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(Hype) GTS Chapter 1: Hell or High Water

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Over the last few weeks I have gone back and forth over the idea of creating a mod for TEW IX. I have been writing fiction novels since I was eight and I was curious to see what could be done in TEW IX if you tried to create a narrative. I was wondering if people would be interested in that sort of thing or if I even had the time to work on something like that. After some debate amongst myself I realized that the idea was there, itching away, and like it or not it won’t go away until I try so let me introduce you to…




About this mod

So let me make one thing clear. I am not a writer. Sure I do it as a hobby, constantly, but I am too afraid to try to publish any of my novels and I am sure as you can tell reading this I am not too great with grammar anyway. I would probably need a great editor to make any of my novels readable. However, writing is my great love and since TEW 2020 I have been creating characters, companies, and the like in a Word document wondering if any of it would ever see the light of day.


Then TEW IX was announced and I began to dream and now here we are. The question you may be asking yourself is what the hell is this. Hell or High Water is but the first chapter in the GTS saga. Every year my plan is to update the mod with fresh storylines, characters, and regular updates that further the grand story at play. If you aren’t interested in the grand story but just want to play in my toy box that is fine too. For the people who are interested in lore though will, hopefully, get something that they can truly enjoy.

For instance right now chapter 2 may be called The Reckoning but that is subject to change. 



So How big is this mod?

Big. Maybe too big. I am not sure. I want the world of GTS to feel real and lived in. Everyone has a backstory, motivation, and likes and dislikes. For that reason it's going to take a while. My best estimate right now is November but TEW IX isn’t the only game I play (As I am sure goes for most people here) so that schedule could be pushed back. I started work today and the workload is massive. For people interested though here are the stats. What I am aiming for. 


Workers: 4500+ with more female workers than men, though to be honest I am not sure how big that percentage will be. All I know is that in plenty of mods men rule the wrestling landscape. Let's give the ladies a try for once.


Venues: 1000+ venues. The game takes place in the real world. So though the companies and workers are my creations the venues won’t be. Expect everything from high school gyms to massive arena’s


Broadcasters: 121. Same as venues. Real world means real broadcasters.


Celebrities: 400. A mixture of real and fake celebrities. 


Companies: 385…. 25 of those aren’t open yet. All my own creations with their own rosters.


Narratives: This is the big one because this is how I am going to be telling the story of GTS. Right now I have a ton of them written and I am writing more everyday. This has taken over as my writing project right now. This is the novel I am writing. It's getting pretty crazy and in depth. Not only that but some of these max the word count and have to be put in multiple parts. 


So Narratives. For GTS Chapter One: Hell or High Water their will have a whopping 10,000+ narratives


For Starting Storyline there will be 583.


Picture Packs

This is where it gets tough. I do not like AI generated images. I think after a while people start looking the same and I am not good at using the tools in the first place to do so. My plan now is closer to launch reaching out to the creators of the alt cornellverse picture pack and asking to use their characters. I love the look of them and I am using them as inspiration anyway. If that doesn’t pan out then I may have to hire someone to create characters for me and that may take more time. 


I mean this is the best I could do with AI. Some you guys are wizards.


Thank you for taking the time to read this

So there you have it. It's ambitious but since I am devoting my writing time, about four hours a day, on this it is coming together quicker than expected. My hope is that someone is interested. Once or twice a week my plan is to update this post as well to keep people up to date on what is going on and release some teases of what to expect.


If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask and I will try my best to answer everyone.

Edited by Teravangalo
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  • Teravangalo changed the title to (Hype) GTS Chapter 1: Hell or High Water

Before I go to put my head down and get to work on this I just wanted to share two things that I am currently working on. I spent the today working on the #1 promotion in GTS... well... GTS. However, I wanted to share the main promotion and the main character of Chapter 1 of GTS. The main character is finished but the company is not. I will be finishing it up tomorrow but here is a sneak peek as well as the backstory to each that I wrote down in my lore bible.



Heart of Stone: Heart of Stone is an American wrestling company created by Alaric King. Alaric was the head booker and a road agent of the third biggest American wrestling promotion WCF (World Championship Federation). He held this position for six years, arguably being one of the biggest reasons for its success. It sent shockwaves throughout the wrestling industry when he was let go and for seemingly no reason. It only was met with more confusion when WCF eventually came forward with a statement saying that they just no longer need his services. 

It could be a mistake that WCF later goes on to regret as Alaric is well loved in the wrestling industry among his peers. Known for listening, for being strict but fair, and being a good friend when one is needed. 

It was to little surprise when Alaric, just months after being let go, announced that he was creating his own wrestling promotion. Heart of Stone. There was talk of Alaric using some of his connections to meet with TV executives to try to get a deal. Whether true or not, one fact remains, that is that Heart of Stone will be streaming on Twitch/Youtube for the foreseeable future. Shortly after announcing their first show would take place on January 2nd, 2024 a roster was announced. Comprised of some of the biggest name on the indie scene it seems like Alaric is not backing down from the world of wrestling without a fight.





Alaric King: Alaric King was born February 19th, 1964 in Kittery, Maine. He spent his early days working for different indie shows as a member of the ring crew. During these early days he would take to writing in a notebook different ideas and stories he had. While discussing these stories with a fellow crew member, while working for (The now defunct) RTA, he was overheard and approached by the owner at the time Donald Reckum. 

Pulling Alaric aside he looked at his notebook and promoted him to the booking team. Working his way up from the indies he eventually found himself working for the 10th largest wrestling company in the world WCF. He was made head booker and lead road agent and had one job. Make them #1. To make them the wrestling promotion that dethroned GTS. 

Alaric wasn’t stupid. He knew that the job was impossible but he took the assignment seriously anyway. Over his many years with the company their were some major highs and some major lows but when he watched WCF become the #3 biggest wrestling promotions in the US and the 4th in the world overall he was more than thrilled. He was ecstatic. That all came crashing down when he was fired from WCF only three months later. 

They had decided to go in a different direction, they claimed. They didn’t see his ideas ever getting them into the #1 position. Alaric finished out the last month without complaint and even went above and beyond in some respects knowing that it wasn’t the end. He knew that dethroning GTS would be near impossible but having the #2 wrestling show in America couldn’t be that hard. 



See you next Friday with another update. By that point I should have some more interesting things to show as I will be much further along in this process.

Edited by Teravangalo
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