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Real World Examples of Every Road Agent Note for Match/Angle?

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I was booking a show and looking through the road agent notes for Angles like Hype, Serious, Comedy, Serious, and what each means when paired with Character Development, Working the Crowd etc. I know I can't be the only person not 100% full knowledge on the types that go together. 


Like I have an idea in my head for some of them, but I can't quite figure out exactly what some of these together means. If anybody has any Real World Angles or Match Road Agent Notes, feel free to share for everybody. 

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Open Match: The Description for Open Match is pretty obvious, but I see it as the perfect example of John Cena vs Kurt Angle on Cena's TV Debut. Cena is a nobody at this point, Angle is a former world champ. They have a close back and forth match where Angle wins. That would be Open.   

 Domination: See 98% of Goldberg Matches. Opponent does a quick offensive flurry, Goldbert shrugs off, hits his moveset and pins. 

In 2002, Undertaker was doing his Post American Badass Gimmick, when he turned heel, and was just playing a pissed off Asshole. During this time he had quite a few of matches with the midcard. One storyline was his segments with Tommy Dreamer, Taker made Dreamer drink his tobacco spit one week, led to a match on the next Raw. It was a short 5 minute match or so. Taker obviously won, Dreamer got a bit of offense in, but I wouldn't say it was Dominate or Open. Taker was clearly the more over and better worker. Dreamer's offense was enough to say it wasn't a Dominant Performance by Taker, but I wouldn't call it an Open match either. This one was probably left blank if it were booked in TEW. 

Edited by Jobbertrev
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Flash Pinfall: WWE relies on this quite often when they need one person to win but not lose any momentum off the losing party. A lot of feuds leading into PLEs will feature Wrestler A and B having a match, but Wrestler C comes in, or plays their music, causing Wrestler A to turn around and look up the ramp. Wrestler B does the quick roll up for the 3 count. No Finisher, just the surprise roll up.   

Distraction: I used Distraction as part of the Flash Pinfall. Flash Pinfall can happen without the Distraction, but often it has been used with a distraction. No physical contact usually, worker does what was said above, or jumps on the ropes to goad one of the workers attention while the other guy in the match does something leading to their victory. Paul Heyman is a master at the distraction. Hopping up on the Apron to get the refs attention, which leads to the opponent of who he is managing to grab Heyman. Classic Heel Manager spot to end a match.

Edited by Jobbertrev
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Technical Masterclass weirdly always makes me think of this random Dean Ambrose-Dolph Ziggler match where the two just decided to do a clinic of mat wrestling and chain wrestling and quick reversals. I probably still remember it so well because it was so random for those two at the time. 

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Manager Interference always reminds me of Mr. Fuji. So many examples of him doing a cheap shot or distraction or what have you. Also if your tag guys are each other's "managers"? So many examples of a partner helping during a solo match. 

Turn is common, but Balor recently screwing Preist comes to mind. Ditto Eddie 2.0/Dirty Dom and Rhea. 

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