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The Alpha CVerse Scouting Report

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2 minutes ago, GrindhouseArts said:

I'd frankly give an arm and a leg for an attribute 'Backyarder' that makes skill gain in certain areas slower or even caps it (basics and safety, maybe also selling) to reflect that some people 'learned it wrong' and that's hard to overcome/unlearn. It's not really limited to hardcore though, so I dislike the bias for the hardcore preset and would prefer to assign it manually. There are also tons of yard daredevils that will do flippy shit, but couldn't do an arm bar or snapmare if their life depended on it, or wannabe MMA folks who think they are master technicians, but are just ruthless. They get less backlash because they don't use weapons, but can be just as unsafe to work with.

As for Central Asia/Eastern Europe, the two companies I converted for the mini mod are a bit taken out of context. They are the workrate, puro-influenced mainstream with an above average ratio of dual sports athletes. In the full data (which I'm slowly converting at the moment), that extreme is offset by rivals that lean heavily into other styles - Entertainment-based Baltics with a more international vibe, and Hardcore-based Russia with more western-influenced products. Both 'factions' have ties to other regions and a less isolationist 'my way or the highway' stance than the two sister companies in the mini mod that really only value strong in-ring work.

Makes sense to have other sorts of workers emerging. 

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I wish they could break it down like... "hardcore wrestling" in some concept has been around for a long, long time.  Whitey Calder vs Ron Wright had a lot of violence and blood; which those programs almost always came when the heel was a brawler.  So, I wish you could have a breakdown


Base Style:  Brawl (Technical, High Flying as the other two main bases)
Influenced By (one-three):  "Brawling Rassler" or "Weapon Based Death Match" or "Spectacular Spot/Bump Entertainer", "Striker-Boxing/Kickboxer" etc

Goal/Outlook:  "Death Match Wrestler", "Violent Brawler", "Kayfabe KO Artist"

and then intro or prospect level, like "Backyarder" "Collegiate Athlete" "Amateur Wrestler" "Amateur Martial Artist" "Professional Martial Artist" etc


I think that'd make it easier to have a Terry Funk in the game, able to work multiple types of matches, while limiting some characters or making others more special.  Also, then I could finally run my Smoky Mountain Wrestling Stays Alive sim and have Jack turn into a guy who knows how to do at least one headscissor move.

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Grindhousearts Women & Central Asia part 7


Michelle Jégou - This drummer come wrestler is so frustrating to me.  She looks great, has plenty of star power, can work the mic, is a natural athlete, has emerging aerial skills and is has a great naturally positive attitude but then there are the issues her fundamental skills are terrible and she's intent on living the Rock & Roll lifestyle.  She has no consistency whatsoever and is very botchy.  Shame because if she had better basics she could be great.  I wish I could recommend but I really cant.


Mira Banshee - like the face paint and she's a solid enough worker but face-paint doesn't mean IT factor sadly.  She was a nice enough girl backstage - a bit out there but nice.  The thing is she has nothing special - she's just average and no amount of face-paint is going to change that.


Miss Nadia Charrier - this French Canadian is a must buy - look at her - she's stunning but it's not just looks she's got enough in her all round skill-set to be a major star.  She's fantastic backstage too creative and such a happy smiling presence that she will light up any locker room.  She'll take a little time to move from a decent in ring worker to being a great one but her skills are more than fine now.


Morgan Dread - Go away - just go away.  Look her skills are bad and backstage she is a ribber - unfortunately her ribs are really just cruel bullying.  So yeah a terrible worker and a pretty terrible person too.


Nadina Zemurray - This Moldovan is a solid worker and she's a creative chilled presence backstage but there's not much there - she's decidedly average with low natural star power.  Perfectly fine but there are so many people out there who at least have something that makes them potentially great and this girl just doesn't have that, she'll probably do a nice spot now and then but it's hard to see that being enough for her to rise up the ranks. 


Nasrin Nabiyeva - This girl is from Azerbaijan but has moved tot he Tri-State area.  She's made a good decision as she's got enough to succeed.  Beautiful, plenty of IT factor, solid with her other skills.  She is fantastic backstage too.  Right now she's happy to flaunt what the universe gifted her with to get over but long-term I dont think she will have too because there's enough there to indicate she can be more than eye candy.  Hire her. 


Nicole Robinson - Awww Heck NO!!!! Do you need someone wild & unmarketable who is utterly incompetent, unsafe and unable to speak?  I doubt it.  This girl looks like she lives in a dumpster which is where her career should go too.


Nikita Zhigunov - This guy loves living in his homeland of Russia which is a shame because he's got it all - really I mean that.  He's driven and creative too.   If you are in an area that can employ him do.  Everyone else can just quietly job that he doesn't want to move.


Nina Fulton - This is a project hire.  She's got the look, it factor and performance skills down and her aerials and fundamentals are fine but not above average yet.  She's a mixed bag personality wise she has a temper and likes to party but she's also going to be very loyal to people who treat her well.  I'd hire but watch her closely for behavioral issues.  


Nurbek Aniyarov - This Kazakhstan native can really go and he's got enough with his looks and decent IT factor to do well in the business. He's absolutely in love with wrestling and I don't see him ever retiring willingly - only downside is that he seems worried about his place on a roster so that will need to be managed but he's still a good hire.


Ophelia Myth - This Hardcore Worker is a step above many I've reviewed purely on the fact she seems to have actually gone to a wrestling school and learned the basics.  She's useless on the stick and only okay in ring though.  When I chatted with her ... well lets say I needed to go and watch an episode of Bluey afterward to bring my mood up from miserable to vaguely depressed. Honestly she's like a walking dark raincloud pouring sadness down on life.


Otash Ona - Oh yeah thats it you crazy Uzbekistani.  He blew me away with his mic skills and theres an aura around him with his flashy aerials.  He's a bit too inconsistent for mine and I would like him to be a little less reckless but theres a lot to like. He wants to be the best he can be too which means he will keep working on those weaknesses.  There are flaws but I like him.


Paradai - this guy is a mixed bag, good fundamentally sound Mid South based aerialist who is okay on the stick who seems easy to do business with and fiercely loyal but he's lacking star power and apparently can't pre plan a match to save his life. He's a solid option as a lower card guy who you can use to put people over.


Paradisica - Hmmm she's okay.  There's enough there to work with, decent it factor, mic skills looks, not too bad fundamentally and in the air and some nice natural creativity.  She seemed to be very much focused on herself which can be an issue but there are a lot worse people out there.  She's probably looking at being a decent mid-card or upper mid-card worker or at a push more.  Nothing is stellar but she's a pretty good package. 


Paris Ramirez - As hardcore girls go she's alright.  She's stiff but the other fundamental skills are pretty good and she can brawl well.  Decent on the mic too.  No real IT factor though.  Backstage she is a bit of a fiery Latina archetype - lively and fun but with an undercurrent of danger if you provoke her, I dont mind that as the positive side of her personality more than offsets her temper.  I think if you want Hardcore girls she is well worth considering.  


Patty Lawless - Tough one.  She is a born performer and fronts a neo-metal outfit and has a decent amount of it factor to go with her looks.  The fundamentals and brawling are okay, not great but okay. She's a bit  problematic though she's a party animal and smokes like a chimney (not just tobacco) and was in and out of juvie all through her teenage years.  I just think there are too many red flags here.


Perdita Ruiz - Great girl.  Fantastic on the stick and on the mat with a strong look and natural it factor and creativity that is good enough to well and truly get her over.  She's super fun, loyal to a fault and very friendly, perhaps too friendly.  If you have an all women's company her almost excessive friendliness wont be an issue but on a mixed roster excessive friendliness can be divisive sometimes.  She'll move merch too.  I think she's a good hire but she IS very friendly.


Principe Loco Solaris - This veteran American luchador is a mixed blessing, he's a good guy who loves putting young guys over and will entertain the locker room with his gift for the gab and outlandish tales from the road and those verbal skills carry over into promo work.  In ring he's only ever been just okay and he never developed great fundamentally.  He's willing to be a manager and is considering colour commentary work too so he's a pretty good addition.  You wont get great matches out of him but he's got more strings to his bow.


Edited by alpha2117
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3 hours ago, elmiticomark said:

and then intro or prospect level, like "Backyarder" "Collegiate Athlete" "Amateur Wrestler" "Amateur Martial Artist" "Professional Martial Artist" etc

That's some other Attributes I'd really like to have. Not every martial artist competes professionally, but a dedicated hobbyist would still have an advantage in certain styles. Same with college sports, wrestling especially. Those attributes should exist and give a boost to Strikers, Technichian-Strikers and Technicians, the way Gymnast boosts aerial skills. It's not a 100 % match for all martial arts to say 'striking' is the main skill, but it would at least give us options to decide on a case to case basis which applies more.

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20 minutes ago, alpha2117 said:

Nicole Robinson - Awww Heck NO!!!! Do you need someone wild & unmarketable who is utterly incompetent, unsafe and unable to speak?  I doubt it.  This girl looks like she lives in a dumpster which is where her career should go too.

LOL! And she already got a Hollywood makeover! This is her in her pre-CVerse graphics days...


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Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, GrindhouseArts said:

LOL! And she already got a Hollywood makeover! This is her in her pre-CVerse graphics days...


Yeah the glam pic does her lack of appeal no justice lol.


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Grindhousearts Women & Central Asia part 8


Qara Sirr - This Azerbaijani masked Luchador has a naturally very creative streak to him to go with the skills you would expect from someone coming out of the Central Asian training system.  As with many he doesn't have a lot of natural star power but he's a genuinely good driven prodigy who is still young enough to get even better.  Not a star but pretty good.


Queen Nairobi - She's alright.  With Hardcore workers the basics and safety can be an issue but she's not awful at those and she's a legit athlete with pretty decent skills.  She's a nice upbeat girl who gets on with the job too which is always a plus.  As hardcore workers go she's very hirable.


Riley Phon - Beaiutiful girl with plenty of natural star power and a solid all round set of skills.  She's a little prickly and reluctant to job too much but this former model knows she looks good and is willing to use that in ring.  Shes definitely a decent option despite her somewhat difficult personality.  


Roman Pashchenko - This Ukrainian is a really really good worker who is a total professional who loves wrestling and will likely be in it for life going into a backstage road agent role later in life.  He's got enough of an it factor to get over too - not a megastar but pushable.  I'd hire him.


Sabrina The Grown-Up Witch - It's a fun mid-card gimmick, she's got the performance skills and looks to carry it off and she's a good worker.  She's a driven creative dynamo who absolutely loves the biz too.  She's only got average natural star power but she's a great mid-card option.


Sako Murata - This Tri-state based Japanes worker is a decent worker and has enough to get over into the upper mid-card.  She gets on with the job but doesn't particularly like putting people over at her own expense.  Not the most talented herself but willing to train younger talent too which is always a plus.  An okay option.


Samga Tugan - This Mongolian is a good worker who lacks mic skills or a natural it factor,  she's okay backstage and gets on with the job but doesn't want to  put over people if she feels it will hurt her own position.  A solid option but not too exciting.


Sara Angel - Too many flaws to recommend.  Average worker with a nice look and decent it factor and mic skills but she's very intense and has a temper on her and itchy feet meaning she probably wont settle too well anywhere.  Okay but there are just too many better options out there.


Serikbek Garriov - You know the drill with these guys by now.  This Kazakhstani professional martial artist is a legit great mat worker with wonderful fundamental skills but not much of an it factor.  He's driven and never holds back in the ring.  Like so many of these guys he's a perfectly acceptable hire but will never be a major star.


Siún Gleeson - Put the Pizza Cutter down you Irish psycho.  She's actually almost good though.  Her fundamentals are alright and she's good in ring - not much performance wise but okay.  She's got little star quality.  She's very intense and has a  temper on her though.  There are worse Hardcore workers but it's not really a recommend.


Backyard Babes - Sladyana Litvinov & Zivka Siroky - these Russians are hmm well they are Hardcore workers but okay.  Sladyana is the worse one her fundamentals aren't good and she's worse in ring.  Zivka though is just pretty much better at most things. They are nice enough people backstage too and pretty easy to do business with.  If you are looking for a Hardcore Tag Team then I guess they are fine but for most any other situations there are probably better options.   If you only wanted one Zivka is the better choice. 


Sojara Poria - This Canadian is a good fundamentally sound worker lacking in the it factor and possessing an intense personailty and temper.  She's okay but the flaws probably mean she's a pass for mine.


Sonia Consoli - this Italian Hardcore worker is like so many workers in that style - too stiff and lacking in fundamentals and anything other than hardcore skill.  She's chilled but prone to extreme reactions to things happening around her.  Not horrible but it's a pass.


Sooronbay Musaev  - This Kyrgyzstani is an ultra creative prodigy and an absolute must by.  He's good and will get better.  He's not an absolute slam dunk star but he's close and you dont pass on guys like this.  


Stacey Faith - This Canadian is solid enough as a worker and a nice positive girl but she has no natural star quality at all.  She's just there.  I cant recommend her for more than an enhancement talent.


Starfire - This American Luchadora has a nice solid skillset and never gives less than 100% in ring but is a bit low on it factor.  She's easily marketable though and a genuinely lively fun presence backstage.  I'd change her name if you hire her though to avoid any issues with a certain company that owns a comic book line.  An okay buy.


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Grindhousearts Women & Central Asia part 9


Stella Arcand - This Quebec native has a lot to like about her.  She's a solid worker with a decent amount of natural star power, a nice look and excellent performance skills.  She's a lovely girl to chat to backstage too.  In her late 20's now she is probably close to as good as she is going to be in ring so she'll never be a wonderful in ring worker by the look of it but she's serviceable.  She's a decent option for an company with a womens component especially mic heavy ones.


Stephanie Dávalos - This stunning Cuban based in Miami Florida is a pretty good aerialist with strong performance skills and enough innate star power to get over alright and her gymnastic background bodes well for continued improvement in her primary in ring skills. She's easy to do business and driven to improve with but her only real negatives are she's a bit thin skinned and has a rep of being possessive when she is in a relationship. She's not a bad choice to hire just a slight challenge in certain circumstances.   


Strange Boy - this US based Mexican Luchador doesn't have much star power but as a worker and person he's great.  No holes in this guys game really and he's the sort of people person who loves to take guys under his wing and help them improve.  Heck of a guy to be honest just not a star.  The wrestling world needs guys like this and you could do a heck of a lot worse than have this guy around.


Summer Wind - Wonderful talent with the star power of a piece of dirt.  Honestly she's a great worker and she'll come up with a ton of great spots - people will remember the spots but not the girl who did them though.  Best in tag bouts to try to cover up for her lack of oomph.  This free spirit may never be a star but she's so good in ring she's well worth having around.


Suspiria Giallo - I laughed out loud when I heard the great name - cried when I saw her work.  The safety is bad and she's only moderate skilled hardcore worker anyway with nothing memorable about her other than the name. The sad thing is she really wants this she's just not very good at it.  I really wanted her to be better because I sort of liked her.  


Sÿfa Rafiqlu - This guys from Azerbaijan and in his early 30's.  He's a good worker and has enough of an it factor to get over pretty well unlike many of his peers.  He's a professional and positive and theres a lot to like about him.  He's pretty darn hirable.


Sylvia Pasteur - This Quebec native seems indecisive if the hair is anything to go by (joking).  She'd be in her 30's now and her skills are good - she's a fine technician on the mat, she just is a bit lacking in the it factor.  She's a real people person who gets along with everyone but has been known to get angry on occasion.  She's a pretty solid option for your mid-card.


Timothy Lotti - Stop reading and start hiring.  This guy is a tremendous asset - one of the best performers you will ever hear with a great look and plenty of star power who can also a pretty great worker who is creative enough to come up with new stuff regularly.  What's even better is he's a super loyal guy who gets on with literally everyone.  Does he have a flaw - he's cautious about putting people over but lets face it you aren't going to be jobbing this guy out very often.  HIRE THIS MAN!


Tormenta de Risa - This American Luchador can work the mic well but is a bit below average skills wise and has little natural it factor.  H's a clown who notoriously pulls ribs often which is usually a positive thing although his eye for the ladies is a little problematic if you have a mixed roster.  He's a funny guy but there are just so many better options out there.


Toro Místico - This American Luchador is a good worker who sadly lacks the oomph star power wise.  He gets on with the job but is a little thin skinned.  We know the deal with guys like this one - do you need someone to go out and put on a decent bout then do the largely thankless job of doing the largely thankless job.


Ulya Ivanova - oh look a Russian person who is there to do the largely thankless job of the largely thankless job.  Good ring worker with little star power who never gives less than 100% in ring and whose gymnastice background gives her a decent base to work from.  She's got a positive mindset and is no nonsense just getting on with her job.   I like her but she is what she is - cannon fodder for more compelling workers.  


Umbra - NOT A JOBBER!  I just wanted to make that clear after a run of natural enhancement level talent.  This guys a strong fundamentally excellent worker and tremendous natural athlete with plenty of innate it factor and a ton of menace.  He's from Turkmenistan and language is a bit of a barrier right now but give him a mouthpiece and problem solved.  Great guy backstage too - I mean I couldn't understand a word he said but everyone loves him and he was genuinely friendly despite neither of us having an idea what the other was saying.  A phenomenal buy.


Vadim Agadati - This Moldovan is a fine worker but like so many of these guys lacking the it factor.  Shame in many ways because he has great comic timing, the ability to shake off mild injuries and is a genuinely lively likeable customer.   


Valerie Flamme - Oh man these ones are always hard.  I genuinely liked this Quebec native, she's lively and likeable and I think fiercely loyal too, she's a great mic worker, looks good and has some lovely flashy aerial moves ... but ... she's inconsistent and a bit botchy and has below average in ring psychology.  She's in her late 20's so I don't know if those things are going to improve enough to make her a reliable mid-card act.  Throw in she doesn't have a whole lot of star power and it's hard to recommend her no matter how much I like her as a person.    


Valeriya Shwetz - Meh - this Russian is decidedly meh.  Nothing truly awful but nothing great either.  She seemed a bit prickly backstage but I think she would also be loyal to anyone who employed her underwhelming butt.  


Verica Vasic - Ahhh would anyone like an incompetent unsafe Serb with no star power, little eye candy value and a reputation of being a bully backstage?  No ... I thought not.  Hard Pass.


Vikki Scarlex - Okay you expect to lambast another hardcore worker right?  Well I wont .. well not too much anyway.  I'll get the negatives out of the way - she's stiff, doesn't have great in ring psychology or basics, has a temper, smokes pretty heavily and will whine if left off a big show. There are plusses though she's consistent and for a hardcore worker sells fine, in ring she's fine and she isn't a bad mic worker.  She's flawed and I wouldn't recommend her but if you are a hardcore fed many of those other available workers are much, much worse than her. 


Viktor Sukin - This Russian Sambo fighter is typical of workers from the region - lots of in ring positives but lacks the star power to cut through. He's a real athlete and driven to succeed and happy to train others which are all good - seems a little high strung though.  He's about 6'5 so would make excellent hired muscle for a more natural star.   


Vilda Hellquist - This Tri State based Swedish former glamour model is a great prospect for any company. She's a good worker with sound fundamentals and plenty of star power and is obviously a beauty.  She's lively with a positive outlook on life who is willing to work both ends of the spectrum from eye candy to stunt style matches.  She isn't super keen on putting people over if she feels it will hurt her - but are you seriously going to be jobbing her that much anyway?  Honestly what's not to like - Hire her already.


Violetta Nikitovna - Woohoo a Russian woman I can unreservedly recommend.  All the fundamentals and in ring skills we've come to expect from the region coupled with amazing performance skills, a good look and enough star power to get over.  Add in that she's an overwhelmingly positive chilled presence backstage and it's a great package overall.  Her stamina needs a little work but it's not awful.  She's an easy recommend to be honest.   


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Grindhousearts Women & Central Asia part 10


Vita Ruban - This Ukranian MMA Fighter is very good fundamentally and in ring just a little down star power wise. Nice professional girl who seems very loyal and willing to train others.  I like her and she would be a decent mid-card addition.


Vivienne Laveau - This Louisiana native is a project.  Her performance skills are good & she has a strong look - she's come out of the Hardcore scene though so the fundamentals need a little work - she's not terrible though.  In ring she's a fairly solid hardcore brawler.  She's fairly driven about her career so I expect her to work hard to improve.  I think she would make a good act once she brings her skills up a tad.


VixXxen - great performance skills, decent star power and a great look and not terrible in ring or fundamentally with a creative mind - it's all pretty good.  Then you meet her and ... look she's got some vids out there certain companies will not want to have any connection with and she's a bit ... hmm well I needed a shower because I felt dirty after being near her for too long.  Man I wish she was nicer ... because the wrestling side is appealing.  


Winona Young - Not the worst worker - stiff but okay otherwise - great mic skills and honestly she could end up doing play by play one day if she applies herself. I wouldn't necessarily recommend her but she's not truly awful either.    


Yakiv Horbatyuk - This Ukranian is like his peers lacking in star power but sound in ring and fundamentally.  One issue is he's the sort of guy who is suited to really long bouts in a slow and steady pace but doesn't yet have the in ring psychology to make them compelling.  Good professional guy but his natural style is problematic until he gets that psychology up and at 5'8 he's not exactly imposing either.


Yarmat Musayev - Good guy - good worker - down on star power - this Uzbekistani is going to be loyal as a faithful hound and really positive but he's nothing more than a mid-carder like so many guys from the region. 


Yerzhan Ericov - this Kazakhstani MMA Fighter is giving it a red hot go with the hair and the paint and it kind of does help - all the normal stuff from a guy from this region but added intimidation factor and above average star power.  Great athlete and professional if a little high strung he's a very good option.   


Yolanda Carita - Wonderful fundamentals and good aerial skills to go with great performance skills, beauty, wonderful abilities and good star power - a lot to like there.    You meat her and he's a lively upbeat motormouth who is really friendly.  Strong recommendation for an all womans fed - normal recommendation for a mixed roster because her friendliness could potentially cause an issue or two.   


Zaaminah Sarpal - good in ring and fundamental skills, good performance skills, a nice look and okay it factor for a mid-carder.  She seems very loyal and no fuss but a bit scatterbrained.  She's okay.


Zahid Bazarov - We've reached the end of the line for Central Asia with this Uzbekistani.  I'll quiz you is he a) A incompetent worker, with no athletic gifts and horrible person but having mega innate star power - or - b) A wonderful worker and athlete as well as being a nice guy who sadly lacks much star power ... b) you say ... well done you've learned well.  This Sambo champ is good - he just lacks the it factor.

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I just thought about this... I wonder if the Central*/Eastern Euro's have bad knees because they all/most trained MMA?

Ever take a leg-kick at full spar to the kneecap?  Probably one of the worst hits I've ever felt when a guy got me flush there, I still actually feel it (but did other damage later on, including thinking 195lbs was suitable to try and wall up a 350lber who was falling down)... Just a guess; since it seems like a higher % of them?  That and the wear and tear on the knees from amateur wrestling...

Edited by elmiticomark
typed while working, forgot the where, and added wrestling, which is also rough on the knees (kneepads)
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5 minutes ago, elmiticomark said:

I just thought about this... I wonder if the Central*/Eastern Euro's have bad knees because they all/most trained MMA?

Ever take a leg-kick at full spar to the kneecap?  Probably one of the worst hits I've ever felt when a guy got me flush there, I still actually feel it (but did other damage later on, including thinking 195lbs was suitable to try and wall up a 350lber who was falling down)... Just a guess; since it seems like a higher % of them?  That and the wear and tear on the knees from amateur wrestling...

Very few had troublesome knees but I do agree the Amateur and Martial Arts disciplines these people would probably have come from may effect your knees. I think only 2 of them had iffy knees maybe 3 and one of them was a US Hardcore worker.

I myself had my kneecap popped at one stage by a girl while dancing on New Years Eve (thanks very much Isabella) - it was already damaged from sport and she caught me in the lower quadrant where the ligaments were already gone and yeah pop and by New Years lunchtime it was about 3 times the regular size - fun.  So I have had a troublesome knee since 16 and then bad from 20.  Didn't stop me doing stuff but it has never not been problematic since then.   

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GrindhouseArts Box of Chocolates bonus pack

So GHA released a bonus pack with 5 extra workers


Brittani Boomer - Brittani has phenomenal skills on the mic and is a fundamentally good solid brawler with enough star and intimidation factor to get herself over.  She might be Bulky but she's actually a great athlete too.  She's an amazing Heel who loves nothing more than putting someone through a Table.  If theres any downside its that she is intense.  Also she's extremely conservative and will never sign with a company she feels is too risque (bad luck Carnie)


Nasiba Tursunova - This Uzbekistani is primarily an aerialst but her all round skillset is pretty strong.  She has enough of an IT factor to get over too.  She needs to work on her stamina and athleticism a bit but she's okay physically.  She's a lovely upbeat girl to chat too and loves wrestling.  She's the sort of person who you sign now and she's fine and then in a couple of years reap some pretty great rewards.


Qodir Mazdakov - Tajikistan wasn't where I expected to see one of the most exciting hardcore workers I've ever seen originate from.  This guy has moved to Canada to try to increase his opportunities and that should be a good move because he's the real deal.  he's not huge maybe 5'11 and bulky but dont let that fool you into thinking he's a bit naff.  He's an amazing Hardcore Brawler with great consistency and an understanding that hardcore doesn't mean unsafe.  Great performance skills and fantastic natural star quality and menace.  Physically he probably could do with working out more especially to increase his agility but he's not a terrible athlete.  Just an amazing Heel.  In reality he's a great guy who talks a blue streak.   HIRE THIS MAN!!!!  


Suyun Begaliyev - Oh my ... YES ... YES PLEASE!  The Yenesi Playboy is from Kyrgyzstan and wow ... just wow.  He's got those great fundamentals, athleticism and in ring skills we've sort of come to expect from guys from this region by now but then you see his great performance skills and his 100 Megawatt smile and you know this is a star.  A major star. This is a guy you can throw into major matches and he'll deliver. He's a chilled guy to speak too which is a plus.  If there's a negative it's so minor it's hardly worth mentioning but he's a workaholic who wants to be on every show ... frankly you will probably want him on every show so it's not really an issue.   HIRE HIM NOW!!! 


Zarina Diasova - Three in a row ... THREE IN A ROW!!! look at this Kazakhstani she looks like a megastar and the simple fact is she has ALL the tools to be one.  A fundamentally strong aerialist with stunning flashy moves and she is always creatign more. She also has got the performance skills to back up her natural it factor and stunning good looks.  Wonderful athlete too.  She's ambitious and driven.  If you have a womens division sign her ... if you dont start one sign her and use this incredible babyface to build around reap the rewards.  HIRE!!!!! 

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Going to take a break from doing this for a week or two to refresh my mind and just sort of play the game and have fun with it. 

Quick preview of what I plan to scout in the future though

willr0ck's Womens Revolution - which is an updated version of his much loved earlier work.  He's using the interesting comic-book style art.



Crychon's - Into the Cranshawverse which adds a new powerful company meant to compete with the big 3 in the US. 

NB: The workers reflect that idea of competing with the Big 3 and are powerful - if you want to import them without the company I think you would need to adjust some stats and pop downward so you aren't releasing a bunch of people who USPW will just go into a feeding frenzy and gobble up.

If you want a fresh take on the battle for supremacy in the US though this expansion mod could well be the one for you.  think of it as a Cverse version of AEW.


boxofwhispers C-Verse Women's Wrestling Unleashed 

So this mod is a bit like a smaller ALTCVerse where it adds actual changes to existing companies to add womens wrestling into certain companies and has made an effort to embed them with some history.  The characters can be imported without the greater mod being deployed but you may need to change some bio stuff and the like and look at the stats and pop before dropping them in willy nilly.

For anyone wanting the C-Verse to have a more integrated womens wrestling scene this is probably for you.



Grindhousearts - Lower Decks

GHA dropped 3 company packs for this so far with the intention of eventually having it be it's own world but those companies and workers can be imported into Cverse.  It's got a nice art-style if you want a different flavour too.


More new expansion packs for Future Workers from Martel when they release


Some selected favorites from Alternative CornellVerse - which is a massive total world mod


What could possibly go wrong importing these girls into your game?


Future workers for C-Verse that are already scheduled canonically to debut

Someone asked about these guys and I do intend to scout them at some point.


No doubt there will be other expansion packs that get dropped in future by the hard working generous creators out there who are doing great work trying to offer us added potential experiences to our gameplay.

Also when WillyWillyWilly drops their awesome looking ND-Verse I will definitely be at least giving an indication to people whats to be found there.


willr0ck is working on an updated version of Rockverse for release which will look great and I will definitely be diving into when it gets unleashed on the universe


although the originals will always hold a special place in my heart


willr0ck is also doing the whole C-verse in the comic book style so if you like that look and want to play C-Verse you can


Look at Commader Kawagishi - dont you just want to push him to the moon?

Theres also a ton of additional graphics and pics people have been doing that can be found in the graphics sub forum including Ed James recreation of his default worker graphics for TEWIX - that can be found in the Graphics sub-forum

Total Extreme Wrestling IX Graphics - Grey Dog Software Forum



Total Extreme Wrestling IX Mods - Grey Dog Software Forum

There's obviously also a ton of real world, fantasy and historical versions of C-Verse out there too - there really is a mod or expansion pack for almost everyone out there if you are looking for new ways to play this great game.  You can find them in the Mod section.

Remember to be kind and click things like the Thanks reaction if you are downloading any of their work because it IS a lot of work and each and every one of them does it for the joy of helping others and making our experience potentially better.   




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4 minutes ago, WillyWillyWilly said:

thanks for the shoutout mate.
Great Idea. youre now the talent scout. 
since i like to play with young wrestlers in fresh companies, your report is very helpful.

You deserve a shout out man - it's a heck of a lot of work attempting what you are doing.

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Tiny compatibility issue

Two packs have workers named Nocturna (Martel FWP & Willr0ck's women) if you want to import both workers you would need to rename the worker and their Moveset in the original before importing them into the same database- you can then rename them back in the original if you want to keep that pristine. With the pics you can have the same name with numbers after you import the pic so you need to make sure the correct pic is there to match the 2nd worker as for me the first Nocturna pic defaulted to both and I had to choose the new pic

I was bringing Willr0ck's in 2nd so I renamed her Nocturnal.

Took me about 2 minutes of effort.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was going to do willr0ck's Womens Revolution next but his puter had a glitch and his latest planed tweak isn't up yet so I figured I would do Cranshawerse first.

For anyone who doesn't know Crychon's Into the Cranshawverse brings in what is designed to be a fairly powerful new company to take on the Big 3 from the US (an the big one from Canada I guess).  I wont review the company itself because this is about people not organisations but I will look at the in-ring people.  Remember that many of these people are vets and are more powerful that the other packs I've looked at.  They can of course be unleashed as free agents into your game ... if you want USPW to sign many of them like Pacman going into a feeding frenzy gobbling dots in that game.  There are a bunch of alt pics for the characters too. 


Alana Castiela - This Finnish girl is in her early 20's and is already a creative skilled brawler with great mat skills.  Great looking girl with the it factor.  Backstage she's pretty tightly wound from what I can tell, if you can keep her happy she'll e fine and who wouldn't want to keep a talent like her happy?  


Amber & Brooke Bryant- The Bryant twins are in their early 20's. 

Amber is a great technician but some of her fundamentals are not where you'd like them to be right now, she's a bit inconsistent and her selling lacks conviction. She's quiet but she seems to be in it for life.

Brooke's better at most everything in ring and performace wise and would normally be the easier to recommend except there are some red flags persnality wise - she likes to make herself look good in ring sometimes at the cost of others and she's very much a free spirit who will be friendly with everyone ... very friendly.  Look I like a good friendly girl but there's friendly and then there's FRIENDLY and Brooke will probably try to befriend most of your roster if she can.


Asami Nakagawa - This mid to late 20's Joshi worker is excellent in ring and fundamentally.  She brings that Kawaii cuteness factor too but it's not a language barrier that makes her mic work mediocre because she's fluent in English - it's mediocrity on the stick plain and simple.  Lovely sweet girl backstage and she's definitely someone who others will enjoy working with.  Get her a mouthpiece or with a talky tag partner and she's golden and even without those she's a fine worker.  


Brittney Holloway - This mid 20's Ozzie is awesome - no other word for it awesome.  She may well be one of the most naturally talented workers in the world. Note I didn't say Womens Workers I said Workers ... are their holes ... hmmm she's an average athlete and mediocre off the top rope but frankly a girl nicknamed The Bulldozer was unlikely to be doing 450 splashes left and right.  She's got a strange but alluring mix of beauty and danger that combine to make her just fascinating to watch.   Lovely upbeat girl to speak too as well.  So do you want a once in a generation talent in your company?


The Raving Lunatics - Captain Cranshaw & Jack Jordan - These two vets are reaching their late 30's now but they are still very much in their prime.  Born heels they definitely aren't fun pirates but they are entertaining ones.  Wonderful in ring talents and brilliant performers.  Are there downsides?  Cranshaw used to drink heavily when he was younger and his temper especially when he was drinking is legendary but he's clean and sober now.  He's pretty heavy too and is likely to get heavier as he ages. Jordan is pretty much as good as it gets although perhaps not quite a megastar - he's definitely good enough to Main Event.


Danique Grant - This early 20's former Olympic level gymnast from Jamaica is unsurprisingly a wonderful aerialist.  A lovely looking young woman who can move merch like nobodies business and an insane athlete.  Is there a downside - She's a mediocre mic worker I guess.


Y2K - Elijah & Terrence Jackson.  Elijah's a talker with great mat skills and aerials for a guy his age.  Terrence is larger and more a powerhouse brawler.  When I spoke to them backstage it became clear why their gimmick is the way it is - Elijah talked a blue streak but Terrence could hardly get a word out his stutter was that bad.  Terrence seemed shy and quiet as many people who struggle to communicate tend to be whilst his brother was a lot more in your face and highly strung.  They are young and their skills are really great. They might want to update their team name though.


The Amazing Goberts - these French Magicians turned wrestlers are a pretty darn good team.  He's got some natural flash and in ring he's pretty decent but she's by far better in ring with some lovely aerial and mat skills.  I genuinely liked her - chilled and positive, him he seemed a brittle.  Maybe that was just him being French but I just sensed he could be a problem if things go wrong.


Sweet Pain - Josie Bryson & Veronica Davenport.   This married couple are both wonderful workers and absolute sweethearts outside the ring.  Finding a weakness is super hard - Bryson has a bung eye which makes her peripheral vision pretty bad on that side I guess.  


Monsieur Misère - Everyone hates mimes.  Everyone wants to see mimes suffer.  This guy was built to take other peoples beatings.  When I spoke at him backstage he just answered in mime stuff.  I wanted to smack him in the head.  I guess that means he was doing his job.  


Raul Martinez - Damn but Raul's good.  He's right in his mid 30's prime and there is no better aerialist in the business for mine.  The whole Lie Cheat and Steal Wins gimmick works for me.  He's a great upbeat guy backstage and he had me with his incredible road stories. 


Rishi Desai - This guy is just on 6 foot and 315 pounds of pure muscle.  He'd be around late 20's now and he's a fine brawler.  Honestly if he was 4 or 5 inches taller he'd be a megastar heel as is he's still a pretty scary looking dude.  He seemed pretty uncomplicated when I spoke to him and we had a nice chat about things like Cricket and Aishwarya Rai films.  Nice guy.


Su-yeon Kim - This South Korean born girl hasn't turned 20 yet but she's got huge potential as a babyface.  She's already got pretty good mat and aerial skills and just has the look and feel of a star.  Nice positive girl to speak with  and I enjoyed debating on whether Blackpink or 4-minute was better.  She was wrong of course because Hyuna is a goddess and nobody in Blackpink could ever compare.


Yumi Morimoto - So she's the lead singer and guitarist for "Sunshine Murder Squad" and she decided to turn her hand at wrestling and turns out she's even better at that - she can be a megastar is she wants.  I liked her a lot and we had great fun speculating about the true identity of Nyango Star - she said it's really the undead spirit of a cat inhabiting an apple whilst I maintained it was a married mother of 3 in a ridiculous outfit - we both agreed they were a great drummer.  Downsides ... she will be on tour a bit and she's gosh-darn friendly to literally everyone.   

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willr0ck's Women Revolution part 1

Some of you know these much loved characters from previous iterations of TEW and they are back with a new graphical style.  willr0ck has stated he plans to add extra graphics in different styles at some point but also that he is not a fan of the realistic style so not sure if we'll be getting those sort at any stage - if you wanted the characters with realistic style renders you can probably use various free pics and community created new pics.  willr0ck is also doing the Cverse proper in this comic book style so if you love it then you can always go full Marvel.  Many companies rosters can be found here.

and the first part of the project which started in the previous version of the game


Ai Kon - This young Joshi worker is legit incredible.  She has absolutely no holes in her game and was born to be a megastar.  Easy hhire recommendation you would thing ... hmmm ... look I will make this simple - in ring this girl is golden but out of it she's trouble with if not a capitol T definitely a small t right now.  She's a wild hedonist who drinks like a fish and listens to Reggae music regularly.  It's going to need a company who either doesn't care about that stuff or someone who thinks they can curb her more problematic impulses to employ her.  I like her but she isn't without risk.


Ai Takami - The Last Empress is a fine mid 20's Joshi worker with a great Puroreso game and mat skills.  Another girl who is pretty much golden as far as the wrestling side of things goes.  Backstage she's ... well she's about Ai Takami, not a horrible awful human being but not particularly interested in anybody else either.


HEARTS Of GLORY - Akari Kawashima & HEART Koiso - the niece of legendary wrestler Kozue Kawashima is super young and already an incredibly impressive mat technician.  She looks and feels like a star.   HEART meanwhile is the daughter of PRIDE Koiso and like her tag partner feels like a big deal and already has the sort of puroreso talents and all round skills to be a big deal.  HEART is easy to like and it's an unequivocal hire recommendation for her.  Akari is a little more problematic as she's a bit on edge and takes offence easily but on the plus side she looks likely to move into training when she finishes up and even now seems happy to help with that side of things.  I'd say hire them both and reap the rewards.


Akira & Izumi Watanabe - These girls remind me of the guys from Central Asia in some ways - they have come out of the Junior Olympic amateur system and this has really made them incredible in ring workers.  They have a decent amount of IT factor but aren't super comfortable with the performance side of things at this point.  They are absolute studs athletic and understand every training drill intimately and are keen to teach people but see those pics ... see those happy smiling faces ... no ... no you don't ... they don't smile ... ever.  These two may as well be balls of string they are so tightly wound.  Hire them but remember to be cautious around them because handled right they are golden, handled wrong and they are going to make very bad enemies. 


Ametista - This masked British worker of Indian extraction has some great aerial skilsl coupled with solid mat abilities.  You'll move merch with her but dont expect scintillating repartee on the mic or backstage either - she's naturally quiet and sort of shy.  She's a fine hire.


Annibelle The Cannabelle - Fans of the much lamented Chi-Town Urban Combat probably remember Annibelle before she discovered black hair-dye and moved to Japan.  Kayfabe story wise a Chi-town fan disappeared after getting into an altercation at an event which is why that promotion no longer exists and why she fled to Japan.  How much truth there is in the stories about her is very much in doubt but in ring she is definitely an insane hardcore deathmatch worker.  She's not exactly known for holding back and getting in ring with her is downright dangerous.  So do you need a crazy beyootch who may have killed and eaten a fan and almost certainly will eventually injure someone in ring?  Seriously though if you are a Deathmatch style promotion she's very hireable if somewhat unpredictable and like most workers in that style pretty unsafe.


Asa Kurata - You thought all Japanese Joshi workers were great ... Awwww hell no!  At best she's an okay worker but who cares she's horrible, absolutely horrible.  You know those girls you've seen on videos getting drunk and or stoned on a night out and then getting into a fight before leaving in the back of a police car, well she is one of those.   Avoid at all costs.


Ashley Keith - She's the niece of wrestling legend Sam Keith which sort of tells you everything you need to know.  A great technician who a complete idiot could successfully market and who IS going to be a star.  She's a nice professional girl too who will happily pass on what she knows to others.  Hire her ... hire her now!!!

Bonus link to the beauty that was Chi-Town Urban Combat




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willr0ck's Women Revolution part 2


Beetle Azul - this charismatic young luchadora combines aerial skills with somewhat surprising puroreso style skills.  Not really any holes in her game except hardcore and c'mon look at her - nobody is expecting her to go nuts with a baseball bat.  A lovely friendly girl who gets on with most everyone and with more than enough it factor and looks to get over she's an easy recommend.  If you are from Japan I'd say definitely try to get her to work there because she feels built to get over on the Joshi scene.


Billie Porter - This British lass can brawl and talk even if she lacks any real it factor.  She's tough enough looking to intimidate most girls but there is a downside - she drinks like a fish.  Before and after matches too.  She's alright but that sort of behaviour isn't going to fly at bigger more established companies.  If she cut out the heavy drinking she'd be a decent buy but the red flag is flying a bit too readily here given she's probably really only ever going to be a mid carder.


Blaze - This naturally creative high-flyer from Canada is a little one note but it's a good note.  She is pretty much a pure flashy aerialist and little else. She's a bit behind where you would look on her basic skills but other than that fundamentally sound and is fine on the mic but not spectacular. She's a bit of a project but more than useful now.


Bonnie Bogan  - This Tasmanian yobbo is actually a pretty good hardcore brawler who understands hardcore doesn't mean recklessly unsafe.  If you are running that sort of product she is actually a decent choice as far a s in ring goes and she definitely wont ever hold back.  Outside is where there are red flags she's a hard drinking chain smoking party gal and whilst none of them are automatically a NO all 3 together means that she could become worse over time rather than better.  


Brian Brianna - Hello Sir I am here to scout a young female worker have you seen her?  Yeah the mo isn't fooling anyone love.  Look she's a lovely chilled girl with a decent lower card comedy gimmick and okay skills but nothing special.  If you need a funny piece of fodder then she's fine.


Brianna Riott - Sometimes this job is sort of tough.  This girl would make a wonderful mouthpiece for a non talking heel - she's a wonderful charismatic worker on the stick and looks like a star - she cant wrestle much though and her fundamentals are weak (not awful but weak).  Shes a wild muso with a love of reggae too.  The upside is mega high but the red flags they are a flying.  I genuinely liked her but man she's a risk.

image.jpeg.9cc11ef0677649d880393f8d5ec86bac.jpeg  image.jpeg.6bd97eb0ebf98c3fa0e761dc574f2a6f.jpeg

Brutalizer A & Brutalizer B - Say it all together now ... We're all individuals!  These Joshi beasts are okay - not brilliant but okay.  They definitely have enough fear factor to get over as midcard heels.  They are fine if you need mid-card tag heels and their attitudes are professional so they wont cause any issues in all likelyhood.





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willr0ck's Womens Revolution


Flash 5 - Carlotta Flash, Finn McFlash, Ironic Flash, Mongo Flash, Suki Flash - So remember that promotion out of Philly that rolled out a bunch of people who were supposed to be related but clearly weren't, well this ISN'T that.  No this is the result of Steve Flash's excessive friendliness.  These 5 half siblings are probably only the tip of the iceberg.  The fact they have come together and followed their fathers footsteps into wrestling might be a bonus for companies but should be a reminder to everyone to keep Steve Flash the heck away from your Womens roster!!!

Carlotta - This lively luchadora is nominally the leader of the siblings as she was the one who found the others.  She's got pretty good aerial skills and talks well but I project her as more of a mid carder.

 Finn - older than Carlotta by about 3 years Irish Finn is a big guy with plenty of in ring ability.  He's a decent mic worker but he's got nada when it comes to it factor.  He's another mid-carder despite his undoubted abilities and natural intimidatory presence.  He's just naturally suited to being the muscle in a stable.  He's hard to get a read on personality wise and I really don't know how he will react in any given situation.

Ironic Flash - This masked wrestler from NYC was born in 99 like Carlotta (98 was a very busy year for Steve Flash).  Great flashy aerial skills but again he feels like a natural mid-carder. He was a decent no-nonsense kind of guy when I spoke to him but his voice and mannerisms were grating - not in a great heel money sort of grating way more a shut up and go away grating way - I think he'll be very hard to market.     

Mongo - born about 3 months after Finn ... jeez Steve ... this bulky 6'7 monster brawler is a better prospect than most of his siblings he just has more natural it factor and he's a scary looking dude.  He looks at mics like I look at spiders though.  He was really likeable when I spoke to him not scary at all more a big loveable bear of a man.  

Suki - Steve Flash and Thailand ... think about that for a moment ... there may well be 100's of Thai Flash's out there.  She's the worst of them in the ring right now but  probably the 2nd best prospect to be honest.  She already is the best talker and is a great natural athlete and is the youngest being born in 2000 so it's likely the in ring side will come together with experience.  Still probably a mid-carder though. 

No doubt I will be scouting people like Mustafa, Gunther, Priyanka, Bluey, Afa and Fang Flash in the near future as more of the no doubt thousands of mistakes come to light.  I fully expect the Flash Dozen in the future.  Someone needs to neuter that guy.


Chie Kawabata - This mid 30's former MMA fighter could have been anything once upon a time until she met Steve Flash ... oops sorry ... no she didn't ... well I dont know either way to be honest and I doubt she can remember either ... no she met drugs, lots and lots of drugs.  She's apparently cleaned up her act but the years spent in a drug induced haze has taken a toll on her skills and body.  She's a born troublemaker and frankly this is one of the easiest hard passes I've ever given. 


Chris Amerson - another ex-MMA fighter "The Bully" is a very different proposition to Chie Kawabata.  Wonderful skills and a natural megastar who despite being a mid 20's rookie in wrestling is a must buy.  She seems driven and focused on being the best she can be and just has that natural "mean girl" aura that make her a potential top class main event heel for the next decade or so.


Chris Camelot - this Brit is still very young and shows pretty good potential as a mat worker.  She's a little ways off but she's clearly focused on getting better, staying in peak condition and working smart.  I project her as a borderline Main Eventer in a couple of years right now, maybe not the face of your women's division but not that far off. 


Cora Black - I love this woman - she punched Mark Carnie in the face and sat him on his butt ... that's enough to make anyone love her.  She's heading into her late 20's now and her skills are good and she is right on the border of being a true Main Eventer for mine.  Honestly she's probably best suited to Japan where they will probably respect her bad-ass skills but she would be good most anywhere.  She might be a born heel but she will forever be a hero to me.  Oh and if Carnie reads this - you can take a long walk of a short pier you loser.


Dame Lynette - This French beauty is a natural star just not a wrestler.  She's fundamentally terrible and lacks any discernable in ring skills for someone in her mid 20's.  She started as a ring announcer and honestly that, interviewer and maybe manager (assuming you can convince her to become one) are where her skills truly lie.  She's a natural heel and if you can convince her to work as an manager you could use her as that and an occasional eye candy in ring style worker and get her and any client/s over really well.  She's a situational recommend.  If you have a role for her then she's probably a good hire.  Personality wise she's going to go with the beat of her own drum.  


The Ultrakillers - Demon Lady Beatrice & Violence Jill - Eep ... These hardcore Joshi workers are clearly not working a Kawaii gimmick.  DLB's scary and also just alluring enough to be sot of scary sexy.  Like many hardcore workers she's not great fundamentally but she is at least consistent.  Outside of Deathmatches she could make a pretty decent mid-card heel if someone could teach her better basics and how to work safer.  She's got the sort of personality she might actually listen end understand that too.  I wish she had more natural it factor because I do love her look but I just cant see her ever being more than a mid card heel.   As for VJ - she's probably a better brawler but in general is a worse prospect - even less natural it factor and all the sex appeal of a lump of dirt.  Like DLB she's got enough natural consistency that if someone can pull her aside and teach her better fundamentals she could again be another decent mid card heel.  For hardcore they are pretty decent workers for anyone else honestly there are simply probably better options.  


Die Fledermaus - This German born Luchadora is young and her skills aren't in doubt - she's a great mat technician with flashy high flying moves and strogn fundamentals thrown in.  She looks at mics with distrust and is probably a natural mid-carder. Her look is great though.  She is a utter professional who understands the best way to have a good match is for everyone to look good and works accordingly.  If you are looking for a really good worker for your mid-card this girl is a pretty darn good choice.

Dr. Yumaniac - This Joshi girl shouldn't be written off because she's nearing 30 and prefers Hardcore because she's a fine worker who has got good fundamentals and brawling skills and enough all round ability to be a good upper mid-carder most anywhere.  Personality wise there are issues - she's a hedonistic Black Metal muso with a lot of outside interests.  I sort of think anywhere outside of Japan she's probably going to be to much of a part-timer to be worth hiring.


Edited by alpha2117
spelling bad
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willr0ck's Womens Revolution part 3


Esperanza Montero - the niece of Luis Montero and cousin of Los Monteros this young Luchadora is already incredibly impressive.  A good worker already she feels like a star in waiting.  Spoke to her and she's in it for life.  She's got a rep of enjoying the lifestyle a little too much sometimes though.


Etelka The Hun - This 6 foot tall early 30's Hungarian Hardcore lunatic is really good at what she does and could conceivably convert to a less hardcore style company as an excellent upper mid-card monster heel.  She's a no nonsense kind of gal who should be fine most anywhere.  There are a couple of pretty big issues though, first is she's a natural wanderer so she may not stick around that long and sadly other hardcore workers aren't as safe a workers as her which has led to her having a history of concussions.  Probably an excellent short term hire.


 Faith Force - One of her relatives once met Jim Force.  She stands around 6'2 and has all the makings of a star, the in ring and fundamentals side needs work but she is anything but awful.  Performance wise and physically she's pretty golden.  Right now she's useable but in a few years she could be special.  When I spoke to her she was great fun too just a really happy lively girl.   Hire!!!


Frankie Carmello - Columbia isn't a known hotbed for wrestling but this young luchadora might change that.  She's got a way to go though.  Right now her fundamentals need work and she's spotty right now.  Plenty of flashy aerial skills and the physical skills to eventually be really good.  She's a good looking lass and has enough of an it factor to make it pretty near the top.  When I spoke to her she was a delight.  Probably a project worth undertaking.


Fujiko Mushashibo - She's the only daughter of Yoshimi Mushashibo but stylistically very different to her dad and they are very much estranged.  She'd be in her late 20's now and has a pretty strong all round game.  She prefers to work hardcore and like many that means safety isn't a priority ... she was once poisoned by a Platypus in a match but her aerials are sweet and she's a lot safer than many hardcore workers.  Everyone involed in the torture of that poor Monotreme can burn as far as I am concerned.  I tried to speak to her but ... she was too miserable to speak. #JusticeforPaulie 


Gear Head Grace - hate her ... annoying cow.  Looks like a great mosnter heel and can talk like nobodies business but she's fundamentally flawed, ordinary in ring and frankly a juiced up beyootch.  Look she could be something but it's not worth the aggravation for mine.


The Hooligans - Hannah & Helena Hooligan - Football or Soccer for those who dont understand this is the one code that uses the feet most of the time has a history of violence in the stands - these two understood this and have leant into that concept.  They are fine brawlers for their age and Hannah can work the stick well.  Hannah was a likeable clown when I spoke to her but Helena might be living the gimmick a little too much because she seemed on edge the whole time.  There are some flaws with some elements of their game but they are pretty hireable.


Harper Reid - This Kiwi stuntwoman turned wrestler is probably reaching the end of her career at this point after a late start.  She's always been a good worker and and a great person to have around but she's only available maybe half a year any given year and that unreliability makes her a risky proposition.  She's worth hiring but just be aware that at 39 and with so much going on outside wrestling she's not someone you can plan ahead with.  


Himari Miwa - The Warrior Princess is the daughter of Mito Miwa and is very much leaning into that old-school Puroreso Mat technician side of the business.  She might not quite be a Main Eventer but there is enough there to push her into the upper mid-card for sure.  She's a no nonsense and keep my body a temple sort of girl who wont ever work for a hardcore fed and is unlikely to ever cause her employers any major headaches.


Hiroko Iha - This Queen of Cosplay seemingly has an inability to keep both eyes open at the same time.  Both her fundamental skills and her in ring work need a lot of work but the performance abilities of this girl are pretty stellar.  I got the sense that she's a bit desperate for attention and will need to be propped up a little to keep her happy and productive.  She's a great project hire but be aware she has her fingers in a few pies and might quit if her career isn't going as well as she hopes.    

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willr0ck Womens Revolution part 5


Chernobyl Generation - Iryna Motyl & Rayisa Volkova - This Eastern Europeans are a couple in ring and in life.  Iryna is a good brawler whose selling needs a lot of working but is generally solid.  Rayisa is a little worse all round and definitely stiffer.  Iryna seemed to be pretty chill but her left knee is a worry.  Rayisa is a bit more difficult to deal with but not an awful human being she popped her right shoulder ironically in the same botch that injured her partners knee and it's been known to dislocate since.  They are fine but early 30's workers with fairly chronic injuries aren't the easiest to recommend especially when they are pure mid carders.      


Jessica Boone - Madman Boone's kid is decidedly meh.  She can talk and she's fine as Hardcore Brawlers go but she doesn't have much of an IT factor despite a impressively intimidating demeanour.  I mean she would be an okay lower card heel but there are simply better options out there for mine.  If you are working Hardcore then at least she is not incompetent like so many are, not brilliant but vaguely sound.


Deadly Viper Assassination Squad - Jewel Diamond & Lydia Lucious - Diamond's related to Black Diamond but they dont speak for some reason.  She has a re for being a bit narky but I found her pleasant enough and pretty as a picture, she's a fairly mediocre worker though.   Lydia is younger and a better worker but there's an averageness about her.  Lydia was the one I found less likeable, not horrible just sort of intense.  To me they are serviceable tag team for your mid-card but honestly there are better options out there.


Joan Blond - The British Superspy gimmick is sort of fun and she's got the tools to be big - flashy aerials, good performance skills and very much the look and feel of a star.  She seems creative and I am sure you can market her with ease.  When I spoke to her she seemed remarkably shy and demure given her more swaggering in ring persona.  Hire this woman.


Kaia Marshall - Love her.   This Kiwi is a good aerialist with nice looks and enough it factor to be an upper mid carder at least.  It was backstage she shone though, fun girl with a great attitude.  She's not a must buy but she's a very good hire. 


Kasuga - Fatality!!!! The video game style ninja gimmick is fun and she's already a great worker for someone born this millennia.  Not a fantastic mic worker but okay.  Looks good but perhaps a more natural mid-carder than a top star.  She was very Japanese when I spoke with her - quiet and respectful.  She's a fine hire to fill out any mid-card.


Katsue Sonoda - Look at her - she's ground bound right?  Wrong.  She's actually pretty good off the ropes.  She's actually good all round - not great but good at most everything.  Her personality was much the same - not good not bad just pleasant enough. She's a fine midcard buy.


Klaudia Bartel - Out of the same amateur system that produced the Krakow Hit Squad girls who swept the Olympic medals a few years later Klaudia sadly suffered a broken collarbone before the 2016 games.  Nice look and enough It factor to get over and the in ring mat skills are definitely there.  Will need a mouthpiece though because she's close to useless on the stick.  She's pretty conservative so I doubt she will be keen to use her looks and the collarbone and shoulder looks to be a long term worry. 


Wild Things - Koala Mask & Platypus Mask - great gimmicks and naturally funny girls, look built for ZEN where they would likely become a stars.  Honestly they might work anywhere.  KM is probably a bit more likely to break out but both are good.  I would project them to be mid-card to upper mid-card most places which is about right for comedy gimmicks.  They actually are decent workers too.  Big supporters of the #JusticeForPaulie movement.      



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willr0ck's Womens Revolution part 6


La Hija de Phoenix - The daughter of Phoenix III is a flashy aerialist with good mat skills too.  She looks great and has just enough of an it factor to become a Main Eventer and she'll tell you should be one ... incessantly.  Look she's very hirable but she does believe the Solar system and perhaps the Multiversese revolves around La Hija de Phoenix and she will eat up other workers to ensure it stays that way.


The Caribbean Angels - Lady San Juan & Miss Havana - Flippity flip flip.  These two are good aerialists with solid all round skills.  Perfect for any mid card and maybe a bit higher at a push.  Nice girls too.   I like them a lot.


Lea Luzar - This ultra flashy but annoyingly inconsistent aerialst from Slovenia looks fantastic and has enough star quality to be a upper mid-carder but she needs to not botch so much first.  She's a former gymnast and is really creative always trying new stuff - sadly failing 3/4rs of the time.  I don't want to blame her enthusiasm for the music of Bob Marley but it cant be helping. She's ff on another planet and I think she's flying there pretty regularly.


Luchadora Suprema - If you are going to call yourself the Supreme Luchadora you better be able to back it up and sadly this lady falls a little short.  She's a great aerialist and there aren't any glaring holes but she's no star.  She's a good mid carder pure and simple.  She's absolutely fine but that name is like a rock dragging her down for mine.  


Lucy Trigg - Looks gorgeous has enough it factor to get over, not a bad talker - still abit mediocre in ring in her mid 20's - d'oh.  Look she isn't a million miles away and is young enough to improve but she's got to knuckle down and I am not sure a free spirit like her is built to do that.  She's okay and worth a put hiring wise but you aren't going to get fantastic matches out of her right now.


Mad Millie Morgan - This young British hardcore worker is okay as workers in that style go - too stiff for mine but not incompetent.  There's probably enough about her to be a good upper-mid card heel long-term.  She's kind of intense and that pic sums up what she actually is like.  For a Hardcore fed she's good, everywhere else she's okay. 


Malady - This young Dutch former Kickboxer is pretty darn good and has enough about her to make it as a borderline Main Event heel.  She's got the skills although she might need a mouthpiece especially early on.  There's really only one issue - she's a Debbie Downer to be around.  


Maneater - This Australian hardcore vet is decent enough in that style but at 37 she is what she is.  A one note worker who is really a mid-carder.  She's a loner by nature which is probably good because she was one of the five workers involved in the notorious Five Woman Love Hotel Deathmatch and the consensus is she probably smuggled the late Paulie the Platypus into Japan illegally before it's untimely passing either during or sometime shortly after said match.  Most Australian workers have little time for her as a result.  #JusticeForPaulie.  Yeah cancel this one.


Mariah "Little" Magic - Her dad is Big Magic and she's still super young and when I assess her skills I like what I see.  In ring and fundamentally she's already useful but performance wise she's golden and she definitely has the looks and is so close to a long term Main Eventer it's not funny.  Great girl too.  This is a no-brainer hire. 


S&M: Skulleta & Masakist - Look these two are loathed by a lot of people in the industry.  Psycho Masakist was one of the Five women in the infamous Five Woman Love Hotel Deathmatch and it was she who threw Fujita Musashibo at the poor bewildered monotreme causing Fujita's poisoning and many people believe Paulie's eventual demise.  The fact she carries a stuffed Platypus to the ring is seen as a sick joke by the #Justice ForPaulie movement.  She actually seems like she is a likeable person out of the ring by most reports but that incident is going to sour most people on her before they ever speak to her. Skulleta was another one in that match and there seems to be some footage showing her stomping on or near the critter after it stung Fujita.  Look I could talk about their skills which are kind of mediocre but NO I am not giving any more time to these two... they can go to the bad place.      

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My thoughts on the Five Woman Love Hotel Deathmatch and the #Justice for Paulie movement.

Before I go any further I feel it's important to address a certain issue in depth. 

image.jpeg.70eadb2930acf28b346ef2675db42c6f.jpegimage.jpeg.a40d4103d0f69c97bda7676e993ca545.jpegimage.jpeg.1344214fc03da130284c7713b59b8fff.jpeg image.jpeg.3d3fa128f6fd5551e37a02eb4d67af9f.jpegimage.jpeg.987f9d1da526ecde7661ed165c5eb743.jpeg

The above 5 workers were involved in a match that has become somewhat legendary which has been described in terms as varied as "The most awesome Deathmatch ever" and "Perverted and Sick and all the participants should be jailed for Animal Cruelty and never released"

The exact details of the involvement of Paulie the Platypus are unclear.  I've heard it was very much a real live (although soon to be dead) animal and also that it was a real already very much dead and already stuffed animal or a stuffed toy.  Most people believe the latter and video I have seen does indicate that said Platypus was very much inert.  I dont think that matters though - it's distasteful, the whole match was distasteful and the fact these 5 continue to use what I believe to be an angle involving the death of an endangered critter to try to get over is just plain wrong.   Some people regret that the Age of Kayfabe has passed but frankly if kayfabe means pretending that you may have slaughtered an animal in a match then screw kayfabe.  I tried to stay impartial in my report about Dr Yumaniac but given she's the architect of the whole sordid business I was too kind.  

I dont think any animals were actually harmed but I think wrestling as a whole was. So yeah dont hire them ... let them sit in whatever Japanese Hellhole promotion chooses to use them and let them rot there.  #JusticeForPaulie 


Edited by alpha2117
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