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New to TEW and just started my C-verse CWW game, feeling a bit lost.

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Hello guys,


As a back story, I think I stumbled upon TEW2016 on 2019 and apparently I purchased that version of the game but for some reason when I try to reinstall it on my PC it says no key is linked to my purchase order. Because of that and because of recently getting the email about TQIX I went and took a leap of faith and just grabbed it. I have been struggling trying to find my jam with the demo but eventually I seem to got the hang of the basic with CWW as my first save after purchasing the full game.


Now I am at around August of the first year and have grown from insignificant to tiny. I seem to be liking booking just matches and I have been playing around with the road agent notes and so far I had some mistimed matches especially with working with the crowd and whatnot. In my head I sort of have a plan to prop up the hot prospects but I just don't have a clue how to do it. I seem to be aimlessly rotating matches around though I get some ratings around ~30s to 48 as my highest but I seem to be fumbling in the dark.


What I want to get out of this game:


I want to stick to men's only and more match focused CWW but I feel like I would kinda want some spice by creating some storyline. Not necessarily as grandiose as what is expected from a WWE production or go outright story-line focus with the game mechanics but I want to sort of try to get to that point. I mainly want to make stories in my head but I am struggling to translate it into the game.


I want more immersion but don't know where to start in order to get more invested with the comings and goings of the Cornellverse. 


I want to start from nothing to a big company. I know that starting your own is an option, I am still currently messing around with a small business and see how it goes.


What I seem to need:


Grasp of the stats for the wrestlers and how they translate to matches. I think I am doing something right with the matches since the ratings seems to be not horrible. I try to follow the game's advice of trying to have at least 1 wrestler with good psychology and not trying to let a wrestler with low stamina do a long match. Other than that I am in the dark.


Have a good way to know more about the C-verse. I feel like I am thrown into the deep end and so far I ignore the news but I want to know what are some good ways to slowly expand my knowledge of the game world even though it is only a little progress.


How to progress. I have no clue how to develop talents or prop up people or how to ensure that it wouldn't just be the current champions/stars staying there while I do not develop the others. I also don't have a clue what to look out for in hiring wrestlers to see if they are a good fit in my company.


How to book more consistently. As I said I am fumbling in the dark and I have no clue how to proceed.


With all those out of the way, I appreciate as much advice as I could get from veterans. So far with what I have said above, I only hired Iggy Riot and Chazz Hayter and that's pretty much it when it comes to changes. I also tried to develop my merch and I think some youtuber said it is best to turn events ticket to free in order to grow in the first year. Other than that I pretty much just try to wing it with booking and would appreciate any advice from you guys.


PS: I plan to keep track of things through pen and paper for immersion purposes and just for me to find some activity to write down. Prior to this I played Fire Pro Wrestling World solely to sim matches and write down the results but of course I would like to transition to this game and try to create the story/universe that I want but I just don't know what to do.

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Just keep at it, was my first thought. That's what I did when I first started playing these games :D But hey, let's answer at least some of the questions.


I want more immersion but don't know where to start in order to get more invested with the comings and goings of the Cornellverse. 

The "tour company" button is quite handy I think. A lot of immersing yourself into the Cornellverse is just reading the promotion and worker bios, at least for me.



Grasp of the stats for the wrestlers and how they translate to matches. I think I am doing something right with the matches since the ratings seems to be not horrible. I try to follow the game's advice of trying to have at least 1 wrestler with good psychology and not trying to let a wrestler with low stamina do a long match. Other than that I am in the dark.

Read the dirt sheet in each match, you'll easily get the overview of all the plus and minuses that each wrestler has.


How to progress. I have no clue how to develop talents or prop up people or how to ensure that it wouldn't just be the current champions/stars staying there while I do not develop the others. I also don't have a clue what to look out for in hiring wrestlers to see if they are a good fit in my company.

Good talent develop at their own pace, but some faster than others. See their skills and how well they've developed over the months. When I see someone getting a lot better in entertainment skills, when they haven't done that many angles even, I start featuring them more in angles. If their performance skills are improving seemingly fast, I try to pair them with experienced workers, usually I'll put in a new guy and an old guy in a tag team, that always works wonders. It's also an easy segway into making them heel, getting rid of their mentor :D




Here's Shadow Ichimori, a 24y Japanese wrestler that I've had in my promotion for over two years now. In the skills -> track progress -> fundamentals, I can clearly see that he's making great progress, going up 5-7 points in every category. So he'll probably be keep getting better and better, especially since I'm only running one show a month right now. I've also noticed that some of my older stars, like Taheiji Konoe, have begun regressing a lot, losing almost 10 points of stat during a year. After I witnessed Konoe's matches becoming worse, I've since made him lose the championship etc..

To keep yourself interested, I've always advised to hire people you have an idea for. Don't just hire someone that has super stats, hire someone you'll have a character for, storylines for. Use managers, use stables, anything. Change the pics even, should they start wearing a mask or lose a mask - you control it all. If someone's face is not to your liking, there's hundreds from which to choose from that you can use instead. Or edit your own, ask people on the forums to create you new stuff. List is endless.



How to book more consistently. As I said I am fumbling in the dark and I have no clue how to proceed.

Start with your main event first, always, then work lower from there. That's always worked for me. If I get great chemistry note, I plan for the wrestlers A and B to collide several times in the upcoming year. Some times there's hiatus, but during that time wrestler B has won against others, then loses once again to A, this time in an even better match. Or might go over A finally, who knows. I exploit all the chemistry notes, since I feel that's realistic too. It should, or shouldn't, influence your decisions, it's all up to you.

There's some tips or just plain old ramblings from a veteran player. Hopefully there's was even the tiniest nugget of actual good info there somewhere :D Above all - just play the game!


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45 minutes ago, towerbooks3192 said:

Grasp of the stats for the wrestlers and how they translate to matches. I think I am doing something right with the matches since the ratings seems to be not horrible. I try to follow the game's advice of trying to have at least 1 wrestler with good psychology and not trying to let a wrestler with low stamina do a long match. Other than that I am in the dark.

I'd recommend reading the handbook so that you know what the various skills mean; it's also good to read the Dirt Sheet for each segment you run so that you can see where you're getting penalised. For you, as a workrate-heavy company, you're looking for people who have high scores in the Primary, Fundamental and Mental skill categories. Performance skills will be less useful to you, but are a nice bonus if you can get them.

45 minutes ago, towerbooks3192 said:

Have a good way to know more about the C-verse. I feel like I am thrown into the deep end and so far I ignore the news but I want to know what are some good ways to slowly expand my knowledge of the game world even though it is only a little progress.

As you're playing as CWW you don't really need to know much outside of the scene in the British Isles and maybe Europe. As such, a good starting point would be to read the biographies for the 21CW and SNP rosters, then maybe read some of the independent wrestlers on the British scene and move on to the European rosters afterwards. You can use the filters on the Workers screen to find the right people.

45 minutes ago, towerbooks3192 said:

How to progress. I have no clue how to develop talents or prop up people or how to ensure that it wouldn't just be the current champions/stars staying there while I do not develop the others. I also don't have a clue what to look out for in hiring wrestlers to see if they are a good fit in my company.

Hiring wrestlers is pretty easy - Performance Skills aren't going to be that important to you, so look for cheap talent who have strong Fundamental Skills, a solid score in at least one Primary Skill, and as good a Mental Skill as you can afford. Bear in mind that young talent will often have poor Psychology and / or Consistency, and that's fine, it's just what you'll have to work around while they develop.

You develop worker skills by putting them against better workers (so they learn and improve) and increase their popularity by having them beat people who are more over. Balancing who you're using in which role is the tricky part and is something you have to learn over time.

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I have trouble staying engaged with the match only products. What has worked for me is set yourself some rules. I go with:

1) I use storylines for organization even if I don't have to. I update the storyline text as the story changes.

2) Every time I advance a storyline something interesting has to happen. No treading water.

3) No storyline lasts more than 3 months or 6 shows whichever comes later.

4) Keep the roster fresh. Bring people in, let people go, have people turn, break up stables and tag teams and make new ones.

In terms of in ring wrestling stats. I'm not hugely sophisticated with it, and I'm sure someone better can come along to correct me.

The most important in-ring stats are the ones that begin with brawling and end with psychology. The stats in this column are what generate the bulk of your match rating. These stats relate directly to match aims. I'm a regular match they all get called on more or less equally. A wild brawl will count brawling more heavily etc. In this area a 60 or so is fine, a stat in the 70s is good and 80s or up is world class.

Psychology is universally important and maybe the most important stat for wrestlers.

Brawling/Hardcore/Puroresu are basically three different versions of the same stat. You'll never use all of these at once.

Technical, Aerial, Flashiness, etc are all pretty much what they sound like.

The group of stats including basics, safety, selling and whatnot basically modify your match ratings. On the dirt sheet these might show up as "penalized for inconsistency" or "match penalized for not enough selling." They are important, but mostly you don't need to know much but higher is better.

The stats starting with charisma and ending with menace dictate a lot about how entertaining your wrestler is.

Charisma is huge. It is used on a lot of angles and modifies your match results.

Star Power helps determine how famous you can get. It is what separates good midcard wrestlers from stars.

Charisma and Microphone are used in most taking angle roles. Things like character development, working the crowd, etc.

Menace and Sex Appeal are both useful for angles by themselves, although some products will penalize sex appeal.

Acting is pretty specialized and microphone by itself is important for interviewers.

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