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[WIP] Lower Decks - RW/CVerse agnostic - Added Free Agents/Future Workers/School Hawaii & Puerto Rico

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I release this gradually because making the 2020 version over 8 months of solitude, with no feedback, felt a bit like an unpaid job at times. When I realized I accidentally deleted all movesets instead of all match types (and now have to re-do them for ~2k workers), I decided there's no way I'll do it in silence again. Hence this topic/approach to the conversion. It's been really helpful so far; several more eyes to find issues and help me fix things, so there'll be less fixing in the final databse.

So yeah, there will be a full database (with some extra stuff that I can't easily add to the 'modules' - like double contracts, company relationships) when I'm done converting all this, and probably also an Australia expansion with more companies and workers, additional free pictures.

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9 minutes ago, GrindhouseArts said:

I release this gradually because making the 2020 version over 8 months of solitude, with no feedback, felt a bit like an unpaid job at times. When I realized I accidentally deleted all movesets instead of all match types (and now have to re-do them for ~2k workers), I decided there's no way I'll do it in silence again. Hence this topic/approach to the conversion. It's been really helpful so far; several more eyes to find issues and help me fix things, so there'll be less fixing in the final databse.

So yeah, there will be a full database (with some extra stuff that I can't easily add to the 'modules' - like double contracts, company relationships) when I'm done converting all this, and probably also an Australia expansion with more companies and workers, additional free pictures.

When the whole database is ready im defiantly picking it up  

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On 9/12/2024 at 12:50 PM, GrindhouseArts said:


These are just broadcaster logos. I did make broadcasters for Lower Decks, but something doesn't work right. The 2 Icebreaker companies signed with the Estonian sports channel as planned, but everyone else... Well, let's just say 'Eros Online' became the go-to broadcaster for every family friendly company in the mod, and the companies that are supposed to be raunchier (FAIRY, the Wrestling Burlesque folks) kept signing with 'EBBO' - a kids focus channel with the lowest risk tolerance. I have no idea how to fix that, so here are my logos - make your own broadcasters and maybe have better luck. lol

TkiiSRv.jpeg AR07bzS.jpeg 0FTUsgv.jpeg

OcGjYEp.jpeg q2ynRaK.jpeg vzG8hvx.jpeg

P2dj4Pk.jpeg GEPedW3.jpeg ytpj9nF.jpeg

LD-BroadcasterLogos.zip 9.35 MB · 9 downloads

Ah, yes. YouTube

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8 hours ago, GrindhouseArts said:

I release this gradually because making the 2020 version over 8 months of solitude, with no feedback, felt a bit like an unpaid job at times. When I realized I accidentally deleted all movesets instead of all match types (and now have to re-do them for ~2k workers), I decided there's no way I'll do it in silence again. Hence this topic/approach to the conversion. It's been really helpful so far; several more eyes to find issues and help me fix things, so there'll be less fixing in the final databse.

So yeah, there will be a full database (with some extra stuff that I can't easily add to the 'modules' - like double contracts, company relationships) when I'm done converting all this, and probably also an Australia expansion with more companies and workers, additional free pictures.

You tease me with your Australia expansion .... Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie.

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6 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

You tease me with your Australia expansion .... Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie.

Well, the Piledrivers from Perth Male Wrestling Revue is definitely on my list, and I also have some ideas for Outback Outlaws (which is DEFINITELY NOT a Deathmatch Downunder knockoff, much like Vorkuta is DEFINITELY NOT inspired by Slavonic Violence). And then, there's this... umm, counter culture to the Piledriver boys that should probably be in the same country - the High Flying Nuns, a female only Morality Lucha Libre company with nuns that wear masks of saints and recruit students from an attached convent-wrestling school. I guess what I'm saying is... Australia be whacky, yo. lol

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1 hour ago, SammyT93 said:

I'd love it if the Australia expansion could include some Aboriginal/ Maori/ Pacific Islanders (not just Samoans) in it too.

There are a few Free Pictures with Maori tattoos in the Generic pack (and some that were generated with the phrasing 'Australian aboriginal', 'Pacific Islander', 'Hawaiian Pacific').

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A boring, picture-less update. This database includes only 166 Locations (not Venues) in Southern Europe to create 'countries' within the region. The geo tags are the framework I'll use for all European regions and - potentially, if I can bear the incredible fun it is to geo tag any longer - add Venues within the 'countries'. Each Location has Country & Language as default tags, the rest is used for things like the lingua franca, notable minority languages, geographical placement, city/region within the country. Descriptions are pretty much just brief wikipedia entries - where, borders what, population, size; deciding factors for who might run shows where.

  • ALBANIA - 24 Locations - Albania, Albanian, Greek, Macedonian, City/Region
  • BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - 22 Locations - Bosnia-Herzegovina, Balkan, Region/City, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
  • ROMANIA - 19 Locations - Romania, Romanian, Region/City, (Hungarian)
  • KOSOVO - 8 Locations - Kosovo, Albanian, Serbian, Balkan, Region
  • NORTH-MACEDONIA - 14 Locations - North-Macedonia, Macedonian, Albanian, Region/City
  • MONTENEGRO - 6 Locations - Montenegro, Montenegrin, Serbian, Balkan
  • BULGARIA - 15 Locations - Bulgaria, Bulgarian, Balkan, Turkish/Romani, Region
  • SLOVENIA - 17 Locations - Slovenia, Slovene, Italian, Hungarian, City/Region
  • CROATIA - 18 Locations - Croatia, Croatian, City/Region
  • SERBIA - 22 Locations - Serbia, Serbian, Balkan, City/Region

Gotta love 5 tags max in multi-lingual countries. 😑 I tried to not get political, but I guess I recognize Kosovo's autonomy because that made tagging easier. Sorry, Serbia.


Edited by GrindhouseArts
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  • GrindhouseArts changed the title to [WIP] Lower Decks - RW/CVerse agnostic - Added West Coast Entertainment (USA/PG Sports Entertainment) & Geo Tagged Southern Europe


fb07NZi.jpeg defzgr2.jpeg

Look, do you want time traveling nazis as tag team champions, a ladyboy feuding with a dominatrix, gimmicks like Domestic Abuser, Lot Lizard and Sexy Step-Sister, and a face of the company called Hardy Woodcock? If no, XXX might not be for you. If yes, you're in luck.

Intergender, Wrestling Burlesque, Insignificant, Mid West, 26 Workers

Event: Floor Show (Weekly)

TV Show: After Dark

Geo Tags: Columbus, Ohio, MidWest - Home Venue: none

e9fmYO1.jpeg riCSTQz.jpeg uqkfYQB.jpeg

qoNjALh.jpeg wwl60ID.jpeg vII4z5k.jpeg

3 Tag Teams, 4 Titles (as if that matters around here), heavy use of 'Willing to Flaunt', 'Good Comedic Timing/Funny Bones' and 'Adult Entertainment'. Since the last patch, Wrestling Burlesque is one of the products where the AI will hire more adult entertaimment workers, and I think men don't get penalized for doing Eye Candy matches anymore. So this mess should work exactly as I envision it now (for better or worse, lol).

LD-TripleX Data.zip LD-TripleX GFX.zip

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  • GrindhouseArts changed the title to [WIP] Lower Decks - RW/CVerse agnostic - Added Geo Tagged Southern Europe & Company Triple X (Wrestling Burlesque/USA)
6 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

Oh just checking SPIKE and FAIRY people were in the Women and Central Asia pack right?  Any of the others that have been released?

Yes, DEBO too. I want the 'Amateur Wrestler' attribute for the Russians and Central Asians. I can't add it because it's not in the demo yet. That's why I'm waiting with those companies.

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1 hour ago, GrindhouseArts said:

Yes, DEBO too. I want the 'Amateur Wrestler' attribute for the Russians and Central Asians. I can't add it because it's not in the demo yet. That's why I'm waiting with those companies.

Fair enough.  In the LLL Diary I imported Box of Chocolates, SPIKE & XENO when I stared but when I saw West Coas and XXX I sort of had to bring those people in.  They just sort of appeared in world.  Right before I decided to cross the border into San Diego for the first time and I put a lot of them into South West for that show just to play - not like they will up my shows score but I just enjoy playing with new toys.  The Nurses are horrible - I love them - they are going straight into SNP - Heart of Darkness when I get that up because they are so awful that Mark Carnie would love them.  

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35 minutes ago, alpha2117 said:

They just sort of appeared in world.  Right before I decided to cross the border into San Diego for the first time

You discovered them! Maybe they were there all along like some uncontacted tribe! lol

The nurses were a bit frustrating for me. I wanted 'Silent Hill nurse, but with a face' and even though I resorted to a less censored AI, it just wouldn't even get close. So I went with 'stereotypical sexy nurse, but evil' instead.

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This file contains 61 Free Agents based in Hawaii. For simplicity, I gave one of the older workers a wrestling school and everyone in this file graduated/will graduate from that, so the workers are more rooted in the game world.


25 Women, 36 Men - 39 active workers, 22 yet to debut in or after 2022 - 1 Tag Team - 3 Relationships

Since someone asked/suggested: There are some non-Samoan Pacific workers in this, including a New Zealander (also active in Oceania).

 iY2bvX1.jpegkgUVUIn.jpeg P8ZvUyX.jpeg

zaCYpTp.jpeg CFFC3e6.jpeg BJB24AJ.jpeg

LD-FreeAgents-Hawaii GFX.zip LD-FreeAgents-Hawaii Data.zip

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  • GrindhouseArts changed the title to [WIP] Lower Decks - RW/CVerse agnostic - Added Triple X (Wrestling Burlesque/USA) & Free Agents/Future Workers/School HAWAII
11 hours ago, GrindhouseArts said:



This file contains 61 Free Agents based in Hawaii. For simplicity, I gave one of the older workers a wrestling school and everyone in this file graduated/will graduate from that, so the workers are more rooted in the game world.


25 Women, 36 Men - 39 active workers, 22 yet to debut in or after 2022 - 1 Tag Team - 3 Relationships

Since someone asked/suggested: There are some non-Samoan Pacific workers in this, including a New Zealander (also active in Oceania).

 iY2bvX1.jpegkgUVUIn.jpeg P8ZvUyX.jpeg

zaCYpTp.jpeg CFFC3e6.jpeg BJB24AJ.jpeg

LD-FreeAgents-Hawaii GFX.zip 2.26 MB · 3 downloads LD-FreeAgents-Hawaii Data.zip 207.88 kB · 3 downloads

Great work always down for more Islanders in games.

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9 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

Great work always down for more Islanders in games.

Not to be a tease, but the working title for the LD expansion is 'Island Hopping' to populate the regions that usually have few workers and no spillover. Puerto Rico, something that uses the geo tagging on the Iberian and Greek tourist islands, New Zealand/Australia (if I count it as one big island instead of a continent), maybe Ireland, maybe Iceland and Greenland, maybe some liberties with geo tagging (adding Cuba and Caribbean islands to Mexico). It wouldn't really work as a standalone because it would be a bunch of tiny micro companies scattered across several game regions and nothing else.

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Guerreros de Bayamón School & 61 Free Agents & Future Workers for Puerto Rico Region


This file contains 61 Free Agents based in Puerto Rico. For simplicity, I gave one of the older workers a wrestling school and everyone in this file graduated/will graduate from that, so the workers are more rooted in the game world.


23 Women, 38 Men - 49 active workers, 12 yet to debut in or after 2022 - 3 Tag Teams - 7 Relationships

BZXrZYQ.jpeg qAIe4E1.jpeg z0Z3bSz.jpeg

LVX3x6Q.jpeg sUueVet.jpeg vXWrPtW.jpeg

LD-FreeAgents-PuertoRico Data.zip LD-FreeAgents-PuertoRico GFX.zip

Edited by GrindhouseArts
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  • GrindhouseArts changed the title to [WIP] Lower Decks - RW/CVerse agnostic - Added Free Agents/Future Workers/School Hawaii & Puerto Rico

I'm loving that a couple of the recent packs came with a wrestling school as well as future workers, I know you've already done 1 pack of dojo's but this way makes it feel like you are adding them with history when you import them whereas the standalone ones in the pack fee like they should be opening after you start your game

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13 minutes ago, SammyT93 said:

I'm loving that a couple of the recent packs came with a wrestling school as well as future workers, I know you've already done 1 pack of dojo's but this way makes it feel like you are adding them with history when you import them whereas the standalone ones in the pack fee like they should be opening after you start your game

I'll probably add schools to the other Free Agent/Future Worker by Region files. Not sure if I can be really assed to make several schools for the larger regions where I have more free agents and debuts, and split the graduations up between Aerial School, Technical School, Brawling School (because that would be a bit annoying and tedious). More likely: I draw a name from a hat of 5 oldest workers in a region, and the winner gets a school with all styles enabled. (The schools for Hawaii & Puerto Rico are 'inherited from older relative' to account for the current owner being the first graduate.)

It might get a bit excessive if I put several schools in hotbed regions like Mid South, or go 'BUT MUH REALISM!!!1'-wild in Europe and make country-based schools. Ultimately, I don't want the schools to overwhelm the world, burn through the free pictures within months and spam all regions with 0 pop workers.

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Heads up for people who also use my Womens Wrestling & Central Asia mod: There's a conflict with graphics, it seems. Images with 3 digit numbers (m_generic123 and so on) might be wrong. I made the graphics separately and used the same file naming system because I figured people would use either the render style from WWCA or the LD sets, not both. Most pictures should be similar enough, but some are totally wrong. If you see nonsensical pictures on workers - for example, Mariana Trench (from Hawaii Free Workers), a Toned Black worker with a surfer gimmick, turns into an Obese White worker with a chef gimmick - this is why.

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