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Worker Filter Addition in "Status"

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I'm wondering if when filtering workers (whether it be in the avatar selection screen, looking to hire, etc.) if there was a way to filter out workers who have left the business. 

I was thinking Status filters could re:

"Any Status, Alive & Active"

"Any Status, Alive"

and so on...


To go even a step further, I wonder if they should naturally be sorted out (like deceased) and only available if filtered separately.  

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Been thinking about this more. Like the Deceased filter, Left the Business already has it's own filter selection. Rather than making default, "Any Status, Alive," I think "Any Status, Active" would be better. It would automatically weed out both the deceased and workers who have left the business. If the player really has no way of interacting with these workers and they are no longer accruing counters, etc., why keep them populated in the list of workers? 

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