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G1 should show be Lesser ? or Event that are short ...

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That's how I book my major tournaments in the past, like G1 or BOSJ, in TEW 2020. It was a bit broken in 2020 as it would make way more money than a normal tour show, but it felt more realistic with each G1 day feeling more important than a normal tour.


I've only ran one tourney like this in TEW IX with WLW so far, and the finances seem to have been toned down, but the impact on worker popularity and match ratings is still the same.

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I've not found a good solution for it myself. Another type of event intent or tour intent is definitely something I want to suggest but I have not gathered all of the information I'd like to yet.

I do not know if there is change in the event intent types from 2020 to IX. If there is, my knowledge is more based in 2020 so this could be off. I hope what CloudCityCasual is seeing with the finances is true.


Similar to what is mentioned above, for me, the Lesser intent is too powerful to use multiple times over a month or 2 like a G1 event. If this does not bother you, that is all there is to say. Lesser intent is the way to go I think. If it does bother you like it does me, read on if you'd like...


I do not know the full details of its power but lesser felt something like 75% of the power of a regular event as far as money goes. Spamming this in a month was way too overpowered for myself or other companies if I gave them that setup.

Tour seems like a not-great-but-ok compromise at first but I believe there is a major issue. Technically, G1 is just like a tour but we all know it is a bigger deal than Tour accounts for. Beyond that, the biggest issue with Tour is that the competitors hold back. That is not very realistic for what happens during the tournament. It also does not feel good putting on some of your best match setups and having them graded and the data affected as a Tour.


The last time I was playing in Japan, I went through a number of variations over a 6 year game. This was in the default setup with a smaller company and a smaller tournament than NJPW. Tours are not too enjoyable for me so I also had a system of 3 tour events and 1 normal event in a month. This tournament system fits into that:


Version 1: I did use Lesser 6 times and Normal 2 times over 2 months. So, 3 lesser Month 1 Weeks 1-3 and then a Normal show M1 W4 as sort of a mid-way point that would have some of the biggest matches of the tournament on it (so they could get all the perks of a normal event). I still considered it a regular part of the tournament though. The next month I did the same thing with the mid-way Regular show being the final instead. LLLR LLLR


Version 2: I also experimented with 2 months of mixed lesser, tour, and regular. M1W1 Lesser, M1W2 Tour, M1W3 Tour, M1W4 regular - and then that repeated again the next month with the last regular show being the final. LTTR LTTR ...I don't know which I preferred since it has been a while since I was in that game.


Neither felt great. Lesser for multiple events in a month is just too OP but I felt like the matches actually mattered with it which is probably why I switched back to it in the end. The mixing of the 3 felt like it is what I'd want to do since I think it mimics the actual G1 decently with some shows being bigger than others. But the holding back thing with Tours really bothers me. That one thing kinda breaks the 3 intent system for the tournament I think.


My current suggestions (to one day possibly go into that sub forum) are a Tour intent without the holding back downside or a Lesser-er event with the same mechanics of a regular event but with toned back financials to about 25% of a regular event and attendance by maybe 50% of a Normal event. Again, I have no idea the true % of the Lesser stuff from Regular since it is hidden as far as I know. 



Edited by hecatomb
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What I did was first two shows normal, then five tour level and then the final three nights normal. So out of ten shows I did five normal and five tour.

If you're fine with getting locked to a weekly schedule-level of drawing for your show level, you could just do all of them as normal and rake in way, way more money than tour shows. There is absolutely no reason to use the tour show mechanics other than "realism". You're capped to like 1/8th of your total drawing power when on a tour show schedule you're locked at around 1/4th for a weekly. You'll gain more popularity and more money on weekly then tour if you set everything as normal.

Edited by Hawk1665
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My understanding of Japanese touring shows is that there are "bigger" events during the tours themselves for all tours.  To the extent that there are usually 10-12 "big" events a year no matter how many tour enders there actually are.  How to do that in-game has always been a mystery to me.

Tournaments seem like "Lesser" is the best bet to not try to cheat the system, but represent what is happening a little better.

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I didn't do any big tournament so far on this version of TEW, so my knowledge is probably based on TEW 20. But what I did most of the times was to cherry pick top notch main events for important areas. So like (I use NJPW names now to visualize it better) booking Tetsuya Naito, because he's over as f- there, in Osaka (a big and important market) against someone equal or someone he feud with before in the year. When we go to Tokyo it's the same, save one big main event for Sapporo (Hokkaido), Fukuoka (Kyushu), Nagoya (Chubu) and for a big Yokohama show. So these shows I would book on normal, while shows in smaller (rural) areas like Hamamatsu, Takamatsu could be on "tour" or "lesser".

So when you do like 10-12 shows for a big round robin tournament, I would definitely recommend to do the first two and last two nights on normal. 

Night 1 - Tour Opening In Osaka
Night 2 - Tour Opening In Osaka
Night 3 - Fukuoka Normal
Night 4
Night 5 - Sapporo Normal
Night 6 - Sapporo Normal
Night 7
Night 8 - Nagoya Normal
Night 9
Night 10
Night 11 - Block Final In Yokohama
Night 12 - Block Final In Yokohama
Night 13 - Tournament Final In Tokyo

Just my two cents.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I still think this is a huge topic for any puro bookers.

Most optimal solution would be Adam adding a new intent "Tournament"

But I wonder if the current way to do it would be lesser Multi Day events with a final normal event.


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15 minutes ago, Eugucgi said:

I still think this is a huge topic for any puro bookers.

Most optimal solution would be Adam adding a new intent "Tournament"

But I wonder if the current way to do it would be lesser Multi Day events with a final normal event.


Tournament intent and a tournament Finale would be optimal, a boosted event but not at the levels of season finale.

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I tend to do opening night or night(s) event, ditto Semi Final and Final. 

And everything else as Lesser. 

I feel you need the pop swings for it to feel realistic to me, because multiple bad G1 shows get such broad press and cause viewers (especially watching rather than attending) to drop out and lose interest in the tournament. 

Whereas your standard blah tour show, I don't think effects interest in this way and also can't create buzz in this way.

That's my rationale anyway.

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In my PGHW save, I ran the 14-day Elite Series as one massive multi-day event with all lesser events. It worked pretty well, and is almost as good as I can envision getting it, with some caveats.

So, in TEW 2020, I ran tournaments as tour shows which meant the popularity effects on wrestlers were basically non-existent. At one point I tried with lesser events, but if these were broadcast the ratings tanked and the live attendances dipped massively. Plus, at Big size, you get punished for oversaturation. Tour shows were the only real way I could do it.

Now with the TEW IX multiday events, I was able to run 14 consecutive lesser events which were all broadcast. I didn't use the main PGHW broadcast deal with PPV Japan but instead used Aichi, an internet subscription broadcaster.

Broadcast numbers from each of the 14 shows were all about the same, and the attendance level remained consistent too, with about 3-4k fans at every show (except in Shikoku where PGHW pop is lower, and attendances were about 2.5k). Worker popularity changes were quite large for the wrestlers I booked well, but nothing too outrageous. I think the biggest increase was Shinji Mihara from 44 to 57 (+13) which seems like a lot, but he got some very good results (spoilers for the dynasty!) against the top stars in the company who have 70+ pop. In contrast, Akinori Kwakami's popularity didn't change (stayed at 60) from having a mediocre tournament. Also, bear in mind all the shows were shown on a Very Big internet subscription broadcaster getting about 1.5 million views each.

Finances seemed about right, too, given the month of March included 15 shows worth of ticket sales and broadcast revenue. Performance for March was $1,131,000. For context, the other four months around it (Jan, Feb, Apr and May) had performances between 100k and 400k. So the tournament earned quite a lot more, but it didn't seem like an exploit.

One issue was the fifteenth show in the month, Night of PRIDE which I had as the finale to the Elite Series. However, I didn't include it in the multi-day event. The attendance was way down considering it's a legendary event. Just over 5k attendance while the big shows in Jan, Feb and April got 12k, 16k and 12k respectively and they're only highly regarded or above average importance. The PPV rating for Night of PRIDE was normal, though, probably because the other 14-shows were not broadcast as PPVs, instead on the internet subscription.

The major potential downside with this method is that all the shows have to be on consecutive days. It's not possible to mirror an NJPW schedule where shows aren't all on consecutive days, so for realism lovers and real-world mods, that's an issue. For me in the CornellVerse, I can easily headcanon that PGHW would have all their shows back to back...

Plus it was quite hard on the workers. All the competitors had to wrestle every two days, and there were quite a few complaints and requests for breaks. But I guess that's to be expected in a tournament like the G1 or the Elite Series, so I didn't mind.

So it worked pretty well, and I'd recommend this approach. When I do the tournament again, I think I'll keep it all the same, except put Night of PRIDE as part of the multiday event so its attendance doesn't get tanked. And for those who are worried about the tournament being overpowered or exploitative, you could change some of the nights to tour shows and have lesser shows for the bigger matches. Broadcasting would be a bit weird, though.


I would like to see the possibility of having a "tournament" series of shows that basically works like the multiday event, but shows don't have to be on consecutive days. They wouldn't oversaturate attendances and workers wouldn't complain about being left off shows if they appear on others. I could see this being exploited pretty hard, though, so I can see why it might not be implemented.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/10/2024 at 9:15 PM, Willsky said:

I would like to see the possibility of having a "tournament" series of shows that basically works like the multiday event, but shows don't have to be on consecutive days. They wouldn't oversaturate attendances and workers wouldn't complain about being left off shows if they appear on others. I could see this being exploited pretty hard, though, so I can see why it might not be implemented.

Thanks for your ingame report!
I think multiday events already don't need to be on consecutive days though, at least the handbook says so.

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On 9/18/2024 at 11:09 PM, Eugucgi said:

Thanks for your ingame report!
I think multiday events already don't need to be on consecutive days though, at least the handbook says so.

Glad it helped!

I was under the impression multiday events had to be on consecutive days. From what I can see in the handbook: "If events are on successive days and share the same Multi Day Event text (which must match exactly although it's not case sensitive) then they are considered part of the same series."

And later "A series starts when the first event with Multi Day Event text is run and ends the next time an evening is completed in which that company did not run an event that was part of the series."

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5 hours ago, Willsky said:

Glad it helped!

I was under the impression multiday events had to be on consecutive days. From what I can see in the handbook: "If events are on successive days and share the same Multi Day Event text (which must match exactly although it's not case sensitive) then they are considered part of the same series."

And later "A series starts when the first event with Multi Day Event text is run and ends the next time an evening is completed in which that company did not run an event that was part of the series."

you're right but it sys before "It is vital to understand that being part of a Multi Day Event does NOt automatically mean the events take place on successive days"

so i assume what is meant that the series ends when ou hold an event that is not part of the series.

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1 hour ago, Eugucgi said:

you're right but it sys before "It is vital to understand that being part of a Multi Day Event does NOt automatically mean the events take place on successive days"

so i assume what is meant that the series ends when ou hold an event that is not part of the series.

I read that as the game does not automatically move the events to be on successive days, instead player has to ensure that they do, otherwise the Multi Day Event will end prematurely. I'll admit, the wording is a little unclear and I could be wrong. 

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