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Hi, I was wanting to suggest adding an option in the company’s product screen to specify the company’s stance on blading?   For example the options could be no blading like WWE for the last number of years until recently, minimal blading like WWE now where blading happens occasionally and is generally done with very little blood) and Full blading like AEW where bleeding is fairly regular and typically with a greater volume of blood. 

There could also be an option for the company’s policy on how they deal with hard way blood – I.E stopping the match and dealing with the cut like WWE did for years or letting the match continue regardless like AEW would.

This could have an effect on your standing with TV Networks etc. and could also generate post matches incidents i.e. if a wrestler blades when it’s against the company’s policy like Ric Flair did at Wrestle Mania 8.    You would then be presented with an incident and have to choose how to deal with it.   Depending on your product this could be a positive or a negative for the match it happens in. 

(I’m awful at naming things so apologies in advance for the names below.)

To add to this, maybe an attribute could be added to define a wrestler’s stance on blading as well as their proficiency at doing so believably.    This could be something like   - Blades constantly (Jon Moxley), Blades regular Ric Flair), Blades occasionally – i.e. in important matches only (Bret Hart).  Never blades – Lex Luger.  The proficiency part would be about how good they are at making it look believable or making it look like its hard way not just to the fans but the promotor as well.    

You can't see me - Neither fans or promotor can tell - example Bret Hart Wrestlemania 8 v Roddy Piper(should probably only be available for workers with blades in important matches only.

For all the world to see - All Fans and promotor can tell - example Jon Moxley

For your eyes only - Promotor and non-casual fans can tell - example Ric Flair

Finally possible attributes to cover how much they typically bleed – Bleeds Buckets – Heavy Bleeder - Swerve Strickland.    Standard gusher – normal bleeder - Cody Rhodes.     Just a smear – bleeds very little - Jack Perry

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