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What real life wrestlers do CVerse wrestlers closely resemble?

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As someone who is still new to the CVerse overall, I thought it might be an interesting discussion. I know none of them translate 1:1 exactly with real life wrestlers. But who would you say any CVerse wrestlers resemble in real life? Would help me give more context to my games. I can clearly see the big names in the CVerse in USPW, TCW, SWF and the like. But I don't know a lot about them. 

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I think a lot of the 1:1 comparisons have retired or are on the tail end of their careers. I usually play SWF so I'm most familiar with them.

  • Micky Starr: 80s Hogan
  • Sam Strong: 90s Hogan
  • Skull DeBones: The Undertaker
  • Remmy Skye: late career Jeff Hardy
  • Jungle Jack: Superfly Snuka
  • Bruce the Giant: Andre the Giant (but Australian)
  • Pat Deacon: Dusty Rhodes
  • Randy Unleashed & ZWB (the Bumfhole bros): Attitude era Matt & Jeff Hardy
  • The DeColt family is a non-carny version of either the Harts or Von Erichs

The C-verse is great and the big three can be looked in general as; USPW is PG era WWE, SWF is the attitude era/ ruthless aggression, TCW is a little unique but you could compare them to AEW as the 'workrate' company. If you really wanted to stretch your definition you could probably look at some of the top stars as:


  • Nicky Champion -> Super Cena 
  • Rich Money -> late career Triple H
  • Julius Moor -> Goldberg (but safe)
  • Rick Law -> babyface Big Boss Man
  • Steve Frehley -> also Triple H? (I'm not really sure about this one, maybe Kevin Nash is a better example)


  • Rocky Golden -> also Super Cena
  • Scythe -> Kane
  • Primus Allen-> Batista(?)
  • Hollywood Bret Starr -> MJF
  • Valiant -> big stretch but an end of career HBK

I don't think I'll even try with TCW; Andrews, Chord, Gauge, and Hawkins all seem pretty unique to me.


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I'd give you the DAVE guys which are obviously the ECW originals of the C-Verse:

  • Chris Caulfield is a patriotic Tommy Dreamer
  • Eric Tyler is a bald Shane Douglas
  • Big Cat Brandon, or Brandon James in SWF, is similar to Rhyno as they had similar animalistic monster gimmicks, with the difference that Brandon achieved more success
  • Mitch Naess is basically if Joey Styles was also a wrestling promoter
  • JD Morgan is the British Lance Storm. Not the most charismatic worker but was incredible in the ring.

The others, like Kurt Laramee, Nemesis, and Johnny Martin, are hard to compare to real-life wrestlers.

We go to Japan, and BHOTWG is the NJPW. Their rivals, PGHW, is the NOAH (created by a Japanese wrestling legend, Sadaharu Jimbo) + All Japan (had its own four pillars)

  • Haruki Kudo is Keiji Muto. Kudo's alter ego, Hooded Kudo, is obviously the Great Muta
  • Tadiyuki Kikkawa is a combination of two of the Three Musketeers (Chono and Hashimoto, just because of his accomplishments), Antonio Inoki (his INSPIRE run), and Toshiaki Kawada (style of attack)
  • Mito Miwa is the Mitsuharu Misawa, via the name though he was less successful than his fellow Misawa expy. Yoshimi Mushashibo is also like Mitsuharu Misawa, when it came to accomplishments and he is regarded as the greatest professional wrestler.
  • Nobuatsu Tatsuko is Kenta Kobashi with his 'Iron Man' nickname.
  • Shuji Inukai is also like Toshiaki Kawada because of his toughness and stiff style of attack.
  • Kozue Kawashima's render and character screams Kazuchika Okada.
  • KC Glenn is similar to Kenny Omega, as he is an absolute machine in the ring.
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26 minutes ago, monrapi3 said:

I'd give you the DAVE guys which are obviously the ECW originals of the C-Verse:

  • Chris Caulfield is a patriotic Tommy Dreamer
  • Eric Tyler is a bald Shane Douglas
  • Big Cat Brandon, or Brandon James in SWF, is similar to Rhyno as they had similar animalistic monster gimmicks, with the difference that Brandon achieved more success
  • Mitch Naess is basically if Joey Styles was also a wrestling promoter
  • JD Morgan is the British Lance Storm. Not the most charismatic worker but was incredible in the ring.

The others, like Kurt Laramee, Nemesis, and Johnny Martin, are hard to compare to real-life wrestlers.

We go to Japan, and BHOTWG is the NJPW. Their rivals, PGHW, is the NOAH (created by a Japanese wrestling legend, Sadaharu Jimbo) + All Japan (had its own four pillars)

  • Haruki Kudo is Keiji Muto. Kudo's alter ego, Hooded Kudo, is obviously the Great Muta
  • Tadiyuki Kikkawa is a combination of two of the Three Musketeers (Chono and Hashimoto, just because of his accomplishments), Antonio Inoki (his INSPIRE run), and Toshiaki Kawada (style of attack)
  • Mito Miwa is the Mitsuharu Misawa, via the name though he was less successful than his fellow Misawa expy. Yoshimi Mushashibo is also like Mitsuharu Misawa, when it came to accomplishments and he is regarded as the greatest professional wrestler.
  • Nobuatsu Tatsuko is Kenta Kobashi with his 'Iron Man' nickname.
  • Shuji Inukai is also like Toshiaki Kawada because of his toughness and stiff style of attack.
  • Kozue Kawashima's render and character screams Kazuchika Okada.
  • KC Glenn is similar to Kenny Omega, as he is an absolute machine in the ring.

I'd argue that Eric Tyler is more Steve Corino than Shane Douglas. Corino is the King of Old School and part of Tyler's gimmick was being "traditional".

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1 hour ago, monrapi3 said:

KC Glenn is similar to Kenny Omega, as he is an absolute machine in the ring.

I always felt like he was AJ Styles. The initials instead of a first name. Great in the ring, kinda eh on the mic. Southern guy working great in Japan.

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