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The Birth of a New Era: Pro Wrestling Renaissance (PWR) (C-Verse) (Road to Glory}

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๐’ž๐’ฝ๐’ถ๐“…๐“‰๐‘’๐“‡ ๐Ÿฃ: ๐’ฏ๐’ฝ๐‘’ ๐’ข๐‘’๐“ƒ๐‘’๐“ˆ๐’พ๐“ˆ ๐‘œ๐’ป ๐’ซ๐’ฒ๐‘…


The dim light of early evening filtered through the blinds as Angelo Prince sat slumped in his chair, staring at his phone. Another rejection email from a wrestling tryout. The words blurred in front of his eyes, each sentence a stark reminder of yet another door closed. Frustration boiled over, mixing with a burning determination. He knew he had the potential, the drive, the passionโ€”but the opportunities seemed always just out of reach. Maybe they thought he was too young? An 18 year old with no experience should be worth something...but an idea that was brewing up for a long time rose to the surface.

With a deep breath, Angelo leaned forward and opened his social media app. His fingers hovered over the keyboard for a moment, before he started typing furiously, pouring all his emotions into a single post.


He hit post and tossed his phone onto the couch with a mix of hope and resignation. Rising from his seat, he headed to his small home gym for a workout session, needing to channel his frustration into something physical. As he pushed through the reps, the support from his trainees, who admired his dedication and energy, echoed in his mind. They believed in himโ€”why couldnโ€™t the wrestling promoters see what they saw?

Hours later, drenched in sweat and feeling a bit lighter, he returned to his phone. The screen was lit up with notifications. His heart raced as he grabbed the phone, swiping through the alerts.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

Notifications flooded his screen. Angeloโ€™s eyes widened as he scrolled through the responses.






Amid the encouraging responses, a familiar wave of negativity crashed in.



Angeloโ€™s jaw tightened, but he scrolled past the negativity. His focus returned to the wave of support. Then, one notification caught his eye.

Honest Frank (@TheRealHonestFrank) liked your post.


Angeloโ€™s heart raced. Honest Frank, an East Coast legend, had noticed him. He remembered watching clips of Frank's matches in the late 90s and early 2000sโ€”solid performances that werenโ€™t always in the main event, but always memorable. Frank was the reliable workhorse, putting on great matches night after night and earning the respect of fans and peers alike. Moments later, a direct message popped up.

Honest Frank: Kid, I saw your post. You have a good look but I don't see any appearances at all. Do you really think you have the balls to bring a company from nothing to something and make yourself a coastal legend?

Angelo stared at the message, his mind racing back to the many nights he watched Honest Frank on TV. Frank might not have been the top guy, but he was the heart and soul of NYCW. Angelo knew he had to respond with conviction. He thought of his aspirations, wanting to be like Rocky Golden, bigger than Ricky "The Hawkeye" Champion, and more famous than Jack Bruce. He wanted to be Immortal.

Angelo Prince: I donโ€™t want to be a West Coast legend. I want to be Immortal.

There was a pause, then the response came.

Honest Frank: Immortal, huh? Thatโ€™s a big word, kid. Do you even know what it takes to get there?

Angelo Prince: I know it won't be easy. It means sacrificing everything, working harder than ever, and never giving up. But Iโ€™m ready for that. Iโ€™ve been dreaming about this for years. Iโ€™m ready to put in the work.

Honest Frank: Dreams are good, but reality is tougher. Running a promotion means dealing with egos, finances, logistics. Itโ€™s a whole different beast. You sure youโ€™re ready to handle all that?

Angelo Prince:ย I want to build something that brings something new to the table while still respecting the old. With you guiding me, I know we can make PWR something special!

Honest Frank: Alright, kid. Youโ€™ve got guts. I like that.

A few moments pass before a second message follows.

Honest Frank:ย Looks like Iโ€™m going to Hollywood.



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Welcome, wrestling fans, to the dawn of a new era in professional wrestling! The wrestling Renaissance is here to redefine the sport we all love. With a vision rooted in excellence, innovation, and unforgettable entertainment, PWR is set to take the wrestling world by storm...after getting out of the mud first. Pro Wrestling Renaissance was founded with one goal in mind: to bring a fresh and dynamic approach to professional wrestling. At PWR, we believe in showcasing the best talent, delivering epic storylines, and creating moments that will be etched in the hearts of fans forever. The journey begins now, and you are invited to witness every step of it.ย 

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Our inaugural event, PWR: Genesis taking place on the 22nd of January, marks the beginning of something extraordinary. This is not just a show; it's a statement of intent. From the moment the first bell rings, Genesis promises to be an event filled with high stakes and incredible athleticism.

What to Look Forward To:

  • The Unveiling of the PWR Championship: A title that symbolizes the pinnacle of success in our promotion. Crafted with elegance and designed to represent the excellence of PWR.
  • Everyone's Quest for Glory: Every contenderย will be vying for the top spot. From charismatic fan favorites to ruthless antagonists, each wrestler brings their unique style and determination to the ring. This quest for glory will set the standard for the renaissance!!

  • Fierce Feuds: Get ready for captivating storylines and intense rivalries that will keep you coming back for more. Each match is not just about victory but about personal vendettas, alliances, and the drive to be the best.

  • Rising Stars and Veteran Talent: PWR is a blend of rising stars eager to prove themselves and seasoned veterans looking to leave a lasting legacy. Those with no match experience to those with 10+ years, we want to give them all a chance to show what they got.


Stay tuned for regular updates, show recaps, exclusive behind-the-scenes content, and interactive moments. Hell, I might take some suggestions on where to take certain things lol.ย 

Coming Soon

Chapter 2: The Unveiling of the PWR Championship, where we dive into the action-packed matches of PWR: Genesis and witness the birth of the Renaissance!


Join the discussion in the comments below, and let me know your thoughts and predictions for PWR: Genesis! Your input could shape future storylines and matches.

Edited by SenorWompWomp
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Posted (edited)

๐’ž๐’ฝ๐’ถ๐“…๐“‰๐‘’๐“‡ 2: ๐’Ÿ๐’ถ๐“Œ๐“ƒ ๐‘œ๐’ป ๐’ถ ๐’ฉ๐‘’๐“Œ ๐ธ๐“‡๐’ถ



The underground wrestling air in Los Angeles buzzed with excitement and anticipation as the newly formed Pro Wrestling Renaissance (PWR) prepared for its inaugural event, Genesis. The city, known for its glitz and glamour, was about to witness the birth of a new wrestling promotion, driven by the passion and determination of Angelo Prince and his mentor, Honest Frank.

The Venue

After securing a small but promising outdoor venue in the heart of Los Angeles, the roster set to work transforming the space into the stage for PWR: Genesis. The open-air venue provided a unique atmosphere, perfect for the underground, grassroots vibe they aimed to cultivate. The weeks leading up to Genesis were a whirlwind of promotional activities. Angelo and the roster were tireless, hitting the streets and airwaves to drum up interest. Social media became their battleground, with daily posts and videos showcasing what PWR had to offer.




They even managed to get a spot on a local morning show, where Angelo passionately explained their vision for PWR.


Angelo Prince: Weโ€™re not just another wrestling promotion. Weโ€™re about honoring the tradition while pushing the boundaries of storytelling and athleticism. Genesis is going to be an event you wonโ€™t forget.

Despite their efforts, Honest Frank kept Angelo grounded with a dose of reality.

Honest Frank: Angelo, I think weโ€™re probably looking at around 30, maybe 40 people showing up. Saturdays are a tough sell in a big city like LA, but those 30-40 people could be the start of something big.

Angelo Prince: I know, Nigel(Honest Frank's Shoot Name). I just hope we can make a strong impression. Weโ€™ve got to start somewhere. That's 30 more people than yesterday right?

Honest Frank:ย Mmm, maybe we shouldn't sell tickets at all. What if we make this a free show? It could bring in more eyes and get people talking. Once they see what we have to offer, they'll be hooked and come back for more.

Angelo Prince: A free show? That's a bold move. But I love it. Let's do it. Let's make our mark and show everyone what PWR is all about.ย 


On the day of the event, the roster gathered early to help set up the ring and prepare the space. Small cheap banners with the PWR logo were hung on the surrounding fences, and portable lighting rigs were set up to cast a dramatic glow around the ring as the sun set. The smell of fresh canvas and the sounds of wrestlers working together filled the air.

The Roster

With Honest Frankโ€™s connections and Angeloโ€™s relentless ambition(lots of tweets and driving) they had assembled a roster of talented and diverse wrestlers, each bringing their unique style and persona to the promotion. The roster included:

image.png.93358c3f8363ddf7287086dd401af9ff.pngย Angelo Prince: The charismatic founder and face of PWR, determined to prove himself not just as a wrestler, but as a visionary.

image.gif.fade442b78df98baee7cb946e6de1b37.gifAmerican Patriot: A veteran with a strong sense of justice and patriotism, ready to stand as a pillar of the new promotion.

image.gif.4c058ffe287822defdd0f7e8087047f1.gifRay Cavalero: Known for his grappling prowess and fundamentals, Cavalero is eager to showcase his skills on a new platform.

image.gif.c9272a84c7fae4d0d119515a692c8e32.gifArtful Dodger: A veteran competitor looking to reinvent himself,ย Dodger isย looking for a new start, both in and out of the ring.

image.gif.30fcd8f5dc52f8555ec643e9d83ae4ed.gifPrime Time Jack Pryde: A young and ambitious wrestler, Pryde brings cocky energy and enthusiasm, ready to make his mark.

image.gif.b1cc79f2bedcd0e6e24f96c177f661e4.gifBlue Dragon: A young and masked high-flyer, Blue Dragon is a talented babyface whose aerial maneuvers thrill the crowd.

image.gif.456e8ba11163d4ba8b133c128c2f3372.gif"The Oklahoma Thunderbolt" Jason Patterson: A tough young brawling heel, Patterson is a throwback to an older age, known for his relentless strikes.

image.gif.aa13bd86899bf3ad190aecab73eb5243.gif"Too Hot to Handle" Jerry Pepper: A young fighter and weasely jackass heel, Pepperโ€™s a talker and his antics and attitude make him easy to hate.

image.gif.2dab5902d7947388c7a078b362eca4fd.gif"The Gambler" Nathaniel Ca$ino: A veteran high-flyer heel who loved to gamble, Ca$inoโ€™s sneaky experience and risk-taking make him a dangerous competitor.

image.gif.076849eb82a84f5e3c3e8c7cad5530bc.gif"American Made" Stanley Axis: A veteran babyface, Axisโ€™s strength and dedication to the sport make him a beloved figure.


Everyone worked tirelessly, setting up the ring and bringing in the extra equipment needed to run the show. Prime Time Jack Pryde and Stanley Axis helped assemble the ring, while American Patriot and Ray Cavalero set up the sound system and lighting. Jason Patterson and Nathaniel Ca$ino unloaded chairs and set up the seating area.

As the sun began to rise higher in the sky, Jason Patterson took a moment to talk to Angelo.

image.gif.456e8ba11163d4ba8b133c128c2f3372.gifJason Patterson: You know, Angelo, this city never ceases to amaze me. The energy here is something else. Iโ€™ve been all over, but thereโ€™s something special about LA.

image.png.93358c3f8363ddf7287086dd401af9ff.pngAngelo Prince:ย Itโ€™s got a vibe all its own. Thatโ€™s why I wanted to start PWR here. This city is all about chasing dreams and making things happen. Weโ€™re gonna make something special tonight, Jason.

image.gif.456e8ba11163d4ba8b133c128c2f3372.gifJason Patterson: Damn right we are. Iโ€™m ready to show these folks what weโ€™re all about.



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Date: This Saturday
Time: 6:00 PM

The Main Event: Angelo Prince vs. Mystery Opponent

In a thrilling main event, PWR's founder Angelo Prince, faces a mystery opponent. The anticipation is high as nobody knows who will step into the ring to challenge Angelo. Expect high stakes and high drama as this electrifying showdown promises to be full of surprises!


Tag Team Match: American Patriot & Ray Cavalero vs. "The Oklahoma Thunderbolt" Jason Patterson & "The Gambler" Nathaniel Ca$ino

Witness a clash of veterans and rising stars in this explosive tag team match! American Patriot and Ray Cavalero team up to face the duo of Jason Patterson and Nathaniel Ca$ino!


Singles Match: "American Made" Stanley Axis vs. "Too Hot to Handle" Jerry Pepper

Experience the strength and dedication of veteran wrestler "American Made" Stanley Axis as he takes onย the weasely heel, Jerry Pepper in a must-see match that will leave you on the edge of your seat!


*HIGHTLIGHTED MATCH*Opening Match: Prime Time Jack Pryde vs. Artful Dodger

Kick off the night with a bang! Witness the Art of the Primetime! This high-energy opener is set to get the crowd roaring and set the tone for an action-packed evening!




Join the discussion in the comments below, and let me know your thoughts and predictions for PWR: Genesis! Your input could shape future storylines and matches.



Angelo Prince vs ???
American Patriot and Ray Cavalero vs Jason Patterson and Nathaniel Ca$ino

Stanley Axis vs Jerry Pepper

Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Artful Dodger


Edited by SenorWompWomp
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49 minutes ago, SomeDude03 said:

I plan on doing a better read through of this tomorrow but just wanted to say that based off how you're doing the intro post I'm very interested.


Also did you make the logo? It looks really good.

So the initial logo is AI(it had to be done lol), but I did a lot of the editing for most of the graphics with Photoshop and Canvas.

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Posted (edited)

๐ต๐‘’๐’ป๐‘œ๐“‡๐‘’ ๐“‰๐’ฝ๐‘’ ๐’ฎ๐’ฝ๐‘œ๐“Œ


The decision to make the show free paid off, as over 50...no 60 people gathered, intrigued by the event. The buzz of excitement was all around as the PWR crew handed out flyers and merchandise, building anticipation for the night ahead. The smell of street food wafted through the air, mixing with the sound of the crowdโ€™s chatter.


Promo Segment: Welcome to the Renaissance


The lights dimmed, and everyone focused on the ring as Angelo Prince and Honest Frank stepped into the center. Angelo held a microphone, his voice echoing through the cheap speakers.

Angelo Prince: Welcome, everyone, to the dawn of a new era in professional wrestling! Welcome to PWR and welcome to the Genesis!

The small crowd erupted in cheers, the energy electrifying.

Honest Frank: Tonight, we start something special. Tonight, we reveal the ultimate prize โ€“ the PWR Championship!

Honest Frank carefully lifted a velvet cloth to unveil the championship belt. The belt was a masterpiece(by our standards lol), shimmering under the lights. The center plate was an intricate design of gold and silver, featuring the PWR logo prominently in the middle. Surrounding the logo were detailed engravings of laurel wreaths, symbolizing victory and honor.

The side plates were customizable, ready to be adorned with the names and symbols of future champions. The leather strap was a rich, deep black and was studded with gems, catching the light and sparkling.

As Frank held up the belt, the crowd's awe turned into a roar of approval and excitement.

Angelo Prince: This is just the beginning, folks. One day, those of you here tonight will have a story to tell. You'll be able to say you were there when it all started. Thank you for being part of this!

As Angelo and Frank began to leave the ring, Prime Time Jack Pryde's music hit, the beat reverberating through the venue. Jack Pryde walked past Angelo with a confident smile, ready to kick off the night's action.

Rating: 25


Opening Match: Prime Time Jack Pryde vs. Artful Dodger


Prime Time Jack Pryde kicked off the night with a high-energy performance against Artful Dodger. Despite Dodgerโ€™s experience early on, Prydeโ€™s athleticism and determination shone through. However, Pryde secured the win with a Prydefall, in 12 minutes after raking the eyes of Dodger, setting the tone for the evening.

Winner: Prime Time Jack Pryde

Match Rating: 27



Singles Match: "American Made" Stanley Axis vs. "Too Hot to Handle" Jerry Pepper


In a 10 minute match full of strength and brawling, Stanley Axis took on Jerry Pepper. Axis took the match with his veteran skills and using Pepper's own power against him, ultimately defeating Pepper with a spinning fallaway slam, much to the delight of the crowd.

Winner: "American Made" Stanley Axis

Match Rating: 30



Promo: "The Gambler" Nathaniel Ca$ino


"The Gambler" Nathaniel Ca$ino made his way to the ring, dressed in his signature attire. The crowd waited with anticipation, knowing Ca$inoโ€™s reputation for stirring up the pot.

Ca$ino took the microphone, a confident smirk on his face as he looked around at the audience.

Ladies and gentlemen, tonight is a night of new beginnings. A night where dreams can come true, or be crushed under the weight of reality. And let me tell you, Iโ€™m a master of playing the odds.

The crowd responded with a mix of boos and cheers, captivated by his charisma.

You see, while everyone else is focused on fair play and earning their keep, Iโ€™m here to remind you that in this world, itโ€™s the cunning, the smart, and yes, the oh so lucky, who come out on top. And tonight, Iโ€™m betting on myself.

Ca$ino gestured to the PWR Championship belt displayed at ringside.

That belt, that symbol of greatness, will soon find its rightful place around the waist of a true gambler. Because while others rely on their brute strength or their speed, I rely on my mind. And trust me, itโ€™s the sharpest tool in this ring.

The crowdโ€™s reaction intensified, the tension building.

So to all my opponents tonight, and to everyone watching, remember this: The house always wins...

And tonight, Iโ€™m the house

He dropped the microphone with a flourish, exiting the ring as his music played. The crowd was left buzzing with anticipation for the rest of the nightโ€™s matches.

Segment Rating: 35


Tag Team Match: American Patriot & Ray Cavalero vs. "The Oklahoma Thunderbolt"ย Jason Patterson &ย "The Gambler"ย Nathaniel Ca$ino

image.gif.fade442b78df98baee7cb946e6de1b37.gifimage.gif.4c058ffe287822defdd0f7e8087047f1.gifvsย image.gif.456e8ba11163d4ba8b133c128c2f3372.gifimage.gif.2dab5902d7947388c7a078b362eca4fd.gif

Lasting 15 minutes, the tag team match was a showcase of veteran prowess and rising talent from both sides as they went back and forth. As the match reached its climax, the referee became distracted by an argument between Cavalero and Patterson. Seizing the opportunity, Nathaniel Ca$ino pulled a pair of brass knuckles from his tights and delivered a vicious punch to the jaw of American Patriot. With American Patriot knocked out, Ca$ino quickly hid the brass knuckles and signaled to Patterson. Patterson capitalized on the situation, pinning American Patriot for the victory while the referee was still unaware.

Winners:ย Jason Patterson &ย Nathaniel Ca$ino

Match Rating: 27


Main Event: Angelo Prince vs. ???


The main event of PWR: Genesis was highly anticipated, with Angelo Prince set to face a mystery opponent. As the crowd buzzed with excitement, the arena lights dimmed, and a spotlight illuminated the entrance. Theย  fans eagerly awaited the reveal. Music blared through the speakers, and moments later, the mysterious opponent stepped into the spotlight...


A collective gasp echoed through the arena as the fans recognized the figure standing there. It was none other than Remmy Skye, a popular West Coast wrestler known for his flashy moves and elusive nature. The crowd erupted in a mix of cheers and astonished gasps, as they began to "Psyche Out", thrilled by the unexpected surprise. Skye had a reputation for being hard to track down(Angelo lost some sleep), making his appearance all the more shocking.



The match was a high-octane display of athleticism and flashy moves. Angelo performed stunning dropkicks and a pretty decent moonsault, while Skye retaliated with a springboard DDT and a high-flying hurricanrana that made the crowd pop quite a bit. As exhaustion set in from their pace, and his inexperience began to show, Angelo attempted his signature top rope elbow drop "The Midas Touch", but Skye rolled out of the way, causing Angelo to crash hard into the mat. Skye immediately went for his finishing move but Angelo was able to counter with a powerful spinebuster. In the final moments, Angelo launched himself off the top rope for an awe-inspiring Elbow Drop securing the pin and the victory.ย 


Winner: Angelo Prince

Match Rating: 37


The Aftermath


Just as Angelo Prince was celebrating his hard-fought victory over Remmy Skye, Nathaniel Ca$ino stormed into the ring from the crowd, wielding a steel chair. Before Angelo could react, Ca$ino swung the chair, striking Angelo across the back with a sickening thud. Angelo collapsed to the mat, writhing in pain. Ca$ino stood over him, a malicious grin on his face as the crowd booed loudly.

You've been lucky so far, Angelo. Lucky with PWR, lucky beating Remmy. But guess what? Your luck just ran out!

Ca$ino raised the chair again, ready to deliver another blow, but volunteer staff and a few of the roster members rushed into the ring, forcing him to drop the chair and retreat. The show ended with Angelo Prince being helped to his feet, while Nathaniel Ca$ino stood at the top of the ramp, looking smug and satisfied.


Segment Rating: 26


Final Show Rating: 33

Total Attendance: 66


Coming Soon

Chapter 3: The Fallout from Genesis andย PWR Evolution!!!



Highlighted Wrestler Profile


Edited by SenorWompWomp
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๐’ž๐’ฝ๐’ถ๐“…๐“‰๐‘’๐“‡ ๐Ÿฅ: ๐’ฏ๐’ฝ๐‘’ ๐น๐’ถ๐“๐“๐‘œ๐“Š๐“‰ ๐’ป๐“‡๐‘œ๐“‚ ๐’ข๐‘’๐“ƒ๐‘’๐“ˆ๐’พ๐“ˆ

Behind the curtain...


After the main event, the area was bustling with activity as the crew began to break down the setup and the wrestlers shared their thoughts on the night's matches. Angelo Prince, still feeling the adrenaline from his match with Remmy Skye, and selling the attack from Nathaniel Ca$ino, made his way through the crowd, receiving pats on the back and nods of approval from his fellow wrestlers. Honest Frank stood near the entrance to the locker room, waiting for him with a thoughtful look on his face.


Honest Frank:ย Kid, you did a fantastic job out there. Your moves were crisp, and you had the crowd eating out of your hand. Your timing on taking that Springboard DDT from Remmy was damn perfect.

Angelo smiled, feeling a swell of pride at the praise. However, Honest Frank's expression turned a bit more serious as he continued.

Honest Frank:ย There were a few moments where you could have slowed down, though. I could tell you were excited but you have to let the crowd absorb what was happening. Itโ€™s important to give them time to react, to feel the impact of each move.

Angelo nodded, taking in the constructive criticism. He knew that Frank's feedback was invaluable and that every bit of advice would help him improve.

Angelo Prince:ย Got it, Nigel. I'll work on my pacing. Anything else?

Frank paused, considering his next words carefully.

Honest Frank:ย You have great instincts, kid. Trust them, but also remember that wrestling is as much about storytelling as it is about athleticism. Engage the audience with every action, every expression.

Before Angelo could respond, Remmy Skye approached, a broad smile on his face and a slight limp in his step from the grueling match.

Remmy Skye:ย Hey dude, that was a hell of a match. I had a blast out there. Seriously, if you ever need me again, just give me a call. Iโ€™d love to work with you guys more.

Angelo extended his hand, which Remmy eagerly shook.

Angelo Prince:ย Thanks, Remmy. You were incredible out there. Weโ€™ll definitely keep you in mind for future shows.

Remmy gave Angelo a friendly pat on the shoulder before turning to leave.

Remmy Skye:ย Catch you later, man. And Nigel, always a pleasure.

As Remmy walked away, Angelo turned back to Frank, determination etched on his face.

Angelo Prince:ย I'll keep all of that in mind. Next time, I'll be even better.

Frank nodded, a proud yet stern look on his face.

Honest Frank:ย That's the spirit. Remember, every match is a learning experience. Now go get some rest. We've got a lot of work ahead of us.

Angelo took a seat, already planning his next move. The night had been a success, but the journey was far from over.


Building the Hype

The weeks leading up to Evolution were filled with intense training sessions, promos practice and social media posts. Angelo Prince, determined to bounce back stronger, posted videos of his rigorous workouts and sparring sessions.



Nathaniel Ca$ino, ever the provocateur, responded with his own posts, taunting Angelo and boasting about his cunning strategy.




The anticipation for Evolution was electric. Fans eagerly showed up to the free show, knowing they were in for a night of wrestling action. The outdoor venue was prepared once again, ensuring an atmosphere that combined the raw energy of live wrestling with the vibrant pulse of Los Angeles. As the night of Evolution approached, the PWR roster was ready to give everything they had.ย 

A Creative Idea


Before the show started, Ray Cavalero approached Angelo Prince and Honest Frank with an innovative idea for a match finish.


Ray Cavalero:ย Hey Angelo, Nigel, Iโ€™ve got a wild idea for our tag match finish tonight after our last show. What if we do a spot where American Patriot and I set up a double-team move, but I end up getting thrown out of the ring and act like I'm out cold? While I'm "unconscious" outside, American Patriot can take the fight to Patterson, setting up for a big finale. As the ref is distracted by Pepper on the other side, I'll climb back up on the apron, leap off the top rope, and hit Patterson with a missile dropkick, allowing Patriot to get the pin. Itโ€™s tricky but could be a huge moment if we pull it off right.

Angelo listened, intrigued, while Frank looked skeptical.

Angelo Prince:ย Why not? It sounds like a big gamble, but it could be a great moment for us.

Honest Frank:ย Iโ€™m not so sure about this, Ray. You're a grappler, not a high flyer. Itโ€™s risky, and a lot could go wrong...But if we pull it off, it could be fantastic. Letโ€™s make sure everyone knows their cues.

Ray Cavalero:ย Thank you for trusting me guys. This will get the fans talking.

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Main Event: Angelo Prince vs. Al Coleman

In a highly anticipated showdown, PWR's rising star Angelo Prince faces off against CZCW legend Al Coleman. This clash of styles promises to be a technical and high-flying spectacle as Angelo looks to prove himself against a seasoned veteran. Will Angelo's Midas Touch seal the deal, or will Coleman's experience reign supreme?

Tag Team Match: American Patriot & Ray Cavalero vs. "Too Hot to Handle" Jerry Pepper & "The Oklahoma Thunderbolt" Jason Patterson

Redemption is on the line as American Patriot and Ray Cavalero seek to settle the score with the duo of Jerry Pepper and Jason Patterson. This match is set to be an exhilarating display of teamwork and resilience.

Singles Match: Prime Time Jack Pryde vs. Artful Dodger

The rematch from Genesis sees Prime Time Jack Pryde, the cocky upstart, taking on the skilled Artful Dodger. After their intense previous encounter, both wrestlers have something to prove. Can Dodger outwit Pryde, or will Pryde secure another victory?

Singles Match: "American Made" Stanley Axis vs. Blue Dragon

Veteran wrestler Stanley Axis takes on the young and masked high-flyer Blue Dragon. This clash of experience versus youthful agility promises to be a thrilling contest. Will Axis's veteran savvy overpower Blue Dragon's aerial assaults, or will the high-flyer pull off an upset?



Join the discussion in the comments below, and let me know your thoughts and predictions for PWR: Evolution! Your input could shape future storylines and matches.

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Opening Segment: Angelo Prince's Welcome


Angelo opens the show with a passionate welcome to the crowd which has grown a bit more than he expected, expressing his gratitude for their support and promising an unforgettable night of wrestling action. He hypes up the matches and sets the tone for the evening, getting the crowd energized and ready for the show.

Segment Rating: 32



American Patriot & Ray Cavalero vs. "Too Hot to Handle" Jerry Pepper & "The Oklahoma Thunderbolt" Jason Patterson

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The match is filled with back-and-forth action, with both teams showcasing their skills. Ray's creative finish, where he pretends to be out cold outside the ring, allows American Patriot to set up the big finale. Ray climbs back onto the apron and delivers a missile dropkick to Jerry Pepper, allowing American Patriot to secure the pin.

Winner: American Patriot & Ray Cavalero

Match Rating: 29


Backstage after the match


After the tag team match, the four workers returned to the backstage area, greeted by a mix of applause and nods of approval from their fellow wrestlers. The atmosphere was electric with the success of their creative finish, and the buzz of excitement was palpable.

Angelo stood near the entrance, watching Ray approach with a triumphant grin on his face. The two shared a moment of mutual respect and pride.

Angelo Prince:ย Man, that was incredible. You really nailed that missile dropkick, Ray. The crowd loved it.

Ray, still catching his breath, smiled and extended his hand for a dap.

Ray Cavalero:ย Thanks, man. We pulled it off just like we planned. Couldn't have done it without Patriot holding it down.

They dapped each other up, their handshake turning into a quick hug. The mutual respect was evident.

Angelo Prince:ย You two worked great together out there. Keep at it man!

Ray nodded,ย Appreciate it, Angelo. Let's keep this momentum going and show everyone what PWR is all about.

With a final nod of encouragement, Angelo watched as Ray headed off to celebrate with American Patriot.


Prime Time Jack Pryde vs. Artful Dodger

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In a rematch from Genesis, Prime Time Jack Pryde aims to solidify his dominance. Pryde employs his cocky tactics throughout the match, frustrating Artful Dodger. Despite Dodger's best efforts, Pryde's underhanded maneuvers and athletic prowess give him the edge, leading to a decisive victory.

Winner: Prime Time Jack Pryde

Match Rating: 28


Jason Patterson's Ambition


Jason Patterson makes his way to the ring. Dressed in his signature ring gear and still hurting from the match he had earlier, Patterson's intense gaze sweeps over the crowd as he climbs through the ropes and takes the microphone from the announcer.

(with a commanding voice)

Los Angeles, shut your mouths and listen up!

The crowd responds with a mix of boos and jeers, eager to see what Patterson has to say.

You know, thereโ€™s a lot of talk going around about who the top dog in PWR is. A lot of guys back there think they have what it takes to be the best, to stand at the top of this mountain. But let me tell you something... thereโ€™s only one man who's got the power, the drive, and the heart to take it all the way, and youโ€™re looking at him!

He pauses, letting the crowdโ€™s reaction sink in. The intensity in his eyes is undeniable.

Iโ€™m not here to pander to you idiots or make friends. Iโ€™m here to dominate, and I'm here to rise to the top!

The crowd boos louder as Patterson continues, his voice filled with arrogance and determination.

I've faced some tough competition so far, but Iโ€™ve always come back stronger, faster, and better. And now, Iโ€™m here in PWR to make my mark but I haven't gotten the chance to show it in the way I want to, so here's my challenge...

Patterson points directly at the back area.

To anyone in that locker room who thinks theyโ€™ve got the guts, the skills, and the heart to take me on in a one on one... step up! Step up and face me! Because I promise you, when you step into this ring with me, you're stepping into the eye of the storm. And I will show you why I am the force of nature that no one can stop!

He paces around the ring, the energy building with every step.

I donโ€™t care who you are or what youโ€™ve done. If you think youโ€™ve got what it takes to stand toe-to-toe with me, bring it on! Iโ€™m ready to show the world what I am all about. Iโ€™m ready to climb to the top and claim my spot as the best in PWR!

He drops the microphone and climbs the turnbuckle, raising his arms as the crowd continues to boo.


Segment Rating: 27


American Made" Stanley Axis vs. Blue Dragon

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Veteran wrestler Stanley Axis faces off against the young high-flyer Blue Dragon. This clash of experience versus youthful agility was a thrilling contest. Blue Dragon starts strong with a series of high-flying maneuvers catching Axis off guard, but Axis's veteran savvy eventually allows him to counter and dominate the latter part of the match. In the end, Axis's power proves too much for Blue Dragon, leading to a convincing victory after the Spinning Fallaway Slam.

Winner: Stanley Axis

Match Rating: 33


Main Event: Angelo Prince vs. Al Coleman


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With Nathaniel Ca$ino unavailable, CZCW legend Al Coleman steps in to face Angelo Prince. Coleman initially gains the upper hand with his technical prowess, but Angelo counters with high-flying maneuvers. Coleman locks Angelo in a devastating submission hold, but Angelo reaches the ropes. The crowd really rallies behind Angelo as he mounts a comeback. In the closing moments, Angelo executes a springboard clothesline, and then hits the Midas Touch perfectly. The referee counts the pin, and Angelo secures the victory in great match.


Winner: Angelo Prince

Match Rating: 41



Final Show Rating: 32

Total Attendance: 74

Coming Soon

~Chapter 4: Debt and Determination~


Highlighted Wrestler Profile


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๐’ž๐’ฝ๐’ถ๐“…๐“‰๐‘’๐“‡ ๐Ÿฆ: ๐’Ÿ๐‘’๐’ท๐“‰ ๐’ถ๐“ƒ๐’น ๐’Ÿ๐‘’๐“‰๐‘’๐“‡๐“‚๐’พ๐“ƒ๐’ถ๐“‰๐’พ๐‘œ๐“ƒ


The success of PWR: Evolution was undeniable, but behind the scenes, the financial reality was stark. Despite the excitement and support from the fans, the company was sinking into debt. Angelo Prince, Honest Frank, and the rest of the PWR team knew they needed to strategize carefully to keep the momentum going and pull themselves out of financial trouble.

Early one morning, Angelo Prince decided to take a walk along Venice Beach. It was a place where he could clear his mind and find inspiration. As he walked past joggers, surfers, the fitness fanatics and families enjoying the sand and surf, he pulled out his phone to check the latest tweets from fans and wrestling enthusiasts. Looks like SWF had some amazing shows this past month. They were getting pretty hot in the wrestling world. Feeling the pressure of one of the heavyweights he sent out a tweet.


He put his phone back in his pocket and continued walking, lost in thought. The sound of the waves crashing and the sight of the sun rising over the ocean gave him a moment of peace amidst the chaos of running a wrestling promotion. But the weight of PWRโ€™s financial troubles was always in the back of his mind.

After a while, Angelo found a spot on the sand, overlooking the ocean.

The notifications started pouring in. Fans were excited, asking questions, and offering words of encouragement. He knew that PWRโ€™s next steps had to be carefully planned to ensure they could pull through their financial struggles, they had fans that wanted them to succeed.


The Team Meeting


Later that day, Angelo arrived at the small office space PWR rented in downtown Los Angeles. The team was already there, waiting for him. Honest Frank, Ray Cavalero, American Patriot, Artful Dodger, and a few other key members of the roster were gathered around a makeshift conference table.

Honest Frank: Alright everyone, Evolution was a hit, but we can't ignore our financial situation. We're in debt, and we need a big draw for the next couple of shows to start turning this around.

The room fell silent as the gravity of the situation sank in. Everyone knew how much was riding on the success of their next events.

Honest Frank: We need to keep the fans excited and coming back for more. I was thinking, how about we plan a six-way match for the title in May? Something to really build up to.

Ray Cavalero: That sounds great. We could hype it up starting now, get the fans invested in who will be in the match.

American Patriot: Yeah, and we can have qualifying matches leading up to it in April. Make it feel like a big deal.

Angelo Prince: I like it, but we also need to be realistic. How do we keep drawing crowds when we're in this financial hole?

Artful Dodger: It's a tough situation, but we've got a dedicated fan base. The free shows have been bringing in a lot of people, and if we keep delivering high-quality matches, they'll be more than willing to pay when we're ready.

Honest Frank: Exactly. The free shows have been great for exposure, but we need to start generating some revenue.

American Patriot: What if we continue the free shows for now but start planning a big paid event for later in the year when we crown our champion? Something that we can build up to and really make special.

Ray Cavalero: I think that's a solid plan. We can use the next couple of months to really hype it up and make sure people know it's going to be worth their money.

Angelo Prince: Agreed. But first, we need to nail down the card for our next show, PWR: Ascension...how about a 6 man tag?


The Unexpected Call

After the meeting concluded, the team dispersed to start promoting the event. As Angelo Prince was organizing his notes and preparing to leave the office, his phone rang. He glanced at the screen and saw an unfamiliar number. Curious, he answered.

Angelo Prince: Hello, this is Angelo.


Mark "The Insider" Smart: Hey Angelo, itโ€™s Mark Smart. Iโ€™ve been following PWR and really admire what you guys are doing for the city. I was wondering if thereโ€™s any chance I could work for PWR tonight?


Angelo was momentarily taken aback. He had heard of Mark Smart, a well-respected indie worker in the LA wrestling scene and former jobber for USPW, the biggest wrestling company in the world. Mark's background was intriguing; he came from a family with roots in the entertainment industry. His father was a character actor who had appeared on countless TV shows.

Angelo Prince: Mark, itโ€™s great to hear from you. We actually have a spot open tonight, and I think youโ€™d be a great fit. Can you make it to the L.A. Wrestling Yard by showtime?

Mark Smart: Absolutely, Iโ€™ll be there. Thank you so much for the opportunity, Angelo. I wonโ€™t let you down!

After hanging up, Angelo couldnโ€™t help but feel a sense of excitement. Adding a talented worker like Mark Smart to the card was exactly the kind of unexpected boost they needed. With renewed confidence, he headed out, ready to make PWR: Ascension a night to remember...

๐’ฏ๐’ฝ๐‘’ ๐’ž๐’ถ๐“‡๐’น ๐น๐‘œ๐“‡ ๐’œ๐“ˆ๐’ธ๐‘’๐“ƒ๐“ˆ๐’พ๐‘œ๐“ƒ


Main Event: 3 vs 3 Eliminator Match

The main event features a high-stakes 3v3 eliminator match with Angelo Prince, Blue Dragon, Artful Dodger vs. new signee, Jay "Solid" Silver, Nathaniel Ca$ino, and Prime Time Jack Pryde. Each team must work together to eliminate their opponents one by one. The last team standing will gain significant momentum heading into the April qualifiers.ย 


Tag Match: Stanley Axis & Masked Patriot vs. Ray Cavalero & Jerry Pepper

A tag team match that pits the All-Americans, Axis and Masked Patriot against the duo of Cavalero and Pepper. The match is expected to be intense, with both teams looking to prove themselves.


Singles Match: Jason Patterson vs. Mark "The Insider" Smart

"The Oklahoma Thunderbolt" Jason Patterson takes on local indie worker Mark "The Insider" Smart. Patterson aims to make a statement and secure his spot in the upcoming six-way title match qualifiers.





Join the discussion in the comments below, and let me know your thoughts and predictions for PWR: Ascension! Your input could shape future storylines and matches.

Edited by SenorWompWomp
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Some notes from my RTG experience so farย ๐Ÿ˜

  1. I'm pleased that we've gained pop growth every time so far. Was worried we'd stall out. The classic balanced product is very easy to work with and I can still do just about everything I want as far as angles and match types go. I haven't had any negative shows or matches that stunk up the joint yet so that's good too.
  2. The finances are kinda bad lol. In April we are slightly under $4500 in debt. I've been rapidly upgrading the merch so we can make a good profit once I switch from the Free shows.ย Saw someone mention that travel costs early onย can be killer so, I tried to only grab guys in the Southwest to save travel costs and I was even able to convince Jason Patterson to moveย to the Southwest and save on traveling costs for him. Tried with Blue Dragon as well but he said no, and he's the most expensive one to bring over, so I might have to get rid of him. I've been running free shows so far, and I plan on doing so until we can make a decent profit to limit the losses. Maybe 8-10 local popularity?
  3. Angelo Prince(My avatar for this) is doing well, got carried super hard in both of his matches but he learned a lot from those two vets. A few of his stats have improved by atleast 1. His Psychology went up 3ย points already from what it was at the start which was awesome. He and a few other younger guys are also being trained by American Patriot(Head Trainer)ย before events so that's going to help too. Might try to do 2 shows a month to see if I can help him improve his skills faster, once we get to a certain amount of pop and I feel like we are close to being in black. I've also thought a new gimmick for him which kind of suits everything that's happened so far so hopefully that debuts well.
  4. The Booking Team is currently Myself, Honest Frank and Ray Cavalero, Prince and Cavalero have good chemistry on the booking team which is perfect. Been able to use the Creative finishes now which gave me that 41 rated match in March. I think I can get the 50 rated match and roll the dice pretty soon if this keeps up.
  5. Picked up Jay Silver to add to the roster, WLW keeps snatching one or two of our guys for their tours(Took Ca$ino right as I set him up to be a nuisance lol)ย so having an extra hand to fill in, will hopefully help out. I thought about grabbing another veteran presence likeย Al Coleman permanently, but his Mercenary attitude and the negatives he got from his Gimmick scared me away lol. I definitely need one or two more guys that are local just to keep costs down and to likely replace a few of the wrestlers we have.
  6. For my world, the Wrestling Industry is Weak and the Economy in the US is Weak, so I might struggle for a while too, but it's been fun to try and tweak things here and there to make some progress.
  7. As far as writing this all goes, I'm debating on whether to keep up with the detailed posts or to just post the matches and occasionally update the skill progression of Angelo and the Pop Growth of PWR. But I'll keep it going in this style for now.

Here are the Stats for Angelo at the time when he started to now.




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๐’ฒ๐’พ๐“‰๐“ƒ๐‘’๐“ˆ๐“ˆ ๐“‰๐’ฝ๐‘’ ๐’œ๐“ˆ๐’ธ๐‘’๐“ƒ๐“ˆ๐’พ๐‘œ๐“ƒ

Opening Match: "The Oklahoma Thunderbolt"ย Jason Patterson vs. Mark "The Insider" Smart

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The show kicks off with Jason Patterson taking on local indie worker and former USPW worker Mark Smart. Smart, known for his resilience and flashiness, tries to use his speed and experience to outmaneuver Patterson. However, Patterson's brute strength and aggressive style prove way too much for Smart. After a series of powerful strikes and a devastating clothesline, Patterson hits his finishing move, the Oklahoma Stampede, for the pinfall victory.

Winner: Jason Patterson by pinfall in 14:23

Match Rating: 30


Trio Makes a Statement!


The trio steps into the ring, each grabbing a microphone as the crowd's boos echo throughout the park. Ca$ino is the first to speak, his voice dripping with arrogance.

Ca$ino:ย Ladies and gentlemen, take a good look. You are looking at the best this city has to offer. Tonight, we have a common goal: to dominate and show everyone why we are the best of PWR. We are here to make a statement.

Prime Time Jack Pryde steps forward, a sly grin on his face as he raises his microphone.

Prime Time Jack Pryde:ย Look at these these pathetic excuses for wrestlers who think they can stand up to us. All of you are weak, unworthy. You don't deserve to share the ring with me. Tonight, we will expose you for the frauds that you are.

The crowd's boos grow louder, but Pryde simply smirks, enjoying their disdain. Jay Silver, the newest member of the trio, steps forward.

Jay Silver:ย I've seen a lot of tough guys come and go, but none of them have what it takes to go toe-to-toe with the likes of me. I'm here to bring the pain to PWR, to show you why they call me "Solid." he clenches his fist, My strikes are lethal, my resolve is unbreakable, and tonight, I will break anyone who dares to stand in my way.

Ca$ino raises his microphone again, his eyes gleaming with malice.

Nathaniel Ca$ino:ย This isn't just about winning matches. This is about making sure everyone knows who the real stars are. We might not be a team, but tonight, we're united in one purpose: to show you all that we're the best there is.

Prime Time Jack Pryde laughs, the sound mocking and cruel.

Prime Time Jack Pryde:ย You think you can handle us? Think again. We're not just going to beat you. We're going to humiliate you. Blue Dragon, your high-flying tricks wonโ€™t save you. Artful Dodger, I've already beaten you twice, And Angelo Prince your green ass has been facing old men, you don't stand a chance against us.

Jay Silver points to the entrance ramp, his expression menacing.

Jay Silver:ย I hope you're ready. Because tonight, we're going to tear you apart. Piece by piece. And when we're done, there won't be anything left of you but broken dreams and shattered egos.

Ca$ino raises his microphone one final time, smirking at the crowd

Nathaniel Ca$ino:ย And donโ€™t forget... the house always wins...

Segment Rating: 28


American Heart with Patriot and Axis


Stanley Axis and American Patriot stand side by side, ready to address the PWR crowd. Stanley Axis steps forward first, his expression serious and focused as he raises the microphone.

Stanley Axis-ย Ray Cavalero, Jerry Pepper, youโ€™re standing in our way, and thatโ€™s a mistake. Weโ€™ve faced tougher opponents and overcome greater odds.

American Patriot nods in agreement, stepping closer to the ropes.

American Patriot:ย This isnโ€™t just about winning. Itโ€™s about honor and showing the world what true patriotism looks like. Weโ€™re fighting for every fan out there who believes in us. Tonight, we make a statement. You are on the wrong side tonight Ray!

Stanley Axis steps forward, his voice rising with intensity.

Stanley Axis:ย Weโ€™re bringing everything weโ€™ve got. This is our moment, and weโ€™re not letting anyone take it away.

American Patriot:ย Together, we are unstoppable. Together, we will prevail. For honor, for victory, for America!

The crowd cheers before Jerry Pepper's music hits and it turns into boos

Segment Rating: 22


Stanley Axis & Masked Patriot vs. Ray Cavalero & Jerry Pepper

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The veteran team of Stanley Axis and Masked Patriot takes on the duo of Ray Cavalero and Jerry Pepper. The match is intense, with both teams showcasing their skills and strategy. Axis uses his skills to dominate early, while Masked Patriot dazzles with his high-flying maneuvers. Cavalero and Pepper use some moves to slow things down, to gain the upper hand, but the veterans' experience proves too much. In the end, Masked Patriot gets a hold of Pepper and puts him in his sleeper hold as Pepper taps out.

Winners: Stanley Axis & Masked Patriot win by Submission in 13:24

Match Rating: 31


Promo Segment: Blue Dragon, Artful Dodger, and Angelo Prince


The crowd roars with anticipation as Blue Dragon, Artful Dodger, and Angelo Prince step into the ring, each grabbing a microphone. Blue Dragon is the first to speak, his excitement palpable.

Blue Dragon:ย Tonight, we get to do what we loveโ€”compete in this ring and entertain all of you. It's an honor to stand beside these incredible teammates. We're ready to give you a show you'll never forget!

Artful Dodger:ย Weโ€™ve got something they donโ€™tโ€”heart and determination. Jack Pryde, youโ€™ve got the most punchable face Iโ€™ve ever seen, and tonight, Iโ€™m going to enjoy wiping that smirk off it.

Angelo Prince, the heart and soul of PWR, steps up, his voice filled with passion.

Angelo Prince:
Nathaniel Ca$ino, you think your lame house always wins, but youโ€™re not ready for whatโ€™s coming. You should bet on yourself losing tonight because thatโ€™s exactly whatโ€™s going to happen. The three of us here will fight for each other, and we fight for all of you here tonight, LETS SHOW THEM WHAT WE"RE MADE OF!

The trio raises their microphones together, the crowd erupting in cheers.


Segment Rating: 25


Main Event: 3v3 Eliminator Match withย Angelo Prince, Blue Dragon, Artful Dodger vs. Jay "Solid" Silver, Nathaniel Ca$ino, Prime Time Jack Pryde


The main event features a high-stakes 3v3 eliminator match. Each team must work together to eliminate their opponents one by one. The match starts with high energy, as Blue Dragon and Pryde kick things off with a fast-paced exchange. Right as Blue Dragon starts to build momentum, Silver tags in and uses his striking ability to wear down Blue Dragon, eventually eliminating him with a vicious flying knee he was not ready for.

Artful Dodger steps in, using his agility and wits to counter Silver's attacks. He manages to pin Silver after a surprise roll-up, evening the odds which frustrates the newcomer. Ca$ino and Pryde then double-team Dodger, overwhelming him with their efforts. Angelo is able to stop them for a moment with a crossbody. They continue to brawl and Dodger fights back valiantly but falls to Ca$ino's finishing move, the Double or Nothing as Pryde stops Angelo.

Angelo Prince enters the fray, determined to turn the tide. He takes on both Ca$ino and Pryde, showing incredible resilience. After a back-and-forth battle with some miscommunication between the heels, Prince hits a hard cutter on Pryde, eliminating him. The crowd erupts as Prince and Ca$ino go head-to-head finally getting a bit of action with those two. In a dramatic finish, Prince reverses Ca$ino's attempted Double or Nothing into a small package securing the final pinfall as the fans cheer for the winners.ย 

The crowd is on their feet, roaring with excitement as Angelo Prince stands victorious in the ring. Blue Dragon and Artful Dodger join him, celebrating their hard-fought win. Nathaniel Ca$ino, still reeling from the defeat, slowly gets to his feet outside the ring, a look of shock and anger on his face.

Ca$ino, shaking his head in disbelief, grabs a microphone

Nathaniel Ca$ino:ย Angelo! Donโ€™t think for a second that this is over. You got lucky tonight, but next time, I wonโ€™t make the same mistake. Enjoy your moment, because Iโ€™m coming for you. And when I do, Iโ€™m going to take everything you hold dear in this ring.

He throws the microphone down and storms off, leaving Angelo, Blue Dragon, and Artful Dodger to bask in their victory as the crowd continues to cheer.


Winners: Angelo Prince, Blue Dragon and Artful Dodger

Segment Rating: 38


Final Show Rating: 31

Total Attendance: 79


Coming Soon

~Chapter 5: The Art of Wrestling~


Highlighted Wrestler Profile


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๐’ž๐’ฝ๐’ถ๐“…๐“‰๐‘’๐“‡ 5:ย ๐’ฏ๐’ฝ๐‘’ ๐’ฌ๐“Š๐’ถ๐“๐’พ๐’ป๐’พ๐‘’๐“‡๐“ˆ ๐’ถ๐“‰ ๐’ซ๐’ฒ๐‘… ๐’ฎ๐’ฝ๐‘œ๐“Œ๐’น๐‘œ๐“Œ๐“ƒ



The night of PWR: Ascension was a resounding success. With the crowd still buzzing, Angelo Prince, Blue Dragon, Artful Dodger, and the rest of the PWR roster decided to celebrate. They headed to a local diner, a beloved spot known for its good Chinese food and relaxed atmosphere.

As they all sat around a large table, laughter and conversation flowed easily. The adrenaline from the matches was still high, and everyone was in good spirits. Between slurps of noodles and drinks of sake, they began discussing the next steps for PWR and the upcoming show, PWR Showdown.

Ray Cavalero: Alright, so weโ€™ve got the six-way title match in May. We need to figure out the qualifiers for Showdown.

American Patriot: How about we mix it up? We can draw names out of a hat to determine the matchups.

Artful Dodger: I like that idea. It keeps things interesting and unpredictable.

Angelo Prince: Agreed. Plus, itโ€™ll keep the fans on their toes. Letโ€™s make it a spectacle.

Stanley Axis: We need to ensure each match is exciting, I think we are really close to snowballing.

Nathaniel Ca$ino:ย If we do the hat thing, can we not use my hat?

They all laughed and nodded in agreement, excited about the prospect of the upcoming qualifiers. The conversation shifted to strategies and potential matchups, with everyone eager to prove themselves.

The Month Before Showdown


In the month leading up to PWR Showdown, Angelo Prince found himself busier than ever. Between planning the next show, training, and handling promotional duties, his schedule was packed. However, something interesting happened that added a new dimension to his persona.

One afternoon, while Angelo was working out at Muscle Beach, he noticed a man drawing on an easel on the pathway nearby. Intrigued, Angelo took a moment between sets to watch the artist work. The man's concentration and skill reminded Angelo of the great artists of the past. As he continued his workout, he kept glancing at the artist, who seemed to be channeling the spirit of whoever their inspiration was.

After his workout, Angelo approached the artist and struck up a conversation. The artist spoke passionately about how art and creativity were essential parts of his life. This struck a chord with Angelo, who began to see a connection between the multifaceted talents of the Renaissance and what his idea for PWR was striving to achieveโ€”blending athleticism, storytelling, and artistry in wrestling. The idea of becoming a "Renaissance Man" in the wrestling world began to take shape in his mind.ย 

Later that day, he decided to tweet about it, hinting at a new direction for his character.


The tweet garnered some interest from some, who were curious about what Angelo had in mind. Although the nickname "The Renaissance Man" hadnโ€™t caught on yet, the seed was planted.


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Qualifying Match 1: Blue Dragon vs. Ray Cavalero

A thrilling clash of styles as Blue Dragonโ€™s high-flying agility meets Ray Cavaleroโ€™s aggressive style. This match promises to be an exciting showcase of speed versus power, with both competitors eager to secure their spot in the six-way title match.

Qualifying Match 2: American Patriot vs. Prime Time Jack Pryde

The patriotic American Patriot takes on the arrogant Prime Time Jack Pryde. This match will be a test with Patriotโ€™s resilience clashing against Prydeโ€™s cunning.

Qualifying Match 3: Jerry Pepper vs. Stanley Axis

The weaselly Jerry Pepper faces off against Stanley Axis. Pepper will try to use his sneaky tricks to gain an advantage, but Axis will be a formidable challenge. Expect a hard-fought battle as both wrestlers vie for a spot in the title match.

Qualifying Match 4: Jason Patterson vs. Artful Dodger

The hard-hitting Jason Patterson squares off against the crafty Artful Dodger. Pattersonโ€™s brute force will meet Dodgerโ€™s ring smarts in what promises to be an intense and closely contested match.

Faceoff: Angelo Prince and Nathaniel Ca$ino

The tension between Angelo Prince and Nathaniel Ca$ino reaches a boiling point as the two stand face-to-face in the ring. Expect sparks to fly as these two rivals exchange heated words, setting the stage for their inevitable clash.ย 

With the matchups set the PWR team ramped up their promotional efforts. Social media posts, videos, and word-of-mouth buzz aimed to draw in a large crowd for PWR Showdown.







Join the discussion in the comments below, and let me know your thoughts of the diary and predictions for PWR: Showdown! Your input could shape future storylines and matches.


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๐’ฏ๐’พ๐“‚๐‘’ ๐’ป๐‘œ๐“‡ ๐“‰๐’ฝ๐‘’ ๐’ฎ๐’ฝ๐‘œ๐“Œ๐’น๐‘œ๐“Œ๐“ƒ


Behind the Curtain: A Somber Moment

It was just hours before PWR Showdown, and the area was buzzing with the usual pre-show excitement. Wrestlers were warming up, checking their gear, and going over last-minute strategies. Among the hustle and bustle, Angelo Prince noticed Honest Frank sitting alone, a somber expression on his face. This was unusual for the typically upbeat veteran, and it caught Angelo's attention.

Angelo approached him, concern etched on his face.

Angelo Prince:ย Hey, Nigel. You alright? You look like somethingโ€™s bothering you.

Honest Frank looked up, his eyes reflecting a mix of sadness and nostalgia. He hesitated for a moment before speaking, his voice tinged with emotion.

Honest Frank:ย Angelo... I just got some news a few minutes ago. Larry Vessey... He passed away.

Angeloโ€™s expression shifted to one of surprise and sympathy. He knew the name wellโ€”Larry Vessey was a legendary tag team wrestler, a man who had not only made a name for himself in the ring but had also owned and operated NYCW, a company that had shaped the careers of many wrestlers, including Frank.

Angelo Prince:ย The Larry Vessey? Iโ€™m really sorry to hear that, He was a legend.

Frank nodded, his eyes distant as he remembered his old friend.

Honest Frank:ย Yeah, he was. NYCW was more than just a company; it was a family. Larry was tough, but he cared about the boys. He gave me my first big break, taught me a lot about this business... Hell, a lot of us wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him. Itโ€™s just hard to believe heโ€™s gone.

Angelo placed a hand on his shoulder, offering a comforting presence.

Angelo Prince:ย He left a big legacy. And I know heโ€™d be proud of what youโ€™re doing here with PWR. Weโ€™re carrying on that spirit, keeping the love of wrestling alive. Tonightโ€™s show is for him, Nigel. Letโ€™s go out there and give it everything weโ€™ve got.

Frank managed a small, grateful smile, nodding in agreement.

Honest Frank:ย Youโ€™re right, Angelo. Larry wouldnโ€™t want us to be down; heโ€™d want us to keep pushing forward, just like he always did. Letโ€™s make tonight something special, in his memory.


Qualifying Match 1: Blue Dragon vs. Ray Cavalero


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The opening match set the tone for the night as Blue Dragon and Ray Cavalero squared off in a battle of speed versus power. Cavalero tried to ground Blue Dragon with his strength, but the masked high-flyerโ€™s agility and resilience shone through. The crowd erupted as Blue Dragon hit a stunning top-rope splash to secure the victory, earning his spot in the six-way title match at Glory Bound.

Winners: Blue Dragon wins by Pinfall

Rating: 35


Qualifying Match 2: American Patriot vs. Prime Time Jack Pryde


American Patriot and Prime Time Jack Pryde brought contrasting styles to the ring, with Patriotโ€™s power and patriotism clashing against Prydeโ€™s arrogance and cunning tactics. Pryde attempted to cheat his way to victory on several occasions, notably pulling on the mask of the Patriot. But Patriotโ€™s unwavering determination kept him in the fight. After a fierce back-and-forth, Patriot caught Pryde with the Sleepe Americano and made him tap to earn a hard-fought win, advancing to the title match at Glory Bound.

Winners: American Patriot wins by Submission

Rating: 38


Faceoff: Angelo Prince and Nathaniel Ca$ino


Angelo Prince stood alone in the ring, his eyes locked on the entrance. The tension was heavy, and the fans could feel that something big was about to happen.

Suddenly, Nathaniel Ca$inoโ€™s music hit, and the crowd erupted in a mix of boos and cheers. Ca$ino strolled down the ramp, a confident smirk plastered across his face, and climbed into the ring. The two men faced off, the tension between them crackling like electricity.

Nathaniel Ca$ino:ย You know, Prince, people like you, theyโ€™re always chasing something. Chasing glory, chasing dreams. But the difference between you and me? I donโ€™t chaseโ€”I win. The house always wins, and youโ€™re just another bet Iโ€™m about to cash in on.

Angelo Prince didnโ€™t flinch as he stepped closer, bringing the two nose-to-nose.

Angelo Prince:ย You think youโ€™ve got it all figured out, donโ€™t you, Ca$ino? But the thing is, your gameโ€™s rigged. Youโ€™re so used to stacking the deck in your favor that youโ€™ve forgotten what itโ€™s like to face someone who isnโ€™t afraid of your tricks. You might have won a few hands, but tonight, Iโ€™m about to flip the table.

Ca$inoโ€™s smirk faded, replaced by a cold glare.

Nathaniel Ca$ino:ย You talk a big game, Prince, but talk is cheap. In this ring, only one thing mattersโ€”results. And when it comes down to it, you donโ€™t have what it takes to beat me. Youโ€™re all flash, no substance.

Angelo leaned in, his voice low and determined.

Angelo Prince:ย Youโ€™re right, Ca$inoโ€”results do matter. And the result youโ€™re going to see tonight is me standing tall, while youโ€™re flat on your back. Youโ€™ve made a lot of bets, but betting against me is the worst one youโ€™ll ever make. When the dust settles, youโ€™ll see that Iโ€™m not just here to playโ€”Iโ€™m here to redefine the game. Iโ€™m here to elevate this sport into something more. Something... timeless.


There was a brief, subtle shift in Angeloโ€™s expression, as he added, almost as an afterthought.

Angelo Prince:ย You know, someone once told me that wrestling is about more than just winningโ€”it's about leaving a legacy, about fighting for something bigger than yourself. Someone like Larry Vessey understood that. Tonight, Iโ€™m fighting for that legacy.

Ca$inoโ€™s smirk wavered for a moment, a flicker of doubt in his eyes, but he quickly masked it with a cold glare.

Nathaniel Ca$ino:ย Legacy or not, Prince, youโ€™re just another player in my game. And when the chips are down, I always come out on top.

The two continued to stare each other down, the intensity between them radiating through the arena. The crowd was on the edge of their seats, sensing that this rivalry was far from over. Just as it seemed like the tension couldnโ€™t get any higher, Ca$ino shoved Angelo, trying to provoke him into making the first move.

But Angelo didnโ€™t budge. Instead, he simply smiled, a confidence on his face that seemed to unnerve Ca$ino even more. With a final glare, Ca$ino turned and exited the ring, leaving Angelo standing tall, unfazed by the encounter.

Segment Rating: 40


Qualifying Match 3: Jerry Pepper vs. Stanley Axis


Jerry Pepperโ€™s dirty moves were on full display as he faced off against the vet Stanley Axis. Despite Axisโ€™s experience, Pepper managed to outmaneuver him with a series of dirty tricks, including an eye poke followed by a quick roll-up for the pin to a chorus of boos. The victory secured Pepperโ€™s place in the title match at Glory Bound, though the manner of his win left a bitter taste in the fans' mouths.


Winner: Jerry Pepper by Pinfall

Match Rating: 35

Qualifying Match 4: Jason Patterson vs. Artful Dodger


In the main event, a clash for the last spot in the 6-man started as Jason Patterson overpowered Artful Dodger early. Dodger tried to use his speed to outmaneuver Patterson, but the Oklahoma Thunderbolt's sheer strength proved too much. Patterson delivered a devastating Oklahoma Stampede to end the match, securing his spot in the upcoming title match at Glory Bound.


Winner: Jason Patterson by Pinfall

Match Rating: 35


Chaos Erupts


Within seconds, the rest of the six-man match competitorsโ€”Blue Dragon, American Patriot, Jerry Pepper, Nathaniel Ca$ino and Angelo Prince โ€”rushed the ring, turning the situation into all-out chaos.

The ring exploded with action as fists flew and bodies crashed into the turnbuckles. Blue Dragon and Jerry Pepper went at each other with reckless abandon, while American Patriot and Jason Patterson clashed outside the ring. In the center of it all, Prince and Ca$ino traded blows, their rivalry fueling the mayhem.

Ca$ino, ever the opportunist, grabbed a chair from ringside and struck Prince in the midsection, sending him crashing to the mat, before hitting his finisher the Double or Nothing. Standing over Prince, Ca$ino raised his hands up triumphantly as the crowd reacted with a mix of boos and cheers.

As the brawl finally subsided, Ca$ino stood tall in the ring, victorious in the chaos. The show ended with Ca$ino glaring down at the fallen Prince, sending a clear message to everyone in PWR: at Glory Bound, he intended to claim the ultimate prize...The PWR Championship.


Segment Rating: 30


Final Show Rating: 34

Total Attendance: 86



Coming Soon

~Chapter 6: Glory Bound~


Highlighted Wrestler Profile


Edited by SenorWompWomp
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๐’ž๐’ฝ๐’ถ๐“…๐“‰๐‘’๐“‡ ๐Ÿจ: ๐’ข๐“๐‘œ๐“‡๐“Ž ๐ต๐‘œ๐“Š๐“ƒ๐’น



As the anticipation for "PWR: Glory Bound" reached a boiling point, tensions ran high, and rivalries grew fiercer with each passing day. The announcement of the six-man elimination match for the PWR Championship set the stage for a historic night, where every competitor knew they had the chance to make their mark. But while the main event was the highlight, other battles were being waged, both inside and outside the ring.

Angeloย was more focused than ever. With the beginnings of his new persona taking shape, he was determined to redefine what it meant to be a champion in PWR. But as the days ticked down to Glory Bound, Angelo realized that the actual path to true glory would be anything but easy.

In the weeks leading up to Glory Bound, the PWR roster was abuzz with intense promos, surprise signings, and confrontations that left fans on the edge of their seats.

Texas Hangman, a new signing brought in by Honest Frank, and a force to be reckoned with, made his debut by aligning with Artful Dodger. The two formed an unlikely but dangerous alliance, setting their sights on a tag team match against Prime Time Jack Pryde and the cold, calculated striker Jay Silver. Pryde, ever the antagonist, had been running his mouth for weeks, and Dodger was more than eager to shut him up.



Meanwhile, the tension between Ray Cavalero and Stanley Axis reached a fever pitch. Cavalero, brimming with confidence, had been taunting Axis at every turn, questioning his toughness and experience. Axis was determined to prove that he had what it took to hang with the best.

But the main event was where the real drama unfolded. The competitors were as diverse as they were dangerous: Nathaniel Ca$ino, the self-proclaimed master strategist; Angelo Prince, the rising star with a vision for a new era; Blue Dragon, the high-flying sensation; Jason Patterson, the masked marvel American Patriot, the unstoppable powerhouse; and Jerry Pepper, the crafty underdog with a penchant for dirty tricks.

Angelo Prince found himself in the crosshairs of Nathaniel Ca$ino, who mocked Angeloโ€™s aspirations at every turn. Ca$ino, ever the opportunist, was more than happy to play the villain, dismissing Angeloโ€™s dreams as nothing more than fantasies. But Angelo was determined to prove that his dreams were anything but.


In the final week before Glory Bound, Angelo had an unexpected encounter that solidified his resolve. While out for a jog in Los Angeles, Angelo came across a street artist painting a mural. The mural depicted a phoenix rising from the ashes, surrounded by images of historical figuresโ€”artists, warriors, and thinkers. The symbolism wasnโ€™t lost on Angelo.

As he watched the artist work, Angelo felt a deep connection to the image. The phoenix, a symbol of rebirth and renewal, mirrored his own journey. He approached the artist, who looked up and smiled.

Street Artist:ย You like it? I'm sure you know what the phoenix represents? Starting new, rising above challenges, that wholeย  sorta thing. Itโ€™s about becoming something more, no matter how many times youโ€™ve been knocked down.

Angelo chuckled and then nodded, the words resonating with him.

Angelo:ย Thatโ€™s exactly how I feel. Becoming something greater after loss. Thanks for this.

Angelo left more determined than never he knew that at Glory Bound, he wasnโ€™t just fighting to make the show a memorable one, but that he was fighting to become the embodiment of everything he stood for.ย 


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Main Event: Six-Man Elimination Match for the PWR Championship

The main event of the evening was the most anticipated match in PWR history. The match is set to be a wild ride, with six of the toughest members of the roster, each determined to walk out as the first-ever PWR Champion. The stakes couldnโ€™t be higher, and the outcome was anyoneโ€™s guess.


Tag Team Match: Texas Hangman & Artful Dodger vs. Prime Time Jack Pryde & Jay "Solid" Silver

This match was set to be a clash of styles and personalities. Texas Hangman, with his raw power and good looks, teamed up with Artful Dodger to take on Prime Time Jack Pryde, who had a knack for getting under everyoneโ€™s skin, and Jay Silver, a striker known for his precision and cold demeanor. The tension between these four had been building for weeks, and the tag team match was sure to be explosive.

One-on-One Match: Ray Cavalero vs. Stanley Axis

Ray Cavalero had spent weeks taunting Stanley Axis, questioning his toughness and experience. Axis, a veteran with something to prove, was determined to shut Cavalero up once and for all. This match was a test of willpower and grit, as both men sought to prove they were the tougher competitor.




Join the discussion in the comments below, and let me know your thoughts of the diary! Your input could shape future storylines and matches.


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Texas Hangman & Artful Dodger vs. Prime Time Jack Pryde & Jay "Solid" Silver


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The opening tag team match was a perfect way to kick off the night, with Texas Hangman making his powerful debut alongside the crafty Artful Dodger. Prime Time Jack Pryde and Jay Silver, ever the arrogant heels, tried to isolate Dodger and wear him down with underhanded tactics. But the tide turned when Dodger made the hot tag to Hangman, who bulldozed through Pryde and Silver with sheer power.

In the end, Hangman delivered a crushing lariat to Silver, setting up Dodger to fly off the top rope with a splash for the win. The crowd erupted as Dodger and Hangman celebrated their victory.


Winner: Texas Hangman and Artful Dodger by Pinfall

Match Rating: 35


Ray Cavalero vs. Stanley Axis


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The match between Ray Cavalero and Stanley Axis was as intense as expected. Cavalero, confident and cocky, taunted Axis throughout the match, but Axis was determined to make Cavalero eat his words. The two fighters went back and forth, with Axis nearly securing the win after a powerful suplex.

However, Cavalero, ever the opportunist, managed to outmaneuver Axis in the final moments. After a sneaky thumb to the eye, Cavalero hit Axis with a surprise Belly to Back Suplex, securing the pinfall victory. Cavalero strutted out of the ring, proud of his win, while Axis was left to regroup, knowing this rivalry was far from over.


Winner: Ray Cavalero by Pinfall

Match Rating: 33


Backstage before the Main Event


Angelo Prince was pacing backstage, the adrenaline already pumping through his veins as he mentally prepared for the biggest match of his career. The crowdโ€™s energy was seeping through the walls, and he could feel the anticipation building. But there was one thing still on his mindโ€”a crazy spot he wanted to pull off during the match, something that would leave the fans talking for weeks, maybe even months.

Just then, Honest Frank walked over, noticing the determinedย look on Angelo's face. Frank had been in the business long enough to recognize that lookโ€”Angelo was planning something big.

Honest Frankย Alright, kid. Whatโ€™s going on? I can tell youโ€™ve got something on your mind. I hope its not something stupid.

Angelo paused, taking a deep breath before turning to Frank.

Angelo Prince:ย Youโ€™re right. Iโ€™ve been thinking about this match, and I want to do something thatโ€™ll make it unforgettable. Something thatโ€™ll really sell what we are building.

Frank raised an eyebrow, already sensing where this was going.

Honest Frank:ย Uh-huh. And what exactly do you have in mind?

Angelo hesitated for a moment, then laid it all out.

Angelo Prince:ย Thereโ€™s this spot I've been talking about doing with Ca$ino. Iโ€™m thinking of going up to the top rope, to take out American Patriot and just when the momentโ€™s right, I want him to shove me off, and Iโ€™ll take a dive through the announcerโ€™s table we have set up.

Frankโ€™s eyes widened slightly, concern immediately washing over his face.

Honest Frank:ย Through the announcerโ€™s table? Kid, thatโ€™s no small bump. You sure about this? Youโ€™re trying to make a name for yourself, not put yourself in a hospital bed.

Angelo nodded, his determination unwavering.

Angelo Prince:ย I know itโ€™s risky, but thatโ€™s the point. I want to show everyone that Iโ€™m willing to put it all on the line, that Iโ€™m here to make history. The crowd will go nuts, and itโ€™ll set the tone for the rest of the match. Iโ€™ve thought it through, and Iโ€™m ready to take the hit.

Frank rubbed the back of his neck, clearly uneasy. Heโ€™d seen young wrestlers with big ideas before, and he knew how quickly things could go wrong.

Honest Frank:ย Look, Angelo, I get it. You want to leave your mark, and I respect that. But thereโ€™s a fine line between making a statement and making a mistake. Thatโ€™s a hell of a bump youโ€™re talking about, especially for someone green. You sure youโ€™re up for it?

Angelo looked Frank square in the eyes, his resolve clear.

Angelo Prince:ย Iโ€™m sure. Iโ€™ve got this. I want to push myself, to show everyone that Iโ€™m serious about making my mark. This is the moment Iโ€™ve been working for, and Iโ€™m not backing down now.

Frank sighed, knowing there was no talking Angelo out of it. He placed a hand on Angeloโ€™s shoulder, offering a small smile.

Honest Frank:ย Alright, kid. If youโ€™re dead set on doing this, then go for it. Just promise me youโ€™ll be careful out there. I donโ€™t want to see you getting carried out on a stretcher. We need you around here, not laid up with an injury.

Angelo grinned, appreciating Frankโ€™s concern.

Angelo Prince:ย I promise, Iโ€™ll be careful. And donโ€™t worry...Iโ€™m coming out of this match stronger than ever.

Frank gave Angelo a reassuring pat on the back, though the concern in his eyes remained.

Honest Frank:ย Alright then, go out there and make a memorable moment for those here to see.

As Angelo headed towards the gorilla position, ready to make his entrance, Frank watched him go with a mix of pride and worry. He knew Angelo was on the cusp of something great, but he couldnโ€™t shake the feeling that this crazy bump could be a turning point...for better or worse. All he could do now was hope that the kid came out of it in one piece.

The stage was set, the crowd was ready, and Angelo was about to take the biggest leap of his career...literally. The night was sure to be unforgettable, one way or another.


Main Event: Six-Man Elimination Match for the PWR Championship

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From the opening bell, all six competitors erupted into a flurry of action. American Patriot immediately squared off withย Nathaniel Ca$ino, while Angelo Prince took the fight to Jason Patterson. Blue Dragon and Jerry Pepper engaged in a fast-paced exchange, with the high-flying Dragon showcasing his agility against Pepper's sneaky, underhanded tactics.

Blue Dragon was the first to seize the spotlight. After dodging a clothesline from Jerry Pepper, Dragon launched himself off the ropes, hitting Pepper with a dazzling springboard dropkick that sent him crashing to the mat. The crowd erupted as Dragon followed up with a series of lightning-fast kicks, keeping Pepper on the defensive. As Pepper staggered to his feet, Dragon ascended to the top rope, ready to unleash a spectacular moonsault. With perfect precision, Dragon soared through the air, landing the move flawlessly.

But just as Dragon went for the pin, Jason Patterson charged into the ring like a freight train. Patterson caught Dragon in mid-move, hoisting him up with a powerful running power slam that drove him into the mat. The impact was brutal, and before Dragon could truly recover, Patterson delivered a thunderous spinebuster, eliminating Blue Dragon from the match.


Blue Dragon Eliminated


With Blue Dragon out, Jerry Pepper quickly turned his attention to Nathaniel Ca$ino. Using his wits, Pepper baited Ca$ino into a false sense of security, dodging his attacks with slick maneuvers. Ca$ino, growing frustrated, let his guard down just long enough for Pepper to sneak in a low blow, followed by a quick roll-up. The crowd gasped, thinking Pepper might steal an elimination, but Ca$ino kicked out at two.

Seizing the momentum, Ca$ino retaliated with a brutal uppercut, laying Pepper out flat. With Pepper down, Ca$ino pickedย him up and hit him with his Double or Nothing. The impact was devastating, and Ca$ino easily secured the pin, eliminating Jerry Pepper from the match.


Jerry Pepper Eliminated


As the match progressed, the ring was filled with chaos, and four men remained standing: Jason Patterson, American Patriot, Nathaniel Ca$ino, and Angelo Prince. Patterson, the brawler of the match, took the opportunity to unleash his on Ca$ino, who had been carefully avoiding direct confrontations throughout the night. Pattersonโ€™s fists hammered into Ca$ino with the force of a freight train, each blow driving the Gambler further into the corner.

The crowd roared as Patterson, eyes locked on his target, lifted Ca$ino high into the air for a massive powerbomb. Ca$ino struggled, but the strength of Patterson was too much. With a resounding crash, Ca$ino was slammed into the mat, the ring shaking under the impact. The fans erupted in cheers, their energy reaching a fever pitch as Patterson stood tall over the fallen Ca$ino.

But before Patterson could capitalize on the moment, a blur of motion caught his attention...Angelo Prince, still very much in the fight, launched himself off the ropes and collided with Patterson. The force of the blow sent the man staggering back, momentarily dazed. Prince didnโ€™t waste a second, using his agility and speed to his advantage. He darted around Patterson, landing rapid-fire kicks that targeted Pattersonโ€™s legs and midsection, each strike chipping away at his defenses.

Sensing his opportunity, Prince bounced off the ropes and launched into a jumping side kick that connected flush with Pattersonโ€™s jaw. The impact sent Patterson to the ground, his legs giving away under him. The crowd was on their feet, the energy in the park electric as Prince ascended the top rope, his eyes locked on Patterson.

With a deep breath, Prince leaped into the air, executing his Midas Touch. The move landed on Patterson's chest with a sickening thud, the sheer force of the maneuver leaving the crowd in awe. Patterson was down, and Prince wasted no time, quickly hooking the leg for the pin.

The refereeโ€™s hand slapped the mat once, twice, and then a third time. The crowd erupted as Patterson was eliminated, the powerhouse dethroned by Angelo Prince. The fans chanted his name as he stood tall, his chest heaving with the effort of the match so far.


Jason Patterson Eliminated


With Patterson eliminated, the atmosphere in the park shifted as Angelo Prince found himself face-to-face with American Patriot. The two men stood at opposite ends of the ring, the tension between them evident.

They charged at each other, colliding in the center of the ring with a flurry of forearm strikes. Each blow was delivered with precision and power, the sound of flesh meeting flesh echoing through the outdoor venue. Patriot, driven by his determination to retain the title, hit Prince with a stiff lariat, but Prince ducked under it at the last second, spinning around to deliver a crushing heel kick that connected with Patriotโ€™s temple. The champion staggered back, dazed, and the crowd roared in anticipation.

Prince, sensing his moment, sprinted to the corner and began to climb the turnbuckle. Every eye in the park was locked on him as he stood perched on the top rope, his body coiled like a spring. This was itโ€”the move that could change everything. The fans held their breath, the tension almost unbearable as Prince prepared to leap.

But just as he was about to launch himself into the air, Nathaniel Ca$ino, who had been biding his time, rushed forward and slammed his hands into the top rope. The sudden jolt sent Prince off balance, his arms windmilling as he fought to keep from falling. Ca$ino, ever the opportunist, quickly climbed up onto the middle rope, his face inches from Princeโ€™s.

In that brief moment, Ca$ino leaned in close, his voice barely audible over the roar of the crowd. โ€œAre you sure about this Prince?โ€ย he whispered, his tone laced with both excitement and concern. Despite the precarious situation, Prince managed a small nod, his eyes burning with determination.ย โ€œLetโ€™s make history,โ€ย he whispered back.

With that, Ca$ino shoved Prince with all his might, sending him sailing off the turnbuckle. Time seemed to slow as Angelo hurtled through the air, the lights around him blurring into a dizzying whirl. The crowd gasped in unison, their collective breath held as Prince crashed through the announcerโ€™s table with a thunderous explosion of splintering wood and shattered equipment.

The impact was brutal. Monitors and debris scattered in all directions, and the table lay in ruins beneath Angeloโ€™s crumpled form. For a few agonizing moments, there was only stunned silence in the park. Then, as the realization of what they had just witnessed set in, the fans erupted into chants of โ€œHoly shit! Holy shit!

Angelo lay amidst the wreckage, his body screaming in agony. The world around him was a blur of noise and light, his visionย swimming as he fought to stay conscious. Every muscle ached, every breath felt like fire in his lungs. The pain was overwhelming, and for a brief, terrifying moment, Angelo wondered if he had pushed himself too far as his eyes started to close...

Angelo lay motionless amidst the wreckage, his chest heaving as he fought to catch his breath. The pain was searing, every muscle in his body screaming in protest, but deep down, he knew this was the kind of moment that would be remembered. He had put it all on the line, pushing his limits in the name of glory.

Despite the brutal impact, the heart of a true champion beat within Angelo. Slowly, agonizingly, he began to stir, drawing on every ounce of strength he had left. The crowdโ€™s cheers grew louder as they witnessed Angeloโ€™s resilience, their respect for him reaching new heights. But the damage had been done, and Ca$ino wasnโ€™t about to let this opportunity slip away.

With calculated precision, Ca$ino rolled out of the ring and hauled Angeloโ€™s battered body back inside. The crowdโ€™s energy shifted as Ca$ino went for the cover and the refereeโ€™s hand hit the mat for the three-count.ย 


Angelo Prince Eliminated


Now it was down to the final two Nathaniel Ca$ino and American Patriot. Ca$ino, ever the cunning strategist, took his time as Patriot struggled to recover from the brutal match. Sensing an opportunity, Ca$ino went for a series of dirty tactics, including eye gouges and low blows, trying to weaken him. The crowd booed mercilessly, but Ca$ino relished in their disdain, confident that he had the match won.

But American Patriot wasnโ€™t done yet. Summoning every ounce of strength he had left, Patriot fought back with a series of fiery punches that knocked Ca$ino off his feet. The crowd was fully behind Patriot as he rallied, delivering a suplex that sent Ca$ino crashing to the mat. Patriot, feeding off the energy of the fans, began to build momentum, hitting Ca$ino with a series of power moves that left him reeling.

As the match reached its climax, Ca$ino, desperate to secure the win, attempted to hit his finisher, the "Double or nothing" on Patriot. But it wasย  countered with a well-timed reversal, lifting Ca$ino high into the air and delivering a thunderous Patriot Slam. The impact shook the ring, and the crowd erupted into deafening cheers as Patriot covered Ca$ino for the three-count.

The refereeโ€™s hand hit the mat for the final time, and the bell rang, signaling American Patriotโ€™s hard-fought victory. The crowd exploded in celebration as Patriot stood tall in the center of the ring, holding the PWR Championship high above his head.



Winner: American Patriot by Pinfall

Match Rating: 48(so close to 50 :(ย )

Final Show Rating: 43

Total Attendance: 97


Coming Soon

~Chapter 7: The Price of Glory~


Highlighted Wrestler Profile


Edited by SenorWompWomp
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