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Curses!(that's probably the best swear word i can write) I'm not sure if i manage to win this time, I would have loved to see either rvd, Raven or The Eliminators in wwf.

Still it was an interesting show, the Executioner was cut from Bearer’s parlor as I suspected, and I know papa shango's entry into the rumble foreshadows him as gordy's replacement. If shango's not kama Mustafa anymore then that means flash Funk can turn heel, go back to being Scorpio and join the Nation instead While Terry Gordy can be traded to either ecw of Japan.

I wonder what happens to Chyna now that Marlena's with hhh. But now Goldust could switch back to Dustin Rhodes to show that he's serious about beating hunter down like a dog. No more mind games just a good old butt kicking preferably in a Texas street fight or Bunkhouse brawl at wrestlemania.

Also rocky's gonna fight Honky.

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Marlena with HHH is actually kind of perfect.  I loved her back in the day and her gimmick and his mesh pretty well.  I would find it hilarious if they ended up a couple.  Sure it wasn't what you would have chosen but it's actually pretty perfect.  Chyna with Goldust would ... actually be kind of perfect too strangely enough with her being the "Man" and him being the Damsel in distress.

Great show.


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18 minutes ago, alpha2117 said:

Marlena with HHH is actually kind of perfect.  I loved her back in the day and her gimmick and his mesh pretty well.  I would find it hilarious if they ended up a couple.  Sure it wasn't what you would have chosen but it's actually pretty perfect.  Chyna with Goldust would ... actually be kind of perfect too strangely enough with her being the "Man" and him being the Damsel in distress.

Great show.


Goldust and Chyna together? I love that! She'd have a backstory about being hunter's ex from his training days under Killer Kowalski only to dump her when he signed with wwf to hook up with girls that in his opinion were less mannish for his taste. Speaking of Kowalski ecw's Eliminators, Jack kronus and perry Saturn also trained under him. Maybevthey could be signed to act as triple h's new bodyguards?

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As ever, thanks to everyone who made their picks! Here were the answers to the Rumble bonus questions (for fairness, I gave a point if your choice for winner was incorrect but was still in the final four):

  • Surprise Entrants: Terry Funk & Papa Shango (kudos to @Vandal for getting both right)
  • Iron Man: Bret Hart [60:24]
  • Most Eliminations: Vader [5]
  • Final Four [not including winner]: Bret Hart, Vader, Papa Shango

Here's the scores at present. The pick 'ems prizes are for the winner as of the end of January, so that means there'll be the below shows then one more week before we determine who gets to pick a signing to the WWF roster! As you can see, while we have @Njord narrowly in the lead there's still all to play for!

26 - @Njord
25 - @Kirby
24 - @sonny912
23 - @Blodyxe
22 - @alpha2117
20 - @arlovski
19 - @Lord Byron
18 - @Teasenitryn
17 - @TheAwesomeZero101 @Vandal
15 - @Dawn @phoenixnitro
10 - @Kieran_Lives @Jason Phoenix
8 - @CharDeeMacDennis
6 - @neslo024 @moafnsteel
5 - @TheYEAHMovement


On Shotgun Saturday Night, Savio Vega takes on Faarooq in his signature Caribbean Strap match; on Sunday, the most charismatic showman in the WWF is in action... against Shawn Michaels; and new WWF Champion Michaels and Rumble winner Austin each pick a mystery partner in a blockbuster Raw main event!

There are 15 points to play for - 12 for guessing match results and 3 BONUS questions. NB: Shotgun & Superstars this week take place prior to the Royal Rumble (hence Mankind/Executioner still being together), and Raw is the night after - I'll resolve this quirk in time for the next PPV.

WEEK 3 January 14th to 20th 1997

 Shotgun Saturday Night #3 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, Handicap: Ahmed Johnson (c) vs PG-13
Falls Count Anywhere: The Godwinns vs The Headbangers
Hardy Boys vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico
Caribbean Strap: Faarooq vs Savio Vega
BONUS: Who answers Stone Cold's Texas open challenge?

 Sunday Morning Superstars #536
Alex Porteau vs British Bulldog
Fuerza Guerrera/Heavy Metal/Abismo Negro vs Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover
Mankind/The Executioner vs Diesel/Razor Ramon
Shawn Michaels vs The Goon

 Monday Night Raw #194 
Bret Hart vs Leif Cassidy
Mankind vs Terry Funk
WWF Intercontinental: HHH (c) vs Marc Mero
Shawn Michaels/??? vs Stone Cold/???
BONUS: Who is Shawn Michaels' partner?
BONUS: Who is Stone Cold's partner?

Edited by blaustein
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Shotgun Sheriff Badge, Handicap: Ahmed Johnson (c) vs PG-13- I'm here for the Ahmed push

Falls Count Anywhere: The Godwinns vs The Headbangers tough call could go either way 

Hardy Boys vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico- could be a chance for the luchadores to get a win but the Hardy Boys could use one too.

Caribbean Strap: Faarooq vs Savio Vega- Faarooq wins unless Ahmed gets involved

BONUS: Who answers Stone Cold's Texas open challenge? Bart Gunn



 Sunday Morning Superstars #536

Alex Porteau vs British Bulldog- Bulldog squash

Fuerza Guerrera/Heavy Metal/Abismo Negro vs Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover

Mankind/The Executioner vs Diesel/Razor Ramon

Shawn Michaels vs The Goon



 Monday Night Raw #194 

Bret Hart vs Leif Cassidy

Mankind vs Terry Funk

WWF Intercontinental: HHH (c) vs Marc Mero

Shawn Michaels/??? vs Stone Cold/???

BONUS: Who is Shawn Michaels' partner? Marty Jannetty

BONUS: Who is Stone Cold's partner? Vader


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7 hours ago, blaustein said:


As ever, thanks to everyone who made their picks! Here were the answers to the Rumble bonus questions (for fairness, I gave a point if your choice for winner was incorrect but was still in the final four):

  • Surprise Entrants: Terry Funk & Papa Shango (kudos to @Vandal for getting both right)
  • Iron Man: Bret Hart [60:24]
  • Most Eliminations: Vader [5]
  • Final Four [not including winner]: Bret Hart, Vader, Papa Shango

Here's the scores at present. The pick 'ems prizes are for the winner as of the end of January, so that means there'll be the below shows then one more week before we determine who gets to pick a signing to the WWF roster! As you can see, while we have @Njord narrowly in the lead there's still all to play for!

26 - @Njord
25 - @Kirby
24 - @sonny912
23 - @Blodyxe
22 - @alpha2117
20 - @arlovski
19 - @Lord Byron
18 - @Teasenitryn
17 - @TheAwesomeZero101 @Vandal
15 - @Dawn @phoenixnitro
10 - @Kieran_Lives @Jason Phoenix
8 - @CharDeeMacDennis
6 - @neslo024 @moafnsteel
5 - @TheYEAHMovement


On Shotgun Saturday Night, Savio Vega takes on Faarooq in his signature Caribbean Strap match; on Sunday, the most charismatic showman in the WWF is in action... against Shawn Michaels; and new WWF Champion Michaels and Rumble winner Austin each pick a mystery partner in a blockbuster Raw main event!

There are 15 points to play for - 12 for guessing match results and 3 BONUS questions. NB: Shotgun & Superstars this week take place prior to the Royal Rumble (hence Mankind/Executioner still being together), and Raw is the night after - I'll resolve this quirk in time for the next PPV.

WEEK 3 January 14th to 20th 1997

 Shotgun Saturday Night #3 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, Handicap: Ahmed Johnson (c) vs PG-13
Falls Count Anywhere: The Godwinns vs The Headbangers
Hardy Boys vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico
Caribbean Strap: Faarooq vs Savio Vega
BONUS: Who answers Stone Cold's Texas open challenge?

 Sunday Morning Superstars #536
Alex Porteau vs British Bulldog
Fuerza Guerrera/Heavy Metal/Abismo Negro vs Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover
Mankind/The Executioner vs Diesel/Razor Ramon
Shawn Michaels vs The Goon

 Monday Night Raw #194 
Bret Hart vs Leif Cassidy
Mankind vs Terry Funk
WWF Intercontinental: HHH (c) vs Marc Mero
Shawn Michaels/??? vs Stone Cold/???
BONUS: Who is Shawn Michaels' partner?
BONUS: Who is Stone Cold's partner?


The headbangers

Pierroth Jr and Cibernetico 

Farooq thanks to interference from the Nation

Bret Hart answers the challenge

British Bulldog 


Mankind but instead of the Executioner who was fired by Paul Bearer we get Papa shango as his replacement

Shawn michaels

Bret Hart

Terry funk





Edited by sonny912
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 Shotgun Saturday Night #3 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, Handicap: Ahmed Johnson (c) vs PG-13
Falls Count Anywhere: The Godwinns vs The Headbangers
Hardy Boys vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico
Caribbean Strap: Faarooq vs Savio Vega
BONUS: Who answers Stone Cold's Texas open challenge? Bob Holly
 Comments: If rudo guys don't win against Hardyz I think the lucha project is not gonna live for too much longer.

 Sunday Morning Superstars #536
Alex Porteau vs British Bulldog
Fuerza Guerrera/Heavy Metal/Abismo Negro vs Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover
Mankind/The Executioner vs Diesel/Razor Ramon
Shawn Michaels vs The Goon
 Comments: Thought that The Executioner was cut off

 Monday Night Raw #194 
Bret Hart vs Leif Cassidy
Mankind vs Terry Funk
WWF Intercontinental: HHH (c) vs Marc Mero
Shawn Michaels/??? vs Stone Cold/???
BONUS: Who is Shawn Michaels' partner? Bret Hart
BONUS: Who is Stone Cold's partner? Owen Hart
 Comments: Funker gets a W to make this rivalry more even, can't see Mankind winning it already. I know that Bret is already wrestling, but that match would SLAP

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 Shotgun Saturday Night #3 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, Handicap: Ahmed Johnson (c) vs PG-13
Falls Count Anywhere: The Godwinns vs The Headbangers
Hardy Boys vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico
Caribbean Strap: Faarooq vs Savio Vega
BONUS: Who answers Stone Cold's Texas open challenge? Terry Funk
 Comments: It breaks my heart to pick Ahmed ever. The bangers are less naff than the Godwinns, The Hardy Boys get more out of jobbing to the vets than winning against locals on a dark match, Faarooq is on anothe rlevel to Vega.  Bret makes sense to answer Stone Cold but I am going with Funk.   

 Sunday Morning Superstars #536
Alex Porteau vs British Bulldog
Fuerza Guerrera/Heavy Metal/Abismo Negro vs Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover
Mankind/The Executioner vs Diesel/Razor Ramon
Shawn Michaels vs The Goon
 Comments: Could there be a surprise win by the underdogs in any of these matches? No. The totally real Diesel & Ramon could pin Executioner if Paul and Mankind abandon him but honestly they need to split up and be repackaged not kept in this ridiculous failed knock-off gimmick..

 Monday Night Raw #194 
Bret Hart vs Leif Cassidy
Mankind vs Terry Funk
WWF Intercontinental: HHH (c) vs Marc Mero
Shawn Michaels/??? vs Stone Cold/??? - Double countout messy finish
BONUS: Who is Shawn Michaels' partner? Undertaker  
BONUS: Who is Stone Cold's partner? Sid
 Comments: 3 wins by the established talent then a messy Main Event setting up Taker & Sid as a program going into Mania and furthering the Stone Cold v Shawn feud. 

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WEEK 3 January 14th to 20th 1997

 Shotgun Saturday Night #3 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, Handicap: Ahmed Johnson (c) vs PG-13
Falls Count Anywhere: The Godwinns vs The Headbangers
Hardy Boys vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico
Caribbean Strap: Faarooq vs Savio Vega
BONUS: Who answers Stone Cold's Texas open challenge? British Bulldog

 Sunday Morning Superstars #536
Alex Porteau vs British Bulldog
Fuerza Guerrera/Heavy Metal/Abismo Negro vs Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover
Mankind/The Executioner vs Diesel/Razor Ramon
Shawn Michaels vs The Goon

 Monday Night Raw #194 
Bret Hart vs Leif Cassidy
Mankind vs Terry Funk
WWF Intercontinental: HHH (c) vs Marc Mero
Shawn Michaels/??? vs Stone Cold/???
BONUS: Who is Shawn Michaels' partner? Razor Ramon
BONUS: Who is Stone Cold's partner? Jeff Hardy

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 Shotgun Saturday Night #3 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, Handicap: Ahmed Johnson (c) vs PG-13
Falls Count Anywhere: The Godwinns vs The Headbangers
Hardy Boys vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico
Caribbean Strap: Faarooq vs Savio Vega
BONUS: Who answers Stone Cold's Texas open challenge? Terry Funk
 Comments: I think Ahmed sweeps PG-13. Headbangers have more upside to the Godwinns. I feel the luchas need a win to keep momentum. Faarooq ain't losing to Savio Vega. Honestly wouldnt be surprised if Austin's open challenge was someone like Freddy J Floyd or something but I'm hoping for a great main event.

 Sunday Morning Superstars #536
Alex Porteau vs British Bulldog
Fuerza Guerrera/Heavy Metal/Abismo Negro vs Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover
Mankind/The Executioner vs Diesel/Razor Ramon
Shawn Michaels vs The Goon
 Comments: The British Bulldog gets an easy squash. Mil Mascaras uses his doesn't work for me hermano card. While the tag match can go both ways, I'm leaning towards the more popular dysfunctional team. I still love The Goon and part of the squad but I have to do what's best for him to get pushed.

 Monday Night Raw #194 
Bret Hart vs Leif Cassidy
Mankind vs Terry Funk - Double DQ or countout.
WWF Intercontinental: HHH (c) vs Marc Mero
Shawn Michaels/??? vs Stone Cold/???
BONUS: Who is Shawn Michaels' partner? The Undertaker
BONUS: Who is Stone Cold's partner? Vader
 Comments: Bret Hart wins in a fun match. I feel like Mankind and Funk is a longer term feud so it won't blow off here. I'm predicting an upset for Mero, always liked him and I feel that Goldust needs a bit of revenge on HHH. Main Event is a tossup but I feel Bret Hart is gonna interfere and cause some trouble.

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Ahmed Johnson
Pierroth Jr. & Cibernetico
I like Billy Gunn for the challenge

British Bulldog
Mil Mascaras' team
Mankind & Executioner
Shawn Michaels

Bret Hart
Triple H
Austin & ???
Bret Hart is HBK's partner, Sid is Austin's partner

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8 hours ago, blaustein said:


As ever, thanks to everyone who made their picks! Here were the answers to the Rumble bonus questions (for fairness, I gave a point if your choice for winner was incorrect but was still in the final four):

  • Surprise Entrants: Terry Funk & Papa Shango (kudos to @Vandal for getting both right)
  • Iron Man: Bret Hart [60:24]
  • Most Eliminations: Vader [5]
  • Final Four [not including winner]: Bret Hart, Vader, Papa Shango

Here's the scores at present. The pick 'ems prizes are for the winner as of the end of January, so that means there'll be the below shows then one more week before we determine who gets to pick a signing to the WWF roster! As you can see, while we have @Njord narrowly in the lead there's still all to play for!

26 - @Njord
25 - @Kirby
24 - @sonny912
23 - @Blodyxe
22 - @alpha2117
20 - @arlovski
19 - @Lord Byron
18 - @Teasenitryn
17 - @TheAwesomeZero101 @Vandal
15 - @Dawn @phoenixnitro
10 - @Kieran_Lives @Jason Phoenix
8 - @CharDeeMacDennis
6 - @neslo024 @moafnsteel
5 - @TheYEAHMovement


On Shotgun Saturday Night, Savio Vega takes on Faarooq in his signature Caribbean Strap match; on Sunday, the most charismatic showman in the WWF is in action... against Shawn Michaels; and new WWF Champion Michaels and Rumble winner Austin each pick a mystery partner in a blockbuster Raw main event!

There are 15 points to play for - 12 for guessing match results and 3 BONUS questions. NB: Shotgun & Superstars this week take place prior to the Royal Rumble (hence Mankind/Executioner still being together), and Raw is the night after - I'll resolve this quirk in time for the next PPV.

WEEK 3 January 14th to 20th 1997

 Shotgun Saturday Night #3 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, Handicap: Ahmed Johnson (c) vs PG-13
Falls Count Anywhere: The Godwinns vs The Headbangers
Hardy Boys vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico
Caribbean Strap: Faarooq vs Savio Vega
BONUS: Who answers Stone Cold's Texas open challenge?

 Sunday Morning Superstars #536
Alex Porteau vs British Bulldog
Fuerza Guerrera/Heavy Metal/Abismo Negro vs Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover
Mankind/The Executioner vs Diesel/Razor Ramon
Shawn Michaels vs The Goon

 Monday Night Raw #194 
Bret Hart vs Leif Cassidy
Mankind vs Terry Funk
WWF Intercontinental: HHH (c) vs Marc Mero
Shawn Michaels/??? vs Stone Cold/???
BONUS: Who is Shawn Michaels' partner?
BONUS: Who is Stone Cold's partner?


The Headbangers via some sort of shenanigans involving Brother Love

Cibernético & Pierroth Jr.

Savio Vega

Justin Hawk Bradshaw 


Alex Pourteau - Owen Hart "accidentally" trips up British Bulldog

Heavy Metal, Fuerza Guerrera & Abismo Negro win what becomes 3 vs. 2 when The Honky Tonk Man takes out Mil Máscaras 

Diesel & Razor Ramon - "The Goon", "Salvatore Sincere" & "T.L. Hopper" attempt to interfere, but are chased away by "1-2-3 Kid".

The Goon by Countout - Shawn Michaels leaves the ring to flirt with with an audience member, the lady's partner (Brakus) stands up and he is shocked by his physique, missing the ten count.


Leif Cassidy - Bret Hart gets distracted by Owen Hart & British Bulldog arguing at ringside.

Terry Funk

Marc Mero - Triple H gets distracted by Marlena being attacked by a mystery woman at ringside  

Shawn Michaels & Brakus


Justin Hawk Bradshaw 

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 Shotgun Saturday Night #3 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, Handicap: Ahmed Johnson (c) vs PG-13
Falls Count Anywhere: The Godwinns vs The Headbangers
Hardy Boys vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico
Caribbean Strap: Faarooq vs Savio Vega
BONUS: Who answers Stone Cold's Texas open challenge? Bradshaw


 Sunday Morning Superstars #536
Alex Porteau vs British Bulldog
Fuerza Guerrera/Heavy Metal/Abismo Negro vs Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover
Mankind/The Executioner vs Diesel/Razor Ramon
Shawn Michaels
vs The Goon


 Monday Night Raw #194 
Bret Hart vs Leif Cassidy
Mankind vs Terry Funk
WWF Intercontinental: HHH (c) vs Marc Mero
Shawn Michaels/??? vs Stone Cold/???
BONUS: Who is Shawn Michaels' partner? Razor Ramon
BONUS: Who is Stone Cold's partner? Sid Vicious


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Shotgun Saturday Night picks: Ahmed Johnson (c), The Headbangers, Hardy Boys, Faarooq, and the Executioner answers Stone Cold's Texas challenge...

Saturday Morning Superstars: British Bulldog, Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover, Diesel/Razor Ramon, and Shawn Michaels...

Monday Night Raw: Bret Hart, Mankind, HHH (c), and Shawn Michaels/Dustin Rhodes (his partner), with Stone Cold's partner being Razor Ramon...

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WEEK 3 January 14th to 20th 1997

 Shotgun Saturday Night #3 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, Handicap: Ahmed Johnson (c) vs PG-13
Falls Count Anywhere: The Godwinns vs The Headbangers
Hardy Boys vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico
Caribbean Strap: Faarooq vs Savio Vega
BONUS: Who answers Stone Cold's Texas open challenge?
Answer: The Stalker

 Sunday Morning Superstars #536
Alex Porteau vs British Bulldog
Fuerza Guerrera/Heavy Metal/Abismo Negro vs Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover
Mankind/The Executioner vs Diesel/Razor Ramon
Shawn Michaels vs The Goon

 Monday Night Raw #194 
Bret Hart vs Leif Cassidy
Mankind vs Terry Funk
WWF Intercontinental: HHH (c) vs Marc Mero
Shawn Michaels/??? vs Stone Cold/???
BONUS: Who is Shawn Michaels' partner?
Answer: Diesel
BONUS: Who is Stone Cold's partner?
Answer: The Goon

Edited by Kirby
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 Shotgun Saturday Night #3 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, Handicap: Ahmed Johnson (c) vs PG-13
Falls Count Anywhere: The Godwinns vs The Headbangers
Hardy Boys vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico
Caribbean Strap: Faarooq vs Savio Vega
BONUS: Who answers Stone Cold's Texas open challenge? The Sultan

 Sunday Morning Superstars #536
Alex Porteau vs British Bulldog
Fuerza Guerrera/Heavy Metal/Abismo Negro vs Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover
Mankind/The Executioner vs Diesel/Razor Ramon
Shawn Michaels vs The Goon

 Monday Night Raw #194 
Bret Hart vs Leif Cassidy
Mankind vs Terry Funk
WWF Intercontinental: HHH (c) vs Marc Mero
Shawn Michaels/??? vs Stone Cold/???
BONUS: Who is Shawn Michaels' partner? Undertaker
BONUS: Who is Stone Cold's partner? Sid

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Hello! New meds have knocked me on my butt, so I’m going to post both Shotgun and Superstars in an abbreviated form tomorrow. These are lame duck shows to an extent as they take place before the Rumble PPV, so there won’t be a huge amount to cover.

Monday Night Raw will then be posted as usual in full on Monday as we move forward coming out of the Rumble.

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8 hours ago, blaustein said:

Hello! New meds have knocked me on my butt, so I’m going to post both Shotgun and Superstars in an abbreviated form tomorrow. These are lame duck shows to an extent as they take place before the Rumble PPV, so there won’t be a huge amount to cover.

Monday Night Raw will then be posted as usual in full on Monday as we move forward coming out of the Rumble.

Hope you feel better soon

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Really hope I win, I thought about it and decided that the Eliminators, John kronus and perry Saturn are who I want signed. Rvd hasn't had his legendary reign with the TV title yet and Raven apparently had beef with Bruce Pritchard or whoever was backstage during his last run which is why he wasn't utilized properly when he was brought in in 2000 so he's out.

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With all the recent excitement around WWF's Royal Rumble and WCW's nWo Souled Out (the so-called Sunday Night War), I almost forgot to review the WWF's weekend B-show programming leading up to the Rumble. These shows were largely secondary as Raw featured most of the main build to the PPV, so they won't get the full K. Fabe segment by segment review treatment - but there were still some tasty nuggets of feud advancement and general WWF wackiness.

So what are we waiting for? Let's go, smarks!


Shotgun Saturday Night #3 opened with Jim Ross back at commentary - Brian Pillman alluded to J.R.'s family emergency last week, and Ross in turn wondered why Pillman hadn't got fired from the commentary gig yet. It's a good thing these two are friendly backstage, because otherwise I'd be thinking these were very real barbs - I call it the Shawn/Bret effect.

We saw a recap of PG-13 trying to eliminate Faarooq from the battle royal last week - the Nation Leader looks like he's going to chew them out, then surprisingly congratulates them for following the NoD creed of 'By Any Means Necessary'. He tasks them to take the Shotgun Sheriff Badge from Ahmed - and the pair head out to ringside, baiting Ahmed into a handicap match with a series of rap-style 'disses' about his intelligence.

Sheriff Ahmed came out of course - and soon squashed both men in about 5 minutes in spite of the numbers game. I give it two and a quarter stars but only because of PG-13's comical overselling of Ahmed's stilted offence. Ahmed retains the Sheriff Badge - hooray? Laying down his authority, he books Faarooq in a surprise match later then wants to settle the Godwinns/Headbangers feud with a Falls Count Anywhere match.

After the break, that's exactly what we got - some good old-fashioned trashy brawling around the night-club venue, into the toilets where Thrasher got a swirley and back into the bar. Thrasher blew whiskey in Phineas' eyes then Mosh did a stage dive from the bar to score the win. Jack Daniels ought to go down in the record books with an assist. Will this feud continue? Who knows?

Pierroth Jr. & Cibernetico took on the Hardy brothers, and it was so boring that I contemplated switching the channel to Nitro - then realised it was late on Saturday Night. Maybe I could just switch to SNL - I'd pay to see Will Ferrell and Norm Macdonald in a tag team match. Anyway, by the time I finished that thought, Pierroth had pinned Matt (or is it Jeff?) and we'd gone outside to where Salvatore Sincere had a megaphone and was spreading some cheer to the New York fans. Yawn.

We're now at our main event match (though not our main event segment) - Ahmed announced Faarooq would face Savio Vega in a Caribbean Strap Match. Announcers put over that Savio was undefeated in this stipulation (at least at the time). This was a solid three-star affair with Faarooq largely fighting clean until Crush got involved - because of course there's Nation interference. Faarooq got the win but Ahmed made the save for Savio after the bell - couldn't he have come a little quicker?

Main event segment was Stone Cold running down the New York fans and proposing a Texas open challenge in honor of Sunday's Rumble from San Antonio. Bart Gunn answered the challenge and was about to cut a promo when Justin Hawk Bradshaw came out too. And then to the delight of about half of the fans (the others were just there to get drunk), Terry Funk came out too! ECW was in New York last night, so it tracks. Funk said he'd be in the Rumble and all four men brawled, with Austin tossing Bart and Bradshaw but getting tipped by Funk. Yeehaw!

The show was fine mostly but we didn't really get any build for the Rumble besides a heaping helping of Ahmed vs Faarooq. Shotgun seems to be the Ahmed and Austin show - not that I'm complaining especially. I give the whole thing three stars out of five.


Sunday Morning Superstars took place the same day as the Rumble, but was actually filmed six days prior after the Raw tapings - this is the case every week, which is why you rarely see any angles that go from Shotgun to Superstars since the former hasn't happened yet.

Davey Boy Smith beat Alex Porteau in what was charmingly called a 'dog fight' - I'm sure it took creative hours to come up with that one. Most notable was what came after the finish - Bulldog shook the Pug's hand, showing some good sportsmanship that Clarence Mason didn't enjoy. At least he didn't sniff his butt.

We got a recap of Raw. Actually, the show was filled with recaps and Rumble previews, which makes sense - but doesn't give me a lot of material to riff on. Neither did the next match, which pitted three AAA tecnicos versus three AAA rudos. I don't remember all of their names but Mil Mascaras was there, and Pierroth Jr. was on commentary refusing to speak English. The WWF haven't given me a reason to care about these luchadors yet besides generic flippy exhibitions. Dos estrellas. Mil’s team won by the way.

Mankind and Executioner were in action next against Fake Diesel and Fake Razor. Their tag team may be kaput as of the Rumble, but Bearer's masked men worked fine here, taking out the Fakes in about seven minutes. Great Mankind promo afterwards where he implies he didn't just wrestle the real Big Daddy Cool and Bad Guy, saying everyone has something to hide - but that Owen and Bulldog's feud was public. Heel versus heel shouldn't work but it sort of does - Bulldog is a quasi-babyface at this point anyway.

Shawn Michaels squashed the Goon to finish the show. I have no idea why the Goon keeps getting these Superstars main events - I assume it's a stupid inside joke and someone in the booking team is getting a kick out of it. It's literally impossible to suspend my disbelief long enough to think Goon could beat HBK the same day that he wrestles a world title match in his hometown. Don't insult my intelligence, WWF.

Shawn was interviewed by the Toddster afterwards. He dedicated his title match to Jose Lothario, who he hopes will be watching somewhere. That's nice.

Superstars had some build for the tag title match and good promos from Mankind and Michaels - that's enough for it to score three and a half stars out of five in my book. And this is my book. Website. Thing.


We'll see you later for blow-by-blow coverage of Monday Night Raw and the latest industry insider news here at the Dirt Sheet: "we get dirty so you don't have to!"

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WCW Souled Out is in the books. In the end, this nWo-themed show saw a hot-shotting of a potential money angle, with Hollywood Hogan's open challenge for the WCW World Heavyweight title being accepted by the returning Ultimate Warrior - and Hogan promptly getting his win back from Wrestlemania VI. Politickers gonna politic, brother. The match was about as good as the Rumble main event, in spite of Hogan being no Shawn Michaels.

Elsewhere on the card, match of the night was split between Eddy Guerrero defeating Arn Anderson to retain the WCW U.S. Heavyweight title, and the team of Randy Savage and Lex Luger beating Chris Benoit and the Giant. The undercard was full of non-PPV caliber nWo B-Team outings, featuring Michael Wallstreet over Ice Train, Big Bubba Rogers over Alex Wright, and Jim Duggan beating Vincent in a match that probably also belonged on Wrestlemania VI alongside the main event.

One match I wish had been on the PPV was an alleged backstage confrontation between Rey Misterio Jr. and Miss Elizabeth. I don't even know what those two would have to argue about.

The PPV's last minute date chance had its intended effect on the competition - Souled Out's domestic buy-rate was a reported 5.36 to Royal Rumble's 1.04. If I was Vince McMahon, I'd be feeling very nervous about an upcoming "Sunday Night War" - particularly if WCW counter-program Wrestlemania 13.


 Welcome to Monday Night Raw! 
Episode #194, January 20th 1997 - Dallas, TX


Sirens echo through the Dallas Reunion Arena as Vince McMahon's roaring voice intones: "Welcome everyone to the Monday Night Rrrrraw after the Rrrroyal Rrrrrumble and the beginning of the Rrrrroad to WrrrestleMania!" McMahon catches his breath as Jim Ross adds: "What a night it was, Vince! For Shawn Michaels, it was the highest of highs - he regained the WWF Championship in front of a capacity hometown crowd. And for the Hitman Bret Hart, the lowest of lows - one grueling hour in the Rumble led to Stone Cold Steve Austin having his hand raised in highly questionable fashion."

Jerry Lawler sighs dramatically: "Oh, boo-hoo! You can call it what you want, J.R., but we all saw it - Austin outsmarted Bret! Not that outsmarting the Hitman is any achievement." Jim Ross snaps back: "We all know the rules of the Rumble, King - Austin was thrown over the top rope and both feet touched the floor. Bret thought he'd won the match when Austin came back in and eliminated him." Lawler cackles: "The look on Bret's face when he got dumped harder than Goldust was priceless, ha-ha! After last night, he oughta be walking around calling himself the Excellence of Elimination!"

Vince mediates between the two, stating evenly: "In the World Wrestling Federation, the referee's decision is final - and whatever the circumstances, the winner of the 1997 Royal Rumble is Stone Cold Steve Austin. And-- well, speak of the Hitman!"

Bret Hart's music hits and the Hitman makes his way down the ramp dressed for competition. He's as focused as ever, but there's a surprising coldness in his expression, his jaw clenching as though trying to keep his composure. When he reaches the ring steps, he locks his gaze on an "Austin 3:16" sign held by a fan at ringside, and just shakes his head before climbing into the ring to meet his opponent for tonight, Leif Cassidy. [73]



Bret stares across the ring blankly at his opponent, a clear tension and unhappiness etched in his face. "You've got to feel for Bret," J.R. notes, "less than twenty-four hours ago he wrestled an hour to get a shot at the WWF title, and now he's back to the drawing board." Vince responds: "Well, the Hitman has shown a remarkable ability to rebound from defeat before - who knows what this Road to WrestleMania will hold for him?" Lawler is quick to retort: "Well, it won't hold a WWF title shot. I hear there's a spot on the Free For All, ha-ha!"

Leif Cassidy cockily tries to lock up with Bret, but the Hitman is in no mood tonight and quickly grabs a side headlock, applying enough pressure to make the New Rocker squeal. The Excellence of Execution begins to dismantle Cassidy with surgical precision, hitting a crisp snap suplex followed by a pendulum backbreaker. While Bret seems to be going through the motions, but his technique remains as perfect as ever.

"You know," Lawler says, "I bet it eats at Bret that Cassidy had the same opportunity he had last night, but he sold his spot in the Rumble!" Vince is quick to interject, noting: "Now, that is unfounded speculation. It is the longstanding policy of the World Wrestling Federation that an unfair advantage in competition cannot be bought, sold or traded." Lawler giggles, responding: "Yeah, and if you believe that, I've got some oceanfront property here in Dallas to sell you."

Bret nails Cassidy with a Russian legsweep before going up top with a vicious diving elbow from the top. Bret rises with a wincing expression, flexing his fingers in and out as if he's injured something - but then simply pulls Leif's legs up and sinks in the Sharpshooter. Cassidy taps within seconds, and while the bell rings, Hart leaves the hold locked in for a few seconds longer. "I don't know if Bret heard the bell," Ross adds worriedly, "or if he's making some kind of statement at Cassidy's expense." [77]



After the match, Bret stands in the center of the ring, his face a mask of frustration. Dok Hendrix approaches him, asking: "After last night, what's next for the Hitman?" Bret snaps his head towards Dok, a bitter smirk crossing his face as he chews his lip, as if contemplating what to say. There's a few moments of awkward silence, as only the faint buzz of the crowd can be heard, before Bret leans into the microphone and begins to speak slowly and candidly.

"You know, Dok, I've been in this business nineteen years... and I've been around the business my whole life. My dad used to say 'wrestling doesn't owe you anything, but you owe it everything.' And some people say I had a lucky break starting out, but in the Dungeon, he didn't take it easy on anyone - he pushed us all to our limit, and sometimes, it felt like too much. But what he was really teaching us wasn't just how to wrestle - he was teaching us about life. About hard work, dedication and respect." Bret takes a breath, smiling faintly as he looks around the fans, before he continues.

"Some of you might know that my contract with the WWF was up a few months ago. When I stepped away last year, I didn't know if I'd ever be back - maybe it was time for me to focus on something else. But then I realised... wrestling was all I knew, and all I ever wanted to do. And a top wrestling company made me an offer - nine million dollars over three years. I don't have a lot of years left at the top, and this was my last chance to make that kind of money. But against my own better judgment, I signed a twenty year deal with the WWF for half of that. I left money on the table and committed to this company, because of my fans and because there are more important things than money - hard work, dedication and respect."

Bret turns to face Vince McMahon at commentary, and his previously calm demeanor begins to fade as he barely holds back his bitterness. "You said they wouldn't know what to do with 'the Hitman', but that you'd treat me right - you called me your 'Babe Ruth', your franchise player, you said I was like a son to you. You told me I'd get my rightful shot at the WWF title, that I'd get everything I deserved - but what happened instead? That boy-toy Michaels got the shot and you throw me in to the Royal Rumble at number one, knowing damn well you're setting me up to fail! But I go and do it anyway, I wrestle an hour and somehow Steve Austin weasels out a win and I get screwed. Where was the officiating? Where were the rules? Where's the respect for all the years I carried this company on my back?"

Bret is now seething - Dok diplomatically tries to withdraw the microphone but Hart snatches it with a burst of anger: "I'm not finished yet!" He takes another breath, trying to keep his composure as his voice begins to shake. "You promised me the world but when it comes time to deliver, you pull the GOD-DAMNED rug out from under me! I've had it! I'm tired of being lied to, I'm sick of the referees turning a blind eye when I'm the one getting cheated! You don't care about the rules? That's fine! Because if YOU won't follow the rules, then I'M done playing by them."

Bret narrows his eyes as he stares directly at Vince McMahon: "Which means... if you won't honor your end of the contract, then I won't honor mine. What's next for the Hitman? What kind of stupid-- well, I'm going to do what's best for me for once - because I QUIT! Screw you, screw this place - I'm done!" Bret throws down the microphone and simply walks up the ramp without looking back, his every step filled with fury until he simply disappears behind the curtain.

"Ladies and gentlemen," a worried Vince McMahon says uncertainly, "it appears that Bret Hart, in the heat of the moment, has... uh, quit the World Wrestling Federation. We'll be back after... uh, these messages." We cut to commercial as Lawler gets in a quick: "Good riddance!" [84]



We return from commercials as Mankind makes his entrance and Vince promises: "WWF President Gorilla Monsoon will address the events of the Royal Rumble and the uh, unprecedented remarks from Bret Hart minutes ago." Lawler cackles, responding: "I hope he tells Bret to get lost. Nineteen years in the business and he can't handle losing - what a big baby!" Ross responds sharply: "Bret Hart aired a lot of grievances, King - and I don't agree with all of them, but you have to admit, the referees made the wrong call last night." Lawler snorts: "I don't have to admit anything, J.R."

Mankind rushes Terry Funk in the aisle as the Texas legend makes his entrance - and the two are exchanging furious shots around the ringside area in due course. "This one hasn't even started yet, ladies and gentlemen," a confounded Vince exclaims as Mankind tries to gouge Funk's eyes, "it is... uh, hard to fathom the enmity that these two men have for one another." Lawler laughs, responding: "Well, they're idiots! The only thing going through their heads right now is each others' fists, ha-ha!" Ross provides context, responding: "In a past life, these two brawled from one side of the world to the other - and they're making up for lost time, folks." 

At a wailing Paul Bearer's behest, Mankind disentangles himself from the brawl and rolls into the ring - Funk follows and the match is officially underway. The two men embark upon an ugly brawl with headbutts, eye rakes and hard punches - which rapidly escalates into high-risk manuevers including an elbow drop from from the ring apron to the floor from Mankind, and a clumsy but nonetheless impressive moonsault from the top by Funk! In the end, they go back to exchanging hard punches - but Mankind catches Funk's arm mid-swing and swiftly applies the Mandible Claw!

The veteran thrashes wildly to escape the hold but eventually loses consciousness, as Mankind is awarded the match. Bearer offers his charge the urn, and he needily grabs it for comfort, rocking back and forth. "Looks like it's naptime for old Terry Funk," Jerry Lawler snarks, "you know, he's so old that when he orders a three-minute egg, they ask for the money up front!" Ross sighs, responding: "Terry Funk went up against one of the most brutal brawlers in the WWF and more than held his own, there's nothing to be ashamed of there, folks." [73]



"This title match was made official when the Wildman eliminated the Blueblood from the Rumble," Vince notes evenly as Hunter preens at ringside with Marlena, who is wearing expensive new jewellery and clutching a designer handbag. "Forget about that, McMahon," Lawler positively wolf-whistles in response, "look at Marlena and those diamond earrings! Turns out gold isn't her color, ha-ha!" Jim Ross is disgusted, responding: "Marlena sure showed her true colors at the Royal Rumble. It looks like some things can be bought." Lawler chuckles: "Well, Hunter once told me that money is the root of all... wealth!"

Mero gets off to a hot start, hitting HHH with a series of jabs and arm-drags - and when the champion bails to the outside, the Wildman hits a spectacular plancha! Sable has a big smile on her face, willing her man on, as Marlena simply sulks with arms crossed around her handbag. Mero sends Hunter back into the ring and scores a two count - the Wildman follows up by sending the Blueblood into the ropes, but gets hit with a hard high knee that rocks the challenger! "That ain't the dinner bell you hear ringing," Lawler quips, "that's the ringing in Marc Mero's ears!"

Sable watches on with growing concern as Hunter slows the pace down with methodical, punishing offence including a neckbreaker and chin lock, wrenching back hard on the Wildman's neck. She begins pounding the apron as the crowd rally behind Mero, who is able to fight back to his feet and break the hold with a well-placed elbow to the champion's midsection! The Wildman begins to build momentum with a back body drop and a springboard leg drop, before heading up top for the Wild Thing!

Marlena jumps to the apron and begins screeching at Mero - until Sable yanks her off the apron to the delight of the fans! Mero loses his focus for just a moment, allowing Hunter to recover long enough to crotch him on the ropes, before he hits a hellacious Pedigree to keep the challenger down. "The champion's new squeeze is already paying dividends," Jim Ross notes bitterly, "it only took a moment but Hunter capitalised on the distraction." Lawler disagrees: "Sable was the one that caused the distraction. I mean, I haven't been able to keep my eyes off her since she came out here!"  [73]



Marlena and Sable continue to scrappily fight on the outside, the larger woman manhandling the ex-director until Marlena pulls a hand into her handbag and throws glitter into her eyes! "Sable has been blinded," Vince says excitedly. "Do you think that means I could get a blind date with her?" Lawler asks hopefully. In the meantime, Hunter rolls to the outside to grab the Intercontinental Championship - when he re-enters the ring, he plasters a woozy Mero with the belt, causing a deep gash of blood to form on the Wildman's forehead. "There's your title shot," Lawler giggles.

The timekeeper gives Sable a bottle of water, allowing her to wash some of the glitter out of her eyes, and she immediately goes to the side of her fallen and bloodied man, as Hunter and Marlena kiss passionately on the outside. "Ditching Goldust was the best thing that ever happened to her - now that's a real power couple," Lawler states. "I hate to admit it, but you might be right, King," Ross says with weary resignation, "and with Marlena in his corner, it's difficult to imagine who can pry the Intercontinental Championship out of Hunter's hands." [73]



After the break, Gorilla Monsoon stands sombrely in the middle of the ring, microphone in hand: "Ladies and gentlemen, as President of the World Wrestling Federation, I feel it is my duty to address the events that transpired last night at the Royal Rumble. I've watched back the tape and it is clear to me, crystal clear in fact, that Steve Austin's feet touched the floor and he was indeed eliminated by Bret Hart."

The crowd chatter excitedly at Monsoon's statement, quietening down as he continues: "However, despite that incontrovertible fact, the officials in charge did not see Austin's elimination at the time it happened - and because of that, he re-entered the match and went on to be declared the winner." The fans begin to boo, but Monsoon raises a hand, signaling for calm. "In the WWF, there is one rule that has always been upheld, no matter the circumstances, and that is that the referee's decision is final. And indeed, Steve Austin will go in the record books as the winner of the 1997 Royal Rumble - but despite the outcome of that match, I'm offering Bret Hart a chance to set things right."

Gorilla now looks directly into the camera as he addresses the Hitman passionately: "Bret, you have every right to be upset. I understand your frustration, but walking out on your contract and sitting at home is not how I want to see this situation end. And I know that deep down, you don't want it to end this way either. So I'm offering you a chance to settle this once and for all - at the next pay-per-view event, I am offering you a one-on-one match with Steve Austin, and the winner will go on to main event WrestleMania!"

The crowd cheer excitedly as Monsoon makes a final personal appeal: "I'm asking you, Bret - come back and make things right. If not for yourself then for all the WWF fans that believe in you. And to Steve Austin... if you want to prove your victory in the Royal Rumble was no fluke, you'll get a chance to beat Bret man-to-man with no controversies and no excuses." Monsoon nods firmly and leaves as Ross adds: "Well, the ball is in Bret's court now - how will the Hitman respond?" Lawler snorts: "Bret complains about being disrespected but the President of the whole WWF just got down on his knees and begged for him to come back. Give me a break!" [79]



A confident Michaels and visibly annoyed Austin are already in the ring when their chosen partners each make their entrances. The crowd give Mil Mascaras a warm ovation as Vince notes: "Perhaps one last parting gift from Jose Lothario to the Heartbreak Kid - the Man of a Thousand Masks is a close friend of Lothario going way back." Lawler interjects: "Yeah, way way WAY back! I heard that when Lothario was a kid, the Three Wise Men helped him with his homework, ha-ha!" Next is the Executioner, cutting a lonely figure as he walks down the aisle. "Now this is an interesting pick for the Rattlesnake," Ross speculates, "perhaps the Executioner is looking for some new friends after the Royal Rumble."

Austin and Michaels circle each other to start, but Stone Cold quickly tags out to the Executioner as the fans boo. Michaels shines in the early going, as the shambling masked brawler seems utterly outmatched by the WWF Champion's speed and poise. Michaels tags in to Mascaras, who goes up top to hit a diving crossbody - but a furious Executioner swats him out of the air! Executioner and Austin take turns grinding down Mil, as the veteran luchador struggles to make any kind of a comeback and Michaels looks increasingly eager to get back in.

The momentum of the match shifts when Executioner seems to trip over his own feet trying to hit Mascaras with a big boot - and the canny Mil twists Executioner's mask, leaving him to blindly stumble around as he tags in to Michaels! Shawn hits the disoriented Executioner with lightning fast forearms followed by a flying forearm that takes the big man off his feet! One diving elbow drop from the top later and Michaels is signalling for some Sweet Chin Music, stomping his foot in the corner!

A disgusted Austin quits the match at that point, leaving Executioner to his fate - and the masked man soon gets a superkick to the head as Michaels finishes him off in 9:48! "You know, the Executioner is a crossword wrestler," Lawler snarks as Michaels and Mascaras celebrate, "he enters the ring vertically and leaves horizontally." McMahon hums in response: "In the end, Shawn Michaels and Mil Mascaras were able to work as a team - and Steve Austin abandoned the Executioner when the going got tough." [80]



At the top of the ramp, Austin is met by Dok Hendrix, microphone in hand. Dok looks with concern towards the ring as he asks: "Stone Cold Steve Austin, you chose the Executioner as your partner tonight - and you just left him to get beaten by two men. Why?"

Austin leans into the microphone, staring towards the ring with intensity as he responds: "You know, when I was first gettin' my feet wet in the Dallas Sportatorium, there was a guy named Terry Gordy. And let me tell you somethin' - back then, I looked up to him. Dok, you of all people know that he was one of the baddest men walkin' God's green earth - and I respected the hell outta him. So when he came to me in the back earlier today asking for a shot, maybe Stone Cold got a little sentimental."

Austin then pauses, his lip curling into a sneer. "But that was then and this is now. Executioner... Terry Gordy... whatever you want to call yourself, you ain't the same man I looked up to back then. You ain't got what it takes anymore. You're pathetic. You can't lace Stone Cold's boots and when I saw you couldn't hang out there, I cut you loose - because nothing is damn sure gonna slow Stone Cold down."

Austin leans closer towards the camera, his voice growing more agitated: "Now, one more thing - Bret Hart, you listen up real good. I don't care how many times you whine about being screwed at the Royal Rumble. And I don't care about whether the President of the WWF offers you an olive branch. Because if you step foot in my ring again, I'm going to take that olive branch and shove it up your pathetic ass."

Austin makes a final defiant statement as the show draws to a close: "You want to go sit at home and cry about hard work and dedication? Well, you can either take your ball and go home, or you can face Stone Cold and I'll retire your ass for good and send you home. It don't make no difference to me - and that's the bottom line, 'cause Stone Cold said so!" [93]


Show Rating: [84]


Edited by blaustein
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Thanks to all the pick 'ems contestants as ever! Regarding the bonus questions, while there weren't any successful guesses for Michaels and Austin's partners, I did award a point for any of the 3 men that answered the Texas Open Challenge: Bart Gunn, Justin Hawk Bradshaw and Terry Funk.

There's just one week left of January, and with 13 points at stake in the week ahead, there are still nine users in with a chance of scooping the monthly prize of choosing a signing to join the WWF user! @Njord maintains his lead by the narrowest of margins, but with one week to go, who will be the January 1997 champion? Choose wisely!

37 - @Njord
36 - @Kirby
34 - @sonny912 @alpha2117
33 - @Blodyxe
30 - @arlovski
29 - @Lord Byron
27 - @TheAwesomeZero101
26 - @Dawn
18 - @Teasenitryn
17 - @Vandal @neslo024
15 - @phoenixnitro
14 - @Jason Phoenix
12 - @Orioncrush
10 - @Kieran_Lives
8 - @CharDeeMacDennis
6 - @moafnsteel
5 - @TheYEAHMovement


On Shotgun Saturday Night, Ahmed lays down an open with the Sheriff Badge on the line! On Sunday Morning Superstars, Gorilla Monsoon announces the WWF's newest championship title! And on Monday Night Raw, it's an all-star tag team clash in the main event!

There are 13 points to play for - 11 for guessing match results and 2 BONUS questions!

WEEK 4 January 21st to 27th 1997

 Shotgun Saturday Night #4 
Triangle: Abismo Negro vs Flash Funk vs Octagon
Hardy Boys vs The Headbangers
Shotgun Sheriff Badge: Ahmed Johnson vs ???
BONUS: Who answers Ahmed's open challenge?

 Sunday Morning Superstars #537
Bart Gunn vs Justin Hawk Bradshaw
The Godwinns vs Salvatore Sincere/Jason Arnhdt
Bob Holly/Can-Am Express vs The Sultan/Diesel/Razor Ramon
Championship Tournament Preview:
Goldust/J.C. Ice/Pierroth Jr./The Stalker vs Jake Roberts/Jesse Jammes/Perro Aguayo/Rocky Maivia

BONUS: What new championship does Gorilla Monsoon announce?

 Monday Night Raw #195
Jason Arnhdt vs Stone Cold
HHH/Owen Hart/British Bulldog vs Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover
Freddie Joe Floyd vs The Executioner
Shawn Michaels/Ahmed Johnson vs Sycho Sid/Vader

Edited by blaustein
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