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[1994] W.I.P. (Hype)

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I'm planning to start a RW that will start in 1994. With that said, i'll be using my Death of a Tradition mod that ended up being a beta for TEW2020. So far i have added several mexican wrestlers (including some minis) in order to make it the most accurate mod in the best way possible.

There will be some things imported from that mod, while others will be created from scratch.

I'm going to need some help in regards to several things, such as the personalities (I know for a example that That Doesn't Work for Me is for Hogan), so i want this to be playable until 2024 for saying the least. I know that could be demanding. I can't promise nothing tough. Also, i'm going to need some help for the stats of the wrestlers as well.

For a start, the game will start in February 1994.

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