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(CVERSE) Mid Atlantic Wrestling - The Oasis of Old School

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 SWF, USPW, TCW, while these big industry leaders focus is to get as many eyes glued to their product as possible. Our mission...MY mission is much different. From our very inception, we have not been looking to set the wrestling world on fire, to take it by storm, or to lead some sort of independent revolution. We have been...and continue to be. The back to basics approach for professional wrestling. One of the homes for the stars of the future, to hone their craft, to learn and perfect their skills and style and to prepare them for the big leagues. We're a feeder league and that, in my opinion is far harder of an operation to run if you ask me. Oh sure, we could be an industry leader fighting for ratings and wrestling supremacy, which brings a set of challenges in and of itself, but I have far more things to worry about. Can I get this schlep who just rocked out of wrestling school presentable for an audience who paid their hard earned money for a show? When is TCW going to send one of their guys our way for development and what are their expectations? When will one of the companies with far more money, market share and influence pick up one of our top guys? Oh yeah. Being able to sign guys to exclusive, written contracts sure must be difficult. Give them a month in my shoes, having to be able to pull creative out of your ass on a moment's notice and see how it goes. 

But I don't want to sound bitter, because without companies like us the mainstream wrestling scene would have nothing to source talent from. We're NECESSARY to the industry. That's why TCW agreed to support us financially, because they saw the benefit of having a company like us around. That and the influence and respect that Sam Keith has I'm sure helped with the negotiations for that deal. I've had the book now since 2020. I have Sam's trust, that's a big thing. As long as he is running this place, if he says jump. I'll ask how high.  I will admit though...I hope this company can grow beyond the limitations that have voluntarily been set for it. Just to show the wrestling world, even for a day, that we aren't just here to feed the rest of you. Perhaps that's just a pipe dream though...

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Amazing Al Morean, Byron Holland, David Poker, James Carter, Lachlan Barret, Lockie Brandish, Mean Machine 2., Pepper Pelton, Pretty Paul Story


Ade Nelson, Copperhead, Joey Fili, Jonah Pilgrim, Josh Jacobs, Sandman Winks, Sean Noggin, Sione Tokoeka, Trix Triumph, Warlord Fear, Warlord Hate

Well Known

Ernest Forthdyke-Hume, Marvin Earnest, The Historian, Tyrone Gray


Cheetah Boy, Lisa Bowen, Miller Fforde, Mitchell "The Architect" Aldred. Nate Demarcus

Major Star

Sam Keith




Mid Atlantic Wrestling Championship: Nate Demarcus



Mid Atlantic Wrestling American Championship: The Historian



Mid Atlantic Wrestling Tag Team Championship: The Demon Lords (Warlord Fear & Warlord Hate)


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Mid Atlantic Wrestling Strike Deal with WrestleWorld

Mid Atlantic Wrestling broaden their horizons as they reach an on demand deal with the WrestleWorld Subscription Service. WrestleWorld is already home to several independent wrestling promotions, including Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling and Invincible Pro Wrestling, who are fellow members of the Confederation of The Territories alongside Mid Atlantic. As of right now, the most we can share regarding this deal is that both parties have agreed to a one year deal in order to "test the waters" and evaluate momentum and popularity of the events which MAW will be presenting on the platform. Then, dependent on how these events perform, an extension may be possible, alongside further opportunities which could be up for negotiation.

For now, MAW does not plan to change anything in regards to its schedule, going ahead with its 2022 calendar which was already set before this deal was put into place. The Rip Chord Invitational will be the first MAW event available on the platform, which the company hopes will be an opportunity to bring eyes that may never have seen the product before to something new and exciting. The Rip Chord Invitational is one of the key tournaments in the MAW schedule, which brings eight wrestlers battling it out for the prestigious trophy. It has become the standard where the most promising and talented stars come away carrying the prize. It is also a great opportunity for talent outside the parameters of the MAW roster to perform and MAW is already setting their sights on bringing in talent from the Confederation to give them a chance at raising the trophy. Due to the surprise nature of some of the participants of the tournament. In order to promote the event. MAW will be releasing a partial card, where confirmed matches will be promoted in the hopes of garnering viewers to the WrestleWorld platform. They will also present the "MAW Representatives" that have been chosen to participate in the tournament.

Edited by CactusZach
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Rip Chord Invitational Match Card

The following wrestlers have been confirmed as participants and representatives of MAW for the Rip Chord Invitational:
Cheetah Boy
Jonah Pilgrim
Miller Fforde
Mitchell Aldred

The remaining four spots will be filled from representatives across independent wrestling, three of which filled with wrestlers from the COTT and the fourth remaining spot a "surprise" from a non COTT promotion. On the night of the event, prior to the start, all eight names will be drawn randomly to decide who will be facing each other in the opening bouts of the tournament. 

Rip Chord Invitational Match 1
??? VS. ???

Rip Chord Invitational Match 2
??? VS. ???

MAW Tag Team Championship
The Demon Lords (C) VS. Hot Property

Rip Chord Invitational Match 3
??? VS. ???

Rip Chord Invitational Match 4
??? VS. ???

MAW American Championship
The Historian (C) VS. Copperhead

Rip Chord Invitational Semi Final 1
Winner of Match 1 VS. Winner of Match 2

Rip Chord Invitational Semi Final 2
Winner of Match 3 VS. Winner of Match 4

MAW Championship
Nate Demarcus(C) VS. Tyrone Gray

Rip Chord Invitational Final
Winner of Semi Final 1 VS. Winner of Semi Final 2

Predictions/Points for this card
I want to do a prediction point system because for CVERSE I feel that will help me in terms of mixing up creative in regards to the rewards I'm going to be working on putting together for prediction winners. Still working on the system but ultimately, at the end of the MAW year whoever has the most points, gets the reward.

So, this card, not the easiest to predict right? Because of the surprise nature I want to have for the tournament so here's how prediction points will work.

1 Point for correctly guessing the winners of matches that we know the participants for. So all the championship matches taking place, 1 point for correctly predicting the winners.

Bonus Points
Correctly Guessing the mystery participants of the tournament (Up to 4 Max)
Correctly Guessing The Finalists (2 Points)
Correctly guessing the winner of the tournament (2 Points)


Edited by CactusZach
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