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Just got my first batch of TCW training camp graduates and thought this could be a fun thread. Took time to give them new names, gimmicks, and appropriate finishers and bios, so thought I'd make the thread and see what people and gimmicks others have got and come up with.


First up was Gene Whitehead, who was an MMA crossover who also does MMA fights with good heel ability and impressive level of menace. His main ring ability seemed to point towards puro influence and I love a good strong Hansen Lariat, so as an American with puro skills, I opted to make that his finisher and dubbed him Bad News Butcher, which lead to the finisher name (see the bio). I imagine that he walks around in a bloody leather butcher's apron like some kind of horror villain looking for victims.



Our second graduate is a comedy wrestler (which is good, it's something we're missing as a company) by the name of Gene Dillon. He's a big dude who is a good babyface, so I've given him a gimmick where he's nicknamed "The Suntan Sumo" because of a passion for sumo wrestling (and inspired by one of my favourite nicknames for Ron Killings/R-Truth "The Suntan Superman") - which was also his original gimmick but I've changed it to a comedy one now. His finisher is the Belly-to-Belly Suplex to imitate a sumo throwing their foe out of the ring. He has been given the name Sam Tenta in an ode to real world sumo wrestler turned pro wrestler John Tenta AKA Earthquake.



Our third graduate is Glenda Salmon. Glenda was a high flyer that I asked to change to Luchador prior to signing to avoid breaking an owner goal. This was good, because I then noticed she was good at playing offbeat/crazy gimmicks, which lead to her becoming "The Luchadora Lunatic" who would finish opponents with a moonsault she dubbed "The Lunatic High" (one for the Final Fantasy fans out there!). Given her red hair, I decided to give her the name Scarlet Luna to fit in with the crazy/lunatic/moon theme.



Our fourth graduate is Wayne Morton. Loved the name and almost stuck with it, but I adore a bit of alliteration and felt Wayne Williams was a better fit. His default gimmick was that of a cowboy so being an MMA guy he's become "The KO Cowboy" and finished people with a swift kick to the temple. He's got a stoic badass gimmick down and is literally an MMA Cowboy.

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Welcome Alan Falcon, Rainbow Warrior, Freya Tuck Oceania's Premier Exotico & Daemon.

Thing is they are all the same guy.  Alter-Ego's can be super fun.

In Road to Glory there was a bit of a debate about using the 750 method or the random as random gives significantly higher stats on average but the 750 allows you to game the system and create people with stellar stats in chosen ones and little elsewhere.  I decided to test out the creation method myself and ended up with someone who had Great Sex Appeal, Star Quality and even Menace = a more sane person would create a Randy Orton knockoff and run with it = I of course decided this kid is going to create multiple Alter-Egos and Book a Rainbow Entertainment fed in Oceania of all places.  It also gave me an excuse to bring in Martels FWP, Historians new women and a few people (68) from ALTCVerse to try to make the CVerse a little less Vanilla.  Samoans Indonesians Maoris - people with XX chromosomes mainly 


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