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Please make an option for workers in Segments to be Not Rated again

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Please make an option for workers in segments to be Not Rated again

Segments feel incredibly empty and boring when what could be a full faction appearing has to be the one guy who's meant to be carrying the talking etc

For example: X on his own is going to give a 90-95 rated segment where he's rated on Entertainment skills

But having Y and Z as Background or Non-Speaking roles sends it all the way to a 60-70 rated segment

Although it is realistic that someone in a Non-Speaking role could potentially make a segment worse, should it really be THAT drastic? 


In my opinion it would be best to just make one of these roles Not Rated, because it's just taking so much away from Segments by limiting who'd you would want to put in them. They're both basically serving the same purpose right now anyways why not change one



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I disagree about not rated at all, but I can't say I've noticed that level of drop myself, and do agree that's very harsh if that's the case, depending on the skills and pop of the talent in the background. Maybe a boost to the segment, but I've always felt if they're involved in the segment they should still contribute something, even if they're in the background.

Edited by benjirino
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12 hours ago, obito said:

But having Y and Z as Background or Non-Speaking roles sends it all the way to a 60-70 rated segment

First point is that you shouldn't be using Non-Speaking for this - that's rating someone on popularity as a main part of the angle, it is explicitly not someone in the background like you're trying to use it.

As per the handbook, you should be using Background Player, which only has a very minor impact (at most, 3%) on the rating. It sounds like you're stuffing the angle with this role and therefore building up a lot of minor penalties to the point that it's adding up to something major. so I will add a cap so that it can't go past a certain level.

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12 hours ago, Adam Ryland said:

First point is that you shouldn't be using Non-Speaking for this - that's rating someone on popularity as a main part of the angle, it is explicitly not someone in the background like you're trying to use it.

As per the handbook, you should be using Background Player, which only has a very minor impact (at most, 3%) on the rating. It sounds like you're stuffing the angle with this role and therefore building up a lot of minor penalties to the point that it's adding up to something major. so I will add a cap so that it can't go past a certain level.

Yes actually I believe your assessment on the Background Player Role stacking is correct (the more workers I add the more the rating goes down) and your solution to cap it would be perfect in my opinion. 

I can appreciate the idea of removing Non-Rated because it would in theory force someone to make effective stables and in real world scenario mods maybe give the challenge to rework them to be more effective or blow them up. From this perspective I see it as a massively positive change. 

I also appreciate and believe that the Ratings can reflect good booking practices. 

What is seen as a good rating for a Segment obviously depends on a lot of things (how much the individual playing cares, company size, scenario etc). I was concerned then that segments were going to be limited down to a small number of the roster to be achieving good ratings. However, I believe your solution creates a good balance 


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