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CWW - The Samurai Code - CVerse

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To: CJenkins
Cc: Abradley; BrynArcher; GavOwen; Ward; GTaypen; JermGranger; JK; JMS; Leyland; Kking; Buzzard; Lenny; Heath; MylesX; Warburton; OH; Pinfall; Vern

As some of you may know there has been a slight change in leadership. Well, more like a rearrangement. After long conversations with Curtis and Jonni we have come to the agreement that I will be the Head Booker going forward. Jonni Leyland will still be involved in the creative meetings, and his contributions will invariably be invaluable. However, it has been known for sometime that discipline has been on the decline for some time. Leadership has, rightly or wrongly, entrusted the locker room to run itself. Going forward CWW will be implementing some changes with regards to locker room behaviour. With that in mind, here is a list of changes:

* No alcohol will be allowed backstage of shows. There is a time and a place for drinking, and in a place of work is not it.

* No smoking will be allowed either backstage of shows or in the presence of fans. We must maintain the illusion that we are well-trained athletes.

* If you are booked for a show, you MUST arrive three hours before showtime. Besides helping to set up the ring, this time will be used to run through the show so that we put on the best performances of the night. Fan meet and greets will also take place during this time.

* Nobody leaves until the final match is over. It will be appreciated if you could stay to sell merchandise, and talk to the fans. However, if you must leave, please wait until the final bell has been rung.

* Please dress like you are professionals. This is a place of work. You ARE getting paid. Treat it so.

* Absolutely NO OUTSIDERS to be allowed backstage.

* And, as per usual, ABSOLUTELY NO DRUGS. Anybody caught in possession of illegal substances will be fired IMMEDIATELY.

Curtis, Jonni, and I look forward to taking you and CWW into 2022.

Thank You

British Samurai

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"Good morning, Radio Wigan! This is British Samurai, and I'm here to tell you about an event you absolutely can't miss this Friday night. Championship Wrestling from Wigan is proud to present Championship Showdown IV at the CWW Arena.

Fans, let me tell you, this card is stacked from top to bottom. We've got hot new talent Kaden King taking on seasoned veteran Glen Ward. You'll see the always entertaining Jonni Leyland facing off against the determined Pinfall Peters.

But that's not all. The tag team division will be on full display as Cross & Granger clash with Sharp & Heath in what promises to be a high-octane match.

And if that wasn't enough, we've got a triple threat match to determine the number one contender for the CWW Championship. Curtis Jenkins, Gavin Owen, and Padraig O'Hearne will leave it all in the ring for a shot at the gold.

To cap off the night, we've got a main event that'll knock your socks off. The legendary Lenny Mochin goes one-on-one with Neil Warburton in what's sure to be a technical masterpiece.

This is wrestling the way it's meant to be, folks. Pure, passionate, and right here in Wigan. So come on down to the CWW Arena this Friday. Doors open at 7, and bell time is at 8. Don't miss out on what's sure to be a night to remember.

This is British Samurai, and I'll see you at the fights!"


FULL CARD (Subject to change)

Lenn Mochin vs. Neil Warburton for the CWW Championship

Curtis Jenkins vs. Gavin Owen vs. Padraig O'Hearne

Cross & Granger vs. Sharp & Heath for the CWW Tag Team titles

Bryn Archer vs. Grant Taypen

Leighton Buzzard vs. Vernon George

Aurelian Bradley vs. JK Lee

Jonni Leyland vs. Pinfall Peters

Kaden King vs. Glen Ward for the CWW Submission title

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British Samurai's Diary - Date: 21/01/22

Today was... challenging, to say the least. It seems the implementation of the Samurai Code is stirring up more trouble than I anticipated. Several incidents cropped up that required my attention:

Myles Cross's Tasteless Rib

Myles Cross, always the joker, took things too far today with a rib that left a sour taste in everyone's mouth. I had to pull him aside and give him a stern warning. The Samurai Code isn't just about in-ring performance; it's about conducting oneself with dignity and respect at all times. To his credit, Cross took the warning well. I hope this means he understands the gravity of his actions and will think twice before pulling such stunts in the future.

JK Lee's Selfish Behaviour

JK Lee has been pushing boundaries lately, and today it came to a head. His selfish behaviour is exactly the kind of attitude the Samurai Code aims to eliminate. I sat him down for a fatherly chat, trying to impress upon him the importance of teamwork and considering others. Unfortunately, he seemed to shrug off my words. I'll need to keep a close eye on him. If this behaviour persists, more drastic measures may be necessary.

Pinfall Peters' Negativity

Pinfall Peters has been a black cloud hanging over the locker room lately. His constant moaning is bringing down morale, which goes against the spirit of unity we're trying to foster. Jonni's solution - sentencing Peters to shut up, cheer up, and buy everyone a beer after the show - was unorthodox but effective. It's not exactly what I had in mind for the Samurai Code, but I have to admit, it did lighten the mood. Perhaps there's something to be learned here about balancing discipline with camaraderie.

Jackie Goldstein and Gavin Owen's Argument

The blazing argument between Jackie Goldstein and Gavin Owen outside the arena is deeply concerning. Public disputes like this tarnish the image of CWW and go against everything the Samurai Code stands for. I'll need to speak with both of them privately to understand the root of their conflict and find a way to resolve it that aligns with our new principles.


These incidents have made me realize that implementing the Samurai Code won't be as straightforward as I had hoped. It's clear that some wrestlers are struggling to adapt, while others are outright resisting.

The incident with Pinfall Peters shows that there might be merit in incorporating some flexibility and humour into how we handle issues. At the same time, I can't let the Code become a joke.

Moving forward, I'll need to:
1. Have one-on-one talks with the troublemakers to understand their perspectives
2. Consider organizing team-building exercises to foster unity
3. Find ways to reward those who are embracing the Code

The path of the Samurai was never meant to be easy, but I remain convinced that this is the right direction for CWW.

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Excerpt from CWW Monthly

CWW Championship Showdown IV: A Night of Surprises and Stellar Action!

By Jackie Goldstein

The CWW Arena was electric this Friday night as Championship Wrestling from Wigan presented its fourth instalment of Championship Showdown. Despite the modest attendance of 81 passionate fans, the energy was palpable, and the wrestlers delivered performances that will be talked about for weeks to come.

Unexpected Upsets and Quick Victories

The night kicked off when the veteran Glen Ward forced the up-and-coming Kaden King to submit to his devastating Judo Choke Sleeper in just under five minutes. This victory proves that experience often triumphs over youth and enthusiasm. 30

In another surprising turn of events, Grant Taypen delivered a lightning-fast victory over Bryn Archer, securing a win with his Single Arm DDT in a mere 40 seconds. This quick finish left the crowd stunned and solidified Taypen's reputation as a force to be reckoned with. 32

Veterans Shine

Jonni Leyland, a cornerstone of CWW, proved he's still got what it takes by defeating the ever-persistent Pinfall Peters. Leyland's trademark Low Down sealed the deal after a gruelling 9-minute battle that had fans on the edge of their seats. 36

The legendary Lenny Mochin closed out the night with a spectacular main event against Neil Warburton. In a match that showcased both men's incredible stamina and skill, Mochin ultimately prevailed with his Eye of the Storm finisher after 11 minutes of non-stop action. 42

Rising Stars Make Their Mark

JK Lee continued his impressive run by forcing Aurelian Bradley to submit to his Crossface. This victory cements Lee's status as one of CWW's top contenders for the CWW Submission title. 39

Leighton Buzzard also had a standout performance, defeating Vernon George with his signature Buzz Off. This win could be the momentum Buzzard needs to climb the ranks in CWW. 37

Tag Team Turmoil

In an exciting tag team title contest, the duo of Sharp & Heath emerged victorious over Cross & Granger. The match reached its climax when Heath managed to pin Cross with a perfectly executed Disarmer, showcasing the team's growing chemistry and skill. 35

The Road to the Championship

The highlight of the night was undoubtedly the triple threat No. 1 Contendership match featuring Curtis Jenkins, Gavin Owen, and Padraig O'Hearne. In a bout that had the crowd roaring with every near-fall, it was O'Hearne who ultimately secured his shot at the CWW Championship by pinning Jenkins with his Crowning Glory finisher, ending this 20 minute epic. 46

Looking Ahead

As the dust settles on another thrilling night of CWW action, all eyes now turn to Padraig O'Hearne and his upcoming championship opportunity. Will he be able to dethrone the current champion, or will the pressure prove too much for the rising star?

One thing's for certain: if Championship Showdown IV is anything to go by, the future of CWW is brighter than ever. With a perfect blend of established veterans and hungry young talent, the promotion continues to deliver top-notch wrestling action that keeps fans coming back for more.

Stay tuned to CWW Monthly for all the latest updates, exclusive interviews, and in-depth analysis as we countdown to what promises to be an explosive championship clash!

Final Rating: 42


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British Samurai's Diary - Date: 18/02/2022

It's been a month since I implemented the Samurai Code, and while we've made progress, new challenges continue to arise. The locker room dynamics are shifting in interesting ways:

Lynton Minehead and Jon Michael Sharp

I've noticed a curious development with Lynton Minehead. He's been shadowing Jon Michael Sharp, adopting his mannerisms and professional attitude. On one hand, this could be positive – Sharp is known for his professionalism, and having that rub off on Minehead could be beneficial. However, I'm concerned about Minehead losing his own identity in the process.

I need to have a chat with both of them. While I appreciate Sharp's influence, I want to ensure Minehead understands that the Samurai Code is about finding one's own path to excellence, not merely imitating others. Perhaps I can encourage Sharp to mentor Minehead more formally, guiding him while allowing him to develop his own style.

Gavin Owen and Leighton Buzzard Incident

Gavin Owen's intensity has been both a blessing and a curse for CWW. Last week, it boiled over into a heated argument with Leighton Buzzard. I had to intervene, taking Gavin aside for a stern talk about controlling his emotions and respecting his fellow wrestlers.

I'm pleased to report that Gavin took the criticism well. He and Leighton shook hands afterwards, which is a step in the right direction. This incident has shown me that the Samurai Code needs to address not just in-ring behavior, but also how we conduct ourselves backstage.

I'll be keeping a close eye on Gavin. His passion is an asset, but only if he can channel it productively. Perhaps pairing him with a more level-headed partner for a tag team run could help him learn to control his intensity.

Neil Warburton and Aurelian Bradley

An interesting development has been the budding friendship between Neil Warburton and Aurelian Bradley. They've been spending a lot of time together recently, which is somewhat unexpected given their different styles and backgrounds.

This could be a positive sign of the Samurai Code fostering unity among the roster. However, I need to ensure this friendship doesn't lead to any favoritism in bookings or create a clique mentality in the locker room.

On the flip side, this could be an opportunity. If Warburton and Bradley can combine their unique styles and experiences, they could potentially form a formidable tag team. I'll float the idea to them and see how they respond.

Reflections on the Samurai Code - One Month In

After a month of implementing the Samurai Code, I can see both its benefits and areas that need refinement:

1. Professionalism has generally improved, as exemplified by Minehead's efforts to emulate Sharp.
2. Conflicts are being resolved more amicably, as seen with the Owen-Buzzard incident.
3. Unexpected alliances are forming, like the Warburton-Bradley friendship.

However, challenges remain:
1. Some wrestlers, like Gavin Owen, are struggling to fully embrace the Code's principles.
2. There's a risk of the Code leading to conformity rather than individual growth (Minehead situation).
3. We need to better address backstage behavior in addition to in-ring conduct.

Moving forward, I plan to:
1. Implement a mentorship program, pairing veterans with younger talent.
3. Consider how we can use these developing dynamics in our storylines to engage fans further.

The path of the Samurai remains challenging, but I'm more convinced than ever that it's the right direction for CWW. We're not just building better wrestlers; we're fostering a stronger, more unified locker room. The real test will be how these changes translate to our in-ring product and fan engagement in the coming months.

CWW The Call to Arms

Full Card (Subject to Change)

Padraig O'Hearn vs Lenny Mochin for the CWW Championship

Bradley & Archer vs Taypen & Buzzard

Curtis Jenkins vs Pinfall Peters

Gavin Owen vs Jonni Leyland

Sharp & Heath vs. Ward & Warburton

JK Lee vs. Vernon George



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# JK Lee's Insider Report: CWW Call To Arms

*Transcript of phone call between JK Lee and Adam Ryland of TEW.com*

JK: Hey Adam, it's JK Lee. Got a few minutes? I've got some juicy details about last night's CWW Call To Arms show for you.

Adam: Absolutely, JK. Give me all the dirt.

JK: Alright, so first things first - attendance was up slightly from last time. We had 92 people in the CWW Arena. Not exactly selling out Wembley, but hey, progress is progress, right?

Adam: Every fan counts. How was the show itself?

JK: It was a mixed bag, to be honest. Let me break it down for you:

1. I opened the show against Vernon George. Solid match, if I do say so myself. Tapped him out with the Crossface in about six and a half minutes. Between you and me, I think they're grooming me for a push. This new "Samurai Code" British Samurai's implemented seems to be working in my favor. 39

2. Next up was a tag match - Sharp & Heath vs. Ward & Warburton. Decent enough, went about 10 minutes. Heath got the pin on Warburton with that Disarmer of his. Word backstage is that Warburton was pretty pissed about eating the pin. Might be some tension brewing there. 43

3. Now, here's where it gets interesting. Jonni Leyland went over Gavin Owen. Match was solid, almost 11 minutes, but the real story is what happened backstage. Owen was fuming, going on about how he should be getting a push instead of "that old has-been". British Samurai had to step in and calm him down. This Samurai Code stuff isn't sitting well with everyone, let me tell you. 37

4. Then we had a squash match. Jenkins absolutely demolished Pinfall Peters in just over two minutes. Poor Peters looked lost out there. Rumor has it he might be on his way out if he doesn't shape up soon. 27

5. The tag team triple threat was next. Taypen & Buzzard came out on top, becoming number one contenders. But here's the kicker - Grant Taypen isn't happy being part of a tag team. There was some arguing backstage between him and Buzzard. British Samurai was trying to smooth things over, but their remains tension between the duo. 37

6. Main event was O'Hearne challenging Mochin for the CWW Championship. Went to a 30-minute time limit draw. Solid match. The crowd was on their feet by the end. Between you and me, I think they're setting up for a rematch with some stipulation - maybe an Iron Man match or something. 50

Adam: Wow, sounds like quite a night. Any other backstage rumblings?

JK: Oh yeah. Remember how I mentioned Warburton was upset? Well, he and Bradley have been thick as thieves lately. I overheard them talking about possibly forming a tag team. Could shake things up if they do.

Also, there's this weird situation with Lynton Minehead. He's been following Jon Michael Sharp around like a lost puppy, trying to mimic his style. It's getting on some people's nerves, especially Sharp's. I wouldn't be surprised if that comes to a head soon.

Oh, and one last thing - there's talk that British Samurai might be looking to bring in some international talent. Nothing concrete yet, but keep your ear to the ground on that one.

Adam: This is gold, JK. Thanks for the inside scoop. Anything else you want to add before we wrap up?

JK: Just that things are definitely heating up in CWW. This Samurai Code is changing the landscape, for better or worse. It's creating some interesting dynamics, but also some tension. I think the next few months are going to be make or break for a lot of guys here.

Adam: Fascinating stuff. Thanks again, JK. Take care and good luck with your push.

JK: Cheers, Adam. Talk to you after the next show.

*End of transcript*

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