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[WIP] Lower Decks - RW/CVerse agnostic - Added Company 3 Dollar Wrestling (Classic Wild West, MidSouth)

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These are not workers. I'll post a zip with all leftover female wrestlers I have once I'm done with all companies and see which are free agents. The images in this file are suited for workers without gimmicks, or subtle gimmicks (Realistic, Swagger, Bad Ass, Legitimate - stuff like 'Diva', 'Cocky', or 'Dual-Sports Athlete'). No crazy outfits, masks, facepaints here. Dyed hair, sunglasses, fancy jackets is as far as it goes.

There will be another file (possibly two) for Gimmicky/Cartoonish, Mysterious/Occult and other more out there gimmick types/costumes.

This database contains only 'Free Pictures' that will be used for generated (or quick fill-created) workers if you import the entries. All pictures are tagged with acceptable race, gender, role.

M1qH6Uw.jpeg wVelXbg.jpeg BQRCXnF.jpeg 3zsMq2G.jpeg

weF4W4f.jpeg NYqEUyA.jpeg GBqsO4n.jpeg kYydFgI.jpeg

SZiW17l.jpeg bPZ41lK.jpeg 04ULyPM.jpeg UHULvQt.jpeg

LD-FP-GenericF GFX.zip LD-FP-GenericF Data.zip

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  • GrindhouseArts changed the title to [Road to Conversion] [WIP] Lower Decks - RW/CVerse agnostic - Added Free Pictures Female Wrestlers Realistic/Swagger/No Gimmick...
  • GrindhouseArts changed the title to [Road to Conversion] [WIP] Lower Decks - RW/CVerse agnostic - Added Training Facilities & School/Dojo Logos


These are not workers. I'll post a zip with all leftover female wrestlers I have once I'm done with all companies and see which are free agents. The images in this file are suited for workers with Gimmicky/Cartoonish and Mysterious/Occult type gimmicks, or other gimmicks that require themed outfits.

This database contains only 'Free Pictures' that will be used for generated (or quick fill-created) workers if you import the entries. All pictures are tagged with acceptable race, gender, role.

pskREkM.jpeg fpucwjA.jpeg JRxbICA.jpeg m7153RL.jpeg

m1DT3kI.jpeg ocPmqw7.jpeg PCD18vg.jpeg qFDBShf.jpeg

H9Vwza7.jpeg mrFbCu8.jpeg hXOnt7n.jpeg YXFW7zS.jpeg



LD-FP-GimmickyF GFX.zip LD-FP-GimmickyF Data.zip

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  • GrindhouseArts changed the title to [Road to Conversion] [WIP] Lower Decks - RW/CVerse agnostic - Added Training Facilities & Logos, Free Pictures Female Gimmicky/Cartoonish/...
  • GrindhouseArts changed the title to [Road to Conversion] [WIP] Lower Decks - RW/CVerse agnostic - Added Free Pictures Female Gimmicky/Cartoonish/... & Company Logos

So I started a diary and am using Bryan Howard as a snarky version of Dave Meltzer reporting the wrestling news - he just looks like he's naturally that guy.


I put the Box of Chocolates, XENO & Spike people into the world as well as all the Celebrities

Oh and I love my random generated worker the fire breathing Exotico - El Dragón Exótico


That pic is straight fire 🔥❤️‍🔥🔥

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These are companies set to open in or after 2022. They have everything except rosters (what I would give for the ability to make contracts that 'begin in the future' without getting errors...). Products are a bit of everything from Classic Balanced to Wrestling Burlesque.

DATABASE - each company has:

  • Mandatory Founder with matching style preference, business reputation, booking skill. These are already active workers (wrestlers, announcers, road agents). The wrestler owners have movesets.
  • 1 Event with Logo & Geo Tags (most set to Monthly)
  • 1 TV Show with Logo (no contracts, so these will only be used once the companies make a deal)
  • Geo Tags - European companies will use my geo tagging system; US & Canada use what I expect most mods to have (City/State/Province)
  • Hiring Rules to maintain their product and identity
  • Most companies have at least 1 Title


  • Company logos + alts (243 total)
  • Worker pictures for owners (34 total)
  • Belt pictures for all existing titles, free belt pictures to create more titles (102 total)
  • Event/TV logos + alts (230 total)



hxuTs8f.jpeg BuhSJ5Z.jpeg 2Sfz4zX.jpeg J5FL732.jpeg

pk4RLjt.jpeg u98tC4r.jpeg JPyS0Jm.jpeg 7IggOBM.jpeg

EoQZ5YS.jpeg VF9S2kH.jpeg WknQKlD.jpeg 8TOfGQv.jpeg

OzzPwS3.jpeg  d9Dp4MM.jpeg bRymfZk.jpeg Ci9aB8r.jpeg

QnZdram.jpeg 4DvUgjS.jpeg DFfCp2X.jpeg 7jIRixr.jpeg

8bqmMwi.jpeg ePJfsR0.jpeg jFZQ6co.jpeg xYOVtvl.jpeg

6SvYCq6.jpeg 04leySX.jpeg VmfhzcB.jpeg 4RbYVEf.jpeg

jwX1A2S.jpeg qzMsg3q.jpeg GpoyDyC.jpeg



BT3FZTt.jpeg 19PDeIN.jpeg CHuGA1P.jpeg 6JzKE96.jpeg

iIMFY6z.jpeg pptffM3.jpeg DB9wAFc.jpeg L9rlTV6.jpeg

sh8ALZx.jpeg Xya8bb0.jpeg uKRlW3o.jpeg ypjOOOq.jpeg



YRDr49M.jpeg pjabDaE.jpeg Yczr05F.jpeg

LYCOLKh.jpeg v9HhcYM.jpeg dLt335e.jpeg

LD-FutureCompanies GFX.zip LD-FutureCompanies Database.zip

Edited by GrindhouseArts
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  • GrindhouseArts changed the title to [Road to Conversion] [WIP] Lower Decks - RW/CVerse agnostic - Added Companies (yet to open) with Owners, Events/TV, Titles, + GFX


This is 2 companies in one file, so I could add their relationship/alliance membership and shared workers. Icebreaker is a Public/Trade alliance, the company owners have a friendly relationship, and the companies a friendly attitude. There are 5 tag teams and several worker relationships, and 2 double contracts (workers that are under contract with both companies; others are shared via alliance).


SJr07iR.jpeg 5oCrVWW.jpeg

Based in Helsinki, Finland, SUOMI has established itself as one of the biggest companies in Northern Europe. Although their own style favors Classic Sports Entertainment, they have entered an alliance with the more rowdy 1 Fall Rock'n'Wrestling to build a bridge between Northern Europe and the Baltic States.

Intergender, Classic Sports Entertainment, Small, Northern Europe, 39 Workers

Event: Crossroads (Weekly)

TV Show: Fight Finland

Geo Tags: Uusimaa, Nordic, Baltic - Home Venue: none

Q76NNnH.jpeg 4Kq0mTO.jpeg Y56C1KU.jpeg

ViAhw4I.jpeg PLveqaH.jpeg bTd9r54.jpeg



Ty8P0GA.jpeg EQiQeAC.jpeg

Based in Tallinn, Estonia. 1FRW are the dominant company in the Baltics, with expansion plans toward Northern Europe. Their events often feature local hard rock and metal bands, or are cross-promotions with music festivals. 1FRW are allied with Finland's Suomi Pro.

Intergender, Bar Room Entertainment, Small, Eastern-Central Europe, 37 Workers

Event: Balls To The Wall (Monthly)

TV Show: Shake Rassle & Roll

Geo Tags: Harju County, Estonia, Baltic - Home Venue: none

3HttsFC.jpeg TRPlqUX.jpeg fUfQor7.jpeg

7jGac8E.jpeg RqzQapa.jpeg jAjlJJO.jpeg

LD-Icebreaker GFX.zip LD-Icebreaker Data.zip

Edited by GrindhouseArts
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  • GrindhouseArts changed the title to [Road to Conversion] [WIP] Lower Decks - RW/CVerse agnostic - Added Suomi Pro (Sports Entertainment/Finland) & 1 Fall Rock'n'Wrestling (Bar Room/Estonia)


A boring, picture-less update. This database includes only 88 Locations (not Venues) in Iberia to create 'countries' within the region. The geo tags are the framework I'll use for all European regions and - potentially, if I can bear the incredible fun it is to geo tag any longer - add Venues within the 'countries'. Each Location has Country & Language as default tags, the rest is used for things like the lingua franca, notable minority languages, geographical placement, city/region within the country. Descriptions are pretty much just brief wikipedia entries - where, borders what, population, size; deciding factors for who might run shows where.


  • ANDORRA - Andorra, Catalan, Spanish, Portuguese, French - 2 Locations
  • GIBRALTAR - Gibraltar, English, Spanish, Llanito, United Kingdom - 1 Location
  • PORTUGAL - Portugal, Portuguese, English/Spanish/French, City/Region, (Macaronesia) - 33 Locations
  • SPAIN - Spain, Spanish, regional/secondary language, City/Region, (Macaronesia) - 52 Locations (including 2 free port cities in North Africa)

Azores, Madeira (Portugal) and Canary Islands (Spain) have 'Macaronesia' to work as a geographical region instead of a language region since I plan to make a party promotion that sticks to the tourist hot spots (Mallorca, Ibiza) at some point.


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  • GrindhouseArts changed the title to [WIP] Lower Decks - RW/CVerse agnostic - Added 2 Companies (Europe) + Geo Tagged Iberia Region


y4EOzlr.jpeg PpRZ6yL.jpeg

Based in Palma de Mallorca, Fiesta wants to bring lucha libre to European audiences and has already established a foothold in the tourist hot spots on the Balearic Islands. Fiesta looks toward Mexico for potential alliances and expansion, and relies on the expertise of Mexican veterans to shape their Euro lucha style.

Intergender, Euro Lucha Libre Entertainment, Insignificant, Iberia, 44 Workers

Event: Luchalicious (Weekly)

TV Show: Next Lucha Legend

Geo Tags: Balearic Islands, Macaronesia, Spanish - Home Venue: Cinnamon Coast

CkLWESN.jpeg 8z5lwaa.jpeg mTZkO5q.jpeg

qti0Fj9.jpeg NixpX22.jpeg yOQf8qD.jpeg

To reflect the focus on tourist regions, there's some pop in Central Europe and British Isles, and the geo tags simulate an expansion to the tourist islands of Iberia before the mainland. The roster has several expats, Mexican nationals with some Mexican pop (the 'company mentors'), and some overlap with British Isles for active worker regions.

There are 4 titles/champions, 5 tag teams, and several roster relationships. GFX file has several free belt images with a lucha/Spanish theme.

LD-Fiesta GFX.zip

LD-Fiesta Data.zip

Edited by GrindhouseArts
fixed database; added Excursion status for 1 worker, moved 1 worker to Iberia
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  • GrindhouseArts changed the title to [WIP] Lower Decks - RW/CVerse agnostic - Added Geo Tagged Iberia Region, FIESTA Pro (Iberia/Lucha Entertainment)


I was just informed that the default data doesn't have geo tags. So I made some. This is really, really basic: all provinces & territories (sorted into whichever province they border), major cities & province capitals.

Tags are: Canada - Province - Region - City - (Francophone) - (First Nations Languages)

Basic US tags will take some time, but I'll do those, too.


Edited by GrindhouseArts
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  • GrindhouseArts changed the title to [WIP] Lower Decks - RW/CVerse agnostic - Added FIESTA Pro (Iberia/Lucha Entertainment), Basic Geo Tags Canada


These are not workers. I'll post a zip with all leftover male wrestlers I have once I'm done with all companies and see which are free agents. The images in this file are suited for workers without gimmicks, or subtle gimmicks (Realistic, Swagger, Bad Ass, Legitimate - stuff like 'Suave', 'Arrogant', or 'Dual-Sports Athlete'). No crazy outfits, masks, facepaints here. Dyed hair, sunglasses, fancy jackets is as far as it goes. (There are a few pictures that belong in Veteran or Gimmicky, but not many.)

There will be another file (possibly two) for Gimmicky/Cartoonish, Mysterious/Occult and other more out there gimmick types/costumes.

This database contains only 'Free Pictures' that will be used for generated (or quick fill-created) workers if you import the entries. All pictures are tagged with acceptable race, gender, role.

GVqOQid.jpeg zF0M7TV.jpeg kCfcI32.jpeg dJF548N.jpeg

lRRkJiP.jpeg w0lx9ln.jpeg 9GPu683.jpeg 277MGmk.jpeg

Bvfv62q.jpeg 9K8DDzg.jpeg QIWsIuo.jpeg pOyeeHT.jpeg

y0D5rFJ.jpeg eofBzN5.jpeg pokZsWT.jpeg p1k6Or6.jpeg

LD-FP-GenericM GFX.zip LD-FP-GenericM Data.zip

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  • GrindhouseArts changed the title to [WIP] Lower Decks - RW/CVerse agnostic - Added Basic Geo Tags Canada, Free Pictures Male Wrestlers Swagger/Bad Ass/Realistic...
5 hours ago, blk_junior said:

I love these so much, that I was wondering if you would be willing to make a PNG zip without the workers in the background. I would love to use some of the pictures and I format it in a GIF style.

Absolutely not. Making over 10k cutouts would take forever.

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These are just broadcaster logos. I did make broadcasters for Lower Decks, but something doesn't work right. The 2 Icebreaker companies signed with the Estonian sports channel as planned, but everyone else... Well, let's just say 'Eros Online' became the go-to broadcaster for every family friendly company in the mod, and the companies that are supposed to be raunchier (FAIRY, the Wrestling Burlesque folks) kept signing with 'EBBO' - a kids focus channel with the lowest risk tolerance. I have no idea how to fix that, so here are my logos - make your own broadcasters and maybe have better luck. lol

TkiiSRv.jpeg AR07bzS.jpeg 0FTUsgv.jpeg

OcGjYEp.jpeg q2ynRaK.jpeg vzG8hvx.jpeg

P2dj4Pk.jpeg GEPedW3.jpeg ytpj9nF.jpeg


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  • GrindhouseArts changed the title to [WIP] Lower Decks - RW/CVerse agnostic - Added Free Pictures Male Wrestlers Swagger/Bad Ass/Realistic... + Broadcaster logos


A boring, picture-less update. This database includes only 145 Locations (not Venues) in Eastern Europe, Russia. Since it is an absurdly large country that is lumped together with even more countries in one region, I tried to split it up in geographical regions as much as possible.

Geo Tags: Russia - Russian* - Federal District - Republic/Oblast/Krais - City

(*Other languages only for official languages or significant amount of speakers - 20 % and up.)



Edited by GrindhouseArts
forgot an oblast in Russia
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  • GrindhouseArts changed the title to [WIP] Lower Decks - RW/CVerse agnostic - Added Free Broadcaster logos, Geo Tagged Locations Russia/Eastern Europe


A boring, picture-less update. This database includes only 118 Locations (not Venues) in Southern Mediterranean to create 'countries' within the region. The geo tags are the framework I'll use for all European regions and - potentially, if I can bear the incredible fun it is to geo tag any longer - add Venues within the 'countries'. Each Location has Country & Language as default tags, the rest is used for things like the lingua franca, notable minority languages, geographical placement, city/region within the country. Descriptions are pretty much just brief wikipedia entries - where, borders what, population, size; deciding factors for who might run shows where.

  • MALTA - 10 Locations - Malta, Maltese, Mediterranean, Italian, (English)
  • CYPRUS - 6 Locations - Cyprus, Mediterranean, Greek, Turkish, Armenian
  • GREECE - 34 Locations - Greece, Greek, Balkan, Region/City
  • TURKEY - 24 Locations - Turkey, Turkish, Kurdish, Region/City, (West Asia)
  • ITALY - 42 Locations - Italy, Italian, Mediterranean, City/Region, (secondary language, alpine)
  • SAN MARINO - 1 Location - San Marino, Italy, Italian, Romagnol, Mediterranean
  • VATICAN CITY - 1 Location - Vatican City, Italy, Italian (100 attendance, 100 % importance - lol)


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  • GrindhouseArts changed the title to [WIP] Lower Decks - RW/CVerse agnostic - Added Geo Tagged Locations Russia/Eastern Europe & Southern Mediterranean


These are not workers. I'll post a zip with all leftover male wrestlers I have once I'm done with all companies and see which are free agents. The images in this file are suited for workers with Gimmicky/Cartoonish and Mysterious/Occult type gimmicks, or other gimmicks that require themed outfits.

This database contains only 'Free Pictures' that will be used for generated (or quick fill-created) workers if you import the entries. All pictures are tagged with acceptable race, gender, role.

zjauuLx.jpeg PzAe9Sz.jpeg 2gS90XP.jpeg ltYRKTC.jpeg

zZnMyYk.jpeg OzYNdzN.jpeg Am7VfIO.jpeg XZuY2C6.jpeg

Ldo26RT.jpeg omkdnDA.jpeg 63SmBjM.jpeg r8P47GJ.jpeg

elUc4Ov.jpeg J4WCgSb.jpeg TmHLe3i.jpeg ZUiqgtU.jpeg

LD-FP-GimmickyM GFX.zip LD-FP-GimmickyM Data.zip

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  • GrindhouseArts changed the title to [WIP] Lower Decks - RW/CVerse agnostic - Added Free Pictures Male Gimmicky/Occult Wrestlers


mQLL6SP.jpeg YWE3wN4.jpeg

Established in the summer of 2019, West Coast Entertainment is the passion project of retired Emporium Inc. CEO Trudy van Gaarten. Under the guise of 'youth outreach', Old Money Trudy favors an upcoming young roster - especially her top star and grandson Willem who also happens to be the head booker. The company is located in San Francisco.

Men with Small Womens Division, PG Rated Sports Entertainment, Tiny, South West, 38 Workers

Event: Bash in the Bay (Weekly)

TV Show: California Fighting

Geo Tags: San Francisco, San Francisco Bay Area, California - Home Venue: none

pwqWaXc.jpeg CwpTsZE.jpeg oSncGH2.jpeg

MJe1Anh.jpeg jRb4RSb.jpeg aQprQQP.jpeg

There are 4 Tag Teams, 4 Titles, several worker relationships. Trudy has by far the highest business skill and the most money in Lower Decks, along with a sponsor/TV-friendly product, so this is often the first company to expand and become serious competition.


LD-WestCoastEnt Data.zip LD-WestCoastEnt GFX.zip

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  • GrindhouseArts changed the title to [WIP] Lower Decks - RW/CVerse agnostic - Added Free Pictures Male Gimmicky & Company West Coast Entertainment (USA/PG Sports Entertainment)

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