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Font size and UI Size changing

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It would be great if you could implement a feature to change the font size and the UI size. Because for people like me, with vision disorders, the text is extremely small and it's impossible to play for a longer time without getting a headache, dizzy and tired from the effort to try to read everything. There are other games out there that have this feature, so I hope it's something that could be implemented. If we would have to scroll a bit when the font or UI is bigger in size, it wouldn't hurt me, at least I could play that game.

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4 hours ago, Poppel said:

It would be great if you could implement a feature to change the font size and the UI size. Because for people like me, with vision disorders, the text is extremely small and it's impossible to play for a longer time without getting a headache, dizzy and tired from the effort to try to read everything. There are other games out there that have this feature, so I hope it's something that could be implemented. If we would have to scroll a bit when the font or UI is bigger in size, it wouldn't hurt me, at least I could play that game.

Have you tried changing your screen resolution on your PC when playing? If you set it ggto 1366x768 it will make the game fill the screen. Its not ideal but it should

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I'm using a tv screen for it. I usually have it on 1920x1080 and 150% scale, but with that the game window is too big for the screen, when I put the scale to 125% it's smaller than the entire screen and also (for me) to small to read comfortably. If I lower the resolution, it's not fitting the screen anymore.

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