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CWA: A Legacy of Greatness

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LOCATION: Adrian Garcia's Office, CWA HQ

DATE: Thursday, January 6, 2022

TIME: 11:23AM




I had been sitting in my office for over two hours now with the list in-hand, trying to work up the nerve to make the first phone call. Cutting nearly 20 people from the roster was no easy task for a number of reasons, both personal and professional. I finally decided to start with one of the guys I didn't know very well, someone who hadn't been in the company very long: Robbie Retro. He was a popular enough talent, but we were paying him more than he was worth to do less than he was being paid to do... I was sure he'd bounce back with a second SWF run in no time, and I planned to tell him as much as I picked up the phone and dialed his number.




"Hey, Adrian! What's cracking, booker man?" Retro asked in his usual bright tone.


"Hey, Robbie... I wanted to have a quick chat with you. Look, this isn't easy for me, but... we've been looking at the roster, and with the economy going the way it is and the wrestling industry not quite it was up here in Canada when we signed you... we're faced with some tough decisions, and, I hate to say it, but, we're considering letting you go."


There's a brief pause over the line, and then a light-hearted chuckle from Retro.


"Aw, come on, booker man! You can't get rid of ol' Robbie that easily! Look, I get it-- the business moves fast, and sometimes you have to make tough decisions. A guy like me might not quite fit into the plans. But, before anything's final, just hear me out, okay?"


I was really hoping it wasn't time for a sob story, but I knew these phone calls wouldn't be easy.


"Alight, Robbie, I'm listening," I tell him.


"Groovy, man, so dig this-- I've had a blast here in CWA. The fans, the boys in the back, the whole vibe... it's been such a great time up here. But, if it's my time to aside, I want to go out the right way, you know? I'm all about the fun and energy, but I've been around long enough to know when it's time to give back. What if I put someone over on my way out? Not just anyone, but someone young and hungry, someone you guys wanna strap the rocket to so he can make a name for himself. I could help build them up, give them that rub they need to really break through. It'd be a story the fans would love, and it'd be a chance for me to say goodbye in a way that feels... right... you know?"


Robbie was always a giving performer, but I was surprised to hear this candid talk from him.


"That's a really good idea, Robbie... I guess I didn't realize you'd be up for something like that., but, it could be exactly what we need. Giving someone a strong push with a solid program could go wonders for their career, could even mean big business for the company. It'd be good for you, too, give the fans something memorable that they can talk about when they remember your time in Canada.


"Exactly!" Robbie beams. "I'm all about making memories, and if I can help someone on their way up while making my exit, that's the best of both words! I know you've got a lot on your plate, Adrian, but just think of the potential here. I've still got a good name in the business, and it could be a great way to wrap up my time in CWA while setting the stage for a new star."


"You know," I chuckle, "you've got a knack for turning things around. Let's do it... I've got the guy, we'll work on this program together and make sure it's done right."


"Sounds like a plan, booker man! Thanks for giving me the chance to go out with a bang! Let's make this one to remember."


"Alright, Robbie... let's do this. We'll hash out the details over the weekend, once Total Elimination is in the books... deal?"


"Deal, booker man!"


And, just like that, one name on the list was done... and it led to a new program. I hope they'll all be easy like this one, but, they can't ALL lead to new programs, right?

Edited by falling_star
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  • 2 weeks later...

LOCATION: Steve DeColt's Office, CWA HQ

DATE: Thursday, January 6, 2022

TIME: 3:33PM




Steve DeColt sat behind his desk, feet kicked up on it with a smile on his face, as I came into his office for one of our near-daily meetings; he was the exact opposite of the evil man he portrayed on CWA TV, but he was so good at it that it drew ire from some of the old Stone family faithful fans. He sat up and greeted me warmly, but I motioned that he didn't need to stand.




"Hey boss," I greet him. "You wanted to see me? I've been on the horn all morning, trimming some of the fat. So far, so good, on that front."


"Adrian!" Steve boomed, his voice going baritone with age. "It's good to see you! How's everything going on your end? I know we've had to make some tough calls lately... rather, I've asked you to make some tough calls lately. But, I'm confident we're moving in the right direction."


I nodded, tell him things have been somewhat challenging. "We're making progress, Steve; as I said, we've been trimming the roster, trying to keep things lean and efficient. It's tough, but necessary given the state of the economy and where the business is right now."


Steve nodded along thoughtfully. "I appreciate the hard work, Adrian. We have to be smart about we operate. The Canadian wrestling scene isn't exactly lighting the mainstream on fire since excitement over the Canadian Wrestling Alliance launch has died down. We're fighting against the tide, but I'm not just looking to stay afloat-- I want to see CWA become an international powerhouse. We've the potential, we've got the talent, and I've got the right man holding the book." He winked at me. "We just need to make sure we're focusing on the right people to lead us there."


"Exactly," I agreed with him. "I've been thinking a lot about how to structure things moving forward."


Steve settled into a normal posture in his chair, but his tone turned a bit more serious. "That's where Christian Price and Cameron Vessey come in," he told me. "These two need to be the stars of CWA-- I want their momentum kept high, and their programs should always be among the most important on our television. Price has that natural arrogance and charisma that draws her like no one else. And Cameron? That kid's a straight-up star in the making. We need to keep them at the forefront. I can help give either one of the the rub in my role as the evil boss; they're both heels, so I can ally with either of them and we'll be a heel territory for a while."


"You're right, Steve," I nodded in agreement. "They're both proven draws, and the fans love to hate you; we can keep them at the top where they belong. I've got some big plans in the works for both of them; Price's feud with Aaron Knight and your brothers is already heating up, and Vessey drew some major heat taking out David Stone last night. I'm making sure they're positioned as the faces of CWA on the heel side of things."


"That's what I like to hear!" Steve beamed. "If we can keep them strong, we're laying the foundation of something much bigger. CWA is already the gold standard in Canada, but I want us to be seen on the international stage. We can't be complacent, Adrian, we have to aim higher." There was a bit of an awkward silence as what Steve was saying sank in with me. Before I could respond to that, he leaned forward in his chair and changed the subject. "Speaking of tough decisions, how's it going with the roster trim? I know it's not easy."


"It's been a little rough," I sighed. "But, we're making progress. Sally Anne Christianson, Sandra Shine, Jamie Atherton, Joffy Laine, and Billie Mackenzie have all agreed to their releases." Steve nodded with satisfaction. "I did have a conversation with Robbie Retro earlier today; he's on the chopping block, but he came up with an idea for a program to put over one of our young monsters onhis way out... it's got potential, and it's a way for him to go out with dignity while helping us out in the process by giving someone new a launching point."


"That's good to hear," Steve nodded, his expression softening. "Robbie's always been a good guy-- heart of gold, and I wish we could've done better by him. But, if he can elevate someone else while closing out the Canadian chapter of his career, that's the kind of story we need. I appreciate you giving him that chance, Adrian."

"I'm glad it worked out," I told him. "We've got to keep moving forward, but it's important to do it the right way."


"Adrian," Steve said, standing up and extending his hand. "I can't thank you enough for listening to me and doing everything I ask. You're a true friend, and there aren't many of those to be found in the world of professional wrestling."


"Thanks Steve," I told him as we shook hands. "It's a true honor to work alongside you. We're going to make this company something special-- together."

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Total Elimination 5 is LIVE on pay-per-view this coming Saturday, and it promises to be the most intense iteration of Total Elimination in the short history of the Canadian Wrestling Alliance!


CEO of CWA, Steve DeColt, deemed that Edd Stone and Skip "The Flow" Beau would not be allowed to replace the injured David Stone after a heinous backstage assault by the self-proclaimed MVP of CWA Cameron Vessey. The attack may have left David Stone with a broken arm, leaving CWA World Champion "The Prodigal Son" Edd Stone and Skip Beau to take on the trio of Vessey, Shooter Sean Deeley, and "Double J" Jared Johnson in a handicap match! Overcoming the odds is something Edd Stone has done well in his career, can he and The Flow do it at Total Elimination?


ELITE have been thorns in the side of "A-Game" Aaron Knight and Jack & Ricky DeColt for weeks now, and the feud explodes in the ring this Saturday! In a show-closing brawl, everyone in ELITE went to war with Knight & the DeColts after Blockbuster helped his ELITE stable mates pick up the win in Championship Wrestling's main even this past Wednesday. Will Knight & the DeColts fall victim to the numbers game once again, or can they overcome the odds to leave Total Elimination with a victory?


"Amazing" Amber Allen has recently allied with Lauren Easter & Laura Flame, the duo known as Red Hot Boss, to take on reigning CWA Women's World Champion "The Queen" Nadia Snow and her Queen's Court cohorts. Thus far, Snow has avoided being in the ring with Allen but all that comes to an end at Total Elimination. Will The Queen continue to reign supreme or will Amazing Amber finally give her her comeuppance?


"The Barbadian Barbarian" Donte Dunn has been at war with George Wolfe and his Wolfe Pack for months now, and has been, sadly, lacking allies in his fight until recently. Andre Jones has recently stepped up to help Dunn, and has proven to be a formidable ally in the fight against Wolfe's peculiar brand of evil. In a social media exclusive interview following his loss to George Wolfe on Championship Wrestling, "The Shooting Star" Erik Strong said that he was willing to take up arms against The Wolfe Pack and join Dunn & Jones at Total Elimination. Will Dunn finally pickup a victory over his adversary, or will Wolfe's mind games continue to win the war for him?


All of this and more, only on pay-per-view!



MAIN EVENT: Edd Stone and Skip Beau -vs- Cameron Vessey, Shooter Sean Deeley, and Jared Johnson

ELITE -vs- Aaron Knight & The DeColt Boys (Jack & Ricky)

Amber Allen & Red Hot Boss -vs- The Queen's Court

The Wolfe Pack (George Wolfe & The Brothers Cain) -vs- Donte Dunn, Andre Jones, and Erik Strong

Brooke Tyler & Violent Attitude -vs- Foxxy LaRue, Lucy Stone Mc-Fly, and Ariel Breaks

NextWave -vs- Triple Threat

Robin "The Rock" DaLay & Montreal Mafia -vs- Hank Gunn & Heartbreak Express



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I love the CWA, and love the narrative direction you're taking with Adrian and Steve. The DeColts are some of my favorite C-Verse characters, and I really hope to see more of all of them as the diary goes on! Keep up the great work!

MAIN EVENT: Edd Stone and Skip Beau -vs- Cameron Vessey, Shooter Sean Deeley, and Jared Johnson

ELITE -vs- Aaron Knight & The DeColt Boys (Jack & Ricky)

Amber Allen & Red Hot Boss -vs- The Queen's Court

The Wolfe Pack (George Wolfe & The Brothers Cain) -vs- Donte Dunn, Andre Jones, and Erik Strong

Brooke Tyler & Violent Attitude -vs- Foxxy LaRue, Lucy Stone Mc-Fly, and Ariel Breaks

NextWave -vs- Triple Threat

Robin "The Rock" DaLay & Montreal Mafia -vs- Hank Gunn & Heartbreak Express

Edited by knkmaster69
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