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Ability to set 'contracts that begin in the future' without getting errors

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I'd like to set contracts ahead of time - I want a 'yet to open' company that becomes active 3 years into a game to hire a specific, already active worker. As it is, I get database errors 'worker has contract set to begin in the future' - but it would be very helpful for mods to add 'future contracts' for consistency (or in RW mods, historical accuracy).

My issue: I have 2 steampunk-themed companies in my mod that open several years after the start date. I want them to hire certain workers with steampunk gimmicks (and eventually compete over them). So I would want to give the workers non-exclusive handshake contracts with both companies - but since neither company is active yet, there's no way to do this.

For historical mods, it would be helpful to set up companies that open later with their real world roster, say a mod that begins in 2000 and has AEW, Circle 6, or any other company that was not around at the start date. As it is, they hire random people that may or may not have been on the original roster with no way to nudge the company in the right direction. I'd like the ability to make the company at least try to hire the right workers (and hire them unless they are under exclusive contract elsewhere).

Ideally, there'd also be a way to specify that a certain worker debuts in a specific company, whether this is a graduate from their training facility or not. Again, this would be helpful to create situations where a worker debuts with a theme or gimmick that fits a company which would hire based on that. Examples from my mod: a cyberpunk-themed Comic Book Dark company would be interested in a new worker with a 'Hacker' gimmick. A MMA-Influenced company would be interested if a MMA fighter becomes available for wrestling bookings. I'd like to give workers a short handshake contract at least, basically have the company give them a try out because somthing about the worker should pique their interest.


Edited by GrindhouseArts
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