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The Alpha CVerse Scouting Report

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6 hours ago, alpha2117 said:


Irish Hawk - Former MMA fighter who is planning on crossing over after an elbow injury.  He is rehabbing now and then will commence training proper and should be ready mid 24.  He's going to be older than most rookies and his skills look solid rather than spectacular from the MMA footage I've seen.  For the right company he's going to be a decent mid-carder maybe more as he does look like a pretty intimidating guy.  One thing though - dont expect epic promos because he was speaking English and I couldn't understand a word he was saying, I asked an Irish guy and he said he had no idea either.  You are going to need a mouthpiece for him. 






"Fer years we t'aught our man up da road was speakin Gaeilge, maybe even Manx, some even t'aught it was Scots... 'Nil Bearla' never came from his lips, however, and we soon found out that long ago, in County Tyrone, his mam had told him he'd better not 'lose his marbles, like yer da, o'er dere in Ballymena', so on that day, the young lad jammed all his marbles in his mouth and kept them there ever since."


-Darlin' Daithi O'Dochartaigh

Edited by elmiticomark
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6 hours ago, Eugh said:

Love this thread, cracking gimmick, great advice. Made me realise I need to get some of the additional worker packs, and figure out if I can import them mid-game as well.

Glad you've found it useful.  All 4 of the packs I am looking at have some real gems and not just as workers - some like Ritter are hilarious and exist to make people smile.

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Martels FWP part 5


Marat Khoklov Jr - Hire him ... why? ... What part of the words Marat Khoklov didn't you understand?  This kid has only just started training and probably wont be ready till the 2nd half of 24 but he's got his dads genes and looks money.  He's 6'10 ripped like nobodies business and even that still photo scares me.  Spoke to him and he's pretty charismatic and eloquent.  I think like most big men stamina will be a problem early on but even then he's simply a must hire when he debuts.


Masked Stranger II & Masked Stranger III - II is small maybe 5'5 and his fundamentals are sorely lacking, III is a big guy at nearly 6'5 and his skills are a lot closer to being useable straight out of the gate.  I'd look at 3 when he is finished training in mid to late 23 and probably pass on 2 because he's simply too inconsistent and potentially dangerous right now - in 3 years that might change but I'd recommend letting someone else take him as a project rather than take such a risky project whose upside isn't that great.


Masked Tiger - Are Tigers Silver?  I thought they were sort of Orange and stripey ... whatever ... this guy should graduate around June 22 and he's a okay prospect.  I doubt he'll ever be a star but he's young and is probably a reasonable cheap young lower midcard option for one of the Mexican promotions.  A lot of young high flyers are borderline dangerous or worse and this guy isn't ... he needs quite a lot of work of course but he's a lot less likely to hurt himself or others than some of the guys I've told people to take a Hard Pass on.


Matthew Starks - this guy has apparently lived in Japan most of his life and has already stated his aim is to join EXODUS 2010 when he graduates in August.  With Japanese workers the whole trueborn thing comes into play and I expect he'll end up there.  He's an athlete no doubt but his other skills need some work.  I think EXODUS will maybe take a good look at a potential trueborn Young Lion, especially given his ethnicity offers unique booking options but everyone else is probably best to pass on him.


Mr.Eyes - This NZ kid has been a ZEN fan most of his life and while he's way too young to start training in earnest I can see him getting at least an enhancement match tryout for them in a few years time.  He's definitely an entertaining talker even now.  Didn't seem like a natural athlete but ZEN is largely about talking and acting a part and he can do that even now before he has even run 1 drill.  Anybody else should pass and just wait to see if he ends up developing into someone decent.  

image.jpeg.6fda08dcb013b5da6e38fa27cf584f08.jpegArtists impression

Mr. Roboto - Another guy who hasn't even started training yet this guy is currently competing in strongman competitions but has said he's open to joining the 21CW school in a couple of years.  My guess is they are super excited by the thought because he's 6'5 or 6'6 built like a brickhouse a great natural athlete who has charisma and has the IT factor.  If he follows through with his interest he will be old for a rookie when he does debut but he will still be money.


The ??? - Murderball & Night of Darkness - they wanted to use the Nightmares but I mentioned to them there is already a team out there using that so not sure what these guys will be called when they finish training sometime in mid 24 in all likelyhood.  Night of Darkness is eventually going to be a great Monster Heel whilst Murderball has the potential but right now looks clumsy.  There's a caveat with Night though ... he looks like a big Juice drinker to me - I dont like Juice myself and as a Scout telling prospective employers about a potential issue is my job but if you are a big Juice fan then it wont be an issue for you I guess. One's a very tentative Hire recommendation for the right company the other is a take a look and decide for yourself one.  


Naresh Malek - This Indian kid is due to graduate at the end of 22 - the sub-continent isn't exactly full of options. Unfortunately he's not much at this stage to be honest and probably needs a few years on the indys before I would really consider him.


Okuma Denji - Only just signed up to a Dojo and hasn't even started training yet so he wont graduate till mid to late 24.  I think he will be okay but nothing special and in-ring and fundamentals are going to take time to get up to speed.  Unless you desperately need warm bodies who can talk okay and project to be career mid-carders then I'd pass.

image.jpeg.3a5336a73b01811369ff4558d6146487.jpegartists impression

Pharoah Prince - guess whose kid this is?  He's about 14 right now so this guy is a good 4 or so years away from making a debut (except maybe on some dodgy Mexican indy show under a different gimmick.  Was talking to his dad and the kid joined in - he certainly seems like he will be a good talker with some creative ideas and it's clear he's an athlete. Most young Luchador's tend to be spotty and prone to botches so I think you'll probably need to be patient with this guy when he does debut.  Personality wise -  have you ever met a 14yo boy?  They are all pretty much annoying and this guy was no exception, he loved talking about himself a bit maybe he'll grow out of those that sort of stuff but I sort of doubt it.


Phoenix V - He's Phoenix II's kid apparently - Mexican masked Lucha kayfabe makes it hard to tell if that's a story or true - He'll be ready mid 23 and when he is I'd probably sign him.  No major flaws that I could see and some decent potential - I think from what I saw he'll be useable right out of the gate and not a lot of young Luchador's can avoid the botchmaniac label early in their careers which he probably will.  If he continues on the current track he could end up being a really good upper-midcarder maybe more.


Rasheed Floyd - He's due to graduate in the first quater of 23 and when he does he's well worth a look.  He'll be a good promo guy early on and the rest shows signs of coming together and I think his rapping thug character will move merch.  Negatives - he's a bit of jerk, not a complete nightmare by any stretch of the imagination but nonetheless still a bit of a jerk.  Would I hire him - tentatively yes but if you have a no jerks policy then nope let him and his troublemaking be someone elses problem.     


Ricky Jameson - Do you need an inconsistent dangerous enhancement talent spot monkey come the 1st quarter of 24? Thats what this guy looks like becoming.  There's some flash and decent aerials and he's likely not going to be awful at mat work or brawling but his fundamentals look really weak.  Maybe in a few years after his debut  he'll be okay because he can talk okay and if he develops consistency and doesn't kill himself or someone else he might end up being quite useful but he has next to no IT factor so he's at best a mid-carder.   


Ricky Stone - I started this part of my scouting with one son of a legend so lets finish with another person from a storied bloodline.  One of Duane's kids he's not likely to be ready till late 24 more likely 25.  He's smallish and while he's got some of the Stone/DeColt aura not a lot else.  I dont think he really want it either I think he is jsut going to do it because it's what his family does.  Hate to say it but Pass.


Edited by alpha2117
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Martels FWP Part 6


Riki Jingping - Chinese talents are a rarity in pro wrestling.  This guy has just entered the Dojo system and will only be ready in the last Qtr of 24 probably.  He's a bit over 6ft and that like most everything else about him is pretty average - not bad just average. Decent talker (not brilliant but decent) and right now that's his strongest skill.  I'd expect one of the Japanese feds to probably pick him up as a Young Lion because he's a solid option but if they didn't it wouldn't shock me. Meh.


Rocky Umaga - Not Meh ... not Meh at all.  Rhinao Umaga's kid is a decent talent with a pretty strong all-round skillset.  I dont see a star here but right out of the gate his fundamentals are so strong and his baseline skills so solid that he's very hirable and useable.  He's estranged from Rhino and to be honest Rocky's attitude might be down tot hat - he's not horrible but he does have a drama creation gene.  If you hire him when he graduates early in 23 you'll be getting someone who can probably play face or heel but whose skill-set leans me towards an intimidator.


Romero Denzel - He's not blind in one eye ... it's ... I dont know a gimmick I guess.  This French kid is still under 18 and probably wont be ready till late 24 at earliest maybe not till late 25 and frankly even then he's ... meh .... not awful just not much either.  Losing the eyepatch wont help because frankly it had more charisma than him.  This man screams jobber which is a big step up from some people who scream "Dont let me into the building under any circumstances".  Super Meh!


Ryan Heart - This Irishman has some decent size to him standing around 6'3 and he's got some muscle to go with it.  He's training in Canada at the House of Stone and should graduate around September.  He's got some decent training and a nice Irish brogue that works on the mic but no real IT factor.  I predict a solid indy or mid-card career somewhere for him but he's not ever going to be standout.


Sam King - Love the Fro but that's about it.   Coastal Resort tends not to produce workers with the best fundamentals sadly and this guys coming out in May.  He's botchy pure and simple.  There's a decent athlete in there and the makings of a good mid-card aerialist but it's going to take a long time before I would trust him in a match.  Pass now and maybe take another look in 3 years.


Sarah Morrison - her dads the legendary MMA fighter Sean Morrison and he trained her for MMA but she decided she preferred pro wrestling and is due out of WWA: USA in September.  It's a bit of a mixed bag here - there's star quality and physical appeal married with decent mic skills but her fundamentals and in ring skills are not that much.  I think she needs to play heel in very simple basic bouts for a year or two while her skills come up to where they need to be but she's not incompetent.  She's a bit of project but definitely one worth considering.   


Shanti Hansda - Yes please.  This one is a project but man the end result could be huge.  She's just a star maybe a megastar - her sort of IT factor isn't that common really.  She's still in her mid teens now and India doesn't have great training facilities on the whole but there's something there, something potentially really great.  I dont think we will see her in ring for a few years but when we do snatch her up and get her trained by the best you have and you should eventually make money ... maybe a lot of money. 


Skah Wahken - This North Dakota kid is due to graduate in June 22.  He's okay but nothing special.  In a few years he'll probably make a decent mid-carder but there's nothing here that excites me sadly.  


Stephen Foster - This American kid is training in Japan and due to graduate from his Dojo in August 22.  He's made it very clear his dream is to be seen as a Exodus 2010 trueborn.  I dont know what it is with these guys and their love of Exodus but there's at least 3 I know of that seem desperate to join up there.  He looks a decent prospect - not a star but decent.  I expect given his desire Exodus will at least give him a tryout.  


Takeshi Fujinama - This guy has no star power but his skills are pretty good for his age and I expect Burning hammer will offer him a deal as he's training at their Dojo.  Everybody needs solid mid-card acts and this guy feels like he will be an excellent one of those.  If Burning Hammer pass then he's worth a look but he's never going to be more than a really good mid-carder for mine


Takeshi Kojima - This guys graduating from the PGHW Dojo in March 22.  If I was you I'd try to prize him away from them before he signs a long term deal because got huge potential.  6'5, decent mic worker oozing star quality, great athlete, good fundamentally, and while his in ring is still developing he's got some flash.  Spoke to him and he's got a good professional attitude to things too.  If you can get him ... do.


The Indian Incapacatator - Change your nickname kid. Good athlete who currently competes as an amateur and is targeting starting training after trying to make the 2024 Paris Olympics.  Amateurs skills dont necessarily translate to pro skills and I dont see a lot of natural charisma when he speaks.  India doesn't have a lot of talent to spare though so he could well find a job sometime in late 25 or in 26 when he completes pro training.   


The Kong - Was The Crap already taken?  This European based American Land Whale is too wrestling what a particularly stubborn floater is to a toilet bowl.  Does he have an upside?  I guess some people find him intimidating but that's probably because they fear he might eat them by mistake.  I cant state this clearly enough - this guy cant wrestle, is incompetent and botchy and has the athleticism of the average inanimate object.  Not just a pass but an avoid at all costs ... if the choice is hiring him or closing your company then do the right thing and find a new venture.


TJ Scott - So this guy is hoping to be going to the Olympics in Paris 24 as a gymnast after which he's already talked to a couple of schools about training for the ring.  No way of fairly judging him but I'd expect him to be a decent aerialist.  If he does well at the Olympics he could probably move merch too.  He's spent years training so should probably be in a year or so after Paris so mid to late 25.  


Travis Donovan - There's money to be made with this punk but the question is are you willing to tolerate him until he's ready to make it.  He's graduating in May and his fundamentals and in ring aren't special but they aren't truly awful either.  He's got the mic skills and IT factor to succeed and the looks to appeal to a lot of people - he's good working without a script and he's straightedge so he wont have those sort of issues.  The downside is he's a bit abrasive - not a complete jerk but not that fun to be around either.  As a project he's a pretty good one and it's a tentative hire recommendation


Veronica Moretti - So she's had it tough and has a juvenile record - nothing too bad and she has apparently straightened up.  She started dating straight edge Travis Donovan and went into training at the same time as him and will graduate in May 22.  Her personality seems a little fragile but not too bad.  Skills wise she's not awful - in ring and fundamentals are going to take a fair while to be up to speed and she's anything but a natural athlete but she looks great and can talk well.  If you were going to hire Donovan I would suggest hiring her and have her manage him and hope she develops the ring skills too and the two of them keep each other happy. On her own she's hirable as a basic eye candy worker but it will take longer to be much else. 


Trevor Wilson - ahh the old Harvard Professor gimmick ... seriously though this guys a 6'8 Canadian farm-boy.  He can talk a bit but his skills aren't that great and he feels like a forgettable mid-card act already. He will finish training mid to late 23 and I think he's going to need a few years on the indy circuit before he's worth considering.


Trisha Sen - She's a Texan - no I'm not joking.  She's graduating July 22.  She's got a solid basic skillset but there's nothing special.  The women's scene is improving at the moment so there's a bit of competition - she's a bit better than the pure eye candy workers in ring but there's nothing to suggest she's more than a mid-carder. 


Tyrone Briggs - This guys currently playing College Football but isn't projected as going pro and has expressed an interest in becoming a wrestler.  A few companies are salivating already.  Great athlete, naturally great talker, looks good and oozes star power.  Who knows if he can wrestle?  Heck if he's only mediocre when he finishes training he's worth the risk. 


Zeke Masters - No just no.  He's scheduled to finish training mid to late 23 and hopefully he will then be consigned to hardcore indy work and I will never have to see him again. Fundamentally poor and not even particular good at hardcore wrestling, reasonable charisma but fairly mediocre on the mic and just an average sort of athlete - he's dull and tedious to me.  Has a future career as a car park attendant. Pass      

Edited by alpha2117
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GrindhouseArts Womens Wrestling & Central Asia IX Expansion


6 Companies (4 All Female, 1 All Male, 1 Integrated), each with an event and a TV show once they get a deal

1 Wrestling School that generates mainly luchadoras

190 Workers (35 Free Agents - 123 Women, 67 Male - plenty of hardcore and workers from Central Asia)

600+ Pictures (JPG & GIF versions, again many pictures suitable for workers from what is so lovingly lumped together as 'The Stans')

Logos for companies, belts, TV shows, events

Scouting Preview

I wont go into depth about companies because thats not what this scouting report is for but -

Debonair (DEBO) is in Quebec and is a Womens Morality Wrestling product

Fairytale (FAIRY) is in Tri State and is a Womens Scripted Reality

Federal Wrestling Russia (FERDUS) is based in Eastern Europs (surprise surprise) is Womens and Wrestlign as sport

Femme Fatale (FFPW) is in the South West and is Womens Psycho Circus

Oblast X (OXW) is a Mens Strong Style Puroreso in Eastern Europe

Spike Wrestling Las Cruces (SWLC) is Intergender and Classic Lucha Libre.

Almost 200 workers is a lot of scouting so this is going to be in a lot of parts probably 10 to 15.

part 1 to come

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Minor point - It's a tremendous amount of work creating these expansion packs and the current version of the game is very new.  There may be a few minor things here or there that are a little off and sometimes people make a spelling mistake in the bio or the like.  Early downloaders like myself have mentioned things we notice and these people have tweaked stuff as they go.  They aren't companies with staff - they are players like yourself who have spent their time and effort trying to make others players gaming experience better.  If you see my scouting report and find some of the workers intriguing and decide to download that pack throw a like or thanks in their main post or make a comment to let them know you appreciate what they've done or if there is a worker or company you really like let them know.  They aren't doing it for thanks but at the same time people who make these sort of efforts are encouraged to keep doing stuff like this by knowing that effort is appreciated.  One of the reasons I chose to do scouting on all the workers in these packs wasn't to rag on the terrible workers - I love that there are terrible workers as well as great ones - it was my way of promoting to people that these things are out there if the core game doesn't quite have what you want.

I've decided not to properly scout ALTCverse at this time - it's massive and not a new addition although people are working really hard to bring it up to speed for TEWIX and there is a version that works already out but scouting it as is would be daunting to do and quite frankly potentially unfair while people are still working to add stuff that uses the new mechanics and tweak a lot of workers. I plan to scout a few of my personal favorites to give people an idea of some of the fun stuff thats in there but not a proper in depth style look at the workers that aren't in Cverse proper because ... wow there are a lot of them.   

What I am very happy to announce is willr0ck dropped his updated version of Womens Revolution today and I plan to scout those workers after GrindhouseArts. The previous games version of this is well loved and he's put in the effort to update for TEWIX and make some changes.  He's still working on some graphical elements with different styles - currently it's using the new comic book style he's chosen for Rockverse but he's stated he plans to also do different style AI renders post this packs initial release.

I'm also very keen to scout willr0ck's Rockverse for TEWIX and WillyWillyWilly's ND_verse IX when they both get released.  Obviously creating a whole new game universe is a heck of a lot of work so I will just have to patient to see The Sins vs The Devils Playthings or Buster the Bear mauling 5 Clowns play out in glorious TEWIX style.  Also I doubt I will scout every worker like these expansion packs  just the ones that are best in various companies ala my Cverse scouting report at the start of this thread.

Hope people enjoy the scouting reports. 

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Oh I've recieved feedback about some elements of the reports and I am going to go back and change a bit of the language.  No offence is ever meant and if you ever have any issues feel free to let me know.  I am happy to change things 

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it is kinda funny, no gripe at all... but, as someone whose mother and father were actually born in the West of Ireland (Cavan--well thats more central, but also Galway) it is a bit... funny, i'll go with funny, that all the Irish wrestlers are red heads.  Though it's outdated because Dublin is an international city, I'd like to remind renderers of the old term "Black Irish" or that fellers like myself, Collin Ferrell, Cillian Murphy (MARPHY) and Padraig O'Hearne do exist 😂😂😂


But, the fact that it seems the number of wrestlers from the isle in the c-verse may finally mimic what's been going on over there for quite a while irl is neat; so 7/10 ain't bad, cheers to the creators!

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23 minutes ago, Altgov said:

Hello alpha, if you have time, I want to know, what is your top 5 or 10 wrestlers for now between all the wrestlers you have scout ?

Oh wow thats tough because what I personally like is going to be very different to what someone else would.  I like odd weird quirky stuff so those characters always appeal to me more.   So when you mean top 5 or Top 10 do you mean as workers or as characters that I like?

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Posted (edited)
34 minutes ago, elmiticomark said:

it is kinda funny, no gripe at all... but, as someone whose mother and father were actually born in the West of Ireland (Cavan--well thats more central, but also Galway) it is a bit... funny, i'll go with funny, that all the Irish wrestlers are red heads.  Though it's outdated because Dublin is an international city, I'd like to remind renderers of the old term "Black Irish" or that fellers like myself, Collin Ferrell, Cillian Murphy (MARPHY) and Padraig O'Hearne do exist 😂😂😂


But, the fact that it seems the number of wrestlers from the isle in the c-verse may finally mimic what's been going on over there for quite a while irl is neat; so 7/10 ain't bad, cheers to the creators!

I think it's always tough for people from different areas to accurately depict people from other areas.  In Oceania there are a lot of workers listed as Black which I always took to be of African descent but may be meant to include Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander heritage people in game.  They are very different ethnic groups obviously. Most of the pics for Oceanic "Black" people look African which is a pretty tiny % of the population of the region (around 1%) and much lower that Indigenous people.  I kind of have to accept that people dont know how to depict those more subtle differences that really only are noticeable to people familiar with those differences

I dont think of Irish people as being red headed that much - I mean many Celtic people often have some Scandanavian roots and that tends to mean some blondes and red heads and thats especially noticeable in Scottish people but I sort of associate the Irish as largely having darker hair on the whole.   Can we just blame Sheamus for being a walking stereotype?  It's not his fault he has the red haired gene I guess.     

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16 minutes ago, alpha2117 said:

Oh wow thats tough because what I personally like is going to be very different to what someone else would.  I like odd weird quirky stuff so those characters always appeal to me more.   So when you mean top 5 or Top 10 do you mean as workers or as characters that I like?

A top 5 or 10 of the best wrestlers as workers right now, it was my idea here.

But now, I'm also curious of a Top 5 of your favorite characters, so if you can do 2 Top 5, it could be great.

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11 minutes ago, alpha2117 said:

I think it's always tough for people from different areas to accurately depict people from other areas.  In Oceania there are a lot of workers listed as Black which I always took to be of African descent but may be meant to include Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander heritage people in game.  They are very different ethnic groups obviously. Most of the pics for Oceanic "Black" people look African which is a pretty tiny % of the population of the region (around 1%) and much lower that Indigenous people.  I kind of have to accept that people dont know how to depict those more subtle differences that really only are noticeable to people familiar with those differences

I dont think of Irish people as being red headed that much - I mean many Celtic people often have some Scandanavian roots and that tends to mean some blondes and red heads and thats especially noticeable in Scottish people but I sort of associate the Irish as largely having darker hair on the whole.   Can we just blame Sheamus for being a walking stereotype?  It's not his fault he has the red haired gene I guess.     



I blame ole James (Shaemus) as well lol. 


And Ireland, definitely in it's irl wrestling scene, has mad different ethnic types (Gael, Norse-Gael, Anglo-Hibernian, African, Brazilian, English, obv immigrants from all over, there's a large Italian population in one of the counties that led to the "Costello, I thought that's Italian" joke, like most modern nation states, it's beyond 1 or 2 dominant "ethnic" types in the year 2020/2024)... I think that's probably the best point to take:  people are trying to make the game world more in-depth, and add flavor, which is awesome; regardless of a harmless stereotype (again, I'm not offended, but if I encounter those characters, they're all gonna be from Cork 😂)

But yeah, I think on CVFP_IndianMale it's both Indian from the Subcontinent and Native American (at least a few around IndianMale111 look to be war dress from Central Plains style, but then again it's still neat to have the free picture folder).  

Again, to be fair, the old comic book renderings were neat but also, maybe to put it this way, I like the Marc Speed AI render more than the comic book one.  I guess you'd say it's a slow bending arch towards betterment, realism, and all together a more immersive world for everyone. 

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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, Altgov said:

A top 5 or 10 of the best wrestlers as workers right now, it was my idea here.

But now, I'm also curious of a Top 5 of your favorite characters, so if you can do 2 Top 5, it could be great.

I'll have to give that some thought it's 1am so probably tomorrow

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1 hour ago, elmiticomark said:

it is kinda funny, no gripe at all... but, as someone whose mother and father were actually born in the West of Ireland (Cavan--well thats more central, but also Galway) it is a bit... funny, i'll go with funny, that all the Irish wrestlers are red heads.  Though it's outdated because Dublin is an international city, I'd like to remind renderers of the old term "Black Irish" or that fellers like myself, Collin Ferrell, Cillian Murphy (MARPHY) and Padraig O'Hearne do exist 😂😂😂


But, the fact that it seems the number of wrestlers from the isle in the c-verse may finally mimic what's been going on over there for quite a while irl is neat; so 7/10 ain't bad, cheers to the creators!

My time to brag about actually adding a worker nicknamed 'Black Irish' to a company in my (conversion-in-progress) mod! I mean, technically they are Irish-American (and I really wish there was a way for owners to hire specific nationalities or go for alliances/excursions with specific regions), but I think taking inspiration from Boardwalk Empire (which has roughly zero Irish redheads, now that I think about it) was probably not the worst idea.

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21 minutes ago, GrindhouseArts said:

My time to brag about actually adding a worker nicknamed 'Black Irish' to a company in my (conversion-in-progress) mod! I mean, technically they are Irish-American (and I really wish there was a way for owners to hire specific nationalities or go for alliances/excursions with specific regions), but I think taking inspiration from Boardwalk Empire (which has roughly zero Irish redheads, now that I think about it) was probably not the worst idea.

Me in the CornellVerse Theme Song thread, with a catalog way too big for any human being on this Earth of Irish rap & punk rock and heavy metal, when I install these mods*...



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6 minutes ago, elmiticomark said:

Me in the CornellVerse Theme Song thread, with a catalog way too big for any human being on this Earth of Irish rap & punk rock and heavy metal, when these mods drop...



Sounds like you might like your US-born cousins. It's bar room entertainment with a roster and vibe pieced together from Boondock Saints and The Wire (the Irish Wake bar room scenes anyway).

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15 minutes ago, GrindhouseArts said:

Sounds like you might like your US-born cousins. It's bar room entertainment with a roster and vibe pieced together from Boondock Saints and The Wire (the Irish Wake bar room scenes anyway).


Haha nice.  (It took me a minute to find a song that was hard but not the overtly cave-man-esque too hard of most Irish rap) but, I picture him coming out to this Lunitic "I'll Do What It Takes" (or "Don't Forget Where You Came From" by Class A'z for a face*, but any Scary Eire song would work too lol), sneering and talking to himself on the way to the ring to brawl one out (he can grapple, he knows a wristlock from a wristwatch, but he prefers the fists, it's quicker, ya know).


edit: apologies for going off topic! haha

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13 minutes ago, elmiticomark said:

edit: apologies for going off topic! haha

Same. lol

The guy is actually a ref (the only 'notable ref' in my modverse) and the only bastion of order in the company. He's kinda based on Eli Thompson, the sheriff from Boardwalk Empire, so he needed authority.

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Posted (edited)

So who are the best and who are my favorites I'll do C Verse and packs



1: Will Beaumont w Christmas Wilson - What I say about this guy is imagine if Sean Michaels was always the nice guy he is now - thats Beaumont.  At the start of the game he's in RAW and dating Christmas and thats a Soap Opera fed and they offer such great storytelling possibilities.  He's not cheap to sign away from RAW but man it's so worth it.  He's average in the ring right now but that will come up over time and in a couple of years he's going to be truly great.


2: Nakayama - I'm a mark for Keiji Mutoh and this guy is essentially a young great free agent version of him.  


3: Spider Isako - This girl is a free agent ... really - she's not quite the finished product but she's so good already.


4: Super Massive Destroyer - he's huge, he's young, he's decent in ring and will hopefully get better and he's a heck of a guy.  Everyone needs a Menacing heel and this guy is going to be a brillaint one.  Starts in NYCW.


5: Joanna Silver - She;'s easy to dismiss as just eye candy but when you really look at her capacity and potential she could be anything.  Only average in right ring now but the potential to be something really special is there and she's a free agent.

Characters I love:


1: Celestina Cherish - As a transwoman she is unique in the Cverse.  I love ZEN and her attributes make her awesome to have around.


2: Cory Underwood - He's horrible and I love that.  He's got all the tools to be a star but he's also sleazy.  The challenge of using a person like that makes things interesting. NYCW has him and SMD so straight away booking that fed is attractive.


3: Edo Phoenix IV - How is this guy not a star? Why is he a free agent?  He's got enough to be one and a great pic and you see him and just instinctively want to sign him and push him.


4: Blue Phantom - I'm a sucker for a free agent who should be signed somewhere and legit getting a push


5: Hack the Hunter - the Oceania version of Edo & the Phantom.  Sign this man and push this guy is my first instinct.

From the 3 packs I've looked at



1:  Peta - Wont leave home - well thats what the editor is for.


2: Reina Hosino - Good to great at everything


3 - Jack Garner - awesome potential and will legit be great straight out of the gate


4: Marat Khoklov Jr - Super Megastar. 


5: Luna Borg - Young and already pretty decent with zero holes in her game and a wonderful look and gimmick.  



1: La Cisne - I loved this pic so much and the character that I managed to get Ed James to create a version with blonde hair and a black outfit so I could do a White Swan v Black Swan storyline.  The fact I can reference Ballet and Natalie Portman with this character excites me.


2: Jackie the Ripper - Look at her - I love you my psychotic Ace Queen.  Love the look, love the character base - It gets my creative juices going


3: Devils Granddaughter - I love this pic.  Theres so much character in it and I just want to Rhea Ripley her to the Moon.


4: Cyber Mizuki - Love the pic, love the ludicrous gimmick - straight away the ideas start percolating in my brain when I see her.


5- John Doe - The whole pic and character idea makes me laugh - for years we have got ridiculous parodies of eastern characters in the west and now some Japanese kid has decided to do the same in Japan.  


6 - Akuma - Yeah 6 not 5 because I can and I've decided to do 10 - bum knee and on the Juice he may be but if he doesn't go down and I can get him clean he's golden - he's legit scary.  If not for the knee he would have been in the top 5 workers on that Menace.


7 Franziska Ritter - I love thats she's utterly inept but that theres enough there that you sort of want to try doing something with her.


8 - Toci - It's a great pic and I love the bizarrely Lucha character idea.


9: Miss Canada - It's so tempting to hire her and push her.  She's legit awful as a human being though.  I love it because somehwere in the game world someone will hire her and then let the chaos begin. 


10: Charlotte Walker & Chloe Ryan or Daisy Monroe & Tess Cole - Is this a cheat sort of but sort of not.  So many moons ago I used to watch a friend's kid play Basketball and one of the girls who used to play was Jessica McKay who later went on to become Billie Kay and I love the IICONICS and two of the packs had their take on those characters.  

There the people I like either as workers or as characters - there were so many others I could have picked.

Edited by alpha2117
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