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Ability to specify which nationalities graduate from Training Facilities

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I would like the ability to specify what nationalities graduate from a training facility; something as simple as 5 dropdowns with the nationality list.

Ideally, there'd be a 'primary' nationality (90 % of graduates will be this), the others account for the remaining 10 %, plus an optional 'rare' setting (1 % chance a graduate will be this, for countries with very small populations that should only rarely appear - San Marino, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Luxembourg, Faroe Islands, and so on).

This would help a lot to make proper use of geo tagging in Europe especially. A school could be set to only generate workers from neighboring countries within a region, or countries that share a language. This would also help create diversity and realism since some nationalities never seem to appear naturally as it is.

For example, an Italian school (in Southern Mediterranean) could be set to have mostly Italian nationality graduates, and a smaller number of workers from neighboring countries with some language overlap (Italian-Swiss, Austria + San Marino as 'rare'). It would also be possible to create overlap between regions to reflect schools located near a border, for example a school in western Germany could have a small number of Dutch graduates (Central Europe - Western Europe) while a school in eastern Germany could have a few Polish or Czech (Eastern Central) workers. Especially in large countries or those with many neighbors, this would make things more realistic.

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