that he was going to do things his way from now on. Squires is a man of the world and he doesn’t think that 3LW is seeing the big picture. Leo Price refuses to reach out and embrace the opportunities that the globalised world provides. That’s ok, said Squires, because we are going to do it for him. We are The World Wrestling Forum and we will bring the best of world wrestling here to 3LW!



Jon Michael Sharp defeated Stefan Raynor

Rating: 53


As the buzz around Squire’s announcement died down, Sharp and Raynor made their entrances for the main event. Between them, these two 3LW greats had six Grand Slam titles and both were confident of adding to that next month at the Three Lions Tournament. They had an excellent, close match with Raynor trying to hurt Sharp on the inside with big punching combinations and Sharp being elusive and abusive; using his superior speed to hurt Raynor with hit and run attacks. Eventually this was too much for Raynor and Sharp landed a picture perfect Flying Cross Body to pick up the three count. Price and Sharp posed to end the show, The Pride were big favourites to retain their Three Lions Tournament crown.

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Dwayne Dark returns! 

Rating: 34


Six months on from Squires’ brutal attack Dwayne Dark returns to a 3LW ring! He got a big reaction from the packed crowd and looked over at Rachel Dearheart expectantly as he awaited his partners


Dark looked on in disgust as Finn and Flash danced their way to the ring but there was nothing he can do because here came the New Assassins!


Three Lions Tournament - Semi Final

The New Assassins (Stefan Raynor, Zofia Jankovic and Konrad Makinen) defeated Dwayne Dark and The Funke Bunch (Finn and Flash Funke)

Rating: 53





Dwayne Dark spent most of the match with his head in his hands as the Funke Bunch spent their time dancing like idiots and getting beaten up by the Assassins. Konrad Makinen in particular was in great form and Dark had to stop many pinfall attempts to save his team. Dark got a hot tag and went on a rampage but he was a bit rusty and couldn’t land the Darkness Falls KO Punch on any of his opponents. After 12 minutes Finn had tagged in and Stefan Raynor started brawling with Dark around ringside. Zofia took Flash out with a kick to the head and Makinen took his opportunity to put Finn in the Swedish Grapevine. Dark tried to get back to the ring but with Stefan and Zofia holding him back he couldn’t and Finn Funke tapped out! The Darkhearts were out and The New Assassins advanced to the final!


Three Lions Tournament - Semi Final

The Pride (Cannonball Logan, Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath) defeated World Wrestling Forum (Jasper Squires, Thea Davis and Travis Donovan)

Rating: 55




If Jasper Squires expected his new team to sweep aside his old one then he was very quickly disappointed. Squires himself dominated the ring whenever he was tagged in but Thea struggled against the bigger wrestlers and Donovan, although monstrous in size, was too inexperienced to know how to use his power against veterans like Logan, Heath and Sharp. It was a frustrating 14 minutes for the WWF and it ended in elimination when Cannonball Logan hit the Logan’s Run on Thea and pinned her for the three count. The Pride advanced, was this finally Logan’s time to win a title?


Pride promo; Price is disappointed in Squires but they will win tonight and he'll choose a new protegee

Rating: 48


Leo Price came to the ring to speak to the audience. Leo said that he was disappointed in Squires abandoning The Pride but Jasper will come to regret that decision, not The Pride. Leo said that his team just showed their fighting spirit and Leo was convinced that they would go one step further and win the Three Lions Tournament for the second time! Leo finished by saying that now Jasper had ‘flown the nest’ he was looking for a new protegee. 


Three Lions Tournament Final

The New Assassins (Zofia Jankovic, Stefan Raynor and Konrad Makinen) defeated Cannonball Logan and Sharp & Heath to win the 3LW Three Lions Tournament

Rating: 59





The final of the Three Lions Tournament 2024 started with a mass brawl as The New Assassins tried to take advantage of The Pride having just fought. The Assassins took charge at first but Logan, Heath and Sharp settled into the match and it turned into an entertaining, closely fought bout. Each team tried to make regular tags to stay fresh in the second match of the night but as the clock hit 20 minutes everyone was out on their feet. Zofia landed a KO Headkick on Heath to take him out of the action, Sharp took Raynor out with a High Cross Body to the outside, Makinen then Suplexed Sharp into the barriers taking them both out. With chaos now reigning, Cannonball Logan hit Raynor with the Logan’s Run! He covered but Stefan wasn’t legal! Zofia was the legal person in the ring and she decimated Logan with the KO Headkick and got the pinfall victory! The New Assassins had won the Three Lions Tournament for the first time! 

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Loving the stats.

I know Dark & The Pride have both won Lion's Share and the Tag Classic twice, but interesting to see who will be the first to win the same Grand Slam back to back. And who will be the first to win the Grand Slam.


Is the idea to eventually have other Grand Slams too, or will the schedule always stay roughly as it is?

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1 minute ago, CobheadJake said:

Loving the stats.

I know Dark & The Pride have both won Lion's Share and the Tag Classic twice, but interesting to see who will be the first to win the same Grand Slam back to back. And who will be the first to win the Grand Slam.


Is the idea to eventually have other Grand Slams too, or will the schedule always stay roughly as it is?

The plan is to have the same Grand Slam schedule but obviously when we get TV etc they will be more paced out in terms of shows and get bigger (the Godiva Tag Classic should be at least 16 teams eventually and King of the Jungle would be open to all heavyweights).

I do want to add a round robin tournament and some kind of faction v faction tournament but these are always going to be the 'big four'.

I've tried really hard to make sure no one has won the Grand Slam yet, that will hopefully be something special in a few years.

I also wanted to limit how many Grand Slams the original roster chalked up so that new stars can catch up but I also needed to keep wage costs down. Hopefully when 21CW implode we can pick a few stars up.

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Assassins use their perk immediately!

Rating: 31



3LW Tournament Director, Lewis Duckworth, came to the ring for an announcement. He said that Lions Share has become too factional and from now on only one member of each faction will be allowed to enter the tournament. Duckworth was interrupted by The New Assassins. Stefan Raynor was not happy about the announcement and angrily invoked the perk won by the New Assassins in the Three Lions Tournament last month. His requirement; all three members of The New Assassins would now be allowed to enter the 2025 Lion’s Share Tournament! 


Konrad Makinen defeated AJ Barry

Rating: 44


AJ Barry just keeps getting better and better and Leo Price was seen watching this match from ringside as he scouts for a new protege. Barry fell short on this occasion though as the experienced and sadistic Makinen targeted the rookie’s ankles and made him tap out to the Swedish Grapevine


Squires promo; he is disappointed that WWF fell in the Semis but they have a long term plan

Rating: 58



Jasper Squires defeated Stefan Raynor

Rating: 54


Squires was clearly desperate to win back some momentum after the World Wrestling Forum’s losing start at the Three Lions Tournament and this match against the ageing Raynor was the perfect opportunity. Squires attacked the opportunity with relish, dominating Raynor with punches, kicks and slams and drawing a near fall from a huge powerbomb. Raynor fought back, desperate to hit the Single Arm DDT but Squires was too strong and after 14 minutes Jasper landed the Price Drop and Raynor was defeated. These two will meet again next month in the Lion’s Share Tournament.


3LW Lightweight Title

Zofia Jankovic defeated Grant Taypen

Rating: 51


Taypen is a fine technical wrestler but he lacks a killer submission hold and that really held him back in this match. Taypen outweighed Jankovic by 50lbs and used his superior size to dominate the champion on the mat but he didn’t have the tools to make her submit. Zofia started to have success in keeping the challenger away with well placed kicks and after 18 minutes of action Taypen was reeling. Zofia kept at it and landed a sick looking KO Head Kick which rocked Taypen’s head back! He slumped to the mat and the three count was made. Zofia retained and she will be heading into the Lion’s Share Tournament next month. 


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RTG Year 3 Update

No in ring achievement again so just the annual roll and it is a pretty useless one +60 to colour commentary. 


Squires wrestled 38 times in 2024 and so his experience is getting close to 20 (I think this is where there no penalty for inexperience)


Huge improvement in finances throughout 2024 so the danger of bankrupcy is over



The big difference in 2024 was running a monthly show (which I didn't record here because it was all hype promos and jobber matches). I earned a good amount of money in ticket sales on these shows and got some good pop gains. 3LW is now at 21 pop, we need 25 for Wrestleworld GB and 35 to hit Small.   

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The New Assassins make their entrance, Raynor reminds everyone that he just needs the Lion's Share

Rating: 40


The show starts with The New Assassins making a spectacular and lengthy entrance. Just before the show starts Stefan Raynor reminds the audience that the Lion’s Share is the last event he needs to win to complete the 3LW Grand Slam. With all of The New Assassins in the tournament, he is certainly the favourite. 


Lion’s Share - Round One

Dwayne Dark defeated Jasper Squires, Jon Michael Sharp, Konrad Makinen, Stefan Raynor and Zofia Jankovic

Rating: 54



With the six competitors in the ring the chaos commenced! The New Assassins worked as a team to protect Raynor and to try and eliminate Dark, Squires or Sharp but these three are not fools and they soon worked out that they needed to band together to survive. This bout broke down into what was effectively a trios tornado match. Makinen performed another one of his suicide suplexes, throwing himself and Squires off the apron onto the concrete floor. Zofia hit Sharp with a KO Head Kick while Dark landed the Darkness Falls on Raynor! Zofia rushed to protect Stefan and Dark decided to pin Sharp, getting the win! 4 time Grand Slam winner Jon Michael Sharp had been eliminated in the first round!  


Squires and Donovan attack Makinen and Raynor between the rounds!

Rating: 46



With chaotic scenes still unfolding at ringside, things soon got even worse. ‘Absolute Unit’ Travis Donovan hit the ring and started pounding Makinen and Raynor. Squires joined him and although The New Assassins fought back they were not looking too great when the second round match started. 


Lion’s Share - Round Two

Jasper Squires defeated Dwayne Dark, Konrad Makinen, Zofia Jankovic and Stefan Raynor

Rating: 59



There was no time for anyone to catch their breath as the second round started. Now it was 3v2 in favour of the Assassin. This is what they have planned for but the problem was that Makinen had been badly beaten between matches and was out on his feet. Raynor and Zofia rallied around him but he was too far gone. Dark took on both Raynor and Zofia, leaving Squires to apply the final touch of a Price Drop on Konrad. Squires covered and the referee counted to three to eliminate Makinen from the tournament. 


Price officially welcomes Logan and Barry to The Pride!

Rating: 34


The 3LW officials finally had a chance to clear the ringside area as Leo Price came out with two beaming wrestlers. Leo said that a couple of spots were open in The Pride and he was delighted to announce that Cannonball Logan and AJ Barry were now official Pride members. Both Barry and Logan confirmed that they had agreed to The Pride’s code of conduct and would represent the group with honour.


Lion’s Share - Round Three

Jasper Squires defeated Stefan Raynor, Dwayne Dark and Zofia Jankovic

Rating: 58


Four beaten and bruised wrestlers came out for the main event, the third round of the Lion’s Share tournament. Dark's ribs were heavily taped for this match and Raynor and Zofia saw this as the perfect opportunity to remove the 4 time Grand Slam winner from the tournament. The plan backfired, Dark fought hard against Raynor and the two veterans went to war at ringside. This left Zofia against Squires who stands a foot higher than the Lightweight Champion. Zofia battled hard but a stiff lariat from Squires was enough to put her down for three and Jankovic was eliminated. Raynor carried Zofia to the back and we the show ended with Squires and Dark face to face. Three men remained, who would take the Lion’s Share?


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So about that Lion's Share Tournament final....


Dwayne did not like losing in two matches to Squires. This is one of those situations where booking logic doesn't translate to the situation in game. It makes no difference who gets the pinfall really but the workers in game saw it as a loss pure and simple. 

Farewell Dwayne, you were a huge part of the early days of 3LW but now you will never complete the Grand Slam.

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Oh wow, it's easy to argue Dark for the main focus for a good portion, whilst Squires was improving, so that is huge. Wild. Suppose it opens up a slot for someone else, if we are always looking forward not back! Just messes up your plans a bit, I'm sure.

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Leo Price came to the ring to confirm the social media rumours; Dwayne Dark had left 3LW. Price said that tonight we would see Jasper Squires v Stefan Raynor one on one in the Lion's Share Tournament Final

Rating: 54



Konrad Makinen defeated Travis Donovan

Rating: 43


Makinen struggled against the ‘Absolute Unit’ at first but eventually even a brick wall can be broken down and a combination of drop kicks to the legs, punches to the midriff and Dragon Screws weakened the huge man and he tapped out to the Swedish Grapevine.


New Assassin's Promo; Squires is the enemy!

Rating: 33


Stefan Raynor and Konrad Makinen came to the ring for a promo. Raynor said that Zofia is not here because of the neck and back injuries suffered at the hands of Jasper Squires. Tonight they will avenge Zofia, Tonight they will embarrass Squires and Donovan and tonight Raynor will win the Lion’s Share and complete the Grand Slam.


Aurelian Bradley defeated Red Dragon

Rating: 32


Red Dragon looks slower every time he goes to the ring now and Bradley made short work of the Welsh legend, tying him in knots and making him submit to the Figure Four Leglock


Makinen and Raynor attack Squires, Donovan arrives and a melee ensues!

Rating: 41



Squires was making his way to the ring when Makinen and Raynor attacked from nowhere! The Assassins and Squires brawled around ringside with the numbers game soon catching up to Squires. Raynor then had a sick idea, he got a chair from ringside and folded it up with Squire’s hand inside! Makinen went up to the top rope intending to jump on the hand but was suddenly thrown off by Donovan! Raynor was shocked but had no time to gawp as Squires came at him. The referee rang the bell and the Lion’s Share Tournament Final started. 


Lion’s Share - Final

Jasper Squires defeated Stefan Raynor to win the 3LW Lion's Share

Rating: 52



Unsurprisingly the match started as a wild brawl. Donovan and Makinen had been removed from ringside and it was down to which one of these warriors could outlast the other. Squires relied on power; punches, kicks and elbows. Raynor used his experience and all the dirty tricks he had picked up through the years; eye pokes, low kicks and well timed side steps. Perhaps Leo Price had more of an impression on Squires than he would like to admit because Jasper refused to stoop to Raynor's level, he kept the fight clean and started to gain the advantage. The finish was a test of strength to see who could land their finisher.  Raynor had Squire’s arm trapped and was going for the Single Arm DDT but Squires powered out and pulled Raynor into position for the Price Drop before delivering the move and driving Stefan’s head into the mat! Squires covered and the referee counted three! A third Grand Slam for Jasper and his first Lion’s Share title. Travis Donovan came out to celebrate with Squires and Makinen helped Raynor to the back, this feud was far from over!

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Godiva Tag Classic - Quarter Final

World Wrestling Forum (Jasper Squires & Travis Donovan) defeated Vali Dragons

Rating: 47


The fourth annual Godiva Tag Classic opened with a sad spectacle; Red Dragon was in no state to be fighting men much bigger than him and this was a vicious beatdown. Dragon and Vali fought valiantly but there was no way they were going to trouble the giants of the WWF and Donovan pinned Dragon following his Donobomb sit out powerbomb. After the match Red Dragon and Rhys Vali saluted the crowd, seemingly indicating that their time with 3LW was ending. 


My Darkheart will go on!

Rating: 18


Rachel Dearheart cut a promo and said that Dwayne Dark may have left but she is not going anywhere. She will not stop until The Pride is destroyed! Dearheart introduces the debuting Leighton Buzzard and Grant Taypen as the newest members of The Darkhearts!


Godiva Tag Classic - Quarter Final

The Bridges Of London (Leighton Buzzard and Grant Taypen) defeated Aurelian Bradley and Jermaine Granger

Rating: 42


This was a strong debut for the Bridges who worked excellently as a team. Bradley scrapped hard and Granger flew around the ring in an impressive manner but the Bridges are a unit and timed their tags well to stop Granger and Bradley building any momentum. When Buzzard and Taypen got on top they exploited their advantage and hit Her Majesty’s Pleasure, a brutal Double Elevated DDT! Buzzard pinned Bradley and The Bridges of London advanced to the Semi Finals.


Jasper Squires and Travis Donovan Lion's Share celebration and in ring promo; Squires claimed that Dwayne Dark quit 3LW because he knew that Squires was surpassing him. Squires says he is surpassing everyone and Stefan Raynor will quit next!

Rating: 53



Godiva Tag Classic - Quarter Final

The New Assassins (Stefan Raynor & Konrad Makinen) defeated Kaden King and Strife

Rating: 41


This match was not a challenge for the New Assassins. Makinen and Raynor beat the hell of these kids until Konrad made King tap out to the Swedish Grapevine.


Godiva Tag Classic - Quarter Final

Sharp & Heath defeated Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore and Mickey Robson)

Rating: 48


The Black Country Boys were another team making their debut on this show and they gave it everything against the two time Godiva Tag Classic winners. Vedmore and Robson were not expected to provide much competition for Heath and Sharp but they took the Pride members to the limit and almost beat them on a number of occasions. Vedmore’s rolling DDT is a devastating move and Sharp was called into action to break up a pin on more than one occasion when Vedmore hit it on Heath. After 18 minutes frustration got the better of the debutants and they made a mistake. Robson ran into Vedmore on the apron and stumbled into the Hammerlock Powerbomb/Flying Splah Combination that Heath and Sharp call The Disarmer. Sharp made the cover and he and Heath advanced to the Semi Finals. Heath and Sharp made a point of shaking Vedmore and Robson’s hands after the match, they gave it their all and this was an excellent match.

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Dearheart confronted Price. 

Rating: 41


Leo Price came to the ring to talk about the Godiva Cup Semi Finals but was interrupted by his nemesis; Rachel Dearheart. Dearheart told Price that the thought of “that beast” Jon Michael Sharp beating Dwayne Dark's Grand Slam total makes her want to cry. She did start crying but the unmoved Price had her removed by officials before getting the crowd hyped for the Semi Final matches.


Jermaine Granger defeated Aurelian Bradley

Rating: 35


These two crashed out of the Godiva Tag Classic at the Semi Final stage last month and they wanted another chance to prove themselves. Granger took the chance, defeating Bradley after ten minutes with a Frog Splash.


New Assassins Promo; Konrad Makinen is hyped up and desperate for the match to start, he's proven that he can beat the ‘Absolute Unit’ and he’ll do it again tonight.

Rating: 39



Godiva Tag Classic - Semi Final

The New Assassins (Stefan Raynor & Konrad Makinen) defeated World Wrestling Forum (Jasper Squires & Travis Donovan)

Rating: 56


Makinen said he could beat the big man and Raynor trusted him to do so. The Assassins planned their strategy brilliantly; Raynor riled up Squires and got him to commit to a ringside brawl while Makinen took down Donovan. The first part was a complete success, Squires seemed convinced that he could get Raynor to quit 3LW on the spot and he and Stefan put each other through hell. Meanwhile, Makinen used the same strategy on Donovan as in the match at Lion’s Share; attacking his legs and ankles and trying to put on the Swedish Grapevine. This time it almost backfired as Donovan got Makinen up for the Donobomb but Konrad wriggled free and chopped the big redwood down with a chop block. From there it was all Makinen and when the Grapevine was applied the big man tapped out!


Makinen, Squires, Raynor and Donovan brawl again!

Rating: 43


Squires was furious when he found that he and Donovan had been outsmarted and he attacked Makinen in the ring. The four men brawled until the fracas was broken up by officials. Raynor and Makinen left the ringside area smiling from ear to ear.


Godiva Tag Classic - Semi Final

The Pride (Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath) defeated The Bridges Of London (Leighton Buzzard and Grant Taypen)

Rating: 48


After the chaos of the last 20 minutes, these four excellent wrestlers took their time in battling out a very good wrestling match. All four men are proficient on the mat and it was a slow and steady match as both sides looked to use quick tags and skillful submission techniques to grind the opposition down. The truth is though that no one in the match is a master at submissions and the teamwork was too good to allow submissions to be held on for very long. After 15 minutes had passed, with Leo Price urging them on, Sharp and Heath took to the air and now the Godiva Cup holders had the advantage. Buzzard was taken out with a double suicide dive to the concrete and Taypen was softened up with superkicks before being dispatched with the Disarmer! Heath and Sharp were through to their third final where they would face Raynor and Makinen.

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WWF promo; Squire delivers on new talent! 

Rating: 55


The whole of the World Wrestling Forum came to the ring and despite the disappointment of losing in the Godiva Cup Semi Final last month Jasper Squires looked very pleased with himself. Squires said that the purpose of the WWF is to bring the very best talent in the world to 3LW and he has surprised even himself with this coup. Please welcome to the WWF… and 3LW….


Tommy Cornell Jr!!!!

The crowd went nuts for the son of the legend. Squires, grinning like the Cheshire Cat, handed the mic to the 18 year old. Cornell Jr. spoke in a thick American accent and said that he was delighted to be here, that he can’t wait to get started and he was entering the King of the Jungle Tournament starting next month!


Tommy Cornell Jr and Jasper Squires defeated Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore and Mickey Robson)

Rating: 56


Cornell wasted no time getting into the action as he and Squires faced The Black Country Boys. Vedmore and Robson cannot have expected to face the son of one of the greatest wrestlers to have ever lived but they never back down from a fight. The thing is though that the apple has not fallen far from the tree and Cornell ran rings around the Black Country Boys. After ten minutes Cornell saw that it was time to end this and caught Robson in the Guilt Trip, his father’s famous Judo Sleeper Hold. Squires took Vedmore out with a lariat and Robson lost consciousness and the referee called for the bell. What a debut match for TCJ!


Price asks Cornell to join The Pride

Rating: 50


As the crowd calmed themselves down Leo Price came to the ring. He seemed in total shock that Tommy Cornell Jr. was in his promotion. He asked Cornell to come to the ring, which he did. Price welcomed Cornell to 3LW and said that someone of his calibre and integrity would be a perfect fit for The Pride! Tommy was very polite but questioned what Price knew about his integrity before walking to the back.


3LW Lightweight title

Zofia Jankovic defeated Thea Davis

Rating: 55


Thea Davis looked to cap an excellent night for the WWF by winning the Lightweight Title from Zofia and the New Assassins. This match was as wild as a wild brawl can be and both ladies were bloodied and bruised after ten minutes of punching, kicking and chopping. Thea kept looking to land her Flying Elbow Drop and after hitting Zofia with a DDT she seemed to have the perfect opportunity. Zofia saw her coming however and popped up with a perfectly timed KO Head Kick to send Thea crashing from the top turnbuckle to the canvas. Zofia covered and the referee made the three count, Zofia had retained her title in a brilliant match. 


Godiva Tag Classic Final

The New Assassins (Konrad Makinen & Stefan Raynor) defeated The Pride (Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath)

Rating: 60



This show had been incredible and we still had the Godiva Tag Classic Final to come! 3LW had been very chaotic lately and The Assassins seemed to want to keep it that way. Heath and Sharp's favoured terrain was the ring so Makinen and Raynor tried to make this a ringside brawl as often as possible. After five minutes of this Makinen and Raynor realised that they were on the verge of getting disqualified and they switched tactics, going headhunting on Heath and Sharp to soften them up for Raynor’s Single Arm DDT. Back in the ring however Sharp and Heath took charge and their incredible teamwork and never say die attitude shone through. After 15 minutes Raynor was exhausted, gasping in air before every punch. Makinen battled bravely but it seemed like a lost cause. Until, Tommy Cornell Jr. appeared at ringside. Attention turned to the debuting legends son and Makinen took advantage by hammering Heath with a chair! The referee confronted Makinen but he hadn't seen the chair shot so couldn't disqualify the Swede. As Makinen protested his innocence Cornell hammered Sharp with brass knucks! Makinen pulled Sharp up and delivered Raynor’s Single Arm DDT! He covered and the referee reluctantly counted to three. The New Assassins had won the Godiva Tag Classic with a huge assist from Cornell Jr!


Cornell Junior is joining the New Assassins!

Rating: 49


The crowd were stunned for what seemed like the hundredth time tonight. Why had Tommy helped Makinen and Raynor? The three men embraced and were joined by Zofia, still the Lightweight champion. Jasper Squires came to ringside to demand answers from Tommy but he got a middle finger from him instead. Raynor and Makinen collected the Godiva Tag Classic Trophies while Tommy got the house mic and spoke. Tommy said that he has an affinity with what the New Assassins stand for. The WWF are grasping desperately for relevance. The Pride are an impotent bunch of do gooders and the Darkhearts are dead in the water. The New Assassins are innovative and dangerous. The Assassins strike when least expected with deadly efficiency. Cornell said he is at home in this nest of vipers and no one in 3LW can stand in their way!

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Tommy Cornell Jr. is a big signing, and I like how you teased him in each of the 'Big 3' stables.

Interested to see if/what other stables are created, I like the different vibe between each stable right now. I appreciate it is a RTG dynasty but you're building a nice story alongside it all too.

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Fun read.  It's nice seeing you do both a diary and the under the hood stuff. I'd argue that 60 Colour Commentary isn't as useless as it first seems.  With his mic skills you now have the option of using Jasper in the Colour role on Events and TV which offers him another potential way to increase his skills.  Having him sit in on Colour can be used in angles to advance stories and feuds.  Obviously it's not the best roll you could have had but it offers new paths to success that perhaps you hadn't considered before.   

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Thank you for both reading and the feedback. I'm mostly doing this diary because I get so much more out of the game when I think things through in a bit more detail but I love reading what others are booking and hearing what resonates with people in my games. I don't think anyone has completed a full RTG completion diary yet either which is an ambition I have had for a while. 

With the stables, my idea is that the tournaments are the main constant, the stables are semi constant (and each stable should always have a purpose) and the workers will change a fair amount (especially before we hit Medium).

You are right about the Colour Alpha but I always get disapointed when I don't get a selling or SQ boost.

I have booked about 8 months ahead because I am away from home and haven't too much time to write the shows up but I am hoping to catch up in the next few days. 2025 was a very interesting year.

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New Assassins Promo

Rating: 49


The triumphant New Assassins came to the ring with the Godiva Tag Classic trophies. They talked about the epic final and its stunning denouement with Tommy Cornell joining the group.

Konrad Makinen and Stefan Raynor revealed that they had been drawn together in the King of the Jungle Quarter Final and agreed to give no quarter in the main event. Tommy says he has drawn Travis Donovan but the 'Cornell Crew' should have no fear, he will put the ‘Absolute Unit’ to sleep.


King of the Jungle - Quarter Final

Tommy Cornell Jr defeated Travis Donovan

Rating: 46


Cornell is tall at 6’4” but even so Donovan towered over him as they stood together in the ring. When the bell rang the ‘Absolute Unit’ tried to end Tommy with one big move after another but Cornell stayed out of reach or countered to avoid them. When his chance came to strike Tommy did and slipped behind Donovan to apply the Guilt Trip Choke. Donovan faded fast and was forced to tap out!


King of the Jungle - Quarter Final

Jasper Squires defeated Aurelian Bradley

Rating: 53


Bradley is known as ‘The Master of the Old School’ and uses old style British Catch wrestling with great success. Squires was too powerful for him in this match and although Bradley tied him in knots a few times, a lariat and the Price Drop put Aurelian down for the three count.


Dearheart says Buzzard will make Sharp Buzz Off.

Rating: 39


Leo Price came to the ring for a promo and his frustration was clear when he was, once again, interrupted by Rachel Dearheart. Dearheart mocked Heath and Sharp for losing in the Godiva Tag Classic. She went on to say that things will get worse for The Pride when Leighton Buzzard proves that the Buzz Off is a better Cross Body than the one Sharp uses.


King of the Jungle - Quarter Final

Jon Michael Sharp defeated Leighton Buzzard

Rating: 48


Following Dearheart's strong words, this was a very entertaining match with both guys looking for the perfect opportunity to use their Flying Cross Body finisher. Ultimately though the Cross Body showdown was a stalemate and Sharp won with his Sharpshooter submission.


King of the Jungle - Quarter Final

Konrad Makinen defeated Stefan Raynor

Rating: 50


The New Assassin teammates shook hands before the match but when the bell rang all civility ended. From the start Makinen laid his chops and punches in hard, it was like he had something to prove to the Assassins leader. Raynor was the huge favourite to reach the semi finals but he seemed rocked by Makinen's initial onslaught and never really got any good offence going. The crowd got louder as they sensed a shock result and erupted when Makinen hit Raynor with his own Single Arm DDT finish. Makinen covered and it was enough for the win! A huge victory for Konrad Makinen in a moment that felt like a real change of power in 3LW!

Edited by Bad Collin
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WWF Promo; the fightback begins tonight!

Rating: 48


The World Wrestling Forum came to the ring for a promo. Thea Davis did most of the talking. Davis said that things had not been perfect for the WWF. They were hoping that the acquisition of Cornell Jr. would give them the boost they needed and they are furious at Cornell’s betrayal. Davis said that the fightback begins tonight and Squires will defeat Makinen in the main event. Davis finished by saying that she has a lot of contacts in the world of wrestling, Cornell won’t be the last WWF acquisition and the others will not prove so fickle.


Thea Davis defeated Cain Carlile

Rating: 44


Thea Davis was boiling over with rage following her tirade on the mic and Cain Carlile bore the brunt of this anger. Davis used her excellent striking to dominate ‘Captain Crash’ and Carlile’s attempts to counter with crazy flips were unsuccessful. Davis landed her picture perfect Flying Elbow Drop after 12 minutes to take a valuable win in the Lightweight division. 


Cornell questions Sharp’s mentality

Rating: 62


Tommy Cornell Jr. came to the ring for a promo. He said that he heard that certain guys in this business fail not because of their level of talent but because they lack confidence and killer instinct. Cornell said that he suspected that Jon Michael Sharp was one of these guys and he was about to find out for himself.


King of the Jungle - Semi Final

Tommy Cornell Jr defeated Jon Michael Sharp

Rating: 47


Cornell’s words may have had an effect on Sharp because he did seem tentative and risk averse at the start of this match. Perhaps Sharp was also wary of Cornell’s counter striking ability but the end result was Cornell dominating the action. Sharp mounted several comebacks but he never got into the match and when Cornell ended it with the Rough Ride it seemed like a shockingly one sided battle.


King of the Jungle - Semi Final

Jasper Squires defeated Konrad Makinen

Rating: 60


Squires and Makinen squared off again and the enmity between them was very clear as usual. There was very little in the way of grappling as both men tried to bludgeon the other into submission with punches and slams. Makinen busted Squires open with a stiff shot but that just made Jasper angrier and he fired back with shots of his own. On this occasion Squires outlasted his opponent and hit the Price Drop from nowhere after 18 minutes to pick up a pinfall victory. Squires was heading to the King of the Jungle final to face Tommy Cornell Jr.

Edited by Bad Collin
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The Bridges Of London (Grant Taypen and Leighton Buzzard) defeated Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore and Mickey Robson)

Rating: 39


These two teams have battled all over the country and had lots of great matches. This was another solid tag bout and was won by The Bridges when Leighton Buzzard pinned Mickey Robson following his Buzz Off cross body.


Pride promo; Darkhearts assault!

Rating: 59


Leo Price came to the ring with Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath. Price said that Rachel Dearheart was getting crazier and crazier; he had accepted a match challenge from her on behalf of Sharp in the hope that she would leave The Pride alone. Rachel appeared at ringside and The Pride members turned to face her as she smiled in a sinister way. Suddenly, all three were attacked from behind!


Blackheart is here!

The Irish Maniac knocked Price down and out of the ring, knocked Sharp out with a lariat and then hit Heath with his infamous Spinning DDT finisher.


Blackheart defeated Jon Michael Sharp

Rating: 50


Blackheart made the most of his sneak attack, pummelling the recovering Sharp and trying to land the Spinning DDT. Sharp fought back bravely and got more and more into the match. The crowd were starting to believe that Sharp could do this and got behind the Pride member. It was not to be however, as Blackheart ducked a cross body attempt and managed to repeat the lariat to the back of the head. This stunned Sharp enough to allow Blackheart to finally hit the Spinning DDT and put Sharp out of his misery. 


Cornell Jr. v Squires mic battle

Rating: 60


Tommy came to the ring and called out Squires. Jasper came out and the two King of the Jungle finalists stood face to face. Jasper said that Tommy was a fraud and a liar and it will be so sweet to beat him tonight and smash the fraudulent aura of greatness surrounding him. Tommy laughed this off and said that Jon Michael Sharp couldn’t handle the pressure of taking on the Son of the Legend and from where he is standing Squires looks like a lost little boy who cracks under the pressure too.


The New Assassins (Zofia Jankovic & Konrad Makinen) defeated World Wrestling Forum (Travis Donovan & Thea Davis)

Rating: 63


In a nice little appetiser for our main event; Zofia and Konrad won after 14 minutes when Konrad managed to take the big man out with a sleeper hold and Zofia hit Thea with the KO Head Kick to win a pinfall victory. The match was excellent and some of the brawling sequences between Zofia and Thea had the crowd on their feet. 


King of the Jungle - Final

Tommy Cornell Jr defeated Jasper Squires

Rating: 70 



The atmosphere was electric as these young studs stood face to face in the ring. Both oozed with confidence, both sensed they were destined for greatness but only one could be the 2025 King of the Jungle winner.

The big difference between these wrestlers at this point was the vast gulf in grappling skill. Cornell Jr. was already an elite grappler and Squires was barely passable. Squires liked to dominate the ring and beat his opponent with strikes, then power moves. Cornell did not let him fight this fight and although Squires did manage to get lots of offence in, Cornell was never overwhelmed.

Squires started to tire and his punches started to weaken at around the 15 minutes mark and we saw Cornell use more holds and force Squires to scramble to the ropes. By now Cornell was constantly looking for the Guilt Trip and Squires was getting weaker and weaker in fighting him off. After 22 minutes of excellent action Cornell finally locked on the Guilt Trip in the middle of the ring and Squires passed out! Cornell had done it, he had won his debut Grand Slam and in an incredible match for a company this size.

Edited by Bad Collin
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3 hours ago, Bad Collin said:

Thank you for both reading and the feedback. I'm mostly doing this diary because I get so much more out of the game when I think things through in a bit more detail but I love reading what others are booking and hearing what resonates with people in my games. I don't think anyone has completed a full RTG completion diary yet either which is an ambition I have had for a while. 

With the stables, my idea is that the tournaments are the main constant, the stables are semi constant (and each stable should always have a purpose) and the workers will change a fair amount (especially before we hit Medium).

You are right about the Colour Alpha but I always get disapointed when I don't get a selling or SQ boost.

I have booked about 8 months ahead because I am away from home and haven't too much time to write the shows up but I am hoping to catch up in the next few days. 2025 was a very interesting year.

Oh yeah a SQ boost is golden but some of the others offer real opportunities.  None of them are bad and something like that Colour one open up a whole new way of going about things like I said.  Like the one with a younger sibling - it doesn't give you anything in and of itself but it adds so many storyline possibilities.

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10 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

Oh yeah a SQ boost is golden but some of the others offer real opportunities.  None of them are bad and something like that Colour one open up a whole new way of going about things like I said.  Like the one with a younger sibling - it doesn't give you anything in and of itself but it adds so many storyline possibilities.

Definitely, so many of the rolls are designed to add to the world your UC inhabits and ensure that no two saves are the same.

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New Assassins Promo; Raynor removed from the TLT team!

Rating: 63


The New Assassins came to the ring to start the show. Raynor, Zofia and Makinen all congratulated Tommy on winning the King of the Jungle tournament. However, Cornell Jr was already focussed on the next challenge and he started to talk about the Three Lions Tournament team; there were four in the group and only three slots in the team….

Tommy and Stefan started talking over each other until Tommy blurted out;

“you're out of the team Stefan! I talked to Konrad and Zofia and we are all in top form, you are not, we will be facing the WWF!” Raynor looked hurt, then angry but seeing Zofia and Makinen side with Tommy he backed down and seemed to accept his fate.


Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore and Mickey Robson) defeated Kaden King and Ward Levesque via pinfall




Martin Heath defeated Grant Taypen

Rating: 50


This was an important match in the lightweight division. Former champion Heath and Darkhearts member Taypen were both looking to earn a shot at Zofia Jankovic for the Lightweight title. During the match Taypen used his technical wrestling skills to try and manoeuvre Heath into position for his Single Arm DDT but Heath was too quick and agile and managed to land his Flying Fist Drop and this was enough for the win. 


WWF promo; Squires still believes in himself



Squires came to the ring to cut a promo. He said that defeat to Cornell was painful but he can't believe in his heart that Tommy is better than him. Squires admitted that Cornell Jr will be an all time great but he truly believes that he will too and it will just be a case of how many titles they will each win. Squires added that Cornell may be the better grappler and knows a few more flips than him but when it comes to toughness, resilience and punching power he knows he has the beating of the Son of the Legend. Tonight the World Wrestling Forum have an opportunity to prove they are better than Cornell and the Assassins, Jasper said that they intend to take it. 


Blackheart defeated Cannonball Logan

Rating: 51


Following Blackheart's annihilation of The Pride last week, Logan was sent out to extract a measure of revenge. Unfortunately he was not successful. Blackheart was too powerful and too aggressive and he pinned Logan following a Spinning DDT after 13 minutes.


Three Lions Tournament - Semi Final

The New Assassins (Tommy Cornell Jr, Zofia Jankovic and Konrad Makinen) defeated World Wrestling Forum (Jasper Squires, Thea Davis and Travis Donovan)





The crowd were desperate for more Cornell v Squires and they were not about to disappoint, whenever the opportunity arose they tagged in and went to war. Squires' words earlier seemed to have touched a nerve because Tommy came here to fight. Both guys stood in the middle of the ring and threw bombs and both took anything the other could deliver. Tommy started grappling and Squires tagged out. After that the match broke down into a chaotic trios match with fighting around ringside and big moves being delivered in the ring. Makinen continued his fine form by getting the win for his team, pinning Squires after using Raynor’s Single Arm DDT. This was a huge win and showed that the Assassins were the clear favourites for the Three Lions Tournament trophy.

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