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brief introduction

Formerly a Sports Entertainment powerhouse and Canadian wrestling staple (though never the biggest promotion in the country), CGC has been putting on shows since 1990. The company has gone through multiple different phases, the pre-DeColt sons lighthearted territory style wrestling, the cartoon wrestling of the late 90’s, the slick and high-production 2000’s, with the company’s peak being thought of as in between 2005 and 2010, there’s the Vibert Crash TV experiment, but most importantly there’s the Alex DeColt era, where the heir of the company drove it to near-shutdown due to his declining mental health and all in all not-great mind for the business. But in March 2021, CGC was “saved”. After Alex’s hospitalization, a coup ensued. Brother Ricky bought the company alongside fellow brothers Jack and Steve, put himself in charge, Alex went off into some relaxation retreat mental health escape. It was time to build this thing up from nothing. 


First, he called the old friends. Half the people had cushion contracts in big companies, the other half didn’t want to work in the company Alex was employed in (and he is still employed, just on hiatus). Eddie Chandler didn’t want to do TV while fat. Shane Nelson and Ryan Powell are scumbags now. Lee Rivera told him to ‘fuck off’ instantly after he picked up the phone. Joey Poison books a comedy shindie that is apparently ‘competition’ and ‘pays better’. Fine. 


So he called a new friend. Edd Stone, the black sheep of the NOTBPW dynasty was on board to join him as head booker… in November when his contract expired. Ricky would do the business. Steve and Jack would do the commentary and assist Chucky Dorrance in running the training center. Edd put the world title on himself for the foreseeable future, the company finally had some slight buzz… but it still had Alex DeColt’s roster. Any new fan who realized they had to sit through 35 minutes of Old School and The Barge to get the good stuff didn’t bother, which meant that while they’d saved their TV slot for now there was more work to do. The first few months of 2022 were all about restructuring. They took a chance on a few kids from the indies, did some quality poaching, fired the deadweight, started putting on shows that were kinda worth seeing. Which was key as June 30th 2022 was the date their TV deal with Canadian-I Broadcasting expired. Thankfully, they’d proven enough to get a bit of an upgrade. CBN… On The Go! the trusted channel’s TV app took them in with a 90 minute slot. With them already putting on USPW shows in the main channel, the thought was for CGC to sell that 90 minute show as proof of concept in a year to other channels: put 30 minutes of advertisements wherever you want, this is the show we can offer you in a two hour timeslot. It’s a gamble upon gamble upon gambles, in a company that was already running out of money before Ricky took over. 


Here we are now, July 3rd 2022. CGC Title Bout Wrestling is about to debut on its 9th different home in 25 years. A new vision from a booker about to take the training wheels off. A roster that is different from the worst days in company history. A 6 pm slot on something everyone in their key audiences needs help setting up to actually watch. A situation where every company in Canada is in war with them specifically. And the ticking timebomb of Alex DeColt is on the horizon. 


This could be the final chance CGC have to survive. This infusion of starpower in such a competitive landscape not only in Canada but globally means their lolcow perception needs to turn around now or never. And two months where the worst wrestler on the shows is Kolkata Jai instead of Buck Graham wasn’t enough. Now imagine the reaction the public will have when they learn that the moment a couple consecutive good things happened to CGC, NOTBPW decided to poach goddamn Jack DeColt.



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Structure Overview: 


Owner: Ricky DeColt 



Booker: Edd Stone 



Locker Room Leaders: Brett Fraser, Chance, Dan DaLay, Steve DeColt, Whippy The Clown 

BrettFraser(2).jpg.f020e07a30dae1a6d7769a4fd14a3869.jpg Chancewillr0ck.jpg.0f83320a10d26b99735afd27389d87e2.jpg DanDaLayTheLloyd.jpg.e85545e9957b575793f6d773d437cf0c.jpg SteveDeColtKingBison.jpg.b79546596a4384dd6202b6f7777b1060.jpg WhippyTheClownShipshirt3.jpg.9b364648b33989f83ee216e42d43c49b.jpg


Head of Talent Relations: CJ Weston 


Senior Road Agent: Steve DeColt



Head Trainer: Chucky Dorrance 



Travel Organizer: Cheatin’ Mike Bairstow 





Kayfabe Structure Overview: 


Owner: 70% “Board of Directors”, 30% DeColt Family 


Executive Committee: CJ Weston, Eve Grunge, R.K. Hayes 

CJWestonWillr0ck2.jpg.99286db8aad746bdb10ff9a5069b7bd5.jpg evegrungesmw88.jpg.bb1e3c26082376c6a31ae8fa2b972939.jpg RKHayesShipshirt2.jpg.4677bc125425763cdbca90ed57dcbad0.jpg




Commentary Team: Adrian Garcia, Samuel Curran, Steve DeColt 

AdrianGarcia(2).jpg.42c1db6e1bf4bd845858c7e718b633b9.jpg SamuelCurranShipshirt.jpg.14f058e84baa38163b7dcdf5040c0b49.jpg SteveDeColtKingBison.jpg.b79546596a4384dd6202b6f7777b1060.jpg

Edited by AboardTheArk
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I really enjoyed playing a CGC 2022 save on TEW20, which was inspired by your 2018 dynasty. Back then I masochistically sent Ed Stone and Jack, Ricky and Steve DeColt away at the start and had Brett Fraser win the top title at WrestleFestival, so I can already say with certainty that you'll be serving up something better than that. I love the backstory of starting in July with a new TV deal and the roster already tweaked. Was the Jack DeColt departure part of the narrative you created or something that actually happened early in the save?

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HELD AT: Windsor Arena hall, Ontario 

CA: 300 

Live Viewers: 79,040




CJ Weston: "Ladies and gentlemen of all ages, I, CJ Weston, intermediary liaison of CBN (On The Go) and the CGC Board of Directors welcome you to this debut edition of Title Bout Wrestling! We are honored to give to you the best Sports Entertainment in Canada and be a valuable member of the CBN Family. We have a very very special card for you today, including a Canadian title defense, the champion and challenger for the CGC World Championship at Ultimate Showdown against each other, and much more. But we will begin in an unusual manner. The great Nathan Black is having his final match here, tonight. He himself chose the man he scouted at great length, Samson Gillis, member of the "New Predators" with Black's frequent partner Warren Technique, to get the honor of being the last person who gets to wrestle him. This is not one for people with short attention spans, Subway Surfers on your second screen is advised". 



NathanBlackundertaker.jpg.7a5c6158365d5ffec39c839ebfe4f15c.jpg VS SamsonGillis.jpg.19c115b99543fcc123e8e60c3eb76ccc.jpg

Slow and steady, Nathan Black aims even in this final night to make live hell for his young opponent. He doesn't give up an inch on his fundamentally sound holds, and he's in no rush to get off the ground at any point. Gillis is however a particularly cunning wrestler for his age and doesn't hesitate to use some tricks up his sleeve to get out of tough situations. The layout is highly unusual for modern wrestling, let alone sports entertainment, with no one taking a bump for the first half of the match. It's continuously problem-solution wrestling, with Black visibly having fun out there for the first time in a while. After Samson's patience wore thin, he made the first mistake, getting caught for an inverted leg sweep that Black transitioned into a leglock immediately, but he instantly rolled to the ropes and decided to try his lack standing again, this time getting a brutal kick to Black's midsection and getting the opening he needed for a standing suplex and a 1 count. Frustrated, he decided to mount Black only to find that Black has a transition out of a half-hearted mount to an ankle lock! Gillis rolls into an escape, sending Nathan into the turnbuckles but doesn't even have time to capitalize with a bomb, instead this time getting a deep headlock in that Black can't get any air out of and has to take over two minutes to escape. A slap to the veteran revitalizes him however and he hits a beautiful latch suplex for a 2.9 count. He keeps the arms hooked, but Gillis headbutts him and gets him with Delilah's Betrayal (Kneeling Michinoku Driver) for the win, ending one of his mentors' career. Post-Match they share a handshake, Nathan bows to the crowd and that's the last time they see him. 






Eve Grunge, head of human source dynamics and relations development for the betterment of Canadian Golden Combat, is giving a rundown to the two most fearsome combatants based on recent form. 


DominicDeSousaShipshirt2.jpg.f57219d679f3bd20b6461941da003ea8.jpg                                                                RickyDeColtKingBison.jpg.d07c5b5398b69846974f2e3846f8802e.jpg

"Sexiest Man Alive" Dominic DeSousa                                 CGC World Heavyweight Champion Ricky DeColt


The two have been in Collision Course for the past couple of months, and it can only end at Ultimate Showdown!


Eve: "So, for this debut episode we need to showcase what CGC is. To manage that and also keep the idea of you facing each other for the world title fresh, you are going to wrestle this main event with tag partners. In fact, they will be tag partners of your choosing. Only caveat- they need to be part of the new generation of CGC and made their debut within the last 12 months. It's going to be the present of wrestling teaming up with the future of wrestling- that's how you make headlines." 


DeSousa: "But Eve, er, miss Grudge, why would I ever want to team up with one of those dweebs at the back? They'll ruin my aura, I have a reputation to uphold!" 

Ricky DeColt: "Yeah this is cool, but why would you get a poor kid the bad fortune of standing in between me and punching this idiot in the face?" 

Eve: "This is a collective decision. Please try not to kill each other while leaving, save it for the ring." 




AlyxWinterskingbison.jpg.5bccb6335ef7f5ba60f8aba71bb1a487.jpg  FlipSimkinskingbison.jpg.ea6c55570e40aae99bcab3faac0e5588.jpg

Alyx Winters and Flip Simkins, Generation Z and YOUR CGC World Tag Team Champions are together backstage with their belts. 

Alyx: "We're not wrestling today but that doesn't mean we can't make our mark." 

Flip: "Tell 'em" 

Alyx: "We won these, these, holy grails of awesomeness, at the Wrestlefestival and really, there's no division stepping up to go up against us." 

Flip: "No one in sight" 

Alyx: "Karson and Mustafa, these guys we've faced a miiiillion times by now. Annoying freaks menacemaxxing instead of wrestling like top competitors of our times." 

Flip: "Pathetic chuds Alyx!" 

Alyx: "So we decided, and we got approval by the way, this is an announcement, to put the titles up against multiple teams at Ultimate Showdown- whoever steps up. If they can match us, if they can show up, they can step up and lose." 

Flip: "We're farming tag teams now!" 

Alyx: "Let's cook up a banger for the fans at Ultimate Showdown!"




EddStoneKingBison.jpg.6ddb553eab890f3446f434bc11ad1a8d.jpg KillerKhan.jpg.bb600994805d66878ce7309fe52b87a9.jpg MustafaTheExecutioner.jpg.2df1b25bab49171cab898621722bcead.jpg


BrettFraser(2).jpg.82279461dfb776f4982790a5ffc0b955.jpg MimicJTLant.jpg.24a52ee6384dec26977dd9b792cabba1.jpg Steelheart.jpg.5747cc33700da0ffe6295f73a5ab83e6.jpg


Classic heel vs face CGC action here. The young Steelheart, ever silent and handsome is a perfectly fine babyface in peril despite his inexperience. Yates is too cool and nonchalant to come to the young man's aid, but Brett Fraser never steps down for a fight and takes it to the heels constantly. Karson and Mustafa are usually really violent, especially when weapons come into play, but here they just pick apart whoever is in front of them with heavy blows and slams, letting Edd Stone be the one who does the most damage with big bombs. Finally, Yates gets his big hot tag and clears house, including a ridiculous tope on Mustafa where he's barely caught and ends up almost in the front row, but he can't get Karson up for the Screwdriver and we end up with Stone and Steelheart tagged in, which majorly telegraphs the ending- the monsters blatantly cheat with the help of their manager, attacking Fraser and Yates at ringside and teasing bringing out the forks that they never actually use, ref Garcia threatens disqualification, Edd Stone pokes Steelheart's eyes more for the fun of it than any real threat of loss and hits the Party's Over (Sliced Bread #2) for the three count. 




Int. a basement apartment with posters and a mattress with no bedframe. Skip "The Flow" Beau is talking to a camera. 

Skip: New station, new era. But nothing's different for me- ever since I lost the CGC Canadian title opportunities have been slim. You gotta get freaking "Steelheart" on TV instead of the goddamn Flow Skip Beau I guess. I think it's time for some real changes. I think it's time I get in there and grab the attention I should have earned by being a great champion. Did I hear a "thank you" for saving this company when all the jokes were parading around? Maybe one or two. Did anyone say "good job Skip, you're a good champion". As a matter of fact, they did. But not enough! I need more, and I'm getting it. And I'm teaching some of you a lesson along the way. You can't go against the flow permanently." 



Back in the locker room, we see Ricky DeColt talking to his choice of tag partner for tonight's main event. 



Adrian Cote, the young Quebecois brawler who has graduated from the DeColt power house at just 18 years of age. We see Ricky go over strategy with young Adrian, which mostly includes "use your scrapiness, frustrate Dom, punch him in his stupid face, rely on him picking a terrible tag partner to get some hype by dominating them" and things of that nature. Cote has never been as attentive in his life, if he had he'd probably had better grades in algebra and not instantly go into pro wrestling in high school. 



MurrayFirth.jpg.17bc53b78cb821e319d14ba893d299f3.jpg VS TheAlexithymiaEunuch.jpg.5b9584c6f3678182082a1879ad0e9d24.jpg

The Alexithymia Eunuch has had a rough 2024 with his undefeated streak ending at the hands of Brett Fraser, but he's been recovering his momentum slowly and adapting to life on earth- he's just coming off the biggest win of his career against Whippy The Clown. His new understanding of the fact not all pain humans feel is the same is groundbreaking and helps him brutalize poor Murray Firth. Chops and knees and punches and punches and even a few devastating throws- where in the galaxy do you learn to throw an exploder suplex- with little recourse from Firth who has the talent and the might but he doesn't have the patience or know how. The moment the Eunuch's head instantly turns with no signs of hurt after a brutal head kick, Murray's instinct is to run the ropes and hit a huge lariat, but that's just how you get into the Sterilizer (Pop-Up Powerbomb). Simple and effective.




Faith, who's come to her senses after breaking up with Vince Smith and begged for this interviewer job, afraid she'd pick an even worse client to manage somehow if left to her own devices, hesitantly enters the ring and extends a question- and the microphone- to the Eunuch. 

Faith: "Mr. Alexithymian, do you think you're recapturing a level of form necessary to achieve things in CGC?" 

The Eunuch stares back coldly, but for a bit too long. There's some awkwardness in the air as he figures how to speak.

The Alexithymian Eunuch: "Earthern wo-man, CGC is a tricky puzzle to finish. Humans contain multitudes and I have so much more to understand. My prowess is undeniable and I hope to conquer many more challengers on the way to the top, but I understand it will take patience and study. I was wrong to think of the inhabitants of this planet as lesser me's... they're more like lesser Usqudites, and that's just way more fascinating. Perhaps I will need a tutor." 

He walks off after still looking at Faith for an embarrassing long time.




DanDaLayKingBison.jpg.d78091d626702e2b5b5e2ccfb49f9a5e.jpg  CGCCanadianwillr0ck.jpg.e582d36e0c8b1d1a8f5773bc65b55e47.jpg  HarveyRobbinfieldShipshirt2.jpg.8a2eeeb277521bd7e955de4e844535db.jpg


The Omega Man ended Skip Beau's impressive reign, but this is a bigger, meaner proposition. Dan DaLay instantly gets in his bag- noogies and wedgies and bear hugs and face-into-the-turnbuckle, but Robbinfield's athleticism and tenacity can't be overstated. It feels like he actually CAN approach everything head on and it's not just a rash decision on his part when it happens. Dropkick! German Suplex! Omega Dri- nope, too heavy. Dan hits a rare brain chop which instantly downs Harvey, only to kip up and hype up the crowd. Only to, of course, take a huge big boot from Dan who's tired of this crap. DaLay Down is on its way but Robbinfield slips out and runs the ropes for a huge leaping lariat that sends Dan out of the ring. Tope Suicida! Back in the ring- springboard shooting star press 1-2-3! Dan can't believe it as he kicks out at 3.2 but the Omega Man has done it again. 




As Harvey is celebrating his huge win, he get clobbered by a huge strike to the back of the neck as a man with sunglasses and a stubble beats the crap out of him. 



It's the bay area's own, Blockbuster! The CGC alumni is back and is creating chaos already! Harvey tries to fight back but he's too spent. Blockbuster hits him with a BusterBomb (Turnbuckle Powerbomb) and tries to pick him up for another but he's interrupted by music.



Director of security and general badass, RK Hayes is here, ready to put an end to this. 

RK Hayes: "Listen, buster, you and I both know this is not the time to do this and if you lay another finger on my champion I'll kick- take some necessary disciplinary measures. However, I admire go getters. I admire brutality. And I think as long as you don't cause any more trouble you can skip the queue and get a Canadian title shot at Ultimate Showdown my guy! Now get the hell out of my ring!" 

And so he does, content with getting what he wanted. 



Dominic De Sousa with a glass of Cuba Libre in hand enters the locker room. He has a really tough choice to make. There's no young guy on the roster that can look that good next to "Mr. July" (see: the CGC 2024 Calendar, now 70% off on the website considering... it's July) and also be an appropriate amount of scumbag. And this is the rare case where it's better to sacrifice the scumbag part. He points at the strapping young lad to end all strapping young lads. 

Dom: "You cabron, want to main event an episode of TV for the first and last time?" 






AdrinCote.jpg.5b1a2518c1264f5ec6cc10bfd9441207.jpg RickyDeColtKingBison.jpg.d07c5b5398b69846974f2e3846f8802e.jpg VS DominicDeSousaShipshirt2.jpg.f57219d679f3bd20b6461941da003ea8.jpg TheManTheMythXavier.jpg.84f9f0ce9a9f359c0c9564e547235e73.jpg


This isn't perfect. It goes a bit too long for the young guys and is meant to not kill the anticipation of the eventual title match so it's a lot of them carrying the kids. But the energy is there. Big moves are hit everywhere, the fans go wild whenever Ricky DeColt does anything and whenever Dominic De Sousa ruins the fun they're absolutely livid. Xavier gets a bit lost trying to get his hype stuff in, even when Ricky is happy to sell for him, but in the end it's a perfectly watchable match where Ricky DeColt just ties it all together by being a God to these fans. Dominic doesn't even try to interrupt his finishing sequence. Forearms to Xavier, Spinebuster, Standing Moonsault, DeColt 45 (Reverse Fisherman Buster) and it's over just like that, with De Sousa trying to hide his seething by getting the fans' attention. 



Ricky notices Dom posing and working the crowd and gives a sly smile. He motions to get a mic from the staff and begins. 


Ricky DeColt: "Today was a huge moment for Canadian Golden Combat. Thank you all for joining me here. I beat DeSousa tonight, I will do it again in two weeks. No matter how many we are, how many blows we're taking, as long as you show up, and as long as I'm here to fight, this is still, undoubtedly DECOLT COUNTRY. And I'm Ricky DeColt, representing all of you, representing my family, representing the company itself. As long as I breathe, CGC will be here. And as long as you're here, watching me beat dickwads like "Mr. July", CGC will be the greatest company in Canada. Let's show that egomaniac prick we can do it all year long at Ultimate Showdown!"




Edited by AboardTheArk
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On 9/5/2024 at 10:33 AM, Wrestling Machine said:

Jack you MF! 

"Loyal to CGC" means nothing these days... Actually wild to see that happen, I remember it in the dev journal for IX.

21 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

Cool - If you haven't already taken a look I'd suggest looking at Historians Women and Martels FWP - trust me there are people there that fit this really well.


I'm pretty sure the Women's mod, or a 2020 version, is already implemented? Ashley Keith is there and all that. Does FWP have DAZ renders? 

11 hours ago, 619 said:

I really enjoyed playing a CGC 2022 save on TEW20, which was inspired by your 2018 dynasty. Back then I masochistically sent Ed Stone and Jack, Ricky and Steve DeColt away at the start and had Brett Fraser win the top title at WrestleFestival, so I can already say with certainty that you'll be serving up something better than that. I love the backstory of starting in July with a new TV deal and the roster already tweaked. Was the Jack DeColt departure part of the narrative you created or something that actually happened early in the save?

I have done a save where I get rid of Edd Stone (easy, just pick a different booker character and he'll get an offer instantly), and in general I've tried to fix CGC 2022 so many times the first few months would be interesting gameplay but awful diary stuff, "oh this terrible wrestler finished up dates and I brought this unsigned guy who isn't ready for TV to wrestle three matches until I get mad at him and let him go and wait for SWF to release someone". So starting in July was a really good compromise in that regard, and I didn't play the first six months with too much detail, just lightly guided the AI booker- hell some guys I care about start with pretty bad momentum. A fun factor was that I got a "no brawlers" owner goal that cut me off from most usual signings (the Hot Taggs are made for a CGC stint). Jack left for real just before the debut on the new app. I didn't even bother making a counteroffer thinking he'd decline due to loyalty + all the family bonds and here we are now.

12 minutes ago, christmas_ape said:

Ah man I loved so many of those segments. I mean really every one. RK Hayes, Generation Z and Skip would be be highlights although that's missing out plenty I enjoyed. 

I think your tone fits CGC perfectly so will look forward to more. 

Thank you so much! I'm going to be trying to go more segment-heavy, we'll see how that works out in the long run.


Overall, this CGC is obviously not going to be the exact same as 2018, that was more conservative especially early on. I've always been very influenced by Self's CGC which is just cool as hell every time (and I assure you just cause I found these non-wrestlers with really high pop it doesn't mean I'm going to be doing his 97 diary committee), and Edd at the helm will be really different than my Adrian Garcia. I'm working on product taglines and to see if I can even strike the non-existent balance in my head. I don't know if I'm going to be keeping the more "live" description going forward, but it was nice to write this one like that. I have one or two more surprises in store and then there's probably going to be 0 signings for a PPV cycle or two- get acquainted with the roster first, the overview of which I'm going to be posting after Ultimate Showdown. Thank you folks for the warm reception so far.

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1 hour ago, AboardTheArk said:

"Loyal to CGC" means nothing these days... Actually wild to see that happen, I remember it in the dev journal for IX.

I'm pretty sure the Women's mod, or a 2020 version, is already implemented? Ashley Keith is there and all that. Does FWP have DAZ renders? 

I have done a save where I get rid of Edd Stone (easy, just pick a different booker character and he'll get an offer instantly), and in general I've tried to fix CGC 2022 so many times the first few months would be interesting gameplay but awful diary stuff, "oh this terrible wrestler finished up dates and I brought this unsigned guy who isn't ready for TV to wrestle three matches until I get mad at him and let him go and wait for SWF to release someone". So starting in July was a really good compromise in that regard, and I didn't play the first six months with too much detail, just lightly guided the AI booker- hell some guys I care about start with pretty bad momentum. A fun factor was that I got a "no brawlers" owner goal that cut me off from most usual signings (the Hot Taggs are made for a CGC stint). Jack left for real just before the debut on the new app. I didn't even bother making a counteroffer thinking he'd decline due to loyalty + all the family bonds and here we are now.

Thank you so much! I'm going to be trying to go more segment-heavy, we'll see how that works out in the long run.


Overall, this CGC is obviously not going to be the exact same as 2018, that was more conservative especially early on. I've always been very influenced by Self's CGC which is just cool as hell every time (and I assure you just cause I found these non-wrestlers with really high pop it doesn't mean I'm going to be doing his 97 diary committee), and Edd at the helm will be really different than my Adrian Garcia. I'm working on product taglines and to see if I can even strike the non-existent balance in my head. I don't know if I'm going to be keeping the more "live" description going forward, but it was nice to write this one like that. I have one or two more surprises in store and then there's probably going to be 0 signings for a PPV cycle or two- get acquainted with the roster first, the overview of which I'm going to be posting after Ultimate Showdown. Thank you folks for the warm reception so far.

No most non real world expansions now use AI pics - you could repurpose renders for the characters though if you choose.  I know some people have issues with AI pics (which I get) and what I would say is it's just like the core game - repurpose pics that fit your preference.  There is definitely fun DeColt related stuff in both Historians and especially Martels FWP which is why I thought I would mention them. 

I am happy to see where you go with this.

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I second what @christmas_ape said, you and CGC really is a perfect fit. Thanks for the background on how the save got to this point too: I really like this concept of building up the roster in the background and picking an interesting dynasty start point with the TV deal and Jack DeColt leaving, so the story begins at a moment that's unique to your game world.

I love what we've seen of the roster so far: a good blend of key figures from your 2018 dynasty like Beau, DaLay, Whippy and Faith, big names you didn't get to work with then like Ricky DeColt and Edd Stone and lots of interesting young talent. Ideal main event concept for introducing your roster to a new audience too, pairing two of your biggest names with rookies, and I love that Adrian Cote got the opportunity.

It was nice that Nathan Black got a send-off and an interesting idea for him to pass the torch to the new partner of his partner. I like the concept of Eve Grunge's character and her job title, I'm intrigued to see what you do with the Eunuch and I enjoyed Blockbuster's reintroduction.

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Your CGC dynasty was the first one I really ever read and got invested in, and is still a favorite of all time for me. I am so excited to check out this new edition in the 2022 mod which I love a lot. Excited to see what you do when/if Alex ever comes back. The narrative for CGC in this mod is so exciting, can't wait for more!

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Loved your first show. I'm not familiar with a lot of the characters, but you did a great job introducing them and getting it across in just a segment or two. Surprised to see Nathan Black of all guys getting a classy sendoff, good for him. Poor Xavier, he'll get em next time.

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On 9/6/2024 at 6:51 PM, GOLD NECKLACE said:

I love a good CGC diary! I'm in!

Hell yeah! Welcome aboard.

On 9/7/2024 at 1:09 AM, 619 said:

I second what @christmas_ape said, you and CGC really is a perfect fit. Thanks for the background on how the save got to this point too: I really like this concept of building up the roster in the background and picking an interesting dynasty start point with the TV deal and Jack DeColt leaving, so the story begins at a moment that's unique to your game world.

I love what we've seen of the roster so far: a good blend of key figures from your 2018 dynasty like Beau, DaLay, Whippy and Faith, big names you didn't get to work with then like Ricky DeColt and Edd Stone and lots of interesting young talent. Ideal main event concept for introducing your roster to a new audience too, pairing two of your biggest names with rookies, and I love that Adrian Cote got the opportunity.

It was nice that Nathan Black got a send-off and an interesting idea for him to pass the torch to the new partner of his partner. I like the concept of Eve Grunge's character and her job title, I'm intrigued to see what you do with the Eunuch and I enjoyed Blockbuster's reintroduction.

The rookies are GREEN but they're about to be a part of this one way or another. Roster is going to be staying lean to ensure they get reps. Blockbuster is going to get some love in this one, I need to lock in with the monster heels after I did them dirty in 2018 and sadly Dan is limping to retirement.

20 hours ago, knkmaster69 said:

Your CGC dynasty was the first one I really ever read and got invested in, and is still a favorite of all time for me. I am so excited to check out this new edition in the 2022 mod which I love a lot. Excited to see what you do when/if Alex ever comes back. The narrative for CGC in this mod is so exciting, can't wait for more!

Thank you so much dude, welcome back! Alex coming back will be really interesting, his personality has changed to quiet in the mod but he still hates so many people and they hate him.

14 hours ago, Tiberious said:

Loved your first show. I'm not familiar with a lot of the characters, but you did a great job introducing them and getting it across in just a segment or two. Surprised to see Nathan Black of all guys getting a classy sendoff, good for him. Poor Xavier, he'll get em next time.

Yeah, it's weird that Nathan is basically a random midcarder in Canon CVerse but in the Alt universe he is one of the few people who stay forever and has won the tag titles a billion times. 


Xavier is a future megastar, sadly on a timeline where this diary would need to go on until TEW X to see it happen. 

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HELD AT: George Kinneal Gymnasium, Vancouver, BC

CA: 300 

Live Viewers: 90,094



The show opens with a flashback of the Faith/Eunuch interview from last week. There's a freeze frame in Eunuch's long, awkward stare and a cut ensues to a diner scene. What occurs is a re-enactment of the scene in Hit Man (2024) where Adria Arjona is persuaded to leave her husband instead of order a hit on him by Glen Powell, but with a lot more stilted, alien dialogue and references to things that don't exist like accountant wrestlers and a Theme Park in the 4th ring of Saturn. 



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In a rocking battle the metalhead who has made his whole personality being really annoying to younger women at a gig goes up against a nonchalant grunge rocker. At first it seems like a disaster comeback for Blockbuster with Yates being unaffected at his usual heel techniques and just doing his own thing, hitting kicks and bouncing around while making sure his hair looks great. But Blockbuster's might is incomparable- bear hug suplex! Jackhammer! Ear rocking slaps with the power of 125 decibels, right into the Busterbomb (Turnbuckle Powerbomb)- but Yates manages to land on his feet on the top rope. He flips forward into an attempt at the Hurricanrana, but that just gives Blockbuster the opportunity to hit a second, more accurate Busterbomb for the win. 



Blockbuster grabs the mic, content with himself. "After leaving CGC, I had to do some soul searching. There's a lot of fun in crowdkilling dweebs but the riffs don't hit the same when your scene is gentrified. I went to Pittsburgh and saw how it's really done these days. Different kind of violence, excitement, different men. I can't claim that my love of heavy metal is what it used to be, the posers of CGC beat it out of me. But I was beaten into becoming a different, most sophisticated individual. I'm back, I'm Post Hardcore, and I'm going to be CGC Canadian Champion. Robbinfield, I notice you don't speak much. Your mumble crao doesn't have the staying power of me breaking your spine on a turnbuckle. That's hardcore." 



HauolioliKala.jpg.fa99bb3998c467c69e7debe96fee3eee.jpg VS SkipBeauShipshirt.jpg.4a22431dc8d792e4af0e612d6f5e7b0e.jpg

A suggestion of CGC alum Penfold Predition, Kala is great looking kid from Hawaii with burgeoning skills in high flying- and no chance in hell against Skip Beau. Lariats daze him, backbreakers get the air out of him, backdrops borderline KO him, the Flow Down (DVD) is borderline a formality. Thanks for coming kid. 



Skip Beau is not happy about the match he just had and wants everyone to know about it. "These new kids the directors brought in are nobodies. Someone needs to see if they can be anything. I had my career wasted in this dump and I am NOT going to get passed over for anyone. The future of CGC is The Flow of CGC. All you punks are going to get beaten into either leaving the company, leaving wrestling, or becoming something special, something like me. Something that has an innate greatness no dumbass suit can ignore, as hard as they try!" 



ChuckyDorranceshipshirt.jpg.9acab437f56d36a80261ba86237f8ef9.jpg KolkataJai.jpg.c48dd163227a8f57973931a48516a1f1.jpg VS SamsonGillis.jpg.f3dda8fca1f3f1a823eb14eada6fa3c3.jpg WarrenTechniqueKingBison.jpg.c1e8c296a6857a72055714616c36474a.jpg

The Chuckmeister General is using the unstoppable Indian as a huge, lumbering minion of destruction. Like a Godzilla you can point in the right direction. It's been killing in pre-shows throughout the country but this is their biggest test yet- and three time world tag team champion Warren Technique can exploit all their weaknesses. Kolkata Jai has never been grounded and it's hard to put him on the ground in this one, but with his partner being an all around coward, hard work does the trick. Jai's immense size means he can get a rope break on a heel hook but him having to tag out is less than ideal and Gillis absolutely stomps Chucky Dorrance (with an exception of a beautiful counter into a sunset flip by D that gets a heel hope spot?) and gets him with the Strength of Samson one-arm brainbuster. 



Ricky DeColt is backstage, pacing and excited. 


"DeSousa you prick, you've riled me up over the past few weeks and it's so so good! We're heading into Ultimate Showdown, and that carries a certain weight of expectation! Last year I had to give Dan DaLay what will hopefully be his last beating on the biggest stage, especially now that he's a Hall of Famer. But this year, oh this year I'm main eventing and we're turning a new leaf here in DECOLT COUNTRY. Mr. July, you've talked the talk and you'll keep doing that no matter what happens in our match. You'll buy the Stephen Hawking neural computer if it will help you put down someone to protect yourself from your insecurities. But I can still make a point in that ring. By defending the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, by punching you until your face doesn't fit into the golden axis anymore, I can show "Mr. July" what happens when you're the best wrestler the whole year." 



Our boy is in the ring, as expressionless as ever. "Last week, it was a breakthrough. Like causing a flutter in a force shield, I saw something in humanity. But I need more answers and a better understanding to better myself as a fighter and a being. I believe my poor next opponent can give me a psychosomatic lesson by transmitting what sound he and his bones make when I break them."



PrimeTimeJackPryde.jpg.dccae994958650dbe4a62ef99805ea44.jpg VS TheAlexithymiaEunuch.jpg.257cb9ad7ccb9868a2807985f6eb0da1.jpg

Hope you guys enjoy joint-based offense because this is what the Alexithymia Eunuch has in store for you today! Stomps to the inside of the knees and elbows, wrenches and knee strikes and the galaxy's nastiest dragon screw, ironically make hitting the Sterilizer harder. But Pride isn't ready to put up any real resistance even to the level of last week's opponent, and the Eunuch ends him with a wheelbarrow suplex. 



Backstage, right before tonight's main event, we have Faith interviewing "Mr. July", "Sexy Dom", "King of LA" Dominic De Sousa. 

Faith: "Mr. De Sousa, did you run away last week for fear of revealing hidden tricks to your opponent on Friday?" 

De Sousa: "Girl, girl, you're way too pretty to be contentious. I have no concerns about Ricky DeColt, he is trying too hard to be what CGC fans are used to, but everything is changing. I am the future and the past, timelessly sexy while also being the fighter of the future. Ricky has pictures of Jack and Steve up on his wall reminding him that he has to be them otherwise no one will tune in. Fear not champ, I will make them tune in. Turn on the fans' TV's and not only that. And Faith, girl, despite the fact you're damaged goods, I can turn you on too whenever you want." 

Faith is so done with this she literally walks off, letting Dom pose as his music hits in the building. 



DanDaLayKingBison.jpg.62b68e3a3a032e25e9a8c56ea2aaa3bf.jpg DominicDeSousaShipshirt2.jpg.7e949f0d32100942c55e8bf2322868a4.jpg VS HarveyRobbinsfieldshipshirt2.jpg.f7b0f6ba959842221abe14a6cdcffc14.jpg RickyDeColtKingBison.jpg.f91eafe8e6d9cf6d3638ea2aeb846fc0.jpg

This main event match was a real gritty battle. DaLay tried his hardest to get revenge for last week, De Sousa was more motivated to win this one after Ricky got under his skin, and CGC babyfaces don't need excuses to bring it all in that ring for your viewing pleasure. De Sousa decided to be meaner to Harvey while taunting DeColt, building and building to that big, patented hot tag. DaLay loves a good stalling bear hug as well, so they didn't quite reinvent the wheel in the heat segment. Robbinfield played around with his tendency to no-sell, getting second wind moments and making the rash decision of trying to hit a move instead of getting the tag. It all shimmered and shimmered and shimmered until- TAG! 

Clothesline, Forearms, Spinebuster, Standing Moonsault, DeColt 45! 1-2-De Sousa kicks out! Ricky gets in the corner ready for a superkick, De Sousa flops to dodge, roll up 1-2-2.9! Ricky hits a huge slingblade and tries to go for the DeColt 45 again but Sousa gouges his eyes and attacks Harvey as ref Garcia checks on the champ. Dan gets in the ring and hits a huge headbutt on Ricky, then irish whips him to Mr. July who gets him with a huge dropkick to the jaw! Widow Maker (Curb Stomp). 1-2-3. Huge win for De Sousa. Will it be his month at Ultimate Showdown?





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A DeColt v DaLay CGC main event in 2022 is unironically a thing of beauty, a mark of continuity and comfort even after all the turbulence of the last few years and the evolution of the roster. It was even better that it ended with a younger competitor scoring the fall. I felt like Dominic DeSousa needed the win to remain a strong threat heading into Ultimate Showdown, but wasn't sure if he was over enough for you to have confidence in giving him it, so it was great that he got it. I loved his pre-match promo too claiming the DeColt babyface promo is a relic of the past and Ricky is inauthentic at performing it, made even more powerful by him backing up the big talk with a win.

Elsewhere, the undercard matches did a good job establishing acts that feel like they're going to be cornerstones of the months ahead in Blockbuster, Skip Beau, the New Predators and the Eunuch. Blockbuster riffing on his time in PSW and its impact on him was a nice bit of world-building too. Out of interest, do you still have Taylor Kidd, or did he not make it through the first half of 2022?

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Three Title Matches, anger issues and a rematch from Survival Of The Fittest 2021 all taking place at the Abbotsford Recreation Complex!



Dominic De Sousa vs Ricky DeColt (C)


Generation Z (C) vs Killer Karson & Mustafa The Executioner vs Johnny Yates & Steelheart vs The New Predators


Blockbuster vs Harvey Robbinfield (C) 

Edd Stone vs Whippy The Clown 

Adrian Cote vs Skip Beau 

Dan DaLay vs The Alexithymia Eunuch 

Alistair Shufflebottom & Brett Fraser vs Chucky Dorrance & Kolkata Jai 



@619 I can confirm in fact that Taylor Kidd is still employed, patiently waiting in catering for something to do. 


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Dominic De Sousa vs Ricky DeColt (C)


Generation Z (C) vs Killer Karson & Mustafa The Executioner vs Johnny Yates & Steelheart vs The New Predators


Blockbuster vs Harvey Robbinfield (C) 

Edd Stone vs Whippy The Clown 

Adrian Cote vs Skip Beau 

Dan DaLay vs The Alexithymia Eunuch 

Alistair Shufflebottom & Brett Fraser vs Chucky Dorrance & Kolkata Jai 

I was really torn who to pick for the main event. 

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Dominic De Sousa vs Ricky DeColt (C)

I like what I've seen of Dominic, but how can you bet against a DeColt on the first big show.


Generation Z (C) vs Killer Karson & Mustafa The Executioner vs Johnny Yates & Steelheart vs The New Predators

Probably wrong here, but I feel like we've seen more of the New Predators than we have of any of the other teams.


Blockbuster vs Harvey Robbinfield (C) 

I'm all for the Blockbuster mega push.

Edd Stone vs Whippy The Clown 

I'd love to see Whippy get one over on Edd, but give Edd's the booker and Whippy hasn't made a TV appearance yet I feel like that outcome isn't likely.

Adrian Cote vs Skip Beau 

You mentioned Adrian was pretty green, and Skip seems like he's being built up to be a fairly major player.

Dan DaLay vs The Alexithymia Eunuch 

I'm enjoyed the fish out of water comedy of TAE, and it would be very funny to see Dan lose here.

Alistair Shufflebottom & Brett Fraser vs Chucky Dorrance & Kolkata Jai 

Tough one because I'm a big fan of Brett Fraser, but I also love the Chuckmeister general. I'll go with the heels here since while they lost their last outing their opponents this go round seem to be a pair of random singles wrestlers rather than a proper team.

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Dominic De Sousa vs Ricky DeColt (C)


Generation Z (C) vs Killer Karson & Mustafa The Executioner vs Johnny Yates & Steelheart vs The New Predators


Blockbuster vs Harvey Robbinfield (C) 

Edd Stone vs Whippy The Clown 

Adrian Cote vs Skip Beau 

Dan DaLay vs The Alexithymia Eunuch 

Alistair Shufflebottom & Brett Fraser vs Chucky Dorrance & Kolkata Jai 



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Dominic De Sousa vs Ricky DeColt (C)


Generation Z (C) vs Killer Karson & Mustafa The Executioner vs Johnny Yates & Steelheart vs The New Predators


Blockbuster vs Harvey Robbinfield (C) 

Edd Stone vs Whippy The Clown 

Adrian Cote vs Skip Beau 

Dan DaLay vs The Alexithymia Eunuch 

Alistair Shufflebottom & Brett Fraser vs Chucky Dorrance & Kolkata Jai 

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Thanks for clarifying Taylor Kidd's status. I was intrigued just as he was a bit of an overachiever for me, but admittedly that was on a much weaker roster. This feels like a promising first PPV card of the new era. Edd Stone vs Whippy The Clown and Dan DaLay vs The Alexithymia Eunuch in particular look like really intriguing undercard pairings, while the non-title tag match features some solid hands and could perhaps signal a new combo to go after the four-way winners. I really could see the main event going either way too. On the one hand, De Souza winning the go-home makes me think he's less likely to win again, and that Skip Beau might be being slow-built as the next champ, but perhaps there's something in the Mr. July hype, while going with the change here could be used to signal that this is a new era and not the DeColt Country CGC everyone's used to.

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