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The Price of Glory [RTG]

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Prince Promo; If 3LW want the 21CW title then they’ll have to beat him for it!

Rating: 88


Leo Price came to the ring to start the show, he introduced Jeff Nova and Apollo Prince who followed him out. Price didn’t beat around the bush, he said that the 3LW Heavyweight division is tournament only and he would not recognise the 21CW title. He suggested that if Prince wanted to prove himself as the best wrestler in the UK then he should enter the King of the Jungle tournament and Price would award the belt to the tournament winner. It would only be up for grabs in the annual tournament however. Prince and Nova conferred and their answer was just as simple; “NO!”. Prince told Price that he was the 21CW champion and he didn’t recognise Price’s tournaments. If someone wants to take this title and add it as a prize for one of 3LW’s garbage tournaments then they would need to beat him for it first! Rosa and Florence remind us that the main event tonight is Prince v AJ Barry for the 21CW World Title, can Leo Price’s protegee take the belt tonight? 


Jasper Squires defeated Padraig O'Hearne

Rating: 74


An absolute banger of a first ever 3LW TV match. Squires and O’Hearne beat the snot out of each other for 15 minutes before Squires pinned O’Hearne after a Price Drop.


Price, Sharp and Heath promo; Heath and Sharp focus on the LW singles belt

Rating: 42


Leo Price came to the ring with Martin Heath and Jon Michael Sharp. Sharp and Heath were deflated after losing again to Kerrigan and O’Peter but Price gave them a pep talk and suggested that they go after the singles Lightweight Title. Heath and Sharp agreed that this is just what they needed and agreed to fight each other in a fair contest when one of them defeated Welsh Dragon for the belt. 


King of the Jungle - Round One

Gazz Vedmore defeated Gavin Owen

Rating: 64


The King of the Jungle 2027 opened with a Yam Yam Slam showdown. Owen’s Judo skills were not enough to counter Vedmore’s aggression and Gazz won with a Rolling DDT


King of the Jungle - Round One

Forrest Charmer defeated Mickey Robson

Rating: 61


Vedmore’s Black Country Boys teammate, Mickey Robson did not fare as well. Robson tried to rough up the Yankee Poodle but Charmer turned out to be tougher than expected and defeated Robson by pinfall after hitting the Lucky Charm (Forward Russian Legsweep).


Charmer distracted by Balconi

Rating: 43


After an ad break Jack Bruce started interviewing Forrest Charmer backstage about his victory when he was distracted by Juliet Balconi walking past. Bruce had to repeat his question three times and Charmer still didn’t get it and he ran off to talk to Balconi.


King of the Jungle - Round One

Travis Donovan defeated Aurelian Bradley

Rating: 71


“The Censor” Aurelian Bradley was still looking to make his name in 3LW with a big win and they don’t get much bigger than Travis Donovan. There was no win for Bradley here though, the fight was close for a while but after 12 minutes Donovan hit a series of power moves ending with the Donobomb. That was enough for the three count and Donovan moved into the second round.


 21st Century World title

Apollo Prince defeated AJ Barry

Rating: 66


It was pretty surreal to have the 21CW champion headline the first ever 3LW TV show against Leo Price’s protegee. ‘Astonishing’ AJ lived up to his name with some incredible aerial manoeuvres but Prince was always in control, waiting for his chance to strike. The chance came after 18 minutes, AJ went for his AJ Arrow, a spear from the top rope but he slipped slightly and fell short of Prince. The champion rushed in and hit the Apollogy before covering for the three count. Nova and Prince posed to end the show as Ian Rosa asked the question; who on earth can take this belt from Apollo Prince?

Edited by Bad Collin
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WWF Promo; they use their Three Lions Tournament Perk!

Rating: 85



The World Wrestling Forum started the show by coming to the ring for a promo. They called in Jack Bruce as they had some ‘tournament business’ to deal with. Bruce came out and Squires reminded everyone that the WWF won the Three Lions Tournament last year and they still haven’t used the perk they gained for winning that tournament. Davis took over and said that she is making it her mission to win a lightweight title before the end of the year and so she will not be taking part in the Three Lions Tournament this year. Donovan spoke next and said that they wanted to use their perk to make Tommy Cornell Jr. their third member! Bruce was shocked, he said that he couldn’t make someone join their team. Squires agreed but said that he could make a ruling that Cornell cannot join another team, Bruce nodded. “That will do then.” said Squires and explained that Cornell may not like this ruling but he would not sacrifice a chance to win a Grand Slam event to defy it. 


Jon Michael Sharp defeated Cain Carlile

Rating: 55


This was a number one contender’s match for the Lightweight Title. Sharp won without too much trouble, most wrestlers seem to be aware of Captain Crash’s proclivity to perform crazy dives and know when to get out of the way. In this case Carlile missed with a huge swanton and Sharp quickly gathered his opponent into the Sharpshooter and made him tap out.


Tommy Cornell Jr defeated Gavin Owen

Rating: 64


If Tommy Jr. was unhappy about the WWF’s earlier announcement then he didn’t let it affect his performance here. Owen and TCJ wrestled a sixteen minute technical masterclass pitting Owen’s judo against Cornell Jr’s chain wrestling. Cornell won when he got Owen in the Guilt Trip (ironically this is a judo choke) and Owen was forced to tap out. 


Forrest comes to the ring with flowers for Balconi

Rating: 48


Forrest Charmer came to the ring holding a bunch of flowers, he had a huge smile on his face as he grabbed a mic. Forrest said that last week he fell in love! They only spoke briefly and she has not had the chance to return his calls yet but he is destined to be Romeo as he has found his Juliet. Forrest asked Juliet Balconi to come to the ring and then he waited and waited and waited. Instead, Nelson Callum came to the ring. Callum said that Forrest was wasting his time, Juliet is not single and even if she was she was not interested in Charmer. 


King of the Jungle - Round One

Whole Lotta Marvin defeated AJ Barry

Rating: 65


This first round match turned out to be an easy draw for Marvin who demolished Barry for ten minutes. Barry showed his resilience by making a comeback but Marvin caught Barry when he tried a poison rana and turned him around into the Running Powerslam! The three count was a formality and Marvin was through to Round Two.


Cornell accepts the WWF decision!

Rating: 68


Cornell Jr. was interviewed backstage by Melanie Florence. He said that he was not happy about being press ganged into the WWF Three Lions team. However, he needs to be in the tournament and so he doesn’t have any other choice but to accept and make the best of it. Cornell Jr. added that it is a compliment in a way, Squires and co see that he is the best of the best and their best chance of winning is with him in their trio.  


King of the Jungle - Round One

Alton Vicious defeated Fro Sure

Rating: 78


Whole Lotta Marvin might have had an easy draw in Round One but the same cannot be said of his Roving Eagles teammate Fro Sure. “The Bad Man” hits hard and he was now fully recovered from the rib injury which played a major part in the Northern Lights losing the Godiva Tag Classic final to the Red Devils. Fro was no punching bag and he took Vicious to the limit, twenty minutes had passed when Vicious finally got Sure into position and delivered the Vicious Snap. The three count followed and Vicious’s King of the Jungle run was underway, could he be the one to bring a Grand Slam to The Pride after more than three years?

Edited by Bad Collin
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First WWF promo with Cornell Jr.

Rating: 70


The World Wrestling Forum came to the ring to start the show. Squires reminded us that next week he faces Forrest Charmer in his King of the Jungle round two match. He also congratulated Travis Donovan who defeated Aurelian Bradley in Round One and will face Victor Beskov at Coming Home in two weeks. Squires confirms that they have challenged the Red Devils and will face the Godiva Tag Classic winners in the main event, tonight! Tommy Cornell was standing in the ring, uncharacteristically silent as Jasper spoke. He stepped forward now and simply suggested that he and Travis team up next week since Jasper would be in singles action. Squires agreed and finished by vowing to become King of the Jungle for the second time.


Bali Daljit and Riddick Jordan defeated Pigeon Mask II and Pigeon Mask VI

Rating: 54


It was time for the TV debut of The Flock! This was a massacre with Daljit and Jordan on constant offence. The Flock lasted eight minutes until Jordan pinned Pigeon Mask II after hitting his Flying Headbutt. 


Jermaine Granger defeated Tommy Cornell Jr

Rating: 69


Tommy Cornell Jr, son of one of the greatest ever wrestlers and the man heralded as the future of British wrestling probably saw this match as a tough warm up ahead of his King of the Jungle Round Two match with Nelson Callum. Tommy had never lost in 3LW before and probably never thought that losing to Granger as a possibility, until he got the slingshot section of the Rough Ride wrong and found himself planted on his head via a counter DDT from Black Thunder. Tommy was stunned and then winded when Granger landed his frog splash. The referee covered and Cornell could not kick out! This was an anticlimactic way for TCJ to lose his first 3LW match but it showed just how far the promotion had moved on in his absence. 


Nova promo; he is here alone - 

Rating: 67


Jeff Nova came alone to the ring for a promo. Nova said that the 21CW belt is the only title that means anything, which means that Apollo Prince outranks every wrestler here regardless of how many Grand Slams they have won. Prince will show up when he feels like it and he didn’t feel like showing up tonight.  Nate Manchester interrupted Nova to say that Leo Price had chosen him to face Prince at Coming Home and he was taking the 21CW title home to Manchester. 


King of the Jungle - Round Two

Padraig O'Hearne defeated Whole Lotta Marvin

Rating: 63


Both O'Hearne and Marvin are excellent grapplers with big futures in the business. All they need is that one big tournament run to take them to stardom. Marvin's tournament came to an end here but the match could have gone either way as both competitors kicked out of very close counts. O'Hearne won after he impressively got the huge Marvin up for his Crowning Glory (Inverted Crucifix Powerbomb), this was unsurprisingly enough to get a three count.


Charmer finds Balconi backstage, she rejects him, it is not pretty

Rating: 51


Forrest Charmer was seen frantically searching backstage when he finally found the object of his desire, he dropped to his knees and dramatically took Juliet Balconi’s hand and kissed it. Forrest started on a long, romantic monologue but Balconi stopped him and told him that she is not single. She was about to walk off and leave it at that but then she added that she thought Forrest was creepy. She was about to walk off again but then added that Forrest was weird looking. She was about to walk off again but then added that Forrest smelled a bit funny. At that point, mercifully, she did walk off. Forrest looked like he was about to cry. 


King of the Jungle - Round Two

Sifu defeated Bret Heartbreak

Rating: 73


Have a pair of more different wrestlers ever stood opposite each other in a 3LW ring? Heartbreak was vain and haughty, Sifu silent and humble. Brett was preening himself like a cat even in the heat of battle; making sure his hair looked good, adjusting his gear constantly. Sifu just remained focused on the task at hand, looking for a chance to strike with his Roaring Back Fist. Heartbreak was the architect of his own downfall, looking at himself in the big screen for a split second too long and walking into the Back Fist! Sifu covered, this was easy but tougher tests would follow.


The Red Devils (Victor Beskov and Yuri Illiakov) defeated Beasts of the Atlantic (Jasper Squires and Travis Donovan)

Rating: 83


When Yuri Iliakov (6’3” and 261lbs) is the smallest man in the match then you know you have got some big boys in there. Both Red Devils gave up some height and some weight to Squires and Donovan but they more than made up for it in experience and aggression. Donovan and Squires have stood together against some tough customers in the four and a half years since Squires met the ‘Absolute Unit’ on holiday in the US and offered him a job, but none as tough as the Devils. Not only did they hit hard but they knew where to hit to inflict maximum pain. On this night the Beasts battled with everything they had for twenty minutes before Donovan was caught cold by a Beskov uppercut and became the latest victim of Moscow Dynamite. Iliakov dealt with Squires while Beskov made the cover and the Devils secured a big victory.

Edited by Bad Collin
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Eagles are with Bruce; Rating: 55



The Roving Eagles were in the ring with Jack Bruce to open the show with a promo. They said that they had their eyes on Forrest Charmer, that creep was up to no good. Fro Sure and Marvin were disappointed that they were out of the King of the Jungle but they know Callum can go all the way!


Jermaine Granger defeated Nelson Callum

Rating: 62


Fresh from defeating the ‘Son of the Legend’ last week, Granger was back in the W column here. Callum is Cornell Jr’s opponent on Sunday night in the round two match at Coming Home and he suffered the same fate as Tommy did against Black Thunder; one mistake, a Frog Splash, 1…2…3!


Charmer is with Patterson and Bradley, they console him and insult Juliet

Rating: 54


Forrest Charmer was hanging around backstage with Danny Patterson and Aurelian Bradley, he looked like he had been crying all week. Danny and Bradley were doing that thing where you try and persuade your friend that the girl that rejected him is no good. “She’s weird” said Danny, “She’s unique” sobbed Forrest. “Her hair is too bright, it hurts my eyes” said Bradley, “She is a flame haired goddess”, replied the heartbroken Yankee Poodle. Danny and Bradley reminded Forrest how Callum Nelson had come out to the ring two weeks ago, preventing Forrest from having the chance to speak to Juliet properly. “I bet this is his doing” suggested Aurelian.


Tommy Cornell Jr and Travis Donovan defeated JK Lee and Padraig O'Hearne

Rating: 80


This match had the crowd on its feet from the start. Donovan and O’Hearne opened the action by trading big chops which made the fans in the front row wince. JK Lee was in great form too, coming close to trapping Cornell Jr in the Crossface leading to many dramatic rope break moments. TCJ came good in the end though, trapping Lee in the Guilt Trip and forcing him to tap out. A superb match enhanced by the excellent chemistry Cornell Jr and Donovan showed as a team.


Cornell is jubilant after the match, this is a big man he can work with!

Rating: 71


Exhausted but delighted after a hard fought victory, Tommy Cornell Jr picked up a microphone. Cornell shouted “that was fun!” Cornell told the audience that Donovan was a “big man he can work with”. Donovan said that he and Squires were delighted to have TCJ on board and that the world was their oyster.


King of the Jungle - Round Two

Bali Daljit defeated Gazz Vedmore

Rating: 66


Bali Daljit was still technically a Black Widow’s Web member and Zofia was at ringside to help him, or was she there to keep an eye on him? Either way she didn’t interfere and Daljit was fine, defeating Vedmore following a Shooting Star Press after 12 minutes. 


King of the Jungle - Round Two

Jasper Squires defeated Forrest Charmer

Rating: 79


The Yankee Poodle was distracted, there is no doubt about that but he is a fine wrestler and he held his own with Squires for 15 minutes despite his recent emotional trauma. The match was excellent and Charmer looked to be getting close to hitting the Lucky Charm when he saw a flash of red hair at ringside. His heart pounded, Juliet was here to cheer him on! But alas, it was not, it was Thea Davis here to support Squires. Now despondent, Charmer seemed to lose fire and Squires soon had him in position for the Price Drop. Squires delivered the finish and made the cover, he was through to the Quarter Finals.

Edited by Bad Collin
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3LW Lightweight title

Welsh Dragon defeated Jon Michael Sharp

Rating: 58


Jon Michael Sharp was a four time Grand Slam event winner but no one in 3LW epitomised being lost in the shuffle as much as he did. This bid for the Lightweight Title was nothing more than a desperate bid to regain relevance and when it failed, after a high energy 10 minute match ended with a Dragon Kick, Sharp looked distraught. Martin Heath was ringside and consoled his longtime teammate, Heath indicated to Dragon that he was coming for the belt next. 


Eagles promo; Charmer is acting even weirder

Rating: 55



The Eagles were with Bruce backstage. They asked him if he saw that bizarre video with Bradley, Patterson and Charmer last Tuesday. Bruce said he did and it sounds like they are going after Nelson Callum. Juliet wanted to go and try and talk Charmer round but the rest of the group were adamant that she avoid him like the plague. 


King of the Jungle - Round Two

Viktor Beskov defeated Travis Donovan

Rating: 69


Donovan fought with fury as he looked to even the score with Beskov after being pinned two weeks ago. The ‘Absolute Unit’ got close to landing the Donobomb a few times but Beskov slipped away time after time. Eventually Beskov caught Donovan with the same uppercut which led to the Moscow Dynamite in the tag match but this time Beskov's Red Devil Lock was the finishing touch and Donovan had to tap out.


Devils beat up Donovan until Cornell Jr makes the save! Squires arrives afterwards.

Rating: 77



Beskov didn’t let go of the hold and Yuri Iliakov arrived to start kicking Donovan while he was still in the Red Devil Lock, they would break his arm at this rate! Cornell Jr. came out to make the save and he managed to fight the Devils off. Jasper Squires arrived a bit later and Beskov and Illiakov walked away laughing maniacally. 


21st Century World title

Apollo Prince defeated Nate Manchester

Rating: 54


Apollo Prince made a grandiose entrance fitting for a world champion and lived up to this introduction in the ring. Manchester is good but not on the level of Prince and the champion's dropkicks and headscissor takedowns wowed the fans as much as his arrogant attitude appalled them. Manchester looked for an opportunity to hit his Manc-Sault but one never arrived as Prince won following an Apollogy after 12 minutes.


King of the Jungle - Round Two

Tommy Cornell Jr defeated Nelson Callum

Rating: 63


TCJ came to the ring ready for war; fists clenched as he nodded his head to the generic heavy metal music that served as his entrance theme. Callum arrived smiling, he was older and more experienced than Cornell and planned to put that to good use. The match was a pure technical masterclass, hold and counterhold, submission attempts and desperate rope breaks aplenty. TCJ has almost supernatural agility at times and he used this to twist and turn Callum’s limbs into impossible shapes. But, as with his match against Granger, Cornell Jr. made a mistake. Cornell slipped behind Callum and went for the Guilt Trip but placed his leg in the wrong spot and tripped himself, in doing so he gave his back to Callum and ‘The Natural’ was on him in a flash, snapping on his own choke hold - The Honey Trap! Cornell was fading and was ready to tap out when Danny Patterson arrived at ringside and started shouting at the referee (Oi! You mappit, what you doin’!). With the referee distracted, Forrest Charmer arrived punched Callum in the head! As Callum slumped to the canvas, Charmer held up his hand to show a pair of brass knucks, Callum was out cold! Cornell, still groggy from the Honey Trap, slowly pulled Callum towards him and into position for the Guilt Trip. Patterson and Forrest retreated in haste as Fro Sure and Marvin arrived. The referee called for the bell, he had turned around and seen the unconscious Callum! Cornell was through but in dubious circumstances.


Bali Daljit and Sifu defeated Jasper Squires and Forrest Charmer

Rating: 79


Charmer looked nervous as he made his entrance for this match but Sure and Marvin were too busy checking on their friend to seek revenge so he was safe for tonight; although he was stepping in the ring with Sifu and that is never safe. The match was excellent with Squires going after Daljit, looking to get a psychological advantage ahead of their upcoming KoJ Quarter Final match. Daljit and Squires had an even contest with neither man gaining the advantage, this match left the fans looking forward to the one on one encounter. When Sifu got into the ring with Charmer it was more one sided, Charmer looked drained by his earlier exertions and his emotionally charged month and Sifu hammered him with the Roaring Back Fist after 18 minutes to take the victory.  


Squires gives Charmer the Price Drop and vows to finally beat Daljit live on TV this tuesday

Rating: 77


Squires was furious with Charmer and immediately gave him the Price Drop and rolled him out of the ring. Jasper took a mic and directed a fiery promo at Bali Daljit. Squires said he was 0-3 against Daljit so far but that will change on Tuesday night. 


King of the Jungle - Round Two

Alton Vicious defeated Jermaine Granger

Rating: 72


Jermaine Granger had been chosen as The Pride’s brightest hope to end their long Grand Slam drought and he was coming off big wins over Tommy Cornell Jr and Nelson Callum. It was something of a surprise then that new Pride member Alton Vicious ran through him at the start of this match. Vicious got a series of near falls with lariats, suplexes and one big powerbomb but Granger managed to avoid the Vicious Snap and stay in the match. Vicious seemed to have punched himself out at around the ten minute point and Granger made a big comeback, coming close to winning with a crossbody pin which got a very close two count. This seemed to rile The Bad Man up and he started to load his punches up again and soon had Granger on the ropes once more. The finish came as Granger DDT’ed Vicious and then went up top to try for the Frog Splash. However, Vicious got up and superplexed Black Thunder! A Vicious Snap followed and Vicious was through to the Quarter Finals. The two Pride members shook hands after the match as Granger wished Vicious luck for the rest of the tournament. 


King of the Jungle - Round Two

Yuri lliakov defeated Riddick Jordan

Rating: 82


This was a seminal performance from Iliakov. Jordan came at him hard from the start with chops, strikes and lariats; he really wanted this. Iliakov stayed calm, soaked up damage and executed his plan; suplexing Jordan out of his boots. Iliakov showed off a wide array of suplexes including exploder suplexes, dragon suplexes and a highly impressive delayed vertical suplex. The match went back and forth in this way for fifteen minutes with Iliakov slowly taking control. Iliakov's suplexes were having an effect as the match headed towards the twenty minute mark, he was sapping Jordan's strength with every throw. Melanie Florence on colour was so impressed that she dubbed Iliakov the ‘Siberian Suplex Machine’, a name that would stick.


The finish was incredible; Jordan was breathing heavily and getting desperate to put Iliakov away and he went up for his Flying Headbutt before he had weakened Iliakov sufficiently. Jordan leapt from the top rope but Iliakov got up and caught him, Jordan weighs 241lbs! With unbelievable strength, Iliakov lifted Jordan up and delivered his Suplex Powerslam. There was no way Jordan was going to be able to kick out after that and Iliakov pinned Riddick for the victory and a place in the Quarter Finals. In the rivalry between the Lights and the Devils, it was another win for the Devils.

Edited by Bad Collin
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RTG Update:

This was a huge few months for 3LW. With 21CW dying and SNP stalling out just before hitting Medium we are now the clear #1 promotion in the UK. Money is looking great even with the TV show and we are gaining pop at a decent rate. The game is on easy mode at the moment as we have easily enough talent to get the show ratings we need to grow. It will be interesting to see what our popularity cap is at the moment,  we only have small coverage so I would be surprised if it is more than about 70.

We reviewed the RTG rules after changes to how booking reputation is gained so Squires has six more mystery box rolls, most of them related to entertainment stats:


Squires is now a promo king but still has a way to go with selling and psych:


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I've booked July 2027 and have just started writing the shows up. Things got a bit weird this month because SNP hit Medium and started trying to sign everyone. It's like they saw the 'Death of 21CW' documentary and thought it was an instruction manual. Anyway, the roster got shaken up and one of the storylines was really badly affected (I had to rewrite the whole thing as I was going through the month).

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Call of the Wild began with Kev Jordan and Melanie Florence welcoming us to Quarter Final week, each COTW main event this week is a King of the Jungle Quarter Final. Tonight it is Jasper Squires v Bali Daljit, can Squires defeat Daljit for the first time and advance to the Semi Finals?


Squires promo with Bruce; he’ll beat Daljit tonight

Rating: 87


Jack Bruce came to the ring and welcomed Jasper Squires. Squires said that the competition in 3LW is getting tougher and tougher but he is thriving under the pressure. Every day brings new challenges to overcome and tonight, for the first time, he will defeat Bali Daljit.


Martin Heath defeated Matthew Macks

Rating: 41


This match was a Lightweight title eliminator match and Heath won fairly convincingly via pinfall after ten minutes following a Flying Fist Drop.


Daljit tells Zofia that he doesn't want her at ringside tonight

Rating: 59


Zofia Jankovic and Bali Daljit were backstage talking about the main event. Well, Zofia was talking, mostly about the Red Devils and how they broke Stefan Raynor; “did you see how his neck twisted?” Daljit seemed very distracted. After a while Daljit had enough of listening to Zofia and snapped, telling her that he does not want her at ringside for the main event. 


Jermaine Granger defeated Tommy Cornell Jr

Rating: 71


Cornell Jr. got his rematch two weeks on from losing to Black Thunder. Cornell Jr. was not happy about taking his first ever 3LW loss in that bout but he went about dealing with it in the right way; getting back in training and preparing to go again against Grainger. The result was the same however; Granger once again countering the Rough Ride and hitting the Frog Splash. 


Prince attacks Granger and hits the Apollogy!

Rating: 84


Granger celebrated in the ring but his joy was brief; Apollo Prince ran in from the crowd and laid Prince out with a forearm from behind! Prince picked Granger up, shouted some obscenities in his face and then hit the Apollogy before fleeing the scene as the Pride came out to help their fallen colleague. 


The Northern Lights defeated Lee & O'Hearne

Rating: 75


Lee and O’Hearne are a well regarded team in 3LW and here they got the chance to test themselves against one of the great British tag teams. They acquitted themselves well but Lee was simply too small to be competitive against Vicious and Jordan; his great weapon, the Crossface, was negated by the strength of the Lights. Eventually Jordan took O’Hearne out with a cross body dive off the apron and Vicious hit Lee with the Vicious Snap. Vicious covered for the win and the Lights were getting back on track after Jordan’s disappointing loss to Iliakov at Coming Home. 


Charmer says Callum turned Balconi against him and now he has paid for it! Eagles attack!

Rating: 55



Forrest Charmer came to the ring flanked by Aurelian Bradley and Danny Patterson. Charmer mocked Nelson Callum saying that he deserved to be taken out after he turned Juliet Balconi against him. Charmer smiled and held up the Brass Knuckles he used to knock out Callum but then started running, the Eagles are coming! Bradley and Patterson had run too and Fro Sure and A Whole Lotta Marvin stalked the ring, furious that they didn’t get the fight they were looking for. Sure picked up a mic instead, Sure said that Callum was out for a few weeks but he would be back and he would be coming straight for Forrest Charmer! 


King of the Jungle - Quarter Final

 Bali Daljit v Jasper Squires

Rating: 82


Squires started confidently in this match as he looked to end his Daljit hoodoo and get past him into the Quarter Final. Squires was much bigger than Bali and the experience gap was closing to so all Daljit had going for him was his superior speed and agility. Daljit used his extra mobility well enough but got caught a few times by Squire’s lariats. Daljit started to look very strong as the match approached the 20 minute mark. He landed a tornado DDT that sent Squires tumbling across the ring and then leapt up to the top turnbuckle, ready to finish Squires off. Things went wrong here though; Zofia came to ringside just as Daljit was about to hit the Shooting Star Press. Daljit hesitated for a second and this was enough for Squires to recover and deliver a huge superplex! Zofia had her head in her hands as Squires picked Daljit up for the Price Drop and the win. Zofia and Daljit did not talk after the match, Daljit just glared at her.

Your Winner: Jasper Squires

Edited by Bad Collin
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3 hours ago, Bad Collin said:

I've booked July 2027 and have just started writing the shows up. Things got a bit weird this month because SNP hit Medium and started trying to sign everyone. It's like they saw the 'Death of 21CW' documentary and thought it was an instruction manual. Anyway, the roster got shaken up and one of the storylines was really badly affected (I had to rewrite the whole thing as I was going through the month).

Just another reason to hate and loather Carnie

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On 9/10/2024 at 12:47 AM, alpha2117 said:

Just another reason to hate and loather Carnie

It looks like being an interesting race to Big, SNP were putting on good shows even before this. It's just a shame that there are no Medium battles in the game. SNP and 3LW are directly competing for wrestling fan time and money across the UK now but the game doesn't reflect that.

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Zofia talks about Beskov fighting on the streets of Moscow, he's the 'Street Tsar'

Rating: 65


Zofia Jankovic started by addressing Bali Daljit (who did not come out with his Black Widow’s Web teammates). She said she was not going to apologise for last week, she was coming out to support Daljit and celebrate what should have been a win but instead he got distracted and lost. He got distracted…Daljit is supposed to be an experienced professional. 

Jankovic moved on to the main business of her mic time; talking about the Red Devils. Specifically, she put one arm on the massive shoulder of Victor Beskov and talked about his early years. Zofia told us that Beskov grew up in the countryside surrounding Smolensk in Western Russia but moved to Moscow at 15 to…get up to no good. Zofia said that Beskov got into gangs and became renowned, too renowned to stay in Russia. He moved to the UK in 2010 and thrived at the National School of Wrestling, becoming the star graduate in 2012. Since then he and Illiakov had won five 21CW tag team titles and the Godiva Tag Classic but Beskov never forgot those years on the streets that made him the hard hitting, rough, tough man he is today. Victor Beskov is the ‘Street Tsar’ and everyone in 3LW is going to lie at his feet.


Tommy Cornell Jr and Travis Donovan defeated Pigeon Mask XII and Pigeon Mask VI when Pigeon Mask VI submitted to Cornell’s Guilt Trip

Rating: 68



Eagles promo; Callum is on the shelf but he will be back and Charmer will pay

Rating: 56


Fro Sure and Marvin said they were still angry at Charmer taking Callum out at Coming Home but that is just a fraction of the anger boiling inside Nelson Callum. Callum is still not cleared but he will be back and Forrest Charmer will suffer!


3LW Lightweight title

Welsh Dragon defeated Martin Heath 

Rating: 57


Another week and another failed attempt for the Pride to win the Lightweight Title. This time Heath was competing well with Dragon until the champion caught him with a Hook Kick from nowhere and rolled him up for a three count. 


Prince and Nova promo: Prince knew Granger would be next challenger, he took matters into his hands

Rating: 77


Apollo Prince started by saying that he is a clever man. Prince asked Jeff Nova if he thought he was a clever man and Nova vociferously agreed that he was.  Prince then asked the crowd, who were not as kind to the 21CW champion. Prince said that the audience was wrong, he is clever, and attacking Jermaine Granger last week was a clever move. Prince said that he knows that Leo Price was planning to put Granger against him next and he wanted to take the initiative. Now he has silenced Black Thunder and has the upper hand; your move Leo!


Viktor Beskov defeated Bret Heartbreak

Rating: 75


Bret Heartbreak may be shallow and vain but he can fight and although this was a big contrast of appearances and demeanour, in the ring it was an excellent brawl. The ‘Street Tsar’ got the upper hand with straight up brawling and Heartbreak fought back with more agile attacks. Eventually Beskov started working on Heartbreak’s right arm and now Heartbreak’s attacks were less effective. Things looked bad for Bret and got worse when Beskov countered a lariat with a kick and locked on the Red Devil Lock! Heartbreak was trapped in the middle of the ring, his bad arm twisted behind him in an ungodly fashion. Heartbreak had to tap. A big win for Victor Beskov and more success for the Red Devils.


Squires is with Bruce; bring on Beskov or Cornell Jr.

Rating: 83


Jasper Squires was in the ring with Jack Bruce. Squires was delighted about finally beating Bali Daljit and being the first man through to the King of the Jungle Semi Finals. Squires said that as 3LW grows, his skill grows with it, he will always be getting better and he is determined to be the first to five Grand Slam titles. The Semi Finals take place in three weeks at the Battle of Britain event and regardless of whether it is Victor Beskov or Tommy Cornell Jr. he will face, he will be ready and he will win.


King of the Jungle - Quarter Final

Yuri lliakov v Padraig O'Hearne

Rating: 75


It was now the turn of the ‘Siberian Suplex Machine’ and ‘Paddy’ O’Hearne to take centre stage. O’Hearne was more aggressive at the start but he couldn’t get fully on top in the match and it always seemed like Iliakov was biding his time to unleash his suplexes. That time came after about 15 minutes when O’Hearne started to tire. It started with an exploder suplex, followed by a series of German Suplexes. With O’Hearne reeling, Iliakov unleashed his Siberian Smash, a vertical suplex followed by a powerslam. Iliakov made the cover and it was over. Iliakov was through to the Semi Finals where he would face the winner of next week’s match; Sifu v Alton Vicious.

Your Winner: 'Siberian Suplex Machine' Yuri Iliakov

Edited by Bad Collin
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Tommy Cornell Jr and Travis Donovan defeated Pigeon Mask II and Pigeon Mask XII when Donovan pinned Pigeon Mask II following a Donobomb

Rating: 70



Forrest Charmer defeated Pigeon Mask IV via pinfall following a Lucky Charm

Rating: 54



Video: Lights say the Red Devils are not the only tough guys around

Rating: 61


Next up was a video. We saw images of streets with boarded up houses and rough looking people standing around. Vicious and Jordan appeared, looking serious, and the street toughs backed away. Vicious said that he was raised here, in Doncaster, and he and Jordan grew up fighting on the streets. The Red Devils are not the only tough guys in 3LW. Jordan said that in many ways their story is the same as Beskov’s and Illiakov’s; a life of crime was on the horizon but they were saved by the National School of Wrestling. Vicious took over and said that they have been fighting all their lives and are not about to stop now. Jordan ended by saying that the battle for supremacy in 3LW is now the battle for supremacy in British Wrestling and they are not about to lose. 


Fro Sure defeated Aurelian Bradley

Rating: 65


Fro Sure took great delight in battering Forrest Charmer’s team mate from pillar to post. Bradley tried all the usual tricks like begging off and trying to stay out of the ring but Sure kept at it and pinned Bradley following a Sure Thing.


Video: Thea is training

Rating: 57


We saw a hooded figure entering a room containing a wrestling ring. The figure took the hood down and we saw that it was Thea Davis. Davis entered the ring and said; ‘I'm ready’. A deep voice echoed from the darkness outside the ring, barking instructions about foot placement and weight distribution as Thea shadow boxed furiously. The skit ended with Davis sweating profusely, gritting her teeth. “I’ll be back tomorrow.” she said.


Jasper Squires defeated Riddick Jordan

Rating: 73


The commentators told us that Squires requested this match to keep himself on top form with the King of the Jungle Semi Finals still two weeks away. Jordan certainly provided a stern test and got a few close counts with big power moves. Squires survived however and his youth and energy became more and more of an advantage as the match went long. Eventually Squires hit a series of powerslams and the Price Drop and covered Jordan for the three count. This was a huge win for Squires, he is proving that he can defeat the elite of British wrestling. 


Price and Nova clash on the mic

Rating: 67


Leo Price came to the ring looking furious, he called out Jeff Nova who came to the ring with a smug smile on his face. Price said that due to the attack from Prince, Jermaine Granger now only has a 50-50 chance of being able to compete at Battle of Britain; Nova’s smile somehow got even more smug. Nova told Price not to worry, he prepared for this eventuality and if Granger can’t compete then he will have a replacement opponent for Prince lined up.


King of the Jungle - Quarter Final

Alton Vicious v Sifu

Rating: 77


Vicious was shaking with aggression as he came to the ring, the Lights were losing the war with the Red Devils and Jordan just lost to Squires; he had to win tonight. By contrast, Sifu was the picture of calm and serenity as he made his entrance. Vicious went full bore for Sifu, trying to knock him out early. Sifu dodged and countered, using Vicious’ aggression against him with kicks and trips. Vicious caught onto Sifu’s tactics and slowed his approach, attempting to use his extra 40lbs to his advantage. Sifu worked Vicious’ legs with kicks and Dragon Screws in an attempt to slow the big man further. Vicious looked for a knockout blow but his attempts to land the Vicious Snap were constantly thwarted. In the end it was Sifu who hit the killer blow; Vicious was running forward and got caught with a Roaring Back Fist! Vicious stumbled to a knee and Sifu followed up with a Shining Wizard! Now Vicious was down and Sifu covered, the referee counted to three and Sifu was through to the Semi Finals. Sifu bowed in respect to Vicious and left, slapping the fans hands as he walked down the aisle. What next for the Northern Lights?

Your Winner: Sifu  

Edited by Bad Collin
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Apologies to anyone from Doncaster, the Northern Lights skit is meant to be a 'it's grim up north' bit to show how tough Vicious and Jordan are. I'm originally from a northern town and it has nice bits and rough bits, i've never been to Doncaster but i'm sure it is the same.

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Beasts of the Atlantic (Jasper Squires and Travis Donovan) defeated Pigeon Mask II and Pigeon Mask VI when Donovan pinned Pigeon Mask VI following a Donobomb

Rating: 69



Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath defeated Mile High Club (Cain Carlile & Matthew Macks)

Rating: 49


Leo Price was on colour commentary for this match and he said that he had agreed with Jack Bruce that the winners of this match would face Welsh Dragon and JK Lee in a four way match for the lightweight title. Price said that Heath and Sharp have got so close to winning Lightweight gold and he is not sure why they keep falling at the final hurdle. In this match Sharp made Macks tap out to the Sharpshooter and Price told Kev Jordan that it is going to be different on Sunday, don’t miss it!


Zofia and Devils promo, fighting is all they have

Rating: 57


Zofia was backstage with Victor Beskov and Yuri Iliakov. Zofia congratulated Iliakov for reaching the Semi Finals and predicted that Beskov and Iliakov would meet in the final; “fight fair boys.” she said with a smile. Zofia continued to say that all three of them have sacrificed so much in their lives. They are political refugees and have left family and loved ones behind in the East. Fighting is all they have. Vicious and Jordan may want to fight and win but Beskov and Illiakov need to fight and win, there is no other possibility for them. 


Forrest Charmer defeated Whole Lotta Marvin

Rating: 57


Charmer weighed 100lbs less than Marvin but he used dirty tricks and targeted offence to overcome the charismatic man from Georgia. Charmer worked Marvin’s knees for the whole match, leaving him vulnerable to the Lucky Charm, Forrest’s Forward Russian Legsweep. Charmer executed the Charm flawlessly after 12 minutes and picked up the pinfall victory. 


Callum returns and attacks Charmer, he puts him out with the Honey Trap!

Rating: 56


Forrest celebrated in the ring when Nelson Callum attacked! Callum rained punches down on Charmer who tried to run for his life! Callum caught the Yankee Poodle and got him in the Honey Trap, Charmer tapped furiously but Callum would not release the hold. Eventually officials arrived and made Nelson release Charmer who was helped to the back. Nelson announced that Bruce had made it official for Battle of Britain; Callum v Charmer and there would be no disqualification. 


Yuri lliakov defeated Bali Daljit

Rating: 79


It wasn’t clear who made this Black Widow’s Web v Black Widow’s Web match but both men seemed to see this as a battle for control of the faction. Neither Zofia Jankovic or Victor Beskov were at ringside so these two got to battle it out one on one. As always, Daljit’s agility and high flying moves were used to his advantage and he controlled the majority of the match by not letting the Siberian Suplex Machine grapple him. Iliakov just needs one moment to turn a match however and when Yuri countered a Daljit springboard lariat with a lariat of his own the match was as good as over. Iliakov followed up with a long delayed vertical suplex before slamming Daljit down with a powerslam, this was a special version of the Siberian Smash and there was no way that Daljit could kick out. Another win for Iliakov! 


Nova says he has a candidate to face Prince, Bruce says 3LW are putting someone in the match too!

Rating: 90


Jeff Nova and Jack Bruce clashed on the mic in a tremendously entertaining segment. Nova came out first and was full of himself as always. He was very pleased to announce that he had found an opponent for Apollo Prince for Battle of Britain. Jack Bruce interrupted and there was electricity in the air as the two legends traded some light insults. Bruce announced that Leo Price was also putting up an opponent for Prince; it would be a triple threat match! Nova tried not to look bothered but he stormed off to readjust his plans. 


King of the Jungle - Quarter Final

Viktor Beskov v Tommy Cornell Jr

Rating: 81


There is no doubt that Tommy Cornell Jr is every bit his father’s son but he hasn’t quite got the whole package together yet. Beskov has 15 years of experience in the squared circle and ran rings around the youngster despite TCJ’s superior skill set. Cornell wisely tried to avoid close quarters combat, relying instead on hit and run tactics and attacks from range. Beskov has faced these kinds of tactics many times however and always seemed to find a way of cornering Cornell and grabbing a hold to keep him from getting too much momentum. Beskov was slowly working on Cornell’s right arm and shoulder and when the time came for the big moves TCJ was badly affected. With Beskov stunned from a beautiful series of strikes Cornell went for the Rough Ride. He got Beskov up into a front suplex but couldn’t deliver the slingshot and Beskov countered by holding onto Cornell’s arm and pulling him down into the Red Devil Lock! Cornell was face down, his arm twisted behind him and the ‘Son of a Legend’ was screaming in agony! Cornell tried to wriggle free but his right arm was too damaged and he verbally submitted. 


Your Winner: ‘Street Tsar’ Victor Beskov


Edited by Bad Collin
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Next Event: Battle of Britain 2027


No DQ - Forrest Charmer v Nelson Callum

Lightweight Title - Welsh Dragon (c) v JK Lee v Martin Heath v Jon Michael Sharp

21CW World Title - Apollo Prince (c) v Nova's Pick v Price's Pick

King of the Jungle Semi Final - Yuri Iliakov v Sifu

King of the Jungle Semi Final - Victor Beskov v Jasper Squires


I'm going to take my time in writing this show up and book the final month of the season at the same time, this is the last PPV before the King of the Jungle event itself.

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