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Thought of an insane challenge if were to use a real world mod

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I am sorry if this is the wrong place to put this.

Anyways with the addition of Booking Teams in IX I had an insane idea for game.  I call it "The Booking Team From Hell".  Basically I would try bringing back an old territory to challenge WWF after it bought WCW and ECW.  Now the interesting part of the challenge, on my booking team I would have the following people; Jim Cornette, Vince Russo, Paul Heymen, and Eric Bishoff.  The problem I would have is who I would choose to play as in 2001.  Who around this time would have the influence to wrangle these 4 men into trying to work together in a wrestling company?  Maybe Shane McMahon?  Any ideas for anyone else could run this company?  Which real world mod be best suited for this challenge?

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