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38 minutes ago, Räkkän said:

I'm Pretty new to this game why all the comment for the angle are good but the angle was only noted 37 ?


You need to click the dirt sheet button to see all the bonuses and penalties applied to the segment. That will give you some insight into what is going on.

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Ok I did a bit of digging. Read section 15.22 and all of section 12 (particularly 12.18) in the handbook.

Basically according to 15.22, "Non-speaking Appearance" is based on a worker's Popularity adjusted by Momentum. It is designed for short appearances and will get penalties for lengthy usage. The fact that your angle is 8 minutes long, leads me to believe that this is the source of your issue. The angle is too long to get a good rating with anyone using "Non-speaking Appearance". In addition if the popularity of those 3 workers isn't high enough you may be getting dinged for that as well. The handbook also states that this note is not for people in the background, that's what "Background Player" is for.

Your positive notes for the commentary are likely there because the segment rating was already so low. The commentary performance feedback is based on the segment rating (among other things) at the time of calculation (section 12.18).

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There's no way to cheese it this year if people are on screen and have low pop or skills they will bring the score down. Some of the Real World mods have ludicrously low ratings for a lot of wrestlers so I wouldn't be surprised if the Wayne's and Killswitch have low popularity which kind of brings down the segment either way unless you have just Christian on his own

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24 minutes ago, TakumiIrohamarvelous said:

There's no way to cheese it this year if people are on screen and have low pop or skills they will bring the score down. Some of the Real World mods have ludicrously low ratings for a lot of wrestlers so I wouldn't be surprised if the Wayne's and Killswitch have low popularity which kind of brings down the segment either way unless you have just Christian on his own

However using Background Player instead should drastically lower the penalty but I’m at work so can’t look into the details.

To the OP I think there are 2 things you can try:

1. Use Backgound Player for the other 3 roles. If I were you I would look in the handbook to see if there are segment length requirements for Background Player.

2. Use the same settings but ensure the angle length is less than 5 minutes (I believe that is the cut off for a long segment… although it might  include 5 minutes, so 5 minutes or less for short and 6 minutes up for long. Can’t remember off the top of my head).

As I said in my first post, the next time you get a bad rating make sure you look at the dirt sheet as it’s the only way to see all the bonuses and penalties applied to the segment. This makes it much easier to figure out what the actual problem is. And you have to look at the dirt sheet before moving on as there is no way to go back.

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3 minutes ago, Räkkän said:

There was actually no penalty, that’s why I was surprised. But i will try new things

I guess the question is, in the mod you are using, what is the Microphone and Pop of Christian Cage and what is the Pop and Momentum of Kill Switch, Nick Wayne and Shayna Wayne. That's what the angle is based on as booked.

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26 minutes ago, Räkkän said:

There was actually no penalty, that’s why I was surprised. But i will try new things

Well when I get home from work I’ll test a similar angle in my game and I’ll post some screenshots of what I mean.

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So I tried an angle with your same set up only I used 4 of the most popular workers on my roster all with "White Hot Momentum" and I got a decent rating but slightly lower than my typical set-up with these workers. Nothing negative in the dirt sheet. Next show I'll try it again with some of my lowest pop workers for Non-speaking Appearance roles and see what happens.


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So this is the same set-up only for the Non-speaking Roles I used wrestlers with recognizable perception and a maximum of neutral momentum. Still not terrible but you can see I'm get a lot of bonuses from high moral, great gimmicks, etc. so I think you need to look at the details of who you are putting in the angle. The lower popularity of my workers definitely dropped the rating compared to using the best on my roster.



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Just to continue to show you what's going, on my next show I ran the angle again only this time at 4 minutes. So you can see if you are using Non-Speaking Appearance likely want a shorter angle with very popular/high momentum workers because that's what Non-Speaking Appearance is based on. I also placed this one very early in the show so I didn't even get a hot crowd bonus like I did on my first test that only got a 63 rating.


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On 9/9/2024 at 5:07 PM, Räkkän said:

I'm Pretty new to this game why all the comment for the angle are good but the angle was only noted 37 ?



I'm not sure if anyone has addressed this, but the biggest take away I see right away is that you have the segment as an "Interview" but no one is being interviewed and there is no interviewer.  Other factors would be the ones listed above.

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8 minutes ago, elmiticomark said:

I'm not sure if anyone has addressed this, but the biggest take away I see right away is that you have the segment as an "Interview" but no one is being interviewed and there is no interviewer. 

I’m fairly certain that’s just cosmetic as he likely started with the interview quick angle or cutting a promo quick angle so the angle gets some custom output text. I built my own angle from scratch which is why the output is slightly different. And if you look at the quick angles, interviewer is optional. The game is simply looking at the roles, what they are rated, segment length, etc. With the power of the custom angles it would be near impossible to check if everything makes sense (and honestly would be restrictive for the user).

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Ok, yeah, I got home and ran it using what I assume are similar characters and got the same result (take away probably 30 pop from Blackfriar, so -19 to 37, +poor momentum/poor gimmick, seems about right ) lol. 




Surprised, but makes senses, that quick add function different with no penalties for out-off place workers (Obv, doing an interview segment in the angle writer garners a penalty warning). 


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19 hours ago, elmiticomark said:

(Obv, doing an interview segment in the angle writer garners a penalty warning). 


Where are you seeing this? I've tried a few times just adding a single worker as "Being Interviewed" with no one else and I see no warnings and no penalties in the Road Agent Report or Dirt Sheet after I run it. Yes I did change it to an Interview.

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Edit:  Anyway it doesn't matter since I figured it out. You get a warning about a penalty if you have an "Interviewer" but no none being interviewed. However the "Interviewer" role is optional for any segment no matter if you are using a quick angle or the angle writer. There’s probably some other combinations that produce warnings that I haven’t tested yet.

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On 9/11/2024 at 10:57 AM, VBigB said:

 With the power of the custom angles it would be near impossible to check if everything makes sense (and honestly would be restrictive for the user).

I'm going to correct myself here. There obviously is some checking that occurs. For example if you make a segment with just "Background Player" or "Non-speaking" roles you will get a warning that there will be a penalty because nothing is going on. Also if you use "Making the save" and no one is being attacked you also get a warning. It is pretty logical what will get a warning.

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