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Contracts for user controlled owners

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My suggestion is that when playing as an owner of a company, there should be an adjustment to how the contracts work for the owner specifically. As of right now the pay is automatically recalculated each time you run a show, going off of the avatar's value and current stats. This makes it incredibly difficult to maintain realism or just general finance when creating your own company if you're using an avatar with popularity.

For example, in my current save I am playing as The Great Khali, who started his own India based wrestling promotion that is Tiny sized. I was given $10,000 to start with by the game, but then the game recalculates The Great Khali's contract to be an exclusive written contract at $6,200 per month. This makes 0 sense for nearly 3/4th the starting budget to go to the owner of the company every month, which you can't just put back into the company without editing your file every month. Additionally, you can't even edit your contract to fix this as it just recalculates every show. Why would a company owner handicap himself? If the owner of the company is the user, why is the money not simply re-cycled back into the company?

This should be a toggle-able feature or there should be something implemented to show the users personal funds from being paid by the company, and give us the option to put that money back into the company.

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