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Best of British Wrestling
Thursday 14th April 2022

Opening Segment: Jeff Nova Introduces the Show

Jeff Nova kicks things off with high energy, standing center stage under the bright lights. He hypes up the Cornell Cup and runs through tonight's four thrilling second-round matches:

  1. Absolutely Flawless [Lance & Kelly Martin] vs. B&B [Bedlam & Beast Bantom]
  2. Hellbound [Jonathan Faust & Ruin] vs. Mile High Rockers [Adam Matravers & Sebastian Koller]
  3. The House of Business [Edward Cornell & Conan Kruger] vs. The Underdogs [Joe Simpson & Michael X]
  4. Wade Orson & Roly Muckletruck vs. The Demolishers [Compton Valance & Langton Herring]

He teases a few singles matches as well, adding excitement for a packed night.
Grade: 90

Promo: Bedlam & Beast Bantom

We transition to Bedlam and Beast Bantom walking through a dimly lit backstage lair. Bedlam rants, with his wild Welsh accent echoing through the hallways, about their unstoppable force. Beast Bantom growls, literally biting his words out as they head to the ring, ready to destroy.
Grade: 65

Match 1: Absolutely Flawless vs. Bedlam & Beast Bantom

This match is a battle of styles—technical finesse vs. raw power. The Martin twins show off their smarts, working to tie the wild B&B up in knots.

The crowd is hooked, but Bedlam and Beast's sheer brute force wins out in the end as Bedlam hits the Bedlam Bomb on Lance for the win.
Grade: 71

Post-Match: Mile High Rockers Taunt B&B

Adam Matravers and Sebastian Koller enter, taunting B&B, calling them lucky for barely beating "journeymen." The barb strikes deep, and B&B snap!

They charge after the Rockers, but the wily duo escapes into the crowd, leaving Bedlam and Beast fuming in the ring.
Grade: 65

Phil Harmonic and Hargreaves Segment

Phil Harmonic, with his long-suffering butler Hargreaves, stumbles into the ring. A slapstick routine ensues, with Hargreaves continually tripping and falling.

Harmonic, in his arrogant, pompous way, claims to be superior in every way—except he mispronounces nearly every fancy word, leaving the crowd chuckling at his expense.
Grade: 42

Match 2: Daniel Black Francis vs. Phil Harmonic

Phil Harmonic's pompous antics continue into the match, but he surprises the crowd by hitting a big moonsault to win over Daniel Black Francis.

DBF’s ring generalship can't seem to carry him like it once did, but the audience appreciates his effort.
Grade: 52

Backstage: Ricky Storm & Sifu Attacked by Men of Steel

We cut to Ricky Storm and Sifu peacefully running through their katas in their dojo shrine... until the Men of Steel (Mark Adonis and Mass Hulk) suddenly burst in!

The dojo is trashed—wind chimes crash to the floor, candles are kicked over, and tranquility turns to chaos.
Grade: 55

Promo: Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Bulldozer Brandon Smith storms to the ring, proud of his "American power" after his Cornell Cup debut last week.

He taunts the UK crowd, butchering town names and belittling the fans, building up his match against "someone from a tiny village called Wales."
Grade: 64

Match 3: Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Welsh Dragon

Welsh Dragon, the underdog, puts on an athletic and crowd-pleasing performance, leaving Brandon Smith struggling to keep up.

To everyone’s shock, Dragon pulls off a huge Dragon Kick and scores the upset victory!
Grade: 50

Beau Boulder & Darin Flynn Search for Kathleen Lee

Beau Boulder and Darin Flynn mope around backstage, anxiously searching for their missing manager Kathleen Lee.

Their concern grows as the mystery deepens.
Grade: 60

Hellbound Entrance

Hellbound [Jonathan Faust, Ruin, and Blackheart] make a chilling entrance through fog and dry ice. Faust, with his eerie, cult-leader presence, addresses the crowd, while Ruin and Blackheart lurk ominously by his side.

The commentary team notes that Grave Digger has mysteriously disappeared in recent weeks.
Grade: 60

Match 4: Hellbound vs. Mile High Rockers

A decent match with solid moments, though the chemistry between Matravers and Koller feels off.

Matravers eventually pulls off a Mile High Moonsault for the win. The action may not be smooth, but the star power keeps the fans engaged.
Grade: 62

Post-Match: Tommy Cornell Attacks Hellbound

Out of nowhere, Tommy Cornell’s music hits, and the crowd goes wild as he charges in, taking on all three members of Hellbound!

A furious Tommy manages to drop Ruin and Blackheart with clotheslines before slamming Faust to the mat.

Hellbound retreats, leaving Tommy standing tall.
Grade: 84

Promo: House of Business vs. The Underdogs

The Underdogs make their crowd-pleasing entrance, but they're quickly upstaged by The House of Business, who enter in their trademark suits.

Edward Cornell, with an arrogant smirk, cuts a promo about taking back "his" cup and monetizing victory, dismissing The Underdogs as mere stepping stones.
Grade: 66

Match 5: House of Business vs. The Underdogs

A fantastic match that highlights the contrast between Edward’s slimy heel tactics and Conan Kruger's athleticism against Joe Simpson’s heart and Michael X’s polished skill.

The action is thrilling and fast-paced until Landon Mallory interferes, blindsiding Michael X, allowing Conan to hit a devastating superkick for the win.
Grade: 80

Promo: Wade Orson & Roly Muckletruck

Wade and Roly make their grand entrance to the crowd’s roar.

Roly jokes about his tanlines from last week's impromptu holiday, while Wade delivers a more serious message about winning the cup for the fans and proving that real glory comes from dedication.
Grade: 90

Match 6: Wade Orson & Roly Muckletruck vs. The Demolishers

This hard-hitting match keeps the audience on the edge of their seats.

Wade dazzles with his athleticism, while Roly’s raw power is in full force.

After a 20-minute battle, Wade hits a huge Bounceback on Compton Valance for the victory.
Grade: 79

Post-Match: Leigh Burton & War Machine Attack

As Wade and Roly celebrate, Leigh Burton and War Machine storm the ring!

The fresher duo unleashes a savage assault, with War Machine hitting a brutal 2nd story legdrop on Wade, leaving him writhing in pain as they stand tall, clearly looking to eliminate their competition for the Cornell Cup.
Grade: 74

Overall Show Grade: 82

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Well that's more like it eh!

Great grade for that show.  I'm psyched.

The main event was a 79.  About what I expect.  But the 2nd match of HoB vs Underdogs doing an 80 was a big surprise!

But couple two very good matches like that [and the opener was a 71 too] with 2 90 angles and one in the 80s... and that's what we want to see.

I'm hoping this sort of thing becomes more common as my top guys are all starting to get where I want them.  

Ill do a dove into my top 10 or so workers after we finish April off.

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Best of British Wrestling
Thursday 21st April 2022 – Show Summary


Show Opening – Jeff Nova Intro
The arena lights pulse in rhythm with the opening theme as Jeff Nova stands in the middle of the ring, microphone in hand, smiling as the crowd erupts. Dressed in a sharp suit and looking every bit the confident showman, he begins with a booming voice.

Jeff Nova: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the greatest wrestling show on the planet – Best of British Wrestling!"

The crowd cheers, a mix of excitement and anticipation buzzing in the air.

Jeff Nova: "Tonight, we continue the journey through the Cornell Cup, and let me tell you – things are heating up! We’re down to the best of the best, and they’re ready to lay it all on the line! We’ve got high-stakes matches tonight, and by the end of the evening, only the elite will move on! Will it be the powerhouse War Machine and his bruising partner Leigh Burton? Or will Beau & Flynn find a way to overcome the odds despite the... well, let's just say 'mysterious circumstances' surrounding Kathleen Lee's disappearance?"

The audience murmurs, knowing full well that Beau & Flynn’s manager is still missing.

Jeff Nova: "And how about Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu? We all know it doesn’t matter what they throw at Ricky Storm – he’s unstoppable, and if there’s anyone who can win the Cornell Cup and another title this year, it’s him!"

He raises his fist to rally the crowd, who chant Ricky’s name. Nova grins.

Jeff Nova: "Get comfortable, because this is going to be a night to remember!"

Nova exits as the camera zooms in on the ramp, preparing for the first match of the night.
Grade: 92



House of Business Promo
The camera cuts backstage to a lavish boardroom setting. The House of Business sits around a gleaming mahogany table. At the head is Edward Cornell, wearing an expensive pinstripe suit, sipping a glass of scotch with his trademark steely, condescending smirk.

Edward Cornell: (calm, collected, but sharp) "Gentlemen, tonight is just another meeting in the calendar. Another day in the office. But let's be clear: success is a non-negotiable outcome. Failure? Well, it’s simply not part of the business model."

Landon Mallory, the "South African Superman," nods confidently, his muscles practically bursting through his tailored shirt. Next to him is Apollo Prince, the hired freelancer, grinning mischievously with an air of self-importance.

Edward Cornell: "Northern Lights? A pair of outdated relics trying to keep up in a world they don’t belong in. But you, Landon… and Apollo… you’re the future. And when we take on those has-beens tonight, it’ll just be another line on the spreadsheet of dominance."

Landon grins and cracks his knuckles.

Landon Mallory: (in his deep, commanding tone) "I'm ready, Edward. They’re just the first step. Roly’s next. And when the House of Business comes for him, he’ll see what real power looks like."

Apollo Prince leans back in his chair, stretching arrogantly.

Apollo Prince: (flamboyant, cocky) "Tonight, I’ll put on a show. They won’t forget the name Apollo Prince. APollogy in advance, because I’m about to steal the spotlight, baby."

Edward raises his glass, eyes narrowing with a smug grin.

Edward Cornell: "Then go out there, gentlemen, and execute the plan. Just another successful day for the House of Business."

The camera fades out as the House prepares for their match.
Grade: 70



Match: Landon Mallory & Apollo Prince vs. The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)
The Northern Lights’ entrance music hits, and the crowd roars as the veteran team of Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan make their way down the ramp, exuding experience and grit. They high-five fans, clearly fan favorites. As the camera cuts to the ring, their opponents, Landon Mallory and Apollo Prince, stand ready. Landon, the imposing and sculpted athlete, paces back and forth, while Apollo Prince stands in his corner, exuding confidence with a dazzling smirk.

The match begins with Alton Vicious squaring off against Landon Mallory. The two lock up, but it’s clear from the get-go that Mallory’s raw power gives him the upper hand. He throws Alton into the corner with a thudding force, driving his shoulder into Alton’s midsection repeatedly.

Despite Mallory’s strength, Alton fights back with veteran savvy, ducking a clothesline and delivering a sharp kick to the back of Mallory’s knee, momentarily slowing the powerhouse. He tags in Riddick Jordan, and the Northern Lights work together with seamless double-team manoeuvres, isolating Mallory and keeping him grounded.

The tide turns when Mallory, using his incredible athleticism, dodges a double dropkick and makes a diving tag to Apollo Prince. Apollo leaps over the top rope in one fluid motion, dazzling the crowd with a springboard crossbody. He takes control, wowing the audience with a series of flashy moves – spinning heel kicks, a tornado DDT, and a picture-perfect dropkick.

The Lights try to regain control, but Apollo’s speed and agility are too much. With the crowd on their feet, Apollo delivers his signature finisher – the APollogy (a spinning roundhouse kick) – to Riddick Jordan, knocking him out cold for the 1-2-3.

Mallory stands tall next to Apollo, who basks in the cheers, though their victory feels tainted by the cocky smirk on his face.
Grade: 74



Cool Cool Cool Promo
Backstage, we find Luke Cool and Phillip Cooper, leaning against a graffiti-covered wall. Luke, in his signature yellow outfit and oversized hipster sunglasses, looks casual, arms crossed, exuding effortless confidence. Cooper is decked out in pink velour with a matching hat, his grin as wide as ever.

Luke Cool: (smirking, his voice dripping with laid-back coolness) "You know, Coop, we've been hearing it. People are talking. Saying we’re just... too cool. Like that’s supposed to be a problem."

Cooper leans back, chuckling.

Phillip Cooper: (cocky but amused) "Too cool for our own good? Please. They don’t get it, man. We’ve been doing this our way, and guess what – it’s working. But maybe it’s time we give 'em something to talk about."

Luke slides his sunglasses down his nose, locking eyes with the camera.

Luke Cool: "Yeah, we’re not just here to look good – even though we do. We’re here to prove that Cool Cool Cool can back it up in the ring. Because pretty soon, all the doubters? They’re gonna learn real quick that we’re not just about style. We’ve got plenty of substance."

Cooper’s grin widens as he adjusts his hat.

Phillip Cooper: (chuckling) "Flash? Sure. But when we bring the thunder, they won’t know what hit ‘em. Keep watching – we’ve got some surprises in store."

Grade: 64



The Stunners Confront Jeff Nova
Backstage, Jeff Nova is seen in his office, overwhelmed with papers and schedules, when in walk the Stunners – Phil Harmonic and Kris Knightly, accompanied by their butler, Hargreaves. Phil, ever the showman, pulls out a long list of grievances, shaking his head dramatically.

Phil Harmonic: (with exaggerated frustration) "Jeff, this is an outrage! We have compiled every single technical infraction from our match with Lee & Pendragon, and let me tell you, it’s a travesty. An absolute mockery of the Cornell Cup!"

Kris Knightly nods in agreement, his arms crossed as Hargreaves polishes a silver tray behind them.

Phil Harmonic: "It’s a miscarriage of justice, Jeff. We demand – no, we insist – on being reinstated immediately. And don’t try to wiggle out of this. The paperwork doesn’t lie."

Jeff, clearly flustered and overwhelmed, stammers as Phil continues to push the issue.

Jeff Nova: "I-I mean, I suppose we could... reconsider the decision..."

Phil Harmonic: (smugly) "We knew you'd see reason, Jeff. After all, fairness is at the heart of 21CW, isn’t it?"

Nova nods reluctantly, as the Stunners walk away triumphantly, leaving Jeff to wonder what he’s just agreed to.
Grade: 70



Match: Antithesis vs Amazing Firefly

In a rare display of aerial chaos in 21CW, Antithesis and Amazing Firefly defy gravity and expectations.

Firefly, known for his high-flying arsenal, dazzles the crowd with jaw-dropping moves, soaring off the ropes with missile dropkicks and springboard moonsaults.

Antithesis, usually known for his anarchic brawling style, surprisingly matches Firefly's pace, blending his brutal strikes with well-timed aerial counters, catching Firefly mid-flight and slamming him to the mat.

Firefly ascends for his signature Firefly Splash, but Antithesis rolls out of harm's way at the last moment. He quickly snatches Firefly from behind, locking in his Full Metal Jacket submission. Firefly struggles in vain, eventually tapping out as Antithesis tightens the hold, sealing a high-octane, edge-of-your-seat victory.
Grade: 62


Locker Room Segment: Tommy Cornell Talks

Tommy Cornell, sitting alone in the locker room, looks weary, his usual cocky demeanour cracked under the weight of his recent trials. He details how Hellbound has pushed him to the brink, forcing him to face his deepest fears. He talks about the psychological warfare, the eerie supernatural mind games, and having to stand against giants in the ring.

The camera slowly pans to reveal Mr. Sunshine and Vicki Company sitting nearby, nodding in solemn agreement, their faces a mix of empathy and disbelief.
Grade: 56


Backstage Promo: Cliff King and The Demolishers

In a dark, undisclosed location, Cliff King stands flanked by The Demolishers, Compton Valance and Langton Herring. Strapped to a chair behind them is a figure with a bag over their head. A few purple strands of hair peek out from under the bag—Kathleen Lee, it’s unmistakable.

Cliff, with a sinister smile, lays down the challenge: "Boulder & Flynn, you want your precious tag titles? Well, how about we raise the stakes? A rematch, your belts on the line, under our stipulation. Or… this poor soul may never see the light of day again."

The Demolishers laugh menacingly, as the camera zooms in on the helpless figure.
Grade: 68


Match: Adam Matravers vs Lewis Duckworth

The towering 6'6", 300-pound Lewis Duckworth looks like a monster, but Adam Matravers shows that experience and skill triumph over brute strength.

Duckworth charges forward, attempting to overpower his smaller opponent, but Matravers expertly dodges and counters every move, using his veteran savvy to wear down the big man.

With the crowd behind him, Matravers ascends the top rope, delivering the Mile High Moonsault for the victory. Duckworth’s size may be intimidating, but Matravers proves why he's still at the top of his game.
Grade: 53



Post-Match Attack: Bedlam Strikes

As Matravers offers a helping hand to the rookie Duckworth, Bedlam storms the ring with a steel chair in hand.

He slams the chair into Matravers' back, mercilessly beating him down, further injuring him after his previous attack. The crowd erupts in boos as Bedlam towers over a defenseless Matravers, revelling in his chaos.
Grade: 71



Wade Orson and Roly Muckletruck are back with another travel video, this time frolicking through the streets of Barcelona.

They pose at famous landmarks, take selfies in front of the Sagrada Família, and enjoy tapas while cracking jokes about the other teams in the Cornell Cup.

The duo exudes confidence, wishing "good luck" to their opponents, knowing full well that they’re the team to beat.
Grade: 73


Promo: Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu (Ricky Storm & Sifu)

Ricky Storm and Sifu cut a fiery promo, ripping into the Stunners who have been reinstated into the Cornell Cup.

"It’s not fair for them!" Ricky exclaims. "Not because they whined and got their way... but because now they’ve gotta face me!  And Sifu" Ricky, brimming with confidence, reminds everyone that he’s already a two-time champion this year and that the Cornell Cup will just be another accolade to add to his growing legacy.
Grade: 63



Match: Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu vs The Stunners

This tag team bout is a spectacle, with Ricky Storm and Sifu showcasing their thrilling mix of martial arts and high-energy offense.

The Stunners, with their butler Hargreaves' interference, hold their own, delivering their best in-ring performance yet.

But Ricky and Sifu are simply too good. Ricky hits a breathtaking Hurricanrana on Kris Knightly, securing the win.
Grade: 72



Post-Match: The Men of Steel Taunt CSHS

The Men of Steel, Mark Adonis and Mass Hulk, march down to the ring, sneering at Ricky and Sifu.

"You think you're something special? Beating up nobodies won't cut it! How about you take on some real contenders, like us?"

They flex and glare, trying to intimidate the victorious Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu.
Grade: 62



Big Entrance: The Red Devils

The Red Devils make their entrance in grand fashion, accompanied by stirring Russian orchestral music and a video tribute to "Mother Russia."

The atmosphere is electric, but the overt nationalism still stirs controversy among the audience. The entrance is as grandiose as ever, with Viktor Beskov and Yuri Iliakov ready for battle.
Grade: 65



Match: The Red Devils [Viktor Beskov & Yuri Iliakov] Tommy Cornell & Mr Sunshine [with Vicki Company]

Despite Tommy Cornell’s presence, this match doesn’t quite hit the heights expected.  The Red Devils bring their power game, but it just doesn’t click perfectly.

In the closing moments, Tommy is backed into a corner by Yuri Iliakov, who charges with full force. At the last second, Tommy ducks, causing Yuri to crash into his own partner. As Yuri stumbles backward, Tommy takes the opportunity to hit his Guilt Trip finisher for the win.
Grade: 63



Promo: Cliff King with War Machine and Leigh Burton

Cliff King cuts a chilling promo with War Machine and Leigh Burton standing menacingly behind him.

War Machine, a massive, furious figure, glowers at the camera, while Leigh Burton oozes bitterness.

Cliff, in a smooth yet threatening tone, guarantees victory in the Cornell Cup, especially now that Beau & Flynn are "down a manager."

War Machine’s hulking presence looms large as he promises destruction to anyone who dares stand in their way.
Grade: 69



Match: Beau & Flynn vs Leigh Burton & War Machine

This match is an all-out war.

Beau Boulder’s aerial attacks on the giant War Machine are a sight to behold, while Darin Flynn masterfully counters Leigh Burton’s offense with technical brilliance.

The balance swings back and forth, but the finish is pure drama. Cliff King hops onto the apron, distracting Flynn just long enough for War Machine to capitalize.

With a devastating Second Floor Legdrop, War Machine crushes Flynn, securing the victory for his team and reigniting the rivalry between these two teams.
Grade: 82



Overall Show Grade: 79

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I've fallen for this before and too comfortable, but it feels like the roster and company is about where I want them now.

We can produce ~80-graded matches without it being 4 major stars in the ring together, and we've got enough of a midcard to have a bunch of interesting stuff happening, not just random squash matches.

Teams like Beau & Flynn, the Red Devils, The Northern Lights and of course CSHS are all good enough to show up and put out >70 matches at the drop of a hat.

One annoying thing: Blackheart broke his arm in a post-show match.  So he and Grave Digger are both out of action for months.  Very annoying.  Look for some blatant use of angles to keep them on screen and try to build some pop ahead of their return/s.

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So I bit the bullet and started a tiny dev company in London; Camden Underground.

There are too many super-talented young guys around the world with zero work, so let's see if we can give them something to do.

It wont really help me in the short-term, because the game is still about two things:

#1 - Having enough top guys that I can consistently churn out 80+ main events and shows that keep my UK pop around that point [and definitely never drops to below 77].

#2 - Growing steadily in Europe.  As well as other markets where we've got coverage.

Very much in that order.  I'm in an OK spot for #1, but I cant take my eye off the ball.

I guess #0 - have a good time telling fun stories with characters I like too. 

Right now the guys that win on PPVs are jumping up in Euro popularity terms which is nice.  I'm sort of toying with the idea of running regular Euro shows, but my current coverage is giving me steady growth at least.  It'll just take a while.


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Best of British Wrestling
Thursday, 28th April 2022

Best of British Wrestling
Thursday 28th April 2022

The lights dim, and a spotlight hones in on the center of the ring as the unmistakable, booming voice of Jeff echoes across the packed arena. Fans on their feet, roaring in anticipation, signs waving, and camera flashes popping like fireworks. Jeff, suited up in his usual crisp, sharp ensemble, holds the mic with authority, flashing his signature smile.

Jeff: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the biggest night of British wrestling – The Cornell Cup Quarterfinals!"

The crowd erupts as Jeff raises a hand. He runs down the four colossal matchups awaiting us, pacing the ring like a ringmaster before the circus truly begins.

Jeff: "We’ve got red-hot action on the docket tonight! From the dynamic duo of Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu taking on the corporate machine that is House of Business! And that's not all... Tommy Cornell and Mr. Sunshine will square off against the imposing team of Leigh Burton and War Machine, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg! By the time the dust settles, we’ll know which teams are advancing in the Cornell Cup!"

The crowd is buzzing, electricity crackling in the air.

Grade: 77

Segment: House of Business B Entrance

Corporate logos flash across the screen as the lights dim once again, only to be replaced by a flood of gold and purple. Glitter rains from the rafters, and out strut Landon Mallory and Apollo Prince, decked out in designer suits, gold watches glinting under the lights. The smirk on Mallory’s face screams entitlement, while Apollo Prince spins theatrically, basking in his own glory.

Landon Mallory (mocking): "Storm, Sifu… Legends? Really? More like missed opportunities. You two had your chances, but tell me… how many world titles have you held?"

Apollo Prince (smirking): "Oh, that’s right. None."

The crowd boos, but Apollo only grins wider.

Mallory: "We’re the future. Get used to it. We’re not just here to win – we’re here to take over."

Grade: 66

Cornell Cup Quarterfinal:

Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu vs House of Business B

The match kicks off with lightning speed. Ricky Storm and Sifu fly around the ring with the kind of precision that only comes from years of partnership. On the other side, Mallory and Prince are pure corporate arrogance, each move calculated for maximum efficiency. But while they're talented, their cockiness begins to show.

As the match progresses, it’s neck and neck. Every time Storm and Sifu get a foothold, the smug duo pulls out some underhanded tactic. But just when Mallory and Prince start celebrating prematurely – arms in the air, smirks plastered on their faces – BAM! Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu hit their signature Double Back Fist!

In the blink of an eye, Ricky rolls up Mallory, pinning him for the win! The crowd leaps to their feet, as the arrogant House of Business is left lying, bewildered.

Grade: 77

Segment: Edward Cornell Promo

Edward Cornell storms out onto the stage, not bothering to hide his disgust as he watches his corporate underlings slink to the back. Behind him, Conan Kruger, the Belgian powerhouse, stalks toward the ring. Cornell grabs the mic, casting a disappointed glance at Mallory and Prince.

Edward Cornell (coldly): "I should’ve known better than to delegate to freelancers."

The crowd boos.

Edward: "But the real deal? The future of this company? You’re looking at it right now. Conan Kruger and I don’t just represent business – we ARE business!"

The lights flash as Adam Matravers and Sebastian Koller burst onto the stage to rock guitar riffs, the crowd cheering wildly for the Mile High Rockers. They pose, but it's clear that Adam Matravers is feeling the aftermath of Bedlam’s vicious steel chair attack last week. He clutches his head and admits to the crowd:

Adam Matravers (groaning): "Got a tiny concussion… but I ain’t backing down."

The fans cheer louder for his grit.

Grade: 74

Cornell Cup Quarterfinal:

House of Business A vs Mile High Rockers

Despite the injury, Adam fights like a man possessed, driven by pure adrenaline and the roar of the fans. But as the match wears on, his condition worsens. Conan and Edward target his head like sharks circling wounded prey. Every move looks like it could be the last for Adam.

Eventually, the hits to the head become too much. After one final crushing blow from Edward, Adam collapses to the mat, dazed and barely conscious. The referee calls for the bell.

Grade: 77

Segment: Kathleen Lee Kidnapping

The lights dim as ominous music fills the arena. Cliff King leads his DemolishersCompton Valance and Langton Herring – down the ramp. But this time, they have something… someone… with them. Trussed up and gagged, Kathleen Lee is being dragged like a trophy.

Cliff King (sneering): "Yeah we've got her.  You want her back, Beau? Flynn? You’ll get her… but only if you give us what we want – a rematch at the Cornell Cup, Last Man Standing!"

Beau and Flynn storm out, fists clenched, ready to throw down. But King dangles Kathleen's fate in front of them, taunting. The champions reluctantly agree to the terms, knowing it's their only shot at getting her back.

Grade: 68

Segment: Andrew Lee Promo

Andrew Lee steps into the ring, a fire in his eyes, clutching the microphone with both hands.

Andrew Lee: "Lately, I’ve been digging deep into my roots, connecting with my ancestry… with the warriors of Samoa!"

He lets out a fierce shout, veins bulging as the crowd cheers him on.

Andrew Lee (intense): "And tonight, I’m going to show you all what that means. Power. Speed. And sheer, unrelenting WILL!"

He smashes his chest as the fans respond with a deafening roar.

Grade: 48

Single Match: Andrew Lee vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Andrew Lee brings a whirlwind of energy to the ring, clashing with the massive Bulldozer Brandon Smith.

The big American tries to overpower Lee, but Andrew’s fiery intensity propels him forward. The crowd starts to chant his name as he lands big power moves. With a stunning Island Superkick, Andrew Lee scores the win, leaving the Bulldozer flat on the mat.

Grade: 54

Segment: B&B Promo

The screen flickers to life as a shadowy, dimly lit promo begins to play. Beast Bantom growls into the camera, eyes wild, fists clenched as if he’s barely holding back the urge to tear something apart. Beside him, Bedlam leers, the deranged glint in his eye unmistakable.

Beast Bantom (snarling): "Wade. Roly. You think gallivanting across Europe makes you better than us?"

Bedlam (laughing maniacally): "We’re not tourists… we’re hunters. And tonight, we feast."

The promo ends with both men staring down the camera, promising nothing but pain and destruction.

Grade: 61

Segment: Leigh & War Machine Entrance

The arena is filled with a deep, rumbling bass as War Machine and Leigh Burton, led by Cliff King, make their way to the ring. Leigh grabs the mic, his voice dripping with bitterness.

Leigh Burton (mocking): "Tommy Cornell? Mr. Sunshine? Are we still living in the stone age of wrestling? These dinosaurs don’t belong in the same ring as us!"

The crowd boos as Leigh and War Machine smirk, thoroughly enjoying the jeers.

Leigh: "I already beat Sunshine at Head to Head. Tonight, we finish the job."

Grade: 71

Cornell Cup Quarterfinal:

Tommy Cornell & Mr. Sunshine vs Leigh Burton & War Machine

The bell rings, and from the get-go, this match is a clash of eras. Tommy Cornell, the seasoned veteran with explosive agility, and Mr. Sunshine, usually a smiling ray of charisma, now fighting with a renewed edge, going toe-to-toe with the brutal forces of Leigh Burton and the relentless War Machine.

From the opening moments, Leigh Burton goes after Mr. Sunshine, still seething after their Head to Head bout. Every punch has venom behind it, as he hurls Sunshine around the ring with vicious intent. Meanwhile, War Machine and Tommy Cornell are like two titans, with War Machine using his raw power to keep the flashy Tommy grounded.

Tommy finds pockets of momentum, ducking under a lariat and nailing War Machine with a spinning kick to the head. He follows it up with a springboard crossbody that sends the crowd into a frenzy! But just when it looks like Tommy is gaining control, War Machine powers through, leveling him with a brutal spinebuster that shakes the ring.

Mr. Sunshine, refusing to stay down, rallies back against Leigh Burton, catching him off guard with a dropkick that sends him staggering. But it’s not enough. The sheer size and strength of Leigh and War Machine slowly wear down both Tommy and Sunshine. With the crowd chanting for the underdogs, all seems lost.

And that’s when it happens.

The lights suddenly flicker, and the arena is bathed in a seductive crimson glow. Confusion spreads throughout the audience, and the camera shifts to the entrance ramp. Emerging through the mist is a figure draped in a sultry, skin-tight red outfit, her presence commanding immediate attention—Lust, one of the seven deadly sins personified.

She struts toward the ring, her eyes fixed on Tommy Cornell, swaying her hips as she moves, each step drawing more of the crowd’s focus. The commentators are losing their minds, screaming about the symbolism of Lust, the temptation, and the mind games Hellbound is playing with Tommy.

Lust (softly): "Tommy… focus on me, darling..."

Tommy, locked in the middle of a battle, falters, his eyes drifting toward Lust. She blows him a kiss, and it's like time freezes for a moment. Mr. Sunshine yells for Tommy to snap out of it, but Lust’s presence is overwhelming. The distraction is enough for War Machine to take advantage. He barrels into Tommy from behind with a brutal clothesline, sending him crashing into the corner!

In the chaos, Leigh Burton catches Mr. Sunshine with a thunderous snap suplex, slamming him hard onto the mat. But the damage is done—Tommy, still dazed from Lust’s distraction, tries to regain focus, but it’s too late.

With Tommy reeling, War Machine locks him in a crushing Bearhug, squeezing the life out of him. Mr. Sunshine desperately tries to fight back but is quickly neutralized by Leigh Burton hitting a devastating Superkick to the jaw, laying him out cold.  War Machine then piles it on by hitting a HUGE 2nd Floor Legdrop that almost cracks the ring in half.  Mr Sunhsine convulses in agony. 

The referee slides in for the pinfall as Leigh Burton hooks the leg. 1... 2... 3!

Winners: Leigh Burton & War Machine

Grade: 79

Jonathan Faust, Grave Digger, and Blackheart Segment

The camera cuts to a haunting scene—a forest clearing illuminated by a towering bonfire, its flames licking the sky. Around it, thick trees loom in the shadows, their twisted branches clawing at the night sky like skeletal hands. In the center of the glade, a large bonfire crackles and pops, but this is no ordinary fire. Inside the dancing flames, the Tommy Cornell & Mr. Sunshine vs Leigh Burton & War Machine match plays like a ghostly hologram, the figures of the wrestlers flickering in and out of the fiery inferno.

Grave Digger stands at the edge of the clearing, a silent giant, his eyes glinting ominously in the firelight. Beside him, Blackheart, with his cold, unblinking gaze, watches intently, his muscular form blending with the shadows as if he were part of the night itself.

And there, in the heart of it all, is Jonathan Faust—the mastermind, the puppet master pulling the strings of Hellbound. His long, black coat flutters slightly in the wind as he watches the match unfold within the flames. A sly smile slowly creeps across his face as Tommy Cornell succumbs to the distraction of Lust. The flickering light makes Faust’s expression even more sinister as he revels in the chaos.

Jonathan Faust (whispers to himself): "Temptation… so easy, so predictable."

The flames flare up as the match reaches its conclusion, casting eerie shadows on Faust’s face. Grave Digger and Blackheart stand motionless behind him, towering like demonic sentinels. They don’t need words—their presence alone is enough to send chills through anyone watching.

The camera zooms in on Faust’s satisfied grin as the fire distorts the final moments of the match. With a wave of his hand, the image in the flames vanishes, leaving only the crackling fire and the looming darkness.

Grade: 54

B&B’s Big Entrance

The lights in the arena dim, and the atmosphere changes instantly. A deep, pulsating beat begins to echo through the speakers, sending a shockwave of anticipation through the crowd. The screens flicker to life, showing the snarling faces of Beast Bantom and Bedlam, two absolute juggernauts of the ring.

Suddenly, the stage erupts in a cloud of smoke, and through the fog emerge the terrifying duo—B&B. Bedlam stalks down the ramp with an intensity that makes fans lean back in their seats. His eyes are locked on the ring, while his fists clench and unclench like he’s ready to break something—or someone.

Beside him, Beast Bantom moves like a predator through the smoke. His animalistic snarl is visible beneath his thick beard, and with every step, he pounds his chest, sending shockwaves of energy through the arena. They’re not just entering the ring—they’re entering their hunting ground.

As they approach the ring, the lights flash red, and the sound of primal growls echoes, enhancing their raw, dangerous energy. They climb into the ring, standing tall like two behemoths ready for war, casting long shadows under the glaring lights.

Grade:   61

Wade Orson & Roly Muckletruck’s Entrance

But just as the intensity peaks, a sharp, loud whistle cuts through the air. The crowd’s excitement surges as Wade Orson and Roly Muckletruck stride onto the stage. The vibe is completely different—this is confidence, swagger, and undeniable star power.

Wade, the World Champion, lifts his belt high as the flash of cameras flickers like fireworks. He poses with a grin, his eyes locked on the fans, he exudes the aura of a true champion. Beside him, Roly—all muscle and charisma—grabs a beer from a fan and swigs it back, flexing his biceps for the cameras. The crowd eats it up, roaring with approval.

They make their way to the ring, stopping to pose for selfies with the fans. Roly jumps onto the barricade, showing off his monstrous arms, while Wade calmly adjusts his title, keeping his eyes locked on B&B in the ring. As they reach the ropes, Wade lifts his mic, his voice cutting through the noise.

Promo: Wade Orson & Roly Muckletruck

Wade Orson (grinning):
“You know, B&B… standing there, gurning and snarling like that might get you some cheers. Maybe even some fear… but you see this?" [He hoists his World Championship high, shining in the spotlight.] "This isn’t earned with just power. This is earned with dedication. Hard work. And skill."

Roly Muckletruck (smirking, leaning in):
"And trust me, boys... you can’t fake what we’ve got. Time in the ring—real time—is earned. Respect is earned. And glory? Glory’s only for those who don’t just play at it. We live it."

Wade Orson (showing off the belt again):
"Tonight, Roly and I—we’ll earn our spot in the semis. And leave you two back there, where you belong."

The crowd roars in approval as Wade and Roly smirk and toss their mics aside, ready for the battle.

Grade: 78

Cornell Cup Quarterfinal: B&B vs Wade Orson & Roly Muckletruck

From the opening bell, the ring becomes a warzone. Beast Bantom and Bedlam bring their raw power and aggression, while Wade Orson and Roly Muckletruck counter with speed, skill, and undeniable strength. The clash is electric, the crowd on the edge of their seats from the start.

Bedlam dominates early, throwing his weight around with thunderous slams and vicious strikes. He hurls Roly into the corner and follows it up with a massive splash, nearly crushing him under the impact. But Roly, ever the powerhouse, fights back, hitting a belly-to-belly suplex that sends Bedlam flying across the ring! The crowd pops huge, impressed by the raw power on display.

Beast Bantom tags in, and his ferocity is something to behold. He barrels through Wade Orson like a runaway train, his animalistic nature shining as he bites the turnbuckle pad in a fit of rage. Wade, being the savvy world champ, uses his agility to outmaneuver Beast, catching him with a springboard dropkick that stuns the beast, sending him to one knee.

But Bedlam gets back in, turning the tide again, hitting Wade with a running powerslam that shakes the ring. The crowd feels the impact of every move. As the match builds to its peak, both teams push each other to the absolute limit.

In a thrilling final sequence, Roly and Wade isolate Beast Bantom after tossing Bedlam over the top rope. Wade sees his moment and locks in his signature submission hold, a brutal modified Anaconda Vise on Beast. The monstrous Beast Bantom roars in agony, but with Bedlam out of the picture and Roly keeping him at bay, there's nowhere for Beast to go. He claws at the mat, struggling, his face twisted in pain, but Wade tightens the hold, wrenching his neck and arm with intense force.

Finally, after what seems like an eternity, Beast Bantom taps out! The crowd erupts as Wade Orson and Roly Muckletruck stand tall, having conquered the beastly duo. Wade raises his World Championship high as the ref raises their hands in victory.

Winners: Wade Orson & Roly Muckletruck

Grade: 81

Overall Show Grade: 79

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That's 3 TV shows in a row where we've graded 82, 79, 79. 

With at least one 80+ match on each.

In all honesty this show was a little disappointing.  The in-ring action was great [matches were 77, 77, 54, 78, 81] but we didn't have a single promo over 80.  Frankly I expect a little better than that.  Maybe I need Cliff King over a bit more.  He's having to do a fair bit of heavy lifting these days.

I don't really like him looking after War Machine AND the Demolishers either.  Feels like hes spread too thin, and they're not really moving in the same circles these days.


Wade and Roly together are a FORCE though.  Super fun team.


Andrew was a bit thrown-in but I really like him [and there's an amazing new pic of him around that's inspired me].  Bulldozer was only ever brought in on a short-term contract, and that was his last appearance.


After my criticism in the past few days Tommy finally pulled his finger out and delivered a great match.  A 78 with Mr Sunshine was pretty solid.  But it did also have Leigh and Machine in it.  Nevertheless I feel like Sunshine partnering with Tommy and getting to the QFs has properly rehabilitated him and he's firmly ensconced as a midcard gatekeeper now.


Hellbound promos continue to be wildly up and down.  This one was a 54.  Ive managed to have a few good ones, but they're just not reliable.  And thats not good enough in a company that sees angles in the 70s as disappointing.  A few of those doesnt tank my show, but Faust and Hellbound should be a major faction.  If they cant avoid 54 angles... why should they get TV time instead of Apollo, Landon, the Underdogs, Mark Adonis, Phil Cooper, Dangermouth, Phil Harmonic, Luke Cool, Absolutely Flawless, etc

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