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NYCW: An Empire State of Mind

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I sat on the sofa in my one-bed apartment rental in the Bronx. Flicking through the channels, I came to the latest episode of Welcome to the Coastal Zone. This takes me back. There had been a time when I thought I might make it the world of wrestling. I had dreams of turning around a small promotion, rebuilding it in a new image and competing with the big boys.

The idiocy of youth.

But life had got in the way. Doesn’t it always? I’d arrived in New York 17 years ago. When wrestling had changed forever. Look it now, so secure, so predictable, so vanilla. No matter how many years passed, the performers seemed to stay the same. My mind wandered back to that one night. I’d gone to see some local promotion put on a truly awful card. I was younger then. Braver. I didn’t really consider the consequences of my actions. I’d stood by the door to the locker room at the end of the show. I was going to march in there, wow them all with my skills and find myself a niche in the world of wrestling. A world that had been so important to me for so long.

And then…


I’d turned around and walked away. I was offered a job in shipping and logistics the following day and I hadn’t really thought about that day in the Weston Gymnasium since. Not until I’d been kicked out of my job and now had an interview for some part-time work at… the Weston Gymnasium. Like a sharp stab from my past. Since then, I’d been reminded constantly. And just now, when I’d seen Frankie Perez on Welcome to the Coastal Zone it had come home to me. Why hadn’t he become a massive star? What could’ve been…


The rain hammered the filthy streets. It was the kind of rain which washed away your sins along with your hopes and dreams.

I ran from shelter to shelter, soaked through and freezing. The bright lights of the lamp posts illuminating the otherwise dark of a night. I was alone in the concrete jungle of the City. Every few steps there was something new to see and the atmosphere was punctured with the sound of horns of the endless yellow taxis screaming around the streets.

I slipped on my headphones and started listening to the latest Dice Company Podcast. I then pulled a soggy letter from my pocket and checked the address and then looked above. Written in bulbs of lights were the words ‘Weston Gymnasium’

Here I was. Back here 17 years later, looking for a new job. Life often finds a way to punch you in the gut.

The rain intensified as I pushed the door open and lightning struck the building.

And then it was dark, and quiet.

I opened my eyes and I was on the floor. Sitting up I saw ahead rows and rows of foldaway chairs were neatly lined up surrounding a dirty looking wrestling ring. The apron covers read NYCW in blue. In the centre of the ring was an old man, hunched. You could tell by looking at it that he used to be muscular and lithe, but age, as always had reduced him to a shell.

“Hey kid, nice to see you finally showed up.”

“Who are you?” I asked dumbly. “Where am I?”

“I’m The Stomper and this is the Weston Gym.”

“But you’re…” I started, but stopped. He was dead. I knew he was dead. “What time is it?”

“It’s Monday night. 8.00pm. Dinner time to be precise; I’m havin’ steak.”

“What year?”

“What kinda question is that dumb ass? It’s 2007 of course. Now stop messing around, we’ve got work to do.”


New York City Wrestling

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This is a Cornellverse dynasty, inspired by the original dynasty by BriFidelity all those years ago and by the irrepressible @InfinityWPI’s Welcome to the Zone series. Finally @Historian’s incredible No Ordinary Man. Seems wrong not to mention them all. I will be using my 2007 Cverse conversion. So hopefully I haven't done a terrible job there.

Anyone whose followed my diaries before knows the usual approach; import the best workers from the independent scene. Bury the original roster to make new stars, switch to a modern style and attempt to avoid getting fired for making a stupid mistake.

In an attempt to do things a little differently however, I’m going to try and keep the soul of the NYCW inherent to this game. Being set back in 2007, there is no Confederation of the Territories (yet), so I think I’m going to try my best to work on the classic wrestling approach of the 1980s. Big monsters, colourful characters and a couple of workhorse midcarders and a slew of young performers who need to hone their skills. Being a feeder company at this level is inevitable. So if we’re going to do it, I want all the guys to come from NYCW to be primed for success.

Will it work? Almost certainly not. But nothing else I’ve ever done before has. So what am I working with?


NYCW Roster:


Grandmaster Phunk

Steve Flash

The Stomper

Wiley Steinway

Coyote Dynamite

American Flash


Dazzling Dave Diamond


Black Hat Bailey

Honest Frank

Rick Sanders

The Masked Mauler

Sammy the Shark

Roger Dodger

Lee Wright

Land Mass

Dead Bolt

The New York Doll

Tag Teams:

Wiley Coyote (Wiley Steinway & Coyote Dynamite)

American Made Men (American Flash & Whistler)

Shark Tank (Sammy the Shark & Roger Dodger)


NYCW Empire Champion: Grandmaster Phunk (Prestige: 29)

NYCW Tri-State Champion: Steve Flash (Prestige: 23)

NYCW Tag Team Champions: Wiley Coyote (Wiley Steinway & Coyote Dynamite) (Prestige: 29)


Rock Downpour – Commentator

Marvin Earnest – Commentator

Herb Staley – Colour Commentator/Manager (/w Land Mass)

Micheal Bull – Head Referee

Chad Brent - Referee

Fern Hathaway – Valet (w/ Fern Hathaway)

Well this all takes me back. Time to get my head back into 2007 mode, with an eye back to the 1980s. First things first, the roster needed some pick-me-ups. But not so many as to destroy the morale of the old school guys. This is an old school roster in an old school company after all. So we say hello to Bob Casey, Ernie Turner, Monty Trescarde, Ben Williams and a young (!?!) Ring Generals. If we’re going to do this, we’re going to do it as NYCW as we possibly can. Having both Rock Downpour AND Marvin Earnest was an extravagance we did not need. Therefore, we’d say goodbye to Rock.

And with that out of the way, it was time to plan for our first show, which tradition dictates is Rush Hour.

NYCW Rush Hour 2007

NYCW Empire Title Match: Black Hat Bailey vs. Grandmaster Phunk (c)

NYCW Tag Team Title Match: Shark Tank vs. Wiley Coyote (c)

NYCW Tri-State Title Match: Honest Frank vs. Steve Flash (c)

Tag Team Match: American Made Men (Whistler & American Machine) vs. Rick Sanders & The Masked Mauler

Singles Match: Frankie Perez vs. Dead Bolt

Singles Match: The Stomper vs. The New York Doll

Rookie Mayhem Match: Dazzling Dave Diamond & Ben Williams vs. Lee Wright & Monty Trescarde vs. The Ring Generals (Rookies: Statler & Waldorf) vs. Land Mass & A Mystery Partner (w/ Herb Staley)

Singles Match: Bob Casey vs. Ernie Turner


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NYCW Empire Title Match: Black Hat Bailey vs. Grandmaster Phunk (c)

NYCW Tag Team Title Match: Shark Tank vs. Wiley Coyote (c)

NYCW Tri-State Title Match: Honest Frank vs. Steve Flash (c)

Tag Team Match: American Made Men (Whistler & American Machine) vs. Rick Sanders & The Masked Mauler

Singles Match: Frankie Perez vs. Dead Bolt

Singles Match: The Stomper vs. The New York Doll

Rookie Mayhem Match: Dazzling Dave Diamond & Ben Williams vs. Lee Wright & Monty Trescarde vs. The Ring Generals (Rookies: Statler & Waldorf) vs. Land Mass & A Mystery Partner (w/ Herb Staley)

Singles Match: Bob Casey vs. Ernie Turner

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NYCW Empire Title Match: Black Hat Bailey vs. Grandmaster Phunk (c)

Aren't these two both heels in 2007? In any case, Phunk's more than good enough to retain the title for the moment.


NYCW Tag Team Title Match: Shark Tank vs. Wiley Coyote (c)

Back in actual 2k7 Roger was totally rubbish, it'll be interesting to see if he's any good in your mod.


NYCW Tri-State Title Match: Honest Frank vs. Steve Flash (c)

No title changes on the first show, it doesn't seem worth it. 


Tag Team Match: American Made Men (Whistler & American Machine) vs. Rick Sanders & The Masked Mauler

Man, it's weird to see Old School Principals not being an established act...


Singles Match: Frankie Perez vs. Dead Bolt

I mean, Perez is better in every single metric but why not?


Singles Match: The Stomper vs. The New York Doll

Surely Stomper had retired by 2007?


Rookie Mayhem Match: Dazzling Dave Diamond & Ben Williams vs. Lee Wright & Monty Trescarde vs. The Ring Generals (Rookies: Statler & Waldorf) vs. Land Mass & A Mystery Partner (w/ Herb Staley)

Land Mass should not be employed.


Singles Match: Bob Casey vs. Ernie Turner

Ernie's bad, Bob's boring, but boring's better than bad.

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Posted (edited)

Ahead of the show, we learned that Masked Mauler had become a Regular Wrestler. Eddie Howard tore his quad. Stomper and Herb butted heads (in the awesomely updated pre-event mechanic), Antonio won the second ever Rip Chord Invitational, some youngster called Aaron Andrews was now being tutored by Ricky Dale Johnson, DAVE lost it’s TV show and Super Ninja & Insane Machine tore the house down in a 70-rated xTreme Title match in CZCW. Can you imagine?

In terms of our goals, Stomper told me that we couldn’t go below $60,000 (from a start of $100,000), we had to gain popularity, no MMA guys, no one over 35 (pots and kettles there old bean) and no one whose had trouble with the law. Fair enough.


NYCW Rush Hour 2007

Weston Gymnasium, New York

Saturday 28th January 2007

Attendance: 164

FOURWAY TAG TEAM MATCH: The Ring Generals vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond & Ben Williams vs. Lee Wright & Monty Trescarde vs. Land Mass & …. PETR NOVAK

In a poor match, Massive Problem defeated Lee Wright and Monty Trescarde, The Ring Generals and Dazzling Dave Diamond and Ben Williams in 10:12; the order of elimination was Dazzling Dave Diamond and Ben Williams first, then The Ring Generals, and finally Lee Wright and Monty Trescarde.

Rating: 26

Notes: That’s right! We bought back The Big Problem under his awesome new gimmick and slotted him straight back with his old partner. He was dominant here and is managed by Herb Staley too. Match was fine, but the debut was successful.

Angle: Herb Staley introduces the ‘new’ team called… Massive Problem.

Rating: 38

Notes: Hey, no one said I was original.

SINGLES MATCH: The Stomper vs. The New York Doll

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, The Stomper defeated The New York Doll in 6:23 by pinfall with a Cross-Face Chickenwing.

Rating: 26

Notes: You think I’m mad enough to pin the boss this early into my run? You’re out of your mind. A good chance for the young Doll to learn a thing or two from a man who used to wrestle literal dinosaurs I think.

SINGLES MATCH: Bob Casey vs. Ernie Turner

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Bob Casey defeated Ernie Turner in 5:43 by pinfall with a Roll Up.

Rating: 26

Notes: I expected better. I don’t know why. There’s a chance both of these guys are trash. Also, winning with a roll up? As that his finisher? Is he that boring? Oh Gods, he doesn’t actually have a gimmick either. WHAT IS GOING ON?

TAG TEAM MATCH: American Made Men vs. Rick Sanders & The Masked Mauler

In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, American Made Men defeated Rick Sanders and The Masked Mauler in 9:40 when The Masked Mauler was counted out while fighting American Machine.

Rating: 39

Notes: Just needed to check their chemistry was still good, it is, and so Old School Principals are REBORN! Love it. Good match with four of our solid hands. American Machine could be a big player for us down the line, so we’d need to keep him hot.

NYCW TRI-STATE TITLE MATCH: Honest Frank vs. Steve Flash (c)

In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Honest Frank defeated Steve Flash in 10:11 by pinfall with a Frank-N-Hurter following interference from Rick Sanders. The match was designed to tell a specific story. During the match we also had The Masked Mauler run in and attack Flash. Honest Frank wins the NYCW Tri-State Regional title.

Rating: 40

Notes: TWIST! That’s right. Steve Flash may be part of the Inner Circle, but we’d like to utilize his talents futher up the card. Honest Frank is a safe pair of hands until we find the next young up-and-comer.

NYCW TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Sting vs. Coyote Dynamite (c)

In a decent match, Wiley Coyote defeated The Sting in 9:42 when Coyote Dynamite pinned Roger Dodger with a Spinebuster. Wiley Coyote make defence number four of the NYCW Tag Team titles.

Rating: 32

Notes: Well, Roger is not the superstar I remembered. But good news, he’s very expensive to keep around, so that’s nice. Still I like both teams and would keep them around for the foreseeable while I try to figure out exactly what direction I’m going to take with the promotion. Plus, Wiley Steinway carried the match in terms of in-ring performance.

SINGLES MATCH: Frankie Perez vs. Dead Bolt

In a decent match, Frankie Perez defeated Dead Bolt in 6:13 by submission with a P-Clutch.

Rating: 37

Notes: Surfer Dude Frankie Perez arrives with a surf board and day-glo jacket. It’s cheesy, but it’s classed as ‘Great.’ So what are you going to do? I hate Dead Bolt. So I’ll be jobbing him out until he’s useless to me.

NYCW EMPIRE TITLE MATCH: Black Hat Bailey vs. Grandmaster Phunk (c)

In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Grandmaster Phunk defeated Black Hat Bailey in 14:43 by pinfall with a Phunkensteiner. Grandmaster Phunk makes defence number three of the NYCW Empire.

Rating: 38

Notes: Black Hat is a fading veteran who brings a lot of value, but not as Empire Champion just yet. We need to keep the title on our best guy and try and build the main event and pack it with our best in-ring workers.

Overall Rating: 37


So we lost $6,283 on the show, which is a poor start. We’d have to keep an eye. After the show we praised Petr Novak and Sammy the Shark. Then the old man took us aside and informed us that he planned to retire in 3 months. So that would be the turning point. We’d hold the line until he hung them up and then the revolution would begin.

Quite what the revolution would actually be was unclear at this point…


Qfresh - 6/8

smw88 - 5/8

1PWfan - 5/8

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Posted (edited)

The big boys; Supreme Wrestling Federation had brought up a slew of talent from Rhode Island Pro Wrestling (their feeder league): Thus they welcomed Valiant, Mikey James, Nevada Nuclear, Aristocrat and Titan to the main roster. Wouldn’t that be something? Being able to call on such talent and depth in a single day.

I continued to refine by Inner Circle (cool new addition). I welcomed Lee Wright, Honest Frank and Masked Mauler to the booking team. While Steve Flash and Lee Wright were our locker room leaders. Marv Earnest was our talent relations guy, Michael Bull our soul enforcer and head referee. Our locker room had so many professionals and veterans that we managed to avoid any real drama.

We spent most of the next month considering our options hwoever.

The match-up between Insane Machine and Super Ninja weighing heavily on our minds. Seriously what a match. Is transitioning to a more CZCW style something we could consider? Going the whole way felt unachievable without losing our entire fanbase. Going the more cartoony USPW felt pointless at the very least, although that could be a lot of fun. Would our fans appreciate a Japanese puro approach? Or maybe try and fill the Hardcore hole that looks like it would need filling soon if Phil Vibert didn’t get his act together?

There were so many options and I really felt I needed another piece of inspiration. With the cost of shows currently and not wanting to irritate the boss, a holding pattern with our current style seemed sensible at least until April. This would give us time to consider how to pivot.

Until then, we had a show to run. We’d bump Ernie Turner and Monty Trescarde to the pre-show along with a newly signed rookie tag team and prepare for the debut of another youngster:

NYCW Empire State 2007

NYCW Empire Title Match: Steve Flash vs. Grandmaster Phunk (c)

NYCW Tag Team Title Match: The Sting vs. Wiley Coyote (c)

NYCW Tri-State Title Match: Whistler vs. Honest Frank (c)

Singles Match: American Machine vs. Black Hat Bailey

Singles Match: Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. The Masked Mauler

Singles Match: “Surf’s Up” Frankie Perez vs. The New York Doll

Gang Wars Match: Bob Casey & The Ring Generals vs. Lee Wright & Massive Problem

The Stomper Rookie Open Invitational: The Stomper vs. a Rookie

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NYCW Empire State 2007

NYCW Empire Title Match: Steve Flash vs. Grandmaster Phunk (c)

NYCW Tag Team Title Match: The Sting vs. Wiley Coyote (c)

NYCW Tri-State Title Match: Whistler vs. Honest Frank (c)

Singles Match: American Machine vs. Black Hat Bailey

Singles Match: Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. The Masked Mauler

Singles Match: “Surf’s Up” Frankie Perez vs. The New York Doll

Gang Wars Match: Bob Casey & The Ring Generals vs. Lee Wright & Massive Problem

The Stomper Rookie Open Invitational: The Stomper vs. a Rookie

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I've been hoping to see you posting again with the new TEW! You just gave me a wild blast of nostalgia. I didn't realize I actually played the Cornellverse in TEW07 because I mostly played RW mods, but I DEFINITELY played NYCW with this roster.

NYCW Empire State 2007

NYCW Empire Title Match: Steve Flash vs. Grandmaster Phunk (c)

NYCW Tag Team Title Match: The Sting vs. Wiley Coyote (c)

NYCW Tri-State Title Match: Whistler vs. Honest Frank (c)

Singles Match: American Machine vs. Black Hat Bailey

Singles Match: Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. The Masked Mauler

Singles Match: “Surf’s Up” Frankie Perez vs. The New York Doll

Gang Wars Match: Bob Casey & The Ring Generals vs. Lee Wright & Massive Problem

The Stomper Rookie Open Invitational: The Stomper vs. a Rookie

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4 hours ago, John Lions said:

I've been hoping to see you posting again with the new TEW! You just gave me a wild blast of nostalgia. I didn't realize I actually played the Cornellverse in TEW07 because I mostly played RW mods, but I DEFINITELY played NYCW with this roster.

NYCW Empire State 2007

NYCW Empire Title Match: Steve Flash vs. Grandmaster Phunk (c)

NYCW Tag Team Title Match: The Sting vs. Wiley Coyote (c)

NYCW Tri-State Title Match: Whistler vs. Honest Frank (c)

Singles Match: American Machine vs. Black Hat Bailey

Singles Match: Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. The Masked Mauler

Singles Match: “Surf’s Up” Frankie Perez vs. The New York Doll

Gang Wars Match: Bob Casey & The Ring Generals vs. Lee Wright & Massive Problem

The Stomper Rookie Open Invitational: The Stomper vs. a Rookie

I’m nothing if not a nostalgia-feeder. And hello good sir, lovely to see you here. 

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NYCW Empire Title Match: Steve Flash vs. Grandmaster Phunk (c)

NYCW Tag Team Title Match: The Sting vs. Wiley Coyote (c)

NYCW Tri-State Title Match: Whistler vs. Honest Frank (c)

Singles Match: American Machine vs. Black Hat Bailey

Singles Match: Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. The Masked Mauler

Singles Match: “Surf’s Up” Frankie Perez vs. The New York Doll

Gang Wars Match: Bob Casey & The Ring Generals vs. Lee Wright & Massive Problem

The Stomper Rookie Open Invitational: The Stomper vs. a Rookie

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Ahead of our second show, we arrived at the Gym and found Dazzling Dave had bought everyone pizza. Meanwhile Honest Frank and Bull had really bonded. Black Hat has taken Monty Trescarde under his wing. While Monty had started to imitate Coyote Dynamite much to the delight of the boys. Elsewhere second referee Chad Brent and Whistler got into a heated argument. These things happened in emotionally-charged environments, so we’d just keep an eye.


NYCW Empire State 2007

Weston Gymnasium, New York

Saturday 3rd February 2007

Attendance: 164

The Stomper Rookie Open Invitational: The Stomper vs. Cameron Vessey

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, The Stomper defeated Cameron Vessey in 6:03 by pinfall with a Cross-Face Chickenwing.

Rating: 29

Notes: The young son of Larry Vessey had debuted and spotting an opportunity we signed him up and put him straight into Stomper’s farewell run. The grizzled vet teaches the young pup a lesson, while Cameron’s ‘Entitled Star’ fell a bit flat.

Singles Match: Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. The Masked Mauler

In a decent match, The Masked Mauler defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond in 8:16 by submission with an Iron Claw after blatantly cheating.

Rating: 31

Notes: Dazzling would have his time, but for now, we were working on the new team of the two old dogs. Despite match-up.

Gang Wars Match: Bob Casey & The Ring Generals vs. Lee Wright & Massive Problem

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Lee Wright and Massive Problem defeated Bob Casey and The Ring Generals in 8:22 when Lee Wright pinned Marv Statler with a Wright Stuff. During the match we also had Ernie Turner run in and attack Casey.

Rating: 30

Notes: It’s the feud no-one wanted. Ernie Turner and Bob Casey… MUST CONTINUE! Clean and dominant victory for Petr Novak and his two partners.

NYCW Tri-State Title Match: Whistler vs. Honest Frank (c)

In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Honest Frank defeated Whistler in 10:29 by pinfall after using a foreign object. Honest Frank makes defence number one of the NYCW Tri-State Regional title.

Rating: 36

Notes: In a classic showdown between two classic stars, we get a decent match. Bad guy’s win by cheating, elongating the chase while we desperately try to understand where we’re going as an organization.

Singles Match: “Surf’s Up” Frankie Perez vs. The New York Doll

In a decent match, Frankie Perez defeated The New York Doll in 6:11 by submission with a P-Clutch.

Rating: 44

Notes: Where did this come from? P-Dawg is always good value, but fair play to NYD who really brought the goods in a glorified squash match. We’d keep an eye on him and look for an opportunity for the youngster to prove himself.

Singles Match: American Machine vs. Black Hat Bailey

In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Black Hat Bailey defeated American Machine in 22:17 by submission with a Bailey Breaker after blatantly cheating.

Rating: 40

Notes: Black Hat needed to be heated up again, while American Machine can afford a loss to another main eventer. It’s a little too soon for him to be elevated yet and we’re thin on the ground with main event stars right now.

NYCW Tag Team Title Match: The Sting vs. Wiley Coyote (c)

In a decent match, Wiley Coyote defeated The Sting in 10:13 when Wiley Steinway pinned Roger Dodger with a Steinway Highway after Sammy turned on his partner. Wiley Coyote make defence number five of the NYCW Tag Team titles. In terms of in-ring work, Wiley Steinway was head and shoulders above everyone else.

Rating: 35

Notes: The Sting have broken up. The reason being that SWF had signed Rodger (of all people) to an exclusive contract. It was a loss, but at $700 per appearance, we wouldn’t miss the salary. We’d have to move on in the tag team division, but there were options.

Angle: In a very good 5 minute angle we saw Grandmaster Phunk cut a promo on Steve Flash. He highlights how good Steve has always been and he’s proud to face him for the best title in professional wrestling. May the best man win.

Rating: 60

Notes: God he’s dynamite on the microphone.

NYCW Empire Title Match: Steve Flash vs. Grandmaster Phunk (c)

In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Steve Flash defeated Grandmaster Phunk in 24:24 by pinfall with a Flash Bang. Steve Flash wins the NYCW Empire.

Rating: 39

Notes: Hot shot the title, because CGC had decided that Grandmaster Phunk would be their latest signing. It’s so annoying as my only long-term planning was destroyed after two months. Match was disappointing too, but at least we kept the honour of the title entact.

Overall Rating: 39

We lost $7,321 on the show as well as Roger Dodger to RIPW, Grandmaster Phunk to CGC and Dead Bolt to unemployment.

Elsewhere in the world Byron quit UCR, Jack Bruce signed with NOTBPW and poor Nevada Nuclear tore his ligaments in his first match on the SWF main roster. A

In March a short bidding war broke out for El Leon, which ended with him signing for SWF along with:

DC Rayne (poor Eddie)

Bossman Brayfield (solid)

Molokai Milk (desperation?)

Hard-1 (ok then)

Carlos Gonzalez (over his brother? Blimey).

Midway through the month Dean Waldorf moved to the Tri-State region (good lad) and Lee Wright announced he too would join Stomper in retirement. So we needed another retirement run for one of our stalwarts. And this gave us an idea. Was it time to phase out the old school, with the new school? That was an interesting idea.

NYCW Beasts of War

NYCW Empire Title Match: Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash (c)

NYCW Tag Team Title Match: Massive Problem vs. Wiley Coyote (c)

The Stomper Rookie Open Invitational: The Stomper vs. Cameron Vessey

Gang Wars Match: ‘Surf’s Up’ Frankie Perez & American Made Man vs. Honest Frank & Old School Principals

Singles Match: Bob Casey vs. Sammy Smoke

Tag Team Match: Ben Williams & Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Lee Wright & Monty Trscarde



Midnightnick – 7/8

QFresh – 6/8

John Lions – 5/8 

All Time Scores:

QFresh – 12/16

Midnightnick – 7/8

John Lions – 5/8

Smw88 – 5/8

1PWfan – 5/8

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NYCW Beasts of War

NYCW Empire Title Match: Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash (c)

NYCW Tag Team Title Match: Massive Problem vs. Wiley Coyote (c)

The Stomper Rookie Open Invitational: The Stomper vs. Cameron Vessey

Gang Wars Match: ‘Surf’s Up’ Frankie Perez & American Made Man vs. Honest Frank & Old School Principals

Singles Match: Bob Casey vs. Sammy Smoke

Tag Team Match: Ben Williams & Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Lee Wright & Monty Trscarde

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NYCW Beasts of War

NYCW Empire Title Match: Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash (c)

NYCW Tag Team Title Match: Massive Problem vs. Wiley Coyote (c)

The Stomper Rookie Open Invitational: The Stomper vs. Cameron Vessey

Gang Wars Match: ‘Surf’s Up’ Frankie Perez & American Made Man vs. Honest Frank & Old School Principals

Singles Match: Bob Casey vs. Sammy Smoke

Tag Team Match: Ben Williams & Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Lee Wright & Monty Trscarde

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NYCW Empire Title Match: Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash (c)

NYCW Tag Team Title Match: Massive Problem vs. Wiley Coyote (c)

The Stomper Rookie Open Invitational: The Stomper vs. Cameron Vessey

Gang Wars Match: ‘Surf’s Up’ Frankie Perez & American Made Man vs. Honest Frank & Old School Principals

Singles Match: Bob Casey vs. Sammy Smoke

Tag Team Match: Ben Williams & Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Lee Wright & Monty Trscarde


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NYCW Beasts of War

NYCW Empire Title Match:  Steve Flash (c)

NYCW Tag Team Title Match: Massive Problem 

The Stomper Rookie Open Invitational: The Stomper 

Gang Wars Match: ‘Surf’s Up’ Frankie Perez & American Made Man 

Singles Match: Sammy Smoke

Tag Team Match: Ben Williams & Dazzling Dave Diamond

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Man, two guys signed away immediately and two of your stalwarts heading into retirement. When does Brutus Milano begin his wrestling career?

NYCW Empire Title Match: Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash (c)
Classic rivalry between the two best hands, who I could see fighting 

NYCW Tag Team Title Match: Massive Problem vs. Wiley Coyote (c)
I think Massive Problem take it and start a feud with the (former) champs

The Stomper Rookie Open Invitational: The Stomper vs. Cameron Vessey
Not sure if Vessey wins the immediate rematch

Gang Wars Match: ‘Surf’s Up’ Frankie Perez & American Made Man vs. Honest Frank & Old School Principals
Potentially sets up a Perez/Frank title match?

Singles Match: Bob Casey vs. Sammy Smoke
Dastardly Ernie Turner costs Bob again

Tag Team Match: Ben Williams & Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Lee Wright & Monty Trescarde
Legendary Ben Williams takes the fall in courageous fashion

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In the build-up to the show I got into an argument with The Masked Mauler over booking decisions. American Machine renewed my faith in humanity as he presented a good finish to a match. Wiley Steinway did a series of spot-on impressions, Steve Flash trained lots of the rookies, including our pre-show group who weren’t ready for the main show yet. Sammy Smoke drew some lovely cartoons too. I loved our locker room. That was until The New York Doll got into a blazing argument with one of the rookies outside the show. What was wrong with him? So I called him out and he got defensive.


NYCW Beasts of War

Weston Gymnasium, New York

Saturday 31st March 2007

Attendance: 179

Tag Team Match: Ben Williams & Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Lee Wright & Monty Trescarde

In a decent match, Lee Wright and Monty Trescarde  defeated Ben Williams and Dazzling Dave Diamond in 7:45 when Lee Wright pinned Ben Williams after use of a foreign object.

Rating: 29

Notes: Ben Williams is solely designed to take pinfalls. Lee Wright gets the nod and pairs with one of our rookies, who gets his first win in the books. His corrupt corporate gimmick went over great. Instant-heel.

Singles Match: Bob Casey vs. Sammy Smoke

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Sammy Smoke defeated Bob Casey in 7:34 by pinfall with an Ace In The Hole after Ernie Turner interfered.

Rating: 31

Notes: Ernie Turner interferes to help Sammy get a win over the struggling Bob Casey. The crowd just do not care about him. Ernie does though.

Angle: After the match Ernie continues the beatdown, but Bob fights back and delivers a vicious retort. Ernie runs for the hills, but not before delivering a warning. Bob better get a partner, because next week, he’s bringing the big boys.

Rating: 40

Notes: Forehshadowing.

Gang Wars Match: ‘Surf’s Up’ Frankie Perez & American Made Man vs. Honest Frank & Old School Principals

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Honest Frank and Old School Principals defeated Frankie Perez and American Made Men in 9:36 when Rick Sanders submitted Whistler with a Figure Four Leglock after blatantly cheating.

Rating: 40

Notes: The Old Boys gang deliver an old school whupping to the youngsters, but they do at least pin Whistler. There’s definitely something in this Old vs. New School.

The Stomper Rookie Open Invitational: The Stomper vs. Cameron Vessey

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Cameron Vessey defeated The Stomper in 5:55 by disqualification.

Rating: 25

Notes: Cameron, being the entitled young generational star he is, did not take kindly to being shown up. So after a short match, he brought a chair into the ring when the referee’s back was turned. Hit Stomper, who took it, then threw him the chair and fell down. The ref called for the bell and DQ’d Stomper. Cameron’s grinning face as he walked away was high-quality troll work.

NYCW Tag Team Title Match: Massive Problem vs. Wiley Coyote (c)

In a decent match, Wiley Coyote defeated Massive Problem in 5:50 when Wiley Steinway pinned Land Mass with a Steinway Highway. Wiley Coyote make defence number six of the NYCW Tag Team titles. Wiley Steinway carried the match in terms of in-ring performance. Land Mass was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.

Rating: 30

Notes: In something of a surprise, a recent signing has necessitated the finishing of this story very, very early.

Angle: After the match Petr Novak, under the guidance of Herb Staley destroys Land Mass for costing him the match. Leaving the behemoth in the ring unconscious.

Rating: 30

NYCW Empire Title Match: Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash (c)

In a bout that had fantastic heat and decent wrestling, Steve Flash defeated Black Hat Bailey in 28:28 by pinfall with a Flash Bang. During the match, Fern Hathaway walked out on the champion, nearly costing him the match. Steve Flash makes defence number one of the NYCW Empire.

Rating: 39

Notes: Fern and Flash didn’t click as a pairing anyway, but this allows us to split them up and use her to launch a new main event program. We’ve done enough beating of Black Hat by now. We’d move him down the card and use him with our over-arching story.

Overall Rating: 39

We lost $4,540, which was a nice cheap event for us. There was a slight increase in attendance, but we were making big moves thanks to some timely contract expiration and a big name signing, who we’d slot into the main event for Titans of Wrestling. He was a big signing for someone like us, and we owed it all to DAVE mismanaging their own roster.

Elsewhere in the world, Champagne Lover was cast in The Young and the Fearless and was about to take off into the stratosphere popularity and name brand wise. But we had our next show ready and this would be the one where we pivoted to our new approach.


NYCW Titans of Wrestling

NYCW Empire Title Match: A Major Signing vs. Steve Flash (c)

Gang Wars Match: ‘Surf’s Up’ Frankie Perez & American Made Man vs. Honest Frank & Old School Principals

The Stomper’s Final Stand: The Stomper vs. Cameron Vessey

Tag Team Match: Bob Casey & Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. A Mystery Team

Singles Match: Sammy Smoke vs. Lee Wright

Singles Match: Ben Williams vs. Black Hat Bailey

Singles Match: Land Mass vs. Petr Novak

NYCW Tag Team Title Match: The Ring Generals vs. Wiley Coyote (c)



Midnightnick – 4/6

KingKongCoronado - 3/6

John Lions – 3/6 

QFresh - 3/6

StanMiguel - 2/6

All Time Scores:

Midnightnick – 11/14

QFresh – 15/22

John Lions – 8/14

Smw88 – 5/8

1PWfan – 5/8

KingKongCoronado - 3/6

StanMiguel - 2/6

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NYCW Titans of Wrestling

NYCW Empire Title Match: A Major Signing vs. Steve Flash (c)

Gang Wars Match: Surf’s Up’ Frankie Perez & American Made Man vs. Honest Frank & Old School Principals

The Stomper’s Final Stand: The Stomper vs. Cameron Vessey

Tag Team Match: Bob Casey & Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. A Mystery Team

Singles Match: Sammy Smoke vs. Lee Wright

Singles Match: Ben Williams vs. Black Hat Bailey

Singles Match: Land Mass vs. Petr Novak

NYCW Tag Team Title Match: The Ring Generals vs. Wiley Coyote 


Good show, I'm trying to think back to 07 to guess who the new major signing could be. I'm hoping for Big Smack Scott or Kurt Laramie. Either way I don't think they'll win over Flash but I'm pulling for it either way! 

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NYCW Titans of Wrestling

NYCW Empire Title Match:  Steve Flash (c)

Gang Wars Match: ‘Surf’s Up’ Frankie Perez & American Made Man 

The Stomper’s Final Stand: Cameron Vessey

Tag Team Match: Bob Casey & Dazzling Dave Diamond 

Singles Match: Sammy Smoke 

Singles Match: Black Hat Bailey

Singles Match: Land Mass 

NYCW Tag Team Title Match: The Ring Generals 

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NYCW Empire Title Match: A Major Signing vs. Steve Flash (c)

Gang Wars Match: ‘Surf’s Up’ Frankie Perez & American Made Man vs. Honest Frank & Old School Principals

The Stomper’s Final Stand: The Stomper vs. Cameron Vessey

Tag Team Match: Bob Casey & Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. A Mystery Team

Singles Match: Sammy Smoke vs. Lee Wright

Singles Match: Ben Williams vs. Black Hat Bailey

Singles Match: Land Mass vs. Petr Novak

NYCW Tag Team Title Match: The Ring Generals vs. Wiley Coyote (c)

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Lee Wright requested a pay increase from $80 to $1,320… So I said no. then I demoted him from the booking team and removed him as a Locker Room Leader. He then handed in his notice. Fair enough. Meanwhile, his decision to leave combined with Stomper’s impeding retirement has lead to the boss man changing our product to Modern Throwback.

A look into it tells me the following:

Used by modern companies who are looking backwards, this takes the approach from the Golden Age – wrestling treated seriously but with a little showmanship – but adds the workrate and style of the modern age.

Ok then, so we were going young, modern, high work-rate, but treating the feuds as serious business. Bad news for the big boys. I still had 90 days however.


Marv Statler has moved to the Tri-State region. The New York Doll took issue with attempts to team bond backstage. Quite why we would do this at this time is beyond me. Bob Casey and Frankie Perez are travelling buddies. Dazzling Dave Diamond pulled a rib on the whole locker room, which was a hoot.


NYCW Titans of Wrestling 2007

Weston Gymnasium, New York

Saturday 28th April 2007

Attendance: 185

Singles Match: Sammy Smoke vs. Lee Wright

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Sammy Smoke defeated Lee Wright in 8:20 by pinfall with an Ace In The Hole.

Rating: 23

Notes: Bye bye Lee Wright. You’re were a great hand and good locker room leader until you weren’t.

NYCW Tag Team Title Match: The Ring Generals vs. Wiley Coyote (c)

In a decent match, Wiley Coyote defeated The Ring Generals in 7:56 when Coyote Dynamite pinned Dean Waldorf with a Spinebuster. The match was designed to work the crowd. Wiley Coyote make defence number seven of the NYCW Tag Team titles. Wiley Steinway carried the match in terms of in-ring performance.

Rating: 28

Notes: So Marv Statler broke his tail one thanks to Coyote Dynamite, who is shortly going to be the least liked member of the roster. Black Hat hates him, Marv does too and there’s another who can’t stand him. Maybe me? Still, it wasn’t time for The Ring Generals yet. But they were getting closer to actually having a feud.

Singles Match: Land Mass vs. Petr Novak

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Petr Novak defeated Land Mass in 6:27 by pinfall.

Rating: 24

Notes: Land Mass sprained his ankle. Soon it wouldn’t be my problem.

Singles Match: Ben Williams vs. Black Hat Bailey

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Black Hat Bailey defeated Ben Williams in 7:48 by submission with a Bailey Breaker.

Rating: 29

Notes: Ben Williams does what Ben Williams does.

Tag Team Match: Bob Casey & Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. THE DEMONS OF RAGE!?!

In a bout that had fantastic heat and decent wrestling, The Demons Of Rage defeated Bob Casey and Dazzling Dave Diamond in 6:18 when Demon Anger pinned Bob Casey with a Demon Slam.

Rating: 45

Notes: That’s right. We throw caution to the wind and hope in all the changes that Stomper wouldn’t mind us blowing our way through our money for a nostalgia run for The Demons of Rage. Good match, although how they’d fit in with our imminent style change was beyond me.

Angle: After the match a victorious Ernie Turner is approached by Herb Staley, who whispers something. Ernie looks at The Demons and shakes Herb’s hand. Herb looks delighted.

Rating: 48

Notes: Needs must.

The Stomper Rookie Open Invitational: The Stomper vs. Cameron Vessey

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Cameron Vessey defeated The Stomper in 8:16 by pinfall with a Vessey Driver II.

Rating: 25

Notes: And with that, our leader says goodbye to professional wrestling from inside the ring. Vessey is picked as the man to send him off to road agent heaven and the two have… a match. Let’s not over-sell it. God knows Stomper barely sold a thing.

Gang Wars Match: ‘Surf’s Up’ Frankie Perez & American Made Man vs. Honest Frank & Old School Principals

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Frankie Perez and American Made Men defeated Honest Frank and Old School Principals in 10:18 when American Machine pinned The Masked Mauler while using the ropes for leverage.

Rating: 39

Notes: Simple revenge. And a good match. We’d have to get the Tri-State champ defending his title at some point though.

Angle: Fern Hathaway appears at the entrance, as War Pigs by Black Sabbath plays and here comes her new client… SAMMY ‘Effin’ BACH!

Rating: 71

Notes: Boom. We’re going all out for quick growth and hope we don’t go bankrupt before that happens. We call it; the DAVE method.

NYCW Empire Title Match: Sammy Bach vs. Steve Flash (c)

In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Sammy Bach defeated Steve Flash in 22:26 by pinfall following interference from Fern Hathaway. Sammy Bach wins the NYCW Empire.

Rating: 53

Notes: Best match we’ve had and the top star in the company immediately has the title. It’s a bit hot-shot, but sometimes you’ve got to ride the wave.

Overall Rating: 49 (Best Show)

We lost $7,608, which is pretty grim. With the change upcoming and cost-cutting required we say goodbye to Land Mass, Lee Wright, The New York Doll, Ernie Turner and Bob Casey.

The Stomper retires enters the TWL Hall of Fame and so we add him to ours too. And we immediately start work on the next big show:

NYCW Genesis

NYCW Empire Title Match: Steve Flash vs. Sammy Bach (c)

NYCW Tag Team Title Match: The Demons of Rage vs. Wiley Coyote (c)

NYCW Tri-State Title Match: Frankie Perez vs. Honest Frank (c)

Gang Wars Match: Bulldozer Brandon Smith, American Made Men vs. Sammy Smoke & Old School Principals

Singles Match: Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Petr Novak

Singles Match: Jefferson Stardust vs. Cameron Vessey

Tag Team Match: Dean Waldorf & Ben Williams vs. Black Hat  Bailey & Monty Trescarde



KingKongCoronado – 6/8

Midnightnick – 6/8

StanMiguel – 3/8

All Time Scores:

Midnightnick – 17/22

QFresh – 15/22

KingKongCoronado - 9/14

John Lions – 8/14

Smw88 – 5/8

1PWfan – 5/8

StanMiguel - 5/14

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50 minutes ago, TCP1 said:

No one reply. I just got fired my Stomper for breaking a couple of goals. 🤣 I’ll restart and get it right this time. 

I mean, that's a hell of a narrative.

Start a rival company and stick it to the man.

Edited by Doctor Crunch
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