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Angles & Morale

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TL;DR: The morale system regarding angles is too extreme in my opinion. It either needs a nerf to be less powerful (making a worker, at first, 'irritated', before becoming increasingly upset if it happens multiple times or depending on how lower down the worker they're 'losing' to in the angle is on the card), a nerf to be less frequent (unless it's somebody like prime Kliq HBK or prime Hogan-esque people who wouldn't accept any kind of loss whatsoever, whether an angle or match (although that should be only in extreme examples, and associated with those particular personality types), or an option to turn off morale specifically for angles, as I do like to keep on morale, as I think it's realistic, but it is making any sort of booking utterly impossible with angles, no matter whether I keep my booking realistic to real-life, or book the best possible shows and storylines for the actual game and in-game ratings, or if I book however I want, it still causes problems no matter the circumstance.


I'm not sure if this is the right thread to put this in (if not, please let me know), but is there a way (either in a future update or in-game settings) to disable or lessen the impact of people being unhappy in certain angles. Like I am doing an AEW save, and it is near impossible to book a show without pissing off somebody because they're taking a minor loss in the angle, even when facing off against someone who is only a little bit below them. If there isn't a way to change it (without disabling morale altogether), then imo it should get a tweak in an upcoming patch if possible. Like I understand if I have my top guy getting bodied every week in angles to jobbers, but why can't have I have two guys within like a ten popularity difference in the same angle without somebody getting pissed because they aren't looking strong? It's especially annoying when the guy who gets pissed is gonna win the upcoming match anyways. Like for example, I am doing a feud between MJF and Daniel Garcia, just like real-life, and in the feud, I did a similar segment to the one post All In, where Garcia beatdown Max, but he escaped before Garcia could Piledrive him from the top rope. MJF bitched and moaned about it, causing him to be currently considered 'angry', even though he has nothing else currently effecting his morale. I understand it depends on the personalities involved, and I understand that MJF is quite a bit higher in popularity than Garcia, but it even happens to me with people like Britt being angry at taking a minor loss to Mercedes Mone and Kamille. It is making my booking utterly impossible, as I am a month-in, and multiple of my top guys are pissy, because even though they aren't taking losses, they are mad because they're looking weak in angles. Not just 'irritated' either, but straight up 'angry'. Idk, I just think the impact should be lessened/less frequent, or there should be a way to get them to agree to it (like when you can use the 'Keep Strong' and 'Protect' road agent notes for matches), or there should be an option to turn off morale effects specifically for angles, as I don't want to fully turn off morale, as things like complaining about being left off All In, and not being used are realistic, especially when someone doesn't want to re-sign, because they feel underutilised, and I feel it adds another dynamic to the game, I just think it's a little unbalanced at the moment.


Sorry for the tangent, it's just I really love this game, just as I loved 2020, and this one and it's improvements feel so much better, but the angle morale system is really killing my enjoyment out of the game at the moment.

Edited by Clubfootwarrior
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57 minutes ago, Clubfootwarrior said:

TL;DR: The morale system regarding angles is too extreme in my opinion. It either needs a nerf to be less powerful (making a worker, at first, 'irritated', before becoming increasingly upset if it happens multiple times or depending on how lower down the worker they're 'losing' to in the angle is on the card), a nerf to be less frequent (unless it's somebody like prime Kliq HBK or prime Hogan-esque people who wouldn't accept any kind of loss whatsoever, whether an angle or match (although that should be only in extreme examples, and associated with those particular personality types), or an option to turn off morale specifically for angles, as I do like to keep on morale, as I think it's realistic, but it is making any sort of booking utterly impossible with angles, no matter whether I keep my booking realistic to real-life, or book the best possible shows and storylines for the actual game and in-game ratings, or if I book however I want, it still causes problems no matter the circumstance.

Split the post off and moved to the correct forum.

This sounds a lot like a mod issue rather than a game one. By default, the loser only complains if their popularity (defined as the average popularity score across the game area the company is based in) is greater than the winner's popularity plus 12.5, which is a fairly significant difference in TEW terms. That 12.5 can then be further changed based on the loser's personality, whether it's a TV show, relationships, etc. Just as an example, a standard positive personality gives an extra 12.5 on top of what you already have, meaning you've got a huge 25 points difference in that situation, which is more than generous - that means, for example, that someone who is only averaging 50 popularity across America could be getting a storyline victory over someone who has 75 popularity and a positive personality without generating a complaint.

From what you've described, it sounds a lot like either you've got a mod where there's a lot of negative personalities involved (therefore knocking that 12.5 leeway downward), and / or, that you've potentially got some wonky popularity scores across the game area you're in. If you don't think that's applicable, I'd suggest you book an angle where there's a complaint you disagree with and send me / attach the save from before the show runs - I can tell you why the complaint is happening.

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