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SNP - Heart of Darkness

SNP - Heart of Darkness  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want to see this? A diary featuring SNP where Mark Carnie has hired his actually thoroughly decent but totally inexperienced son as Head Booker after a mass walk-out where Mark has now hired some of the most truly awful human beings available in the Cverse and various expansions.

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When I was scouting various packs an idea came to me - a game where the most truly awful characters in game were gathered together in one place and where a normal decent human being was forced to deal with the horror that ensues.  I think it could be fun to play and will do it for my own amusement but was wondering if people wanted to join me on Mark Carnie Jr's journey into the pits of wrestling hell. 

Edited by alpha2117
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Yes, please. I've been thinking about an Awesome Max Wrestling 2022 reboot with Devorah having to deal with the surviving cast offs from the 90s, and whatever modern horror shows she could book.

Your idea is way better, because I don't have to book it and can continue only playing ZEN.

Pretty please, do this one. I'll read with a great deal of enthusiasm.

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Happy to see there was enough interest quickly enough to make me commit to doing this. The diary probably wont appear till the end of this month though because it is going to take a bit of work to set up the new SNP with the right mix of truly awful people from various sources and I want to get around 6 months of shows in the can before I unleash it so that I can properly pace the framework around it out.  That and I have my RTG Lucha project going.  I am happy to have 2 very different saves going though because it keeps me from getting tired of either one because I can always take a break for a bit as long as I have stuff in the bank.

Might have to find some pics too because as much as I love willr0ck's comic book style I dont want it to be too jarring with such totally different styles as this and this going on


And believe me these two pieces of human garbage will definitely be involved.

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