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Expanding angle parts on history screen

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Could we have an option to select whether you want the angle to be summed up by the overal name, or to be allowed to see the parts of the angle below it, with only the top row/overal name having the score. 


If I have a angle with 


Rollins calling out Punk for interfering in his MITB match

Punk saying he regrets nothing and would do it again to stop McIntyre

Priest coming out and giving Rollins a match next week

Punk sitting at commentary for the match


That's really hard to sum up in 1 line and look back on it and know what it was from a headline like "Rollins/Punk argue, Priest makes match for next week".


Thats from literally the first angle Ive made so no doubt there will be more complex ones that are even harder to sum up. I feel an option to show all named parts of the angle would be helpful in show or storyline history

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