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The Alpha CVerse Scouting Report

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@GrindhouseArts Lower Decks Icebreaker part 2

Forgot to mention the pack includes two companies not one.


Fiona Kujala - She's young and right now the skills are average but she has a good look and is already good on the stick with an upper mid natural ceiling.  She's skinny now and some work in the gym to add some tone might elevate her to a borderline Main Event talent.  She's good at comedy which is a plus.  She the sort that needs a bit of propping up to ensure she stays happy and positive but thats usually easy enough.  The skills aren't bad and the upside is pretty good so it's a tentative recommendation here. 


Couple Goals - Gabriel Daugaard & Sally Andresen.  Le looks so punchable which is probably what he wants. He's got a solid game with some creative ideas and a good look that fits a mid card role.  His wife is a little better both in ring on the stick and upside wise and probably is just in the upper mid card conversation. He was a nice guy to speak too and she seemed a little spacey but nice.  They are natural tag workers and if you were looking for a intergender tag act then these Danes seem a solid choice. 


Gustas Krasauskis  - Do you need a jobber?  Do you need a jobber who you could turn into a Manager/Interviewer/PbyP or Colour guy?  If the answer is yes then this guy might be for you.  His stick work is legit, his in ring stuff is fine - his innate it factor needs to be looked at with an electron microscope to be visible.  Terrific ad libber, great upbeat attitude and a natural babyface this guy is built to have the crap beaten out of him by Monster heels.  Hire him and get him to accept that his future long term is outside the ring proper and build that side up over time and I think he's potentially a great bargain buy.     


Platinum Plaza - Gustavas Kuprys & Linas Petrosius - Whats never a good sign is when you look at your notes and see one word and its "Meh" thats what I wrote for Gustavas - Meh.  He absolutely fine - very average - dull - nothing horrible just a natural tag team mid card guy with average skills a base no nonsense attitude and a sideline as a bassist which as everyone knows is the mid card role of most bands.   Linas is a singer songwriter though so he has more performance skill wise and can ad lib well and has some natural creativity in what he does.  He's still sort of meh but there might be something to work with.  He's a bit too much of a partier for my liking but down the track he might well be good in a broadcast role.  His lyrics feel a little misogynistic and he probably will go on about puppies a lot if you do get him into one of those roles.  They are okay but hard to get too excited about

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@willr0ck Womens Revolution addendum


La Dama Malvada -  Managed to finally catch up with her.  I was pretty impressed.  Her fundamentals and aerials are very good.  The performance stuff needs work.  She has a strong look and has natural upper mid potential.  She wasn't overly approachable when i tried to speak to her but was okay and very driven to succeed and I think she'll be an excellent heel for a long time.

Now an important update

My Mother has been found safe and well - the Police were unable to hold the alleged perpetrator due to insufficient evidence.  What sort of freak kidnaps and blindfolds a 92 year old woman?  Rumors have it Echidna Mask has immediately fled the country to parts unknown.


If you do happen to see this Coked Up Drunken Pill Popping Psycho anywhere near your company I would suggest calling authorities immediately.  Luckily she is so impaired by substances that she thinks Echidna's look like Badgers and said lack of cognitive understanding will hopefully minimise her ability to do true damage to anyone but herself.  On a very positive note she did manage to obtain Mark Carnie's number so there's always a chance she could somehow inflict herself upon him ... nobody deserves it more. Although I just had a horrible thought ... they could mate ... they could breed ... the prospect of their progeny is Book of Revelations terrifying.  She may in fact be the Beast referred too ... she could be a sign of the end times. 

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@GrindhouseArts Lower Decks Icebreaker part 3


Hele Laurits - This Estonian is like a less good Lesbian Joanna Silver ... she's young so she might get better but right now other than some decent performance abilities there's nothing much here to make you hire her or give her a push.  Nice fun girl backstage and some potential in Comedy work but she's too far off right now to recommend.


Henrik Fossum - Look he's a nice chilled guy who wants everyone to look as good as they can in his matches but the issue is he is in said matches and that's not really a good thing. He's an incredibly mediocre limited big man who could sort of end up at the very bottom end of the mid card but ... it doesn't feel like it would worth the bother of having him around taking up space and putting in snorer after snorer after snorer.  


Henrikas Jankauskas - Solid worker who suits tag team work but doesn't as of yet have a partner he's clicked with but there's no real oomph and he's pure lower card ceiling wise.  He needs a script to leverage his okay stick work and he's not keen to travel away from mainland Europe.  He seems no nonsense and a real nester who would make a good jobber for a Euro company but nothing more.   


Iiro Oivio - Okay this Finn is a bit of a surprise packet.  He's 6'10 but way too heavy to be able to induce any fear his fundamentals are average and he's totally ground bound  with no mat technique at all and his stick work is average and his stamina is so poor he virtually needs a wheelchair to get to the ring ... so pass right ... NOPE .... this guy oozes charisma brawls wonderfully well and feels like a potential show with his weird freakshow of a gimmick where he comes out and acts like a heel ladies man despite well looking like he does ... the weird thing is it works ... he actually feels compelling doing it .... he's a good professional guy who seems like he's easy to do business with too.  So what do you do when confronted with such a flawed workers whose upsides are so potentially good.  I don't know ... I doubt he will ever lose enough weight to be able to work long matches and he isn't capable of doing comedy spots but he feels so darn much like a guy you might be able to push.  Get him on a treadmill to at least make him viable I guess and hope that you can somehow push a guy who feels like he could be a major star despite his incredible limitations.  So are you up for the challenge of all challenges?


Ira Rotaru - This one is simple - are you a Japanese company who works the traditional Japanese style and do you need a young Gaijin with legit MMA skills who wont ever be a star but who will potentially put on absolute bangers in your style?  The first step is to convince him to work Japan but once that's done it's all good.  He's already an elite Puroreso style ring worker with a bit of brawling and flash to fill that out.  He cant talk at all and has a mid ceiling at best so you'll need a mouthpiece but honestly as limited as he is the upside in that style is too good to knock back.


Jimi Rantala - Solid brawler who can also work the Japanese style with good fundamentals but mediocre on the stick and with a natural ceiling that feels lower card to me.   Good no nonsense guy who is a natural mentor and a guy who will probably end up opening a training school as it's his natural nature.  I'd consider hiring him as a jobber for sure.


Jukka Järvinen - Prepare to feel frustrated like I did when I saw this guy. He's got the potential to be a borderline Main eventer and has a fantastic look and if he packs on just a little more muscle I would say he IS a Main Event prospect - his stick work is fine too.  Then we get tot he rest and it all comes crashing down.  He's a mediocre Daredevil style guy with all the consistency of a glass of water who is dangerously incompetent and cant spell the word sell let alone do it. He's already in his mid 20's too meaning it's hard to see those things correcting enough to ever feel confident in pushing him.  Throw in he's also a musician who will go on tour and party while he does so and it completes the frustrating package ... you know he could be great but you also know he probably never will be.


Jussi Anttonen - Frustratingly the next guy I saw was another young guy who also liked to get aerial but this guy felt rock solid fundamentally and better in ring - he also felt like pure lower card fodder.  Nice upbeat guy too.  If you could give this guy even half the it factor of Järvinen I know he'd be a good mid carder.  As is he's a fine young jobber.  


Karsten Vandalisme - Beware Mohawks ... Mohawks are used by workers to try to define themselves when they know they lack something.  This guy actually has upper mid card potential can work the stick and do Hardcore brawls well ... he's also way too stiff cant remember match details, chain smokes parties all night and pulls ribs - the last one isn't so bad but they can backfire too.   He's flawed and is just over 30 so those flaws probably aren't going away.  If you are Hardcore he's not a bad choice but honestly for anyone else those flaws are probably just too annoying when there are better less flawed options out there.


Kasper Dam - This guy looks bad but sometimes the package doesn't indicate what's inside.  He's pure lower card but a pretty decent one - his fundamentals and in ring skills are pretty good.  He's not much of a stick worker and like I said lower card.  He's a great friendly guy who gets along with everyone from what I could tell and a nester who will have any company who employs him back but is known to coast in matches that dont feel important and lets face it he's not going to work that many important bouts.  Nic bloke, solid enough jobber but not exactly exciting.


Khillvig - This Hardcore guy is never going to leave Estonia permanently I thought I would get that out of the way straight away - as Hardcore brawlers go he's okay.  He's stiff but not awful fundamentally and can brawl okay, he plays his Caveman schtick pretty well and his innate it factor and ability to intimidate mean he is a decent mid card option maybe a tad higher and he knows the gimmick is silly and can add a bit of humour to matches around that.  I liked him too a nice chill guy. 


Kostya Bespalov - Hmmm this Russian kid is a really good guy with a super creative nature who is a natural talker and all round performer.  His skills are raw but not terrible but he lacks the it factor to rise too far up the card ... mid feels like the ceiling.  I'd hire him though and convince him to try the various talking roles as a long term plan.  Then develop that side of his game over time pre show and hope those and his in ring comes on.  If he's willing to expand his horizons in regards to what he will eventually become in the wrestling world then he'll be a fine investment.


Kristoffer Gram - He's at best a mid card act but there's a bit to like with this Dane.  He's a great fundamentally sound mat technician who speaks well and is a superb natural athlete who whilst he doesn't yet have a tag partner seems to have a natural affinity for that style of work and his attitude is nice and professional.  He feels like a rock solid hire who if he ever clicks with a partner will do well but he's not someone to get excited about either.  


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@GrindhouseArts Lower Decks Icebreaker part 4


Lassi Talo - This is simple if you are inconsistent and fundamentally flawed I am not recommending you to potential employers I dont care how good your hair looks.  It's a shame because he is a decent performer with the stick and has some good aerial ability but he's going to take a long time before he is useable ... if ever and even than he's lower card fodder potential wise.  Chilled guy who I think could move merch but simply not good enough anytime soon.


Laura Kukk - Not sure if she should change her surname which right now sounds like a cat coughing up a hairball.  Not sure it would matter.  She's got modest skills and a low ceiling.  She seemed simple and uncomplicated but who cares when you are probably at best an average lower mid carder.  


Lauri Leinonen - Finland's finest Garfield impersonator is actually pretty darn good at the whole wrestling lark.  He's mid 30's now and is the sort of big heel that you can make money from.  In ring and performance wise this Biker works and he's the sort of intimidating guy who you can use in a Main Event level with ease.  The downside is he's not exactly a great athlete who can go all night.  He's the sort of professional who would love to embed himself into a company long term which is a plus and he's at an age where he seems willing to pass on his not inconsiderable knowledge to others. I'd hire but given his age be aware it's likely he could get heavier so you need to keep on him to stay as fit as possible.


Leho Mannik - When people pull that face in pics it normally means they are covering up for inadequacies. This guy is definitely inadequate.  He might have a bit of flash to his Hardcore work but that doesn't change the fact he's a pure lower carder who is downright dangerously sloppy and fundamentally flawed and cant really talk much.  Throw in he's off with the pixies and prone to negativity and it's hard to see anyone hiring him even if he is easy to get to do the job with - if the job is going to be botched it doesn't matter. 


Ljótur Hansson - Only in Scandanavia would a guy with a deep sea trawler fisherman gimmick come into existence and this early 30's guy is probably only lower card at best but I sort of like it and like him.  He's an excellent all round worker and whilst not the greatest stick worker he's not awful either. He's professional and positive and a natural at training younger workers in the skills needed.  He wont ever leave his Icelandic home permanently though.  If you are in Iceland then he's an excellent hire but other than maybe SNP I dont know if there are any companies who are close enough to make this work ... I wouldn't want Mark Carnie inflicted on this poor guy.  If you are in Japan though this guy is actually a decent Gaijin option for a tour or two - they may even get the gimmick. 


Margaret Lill - Nah ... Daredevil is often code for dangerously unsafe and inconsistent and that's the case here.  I could go into details but who cares - bad is bad and she's bad and nobody in their right mind is going to want her stinking up the place.  Chill girl but a very poor wrestler.


Miikael Sibul - Oh look a mohawk the international signal of having little to offer ... this guy isn't just dangerously unsafe and lacking in any discernable it factor he's also an insufferable sleazy jerk who pulls cruel "ribs" for his own amusement.  What's a plus is he has deep ties to his home in Estonia  so most of us will never have to interact with him ever.


Morten Homme - I'm not sure how I feel about straight guys working flamboyantly pseudo gay gimmicks, at least he's not in drag I guess*.  He's alright - the skills are raw but there's signs of an emerging upper mid carder here especially on the performance side.  He's a positive guy but he does like the rave scene which is where the gimmick has come from apparently. The big issue is he loves his home in Olso and that limits who he is really an option for.


Nordwolf - This biggish 6'3 guy is in his 30's now and still a fine athlete but his skills are close to as good as they will get which is a worry because they are decidedly below average both fundamentally and in ring and he has the ring psychology of a headless chicken.  He can talk okay but not brilliantly and he feels like a wasted opportunity as he has the look and feel of a guy who could have been an Upper mid to borderline Monster Heel but who just never quite developed.   He's professional and willing to put emerging talent over but he's just okay in ring and at this point whilst he might become average in the next few years I doubt he'll ever be able to reach the potential he clearly once had. 


Oluffa Haraldsen - Okay this is a tentative hire recommendation.  This Dane is still very young and green and I dont project her to reach above the mid card but I have my reason and it's not just her looks ... I mean obviously the looks play a part but if it was just those then it would be a pass.  What she has is brilliant performance abilities and as soon as I see those in someone this age I start thinking about multi tasking.  Getting them to try out the talking based roles as well as wrestling and developing in your pre show as a back-up broadcaster or as a manager or interviewer.  In ring she's actually not a long way off being there as an aerialist and she's a natural athlete.  Nice girl too.  I think for the potential versatility this is a good project hire.


Önne Laxman - This big Swede is well worth considering but there is an issue which I'll get too.  He's fundamentally strong and very well rounded in ring, a natural talker and has a good look and natural borderline Main Event quality.  He's a former smoker but is now a fitness fanatic and wonderful athletically. He loves the business and wants to train others.  So the issue - he loves Stockholm with all his heart. So unless you are nearby or someone like a Japanese touring company this 29yo isn't really an option. 


Oskar Allik - This Estonian is pure lower card but that's not a firm no.  He's strong fundamentally and his mat technique is good with some aerial skill too.  Where his true strength lies is performing and he's strong there.  He's already expressed interest in Colour and Interviewing and that makes him an option as a multi tasker.  Throw in he's a chilled out nester and he becomes a lot more appealing as a project.  Have him put people over as a wrestler but work as an interviewer and pre show as colour and down the track you may have made a fine investment.  Obviously not the must hire people come looking for but a decent option long term.  


* Really alpha, really?


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@GrindhouseArts Lower Decks part 5


Pavels Priede - If you are Hardcore then this Metal Musician is an option.  He's young and for anyone else probably too unsafe and limited but he's got decent consistency and Hardcore skills, is an emerging performer, has serviceable menace and borderline Main Event potential. Honestly, I guess for anyone he's an option but there's a lot of work to do.  He's flabby and needs to get fitter and better cardio.  He feels like a tag guy to me especially until he gets fitter.  He's quiet but not unpleasant. This guy is a project and one who may leave to play on tour occasionally and there are definitely stuff that needs a lot of effort but the upside is good ... look if you could get him healthy he might even be a true Main Eventer one day. 


 Perri Luoma - He's a young very creative High Flyer and the fundamentals are good enough to indicate a decent future.  He's got emerging stick skills too.  He feels like the lower side of the mid card though and he's not keen on working outside of Mainland Europe so straight away he's not an option for most of you.  If you are Europe though this guy might be a great long term option in your lower or mid card.  He's quiet and a bit aloof but by no means unpleasant backstage.


Ragnar Part -  This Estonian Rock musician wont ever move too far away from his close knit family in Tallin so he's only an option for people in that general area or perhaps Japan where his natural skills would probably thrive.  He's super young but already excellent and while I dont think he has a high ceiling in terms of his place on the card his skills look likely to make him a very good lower card option.  Honestly if you are a Japanese touring company this guy is perfect if you can get him keen to come over for tours.  Like a lot of musos he's pretty chilled out about life. 


Rapolas Sipelis - This Lithuanian is a great natural athlete with a lot of upsides.  His fundamentals and all round ring skills are good, he's okay on the stick but it does need some work, He's got a decent look and feels like an upper mid card guy.   Nice professional attitude to things too. well worth considering.


Romet Kallas - This late 20's Lithuanaian is a pretty darn good option if you are near Vilnius where he's very much embedded.  He's a good brawler and a natural performer with a good look and an innate upper mid ceiling. He never holds back in ring and can go all night too and I cant see this fitness fanatic ever being out of shape. Backstage he was upbeat and is already the sort of guy who tries to mentor the younger people in the locker room.  He talked about becoming a Road Agent but I think that would be a mistake - his ring psychology doesn't feel good enough and I'd be trying to steer him more towards the talking based roles as a future career path with Road Agenting being a bit of a sideline.  


Roudabeh Kaikhosrow - She's a pro martial artist so the skills feel legit even at this young age and they are likely to get better but she just has no innate it factor which means her ceiling is going to be a lot lower than her naturally creative in ring skills are likely going to deserve long term.  She's fun backstage too. She's a fine lower card option but sadly no higher.  


Rugile Enzikaityte - See that hair ...  that's the female equivalent of a mohawk - the last refuge of someone innately without much of an upside and is trying to give themselves something to remember them by.  She's an incredibly mediocre jobber whose skills really aren't good enough to do that convincingly.  Throw in the excessive friendliness and party lifestyle and its she's a hard pass.  


Samuli Rantanen - See that hardhat ... this guy couldn't even be bothered to cut his hair into a mohawk.  He's a mediocre skilled jobber.  He was quiet but seems like he means well and talked about wanting everyone in his matches to look good and seemed really positive by nature ... I felt like mentioning that the best way to do that might be him removing himself from said matches but he seemed like too decent a guy to deserve that level of cruel putdown.  Weirdly right at the moment crowds have taken to him and he's getting inexplicably over.  Cant see that lasting though.  For the next year of so he's not a bad jobber option I guess and he certainly is the sort of guy who the locker room will like to have around and pin.


Sentinel - On the surface he's okay as a lower card guy.  Decent enough fundamentally and mat technique wise.  Then I spoke to people about him and he was described as aloof and a little hard to do business with.  Really ... you do know you're a jobber right?   No way would I ever recommend a jobber who whines about potentially jobbing.  On the plus side it's probably only the case with people down the food chain from him which would be what ... amoeba?  Still that attitude makes him a pass for mine.


Severi Tikkanen - Excellent Jobber option if you are in or near Finland.  He's got a naturally low ceiling but he's a fine athlete with great fundamentals and mat technique and is said to pick things up really quickly.  He's naturally driven too so I can see him eventually being an absolute beast in ring despite his lack of natural it factor.  If this was amateur sport he would be a candidate for huge success but it's pro wrestling and sometimes capacity in ring isn't enough to get you over as much as you'd like. He wont leave Helsinki so we are really talking about Japanese tours or that general Finland area but if you are then he's a good option.


Silje Bohler - My guess is this girl will leave the business within 3 years.  She's a moderately skilled mid carder who is lively and upbeat but prone to taking setbacks badly and a lot of outside stuff going on that gives her options outside of wrestling.  I cant see her wrestling career going well enough for her to ever truly be happy with it and something will go wrong and she'll just chuck it all in.


Svaja Josiukiene - See that Beanie ... that Beanie is like a Mohawk ... she's got decent aerials potential but she's dangerously unsafe and inconsistent and even if she ever develops those up to an even half decent level she's at best a mid carder.  She's fun and easily marketable but I dont know if the botch machine T-Shirt is something that you want to sell even ironically.  She's a very friendly girl too which can complicate your life even more.   Hard pass.


Taghai Sechegur - His ancestor's conquered most of Asia and well into Europe but this Mongolian isn't going to conquer much in any company.  He's a lower card guy with moderate skills other than performance wise.  He then comes into his own a little as a pretty entertaining comedy act who is very ahppy to put younger workers over.  The biggest downside is he's flabby and a poor athlete and feels like he's going to lose whatever skills he does have pretty early.  I really liked the man but I think he's almost the definition of a small time indie guy.  What might be an option though would be hiring him as a talker and trying to transition him into a Manager for a couple of babyfaces in need of a boost in that area of their game.   


Tauno Leskinen - Okay this guy is a mixed bag - he's by nature pure lower card in spite of impressive fundamentals and as a technician flyer, he's not a great stick worker but managed to get himself a hot catchphrase which he's milking for all it's worth and which has made him see a future on colour.  He's likable enough and upbeat but I sense he is a bit inherently selfish in ring from what I saw. There are undoubted positives but the ceiling is low, he will make a decent jobber with a potential future role I guess.


Tenna Radikal - Oh look the mohawk attitude face combo ... that's rarely a good sign.  Lets not pre-judge though maybe she's secretly awesome ... Nope ... she's a dangerous Hardcore worker with poor basics and a low potential ceiling whose personality is as wild as the hairstyle and who if she ever reads this will proceed to throw a tantrum like an angry toddler. 


Teo Grinca - Solid lower card brawler who can talk well and has a rep for picking things up quickly.  He's not keen on travelling outside of Mainland Europe but for Euro companies I think this quiet guy with no interest in backstage politics is a pretty decent option in your under card.


Tils Zvinelis - Sometimes you accept someone's weaknesses for their strengths.  This guy will never be a star but he's fundamentally strong and works a mix of brawling and Japanese style that works in a lot of situations.  He can talk okay which fine.  Backstage though he comes into his own chilled by nature and keen to train and mentor others he is the sort of guy who although he is still relatively young will be someone that can help your roster. Lower Mid carders like this always have a place.


Timo Kaljurand - Look he can climb a ladder, look he can jump off a ladder, look he can hurt himself and others by jumping of a ladder in the most incompetent unsafe way possible.   He's young and might improve but he's an awful worker right now.  Does he have any upside?   He's sort of funny in angles. Being free spirited isn't necessarily bad but incompetence is. 


Tommi Laitinen - This guy has hit his 30's now and he's a pretty good worker.  Everything feels appropriate for an upper mid gatekeeper style of guy.  And he's got a natural mix of creativity, professionalism and loyalty that every company loves in a guy in that slot.  Nothing is stellar but everything feels solid. Closest to an issue is his commitment to his Finnish metal band.  Nobody is going to get over excited by the thought of hiring him but at the same time we all know that guys like this are a net positive in most any company.  


Ullar Kaljurand - You know when you go out for a few drinks with friends and there's a guy at the place whose enjoying themselves on a different level to everyone else and you see their face and know nothing good is about to happen ...  hello Ullar.  He's dangerous, one note in ring, has a low ceiling and the rep of a total incapacity to remember a pre-planned pre match stare down let alone any actual moves.   The plusses he has a decent amount of performance ability and those guys at the bar who are about to screw up are usually fun before it all goes awry. He's actually a nice guy telling some fun stories and with no interest in any political rubbish backstage.  He's not keen to travel outside of Mainland Europe not that I can imagine anyone really wants him too anyway. I'd honestly tell him to just move into management or the like because that side of his skillset is strong but in ring this guy jsut isn't very good.


Vaino Laas - This guy is still pretty green but there is some promise.  he's got the beginnings of a goo aerial game and fundamentally he's not that far off really. Where he excels is stick work - he's a great mic worker and all round he has the look and feel of a guy who will grow into the upper mid card throw a little extra muscle on that frame and we and we are lookign at pushing towards Main Event level. He's a free spirited motormouthed muso which is a combo that might be a little awkward to deal with sometimes but he's also the sort of guy who will show loyalty to you if you show loyalty to him.   I'd say if you hire him is talk to him straight away about potentially exploring the various talking based roles as well because long term I can see him having a great future in one of those.  I think he's a good investment.

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