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17 minutes ago, CobheadJake said:

Have I missed something, or has there not been an appearance from the City Boys yet? Unless that's happening shortly of course

Taypen messed this up by handing in his notice. They will appear in the Three Lions Tournament.

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Squires and Donovan Promo. 

Rating: 61


Jasper Squires and Travis Donovan came to the ring to open the first 3LW show outside of London. They teased revealing the third member of the team for the Three Lions Tournament but in the end said everyone will have to wait until next week. 


World Wrestling Forum (Jasper Squires, King Lion and Travis Donovan) defeated Pigeon Mask I, Pigeon Mask III and Pigeon Mask VIII when Jasper Squires pinned Pigeon Mask III after a Price Drop

Rating: 48





Fro Sure and Whole Lotta Marvin defeated Pigeon Mask IV and Pigeon Mask V

Rating: 47


Fro Sure returned for his second 3LW match and brought a friend! Whole Lotta Marvin lived up to his name and the 322lber dominated the match, pinning Pigeon Mask V after a running powerslam


Bali Daljit celebration interrupted by the New Assassins. 

Rating: 52



Bali Daljit came to the ring with his King of the Jungle trophy to celebrate his first solo Grand Slam win. He thanked Zofia and Beast and started to talk about the Three Lions Tournament when he was interrupted by Stefan Raynor, JK Lee and Padraig O'Hearne. Raynor congratulated Daljit and said that unlike Zofia or Beast they could make an Assassin out of him. Raynor went on to say that Daljit may have been successful in the King of the Jungle but the New Assassins will be winning the Three Lions Tournament for the 3rd year in a row!


Aurelian Bradley and Crusher Ball defeated Pigeon Mask II and Pigeon Mask VI via submission when Pigeon Mask II tapped out to Bradley’s Figure Four Leglock

Rating: 45



AJ Barry & Jermaine Granger defeated The Dublin Gals (Cassie O’Peter and Blair Kerrigan)

Rating: 58


The Dublin Gals continued to impress in the ring but again failed to secure a big win. This was an excellent match won via pinfall by AJ Barry following his spectacular AJ Arrow, a spear from the top rope.


Price interviewed by Florence, he says that Squires deserted The Pride

Rating: 54


Leo Price was interviewed by Melanie Florence. Price talked about the Three Lions Tournament, he was excited about the expanded schedule and the new teams who are entering. Florence dropped a bombshell by asking about Jasper Squires and suggesting that the Pride would not have gone two and a half years without a Grand Slam win if they had kept him in the team. Price went quiet and said that Squires abandoned Price and the Pride by taking the course of reckless violence, Price then terminated the interview and left. 


Black Widow's Web (Bali Daljit & Zofia Jankovic) defeated Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore and Mickey Robson)

Rating: 47


A simple enough victory for BWW in a preview match of the Three Lions Tournament match next week. The Black Country Boys gave a good account of themselves but were taken out by a combination of Zofia’s kicks and Daljit’s Shooting Star Press.


Three Lions Tournament - Group A

The New Assassins (Stefan Raynor, JK Lee and Padraig O'Hearne) defeated Mile High Club (Ariel Breaks, Matthew Macks and Cain Carlile)

Rating: 60




Breaks, Macks and Carlile came out wearing T-shirts emblazoned with their new name and logo:


They immediately started living up to the name, using crazy dives and aerial attacks to keep the Assassins under threat at all times. The Assassins were not going to be denied in the defence of their TLT trophies though and JK Lee managed to get the win for his team by making Matthew Macks tap out to the Crossface. The New Assassins moved onto 2 points were one step closer to the TLT Final. 

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Yam Yam Slam!

Rating: 36


Gazz Vedmore, Mickey Robson and Gavin Owen came out to open the first 3LW show outside of the south of England. They said that they are delighted to be home here in the Black Country. Vedmore got the crowd chanting Yam! Yam! Yam! (people from this region are known as Yam Yams). Robson then revealed their team name; Yam Yam Slam:


Owen said he is going to put Beast Bantom to sleep with his Judo Choke!


AJ Barry defeated Pigeon Mask XI via pinfall after an AJ Arrow

Rating: 48



World Wrestling Forum (Travis Donovan & Thea Davis) defeated Pigeon Mask I and Pigeon Mask III via pinfall when Donovan pinned Pigeon Mask I following a Donobomb

Rating: 42



WWF third member is revealed!

Rating: 44


Jasper Squires came out to congratulate Donovan and Davis on their win and asked who was ready to meet the third member of the WWF team for this year's Three Lions Tournament?! Squires teased the crowd some more first, saying that Davis would have been in the team but she was committed to the Lightweight Round Robin. Squires then addressed Leo Price’s interview from last week. Squires said that The Pride abandoned him and sometimes attack is the best form of defence. Then Squires finally brought out the third member of the WWF team:


Igor Ivanoff!


Squires listed his achievements; he was a six time tag team champion including three times with 21CW and once with MOSC!  Igor had 22 years of experience and was ready to be a 3LW Grand Slam winner!


Nate Manchester and Jermaine Granger defeated Pigeon Mask IV and Pigeon Mask V via pinfall after Granger pinned Pigeon Mask IV following a Frog Splash

Rating: 43



Raynor says he is going to put Beast of out commission for good

Rating: 51


Stefan Raynor was in a fighting mood as he came to the ring for a promo. Raynor said that Black Widow’s Web had taken their best shot at him and missed and now it was his turn. He said it is clear that Beast is finished and he is going to be the one to bury him once and for all.


Jasper Squires and Igor Ivanoff defeated Aurelian Bradley and Leighton Buzzard

Rating: 49


Bradley and Buzzard are fine wrestlers and also tried their best to cheat their way to victory but no one was going to be able to stand in the way of Igor in his 3LW debut. The match was close but Igor got the pinfall following a Soviet Missile dropkick on Buzzard. 


Three Lions Tournament - Group A

Black Widow's Web (Bali Daljit, Beast Bantom and Zofia Jankovic) defeated Yam Yam Slam (Gavin Owen, Gazz Vedmore and Mickey Robson)

Rating: 54




This was Bantom’s first appearance since losing to Daljit in the King of the Jungle Final, his first defeat in 3LW. There was a bit of tension in the BWW ranks and Bantom was clearly not healed from his back injury and with the crowd chanting Yam Yam Slam! Yam Yam Slam! over and over again it looked for a while like the hometown boys might do it. However, Zofia got her team together and when Bantom shook off Owen’s Judo Choke he followed up with a Savage Pounce which was enough to get the three count. Two points for Black Widow’s Web, can they sweep the Grand Slams in 2026?

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Fro Sure and Whole Lotta Marvin reveal that they have signed long term deals with 3LW, they are here to stay!

Rating: 41



AJ Barry and Gavin Owen defeated Pigeon Mask III and Pigeon Mask IV via submission when Pigeon Mask IV tapped out to Owen’s Judo Choke

Rating: 43



Thea Davis and Ariel Breaks defeated Pigeon Mask VIII and Pigeon Mask XI via pinfall when Breaks pinned Pigeon Mask VIII following an Ariel Spiral

Rating: 57



Bret Heartbreak promo; Bradley and co will pay!

Rating: 39


Bret Heartbreak came to the ring for a promo. Bret said that he can endure most rough treatment but Aurelian Bradley and his friends touched his beautiful face and this cannot be tolerated. Bradley will be made to pay for this! Heartbreak went on to talk about tonight’s main event; it’s size v speed. Speed kills and Heartbreak said he personally will defeat that Boomer Igor!


Martin Heath defeated Leighton Buzzard

Rating: 53


In a preview match for next week’s Group B match Martin Heath used all his experience to overcome Buzzard. It was a hard fought match but Heath won the aerial dual in the finishing sequence and landed his Flying Fist Drop to pick up the win.


City Boys Attack!

Rating: 37




As Heath celebrated he was attacked from behind by Aurelian Bradley and Crusher Ball! The attackers beat him up for a few minutes until officials could intervene. Bradley got on the mic and said that this was a preview of next week’s match; “you can call us the City Boys because we run this town!”




Jermaine Granger defeated King Lion

Rating: 55


Granger seemed set to lead the Pride against the World Wrestling Forum in Group B and he scored an impressive win against the WWF’s Mexican member after hitting a Frog Splash and pinning Lion.


World Wrestling Forum (Jasper Squires, Igor Ivanoff and Travis Donovan) defeated Bo-Z (Bret Heartbreak, Blair Kerrigan and Cassie O'Peter)

Rating: 65





Speed kills Bret had said earlier and he, Cassie and Blair set about trying to prove this in an excellent 14 minute match. Speed does indeed kill but size matters a lot of the time and it was size that proved advantageous on this occasion. Bo-Z ducked, dived and dodged effectively for most of the match but one shot proved fatal to their hopes of two points. Igor took out Cassie with a Soviet Missile to the outside, Travis ended Blair’s evening with a Donobomb and Squires landed the Price Drop on Bret before pinning him for a three count. The WWF started strong!

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Mile High Club (Ariel Breaks & Matthew Macks) defeated Pigeon Mask XI and Pigeon Mask VII via pinfall when Breaks pinned Pigeon Mask XI after an Ariel Spiral

Rating: 48



World Wrestling Forum (King Lion & Travis Donovan) defeated Pigeon Mask II and Pigeon Mask VI via pinfall when Donovan pinned Pigeon Mask II after a Donobomb

Rating: 41



Fro Sure and Whole Lotta Marvin defeated Pigeon Mask I and Pigeon Mask V via pinfall when Sure pinned Pigeon Mask V after a Sure Thing (Inverted Piledriver)

Rating: 49



Price urges his team to success tonight

Rating: 55


Leo Price came to the ring to get the crowd hyped up for The Pride’s match against the City Boys. Price said that Martin Heath is desperate to get out there and show Bradley and Ball that fair play and hard work always win the day.


Stefan Raynor defeated Gavin Owen

Rating: 45


The New Assassin’s next match in the Three Lions Tournament is against Yam Yam Slam and Raynor got the psychological advantage for that match by defeating Owen in this one. As always Owen used his judo holds and throws to keep his opponent off balance but Raynor used stiff chops and punches to stop Owen’s grappling and 'The Angel-Faced Killer' won when he hit the Stoke based grappler with his Single Arm DDT. 


Jasper Squires defeated AJ Barry

Rating: 64


Billed as the battle of the protegees; Squires faced off against Leo Price’s current trainee as the WWF v Pride war continued. Squires hurt Barry early on and looked set for a quick win when he hit the Price Drop after only five minutes. However, Squires didn’t go for the pin! Instead he took great pleasure in beating up Barry and slamming him all around the outside of the ring. After five more minutes of this massacre Leo Price had to come in and throw in the towel for Barry! This was a brutal humiliation for AJ and a clear source of satisfaction for Squires.


Squires mocks The Pride and challenges Granger

Rating: 65


Jasper Squires wasn’t finished yet! As Leo Price led away an unconscious AJ Barry, Squires took the mic and mocked The Pride calling them irrelevant. Squires said that Jermaine Granger would not make a difference to The Pride’s fortunes and he challenged him to a match at Wonder Brawl! Granger came to the ring ahead of the main event and accepted the challenge! Squires said that Granger’s fate would be the same as AJ Barry’s!


Three Lions Tournament - Group B

The Pride (Jermaine Granger, Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath) defeated City Boys (Aurelian Bradley, Crusher Ball and Leighton Buzzard)

Rating: 61




Bradley, Ball and Buzzard were joined by Danny Patterson at ringside whereas Leo Price was absent; presumably tending to AJ Barry backstage. The City Boys used this ringside numerical advantage to their favour and dominated the early exchanges using underhanded tactics. But, are The Pride right? Does fair play and hard work always triumph in the end? It did here as Heath and Sharp’s teamwork and Granger’s all round excellence turned the tide of the match. Heath and Sharp took out Bradley and Buzzard with twin dives leaving the legal man Ball to be hit by a deadly accurate Granger Frog Splash which was enough for the three count. Two points for the Pride, surely the Pride v WWF match will prove decisive in this group?!

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Price and Barry denounce Squires; Barry vows revenge!

Rating: 49


Leo Price and AJ Barry came to the ring to start the show. Price said that Squire’s actions in humiliating Barry were disgusting and showed exactly why he was excluded from The Pride in the first place. Barry was quiet throughout until he exploded with rage at the end, threatening revenge on Squires. This outburst made Price uncomfortable and he led AJ away.


Fro Sure and Whole Lotta Marvin defeated Lewis Duckworth and Gavin Owen

Rating: 52


This was a very impressive victory for the recently debuted duo. Sure and Marvin are clearly a class above most wrestlers in 3LW and they won this match after 10 minutes when Sure hit the Sure Thing on Gavin Owen.


Stefan Raynor Interview

Rating: 55


Stefan Raynor was interviewed by Melanie Florence. Raynor called out Black Widow’s Watch for not being there tonight. He thinks they are running scared of him and the Assassins!


The Pride (Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath) defeated World Wrestling Forum (Travis Donovan and King Lion)

Rating: 54


The Pride regained some…pride in their ongoing battle with the WWF when Sharp and Heath defeated Donovan and King Lion. It was the luchador who took the pin, falling to a Disarmer after Sharp and Heath had dealt with Donovan via a double superkick.


City Boys (Aurelian Bradley & Crusher Ball) defeated The Dublin Gals (Blair Kerrigan and Cassie O’Peter)

Rating: 51


It was brave of the Gals to take this match against the bigger and meaner Boys and the move backfired as Bradley and Ball dominated for ten minutes until Bradley made Kerrigan submit to the Figure Four Leglock.


Thea Davis defeated Ariel Breaks

Rating: 68


Ariel Breaks had experienced mixed success since unmasking and this continued as she lost a classic battle to The Red Queen. The action in this match was incredible as Thea’s brawling clashed with Ariel’s high flying. The crowd were on their feet throughout and roared with appreciation for both ladies after Thea pinned Ariel following her flawless Flying Elbow Drop. This was by far the best match of the night and one of the best matches in 3LW history. 


Squires mocks The Pride again

Rating: 56


Jasper Squires came to the ring to cut a promo and said that if AJ Barry can't hang with the big boys…. then he's perfect for The Pride actually.


Lightweight Title Round Robin

Nate Manchester defeated Neville Jones

Rating: 58


This was the fourth match of the tournament and the last chance for Jones to spoil a Nate Manchester v Welsh Dragon decider in the final round. Both men use a regionally named top rope dive as a finish and this was a battle between Nate’s Manc-Sault vs Jones’ Swansea Swanton. The Manc-Sault won out as Nate got his knees up to block Jones’ Swanton before racing to the top turnbuckle to deliver the Manc-Sault. Nate’s match against Dragon would now be for the title whereas Jones would face Thea Davis with only pride at stake. 


Jermaine Granger defeated Jasper Squires

Rating: 59


Squires was obsessed with hitting the Price Drop on Granger with Price watching at ringside and this was his undoing. Squires was constantly trying to get the inverted double underhook but Granger saw the danger every time and scooted out of there. Squires did not stop trying and it became easier and easier for Granger to avoid. The match lasted 18 minutes until Granger countered another inverted double underhook attempt by slipping out and hitting a hook kick to the back of the head. Granger then smashed Squire’s head into the canvas with a Poison Rana before landing his Frog Splash! The referee counted to three, a huge victory for Jermaine Granger and The Pride!

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Fro Sure and Whole Lotta Marvin were interviewed by Melanie Florence. They said they are roving far away from home and making it here is the challenge of a lifetime

Rating: 49



World Wrestling Forum (King Lion & Thea Davis) defeated Pigeon Mask I and Pigeon Mask VII via pinfall when Davis pinned Pigeon Mask VII after a Flying Elbow Drop

Rating: 53



Beast tries to jump the Assassins! 

Rating: 60



As the Assassins made their way out for their round two match they were jumped by Beast Bantom! The giant veteran started hammering the Assassins and looked like he could take them out on his own until officials arrived to restore order. Tournament Director, and fellow man mountain, Lewis Duckworth told Beast to go to the back or he would expel him from the competition


Three Lions Tournament - Group A

The New Assassins (Stefan Raynor, JK Lee and Padraig O'Hearne) defeated Yam Yam Slam (Gavin Owen, Gazz Vedmore and Mickey Robson)

Rating: 52





Once order was restored Yam Yam Slam made their entrance and put up a brave fight against the Assassins. It never looked like YYS could take control of the bout however and O’Hearne and Lee dominated proceedings. It was Lee who won the two points for the Assassins, making Owen tap out to the crossface after countering a Judo Choke Hold.


Three Lions Tournament - Group A

Black Widow's Web (Bali Daljit, Beast Bantom and Zofia Jankovic) defeated Mile High Club (Ariel Breaks, Matthew Macks and Cain Carlile)

Rating: 49




As with their first match the Mile High Club tried dramatic aerial assaults to get the better of their opponents. Also as with their first match they made a lot of friends in the crowd but did not have a great amount of success. Beast in particular seemed to enjoy swatting his high flying opponents out of the air but it was Zofia who struck the decisive blow. Matthew Macks came flying at her with a slingshot lariat and she timed a perfect Widow’s Whip kick to him in the head as he came over. The three count was a formality and Black Widow’s Web joined The New Assassins on four points in Group A.


Leo Price Promo: Price lauds Granger and says his win over Jasper Squires shows that The Pride are on their way back to success!

Rating: 58



Three Lions Tournament - Group B

The Pride (Jermaine Granger, Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath) defeated Bo-Z (Bret Heartbreak, Blair Kerrigan and Cassie O'Peter)

Rating: 54




The Pride’s strategy was to effectively force a one on one match between Granger and Heartbreak as Sharp and Heath spent their time battling and disrupting O’Peter and Kerrigan.  Granger was clearly very confident and motivated and he set about dismantling Bret Heartbreak with excellent chain wrestling and spectacular dives. The strategy was a success and when Granger hit his Frog Splash after 13 minutes, Heartbreak could not kick out. 


Three Lions Tournament - Group B

World Wrestling Forum (Jasper Squires, Igor Ivanoff and Travis Donovan) defeated City Boys (Aurelian Bradley, Leighton Buzzard and Crusher Ball)

Rating: 63




The main event and final match of the second round of fixtures was a messy, violent ringside brawl. This was the plan of the City Boys but the WWF did not mind one bit. Bradley battled well against Squires but Igor took out Danny Patterson with a lariat and he and Travis Donovan decimated Ball and Buzzard around the ringside area. The bout broke down more and more and time went on until Donovan found himself alone in the ring with Leighton Buzzard. One Donobomb later and Buzzard was pinned for three. The WWF moved to four points and as expected the Pride v WWF match at Supersonic would be for a place in the final. Leo Price had been watching from ringside (although keeping a safe distance from the carnage) and he stared at the menacing WWF trio as they celebrated their win.

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Three Lions Tournament - Group A

Yam Yam Slam (Gazz Vedmore, Mickey Robson and Gavin Owen) defeated Mile High Club (Ariel Breaks, Matthew Macks and Cain Carlile)

Rating: 55





The show opened with two teams desperate to avoid finishing at the bottom of the group. This was a close, fiercely fought encounter but Gazz Vedmore emerged as the hero for Yam Yam Slam. Ten minutes into the match Vedmore went on a rampage which ended with him hitting his Rolling DDT on Carlile and getting the pinfall victory. This was an impressive debut tournament for both teams. 


Three Lions Tournament - Group B

City Boys (Aurelian Bradley, Crusher Ball and Leighton Buzzard) defeated Bo-Z (Bret Heartbreak, Blair Kerrigan and Cassie O'Peter)

Rating: 55




The second battle to not finish bottom was an ill-tempered bout with Bradley and Heartbreak going to war and using the ringside area to try and destroy the other. This left The Dublin Gals fighting bigger, stronger opponents and it was no surprise when Buzzard hit the Buzz Off on Kerrigan and pinned her. Bradley broke off his private battle with Heartbreak to gloat. Bo-Z needed to go back to the drawing board after three losses from three matches.


Sure and Marvin bring along another friend! 

Rating: 43


Fro Sure and Whole Lotta Marvin are talking to Lewis Duckworth and announce that they are ready for the Three Lions Tournament in 2027! Duckworth points out that they need three members for a TLT team. Sure and Marvin pretended to be confused and then realise they have a friend in the back. They invited him out:


It’s Nelson Callum! 


Callum says, like Sure and Marvin, he has signed a long term deal with 3LW. We will be seeing a lot of these American Eagles!


Lightweight Title Round Robin

Thea Davis defeated Neville Jones

Rating: 62


Both of these wrestlers went into this match with no chance of winning the round robin but as we had already seen twice tonight; pride is as good a motivator as any. This was a match of tall lightweights with Jones standing at 6`3” and Davis at 5’11”. Jones spent his time trying to avoid Davis’s hard chops and punches and attempting to use his extra 40lbs to bowl Thea over with sudden dives and slams. The finish came suddenly. Davis caught Jones with a shotgun dropkick to the stomach which forced the lean Welshman to double over in pain. Davis took advantage, landing a double stomp to the back of her opponent followed by her Flying Elbow Drop to pick up the three count and the win. 


Price demands that Squires stop using the Price Drop!

Rating: 58


Leo Price came to the ring, mic in hand and called out…Jasper Squires! Jasper humoured Price and came out to hear what he had to say. Price said that Squires continued to blacken the Pride’s name even after he had left by using his Price Drop finisher. Price demanded that Squires stop using the move and come up with something original! Squires laughed at his old mentor and said that if his WWF team loses to The Pride in the upcoming group decider then he will stop using the move! Price seemed surprised by this compromise being offered and agreed.


Three Lions Tournament - Group B

World Wrestling Forum (Jasper Squires, Travis Donovan and Igor Ivanoff) defeated The Pride (Jermaine Granger, Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath)

Rating: 61




Squires was joined by his teammates Igor Ivanoff and Travis Donovan and they talked about their strategy as The Pride made their entrance. Their strategy was simple; use pure power against the smaller, lighter Pride team. A graphic on the screen showed that the WWF team weighed in at 896lbs compared to The Pride team’s 622lbs and the difference was very apparent. The Pride tried hit and run tactics and waited for the bigger team to tire but they didn’t. After 13 minutes Squires hit the Price Drop on Sharp right in front of Leo Price and gleefully pinned the four time Grand Slam winner for the victory. This win took the World Wrestling Forum to the Three Lions Tournament Final and took Squires one step closer to equalling Sharp, Raynor and Dwayne Dark on four Grand Slam titles.


Three Lions Tournament - Group A

Black Widow's Web (Bali Daljit, Beast Bantom and Zofia Jankovic) defeated The New Assassins (Padraig O'Hearne, JK Lee and Stefan Raynor)

Rating: 64





As the bell rang for this Group A decider, both teams seemed happy with it being three separate one on one clashes. Zofia and Lee faced off in a kicks v submission holds lightweight battle and Daljit and O’Hearne matched Padraig’s brawling against Bali’s superior speed. Then there was Raynor v Beast. The crowd popped when they set eyes on each other and roared with approval when they locked up. Raynor tried to fulfil his promise to put Bantom out of commission by ruthlessly targeting his back and aiming to hit the Single Arm DDT but even in his weakened state Bantom was too strong to succumb to this move. When Beast countered a DDT attempt with a backdrop Bantom used his last reserves of strength to run into the ropes and rebound back into Raynor with an epic Savage Pounce! Lee and O’Hearne saw this and tried to get back to break up the inevitable pinfall but Zofia and Daljit stopped them. Beast covered and the referee counted to three; The New Assassins would not retain their crown, Black Widow’s Web were through to the final! 


The show ended with a crazy brawl! Beast Bantom was hit on the back with a chair and then given the Single Arm DDT by Stefan Raynor!

Rating: 54



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Leo Price: Squires has not won!

Rating: 57


Leo Price came to the ring to start the show with a promo. He said that he regrets that the Three Lions Tournament battle with Squires was lost but the war will continue. Jermaine Granger will be in the Lion's Share Tournament and Squires will be his prime target. 


JK Lee defeated Pigeon Mask VII via submission when Pigeon Mask VII tapped out to the crossface.

Rating: 53



Whole Lotta Marvin, Fro Sure and Nelson Callum defeated Pigeon Mask I, Pigeon Mask IV and Pigeon Mask V by pinfall when Pigeon Mask IV tapped out to Callum’s Honey Trap submission

Rating: 48





Bradley interupts Heartbreak's interview

Rating: 47


Bret Heartbreak was being interviewed by Melanie Florence when Aurelian Bradley interrupted.  Bret was angry and Aurelian was antagonistic but Mel calmed them down and got them to talk about why they dislike each other so much. Bret says Bradley is judgemental and thinks he is better than everyone else. Bradley says that Bret is a narcissistic degenerate and represents everything that is wrong with society. Bret and Aurelian agreed on one thing, this can only be settled in the ring, in a no DQ match, at the next show. 


Thea Davis and Nate Manchester defeated Neville Jones and Welsh Dragon

Rating: 67


The four wrestlers who competed in the excellent Lightweight Title Round Robin fought in a tag battle pitting Davis and Nate against an all Wales team. Davis was excellent in this match as she had been throughout the tournament and she pinned Neville Jones after 13 minutes following a Flying Elbow Drop.


Beast Bantom defeated Stefan Raynor

Rating: 56


The beef between these two had started with Beast trying to help Zofia get revenge over Stefan and then Stefan trying to eliminate the big man once his back injury became serious. Now, there was a sense of exhaustion as it seemed like neither would ever back down. These vets had 44 years of experience between them and 44 years of wear on their bodies, as a result the action was slow and methodical. Beast won by having slightly more left in the tank after 12 minutes and as both men were out on their feet he hit the Savage Pounce and covered for the three count. Both men had to be helped to the back afterwards. 


Squires comes out to go face to face with Beast - he intends to pin him in the TLT final!

Rating: 65


As Beast was being helped out to the back he was confronted by Jasper Squires; 22 years old, 6’6”, 285lbs and determined to prove himself. Beast pushed away the officials supporting him and stood face to face with his young challenger, he was 2 inches taller and 30lbs heavier and did not back down to anyone. Squires said loudly enough for the cameras to pick up, “I’m coming for you in the final. We will win and I will pin you. I am coming for you.” Squires strode off confidently and Beast continued his laboured journey to the back. 



Ian Rosa took a moment to announce that the first ever Pigeon Mask Battle Royal would take place at the next show. The winning Pigeon Mask would be invited to unmask!


Bali Daljit defeated Travis Donovan

Rating: 55


In a preview of the Three Lions Tournament Final, Daljit did what he does best and beat a much bigger man using speed and guile. As well as beating Beast Bantom in the King of the Jungle Final he had also beaten Jasper Squires twice and now he added the ‘Absolute Unit’ Travis Donovan to the list. Donovan was not quick enough or good enough at grappling to land a killer move on Daljit and Bali just wore the huge man down until he was susceptible to the Shooting Star Press. He hit the move perfectly as always and covered for the three count, this was a huge win for Black Widow’s Web ahead of the Three Lions Tournament Final. 


Jasper Squires defeated Padraig O'Hearne

Rating: 65


The World Wrestling Forum and New Assassins did not interact in this year's tournament but this is a match that every fan of smash mouth wrestling wanted to see. The match did not disappoint as both men went all out to dominate the strike exchanges and start working through their power moves. The advantage swung back and forth during a riveting bout which ended with a Price Drop after 18 minutes. Squires helped O’Hearne up as a show of respect at the end of the match, we will almost certainly see these two go at it again.

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JK Lee and Padraig O'Hearne defeated Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore and Mickey Robson), Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath and The Dublin Gals (Blair Kerrigan and Cassie O’Peter)

Rating: 49



A hectic, entertaining opening match was won by Lee and O’Hearne when Lee made Cassie O’Peter tap out to his Crossface.


Nelson Callum defeated Leighton Buzzard

Rating: 43


Those who didn’t know that Nelson Callum is legit did after this demolition of Buzzard. Callum expertly switched between brawling and technical wrestling and left his opponent chasing shadows until he locked on the Honey Trap, his Guillotine Choke Takedown. Buzzard tapped quickly.


Fro Sure and Marvin perform as the Pigeons make their entrances

Rating: 51



Pigeon Mask XI won the 2026 Pigeon Mask battle royal

Rating: 47




The unmasking of Pigeon Mask XI!

Rating: 46


Florence went to the ring to congratulate Pigeon Mask XI, the second of The Flock to earn the right to unmask. Mask XI started talking, she had an American accent and started to recite a dramatic monologue about revealing one's true self as she slowly took the mask off..


It’s Juliet Balconi!


No DQ Match

Bret Heartbreak defeated Aurelian Bradley

Rating: 62


This was another excellent match between these arch rivals. As with their previous battle in July, Bradley tried to rattle Heartbreak by pulling his hair and purposefully using palm strikes to Heartbreak’s beautiful face. This time however Bret had matured and did not get flustered by these dirty tactics. Instead he kept his distance when he could and waited for his opportunity to strike. When it did he landed the Heart Attack flying clothesline with breathtaking accuracy and pinned Bradley for the win. They didn’t even get round to using the weapons!


World Wrestling Forum Promo. The time for talking has finished, it's time to prove they are the best!

Rating: 63



Jermaine Granger defeated Stefan Raynor

Rating: 54


Granger’s star continued to rise as he defeated the veteran Raynor in style. Raynor tried to bully Granger on the inside but Black Thunder’s counters were smooth and he finished the bout after 12 minutes with his Frog Splash.


Lightweight Title Round Robin

Welsh Dragon defeated Nate Manchester to retain the 3LW Lightweight title

Rating: 60


The decisive match in the Lightweight Title Round Robin was fast paced and extremely entertaining. Nate tried to negate Dragon’s kicks by staying out of range but you can never escape the Dragon for long. Every kick that landed took something away from Nate’s arsenal of moves and one kick to the calf in particular seemed to make it difficult for Nate to climb the turnbuckle. Dragon seized on the opportunity, performing a Hurricanrana off the top before hitting a double stomp on his downed title rival. Then Dragon waited as Nate rose to his feet before performing a deadly Dragon Kick to send the Mancunian crashing back to the canvas. The champion covered and the three count was delivered, Welsh Dragon retained after an epic Round Robin Tournament.


Black Widow’s Watch  promo. Zofia said that the WWF were about to be found out and exposed as being overhyped. She said that everything about them is fake, she knows Russians and she thinks Igor is not a real Russian!

Rating: 59



3LW Three Lions Tournament Final


World Wrestling Forum (Jasper Squires, Igor Ivanoff and Travis Donovan) defeated Black Widow's Web (Beast Bantom, Bali Daljit and Zofia Jankovic)

Rating: 60





Squires didn’t lie on the last show, he went straight for Beast Bantom and started brawling with the monstrous veteran all over the arena. Igor and Travis stalked their smaller rivals, Zofia and Daljit but could not convert their size advantage into pinfall opportunities. Next, these four fought all over the arena and Beast and Squires took centre stage in the ring. Squires was seemingly willing to do anything to get the better of Bantom, even taking to the top rope to perform a flying lariat! Squires got his breakthrough when he speared Beast into the turnbuckle, Bantom staggered back into the middle of the ring clearly in agony. Another spear, this time to Bantom’s long injured back! Squires then got the double underhooks locked in and dropped Bantom face first into the mat! 1….2….3! It was over! Squires had pinned Beast Bantom and the WWF were Three Lions Tournament Champions! 

Edited by Bad Collin
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I needed a big roster for the last tournament and so released a lot of people once it was finished for a variety of reasons.

Beast and Igor are just bad workers now and I need excellent main events to push on to Medium.

Most of the others I just didn't feel like I had the show time to get them over or they were causing problems backstage.

Ariel was the most annoying:


After I said no to this she phoned in a performance so I cut her loose.

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WWF celebrated their Three Lions Tournament win but were not ready to announce their choice of perk

Rating: 63


Jasper Squires, Travis Donovan and Thea Davis came to the ring to start the show with their Three Lions Tournament trophies. Thea was holding a trophy despite not being in the tournament, Squires referred to this and thanked Igor Ivanoff for his service to the WWF. Squires said that this tournament win proved that WWF is the most dominant faction in 3LW. Squires mentioned that he now has four grand slam wins, the joint most and in 2027 he will take an unassailable lead in this category. Donovan reminded us that the TLT winners get a ‘perk’ but they are yet to decide what to choose so they will keep us waiting on that one.


Zofia Jankovic defeated Juliet Balconi

Rating: 58


Balconi's ‘reward’ for winning the battle royal and unmasking was a Lightweight Title number one contender's match against Zofia Jankovic. Rosa and Florence explained that in 2027 there will be a Lightweight Title contenders match on all monthly Mane Event shows. In this bout Balconi got kicked around the ring by Zofia until The Black Widow finished her off with a Widow’s Whip.


Whole Lotta Marvin defeated Pigeon Mask I

Rating: 28


This was a demolition. Marvin knocked Mask I down with a lariat and destroyed him with slams before finishing the hapless member of The Flock with a Running Powerslam.


Bradley is delighted that Leves and Duckworth have gone, he calls himself - The Censor

Rating: 52


Aurelian Bradley cut a promo backstage with Danny Patterson. Bradley said that it is a dog eat dog world and Taypen, Buzzard and Ball couldn't hack it, they are gone - consigned to history. Bradley said he is still here unlike those degenerates Holly Leves and Lewis Duckworth. Bradley claims credit for ridding 3LW of them and he'll continue to remove anyone who is impure and corrupt. From now on we can call him ‘The Censor’.


Nelson Callum defeated Phil Myart

Rating: 44


Myart looked confident making his 3LW but was soon outclassed by ‘The Natural’. Callum took just ten minutes to pick Myart apart and make him submit to the Honey Trap.


Travis Donovan defeated Gazz Vedmore

Rating: 52


Donovan and Vedmore had a very entertaining brawl which ended with a Donobomb after 12 minutes.


Raynor says he has a broken wrist, O'Hearne will represent the Assassins

Rating: 45


Stefan Raynor came to the ring for a promo. He said that he had bad news and good news. The bad news is (he held up his arm which was in a cast) that he broke his wrist fighting some dancing goons in Glasgow and as a result he is out of the Lion’s Share tournament. The good news is that Padraig O’Hearne is going to take his place and win the tournament for the New Assassins!


The New Assassins (Welsh Dragon & JK Lee) defeated Neville Jones and Cain Carlile

Rating: 54


The show continued with more New Assassins, who seemed to be one of the only factions not affected by the releases. Dragon and Lee made a formidable team and despite Carlile’s attempts to turn the match into a chaotic mess with his crazy dives, they comfortably controlled the match and won when JK Lee made Cain tap out to the Crossface.


Lion’s Share 2027 - Round One

Bali Daljit defeated Jasper Squires, Jermaine Granger, Padraig O'Hearne, Bret Heartbreak and Fro Sure

Rating: 58



It is tradition that the opening match of the Lion’s Share Tournament descends into chaos and this year was no different. Jasper Squires got dragged into a brawl around the ringside area with Fro Sure and Padraig O’Hearne. Before long Sure and Squires seemed to hit it off and they battled O’Hearne together but somehow O’Hearne held his own. There was a separate triple threat going on in the ring and Jermaine Granger and Bali Daljit started to work together against Bret Heartbreak. A Frog Splash/Shooting Star Press combination ended the match as Daljit pinned Heartbreak to end the first round. Heartbreak had been eliminated and everyone else was through to Round Two.

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Florence announces we will have Lightweight Tag Champions, Dublin Gals are excited!

Rating: 37


Melanie Florence opened the show with an in ring interview with the Dublin Gals. Florence dropped the news that at Lion’s Share in February we would crown the first ever 3LW Lightweight Champions. The Gals lost their s##t and started celebrating like they had already won the belts.  


Bret Heartbreak and Travis Donovan defeated Pigeon Mask I and Pigeon Mask II via pinfall when Heartbreak pinned Pigeon Mask II following a Heart Attack (top rope clothesline)

Rating: 54



Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore and Mickey Robson) defeated Pigeon Mask VI and Pigeon Mask V via pinfall when Vedmore pinned Pigeon Mask V following a Rolling DDT

Rating: 52



Bradley and Patterson promo; they ponder about who to censor next

Rating: 52


“All rise for the Censor!” No one in the audience rose and Bradley was furious. He started picking on members of the crowd whose clothing he deemed inappropriate to wear in public. Bradley then advised us that he was watching these shows closely and he would soon pick his next target for censorship.


Nelson Callum and Whole Lotta Marvin defeated Brilliant White and Phil Myart

Rating: 45


Callum and Marvin continued their unbeaten 3LW run with a standard ten minute victory over the veteran UK pair. For the finish Marvin destroyed Myart with a Running Powerslam on the outside and Callum made White tap out to the Honey Trap.


Nate Manchester and Neville Jones defeated Matthew Macks and Juliet Balconi

Rating: 42


This was a slightly random selection of tag teams but action in the Lightweight Division is hotting up and everyone is trying to make a name for themselves. Nate was the star here, using his agility and speed to produce an all action performance and it was his Manc-Sault on Macks which got the win for him and Jones.


Price has a suggestion for Bali Daljit

Rating: 53


Leo Price was backstage when he bumped into Bali Daljit. Price told Daljit that he and Granger worked really well together in the Lion’s Share Round One match and he is always looking for talented, hard working and honest wrestlers in The Pride… Daljit didn’t really know what to say so he made some vague comments and walked off. 


3LW Lightweight Title

Welsh Dragon defeated Zofia Jankovic

Rating: 63


This match was a banger, pure and simple. The story of the match was not complex; both wrestlers have incredible kicks and the power and accuracy of the kicks on display escalated as the match wore on. Zofia seemed to have Dragon hurt by a stunning kick sequence after 14 minutes but she missed with her Widow’s Whip and Dragon countered with a leg sweep to take her down. Jankovic tried to get to her feet but Dragon took her out with the Dragon Kick and that was that! The fans gave both wrestlers a great ovation as they went to the back.


Lion’s Share - Round Two

Bali Daljit defeated Jermaine Granger, Jasper Squires, Padraig O'Hearne and Fro Sure

Rating: 67



Daljit and Granger do seem to have an affinity and worked together in this second round match as well as they did in the first. Squires and Sure also got on and worked well together. The odd one out was Padraig O’Hearn who got battered from pillar to post until he was pinned by the same Frog Splash/Shooting Star Press combination which eliminated Bret Heartbreak in the first match. At the end of the match there was a 2v2 stand off with Granger and Daljit on one side and Squires and Sure on the other.... 

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RTG Update:

This is the end of year 5 and Three Lions Wrestling are closing in on Medium size:


We are gaining around 2 pop a month so should hit Medium in about May 2027.

Squires is improving although Selling gains are painfully slow:


Still no more in ring achievements so just the one roll: 40. “The trouble with retirement is that you never get a day off.” You feel like you could do this forever. Add ‘Age is just a Number’ to your character. Add +10 across Resilience and Stamina:


Edited by Bad Collin
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