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Bonuses for Eye Candy for certain product types

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Certain product types should actually get at least small bonuses for eye candy matches Adult Risque is the obvious one but Adult Comedy and Rainbow Entertainment would make sense too.

Also Rainbow Entertainment should be able to use Eye Candy matches for workers of any Gender as one of it's Specials.

The game doesn't reward Eye Candy much which is fine but certain products are built around it and the people watching them want that sort of product.  All three that I've mentioned use adult humour and sexual situations in their product, it's in their DNA and it's what people expect from them.   



Edited by alpha2117
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  • alpha2117 changed the title to Bonuses for Eye Candy for certain product types
17 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

Certain product types should actually get at least small bonuses for eye candy matches Adult Risque is the obvious one but Adult Comedy and Rainbow Entertainment would make sense too.

Xtreme Adult Filth, too. It's supposedly the XPW product, but it sure doesn't look like that in-game. XPW has literal porn stars on their roster and in their merch commercials, angles are often filmed in or in front of a sex shop, and if the highlight reels are anything to go by, they also have boobtastic eye candy matches sometimes. It's the one thing that really sets them apart from other promotions, so I think the product should have some kind of indication that this kind of 'adult filth' is part of their identity. Not a mandatory Eye Candy aim, but maybe a slightly higher rating cap in Sex Appeal angles or something like that.

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17 hours ago, Big Roguey said:

Do you mean Rainbow Hardcore here because Rainbow Ent. is noted as being a throwback to early SE and is built as being relatively tame? It wouldn't make much sense for a family friendly leaning promotion to have eye candy boosts.

Both the Rainbow ones tend to use double entendre spots and angles in real life - weirdly as is Rainbow Hardcore limits Sex Appeal angles - it actually is just a Hardcore setting with a few special effects relating to hiring & founding practices.  I meant Rainbow Entertainment which is set up to require Comedy & Story Telling matches and is the one I would expect to do things like having Exoticos working matches with moves that look like sex positions and the like.  No Rainbow Entertainment is really family friendly - it's inherently more adult orientated as Sex and Sexuality are such a core part of it's DNA, some parents are okay with that but in general I would never call them family friendly.  These people can tone down the act to work a more family friendly product for sure but things like EFFY's shows or a Matter of Pride aren't really designed for kids.  Something like CHIKARA was happy to use LGTQIA+ workers and sort of infer about them that way but it wasn't inherently about Rainbow entertainment it was Family Friendly Lucha Libre.   

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16 minutes ago, GrindhouseArts said:

Xtreme Adult Filth, too. It's supposedly the XPW product, but it sure doesn't look like that in-game. XPW has literal porn stars on their roster and in their merch commercials, angles are often filmed in or in front of a sex shop, and if the highlight reels are anything to go by, they also have boobtastic eye candy matches sometimes. It's the one thing that really sets them apart from other promotions, so I think the product should have some kind of indication that this kind of 'adult filth' is part of their identity. Not a mandatory Eye Candy aim, but maybe a slightly higher rating cap in Sex Appeal angles or something like that.

Oh yeah for sure.  To me that and the ones I mentioned either shouldn't have caps or have much higher caps or even potentially have small bonuses for the product.  

Of course some LGBTQIA people have no interest in Sex Appeal angles - hence the A in the acronym


I was happy to see Jackie was ace in Historians mod.  So obviously she wouldn't care or even understand how to work an eye Candy match or be remotely interested in watching them really. 


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6 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

Both the Rainbow ones tend to use double entendre spots and angles in real life - weirdly as is Rainbow Hardcore limits Sex Appeal angles - it actually is just a Hardcore setting with a few special effects relating to hiring & founding practices.  I meant Rainbow Entertainment which is set up to require Comedy & Story Telling matches and is the one I would expect to do things like having Exoticos working matches with moves that look like sex positions and the like.  No Rainbow Entertainment is really family friendly - it's inherently more adult orientated as Sex and Sexuality are such a core part of it's DNA, some parents are okay with that but in general I would never call them family friendly.  These people can tone down the act to work a more family friendly product for sure but things like EFFY's shows or a Matter of Pride aren't really designed for kids.  Something like CHIKARA was happy to use LGTQIA+ workers and sort of infer about them that way but it wasn't inherently about Rainbow entertainment it was Family Friendly Lucha Libre.   

They might do that in real life but I think it's nice that there is an option for a product that offers the LGBTQ+ benefits but doesn't require it to be catered specifically towards adult fans. I agree some products would benefit from the suggestion but just because the product type has Rainbow in the name it doesn't necessarily mean that it needs to have the specific bonus. 

6 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

I was happy to see Jackie was ace in Historians mod.  So obviously she wouldn't care or even understand how to work an eye Candy match or be remotely interested in watching them really. 

This bit is just blatantly false though as someone who I guess is covered under the letter you're haphazardly trying to describe. Not all asexual people are automatons with no understanding of how more adult orientated entertainment works, some of us fully understand it but have no interest in it. 

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53 minutes ago, Big Roguey said:

They might do that in real life but I think it's nice that there is an option for a product that offers the LGBTQ+ benefits but doesn't require it to be catered specifically towards adult fans. I agree some products would benefit from the suggestion but just because the product type has Rainbow in the name it doesn't necessarily mean that it needs to have the specific bonus. 

This bit is just blatantly false though as someone who I guess is covered under the letter you're haphazardly trying to describe. Not all asexual people are automatons with no understanding of how more adult orientated entertainment works, some of us fully understand it but have no interest in it. 

Oh I know not all Ace people lack the ability to understand the concept of eye candy matches, heck a lot of Ace humour revolves around the ridiculousness of concepts like eye candy matches (that and invading parts of Scandanavia and eatigng Garlic Bread).  Ace people get that people do that stuff and why they just often seem to find it funny how obsessed some people are with it. Jackie the Ripper literally works a Jack the Ripper Horror gimmick though - she's a Horror Slasher gimmick worker and Eye Candy would be the antithesis of what she does.  Sorry if you thought I meant that all Ace people are the same as each other or incapable of understanding those concepts.  That would be like saying all Gay Men like Tom of Finland or all Lesbians only wear flannel and have short haircuts - some do but everyone in any community is always an individual not just a stereotype and even then people who fit the basic stereotypes are often very different from others who fit the same stereotype when you really know them.  

I agree not all Rainbow stuff necessarily has to be catering for adults but right now I dont think either category reflects what Rainbow feds actually do.   One is just the Hardcore fed where they just happen to hire more LGBTQIA+ people - it has nothing product wise that feels like it relates to the community at all otherwise.  Rainbow Entertainment at least requires a Comedy and Storytelling match which are both staples of the Rainbow stuff in real life but really doesn't seem to reflect the stuff that makes it Rainbow in the product.  If it gave a higher cap for Eye Candy or a bonus for it that doesn't mean YOU have to book those matches it just means the product naturally normally has some of that.   One of the beauty's of the game is that YOU get to decide how you book and if YOU dont want to do something you dont neccesarily have too unless it's a requirement of the product you choose.  Hope you get where I am coming from.    

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Adding a new, clearly adult-oriented product that gets a bonus for sex appeal/eye candy - and otherwise is Three Ring - would be ideal because that gives the most freedom to create niche companies that behave realistically. With that, you can give an owner/booker preferences for hardcore or entertainment, and hiring rules for certain styles to nudge the AI in the right direction. Three Ring Risque, Three Ring Adult, whatever you wanna call it. The Rainbow special effects don't seem important to me. What's missing is a product that not only accepts (= no penalties), but emphasizes and favors (= gives a bonus/advantage) adult content. So a product that covers this aspect and leaves the rest to the user would be the best solution.

If you want the company to be Wrestling Burlesque/Risque Adult or something similar, give the owner an entertainment bias and the booker hiring preferences for high performance skills, plus hiring rules that get them Comedy, Entertainer; exclude the ones that don't fit at all, like MMA Crossover. Most exoticos, burlesque, T&A workers and so on would qualify for that, so they'd get hired with or without the Rainbow special effect.

If you want the company to be XPW-ish, you can use the same product, give the knockoff Rob Black preferences for hardcore/edgy entertainment, set a high sex appeal requirement in the hiring rules for women (most workers with the Adult Entertainment attribute should qualify based on that), style requirements for hardcore, deathmatch, high flyer, daredevil, and you should get something similar to real life XPW.

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12 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

I was happy to see Jackie was ace in Historians mod.  So obviously she wouldn't care or even understand how to work an eye Candy match or be remotely interested in watching them really.

Some support for this statement: I'm ace and I definitely relate to this. Sure, I know how adult entertainment works and what sex appeal is, conceptually, but that often doesn't translate well when I have to 'apply my knowledge'. I'm frequently confused or outright baffled at who/what people find sexy, and in turn, non-aces are just as puzzled at who/what I think they'd find sexy.

This says 'TO work' an eye candy match, meaning 'actively participate in it', not 'she doesn't understand what it is'. If I were forced to work an eye candy match, it would probably look like the world's worst parody of a drag show or something, and it's highly unlikely that eye candy match enjoyers would like it.

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