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The Price of Glory [RTG]

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UK Scene Update - January 2027:

1. 21st Century Wrestling


Still number one in the UK and number 4 in the world. However, the creditors have finally noticed that their debt is not coming down ($13.1m at the moment) and they will probably not last the year. Most of the major stars have gone to the States. Luke Cool is the current champion after dethroning Apollo Prince in November 2026.

2.  Scottish National Promotions


Number 24 in the world and approaching Medium size (hopefully not quite as quickly as 3LW though). They are having success by using a succession of former 21CW stars like Jonathan Faust, Buff Martinez and Beast Bantom. Adam Matravers is their current champion.

3. Three Lions Wrestling


The home team, the good guys. Go Lions! We are number 31 in the world. 

4. National Wrestling Federation


Opened in August 2022 and have made it to number 37 in the world, currently at Tiny size and not growing fast. They are headlined by the Ivanoffs and Nate Manchester is their current champion.

5. Championship Wrestling From Wigan


Still tiny but still solvent. Welsh Dragon is their champion and CWW originals like Neil Warbuton and Curtin Jenkins are still going strong as their major stars.

6. High Impact Wrestling


Also headlined by the Ivanoffs, Bat Cooper is their current champion. They are ranked #43 in the world.


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Rest of the World Update - January 2027

1. United States Pro Wrestling


The only Titanic promotion in the world, USPW have signed everyone as usual. Current Major Stars are Jay Chord, Remo, Rich Money, Spencer Spade and Velocidad. Rich Money is currently the world champion for the 6th time.

2. Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling


Incredibly CZCW have used OnDem to get popular around the world and leapfrop SWF! They are still only Medium. Hugh De Aske is their only Major Star and El Jaguar is their champion.

3. Supreme Wrestling Federation


They are Big but have no pop outside of North America so have slipped to #3. Major Stars are Gino Montero, Atom Smasher, Drake Young, Mr Lucha III, Rogue, Matty Faith and T-Bone Bright. Lenny Brown is the current World Champion. 

4. 21st Century Wrestling


As mentioned, will be dead soon

5. Total Championship Wrestling


Fell to Medium as always. Managed to sign Scythe but lost all the other big stars. Ekuma is their current World Champion.

6. Canadian Wrestling Association


The best wrestling promotion in the world but growth is limited since they are in Canada. Signed Rocky Golden and ran Golden v Aaron Knight for a while. Knight was then sacked after a sex scandal! Current Major Stars are Jared Johnson (wrestler of the year for 2025 and 2026), Joss Thompson (current world champ), Brooke Tyler and Princeton Pryce. 

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23 minutes ago, LK_Lance said:

I can't help but feel bad every time The Flock take a loss. Come on Pigeon Masks, I'm rooting for you all!

On another note I've loved following along with this dynasty / RTG and always love seeing updates.

The newest member of The Flock, Pigeon Mask XII thanks you for your support:


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Wrestling Legend Debuts!

Rating: 78


What’s that noise? Is it the sound of an experienced TEW player exploiting the fact that the AI never signs personalities. No, it’s generic rock music produced by the local band paid to make 3LW’s music, wait is that?


Jack Bruce!

Bruce came to the ring and waited for the giant pop to settle down. He said that he heard the buzz about 3LW and just had to ROCK ON down here to see what it is all about. Bruce asked to speak to Leo Price. Price came to the ring looking a little starstruck. Bruce said that he heard that 3LW’s Tournament Director left and it just so happens that he is great with spreadsheets and such like so…Price didn’t think twice and offered Bruce the role!  


Nelson Callum & Whole Lotta Marvin defeated Pigeon Mask I and Pigeon Mask XII via submission when Pigeon Mask XII tapped out to Callum’s Honey Trap

Rating: 41



The Dublin Gals (Blair Kerrigan and Cassie O’Peter) defeated Pigeon Mask II and Pigeon Mask IV via pinfall after a Kerrigan Top Rope Legdrop

Rating: 41



Sharp and Heath aim for the Lightweight Tag Titles

Rating: 43


Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath came to the ring with Leo Price. They announced that they will both compete as lightweights from now on and will face The Dublin Gals for the new Lightweight Tag belts at Lion’s Share! Heath said that the Lightweight division is getting more and more exciting and they can’t wait to be a part of it in 2027.


Welsh Dragon and Thea Davis defeated Brilliant White and Matthew Macks

Rating: 51


Sometimes 3LW management likes to throw together strange pairings and this was certainly the case here as WWF’s Thea Davis and The New Assassin’s Welsh Dragon teamed up. They were not incredible as a team but individually they are magnificent and Thea pinned White after 12 minutes following her Flying Elbow Drop.


Neville Jones defeated Cain Carlile

Rating: 53


This was a standard Cain Carlile match in that he tried to kill himself with crazy moves. He almost succeeded this time, missing Jones with a dive to the outside and going through a table instead. Jones capitalised by rolling Cain back in the ring and hitting the Swansea Swanton for the win. Jones will face Welsh Dragon for the Lightweight Title next week. 


Black Widows Web Promo. 

Rating: 62


Zofia Jankovic said that Price sounds desperate because he knows Granger can't beat Bali Daljit. Zofia predicted that the Pride Grand Slam drought will continue for the foreseeable future.


The New Assassins (Stefan Raynor, JK Lee and Padraig O'Hearne) defeated Bret Heartbreak and Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore and Mickey Robson)

Rating: 52




The New Assassins seem to have been rejuvenated by the challenge Zofia and her Black Widow’s Web posed in 2026 and there was a real sense in this match that they are a team to be reckoned with. Heartbreak did not gel well with the Yam Yams and The New Assassins won when Stefan Raynor pinned Robson after a Single Arm DDT.


Bali Daljit and Jermaine Granger defeated Jasper Squires and Fro Sure

Rating: 73


Lion’s Share hostilities were paused for one show as Daljit and Granger teamed up to face Squires and Sure. Daljit and Granger clicked into gear very nicely and took control of the match with stereo aerial offence, much to the delight of Leo Price watching at ringside. Sure and Squires however worked as individuals, trying to brawl their way to victory and personal glory. Squires tried to direct Sure but the American laughed off his instructions. It was no surprise that the wrestlers who worked as a team won and the finish was spectacular. Granger hit a crossbody on Fro Sure which took him off the apron onto the concrete floor! Then Daljit hit Squires with a Tornado DDT and followed up with a Shooting Star Press which got him the three count. It was very telling how Daljit and Granger celebrated together while Fro Sure and Squires bickered as they made their way to the back.

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Bruce announces that Dragon is injured, it will be a triple threat at Lion's Share

Rating: 78


New 3LW Tournament Director, Jack Bruce had some business to announce at the start of his very first full show in the position. Welsh Dragon was injured, Bruce said, and could not defend the Lightweight Title tonight. The number one contenders match next week between Thea Davis and JK Lee will go ahead and the winner will be entered into a triple threat match for the title at Lion’s Share. 


Aurelian Bradley defeated Pigeon Mask II when Pigeon Mask II submitted to Bradley’s Figure Four Leg Lock

Rating: 52



Nate Manchester and JK Lee defeated Pigeon Mask IX and Pigeon Mask IV by pinfall when Manchester pinned Pigeon Mask IX after a Manc-Sault

Rating: 59



Bo-Z accuse The Pride of unfairness

Rating: 42


“Entitled much?” shouted Cassie to start this backstage promo. “How is it fair that Heath and Sharp walk into the Lightweight Tag Title match?” Continued Heartbreak. “We earned our spot but because the leader of The Pride runs this place Heath and Sharp just get everything handed to them.” Blair added. Cassie finished by saying that tonight she is taking on Jon Michael Sharp and she will show what the Bo-Z lifestyle can do. 


Nelson Callum and Whole Lotta Marvin defeated Brilliant White and Phil Myart

Rating: 46


White and Myart demanded this rematch but the second match went the same way as the first and White was pinned by Marvin after a Running Powerslam


Jon Michael Sharp defeated Cassie O'Peter

Rating: 50


Cassie got her chance to show what she can do against Sharp. However, the four time Grand Slam winner ran rings around her and after using his extra 60lbs to throw her around the ring he made her submit to the Sharpshooter.


Thea Davis and Zofia Jankovic defeated Juliet Balconi and Matthew Macks

Rating: 59


There was more antagonism between Zofia and Thea than for their opponents but this just made these tough ladies even more ruthless. The match became a competition between Thea and Zofia as they took turns in roughing up poor Juliet and Macks. Eventually Thea hit her Flying Elbow Drop and smiled at Zofia as she made the cover, these two would clash again soon for sure. 


Squires urges Sure not to let him down tonight

Rating: 67


A pre-recorded Jasper Squires promo was shown before the main event. Squires said that he and Sure had got along well so far but at the last show Sure didn’t follow his lead and they lost the match. The World Wrestling Forum is all about giving opportunity to wrestlers from around the world and Squires wants to give opportunity to Sure, Callum and Marvin. Look at Igor Ivanoff; he came in for one season and won a Grand Slam! Squires said that it could be Fro Sure next, all he has to do is follow his lead and they can ensure that it is Squires v Sure in the Lion’s Share Final!


Lion’s Share - Round Three

Bali Daljit defeated Jasper Squires, Fro Sure and Jermaine Granger

Rating: 75


Squires was immediately disappointed as Sure again refused to follow his orders. When Squires insisted, Sure punched him in the mouth and they got into an almighty brawl. Granger and Daljit worked together to pick off first Sure, then Squires to stop either man getting any momentum going. With Granger and Daljit on top some tension appeared between them as Daljit tried to roll Granger up! A brawl broke out between them until Sure and Squires came back into the mix. The match broke down until Granger and Daljit knocked Squires down with a double superkick then performed the Frog Splash/Shooting Star Press combination on Fro Sure before Daljit pinned him. Fro Sure was eliminated and round four would be between Bali Daljit, Jermaine Granger and Jasper Squires. Who would be Lion’s Share champion in 2027?

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Bruce hosts a Granger promo

Rating: 78


Jack Bruce came to the ring to open the show. Bruce said that tonight he was hosting an interview with each of the three men left in the Lion’s Share Tournament. He first invited Jermaine Granger to join him. They spoke about Granger’s training at the Ring of Fire Dojo and the influence that Leo Price had on him. Granger said that he is grateful for the support from The Pride; he is sure that he will be the one to bring glory back to The Pride!


Fro Sure and Nelson Callum defeated Pigeon Mask IV and Pigeon Mask XII by pinfall when Sure pinned Pigeon Mask IV after the Sure Thing

Rating: 48



Whole Lotta Marvin & Juliet Balconi defeated Pigeon Mask VII and Pigeon Mask III when Balconi pinned Pigeon Mask VII after a Red Alert (Lifting Reverse DDT)

Rating: 47



Pride promo; Price says Heath and Sharp are not being handed anything

Rating: 43


Leo Price was backstage with Martin Heath and Jon Michael Sharp. Price said that The Dublin Gals were wrong to say that Heath and Sharp are entitled or have been handed these title shots. Price told the viewers that they have to remember that Heath and Sharp have been here since day one, when there were fewer than 100 people in the building. Price said that Heath and Sharp 'earned' these title shots with blood, sweat and tears.


Martin Heath defeated Blair Kerrigan

Rating: 52


With Sharp defeating O’Peter last week, Blair came out for this match determined to score a win for the Gals. Unfortunately for her the result was the same; Heath was bigger and stronger and wore Blair down with slams and lariats. Blair did make a few nice comebacks but when she missed with her Top Rope Leg Drop, Heath took advantage and made her tap out with a Boston Crab.


Bruce hosts a Daljit promo

Rating: 76


Bruce came to the ring again, this time to talk to Bali Daljit. Daljit said that he wrestles all over the country and wherever he goes he wins titles and trophies. 2026 in 3LW was no different and 2027 will be the same again. 


JK Lee defeated Thea Davis

Rating: 58


JK Lee was on a roll, he had won five matches in a row. However, Lee showed no joy at this success and exhibited no arrogance or bravado, he was a submission machine and his entire focus was on damaging Davis’ arms and shoulders enough to make her submit to the Crossface. Davis battled hard to avoid this fate and got some good flurries of strikes in but Lee was ruthless and relentless and after 14 minutes the Crossface was on and Davis submitted.


Bruce hosts a Squires promo; Jasper bristles when Bruce suggests he can't win big singles matches

Rating: 85!


Jack Bruce’s final interview of the evening was with Jasper Squires. Bruce went in hard on Squires from the start, saying that Squires has consistently shown that he can’t win big matches. Tommy Cornell Jr, Beast Bantom, Bali Daljit…they have all outshone Squires and beaten him when it counted. Squires tried to answer back but Bruce continued saying that even now he is trying to control Fro Sure, is Squires worried that Sure will be next on the list to overshadow him? Squires went quiet and walked off, shaking his head and muttering to himself. 


Bali Daljit defeated Jermaine Granger and Jasper Squires

Rating: 76


Squires knew he was up against it here as Daljit and Granger seemed focused on pinning him to allow them to both reach the final. Squires tried to divide and conquer and had some success in turning Granger on Daljit especially when Zofia Jankovic came to the ring with the intention of helping Daljit. With 16 minutes of the match gone, all of the competitors were exhausted and Squires’ power came to the fore. He took control of the bout with a Double Lariat only to be attacked from behind by Fro Sure! With an impressive show of strength, Sure lifted Squires up onto his shoulders and drove his head backwards into the mat to deliver the Sure Thing! Sure left and Granger and Daljit delivered the Frog Splash/Shooting Star Press combination to finish Squires off. 


After the match Granger and Daljit stared across the ring at each other. There would be no more teamwork as they would now compete against each other in the final of the Lion’s Share Tournament.

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Sifu debuts to answer Bradley's open challenge

Rating: 57


The demise of 21CW was the talk of the wrestling world. For years the legendary promotion had struggled under the weight of their debt and in mid February 2027 the floor finally collapsed. Aurelian Bradley confidently strode out to the ring to open the show and addressed the fall of the giant of UK Wrestling. 

Bradley said that 21CW failed because of deep rooted corruption and the horde of greedy degenerates earning obscene wages. He sees it as his role to dig out these degenerates before they do the same to 3LW. Bradley said that he knows that people don't like it when he tells them the truth and he challenged someone to come out and shut him up! The challenge was answered by Sifu! 


Sifu defeated Aurelian Bradley

Rating: 68


Sifu had wrestled in 21CW for 16 years and had five tag title reigns and one Cornell Cup victory to his name, he was a well known figure in UK wrestling and got a huge pop. Once the match started Sifu used rapid counters to Bradley’s strikes as a way to control the bout. Bradley huffed and puffed for ten minutes, barely landing a strike until Sifu countered an uppercut with his famed Roaring Back Fist! Bradley collapsed in a heap and Sifu made the cover to pick up the win in an excellent debut match. 


3LW Lightweight Titles

The Dublin Gals (Blair Kerrigan and Cassie O’Peter) defeated Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath

Rating: 56


Sharp and Heath were confident after their singles successes over The Gals and they dominated this match with a similar power move style. Kerrigan and O'Peter were more aware of their opponent’s tactics this time round however and started to duck lariats and shift their body weight to avoid powerbombs. The frustration was starting to build for the bigger team when, from nowhere, the match was over. Heath put Blair on the top turnbuckle and looked for a superplex but Kerrigan countered with a kick to the head and executed a perfect Sunset Flip. Heath was pinned and couldn't kick out! The Dublin Gals had upset the odds and were the first ever 3LW Lightweight Tag Champions!


Bret Heartbreak, AJ Barry and Mile High Club (Cain Carlile & Matthew Macks) defeated Pigeon Mask I, Pigeon Mask II, Pigeon Mask IV and Pigeon Mask XII when Barry pinned Pigeon Mask II after an AJ Arrow

Rating: 53





Fro Sure, Whole Lotta Marvin, Juliet Balconi, Nelson Callum promo; they become the Roving Eagles!

Rating: 47


Sure said he actually feels bad for attacking Squires like he did on the last show but sometimes you have to make a point. Marvin added that they had to show that they won't be intimidated or assimilated. Callum said that they are unique, they are their own thing. Balconi added that they will not play by rules set by others. They are the Roving Eagles and are here to represent themselves.



Jasper Squires defeated Fro Sure

Rating: 71


Squires was furious after Sure's attack last week and Sure was determined to prove his toughness to the 3LW audience and a vicious brawl was the result. Sure was looking to weaken Squires with strikes to set up his Sure Thing (Inverted Powerbomb) and Squires just wanted to get his hands on Sure and throw him around. As the match progressed Squires got what he wanted, he used his weight advantage well and set up for the finish with a lariat and then a Brainbuster. As Sure stumbled to his feet Squires got the double underhooks in, inverted the hold and dropped Fro Sure on his face. With the Price Drop delivered Squires covered and the referee counted to three. Squires had won the match but Sure and his compatriots had not bowed down to him and would remain implacable foes for a long time. 


3LW Lightweight title

Welsh Dragon defeated Neville Jones and JK Lee 

Rating: 59


Dragon was forced into defending his title against two competitors because he missed Start Me Up with a knee ligament injury. It was clear from the outset of this match that the injury was not fully healed and Jones and Lee aggressively set out to reinjure the joint. Dragon battled through but was noticeably slowed and Lee decided to switch targets; now Jones was roughed up, outwrestled and manoeuvred into position for the Crossface. Dragon got the feeling back into his knee and went on a rampage knocking Lee out of the ring with an outrageously agile Dragon Kick. Jones tried to attack the knee again but got spiked with Tornado DDT. As Jones rose Dragon delivered another Dragon Kick and made the cover for the win.


Jack Bruce brings out the Lion's Share Trophy and talks about previous winners

Rating: 85


Bruce brought the Lion’s Share Trophy to the ring and commended all of this year’s competitors. Bruce said that it was a gruelling tournament and Daljit and Granger had shown incredible fortitude to get this far. Bruce talked about the previous winners; Dwayne Dark, Jon Michael Sharp, Dwayne Dark again, Jasper Squires and last year Beast Bantom. We will have a first time winner this year, Bruce said, and he wished Granger and Daljit the best of luck.


Bali Daljit defeated Jermaine Granger to win the 3LW Lion's Share

Rating: 72



The match started respectfully as the finalists shook hands and locked up for a fair wrestling contest. Both wrestlers have great all round games and the match featured brawling, technical wrestling and high flying. Granger started to show better resilience and stamina as the match went past 15 minutes and this worried Zofia Jankovic enough that she came out to try and distract the Pride member. Referee Scotty Gregory was furious and shouted at Zofia as two huge men entered the ring and gave Granger a Wheelbarrow Lift Into DDT! That was the Moscow Dynamite, screamed Ian Rosa, and this is..


Viktor Beskov and Yuri Iliakov!


The Red Devils forced Daljit to perform the Shooting Star Press and then fled the ring before Gregory realised what had happened. Daljit reluctantly covered and Gregory turned around to count three.

Daljit was Lion’s Share champion but not in the way he would have wanted!


Daljit watches in despair as The Red Devils repeatedly powerbomb Jermaine Granger

Rating: 65



Despite their new teammate urging them to stop, The Red Devils destroyed Jermaine Granger with strikes and repeated powerbombs. The Pride tried to make the save but were batted aside by the mammoth Russians. Eventually Beskov and Iliakov got bored and posed with a delighted Zofia and a dejected Daljit.

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21CW finally closing really adds a new flavour to all of this and gives you more possibilities! It'll also improve the ratings for Squires, which is great as he's already gotten up to 78 I believe recently, which is a big move! Enjoying this, as always!

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Season 22 Preview: Godiva Tag Classic 2027

Eight teams will compete in the single elimination tag tournament. None of the previous winners will be entering as a complete team so we will have first time winners. Stefan Raynor will be hoping to win his third GTC with a third different partner as he reforms the Assassin's Guild with Louie Peyton. The Guild face a tough Quarter Final draw against New Assassin's teammates Padraig O'Hearne and JK Lee. 

Two teams will make their 3LW Grand Slam debuts in this tournament; The Red Devils (Yuri Iliakov and Viktor Beskov) and a team yet to be revealed.



Previous winners of the 3LW Godiva Tag Classic

2026 - Bali Daljit and Beast Bantom
2025 - Konrad Makinen and Stefan Raynor
2024 - Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath (2)
2023 - Zofia Jankovic and Stefan Raynor
2022 - Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath



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Bruce hands the Lion's Share Trophy to Daljit, things seem unpredictable now

Rating: 66


Jack Bruce came to the ring with the Lion’s Share trophy and called out the new champion; Bali Daljit. The mood was bleak between the two and Daljit didn’t even want to hold the trophy at first. Bruce addressed the debut of the Red Devils, he said that this was an exciting time for 3LW but an unpredictable and dangerous time. Bruce put a hand on Daljit’s shoulder consolingly and advised him to stay true to his principles. 


3LW Lightweight Tag titles

The Dublin Gals (Blair Kerrigan and Cassie O’Peter) defeated Matthew Macks and Neville Jones

Rating: 52


Blair and Cassie had resolved to be fighting champions and they agreed to defend their new belts at the very first opportunity. It was a strong start to their reign as Cassie's technical wrestling skills and Blair's spectacular high flying combined to great effect. The Gals won when Cassie pinned Jones following a Running Enziguri.


Godiva Tag Classic - Quarter Final

JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne defeated The Assassins' Guild (Stefan Raynor and Louie Peyton)

Rating: 50


New Assassin teammates clashed in the first match of the 2027 Godiva Tag Classic. Raynor had brought back his most trusted tag partner in an attempt at his fifth Grand Slam win and The Assassins’ Guild had been drawn against his New Assassins teammates. Lee and O’Hearne competed respectfully but robustly against their team leader and won after 12 minutes when JK Lee made Louis Peyton tap out to the Crossface.


Red Devils destroy The Assassins! Raynor given a piledriver on the concrete!

Rating: 76



Lee and O'Hearne went to the back as Peyton and Raynor shook hands with fans at ringside. Suddenly Beskov and Iliakov attacked! They laid out Peyton and Raynor with lariats and then Beskov held Raynor upside down outside the ring as Iliakov climbed onto the ring apron. Beskov delivered a piledriver as Iliakov jumped off the apron onto him! Raynor was completely motionless as terrified officials rushed to help him. ‘The Angel-Faced Assassin’ was stretchered out as The Red Devils posed in the ring. O'Hearne and Lee rushed out to confront them but Beskov and Iliakov fled through the crowd.


Travis Donovan defeated Whole Lotta Marvin

Rating: 63


The ‘Absolute Unit’ almost met his match in this big meaty men slapping meat match. The 6’10”, 340lbs Donovan going up against the 6’8”, 322 lbs Marvin was quite a spectacle. Donovan approached the match with intensity and focus, Marvin played to the crowd and got them rowdy with his charisma and positive vibes. The meat slapping lasted for 12 entertaining minutes until Donovan impressively got Marvin up for the Donobomb. The crash of Marvin being slammed against the canvas from seven feet seemed to shake the building's foundations! Donovan covered and got the three to earn an impressive victory.


Jasper Squires defeated Nelson Callum

Rating: 72


As the audience were recovering from the big boy battle they had just witnessed they were treated to a second WWF v Eagles matchup. This bout was even better as Squires won a highly tactical battle. Squires focussed his attack on Callum’s neck and shoulders, using his superior size to land shoulder breakers and suplexes to achieve this. Due to the punishment received, Callum was unable to apply the Honey Trap Guillotine Choke and succumbed to a pinfall loss after a Price Drop.


Squires and Donovan promo; Roving Eagles will fail without WWF support

Rating: 67


With sweat pouring down his head Squires grabbed a microphone and called Travis Donovan back into the ring. Squires cut a vitriolic promo about the Roving Eagles, calling them ingrates for refusing his offer of a place in WWF. Donovan took the mic and said that they will keep beating the Eagles until they realise what a bad mistake they have made. 


Sifu defeated Gazz Vedmore

Rating: 61


Sifu's second 3LW match was just as successful as the first with the mysterious veteran winning after 13 minutes with a Roaring Back Fist.


Godiva Tag Classic - Quarter Final

The Red Devils (Viktor Beskov and Yuri Illiakov) defeated The Pride (AJ Barry & Jermaine Granger)

Rating: 76


Granger was a ball of fury as the match began, racing across the ring to attack The Red Devils with his wide range of aerial attacks. Granger held his own against the gargantuan Russian team but Barry was completely dominated and it was no surprise when he was pinned after 14 minutes. The Devils didn't even celebrate, they simply tossed Barry out of the ring and started beating up Granger.


Red Devils were about to piledrive Granger when a new team made the save!

Rating: 69



The Devils worked over Granger and were about to give him the same treatment they gave Raynor when…


The Northern Lights are here!


Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan ran to the ring and Yuri Iliakov and Viktor Beskov dropped Jermaine Granger and fled. Vicious and Jordan helped Granger and Barry up and posed in the ring. The Northern Lights were in 3LW!

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Northern Lights promo; they want to build back British Wrestling with Pride.

Rating: 61


Leo Price was beaming as he came to the ring with Riddick Jordan and Alton Vicious. Vicious and Riddick spoke about their two long tag team title reigns in 21CW but said that 21CW has gone now and this is a critical moment for British Wrestling. The closure of 21CW could be a devastating moment or a chance to build something bigger and better. The Lights believe they can build something even better and they will do it with Pride.


Jermaine Granger defeated Pigeon Mask I via pinfall after a Frog Splash

Rating: 61



AJ Barry and Bali Daljit defeated Pigeon Mask V and Pigeon Mask II via pinfall when AJ Barry pinned Pigeon Mask II after an AJ Arrow

Rating: 53



Bruce talks to Pigeon Mask II, he cuts a furious promo in Japanese

Rating: 63



Nate Manchester and Welsh Dragon defeated Pigeon Mask VI and Pigeon Mask XII via pinfall when Manchester pinned Pigeon Mask XII after a Manc-Sault

Rating: 59



Bradley; I know something you don't

Rating: 51




Sifu came to the ring for a promo. The thing is that he has taken a vow of silence so he handed Jack Bruce a card with his statement on. Bruce read that Sifu accepted Bradley’s challenge because people like ‘The Censor’ think they know everything. They don't and it might take a few lessons for this to sink in.

Bradley came to the ring smiling his malevolent smile. Bradley called Sifu “a stuck up, sanctimonious bell end.” Bradley added that he knew at least one thing that Sifu didn't and suddenly Forrest Charmer attacked Sifu from behind! Charmer hit Sifu with the Lucky Charm (Forward Russian Legsweep) and posed for the crowd as Bradley rained down punches on Sifu from the mount position. 3LW officials regained control of the situation and Sifu was helped to the back. 


Cassie O'Peter defeated Neville Jones

Rating: 49


One half of the Lightweight Tag Champions scored a huge win here against the experienced Welshman. Cassie won with her trademark Running Enziguri after ten minutes.


Eagles Promo

Rating: 45


The Roving Eagles were backstage and were interviewed about Jasper Squire’s assertion that they would fail without the World Wrestling Forum. The Eagles said Squires is wrong about them and they will show him tonight by knocking him and Donovan out of the Godiva Tag Classic.


Godiva Tag Classic - Quarter Final

Beasts of the Atlantic (Jasper Squires and Travis Donovan) defeated Roving Eagles (Whole Lotta Marvin and Nelson Callum)

Rating: 70


The Eagles strong words seemed a bit hollow when they actually got into the ring with the monstrous Travis Donovan. The ‘Absolute Unit’ threw Marvin and Callum around like rag dolls in a dominant start to the match. The Eagles made a bit of a comeback against Squires but when Donovan tagged back in he dominated again and pinned Marvin after a Donobomb. A hugely impressive performance from Donovan!


Godiva Tag Classic - Quarter Final

The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan) defeated Black Country Boys (Mickey Robson and Gazz Vedmore)

Rating: 68


This was a big match for 3LW, not because of the contest itself but because of the impact of having stars like Vicious and Jordan in the promotion. Robson and Vedmore fought hard but the result was never in doubt; this was a night for the Lights to shine. Vicious pinned Robson after 14 minutes after the Lights had hit their renowned Lights Out double team move (Double Brainbuster Suplex). Price came into the ring to pose with the Lights after the match and the fans went home happy.

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Zofia holds a funeral for Stefan Raynor’s career 

Rating: 61


Zofia Jankovic came to the ring to start the show. She was dressed in full Black Widow attire with a big black hat on her head. Zofia read a eulogy for Raynor, she told us that he made a good decision in creating the New Assassins but made a fatal mistake in having her beaten up and removed from the group. Now he is gone; a four time Grand Slam winner reduced to dust by The Red Devils. Zofia ended with a warning; cross her and you will be next. Zofia said Vicious and Jordan will be crushed too. 


The Pride (Bali Daljit, Riddick Jordan, AJ Barry and Jermaine Granger) defeated The Flock (Pigeon Mask I, Pigeon Mask II, Pigeon Mask IV and Pigeon Mask XII) when Vicious pinned Pigeon Mask II after a Flying Headbutt

Rating: 58





Sharp & Heath defeated Mile High Club (Cain Carlile & Matthew Macks)

Rating: 53


Sharp and Heath confirmed themselves as the #1 contenders for the Lightweight Tag Titles when Sharp pinned Macks after a Disarmer


Sifu defeated Gavin Owen

Rating: 62


This was a very martial arts heavy match with Sifu’s expert strikes and throws going up against Owen’s Judo skills. Sifu picked up the win when he countered an attempted choke hold and landed his famed Roaring Back Fist. 


Bruce read a Chinese proverb for Sifu

Rating: 62


Sifu stayed in the ring and beckoned Jack Bruce to join him. Sifu handed Bruce a card to read. Printed on the card was a Chinese Proverb which Bruce read surprisingly well! Du mu bù cheng lin, dan xian bu cheng yin. Sifu handed Bruce a card with the translation; A single tree does not make a forest; a single string can not make music. “Am I to understand that you will not be alone next time?” Bruce asked. Sifu nodded and held up two fingers on each hand, he was challenging Bradley and Forrest to a tag match at St George’s Day Bash!


Travis Donovan defeated Nelson Callum

Rating: 61


Nelson is a very skilled brawler but the 100lbs weight difference was too much for him in this bout. Everytime ‘The Natural’ got some momentum Travis stopped him in his tracks with a huge chop or a powerslam. Eventually Callum was exhausted and the ‘Absolute Unit’ delivered the Donobomb and got the three count. 


Yuri lliakov defeated Padraig O'Hearne

Rating: 67


This was the first of two preview matches ahead of the Godiva Tag Classic Semi Finals at St George’s Day Bash. The match was just an unsophisticated all out brawl, neither man seemed interested in posing or showing off they just traded fists for 14 enthralling minutes. The finish was a thrilling series of finisher counters with Iliakov finally hitting his Suplex Powerslam to put O’Hearne down for the three count.


Alton Vicious defeated Jasper Squires

Rating: 81


This was another preview of the GTC Semi Finals and was widely regarded as the best 3LW match so far. Squires clearly relished a chance to wrestle a truly top talent and went at the task with gusto, hammering at the veteran’s arms and shoulders to try and take away the Vicious Snap, a rolling inverted DDT which had won many matches for ‘The Bad Man’. Vicious gave up two inches and 25lbs to the ambitious youngster but his experience told in the end as he paced himself better than Squires and had more in the tank as the match reached the twenty minute mark. Vicious scored with a brutal series of body punches and with Squires doubled over he delivered the Vicious Snap and got the three count. Vicious celebrated as the packed crowd cheered him on, Squires left after giving a short bow of respect to his opponent, he would go back to the gym and train harder.

Edited by Bad Collin
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Cain Carlile defeated Matthew Macks

Rating: 53


The Mile High Club teammates clashed in a fun opening match. Carlile won after ten minutes with the Mark of Cain (Double Stomp)


Price tells Bruce that we are seeing the dawn of a new era of The Pride

Rating: 68


Leo Price came to the ring to talk to Jack Bruce. Price admitted that the Pride had not been successful in recent years but the acquisition of Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan is game changing and The Pride are heading back to the top of 3LW. Price hyped up the Godiva Tag Classic Semi Finals tonight and said that the Northern Lights will prove that they are the top tag team in the world. 


The Pride (Nate Manchester, AJ Barry and Jermaine Granger) defeated The Flock (Pigeon Mask I, Pigeon Mask II and Pigeon Mask XII) via pinfall after Pigeon Mask XII received an AJ Arrow, a Manc-Sault and a Frog Splash

Rating: 53





Who is Sifu’s mystery partner?

Aurelian Bradley and Forrest Charmer made their entrances and waited for Sifu and his mystery partner. Sifu came out first and stood in the ring across from Bradley and Charmer as the tension built. Familiar music hit…


Tommy Cornell Jr is back!


Tommy Cornell Jr and Sifu defeated Aurelian Bradley and Forrest Charmer

Rating: 69


There was a decent pop for TCJ but it was noticeable that his reaction was nowhere near as loud as some of the ex 21CW guys; 3LW had grown a lot since he had left. 

The match was excellent, Cornell Jr had got even better in his time away and dominated the match. It was Sifu who got the pinfall however, pinning Bradley following his lightning quick Roaring Back Fist.


Jon Michael Sharp defeated Blair Kerrigan

Rating: 53


Sharp and Heath considered their loss to the Dublin Gals at Lion’s Share to be a complete fluke and Sharp somewhat proved that point with an emphatic win over Kerrigan. Sharp skillfully and ruthlessly worked over Blair's back and made her tap out to the Sharpshooter. After the match he held Kerrigan's Lightweight Tag belt before handing it back to her as if to say, have this back - for now.


Eagles interrupt WWF promo to offer Travis a spot, he seems to be thinking about it!

Rating: 56



Squires, Donovan and Davis were in the ring to give their thoughts ahead of the Godiva Cup Semi Final match with the Northern Lights. Squires was just saying that this was the chance for the Beasts of the Atlantic to prove themselves and for him to complete the Grand Slam when he was interrupted by the Roving Eagles. Sure spoke for the Eagles and said that they were here to talk to Donovan. Marvin said that he was incredibly impressed with the ‘Absolute Unit’ during their recent matches. Callum added that he knows Donovan is a real American homeboy from Tuscon, Arizona. Callum said that he thinks Donovan would be better off leaving the WWF and joining the Eagles, it’s like a home away from home! Donovan seemed to be thinking about this while a furious Squires ranted at the Eagles. 


Godiva Tag Classic - Semi Final

The Red Devils (Viktor Beskov and Yuri Illiakov) defeated JK Lee and Padraig O'Hearne

Rating: 69


Lee and O'Hearne were very keen to get revenge for their fallen faction leader but took a cautious approach. JK Lee was the smallest man in the match by some margin, he wrestles as a lightweight in singles competition, but he is also the most technically gifted and the story of the match was his battle to make one of the Devils tap out to the Crossface. He got close a few times but Beskov and Iliakov always managed to power out and they eventually hit the Moscow Dynamite on Lee to score the pinfall win. The Red Devils were through to the final but who would they face?


Godiva Tag Classic - Semi Final

The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan)  defeated Beasts of the Atlantic (Jasper Squires and Travis Donovan)

Rating: 76


Squires still seemed rattled by the Roving Eagles interruption and it cost him at the start of the match as Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan took control. Donovan got The Beasts back into the match with a series of lariats and powerslams and it was an even and engaging contest for 15 minutes. With exhaustion setting in for both teams the Lights started trying to set up the Lights Out, their Double Brainbuster Suplex finish, but Squires and Donovan still had the strength to power out of it. The Lights did not get to hit the Lights Out but in a veteran move, Jordan countered a Price Drop attempt into a backslide and got a three count! Squires was furious with himself as another chance to complete the Grand Slam slipped away.

Edited by Bad Collin
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Thea Davis defeated Cain Carlile

Rating: 77


This match was a number one contendership match for the 3LW Lightweight Title. Captain Crash landed some good dives on Davis but the Red Queen won following her Flying Elbow Drop after nine minutes.


Tommy Cornell Jr and Travis Donovan defeated Pigeon Mask I and Pigeon Mask VII

Rating: 57


Cornell came to the ring carrying a large box, he put the box down at ringside and waited for his teammate. Cornell and Donovan were a seemingly random pairing but they worked excellently together. They cooked up a spectacular finish in their very first match as a team; Cornell performed a slingshot suplex as if he was going for the Rough Ride but instead of hitting a facebuster he expertly transferred Pigeon Mask I to Donovan who landed the Donobomb! Pigeon Mask I was finished and Mask VII didn’t break up the pin in case he got the same treatment!  


Cornell Jr. hands the Cornell Cup to Bruce! 

Rating: 73


After the match Tommy called Jack Bruce into the ring. Cornell said that as 3LW’s Tournament Director he should have this and he pulled the Cornell Cup out of the box he brought to ringside! Tommy said that this cup was initiated by his dad in 2018 and first won by his dad and his uncle. Since then it was fought for every year in 21CW, with some of the top stars in British Wrestling becoming Cornell Cup Holders. Now 21CW is gone and 3LW is the premier British Wrestling promotion. Cornell said you might disagree with this statement if your idea of good wrestling is fat Scottish men hitting each other with chairs but as far as the Cornell family is concerned 3LW is now the standard bearer for the cream of British Wrestling! Cornell’s suggestion to Bruce is that the final of the Godiva Tag Classic is now also for the Cornell Cup! Bruce agreed and the two men shook hands. 


Bret Heartbreak and Jasper Squires defeated Pigeon Mask XII and Pigeon Mask II via pinfall when Heartbreak pinned Pigeon Mask II after a Heart Attack

Rating: 56



3LW Lightweight title

Welsh Dragon defeated Edison Silva

Rating: 51


Dragon had a mystery opponent for his Lightweight Title defence and was surprised when Edison Silva walked out! Silva wrestled his MMA style but had no answer for Dragon’s Kicks and was pinned after eight minutes following a Dragon Kick.


Bruce reads another proverb for Sifu

Rating: 77


Jack Bruce was called out to the ring again, this time by Sifu. Sifu handed cards to Bruce and once again Jack dutifully read them out. The proverb this time was Liángyào kǔ kǒu or ‘good medicine tastes bitter’. Bruce guessed that this meant Sifu was challenging Forrest Charmer next week! Sifu nodded and struck a martial pose.


Alton Vicious defeated Yuri lliakov

Rating: 67


This match seemed to hinge on a single moment about ten minutes in. Vicious charged at Iliakov in the corner but Yuri slipped away just in time and Vicious went crashing into the turnbuckle torso first. Vicious stayed where he was in clear pain and Iliakov followed up with a spear to the torso from behind! From here it should have been a case of Iliakov simply picking Vicious apart. However no one is as tenacious as Alton Vicious and The Bad Man battled back and pulled off a stunning victory after a Vicious snap from nowhere. Iliakov was furious and hit Vicious with another spear as Vicious celebrated his win!


Viktor Beskov defeated Riddick Jordan

Rating: 78


The difference in physiques on show in this match seemed to make a big difference. Riddick Jordan is 6’2” tall and weighed 241lbs but was not in the best shape of his career. Standing across from him was Yuri Iliakov who, at 6’3” and 261lbs looked muscular and lean. Jordan is a very good technical wrestler and the foundation of the match was Illiakov’s attempts to put Jordan in his Red Devil Lock (Kimura) and Jordan’s skillful counters and escapes. After one very nice escape from an attempted Red Devil Lock, Jordan hit Illiakov with a lariat and a scoop slam and went up top for his signature Flying Headbutt. However, whether it was Iliakov playing possum or whether Jordan’s extra weight slowed him down, he was too slow and Illiakov moved leaving Jordan to land face first on the canvas! Iliakov acted quickly and locked on the Red Devil Lock! Jordan was in the middle of the ring and hurt from his missed headbutt and he had no choice but to give his verbal submission.  


Red Devils and Northern Lights brawl to end the show!

Rating: 75



The referee called for the bell but Iliakov did not release the hold! Alton Vicious came down to help clutching his ribs and he was closely followed by Viktor Beskov. Chaos reigned to end the show as the four men brawled uncontrollably all over the arena! Which of these teams will win the Godiva Tag Classic and the Cornell Cup?! Don’t miss the next show, on 29th May, as 3LW are live on OnDem for the first time!

Edited by Bad Collin
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Huge Debuts! 

Rating: 79


The show opened with Ian Rosa and Melanie Florence at the announce desk. They were very agitated about a rumour of a big name debut to start the show. We went to the ring but no one appeared at first. Then music! Wait is that…


Jeff Nova's music!


And he's not alone…


Apollo Prince is here too!


The crowd popped huge for the former 21CW owner and the two time 21CW champion! Nova took a mic and started laying into the British wrestling fans! He said that the demise of 21CW was not his fault and instead reflected the bad taste of the fans. Nova insulted 3LW’s tournament structure and said that a system with defendable titles is the only reasonable way to run a wrestling promotion. Jeff Nova then pulled the 21CW World Title out of a bag! By now The Pride had gathered around the ring, they were shocked and just waited to see what Nova and Prince did next. Prince said that the 21CW World Title is the only title that matters in British Wrestling. If everything was as it should be, Prince continued, he should be fighting Luke Cool in the main event for this belt but since Luke had run off to Berlin (he signed a two year written deal with VWA) he will fight whoever Leo Price picks, right now!


21st Century World Title

Apollo Prince defeated Bali Daljit

Rating: 68


Leo Price was stunned into inaction and Bali Daljit picked himself for the match. Price nodded assent and the three time Grand Slam winner stepped into the ring with the 21CW champ! Daljit was up for this and went at Prince with dives and aerial strikes. Prince was shocked and took some time on the outside of the ring to strategise with Nova. Prince got back into the ring and settled into a rhythm and we started to see some of the highly athletic spots that made him a national star. Daljit continued to fight hard and looked to be in control when he ascended the top turnbuckle ready to hit his famed Shooting Star Press. Instead Nova pushed some of the watching Pride members over, causing a distraction allowing Prince to recover and hit a low blow on Daljit! Prince threw Daljit off the top rope and hit the Apollogy (Reverse Snap Inverted DDT). Prince covered and Nova directed the referee towards the ring and he counted the three. Prince had retained the title, although it is not an official 3LW title, this would be for Price and Bruce to sort out. 


3LW Lightweight Tag titles

The Dublin Gals (Blair Kerrigan and Cassie O’Peter) defeated Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath

Rating: 63


Sharp and Heath had been saying that their loss in the first match for these belts was a complete fluke but Blair and Cassie proved them wrong for good this time. The match was close with lots of near falls around the ten minute mark but Blair won a clean victory for the Gals when she pinned Martin Heath after a top rope legdrop. 


3LW Lightweight title

Welsh Dragon defeated Thea Davis

Rating: 73


Thea Davis had been involved with 3LW since day one back in 2022 but this was only her second shot at the Lightweight Title. She probably thought she had won it too when she overpowered Dragon with strikes and then hit her Flying Elbow Drop finisher. She covered but Dragon got his foot on the rope at two. Thea tried to follow up but Dragon was reinvigorated by the close call and took control with his deadly kicks. One clean Dragon Kick was enough to topple The Red Queen and Dragon made the 7th successful defence of his title. 


Backstage Segment; Jaspers Squires welcomed Tommy Cornell Jr. back to 3LW. Squires said,  "I've been waiting" and then walked off. 

Rating: 73



Tommy Cornell Jr defeated Aurelian Bradley

Rating: 63


Cornell Jr. did not lose in his first stint on 3LW and he went 3-0 in his second stint with this routine victory over ‘The Censor’.  Bradley lasted 14 minutes but in the end was forced to tap out to the Guilt Trip.


Sifu defeated Forrest Charmer

Rating: 77


The Yankee Poodle was very aware of Sifu’s dangerous strikes and so he spent most of the match outside the ring or hiding behind the referee. Charmer did manage to get some offence in after an eye poke but when Sifu got back in control he resorted to running away again. Eventually Sifu cornered Charmer and he was forced to fight, he actually held his own for a while until Sifu hit the Roaring Back Fist from nowhere and pinned Charmer for the victory. 


Beasts of the Atlantic defeated Roving Eagles (Fro Sure & Whole Lotta Marvin)

Rating: 69


This bout was violent, bad tempered and turned bloody towards the end. Squires and Donovan saw this match as a chance to finally prove to the Eagles that they needed help in 3LW, the Eagles saw this as a chance to prove they could make it on their own. In the end, the action was so brutal and the match was so close that Sure and Marvin proved their point even in defeat. This whole feud started with Sure refusing to take Squires’ orders and Jasper must have left this match with much more respect for Sure than he started with. The finish saw Donovan take Marvin out with a spectacular over the top rope lariat leaving Sure and Squires one on one. Both men were bleeding heavily as they slugged it out in the middle of the ring. Sure took control and looked for the Sure Thing but Squires rolled through with a victory roll and got the three! 


Bruce brought out the Godiva Tag Classic Trophies and the Cornell Cup

Rating: 86




3LW Godiva Tag Classic

Cornell Cup

The Red Devils (Viktor Beskov and Yuri Illiakov) defeated The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan)

Rating: 88




It was finally time; Lights v Devlls with victory in the two biggest tag tournaments in Britain at stake. Alton Vicious entered the match with taped ribs from his match with Iliakov and he looked in a bad way at the start of the match as the Devils worked his midriff with punches and kicks. Florence reminded us that Vicious did win that match against Iliakov despite the injury and he showed the same level of resolve here too. As the match went over fifteen minutes it was clear that we were seeing a level of skill and experience that 3LW fans had not seen before. These were seasoned pros in the prime of their lives and every near fall brought a reaction from the thirteen and a half thousand in attendance. 


Things started to get messy as twenty minutes approached, brawling on the outside was more common and the ring steps, ring posts and barricades were all used as landing spots for the four men throwing each other around. Vicious took a hard landing on the ring steps from a Devil's Double Suplex and then The Devils hit Jordan with the Moscow Dynamite on the ramp. Vicious was rolled back in to the ring and Iliakov put the boots to his ribs as Beskov applied the Red Devil Lock! Leo Price was at ringside pleading with Vicious not to give up as Zofia Jankovic urged him to tap out and eventually Vicious did. The Red Devils were the Godiva Tag Classic and Cornell Cup winners and had proven that they were the best tag team in the country.  

Edited by Bad Collin
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8 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

Kind of want Squires and TCJr to form a Tag Team - not going to lie.

I have the next six months of TCJ and Squires stuff mapped out in my head. There is a big angle coming up with them.

Talking of angles, we have now changed to Respectful Wrestling and it has really thrown me through a loop. I now need 20 minute matches and 5% angles on events which is not as much fun to write. We also need one Technical Masterclass per show which is annoying to have to fit in. It is going to take some adjustment but should be good for match grades.

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Season 23 Preview: King of the Jungle 2027

For the first time 3LW will have a TV show! Call of the Wild will debut on 1st June 2027.


The Red Devils and Northern Lights will renew their rivalry as all four men have entered the King of the Jungle 2027. All 3LW Heavyweight wrestlers are entered into the tournament including; reigning champion Bali Daljit, Tommy Cornell Jr, Sifu and Jasper Squires. This is set to be the most unpredictable 3LW Grand Slam tournament yet:


Previous Winners:

2027 - Bali Daljit
2026 - Tommy Cornell Jr
2025 - Jasper Squires
2024 - Dwayne Dark
2023 - Stefan Raynor

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