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Search New Workers in News

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Just something that might be beneficial to people who go hunting for young lions or cheap workers, but I always thought it would be great if there were a way for me to search specifically for New Workers in the News section who are available in my game area.

Right now, if I'm hunting for new young workers, I click on them one by one to find out who can work in Mexico (or whatever area I may be playing in). It can be a bit time consuming. It would be nice if there were an additional search option to limit it to workers who are active in my game area.

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16 hours ago, Jack Iscariot said:

Just something that might be beneficial to people who go hunting for young lions or cheap workers, but I always thought it would be great if there were a way for me to search specifically for New Workers in the News section who are available in my game area.

Right now, if I'm hunting for new young workers, I click on them one by one to find out who can work in Mexico (or whatever area I may be playing in). It can be a bit time consuming. It would be nice if there were an additional search option to limit it to workers who are active in my game area.

Why dont you just go to the workers screen and then sort by "years in the business", "can work in" and/or age?

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I may just be an oddity here with this, but after every show, I go to the News section, check for New Workers since my last show and shortlist everyone who is unemployed and available in my game area.

It keeps me with a steady line of rookies, and helps to ensure that they don't just sit on the sidelines too long outside of the independent shows. So, being able to filter out workers in that specific section of the game who aren't available in my game area would be of benefit to me.

Sounds like others probably wouldn't use it though, so we can go ahead and let this suggestion go.

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