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Event Type Frequency

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So realizing that random generation can lead to unusual results: is anyone else getting worker incidents that are frustratingly same-y?

I've seen the occasional arrest and prison term, sure. Only for up the 2nd degree murder, but that's still 15 years and that's basically the end of a worker unless there's an appeal event I've never seen. That's mostly in 2020, though they pop up once or twice in TEW 9. 

And there's apparently some really crazy events out there. I've seen wrongful dismissal lawsuits and some other stuff. In 2020 I got a few photo shoot ones too, have barely seen them this time. 

But when I check incidents on my current games? What I actually see (setting aside weather events for a moment) is: MMA, MMA, weight gain, MMA, MMA, pregnant, MMA, TV show (cameo only), pregnant, MMA, that one Indian actress does her movie and gets 60 pop all over the world (this happens so much I need to check to see if its a premade event), and oh yes, MMA. 

I don't mind the MMA fights. Really. But are they really that common compared to all the other events or am I just getting the weirdest random results over multiple games by now. And if it is set up to do that the majority of the time can we...not? It honestly gets pretty boring. 

Edited by JackNo
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