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Problems with the Auto Booker

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If i want book a TV Show and i want to use the Auto-Booker for it. Push on the Book the Whole Show Button he Book only Matches no Angles or Interview. On The Relese Version 1.10 it works properly. Please Help me wit my Isu or tell me wehre i can find some Help for this

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  • 2 weeks later...

yes its on 😞 in the 1.10 version of the game everything worked. since i updated the ai dont work properly he only books matches in my classic sports entertaiment setting and evolving western i need on tv 65% matches and 35% angles.

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The game can only create angles and interviews if you have appropriate workers available; that requires them to have a minimum perception, be available for the type of show, etc. If you're not getting angles, you're not meeting the requirements. Judging from your screenshot, you are using a lot of nobodies, with Glenn as your only person of note, so that is likely your issue.

You can test this very easily by auto booking a TV show with SWF in the default data as they have the same product and do have available people.

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15 hours ago, MaxStylez said:

but why anything worked with the 1.10 version?

It is probably because your company was not as popular when you were running that version; therefore more of your workers were considered Stars / Major Stars and were eligible to be in angles.

15 hours ago, MaxStylez said:

i found the problem. i have erase my popularity by the ingame editor. now i have les popularity now he works. is this a error or is this normal?

It's normal. If you've reduced your popularity to zero then all your workers would be considered Stars and Major Stars and so become eligible to be used. On the flip side, if you set your popularity to 100 then all your workers become Unknown and they wouldn't be eligible for angles. I recommend that you read section 7.4 of the handbook so that you're clear on how the perception system works. To recap, workers must be of a certain perception level (and have appropriate skill levels) for the auto booker to consider using them.

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