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Creating Alter Egos

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What experience do you have with them? Is it something you do often or never do?

I did this with Reilly Patton, mainly because he had no popularity or experience that I'd be washing away. So from day one, he's been Sheik in my fed.

All the big feds in past years would do this - WWE still does today. But there, they were getting established talents and repackaging them often not with a different gimmick, but a whole different name and fictional background. Steve Keirn becoming Skinner in WWF, Jacques Rougeau becoming The Mountie, both those after a decade+ of wrestling under different names / backgrounds.

How does this work in TEW? Or how do you make it work?

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In this version, I've noticed alter ego's created by myself have been used by guys who go tour in Japan...


Wild Red Stallion as Billy Chase was the most notable, happening with SAISHO and BCG.  


Usually, I just take real names of workers who can be stars but have gimmicky names (Surfer Dude Lucas as Luke Pope, I used to love running an angle where Garry The Entertainer had his moment of "growing up" and turns on his puppet, becoming a real wrestler, and reverting to his listed real name Garry Walker... Tennessee William I have used as Jerry Lee Perkins... or something close, or semblance of... I've had California Love Machine as Christian Lee McCarthy [not when Tennessee was employed, redundancy peeve here], or before they settled with "Mitchell Aldred", I'd repackage The Architect as like Trevor/Tyler ____(insert unique but simple name here, really I named him something different every time)).


But, the CVFP_Masked file gives you a pretty good amount of pics to make masked wrestlers (creating fed specific masks, or not)... and there are a few CVFP pictures who look kind of like workers in the database (Billy Chase I use a one of the cvfp_indianmale files, which ---tha's a whole 'nother bottle'a'bees... but it's close to him but looking way more serious---to match the physical/stat bad a$$ he is).  


It seems like with the gimmick ideas, you can definitely make some neat federation specific masked wrestler gimmicks.  or even some fed specific alter egos.  I say go for it and see what works best in your fed.  This game has always been fun because of the nearly endless possibilities it offers!

Edited by elmiticomark
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SO I did a test of the random creator for Road to Glory and ended up with someone with great SQ, Sex Appeal and even decent Menace ... a sane person would have created a Randy Orton knockoff and run with it .... I am not a sane person.



Instead I ran with a guy who has not 1 ... not 2 ... but 3 alter egos

Rainbow Warrior - a SJW character who could work face in my Rainbow Entertainment fed but is probably a heel elsewhere ( I used a alt of Figg that someone had done because I thought it was a great pic)

Daemon - A well Daemon (I used an alt of Haemogoblin someone had created) he exists in case an opportunity at ZEN comes up.

Freya Tuck Oceania's Premier Exotico - and lets face it Oceania and the worlds only Exotico (not sure who the alt was of but it looked very drag queenish to me).  I decided to do Rainbow Entertainment and I love the weirder side of wrestling especially things like CHIKARA and Mexican Exoticos so doing the Cverses only Exotico gimmick had instant appeal.  Why Exoticos appeal to a middle aged white straight man is an enduring mystery even to me but they do and I am going to run with her.

Alter-Ego's can be a ton of fun.  In these cases I chose each for a reason and because they both matched the character the game had generated for me but allowed me to play in a way that amused myself.  Ultimately games are about having fun and amusing ourselves and this game is particularly good in letting you customise the experience and try what you like.  

So yeah in TEW if you have a gimmick idea and a worker who fits the gimmick well then why not try an Alter-Ego.  They can be particularly good if someone does a new pic you really like - take these for example

image.jpeg.505bc75f927e5c29aeb5bf39a1116bf0.jpegimage.jpeg.92844889a32eb277f59cd548756ac808.jpeg image.jpeg.3f68dd141d90427ea2f9b1b289d6b6ca.jpegimage.jpeg.e49906fdedba62b9f981798890f14857.jpegimage.jpeg.4a75582f679d9acdf45fa991d1bf4f5e.jpegimage.jpeg.50270c4b137e40e02f356f386a792a22.jpegimage.jpeg.75994640c84d16ecb829d08e6ffaf260.jpegimage.jpeg.7d9942c61f86ae6caecab84da188b346.jpegimage.jpeg.d7fda16f931f32b8c3d1f112488e76f1.jpegimage.jpeg.ec316fe19f3b793a5160178762cc22aa.jpegimage.jpeg.d0c81f3fa3feaf99c6f34096fd8d1066.jpegimage.jpeg.e74cbcafeb43242e42d7be2e4e0cacae.jpeg

I have no idea when I am going to use these but they are definitely going to come into play at some point because just looking at them makes me happy.  Creatively I am probably going to slap these on some worker whose pic is dull to me but who has potential to be interesting if handled right. 

Thats the beauty of Alter-Egos - look at the WWE - Taylor Rotunda, Eric Rowan, Dexter Lumis, Joe Gacy and Nic Cross are 5 workers who never quite fit the mold and who never quite clicked enough to get over and now we have the Wyatt6 and they are leaning into the fact that these people are sort of outsiders who have been cast away because they didn't really fit.   Mark Calloway was a big red headed guy with decent skills but he was nothing much until the Undertaker came along same with Glenn Jabobs and Kane and Toni Storm struggled to get over until she decided to go insane and pretend to be a 1940's style film diva and become Timeless.  If handled right an alter ego can absolutely change the trajectory of someones career both in the real world and in the game. 

Edited by alpha2117
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